
By Chica

Published on Aug 9, 2000


If you've read any of my other stories, you will notice I don't use made-up people for main characters, but I thought up this guy and he is just way too strange to not mention! O.K., you know the drill. ahem I do not know the sexual orientation of any of the Backstreet boys.

Part 2-Grab a Snickers

"I still can't believe YOU get to go to Orlando! Wouldn't it be so cool if you met one of the Backstreet boys?!" My kid (well, she's 15, but kid enough for me) sister Sass said, rambling on yet again. How many fucking times a day do I have to hear about the fucking Backstreet boys?!

"Oh yes. I would just LOVE to meet one of the Backdoor boys." I replied sarcastically, fluttering my eyelashes.

"They are NOT gay!" Sass instantly replied. I smiled evilly.

" Everyone knows they like to fondle each other on all those lonely nights. Especially that one guy, Dick?" I teased, making her even madder.

"Brash!! They are not!! Not my Nicky!" Sass cooed. My stomach turned at her sickening behavior.

"Sass, if you don't keep talking, I'll miss my flight. If I miss my flight, I will have to stay home. If I stay home, I'll be here ALL the time..." I saw mom walk into the living room, so I edged closer to her face. I whispered, "ALL the time. When you bring all your little dates home, I will be in my underwear, and I will be eating cheese from a spray can." I stated. I instantly raised my head, flashing mom a fake smile.

"Go." Sass stated quickly. I smiled, pecking her on the cheek.

"Now listen Brash honey: No drinking, no going home with strangers, no late night partying, no smoking weed, no....."

"Mom, it's Orlando, not the ghetto! The worst that could happen is getting molested by Mickey mouse or one of the Whack-it boys!" I stated, dodging a hit from Sass. I walked out the door and drove to the airport for my new future.

Damn airports. It takes fucking 1/2 an hour just to get the damn ticket! I looked up at the overhead flight board. Flight 242 DELAYED. Just my luck. I sat down on one of the chairs, reading a nearby teen magazine. That's when I heard it.

"Oh my god! I just heard the Backstreet boys are going to be here!" A blonde 12 year old started telling her other blonde friend.

"Shut up! I love Nick Carter! He is SO cute!" She squealed. I stood up, feeling mystevious.

"Nick Carter isa fag." I simply stated.

"He is not!" They said at the same time, flames appearing in their eyes. I smiled wickedly, enjoying their stupid hormone driven, lust filled defense on their precious Dick.

"Oh lord, yes! Look at him! 100% gay! Why, if I could....."

"FLIGHT 242 IS NOW BOARDING." The intercom blasted. Music to my ears.

"That's my flight! Hope y'all get a life." I yelled over my shoulder. I suddenly heard the voices of what seemed like a thousand teenage girls yelling and five guys running to the airport gate. I rolled my eyes. Sass really jinxes me.

After several minutes, I was able to site comfortably in my first-class seating. People walked by but I ignored them reading an article on suicide. Even when some guy in a hat and sunglasses sat next to me, I ignored him and read my article. The guy talked with four others like him, before speaking to me.

"So, you like the Backstreet boys?" The guy asked. I looked at him like he had a purple dick on his forehead. What kind of fuck ass question was that?!

"Hell no! They're all day and stupid to me. Why do you ask?" I told him absentmindedly.

"Well, I saw it on the magazine cover and I thought you did."

"I get this through a subscription, so therefore I have no choice in what they send me. My sister is the one that likes them, especially that one guy, Dick."

"Excuse me?" He choked out.

"D-I-C-K. Let me know when it sinks in, K genius?" I shot back, annoyed.

"The name is Nick. Nice to meet you Mr....." The guys took off his hat and sunglasses, revealing the Blonde wonder himself. Taken aback a little, I found the power to speak again.

"Brash DeLaCruz." I answered him.

"Brash is an interesting name." Nick complemented.

"So was yours until you corrected me." I told him.

"I don't find it interesting being compared to a male body part." He stated.

"Maybe not to you." I muttered.

"So I take it your not a fan."

"It doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure that one out, much less a dumb ass." I stated indignantly.

"I was just clarifying myself. So, why are you going to Florida?" He asked.

"Getting away from family." I stated, getting a little irritated at his questioning.

"Don't like them?" He asked.

"My sister is cool, although she loves you guys. Her name is Sass, or that's what I call her." I stated.

"How did she get the nick name?" I smirked at the memory.

"Well, we drove all the way to Burbank to see you guys on the Jay Leno show. We got our tickets and stood out there until it started. When we got to go in, security told us we couldn't go in because Sass was only 13 then, and only 16 and above could go. Then we saw 7 year olds get in because they were V.I.P. Then Sass started chewing out all the security guards telling them how we drove in the wee hours of the morning just to see them and how it was unfair that 7 year olds could get in just because they were V.I.P. The guards caved in and let us in. That's when I started calling her Sass." I said.

"She is a determined fan." Nick stated.

"Determined is an understatement. She'll work her ass off to buy what I call crap, which is stupid and pointless." I stated, knowing I was being totally rude. I really did feel it was stupid for her to buy a CD that she already knows all the songs by heart.

"Well, if you want I could sign something for her?" He asked. I thought about it. Well, I could always mail it to her.

"Fine. I probably have a poster in here or something." I carelessly replied.

"If you're not a fan, then why do you have a poster of us?" He asked, looking curiously at me. Oh hell no he is NOT thinking that I am a Backstreet queers lover.

"Believe me, in our household it's possible. One time in Junior high one of my teachers found a picture of the one with the southern accent in my bag. She gave this big lecture on how teenage girls....and boy bands like Backstreet, N Sync, 5ive, Boyzone. Just one less lecture I need. After that everyone at school knew I was bi....."

"YOU'RE BI?!" Nick exclaimed.

"Yeah. I don't really give a damn if you care either." I stated, proud of my sexuality.

"Well, no. But that story is too funny!" He laughed. How fucking corny is he? Um, stewardess? I need another seat. Please tell me the in flight movie is coming on. I need salvation.

"Most guys don't like us." He stated matter-of-factly.

"Well, I'm one of them. I just don't picture me screaming my ass off with a bunch of horny teenyboppers." I shrugged.

"I don't know why they love us so much." He stated sadly. Oh give me a break.

"Beats me. I think it's a conspiracy myself, but whatever makes them happy." I lightly stated.

"What makes you happy?" He asked, staring straight at me. Oh dear lord. The blonde bitch is getting sentimental Bathroom.

"As much as I'd like to answer that, I have to go to the restroom." I stated, getting out of my seat, nearly falling on top of him as I edged to the aisle. I could feel his eyes on me until I got to the restrooms. As I mercifully was able to be alone, I could hear someone grunt and I felt a body fall on me, pushing me into the bathroom as I heard the sickening sound of a lock. The mysterious dumb ass flailed around, trying to stand up. The person clicked on the lights. Dick Blondie? Fuck a duck!

"What the hell are you doing in here?" I yelled at him, pissed that he even dared to invade such a private place.

"Sorry! I needed to go, and all the others were taken. Then this huge lady pushed me in here!" He explained quickly. I groaned inwardly.

"Well, I'll just leave you to your 'duties'" I stated, moving towards the door and trying to open it. It wouldn't budge! Oh Jesus Christ o' mighty Not this.

"Uh, dude, I've got good news and I've got bad news. The bad news is the door is stuck." I stated.

"What's the good news?" He asked. I opened my mouth to answer, but then I shut it again.

"I don't know. I've always wanted to say 'I've got good news and bad news'." I explained. He tried to open the door but gave up and sank to the floor. Great. What else could go wrong? Suddenly the overhead light turned off. Me and my big mouth.

"What the hell did you do? This is no time for games!" I yelled at Nick.

"I didn't do anything!" He yelled defensively.

"Attention passengers, the main power is out, but the back up generators will be on shortly." A voice announced over an intercom.

"WHAT?! The power is out?!" I yelled freaking out a bit.

"Calm down, Brash. They said the generator will be on." Nick tried to tell me

"I don't want the generator, I want the fucking power back on! I just want to land in Florida an live at my new home! I don't like the idea of being stuck in a closet with you, and I don't want to have to look at you!" I yelled. I angrily sat on the toilet, head in hands. Three minutes later a tiny red light came on. Oh how fucking convenient.

"You know, I've put up with your attitude this entire flight because I thought it was rather amusing, but now I'm sick of it and you better shut up before I hurt you." Nick coldly stated. Oh that's it. He's getting his face punched in.

"My attitude? You haven't seen anything yet, honey. What the fuck am I? A prostitute of humor, so to speak? Well Dicky, I personally don't give a flying fuck whether you like me or not and you can shove your head up a dog's ass for all I care!" I yelled at him, getting in his face.

"You know what? I think the reason you yell at me and say you hate me so much is because you're afraid to admit you like me!" Nick suddenly stated. Where the hell did that come from?

"You have a lot of gall to suggest something like that. You are so full of yourself!" I yelled.

"Yeah, well, I've been around enough teenage girls to know. It kinda comes with the job." Nick said. I averted my gaze to the floor. Oh why did he have to have such nice eyes?

"Well, I bet you enjoy every minute of it." I said.

"True, who wouldn't?" Cocky, aren't' we? "But sometimes it gets a little old."

"Well, you're way off bases with me, so just drop it." I stated.

"Why? Does it make you uncomfortable?" He asked, inching closer to me. This is going way beyond the parameters of odd.

"No, why would it? I don't give a shit." I stumbled over my words. I could just shove my own foot up my ass right now. He inched closer. You know, this close he's not that bad looking. He's actually rather...fuck. Now I'm turning away. I saw him sit down in front of me. Damn bathroom just HAD to be small as a closet.

"I'm hungry." Nick whined. Oh please dear god don't whine, wonder boy. Lord knows I'm already contemplating drowning myself the sink. My stomach grumbled. Great, now my stomach decides to turn against me. It was then I remembered the Snickers I bought before the flight. I reached in my pocket. YES! I opened the wrapper and took a bite out of it.

"You have Snickers?" Nick asked. Oh hell no.

"It's mine, and I'm not sharing." I stated, taking a second bite. Besides, even if I did share I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of just handing it over. I closed my eyes for a second. When I opened them Nick was standing inches in front of me.

"Wha-" I started to say before Nick leaned in and kissed me. His tongue plunged in my mouth in a passionate kiss. His hands went in between my legs, causing goosebumps to form. After a few more seconds, Nick let my lips go and then I saw him chewing on the candy I had in my mouth and the rest of the bar in his hand.

"Thanks." Nick stated, holding up my Snickers. The little bitch! No way he was getting away with this one.

"You stole my Snickers!" I yelled incredulously.

"Yes I did!" He said triumphantly, giving me a cute smile. I was not going buy it, though.

"What in the name of hell possessed you to do that?" I yelled frantically.

"Well, I needed a way to kiss you and that seemed like the best way of doing it. Besides, you know you liked it." He stated, taking a victorious bite.

"Give me back the candy." I stated, pissed at his arrogance.

"Only on one condition. Admit you like me." He said simply, locking his piercing eyes on me. What the fucking hell?

"I will not do such a crack ass thing like that!" I stated.

"Well, no candy. You know, you wouldn't be so hyped up over the question if you didn't like me." He concluded. Just as I was about to say another smart-ass comment, the door mercifully made the same locking noise and I checked the handle. It's open! YES! I ran out of there, practically pissing on myself in joy. I'm free, I'm free, I am free. I sat happily back in my seat. Then to my amazement America's teen heart throb Dick Blondie sat next to me. Fuck. I forgot about that.

"Thanks for telling me I could leave." Nick said sarcastically.

"Well, I thought you could figure it out what with the door open and all." I fired back, rolling my eyes. I pulled a piece of paper out of my bag and handed it to him

"What's this for?" He asked.

"Could you sign it for my sister?" I asked, keeping my eyes locked on the window.

"Can I get your number?" He asked. Oh god no. I do not need your ass stalking me.

"I don't have a phone hooked up, even if I did want to give it to you." I stated.

"Do you know the address to your new home?" He asked.

"Why?" I asked incredulously.

"Because I love your attitude. You don't know how appealing it is!" He stated. I rolled my eyes and shook my head. Then I felt his lips on my ear lobe, and then his hot tongue tracing around it. I sighed, not wanting to admit I loved the feeling. I gave in and wrote the address out for him. As I got off the plane, I couldn't help but think of him. I should eat Snickers more often.

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