
By John Murdoch

Published on Nov 6, 2005


Disclaimer: The following events are entirely fictional. If you like what you read then e-mail me at I live on the East coast in NC, am 22 years old, and would love to find someone older to meet.


My name is John and I am 18 and live in a small town, not too much to do here so I am always bored after school. My friends had told me about all the cool things they have stolen from the local grocery store, and what a rush it was to walk out of the doors with a bunch of stuff you didn't pay for. I had nothing to lose really, so I got into the habit with them too, not even thinking that I would get caught. We had been taking odd things now and again from that place for a good time, but it was when I had least expected to get caught, when I wasn't with my friends that my luck turned.

I was walking back home from my friend's house late one night when I decided to stop by the store to grab a couple of things that I needed. The best way to steal I had found was to shop and pay for a few things but also grab what you wanted and stuff it in your jacket, that way you looked like you were just another kid grabbing some junk food and actually had some business there shopping. I was shopping for a couple of things that my mom wanted me to grab anyways, but grabbed a couple of CD's that I had wanted for a while and stuffed them into my jacket and paid for the rest. I was on my way out of the sliding doors, not even thinking for a second that they were on to me, I had done the same routine so much, when one of the store employees came quickly up behind me and slapped his hand on my shoulder. I stopped dead in my tracks, not even guessing that I was getting busted, I was so confident.

"Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to come with me, please."

I turned to face him and see that he was some kind of undercover cop, but rather than showing my panic I tried to play it cool, like this was some kind of mistake. I nodded and followed him, bags in hand through the store then through the double doors in back. This was unreal, him following behind me making sure I wouldn't run and keeping an eye on me at the same time. We walked through the back of the store and I found myself standing in front of an office door in back with a bench in the hallway. It was when he asked me to set my bags down and face the wall that it set in that this was really happening.

He stood behind me and quickly frisked my jacket with his hands, stopping as he felt the CD's and pulled them out. As he pulled one hand behind my back and I felt the cold sensation and click of steel wrapping around my wrist I started to panic. The other hand was cuffed behind my back as he said, "You're under arrest for shoplifting at this time. Wait here untill the manager will see you."

I was moved onto the bench with my hands cuffed behind my back, sat down and left to think alone about what kind of trouble I was in. Now I was panicing, thinking about what my parents would do to me when they found out that I was arrested for shoplifting, how my future would be affected by an arrest record. He disappeared into the office door with my bags and the CD's in his hands.

I was left to stew in my own thoughts for a good 15 minutes before the door beside the bench opened and a man peered outside to see me sitting there.

"Come inside now, John.", he directed.

I stood up and walked past him as he held the door open for me and directed me to sit down in one of the chairs facing the desk in the small office room, my arms still held behind me by the handcuffs. Sitting down, he came around the desk and took his own seat behind it. He looked to be in his late 30's, clean shaven and wearing a grey suit. Clicking on his computer for a minute, I sat there in silence as I continued to contimplate my situation, when he said, "Now John, you are in a very serious situation. This store has been losing a lot of money to shoplifters like you, and we don't take this very lightly. Right now you and your friends are our biggest problem, so our best bet is to make an example of you, possibly sending you to jail as an example."

These words caused me to consider the seriousness of my situation, and I was on the verge of tears between the long silence that followed his last words. It was a good time that he let the implications of my trouble set in before he spoke again.

"However, I have a proposal to make that might sound good to you in place of letting the law take care of you, of letting your family and parents find out about this the hard way." He paused for a second to let me wonder about what kind of offer would let me get out of this situation. "Since this is a family owned store still, I have the liberty of dealing with you in my own way. What do you say to being my property for a month or so?"

What?!? I couldn't believe that I heard him right, yet he continued, "If you agree to this, your parents never have to find out about this, and you'll be dealt with outside of the law."

I had to stop and think, my mind was spinning. Here I was with my arms cuffed behind my back, about to get a criminal record and more and I was being offered with something that I wasn't even prepared to think about, that I wasn't even ready for or even understood.

"What do I have to do?" I wondered out loud. The idea of dropping everything kept coming back in my mind, a way out, yet I was skeptical and didn't know exactly what he had in mind.

He got up and walked around the desk to stop behind me, where he leaned down to my hands and began to take my handcuffs off. This sensation was relieveing, yet before I expected the other one to come off he walked back around the table and sat down again, leaving me with one hand still cuffed and dangling the other side of the lock.

"Well, I'll give you a minute or two to make your decision. Just keep in mind that if you don't take your offer, the next step in processing kids like you is to call the local sherrif and take you to jail, then give your parents a call to come pick you up. Since you're only 18 the criminal record you'll get will stay with you for the rest of your life."

He paused for a second to let me process everything and continued, "When you've made your decision, you can either tell me to make the call......or start stripping."

That last part made me almost jump, but I sat there and thought about everything he had just told me. I didn't want my parents to find out or to go to jail, that much was sure, but I had no idea if I would be able to strip for this man or do whavever else he might want. It was hard to make up my mind, but in the end my fear of getting in trouble outweighed any fear of what he might want from me, and the chance to drop all the charges was all I really cared about at the time. Reluctantly, I slowly stood up and reached for my shirt and started to pull it over my head.

The man saw that I had made my choice and grinned. "I can see you've made the smart choice for someone in your spot. Put your clothes on the chair."

I had finished taking off my shoes and pants and put the rest of my clothes on the chair like he had instructed, standing before the man with only my boxers and the handcuffs dangling from my left arm. With a final pause to reconsider, I gave into my fate and pulled my boxers off, standing naked before him. I felt strange standing there in front of him, and to my surprise slightly aroused!

The manager was eyeing his new property with approval, eager to have another new subject to have some fun with.

"Cuff your other hand, then come over to me," he instructed sharply. I did as I was told and placed the other side of the shackle on my wrist and slowly tightened it, testing to see if it was secure or would loosen up. It was locked solid into place, and I began to slowly walk around the desk to stand in front of the manager, who had spun his chair sideways to accept me.

As I stood only a foot from the man, naked and hands cuffed in front of me, he leaned forward to inspect me. I closed my eyes as he felt around my body, inspecting and squeezing now and again, when he eventually reached my penis and balls! With a feeling of shame and dismay in my mind he tugged slightly and cupped my balls with his hands, I noticed that I was hardening in his grip. It felt dirty to be touched by this man, yet I was hardening in his touch and strangely liking it... This was unbelieveable! I stood there feeling exposed and violated, yet I was fully erect, my body betraying me! His inspection was complete and he leaned back in his chair, leaving me to stand there and wonder what would happen next.

"See? It's not so bad yet. You just might enjoy yourself. Now kneel down." He grinned, pointing out that my body had betrayed how I might be liking this.

I slowly knelt down in front of him while he undid his belt and fly and pulled his pants down. I couldn't believe this was happening and he saw the look of disbelief that I had on my face.

"Remember we can do this the easy or hard way, it's up to you. I recommend cooperating..." He finished his warning as he pulled his boxers off, revealing his 7 inch, clean shaven and semi-hard cock in the open for me to see. "Your first task is to take my cock into your mouth, then we'll work on what happens next. Get started!"

I stared in grim anticipation then steeled myself to my fate, strangely anticipating the next step. I moved up to him so that I was between his legs, my cuffed arms in front of me, and stalled. Irritated by my delay, he reached one hand behind my head and slowly and forcefully pushed it down to his crotch so that my mouth was inches away from his hardening cock. Finding no more chance to delay, I opened my mouth and slowly took the first half of his cock into my mouth, feeling the sensation for the first time. He had a few drops of precum at the head, making his cock slightly slippery and salty, and it was very warm. There was also a slight pulsing in my mouth as he continued to harden. Despite my initial disgust from having another man's cock in my mouth, the sensation wasn't that bad! I continued to hold him in my mouth for another minute of so untill he was completely hard and he gasped.

"Ahhhh.....very nice! Now start to suck."

He moved my head up and down a few times to let me know what he wanted, and I began to take him in and out of my mouth and started to suck. He slowed down for a second and said, "No the teeth, use your tounge on the bottom...." I corrected by opening my mouth up more and stuck my tounge out to rub against the bottom of the shaft and head a little harder. "There you go.......much better," he said as he sighed and leaned back a little bit more.

The feeling of having his cock slide in and out of my mouth was weird but amazing, I was warming up to the idea and felt the salty slimy texture of precum lubricate my mouth as his cock slowly pumped in and out. Beside myself with the new sensation and situation, I started to get into it! I had expected to do as I was told, be this man's toy for a while, but now I was starting to like it! I started to respond by taking my hands and cradled his balls between them, gently massaging in rythm to the thrusts. As he pumped I began to move my head around, getting different angles of his cock and feeling the texture of his head as it moved across my tounge. The precum that was slowly oozing out was just barely sweet, the extra that wasn't lubricating my mouth I swallowed. As I was sucking he slowly moved his hands around my head and shoulders, savoring my resisting but now willing mouth. I continued to feel the heat and taste of his cock as it thrust in and out of my mouth for a good time, it seemed like forever to me as he was pumping so slowly to take in every bit of having a new victim suck his cock. I had grown accustomed to the feeling of having him in my mouth, so when I felt a new throbbing, pulsing sensation, it set me off.

"Keep every bit of it in your mouth, don't swallow!" This was the only instruction and warning that I had about what was about to happen.

It first felt like a contraction deep inside him, followed by a pulsing through the bottom of his shaft that I felt on my tounge, when my mouth was suddenly flooded with a large amount of a new, bitter tasting fluid. I realized that he had just cum in my mouth, but it caught me by surprise and the first few pulses spilled out of my mouth and ran down my chin. He groaned very loudly as he tightened up, grabbed my head with his hands and pulled me down tight and pumped violently into my mouth. Most of the cum that hadn't caught me by surprise and first spilled from my mouth stayed inside, and I resisted the urge to spit it out. The rest found itself on my face, as halfway through cumming he pulled out of my mouth, reached down to his cock to pump himself and shot the rest on my lips and cheek, one strand finding its way all the way onto my forehead. The strands of cum were hot and smelled strongly, tasted even worse, but I managed to hold all the cum that he shot into my mouth in, the rest cooled and stayed on my face as he finished pumping the last of it onto me. He groaned loudly and sighed, then slumped down into his chair with his eyes closed and a look of complete relief on his face, leaving me kneeling there uncomfortably with cum in my mouth and face, not sure what to do. I continued to kneel there as he did nothing but sit and soak in the joy of having just had an orgasm, the wait very uncomfortable. I was waiting there with a good amount of increasingly bad tasting cum in my mouth, the rest on my face starting to run. A drop ran and fell onto my leg, another few started to drip onto my handcuffs and arms. I sat there for what seemed like forever, the taste growing worse, akwardly kneeling as more cum ran down my chin and onto my chest and legs, when he seemed to snap out of his bliss and look at me. I was eagerly awaiting the command to spit the cum he had pumped into my mouth out, when he told me otherwise.

"Wow........You can swallow it now," he said very calmly. This was the last thing that I wanted to hear, the last commmand was said as he looked at me to appraise what he had done to me, to see the look of discomfort on my face and the strands of cum starting to drip down it.

I did as I was told, and after steeling myself and a few tries I finally managed to swallow the foul tasting semen. The aftertaste was almost worse than the actual semen, but I was glad to have it out of my mouth. He looked down at me after he finished, and said, "You did a good job for your first time!"

He pushed me back off of him slightly so he could stand up. After cleaning off, he pulled his pants back up and regained his composure. I was left there to wait for my next command, for what would await me. I was hoping that I was finished and that I could go home, but he crushed any hope of that with his next words.

"That was incredible. I'm glad that you got caught!" He chuckled slightly, very calm and relieved, then continued, "But you're not through yet. I have to let the person that brought you to me have a share before you're all mine."

My heart sank, but I knelt there paitently to see what would happen next. The manager took something out of his desk, then brought it down to the links between my handcuffs. It locked into place there, and I realized that it was a link of chain! He walked around me as he held the chain, and as he passed me the chain drew tight and my arms followed. I stood up finally and followed him as he led me over to the corner of the room and gave me my next instructions.

"Kneel down." This was my only command as I knelt down facing away from the wall. After I knelt down he brought the chain above my head and pulled, my arms following. My hands were pulled completely above me then secured to a hook on the ceiling and locked there. After securing me he checked himself one last time then left the room, the door locking behind him. I was left there on the ground, hands chained above my head, cum slowly running down my face. I sat there and thought about my situation. I had no idea when I woke up today that I would be chained naked with cum on my face!

If only I had known, I wouldn't have shoplifted and gotten caught! I continued with these thoughts for a good while and felt used, now and then a drop of cum running off my chin and dripping onto my thighs or the floor. I had been there long enough for most of the strands of cum on my face to harden when I heard the door unlock. The manager walked in again, this time accompanied by the same security guard that had brought me here! They walked into the room and came over to stand in front of me. The manager was the first to speak.

"Yeah you can see I've had some fun with him....he's very good for a new acquisition though, and he's all yours for now, that's the deal."

The security guard smiled at this, then looked over to me. He snickered as he saw me, my hands chained above me and completely defenseless. He walked over to me and put a hand on my chin. "Very nice....I'll have some time with him, then he's all yours."

The security guard wasted no time in unzipping his pants and pulled them down, dangling his soft cock in front of my face.

"Open up!" Were his only words as he brought his soft and hardening cock to my mouth. My arms trapped above me, I opened up and brought him closer to me. I used my tounge to pick him up and take him in, then sat there as he slowly grew hard inside my mouth. When he was fully erect he began to use his hips to thrust, and I used the same technique that the manager had shown me with his cock. A few drops of precum began to leak inside me, and I lapped them up and swallowed, pushing my tounge against the bottom of his shaft like I had been shown. He wasted no time, just thrusting and taking advantage of my inability to resist or move. He continued to pump just like before, occasionally using his hands to guide me or move my head against his thrusts. I felt the full head against my tounge and ground against it, doing as I was told and milking him of his precum, grinding away for another ten minutes. Only this time, rather than feeling the deep tightness and pulsing of his cock against my tounge before he came, he pulled out and moved his hand to his cock and begain stroking feverently. A few inches in front of my mouth he shuddered and convulsed, leaving me waiting with my mouth slightly open for what came next. A blast of cum shot straight into my mouth and took me by surprise, and I coughed slightly. This did nothing to prevent the next couple of blasts which landed straight into my mouth or on my cheeks. Not knowing what to do, I held the cum that landed into my mouth as he continued to blast onto my face and lips. As he shuddered, he moaned, "Oh....God!!!"

One hand on my head and the other on his cock as he stroked, he finished, the last few drops falling short of my lips and landing on my chest or legs.

Moaning, he withdrew and stood there in his own pleasure of having just cum. I was left again to sit there with cum in my mouth and all over my face! Only a drop or two falling and landing on the floor, he came out of his ecstacy and looked at me. I was kneeling there with many strands coating my face and a mouthful of cum, an uncomfortable look on my face as I waited to do something with it. I didn't care if I spit or swallowed, sitting there with it in my mouth was torture!

Finally he gave in to my expression and said, " that was can swallow now!"

Another order to swallow! I frowned. Oh well, it was better than sitting there holding it in my mouth, so again I gathered my strength and swallowed.

My stomach began to ache as I sat there, captive.

The security guard was quick with me and now they both stood there looking at me, admiring their new prize. Finished cleaning up, the security guard gathered himself and exchanged a few comments with the manager before he left. The door closing, the manager came close to me and put his hand on my chin, giving me a look over, admiring their work.

"Well John, you've done a great job for your first day. But before I can let you go, we have to make a deal. If you tell anyone about this, or you don't come back, we report you. It's not going to be so bad. Just show up and you'll have this behind you. Deal?"

I thought about this. It meant being this man's toy, sucking some more cock and more, but I was strangely comfortable with this idea compared with getting arrested. As another drip of cum hit the ground, I gave my reluctant answer. "Okay. I'll do what you want."

I felt shamed, sitting there in front of this man with cum dripping off of me, chained to the ceiling. Somehow it was better than getting arrested and I knew it, so I gave in. After hearing my answer, he reached up to the chains on the ceiling and released them. My arms came down in front of me, sore from their suspension. He keyed both the locks on the handcuffs and my hands came free. Rubbing the marks on my wrists from my recently freed hands, he said, "Good choice! You can clean up and go home. Just make sure that you're back here next Saturday morning."

I nodded as he walked over to the desk and tossed me a towel. After it landed in my hands, I wiped the current load of cum off of my face and chest, still having dried drops from the first load left on me. I walked over to my clothes after cleaning up the best I could and dressed. When I had finished the manager looked back at me from his desk and said, "You did well today. Remember our deal, and be back here on time. After that you are free, so don't mess up!"

I looked at him and nodded, still not completely cleaned up, but I was eager to leave and still didn't believe what I had done or what kind of situation I was in. I walked out of the office and headed for the bathroom to clean off the remaining traces of dried cum off my face, and after I was finished and satisfied with the way I looked I left the store and started on my way home. That night I went to sleep barely able to believe the events of that day and wondering what would happen that next week. I felt glad that I wasn't in jail like the manager had said I would be if I had been treated like the average shoplifter, but I still wasn't able to bring myself to accept what I had just done. I decided that it was the best choice that I was given, and that it was my own fault for getting caught, and I went to sleep, my mind distracted by what might await me next week.

To be continued....

Next: Chapter 2

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