Ship Masters Boy

By g d

Published on Nov 25, 2012


DISCLAIMER: This story contains sexual acts between men. Do not read if it is illegal to do so in your state or country. This story is not to be shared or distributed without my written consent. If you would like to contact me, please email me at

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The Ship Master's Boy - Chapter 2

The sun had climbed higher in the sky casting more shadows into the ship Master's cabin. He stood with his back to the window making he features vague. His posture told me he was not happy. He held his back straight and his shoulders level. "Strip." His one worded command I had heard many times in first few months I served him. I kicked off my boots, slipped my breaches, loosened the cuffs of my shirt and removed that and folded them roughly, placing them on the iron bound chest. Naked, I shivered; it was never warm on board. "Place your palms in the middle of the table and lean over it. You will get one for each year of your life. If you continue to be a slow learner, you will get beaten harder, longer." He kept his voice level. I raced to obey. I leaned over his table of charts, placed my hands firmly on the table. I knew this was going to hurt, but if I disobeyed, it would hurt much more. He moved up close and reached over my back, between his hands he held a strap of course hempen rope, thick as my wrist and aged by the sea. I opened my jaw and the course fibre was pulled harshly back to rub against my stretched lips. "Keep quiet." A direction we both knew I wouldn't follow. He retreated back a pace to give himself the space to strike. In his hand he held a thick band of hard waxed leather.

Thwt! The first strike landed. I grunted. It didn't hurt first time but the surprise was there.

Thwt! The second was a little bellow the first, overlapping slightly. My ass began to warm and tingle.

Thwt! Thwt! Two landed in quick succession. I flexed my fingers in to the table hoping to force the pain out of me and into the wood bellow my damp palms.

Thwt! ... He paused. I flinched. Anticipation at this time held me quivering. I had survived the first 15 and new I was on the home run with only a few left to go.

Thwt! "Umph!" I twisted on my heels, the charts crumpled under me. I was covered in a light sheen of perspiration. I focused on a knot of wood and braced myself. Flinching while he paused. Thwt! Thwt! Thwt! Three in quick succession had me hopping between feet. I would not let my hands leave the table, I would not be able to endure another turn, let alone the remaining two. "Feel good boy?" He asked and chucked to himself. I didn't answer. The last two he used his full force on my red cheeks. The corners of my eyes were moist. His hand touched my ass. His dry fingers were alike sandpaper as they caressed my burning behind. He patted it twice, causing more pain "Good boy." He reached in front of me and pulled the rope from my mouth. I had clamped my jaw to it and felt it pop when the rope was removed. I worked my jaw back and forth and tentatively moved my hand to my behind, feeling the heat but expecting there to be blood. There wasn't and the red would leave before long however the stinging would continue.

He cleared his throat. I turned on my heel and kneeled. "Thank you Sir" I said and kissed his feet. I looked up at his shaded face and saw a smile, he ruffled my hair, the one token of affection that is worth the suffering for me.

"Now, why did those lad's get to come before me boy? Do you think that is right?"

"No sir." I looked down ashamed.

"Well, get to it." He rolled the top of his breeches down and his cock flopped down. It was in its semi level of alertness, the beating had aroused him. I Carefully took his cherished knob in my mouth and swished my tongue around his cock head, flicking my tongue at the lips of his foreskin. I circled my goal and pushed his loose skin back to tickle the spot where his skin meets the shaft. His weight shifted to the back of his feet as he slouched back to enjoy the sensations I was applying to his cock. I rocked backwards, allowing the skin to follow me before moving back in. I rocked back and forth, getting further to the base of his cock as I could. His cock was cleaner than the other sailors' cocks I had satisfied earlier. I could attest to that. I rocked forward so that his cock head rested at the back of my throat and popped into the cavity at the back. I knew this would give him amazing sensations as I masturbated his cock with my throat. I grappled with the band of his breaches and pulled them down a little so my hands would have access to his balls. They were heavy in the warm supple sack. With my nose in his pubes I breathed in and concentrated on the manly aromas that filled my senses. With his cock down my throat I felt like I was desperately close to being at one with him. I fondled his balls, pulling them hard, he responded by thrusting his cock hard into me. I still was unable to accommodate this invasion and gagged, forcing saliva up around his cock. The contracting throat muscles seemed to benefit him in contradiction to the panic that raised inside me as I felt cut off and choked. He eased back, I quickly inhaled and went back to lathering his cock in more of my saliva. I felt his balls rise in his sack. Were I a more obedient boy, I would have pulled them down hard, prolonging his pleasure, but I'm selfish and wanted this ordeal to be over. I reached up and jacked his mast whilst using my lips to massage the head. As soon as the first rope filled my mouth I swallowed. I swallowed and sucked, getting rid of the fresh cum before it would have time to congeal and go thick. When his cock ran dry he pushed me off. "Easy boy!" He said. It is sensitive after he comes.

"What's this? Messy boy." He says, lifting his boot up and pressing the dome into my cock. It is hard and leaking. He collects a good amount of precum on his boot and directs me to lick it off. I lean down presenting to him my pink cheeks and start lapping at the boot. I lap my slime off of him, he turns his boot, as if to ensure I get all of the precum off and to extend my humiliation further.

The door rattles as someone tries to open in. The ship Master sighs and flips his cock back into his breeches. "Dress." He commands me. I'm thankful that the same of my kneeling nakedness isn't to be shared with another shipmate today. The door is knocked again and pushed again, indicating the urgency of the sailor on the other side. I have barley got my other boot on when the door opens and the ship's boy is at the door. "The Captain request's your audience Sir." The ship Master nods and the boy runs to the ladder to the levels bellow.

"Get on the table and kneel there until I return." He says to me. I obey and he leaves for the Captain's summons. Below I hear a hive of activity as sailors begin running about the decks. Something is happening. The ship jerks as it is turned away from the wind. The sails fill with the breeze and the ship picks up speed. Something is wrong.

... To Be Continued...

Thank you to all the readers who wrote to me and requested another chapter. I appreciate the feedback as it inspires me to write. If you would like to share anything about your experiences with the story and things you would like to see then please send me an email. I love to hear from you.

Next: Chapter 3

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