
By John Murdoch

Published on Nov 23, 2005


Disclaimer: The following events are entirely fictional. If you like what you read then e-mail me at, I always love to hear feedback about my stories. I live on the East Coast in NC, am 22 years old, and would love to find someone older to meet.

Shoplifting Part 2

Saturday morning came, and it had been a couple of days since I was last at the store where I had been caught. I didn't think about what had happened to me too much, just something crazy that sat in the back of my mind while I finished up my week of school. It was almost impossible to believe something like that actually happened, as if it was a memory belonging to someone else, so nothing in my life was affected too much and I went about my week normally. It was as I was walking to the store that morning that a sense of apprehension and fear started to grow in me, that this was very real and I was heading back to the manager's office without knowing what would happen to me.

Reluctantly I walked through the front doors of the store, thinking more and more about what I was doing and that I wanted to turn away, but it was the only way to get out of trouble for the mistake of getting caught stealing that I had made. I continued with my thoughts of fear and apprehension as I made my way through the aisles, finding the double doors that led to the back of the store and going through them. Eventually arriving at the manager's office, I paused. Knocking on the door would be the last chance that I had of backing out of this, and I hesitated as I considered this, but some other part of me knew I had to do this and was secretly excited, so I brought my hand down and knocked. There was a brief pause, then a voice from inside told me to come in. I opened the door and walked in to see the manager sitting at his desk busy with some paperwork. He looked up at me as I came into the room, the door closing behind me, and gave me an excited smile.

"Well, I'm surprised to see you John. I half expected you to try and escape your punishment! It's nice to see that you made the right choice," he said as he stared at me with anticipation. I was speechless, thinking too much about what I was even doing here and what was about to happen, so I just nodded and looked back at him, barely able to hold his gaze.

"Now that you're here, we can continue with your session and have you on your way back home, you might even enjoy yourself," he said as he reached into a drawer in his desk and pulled something out. He tossed me something, and as I caught it by my chest I looked down to see that he had just thrown me a pair of handcuffs!

"Strip and put these on," He directed sharply. I hesitated, feeling the weight of the cold steel in my hands and still in disbelief about what I was just told to do. Slowly I set the handcuffs down to free my hands to take my clothes off, starting with my shirt and shoes. As each article of clothing came of just as they did last time, I put them on the chair. I was in the same spot as I was before, naked except for my boxers, pausing slightly just before I pulled them down to expose myself in front of this man. I finished stripping and looked up to the manager to see him looking at me with eagerness, causing me to blush slightly. I wrapped the handcuffs around each hand and tested to see that they would not back off. Seeing that they were there to stay and that I had finished stripping, I looked over to the manager with my hands bound in front of me and awaited my next set of instructions. He nodded with approval and slowly stood up, walking around his desk and over to where I was standing. I felt exposed and vulnerable, but as he stood next to me and inspected me with his hands, squeezing and pinching here and there, I began to grow hard! He noticed this fact almost immediately, and used it to taunt me.

"See, I know you will enjoy this. It's pretty hard to hide that fact from me when you're completely naked." He smirked and reached down to my cock with his hands and squeezed firmly to indicate that my body was betraying me. His hands felt good as they hefted my balls and gave my cock a few strokes, but I was still not completely used to the fact that another man was touching me. His survey complete, he brought a chain out of his pocket and strapped it to the links holding my handcuffs together and walked back over to the corner of the office. The chain drew tight and my arms came up, pulling me forward to follow him. I was pulled over to the corner with him, the same place I had been chained before, then pushed down to a kneeling position. My arms were brought above me and secured. The manager wasted no time in securing me, then walked over to his desk. I knelt there in silence as I watched him pull a few more things out of the desk and bring them over to me. He reached behind my neck and drew a strap around it, pulled tight and secured it firmly. I was now wearing a collar! I could feel the cold steel of the buckle on the front of my neck, wondering what I must look like. The other items the manager had taken out of his desk were set on top of it, out of my view.

He only told me to stay put as he looked me over and headed out the door, locking it behind him. I was left on the floor to consider my situation. That morning when I was still free I had no idea what would happen to me if I decided to come back, so now that I was chained and collared naked in the manager's office I started to rethink my decision. Getting free of my crime was all that mattered in the long run, and that helped motivate me to go through with this and have it behind me, but the consequences were severe, even if a part of me was enjoying this. I sat there for a good 15 minutes, my arms growing sore again and my knees aching slightly, when the door rattled with the sound of the lock working and pushed open. This startled me and I started to panic because the manager was back for me and my punishment was sure to start. I had made up my mind though, and would push through with it to be free again.

The manager walked into the room and looked at me to see that I hadn't tried to get free, but following him was a second man! I realized that this was the same security guard that had caught me the first time, surprised because I thought I would only be dealing with the manager, looking with confusion at him as he walked to one of the chairs in front of the manager's desk and sat down. He looked over to me with a smile, seeing me in the condition that I was in, a hint of expectation in his eyes.

"Well John, I know I was supposed to have you all to myself," the manager explained, "but my friend here had too much fun with you to let you go, and you need experience."

He came over to me and freed my arms from above, still cuffed but coming down in front of me and aching from the blood rush going back into them. The chain came off the links, leaving me cuffed and waiting for my next set of instructions. The manager simply went back to his desk and sat down, so I looked over to the security guard for any hint of what I was supposed to do next. He had just undone his fly and pulled his pants down, but kept his boxers on and turned the chair to face me.

"Come over to me," the security guard ordered, and I began to move as he instructed. I did my best to move to him on my knees, having my arms cuffed together made it difficult to move, but I soon arrived in front of him on his chair, and he opened his legs to accept me. I was positioned between his legs, my hands kept down in front of me.

"Take my cock out with your mouth, and get to work!" The security guard's words were sharp and quick, eager for me to suck him off, and I knew what I had to do. I moved my mouth down to his crotch and began to fish his cock out of his boxers with my tongue. This was difficult because he wasn't hard yet but only semi-erect, so it took several tries before I managed to pull him between his fly with my tongue and into my mouth. He was hardening fast, and again I felt ashamed knowing that I was sitting there with another man's cock in my mouth. Pulsing and hot, his cock was completely hard in my mouth, starting to leak that familiar and barely sweet precum, and I slowly began to pump with my mouth like I had been taught. I moved my head up and down with his thrusts, using my tongue to grind against his head and lubricate the entire shaft with my saliva and his precum.

The same sweet taste combined with the heat and pulse of his cock thrusting in and out of my mouth, going very slowly at first, and I started to enjoy the sensation! I knew what I must look like, and what anyone that I knew would say to me if they saw this, but having him in my mouth like this, combined with all of the tastes and sensations of his head as it ran up and down my tongue caused me to forget myself and the fact that I was collared and cuffed in this office against my will. Getting into it now, I increased the pace that he started me off with and started pumping faster and harder, lapping up any of the extra precum in my mouth as I went. Working my hands against his balls, he put his hands on my collar to guide me through a few different angles so that I could grind his head on different sides with my tongue as I went.

I continued to pump him for another 10 minutes or so, but it felt like forever and I didn't even notice that the manager had moved from his desk where he was watching to right behind my back, so when he touched my thighs and neck with his hand and started to rub me it caught me off guard. The security guard prevented any delay in my grinding by keeping my head moving up and down with his hands, so I had no chance to see what he was up to. The manager snaked his hands around my body, savoring me as much as he could, his hands finding my hard leaking cock now and then to remind me of my arousal, and it felt good when he touched me! I was surprised to find myself wishing he would stay there, but his hands remained on my cock only briefly as they moved on to explore the rest of me. I was focused on the cock in my mouth, but the manager having started to caress me had distracted me slightly, so it was a complete surprise when I found my mouth flooded with a hot blast of cum from the security guard, having missed the warning that I knew to look for this time. Going deep into my throat I coughed, but was prevented from shying away by the firm grip of the security guard.

"Dont spit any out!" was my command from the manager as the security guard moaned loudly and continued to convulse and pump into my mouth. The initial blast caused me to choke, so I was barely able to keep from coughing and spitting the rest out as each new thread of cum was squeezed into my mouth. I finally got control of my reflex to gag so I was able to focus more on dealing with the taste and need to keep his cum in my mouth again. The taste this time was a little bit better than last, still bitter and pungent but definitely sweeter so it was easier to hold in my mouth like I was instructed.

The security guard withdrew from my mouth, only a few drops coming out of my mouth with his cock and onto my chin before I could purse my lips to keep the rest inside. He slumped back in his chair again and relaxed, leaving me to kneel there with the taste of his cum growing on me and the manager still behind me. I was growing more and more uncomfortable again, even though he tasted much better this time it was still a strong and powerful taste I wasn't used to. Relief came as a hand came up to my face with something in it, and I was finally told to spit out! As the cum flowed from my mouth I glanced down to see that I was filling up a small cup in the manager's hand, a few strands following tightly back to my lips from it. I had filled it halfway up and it was taken away from my face, the strands that were still connecting broke and ended up on my cheek.

As the security guard came out of his daze he wiped his cock off with a small towel and pulled his pants back up, looking at the few strands of cum that were on my face. Satisfied, he pushed me away and stood up, leaving the chair empty in front of me.

"Oh god, that was great!!!" He exclaimed as he looked down at me with admiration. "He is getting quite skilled, I'll be sad when we have to let him go."

He and the manager exchanged a few quick words while I was left kneeling there with them behind me, cum drying on my face and the aftertaste still fresh in my mouth, expecting the manager to sit in front of me next to have me suck him off. Instead as they finished talking a hand on my back guided me into the chair in front of me so that I was bent awkwardly over it. The security guard had come up to me and worked a key into my handcuffs, briefly freeing one hand as he took the cuffs and looped them through a post in the back of the chair and slapped the cuff right back on my wrist. The result left my arms to rest on the chair and support me, and a hand guided my hips up from the ground and into a doggy style position. The manager's hands began to move around my thighs and back again, and I was confused. I just wanted to suck them both off and be on my way back home to enjoy the rest of the weekend, so as after one hand had disappeared from it's tasks of massaging me for a while and returned with something cold on my ass, I began to panic. I knew right away what was about to happen to me when his hand found it's way to my asshole and began to apply something slippery with his fingers. I was scared now, I was not expecting it to come to this and my heart began to beat faster. The manager had moved his other hand to my still hard cock and was stroking gently, relieving my aching to be touched again but not completely distracting me from my fear and apprehension.

"Relax John. Just relax and this will be over with. This will start to feel good after I'm inside." The managers words were slightly comforting but just served to remind me what was about to take place.

He had finished lubing me up and the manager began to stroke the rest on his cock as he positioned himself in a kneeling position behind me. I hadn't noticed that he had stripped while I was sucking the security guard off but noticed just now as I turned my head back to steal a glimpse of my situation.

"Keep your head forward!" He shouted, and I quickly snapped it forward to look at the front of the room after being scolded. I could hear him inching up behind me with his knees, and his hand was taken away from my cock and both brought to my thighs, where he pushed my legs apart. I complied and repositioned myself, not believing that I was letting this happen. I knelt there completely submissive, wondering again if I was really ready to pay the price of silence that the manager had given me. Before I could clear my conscience that this really was doing the right thing, I felt his thighs against the back of my legs and something hot poke into my butt. His cock was slippery and easily found its way down the crack of my ass and right before my asshole where he paused. "Remember, just relax and breathe," were his only words of advice before he started.

Slowly I felt him draw forward, my cheeks spreading as he progressed and a tightening sensation starting on my asshole. There was more and more pressure as he pushed forward, slowly but with great strength, and as I consciously made myself relax I could feel him sliding into me. The lube made his entry easy at first, but then the pressure and penetrating feeling gave way to a sharp stab of pain as it came time for the full girth of his cock to enter me. I gasped and grimaced, gritting my teeth and shutting my eyes sharply. Despite my obvious pain and discomfort the manager still continued to push inevitably forward. I was getting angry that he paid no attention to my situation, but as he continued to bury the rest of his cock inside me the pain made it impossible to think. I waited there for what felt like an eternity with my face strong with discomfort and a shooting sensation coming from deep inside me.

Slowly the pressure started to decline, the look of discomfort on my face grew less and less until it was replaced with one of relief, still hot and red from the strain. My eyes were watery as I opened them, and after a seemingly great deal of time had passed the pain was slowly replaced with a tight pressure. I relaxed and breathed deeply again, trying to make sense of the new feeling. It felt like I had to go to the bathroom, yet the sensation stayed with me when I pushed out on him. This actually made it more comfortable! I had knelt there long enough after the initial pain to notice a few of the smaller details, like the fact that I could feel him pulsing gently inside me.

Satisfied that I had accomodated myself to his cock, the manager pulled back slightly, the pressure decreasing slightly and then pushed back into me again. When he did this, a strange feeling took me by surprise and I let out a gasp. It felt very good and took me off guard to feel something pleasant after I had gone through so much pain! Slowly he continued his thrusts in and out, and each time he did it felt better and better. The manager had begun to drive himself in and out of me rhythmically, and I was so distracted by my initial pain and puzzlement that I had failed to notice that the security guard had moved besides us with a camera until I caught it's flash in the corner of my eye.

I couldn't even begin to think that a picture of me with another man's cock inside me was being taken, and I was so caught up with the manger's pumping in and out of me that I gave up with fighting the idea as he snapped a few more shots. My mind back on the pumping cock in my ass, I realized that I was really enjoying this. Up until now all the pleasure was the manager and security guard's and my main focus was to please them and get on with my life. Now that I found being fucked like this could feel good, it felt better to know that I could get some enjoyment out of being their servant! This whole time that I was thinking the manager had quickened his pace so that now he was riding my ass, quickly moving in and out of me, and a pressure deep inside me had built up and was starting to make me feel drunk with pleasure!

The manager's pace had grown faster and faster until I felt a tight pressure and he started to take deep stabs into me, moaning. "!!!" He exclaimed as he took several violent thrusts at me.

I felt a hot sensation shoot deep into me and I knew at that instant that he was cumming inside of me. Each blast left a hot wad of cum inside me and he began to slow down, and I could feel it deep inside of me. The thrusts were less and less quick until he was sitting inside me motionless, his cock slowly pulsing less and less. A brief instant later he slowly withdrew from me, the filling sensation suddenly leaving. I was not expecting this, and had been pushing out with my ass the whole time, so the sudden absence of his cock to push against caused me to push out a portion of his load that he had just pumped into me. I felt it run down my legs and balls, still hot and dripping onto the floor. I quickly made up for him by squeezing again, the cum that hadn't escaped trapped in me still.

I was waiting for something to happen, my mind reeling with all the sensations and emotions of what had happened to me, left there while the other men cleaned up completely. I continued to sit in disarray, looking used with dried cum on my face and a new batch cooling on my leg, still chained to the chair. Finally the security guard came over to me and broke my trance with his next words. "You can cum, but you have to drink it. Deal?"

I realized that my cock was aching still and my balls hurt with the need to cum, so it was only a minor detail that I would have to drink my own cum if I got off, which I wanted to so badly! Hastily reaching a decision, one that I should have thought a little more, I looked back at the man and nodded with a sense of urgency. The guard laughed and responded by kneeling beside me. One hand came down to my cock and started to stroke, a streamer of precum leaking to the floor from the tip. He had only been stroking for a minute, so badly did I need to cum, that a shudder tore through me and I began to thrust with his hand. I moaned as I came, the relief and pleasure a sudden flood and release deep inside me. I slowly wound to a finish, exhausted. Looking down to see the load I expected to be scattered on the floor, I saw that instead he had trapped all of it into the same cup they had me spit into before! This had filled it to the top, as it wasn't too big, with two different loads of semen.

I slumped against the chair, unwilling to use any more energy to keep myself up, I was so tired from being fucked and cumming. As the bliss faded, I slowly became more and more present of my situation, now aware of what I might look like and what I had just done.

An unseen hand keyed both locks to my handcuffs and finally released my arms from the chair. They fell beside me with a sudden stab of pain, and I slowly rubbed my wrists and arms as I kept my eyes closed and recovered. The two men began talking quietly, but I was too tired to care what they were saying, and one of them eventually came over to me.

The manager was standing beside me and commented on the scene before him with a chuckle. "Well well, look at you. Poor thing was worn thin, but you did a good job. We're through with you now, but you have to fulfill your promise before the collar can come off and you can go home."

The security guard lifted me up with his arms, and I opened my eyes to look at them. The manager was holding the cup in his hand, and I could see that it was filled with cum. I was NOT looking forward to this at all, and I had just cum so the idea really turned me off. Reaching up slowly I accepted the cup, knowing it was the last obstacle between me and my freedom. I surveyed the contents reluctantly, seeing that the cum I had just shot into it was still warm but starting to clarify and run. No other option left and no more time to waste by stalling, I brought the cup up to my face. The smell of it hit my nose and I grimaced. Steeling myself, I drew upon all my strength and opened my mouth to take the cup like a shot, deciding that it would be better the less time I took. The newest load of cum was lukewarm and still had some consistency as it worked its way past my tongue and I swallowed it, but the load below it had been there a while and was cool and gooey. I emptied the cup into my mouth and stalled as the taste from the oldest load threw me off. I almost gagged and threw up, but I forced myself to swallow. The aftertaste was sharp and potent, and I fought the urge to dry heave as my face drew tight with discomfort. The two men laughed to see me do this, and I was left to recover for a few moments before I could regain my composure.

The guard reached to my collar and unlocked it, pulling it off of me with the sweat beneath it suddenly leaving the skin to cool in the air. My clothes were brought to me and placed on the chair I had just been fucked on, and I started to get dressed as the manager spoke to me.

"John you did a great job. You have another session next week, then you're free to go. Remember we have pictures of you as an added precaution in case you feel the need to come forward, which would be stupid since you're so close to finishing. Other than that you're done for today. Clean up and go home."

As I was pulling on my clothes and listening to him talk to me, I was aware that I still had dried cum trailing down my legs. I felt dirty and used, like I needed a shower, but I pulled on my clothes in a hurry to leave and decided I could take a shower later. On top of the cum that was crusty and dry on my legs, my asshole was starting to ache and I needed to get the cum on my face cleaned off before I could go back home. I finished putting the last of my clothes on, and I saw that the other men had finished cleaning themselves off as well. They had tidied themselves up and the manager only looked at me with one last warning before I knew I was free to go. "Same time next week. See you then!"

I left the manager sitting at his desk and the security guard talking to him as I exited the room and closed the door behind me. Walking through the back of the store I made my way straight to the bathroom to clean myself off. Content that any visible traces of cum were washed off, I straightened myself up and headed out the store, making my way past some customers and walking straight out the front entrance. Now alone with my thoughts my mind raced to catch up with the events that had just taken place, and I went through the events over and over again, struggling to justify my actions. It was made harder by the fact that I rememberd that all the cum that had been spilled that morning was now inside me! A bad taste in my mouth, I eventually reached my house and took a shower first thing.

That night my mind was preoccupied with what I was expected to do next week, wondering how they would step my punishment up. Despite my resistance to accept my actions, I kept coming back to how great it felt when the manager was inside me, fucking me from behind. This idea stayed with me and I knew that I loved the feeling despite my conflicting emotions, and it even gave me hope, almost so that I was waiting to have him in me again! This gave me comfort, so I put everything in the back of my mind and finally went to sleep, letting go of everything.

To be continued....

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