
By Chica

Published on Aug 2, 2000


This is something new for me, but what the hell! Like always, I do not know the sexualites of the BSB, so you horney little boys don't go and rape them yet! :) (I'll give you full credit, honest!)

Part 1- I Want You

Nick Carter was awakened at 11 p.m. by the telephone ringing. He groaned, rolling over in bed to answer the annoying phone.

"Hello?" Nick answered groggily.

"I thought we were going clubbing tonight, Nickers." Kevin's voice blared through the phone, causing Nick to wince at the loudness.

"I think I'll just stay in tonight, Kevy-kev." Nick answered him.

"You promised!" Kevin's voice whined. "Now, if you don't get your cute little bubble butt out of bed this instant, I'll....I'll...MOLEST YOU!" Kevin finished in an evil voice. Nick giggled.

"Night Kev." Nick said, putting the phone on the receiver. Nick continued to fall asleep.

*** Nick heard knocking at the door. 'Maybe they'll just go away' Nick thought to himself. After a few more pounds, Nick sighed and sat up lazily. He walked to the door and swung it open. Kevin breezed through the door.

"Not ready? I thought I told you we were going clubbing?" Kevin innocently asked him.

"And I told you that I was staying in tonight." Nick coyly replied, staring at Kevin lustfully. Kevin had on a form fitting muscle shirt which highlighed his manly figure. Nick couldn't help but marvel at his aura of sexiness that seemed to always surround him.

"See something you like or just browsing?" Kevin asked Nick. Nick shyly looked away as Kevin smirked.

"Well, I'm just going to have to carry out my threat then." Kevin sighed, stepping towards Nick.

"And that is?" Nick asked, intimidated by Kevin's broad frame.

"I guess I'll just have to remind you." Kevin huskily told Nick grabbing him by the hips. Kevin's lips touched Nick's and soon they were in a passionate liplock. Nick backed Kevin toward the couch, falling on top of him all the while still engaged in the fiery kiss. Kevin broke the kiss breathing heavily.

"I didn't know you could kiss like that" Kevin breathed, taking in a sharp breath as Nick's hands busily unbuttoned his shirt.

"Neither did I." Nick replied, kissing Kevin's neck. Kevin groaned as his erection grew with every kiss. Nick hastily pulled off Kevin's shirt, kissing every inch of him. Kevin's hands pulled off Nick's shirt and slowly pulled his boxer shorts off. Nick kissed all the way down Kevin's taut stomach and undid the zipper of Kevin's pants with his teeth. After they slipped off Kevin's legs, Nick hooked his fingers under the waistband of Kevin's underwear and tore them off. Wasting no time, Nick positioned himself and forcefully pushed himself deep into Kevin. Kevin gasped in pleasure, kissing Nick's neck. Nick started to pump himself inside of Kevin. Nick studied Kevin's moans and groans, waiting for the anticipated moment. Just when Kevin couldn't take it anymore, Nick pulled out and stood up. Kevin laid there shocked and bewildered at the loss.

"Why did you stop?" Kevin asked.

"To teach you."

"But I want you."

"Next time don't threaten to molest me and we'll see what happens."

Next: Chapter 2

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