Shit Fun with Adam

By Jerry Coole

Published on Jul 13, 2007


Well here's part three, dirtier than the other two. Hope you enjoy!

Birthday Fun

Just as a post script to part two, Adam and I cleaned each other up with a hose pipe. The jet spray really did the job pretty fast and was fun. After we'd managed to sweep all the shit mush down the outside drain we sneaked back into his house still naked with our clothes in our hands and took a proper shower. Later, back at home, I was still excited at the prospect of dumping out the turd Adam had shoved up my ass. By the evening I could hold it in no longer. In the bathroom, I shit it out into my hand. I was pleased that it had maintained its shape, a typical Adam shaped turd. I was so turned on, sniffing it, rolling it in my hands and runnning down the length of my erect nob. After a prolonged period of enjoying it's form I peeled back my foreskin and squashed it onto the end of my rock hard man tool, then stretched my foreskin back over the squashed turd, totally covering it. I then started jacking my dick and the shit slowly spread until my cock was brown and sludgy. I came within a minute and rubbed the cum into the shit!

Adam's birthday coincided with his parents going away and we agreed to meet up for a "fun night in". I decided some preparation would be necessary. I had this pervy idea of a shit cake, made from my own dumps. I use the plural as, clearly, one dump was not going to be enough to make a decent sized cake. The most difficult part was going to be storing my dumps in order to save up enough shit to make the cake. I managed to get find some old ice cream boxes that my mum had stored away and almost certainly forgotten about. Rather than dump straight into them I carefully squatted on the bathroom floor and shit my turds out carefully, moving my asshole about so they didn't end up in a pile. Once I'd finished, I placed the large turds in the box first and any little ones after. On some occasions I couldn't resist using some of the last bits of shit myself, usually massaging it into my balls and dick before jacking off. I also took a box to work in case I took a dump during the day - I couldn't afford to waste any of my shit. I just dropped one log after a fairly big lunch. Keeping it in the box at work gave me a massive hard on which moved the day on nicely. Incidentally, I usually have my best dump in a morning, although I have got pretty good at holding onto it when necessary. Storing the shit to stop it going off presented a problem at first. The fridge would probably have been best, but I'm not sure how I would have explained it to my Mum! Luckily we had an old cold store in the cellar under the garage. I kept my bike down there, so had reason to go down every day as I went to work on it.

After four days of shit saving I made the cake. I actually made it in the bathroom after work while my parents were out. I chose the bathroom because the shit smell was easier to get rid of and wouldn't be suspicious if it lingered. I also wanted to be able to play with my dick and get a bit dirty. Before starting I stripped naked. I'd found an old camping plate to make the cake on. My idea wasn't to just make one big mush of crap, but to carefully arrange my neatly preserved shit logs in a spiral. I started in the middle of the plate, and carefully arranged them, coiling them outwards. In the four days since I started I'd managed to shit twelve decent turds which were all more-or-less the same diameter. As I added each turd to the spiral I pushed it into the previous one ensuring that there was no visible join. After using all twelve of my smelly logs, I justed needed one more to fill the plate. I made this by rolling three thinner logs together. I could have added a fresh turd straight from my arse hole if I'd wanted, but I was saving that for later! To finish, I used the remaining shit to make a criss-cross effect on the top.

By the time I'd finished my naked body was smeared randomly in my own exrement. I decided the final touch would be to shoot a good dollop of my hot semen all over the top of the cake. My cock felt good coated in shit lube as I masturbated over the cake. As I reached my high, a thick wad of cum fired out of my nob and spattered artistically onto the shit cake. I placed the cake carefully in a plastic box that I used to keep my lego in! Then I took a long shower, dressed and headed off to Adam's, complete with cake and beer.

When I arrived, Adam shouted through the window for me to go up. I let myself in and headed upstairs to Adam's bedroom. As I got half way up I could see Adam standing naked at the top "Hi!" he said, with his usual big grin on his face. I was drawn to his sexy, slender body. His light brown pubes and and his balls hanging low. His nob was semi erect sticking out almost horizontally. "Getting impatient then?" I challenged "Nothing like a bit of preparation mate!" he countered. "Yeah, well I've been doing a bit of my own preparation," I held out the plastic box. "A birthday cake!" I mused with a big grin. "You've cooked it yourself?" Adam looked amazed. "Well not exactly, I made it myself, although a lot of its contents were cooked by other people. I've just recycled them!" I laughed, knowingly. "Well before I open it you get your kit off, you dirty little shitter!" Adam replied. I hastily obeyed, standing naked within a few moments. My cock was horizonal and rising fast. I wanted Adam to see that cake. I handed Adam the box and he peeled back the lid peering under it. When he realised what I'd done he yanked the lid right and stared. "Fucking hell this must have taken a hell of a lot of shitting! How many shits?" I told him the details. "So what do you reckon we should do with it," Adam asked "It's your bithday, I want you to wear it! I'm gonna put it on you!" I jibed "Hey mate, I'm looking foward to that but I think we should share. Anyway, by the time I've dumped this load in me now there'll be plenty to go round!" "Not to mention the shit load in me!" I interjected. Adam farted loudly and I knew his fat logs wouldn't be far behind. The smell was rancid and I guessed he been harbouring these turds for a fair while. "Where do you want them then?" Adam asked, but I could tell he was been retoracle. He'd already decided. "It's my birthday so I decide," he continued,leading me out of his bedroom and into to the adjacent bathroom "On your face, mate and in your mouth, you can taste my shit!" I began to quiver with pleasure at the thought of our shit play reaching a new level. I'd already tasted my own shit and I often wondered whether Adam had. My guess was that he had and he wanted to see my reaction. My mind was already ahead of the action. Would Adam taste my shit?

His ass was now directly above my face. As he lowered himself I ogled at his yummy little hole with it ring of furry pubes. As he squatted down his hole hissed as a silent fart blasted in my face. The aroma was familiar. Adam's shit hole was about to yield. I could tell he was thrusting hard as the walls of his anus puckered and pushed out before parting as the brown mass emerged. Nearer and nearer, the shit log lowered until contact with my chin was made. I eased my head down slightly and extended my tongue. It was my first taste of Adam's shit! Suddenly the turd dropped from his asshole landing across my mouth and up onto my nose and across my left eye. The smell and the feeling were awsome. More turds dropped and landed blocking my vision. I stuck my tongue further round licking and licking. Then, all at once, the pleasure trip I was going through was zapped in an instant by a tap on Adam's bedroom door. "Fuck!" I yelped, almost inaudibly because of the turd across my mouth. "Don't panic," Adam said calmly. I removed the shit logs that were covering my eyes and saw a guy enter the room. "Think you scared the shit out of Jez," Adam said to the guy, laughing. "You remember Jason don't you?" I stared up and remembered Adam's cousin, Jason. He was a couple of years older than us from what I remembered, but had been at the same school. He was chunkier than I remember and was holding a half smoked cigarette between his fingers. I looked up at him and vaguely nodded feeling totally embarassed and beginning to sweat. "You can tell that's Adam's shit on your face!" Jason laughed, "don't know anyone else who produces turds that long." "You're right there!" I mumbled. At which point Jason leaned over me and broke a piece of the long turd off and stuffed it in his mouth. "Hey save some for us!" Adam said jokingly. My cock was hard again watching Jason chew up the shit. As he did so he took a long drag form his cigarette. "Smoky flavoured shit!" laughed Adam. Jason nodded, unable to speak with his gob still full of Adam's butt fudge. Then, a gulp and he'd swallowed the lot. Then took two deep drags on his cigarette before stubbing it out in a glass by the sink. "Glad to see you tasted my shit," said Adam, "have you eaten your own?" "Yeah, just a bit," I admitted. "I've eaten some of mine," Adam said. "I've eaten some of yours!" jumped in Jason, who was now naked and supporting a very nice looking erect dick. Like his hair, his pubes were cropped short. His fat arse must have been twice the size of Adam's pert little one and his stomach looked well stuffed with beers and pizza. "Looks like you've still got a dirty little ass there," continued Jason. "let's clean it out then!" Jason stuck his right index finger up Adam's ass hole and pulled it out smeared in his cousin's shit. He licked his finger clean before inserting it back up Adam's hole. As he pulled it out, he leaned over to me. "Here mate, lick my finger clean." I didin't have much choice as he almost rammed his chubby finger in my mouth. I sucked it clean. "Hey, what about me?" Adam quizzed, "don't leave me out!" Jason just smiled before picking up a 3 inch turd Adam had dumped on me and stuffing it in Adam's mouth for him. Adam appeared to gag before recovering and beginning to chew the shit log. "Come on, swallow it," Jason challenged. A few more chews and Adam obeyed. "Nice one mate!" I cheered. I also noticed Jason pick up another shit chunk and stuff it in his own mouth. Then, as he chewed away, he pointed to what was left of the shit on the floor and then at me. It was my turn. I was glad I'd practiced at home as I picked up a 3 inch piece turd and shoved it in my mouth. The chewing was fine, but the swallowing was harder, but, after more chewing, I managed to swallow it in small bits.

"Ok, I've had my dump, which of you is going to drop your logs on me. It's my fucking birthday!" "Come on," I gestured to Jason, "you're gonna get a double dumping on!" I could tell from the loud farts and continuous stink coming out of Jason's arse that his fat anus was crammed full. Hopefully the stench of his had hidden my silent farts. Jason and I stood back to back and pressing our backs together lowered ourselves over Adam's face. Another explosion of trapped air from Jason's rear end followed by a grunt and Jason asshole exploded. A continuous stream of turds dropped onto Adam's face, splatting as they landed. At a more liesurely pace my first turd eased out, long and fat, finally dropping and landing on the mushy log pile Jason had created. I pushed and felt my next one begin to slide out. Just as it emerged into daylight I felt jason's hand touching my hole. "You've got some fucking big logs in there!" panted Jason as he wanked his dick and grabbed my turd as it began to drop. "Don't let that greedy bastard have that shit! It's my birthday." Jason turned and grinned dropping the log on his cousin, but only after he'd bitten a large chunk off and eaten it. He then lit another cigarette and coninued to stroke his cock But Adam was lucky: I just kept on shitting turd after turd. "Hey mate, I want it in here," spluttered Adam, as he cleared the shit sludge from around his lips and gestured for me to shit straight into his mouth. I moved my arse over his mouth that was now wide open, and squatted lower. I Pushed what felt like a smallish shit piece into his gob. I looked around to see his teeth around it. "Hey come on, man, don't leave me out!" Jason bawked. and I looked round as he laid himself on the floor waiting to be fed. I moved over to him as he took a long drag from his cigarette and blew the smoke up my ass hole. "Lower man!" he yelped, and I sqatted lower, my ass on his face. Then I felt it. His tongue was pushing up into my dirty crevace. He licked and licked my shit hole which stopped me from dumping out my final turds. "Come on, pal, shit in me, I'm fucking desperate." he bemoaned me. "I can't concentrate while your licking out my asshole" he countered. He stopped momentarily and I squeezed out a log which dropped straight between his lips. That was followed in quick succession by two more which Jason gulped down. I then stood up and Jason smiled. "Reckon we need to look after birthday boy," he said, and I agreed. "It's time for your cake," I said to Adam. I picked up the box and took off the lid. Jason stared looking incredulous and filled with a desire to engulf the lot. "Hands off!" I said to Jason. I was determined Adam was going to enjoy my shit cake. "Yeah, it's my birthday!!" Adam said tauntingly to Jason. "Come on then," I said to Jason, "this guy's gonna wear his cake! On the floor mate!" Adam lay down and I pulled a piece of the turd cake and rubbed it into his cock. Jason soon followed a rubbed more into Adam, making circles around his nipples. I pulled off one piece and held it over his mouth. He opened wide and I dropped it in. He chewed on it, then swallowed it down. I pulled off some more a shoved it into Jason's mouth while he was busy trying to rub some into Adam's feet. He thanked me and gobbled it down. Finally I packed some up Adam's arse. Then Jason and I stood over him, wanking our shitty cocks. Our cum spattered over his face and we both sat down. Despite being caked in crap, Jason fired up another cigarette, and after his first drag, left a brown ring around the filter from the shit that was around his lips. Adam was wacking off his own cock, but I took over for him. It took only seconds before his cum spurted out. We all lay they in a shit stenched stuper! "Happy birthday Adam," I panted.

Next: Chapter 4

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