
By bokjay / John

Published on Nov 22, 2017



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By John --

Men hate shopping, right? Well, that's how it's supposed to be and it applied to me too. It did, but it doesn't so much now. Let me tell you what changed my mind.

There I was on vacation in a far-off place, filling my time one afternoon. It could be a bit boring in the daytime for the vacation was all about the night. Even sleeping in late, that was just heaven. But what to do in the afternoons? Go shopping, buy yourself some new clothes and take a look around the department stores. That was about it really. I got to feel a bit like my mom, always coming home or back to the hotel with something I had bought each day. Did I really need it? I don't know, but it filled the afternoon and with things being so cheap, if I didn't buy here I sure wouldn't back in my own country.

So, here I was walking around this big department store. Actually, I liked the place as they had an enormous range of clothes for men like you would never see in a million years back in my own small town. I had already bought a couple of T-shirts and wanted something more formal that would do for work. My aimless saunter took me past the jeans and then the pants section. Thinking of work and then of those special evenings, there were lots of pants to choose from and best yet, at a fraction of what they cost at home. I would be stupid not to.

I trawled the racks, looking at colours and styles. A few caught my attention and I made a note to return afterwards. I moved on.

"May I help you sir?" came a voice over my shoulder.

I didn't want to be badgered, but then again I kind of wanted to at least talk to someone. Making my own choices when there were so many to pick from, well I was guaranteed to make the wrong one. I might welcome another opinion.

"Yes, I am looking for something like this."

I went to a rack a short distance away and pulled out a pair that had caught my eye.

"Do you have these in size 34?"

I looked at him for the first time and noticed he looked a little bit weird somehow. Well not weird but there was something about him that I couldn't fathom and it made me stare overlong.

He rummaged through the rack, finally confirming that my size was not there.

"Just a minute sir, I will check the stock."

I didn't want a fuss, but before I could pick something else he was off to the side of the showroom and into the staff area. My eyes followed him, wondering what it was that had grabbed my attention. But not wanting to dwell I went back to looking around. Maybe I could disappear and elude him, the thought crossed my mind.

I was some way off when that now familiar voice made me jump.

"Here sir, we have them in the back newly arrived and not yet unpacked."

He had a pair of pants on one arm and held them forward for my inspection. I looked at them, they were the style I wanted and it said the correct size.

"If sir would like to try them on? This way please."

Of course, I had to try them on, couldn't buy anything like that without doing so, it would be asking for trouble. So I followed on behind and across the floor. I could see where he was leading, to the changing room just off of one corner of the floor. He opened a door of one of the cubicles and gestured for me to enter, handing me the pants as I did so.

The store was busy and plenty of people were in this changing area, it being divided off into about ten cubicles along one wall. At each end of the room were big mirrors as well as smaller ones placed within each cubicle.

I took off my jeans and put them on the hook. Carefully I opened up the pants and slid them on. I really liked the material, it felt soft after the denim of my jeans. But when it came to fastening the clasp at the waist there was a problem. Maybe I was kidding myself about the 34" or these pants were not what it said on the label. Either way, I couldn't fasten them without either holding in my stomach, which could only be a temporary affair, or risk breaking a seam in the pants.

I opened the door and peered outside. My assistant was patiently waiting.

"Sorry but these are too small, would you get me a size bigger?" I asked apologetically.

"No problem sir, just one minute."

He scurried off back into the store.

It was only a moment before a tap on the door signalled his return. I opened to take them from him but he walked into the cubicle, pushing the pants up against me to roughly check the length.

"I think these will be okay sir," he said, looking straight into my eyes.

I was a little unnerved for some reason, maybe because he just stood waiting for me to try them on.

Although he was very polite, I wondered if he was thinking along the lines of "stupid foreigner, why is he so slow, why doesn't he just get out of those and try these new ones and stop wasting my time and let me get off for a tea break."

I took down the pants and hung them straight for him.

"Very nice sir," he said.

The pants were indeed very nice, I had taken a liking to them with the soft fabric and was hoping this other pair would be the right fit.

"Yes, they are," I agreed, holding them up for him to take.

He kind of made a tut and his eyes rolled up in his head.

"Not the pants sir," like I was stupid.

His hand pushed past them and lay on my crotch.

I jumped out of my skin.

"This sir, this is VERY nice." He smiled and his hand found my dick and gave it a few squeezes.

I was amused and felt rather good that he should make such compliments. My ego let him go on for a little longer.

My dick began to fill out at his touch. He felt the same and smiled up at me again.

I still had the pants in my hand when he let go of his fondling and took them. I made to take the new pair he had brought in, but he shook his head and put them on the bench.

I wondered what he was playing at. From bending down to lay out the pants on the bench, he stayed down and swivelled around till his head was level with my crotch.

Two hands quickly pulled down my underwear and laid hold of my dick.

"Very nice sir," he chimed again and stroked a few times bringing me up hard.

Honestly, I didn't know what to do. Did I stop him and pretend it didn't happen or did I do nothing and let him carry on?

Indecision, indecision!!

He decided.

His lips passed over the end of my cock. I felt his tongue swirl the underside finally confirming to me that this was sex. It began to throb.

He murmured something, I have no idea what seeing as how I didn't know his language but I'd heard similar sounds many times before and it was a cross between lust and need.

My dick disappeared all the way into his mouth and down his throat as he speared himself. The heat of his throat came back through my dick straight into my brain, or wherever else you receive these signals. Momentarily I was lost in a desire for more.

Very, very slowly, reality crawled back out of the corners and swept over me in a cold shiver.

If I held my head high I could see over the top of the cubicle door, back out through the opening of the changing room and onto the department floor. Watch the shoppers browse the clothes as I had done minutes before.

A couple of women were discussing a dress or something at the other side of my partition.

The door itself didn't go to the floor but like some toilet finished around nine inches from the carpet. Would someone out on the shop floor see my assistant on his knees in here? Would someone see two people in a cubicle, not coming out for some considerable time? Would my assistant be missed and the supervisors come looking for him, perhaps knowing the very cubicle where he had initially gone?

I did indeed feel cold, my limbs began to shake.

My assistant was oblivious to all this and was trying his very best to devour me. If he wasn't doing such a fine job, I would have stopped it then and there, but I was like a rabbit in the headlights and couldn't move.

I watched mesmerised as his mouth took in my dick till his lips were pressed against my groin. Many people would find that difficult to do for I am around eight inches long and have been told, quite fat. So I was a little bit in awe of his expertise and wondered perhaps if I could learn something of his technique. On second thoughts though, he just opened wide and clamped himself down. Technique or not it felt good.

It was while I was watching him that I realised why he looked so odd. Whereas the eyebrows would have trailed away to nothing at the ends, this young man had clipped or shaved them square so that they looked like two black oblong boxes above his eyes. You wouldn't notice it straight off, but it was enough to make you look twice and to wonder why he appeared so different.

A crash against my door brought me back to earth. The flimsy lock rattled and I immediately thought we had been found out and the supervisor was breaking in to catch us red-handed. Oh! Weeks or months in a foreign jail!

I quaked, I shook and had to steady myself against the walls less I faint.

Some small children laughed and ran down the row of doors, banging them as they went.

The shiver didn't stop a river of sweat trickling down my back kicked up by the panic of the moment.

My assistant suddenly stopped and stood up.

"One moment sir, I'll be back."

He grabbed the first pair of pants and made to open the door. He turned and added, "Don't move!"

He was only a slightly built youth, but his tone was clearly a command worthy of a general.

I stood there with my underwear around my ankles wondering if this was some kind of crazy dream. Worse, was I being very stupid.

I made my mind up to put my jeans back on and leave when there was a tapping on the door. I had pulled up my underwear, so I opened it to see the assistant once again. He entered, pushing me forcefully back against the wall and was followed to my amazement by another.

My first thoughts were this was the manager come to throw me out, but then I quickly realised he wouldn't be cramming himself into the small space with two other people.

The initial panic over I could see they were about the same age, I guess at 18 or 19 and also the new addition was very cute. My first assistant, I should call Eyebrow, spoke to the new one quietly and rapidly. It was if I wasn't there as he didn't involve me at all although at one point they both looked me up and down. Eyebrow then dropped to his knees, taking down my underwear and grabbed my dick. He held it up for the new guy to see and they discussed something quietly among themselves.

Talk finished, he took it back in his mouth and quickly resuscitated my limp member. The new one had edged into the corner to give room and stood at my back. He leant forward around my arm to watch his companion hard at work giving me a dose of very professional pleasure.

The new friend was in awe. There was nothing said between them, but his head was peering around my forearm, watching intently how a blowjob should be done.

After a short while, he relaxed somewhat and began to watch me rather than his friend. One hand dropped from my shoulder down my back, gingerly going under my shirt till his palm made contact with my arse. Slowly at first, his hand glided softly over the skin then a little more bravely he prodded and squeezed, brushing his fingers down the crack and under to my balls.

I could feel his cock pressing into the back of my leg like a dagger. Alternately, he went from watching Eyebrow perform on my dick to lifting my shirt and looking at my arse while his hand fondled up and down.

He humped against my leg, which was really electrifying. I wondered if he was going to fuck me whilst his friend blew me.

What would I do if he tried? Would I have to let them or would I raise a fuss that would bring people to investigate? Now having allowed this to start there was no way I could make them stop. That is if I wanted them to stop.

My mind raced. How could I get fucked in a changing room with all the public around, just at the other side of thin plywood partition? The idea of allowing them to fuck me made me really scared once more. Then again, perhaps I would enjoy being fucked, that also crossed my mind and I didn't dismiss it too quickly either.

But each sound or thump from outside of our small enclosure gave me a start. The sweat was building and every noise from the lips of Eyebrow sounded as if it were amplified and broadcast across the whole department store. Just how could those women talking outside the door not hear him?

The new friend found my hole and teased around the opening. Eyebrow was doing such wonderful things with his mouth and I was fully aware of that hard cock humping against my leg. They had me hooked.

My knees began shaking. My cock began to boil. My dick came to a full stand. The signal reached Eyebrow and he doubled his effort, forcing himself to swallow it all. I leant some of my weight onto the one at my rear. He countered pressing tight against my back. The effect was wonderful.

The juice began to rise and I felt myself becoming weaker, and I thought I might faint.

Suddenly I didn't care if anyone could hear us, the little slurps and lip smacks were truly music to my ears.

A tremor ran through my body. My friend at the rear pushed his finger into my hole. His dick dug hard into my leg. Eyebrow cupped my balls in one hand and massacred the head of my cock with his tongue.

I bucked once, then again. That wonderful sweet feeling flooded through my body. Biting my tongue so as not to make any noise, I humped hard into the accepting mouth. The arms of the rear friend grabbed and held me tightly, which only added to the thrill.

As my orgasm began to let go an audible cry escaped from my throat just as my sperm broke from my cock and filled the willing mouth.

He swallowed and sucked, and swallowed again. Too much for one moment, he pulled off to cough. Another strand issued from the end of my cock and slashed across his face. Instantly the aroma of sperm filled the cubicle and I thought, the whole changing room. Someone would know what the smell was and realise something was happening inside.

Eyebrow quickly recovered and sucked out the last I could offer. Slowly and reluctantly, I came down from that incredible high. The rear friend pushed me back upright onto my own feet and eased me to one side. Eyebrow stood up smiling from ear to ear and they quickly fell in talking and giggling. The cute one pulled out a handkerchief and carefully wiped Eyebrow's face clean of wayward strands of cum.

I was forgotten about or so it seemed now the deed was done. After being satisfied with their appearance, Eyebrow checked which pants I wanted. He gave me the once over to make sure I had nothing out of place and told me to follow them.

I waited to let them go first and then moments later walked out into the still busy room. It was like I had gone deaf although I could see everyone talking; I couldn't hear a thing except my heart pounding in my ears. I thought I was the only one making any sound, even my footsteps on the carpet felt like crunching across gravel. My body burned from every eye in the place as the other customers turned to look. My mind told me they would be thinking how could three people, including a large foreigner possibly come out of a room hardly big enough for one.

I dared not glimpse either left or right but walked straight out onto the shop floor. It was even worse. I felt the stare of every assistant in the store and I imagined them knowing exactly why Eyebrow had disappeared so long and what he would have done with this particular customer.

My breath came short and sharp. When I reached the till I was not able to comprehend what they were saying. Eyebrow almost had to shout the amount to pay before I could control my panic and hand over my credit card.

In a few minutes, I had signed on the line and took the shopping bag with my hard-won purchases. I decided to go back to the hotel to take a rest and walked towards the elevator. Eyebrow was there, standing near the exit looking at me. He had a sly grin on his face and as I nodded towards him the grin became a big smile as he flashed me an exaggerated wink.

Once I was back to the safety of the hotel and had time to think about everything it was almost as if it had been a dream. I was finding it difficult to believe it had actually happened.

When my courage returned a few days later and on other trips to that city, I went back to the same department store but never saw Eyebrow or his friend again. It made me wonder if he had got fired, but it didn't take too much to imagine what it might have been over.

Shopping? I love shopping!

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