Shining Star

By David Brooke

Published on Aug 26, 2004


Shining Star By David Brooke

Disclaimer: This is a fictional story containing explicit consensual and non-consensual gay sex between adult men. If you find this type of story offensive, or viewing this material is illegal where you are, then do not do so.

Chapter 3: Colin joins in

The next day was increasingly frustrating. I tried to clear any thoughts of the previous night with Brad from my mind. But, as I sat in class my mind would wonder from the drone of the professor's droning voice in a boring lecture to flashes of images of Brad on top of me, his cock fucking me deeply. I threw wood in one class and rubbed my crotch abstractedly. As I shook the thoughts of Brad and realized I was rubbing my boned crotch, I realized also I was staring at the hairy legs of some guys in shorts in the next row over. I look up at him. He had a condescending smile as he looked back at me, and then winked as he reached down to adjust his package. I looked away angrily. I'm not a fucking fag, asshole!" I shouted in my mind.

I had a study group that evening, so I ate dinner alone in the student cafeteria. It was nearly nine-thirty when I got back to the apartment. At least Brad won't be home I thought as I turned the key in the lock. He has night practice for this week's night game, and won't be home to after eleven. I was surprised at the sound of the TV as I opened the door. "Oh yeah" I remembered. Monday night; Colin's night off.

"Hey, Colin" I said, nodding to him as I made my way through the living room. He sat in the easy chair, clad in his usual apartment attire - a pair of nylon running shorts, and nothing else. Monday Night Football blared on the TV screen.

"Hey, Chad" Colin acknowledged as I went past him. I went to my room, changed into shorts, and then brushed my teeth and got ready for bed. I decided to fix myself a soda in the kitchen before turning in. As I headed into the living room, I decided to sit down and shoot the shit with Colin for a few minutes; we hadn't seen much of each other lately.

"Game any good?" I asked, sitting down in the chair next to him.

"Naw" he replied. "Kinda boring. Oakland is all over San Diego forty-two to nothing; San Diego can't do shit. I fucking hate Oakland." I grunted in agreement. "So what have you been up to, Chad?" He asked. "I haven't talked to you in awhile. Anything new and exciting?"

"No" I assured him. "Same old, same old." I thought about last night, and the porn shop. "Thank God he doesn't know anything about this shit" I thought to myself. We both groaned when San Diego fumbled the ball.

"This game sucks!" exclaimed Colin.

"Yeah" I grunted in agreement.

"Actually, I'd already turned it off and was watching something else when I heard you come home."

"Oh yeah?" I responded. "Whatcha watching?"

"This" Colin replied, reaching for a remote and pressing a button. The scene on the screen changed from football to a buxom blonde woman sucking on rock hard cock at least 8" long. "My favorite porno, 'Debbie does Dick'. That bitch can suck the shit outta of dick" he said admiringly.

I watched as all nine inches of dick disappeared down her throat. "Geeze" I said in surprise. "I can't believe she swallowed all of that. That guy I huge" I said a little more admiringly than I intended.

"Yeah" Colin said huskily. "He's almost as big as me."

I turned to look at Colin, intending to say a 'Yeah, right'. My mouth opened in surprise as I saw Colin watching the screen intently while his hand was under the elastic band of his running shorts, tugging and pulling a large and growing tent in the crotch. I meant to tear my eyes away immediately, but watched transfixed as the tent in his shorts continued to grow.

"Wanna see?" Colin asked. I looked up to see him looking at me intently.

I flushed in embarrassment as I realized he had caught me staring at rising erection has he played with it. "Uh, no, that's OK" I said quickly. "Uh, actually, I was just getting ready to turn in. I'll let you enjoy Debbie."

"No need to run off" he assured me. "It's just getting to the good part, where he really starts fucking her face."

"No, that's OK, man" I replied. "I'll let you enjoy Debbie to yourself." I started to get up.

"Wait, man" Colin insisted. "Let me ask you something first."

"Ugh, yeah, sure" I replied, sitting back down, growing increasingly nervous. "Go ahead, shoot" I looked at him squarely in the face, making sure to avoid looking down at the movement continuing in his shorts.

"Well, I was just wondering . . ." he began, looking me square in the eyes. "I was wondering . . . How long you and Brad have been fucking?"

"Whaat!" I gasped, the blood draining from my face.

"I guess it's really none of my business" he said evenly. "But, since you're both my roommates, I just wondered how long Brad has been fucking you?"

"I . . . I . . . I don't know . . . ." I stuttered as I attempted denial. His eyes bore into mine. He knew! I knew from the look in his eyes he knew it all. "Brad fucking told you?" I clenched my fists. "I can't believe the fucking bastard told you!"

Colin shook his head slowly. "Brad didn't tell me shit" he said in a deadpan voice. "He doesn't even know that I know anything about it." I stared at him, totally confused. "I got home early last night, dude. Work was slow, so they let me off early. It was all dark, but I could see alight coming from your room. I went to the kitchen to fix something to drink and when I came out, I could hear the definite sounds of fucking coming from you room. Your door was half open, dude. So, I'm thinking 'Great, Chad finally got some pussy'. Then I hear you saying 'Fuck me, Fuck me', and then I hear Brad's voice. So, I'm thinking 'What the fuck?' So, I push your door open a little and look inside, and, man! You're flat on your back and Brad is fucking the daylights outta you!" From the corner of my eyes I could see him give a tug on his cock. "I gotta admit I was pretty blown away" he continued. "I mean, I know Brad will fuck anything that moves - and a lot of things that don't move - but, Geez! I had no idea you're gay, man - and I'm usually pretty good at picking 'em out."

"I'm not 'gay'" I protested.

"Bullshit!" Colin breathed out with a grunt. "Dude, you were flat on your back begging Brad to 'Fuck me! Fuck me harder, man!', and Brad was giving it to you." He shook his head. "Dude, I don't know too many straight guys who dig another dude boning them in the ass and beg for more." His eyes continued to bore into mine.

"Brad forced me!" I protested. "He . . . he blackmailed me and made me do it!" Colin grunted in skepticism. "Brad came early from Brynda's. She was on her period and wouldn't give him any. He kept going on about how horned up he was, and then he threatened to blackmail me if I didn't let him . . . . do that to me."

"Well, I know Brad when he's all horned up like that" Colin assured me. "He'd fuck a snake when's he's all horned up - if he could figure away to get to hold still for him. But, what did he blackmail you with? And, what made him think you'd let him bone you?"

"Well . . . ." I began, searching for a way to explain it. "Well, he came home, and I guess I'd left my door open . . . . and he . . . . he caught me masturbating."

"That's it?" Colin asked incredulously. "Brad catches you beating you meat, and says "I'm going to tell the whole fucking world that Chad Sunquist jerks off' if you don't let him bone you?" Colin shook his head, unbelieving.

"Well . . . ." I began, "he caught me jerking off . . . . uh, he caught me . . . uh, well; he caught me jerking off while using my dildo!"

Colin started to laugh. "Dude? You have a dildo? You like to get off while fucking yourself with a dildo?" He shook his head, still laughing. "Well, I guess that explains why you get off on Brad fucking the bejesus out of you. But, your not really gay, right? You like to get off fucking yourself with a dildo or some dude fucking the daylights out of you, but you're not gay?"

"It was the first time!" I protested. "It was the first time anybody ever fucked me!" I paused, as I remembered. "It was the first time Brad ever fucked me! And, I was the first time I ever did anything with a dildo! I was just curious, that's all!"

"Well," Colin began, stroking his chin. "I can kind of understand that. I'm curious, too. I've kinda been curious about something involving sex."

"Really?" I said in relief. "You've been curious about what it feels like to have something in your ass? It's really wild" I assured him. "I mean, I'm not gay or anything - I'm not into sex with guys. But, there's a prostate thingie inside. When something in your ass rubs or jabs against your prostate, it feels really wild!"

"No, dude!" Colin said as he burst into laughter. "I'm not curious about what it would feel like to have something in my ass. I'm straight; I dig chicks. Real men are not curious about what it would feel like to have something in their ass, like it's some kind of pussy" he assured me. I looked him in confusion. "No," he began slowly. "I wasn't curious at all about what it might feel like to have something up my ass. But, I am kind of curious about what it would feel like to have my cock buried down your throat."

"Whaaat!" I almost shouted in shock.

"I'm real curious about how it would feel to have you swallow my cock down your throat, the way Debbie there takes it." He nodded toward the TV screen.

"No fucking way!" I shouted in indignation. "I'm no cocksucker! I told you: I'm not fucking gay!"

"Oh yeah?" Colin asked slyly. "Then I guess this doesn't do anything for you?"

With a sudden movement he stood up, pulled his shorts down to his ankles, and with a flick of his foot, cast them aside. He stood slowly stroking his rock hard cock that stood straight out from his groins. It was long and thick; it had to be over 9" long and a several inches thick. The head was even thicker than the shaft, and the tip glistened with precum he had milked from his stroking. I stared at it transfixed, unable to tear my eyes away. "He IS bigger than the guy in the video" I found myself thinking.

"Come on, man" I heard Colin ask softly. "You know you want it."

I shook my head, my eyes locked on his cock, transfixed. "I'm not a cocksucker" I heard my voice say.

"I sure would hate for it to get around" I heard Colin say. "I sure would hate for it to get around that our sports assistant to the team really digs it in the ass."

"You wouldn't!" I gasped, tearing my eyes from his hard cock to look up at him. "You wouldn't do that do me!" I pleaded. "I just . . . I just made some mistakes. I'm NOT gay!"

"Well, it would be pretty mean to go around telling everybody that you use a dildo to fuck yourself and get off - when you can't find some dude to fuck the daylights out of you," Colin admitted. "But . . ." he continued with a sigh, "you never know when something like MIGHT slip out. You know, like I'm at a party and drunk and shit and someone tells me something, and I say: 'That's nothing, you should have seen the time I came home to find Brad fucking the sweet bejesus out of Chad" he said with a smirk.

"Please?" I pleaded.

Colin walked over to stand in front of me. I looked down to find his rock hard cock inches in front of me. "Come on, man" he pleased in a soothing voice. "Just suck it a little for me. Help me out a little here; I'm horned up, just like Brad was, and you helped him out." He leaned forward, and the head brushed against my lips. I felt a tear roll down the cheek of my face. "Just take the head in you mouth and suck on it a little. No one will ever know; no one will ever no about this, or anything else." The head pressed harder against my lips. I opened my mouth and accepted it. I closed my lips around the shaft of his cock and sucked the head tentatively. It tasted sweet and clean, just slightly musky. It didn't taste disgusting at all, as it had when the porn shop jerk forced his cock in my mouth. I swirled my tongue around the head as more of the cock pressed into my mouth. "That's it, that's it" Colin encouraged me in a soothing voice. I sucked harder as it pressed further in my mouth. I felt the head at the back of my mouth. I remembered the smack I received from the porn shop jerk and sheathed my teeth with my lips. I suppressed the urge to gag, and the head popped through the back of my mouth and began to slide down my throat. My eyes began to bulge as Colin's cock continued down my throat and I held my breath, every sense focused on that large, hot rod sliding down my throat. I felt Colin's hands on the back of my head. The next thing I felt was my nose buried in his groin and his cock thrust down my throat as he pushed my head own and then pulled it back.

"Fucking A!" Colin sighed. "You took it; you took the whole fucking thing! I knew you could!" he began to pump his cock in and out of my throat. I began to gag, and felt dizzy from the lack of air. I pushed away with my hands on his hips, his cock sliding out of my throat and then free from my mouth. I gasped for air. "Sorry" Colin sighed. "I guess you do need to breath a little. Just suck it for awhile." Obediently, I opened my mouth, accepted his cock, and sucked greedily. It wasn't like when my ass was stuffed full and something jabbing at my nut inside, but there was something about my mouth being full of rock hard dick, of sucking, licking, worshipping the rigid shaft, giving pleasure, that made me yield to the sensations that arose inside me. I worshipped Colin's cock, fascinated by its size and hardness, licking it lovingly from the thick round head down the shaft to head to his balls. I licked his balls, taking them in my mouth, sucking, as my fist worked his knob. I took his shaft back in my mouth, sucking it like a madman while my hand played with his massive balls.

Colin's breathing began to become more jagged. "Hold your breath!" he breathed. I sucked in as much air as I could around the shaft buried in my mouth. Colin grabbed my ear, pulled my head into his groin, burying his long cock halfway down my throat and my face into his groin. He pulled halfway out and thrust down again, fucking my face again and again. "Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!" he panted, his fucking motion faster and faster and harder and harder. I felt his cock swell in my throat and then twitch as spurt after spurt of hot cum shot down my abused throat. It felt like he just kept cumming and cumming, filling my stomach. I reached for my own cock, tugging at the erection inside my shorts. Finally Colin pulled my head back and his cock slid from my throat and popped out of my mouth with slurping sound as I still sucked it tightly. I gasped for air.

"Oh fuck, yeah!" Colin gasped. "Fucking A, dude! You suck the fuck outta dick! You can give ole Debbie a run for her money. My spinning head searched for a decision if I should be happy or ashamed. "Take off your shirt, man!" Colin instructed.

"He wants me naked?" I wondered as I peeled off my shirt. "He's not going to want to fuck me after cumming like that?"

Colin took the shirt from my hand, and began to wipe his dick clean with it. "Goddamn you give good head!" he sighed. "Just think how good you could be at giving head if you WERE gay, dude" he added. I looked up to see him smirking. He bent over to pick up his shorts. Without bothering to put them on, he turned and headed for his room. I admired his firm, tight buns and thighs as walked away, an empty feeling inside me. As he reached the doorway, he stopped and turned around. "Oh, turn off the TV for me, will you, little buddy?" he said, more as a command than a question. I nodded. "Oh and . . ." he added, with a smirk on his face. "See you next week? Same time, same place? Oh yeah - and same position?" He turned and walked away.

Later I lay tossing fitfully in my bed, trying to get to sleep, thinking about the last three nights. "I can't be gay!" I tried to assure myself. "I was just curious. But, this shit is getting out of control! I was just curious about those feelings in my ass; I was never curious about sucking cock. It's just . . . Colin's cock was so big! I never had a clue he had such a huge cock!" I thought about how I'd slurped and sucked on it. My cock was rock hard, and I reached down to stroke it. I thought about how it felt to have Colin's cock buried down my throat, how it swelled and then twitched inside my throat and then shot its load deep side me. With a cry I sprayed my load all over my chest and stomach. Too tired and shattered to get up I smeared the cum over my skin and then drifted off to sleep.

The rest of the Fall went by quickly. Brad and I were busy with the Rebels, Colin busy with his job and exams. Both Brad and Colin pressured me into a pretty regular routine. I'd fought it at first, but finally relented, admitting to myself I was enjoying regular sex for the first time in my life. I told myself all three of us were going through a curiosity stage", that we were just being "open" and "liberal", and trying "new things". But, deep down I knew that was true only for me. Both Brad and Colin made it quite clear that I was only a convenient receptacle for keeping the cum drained from their balls. Brad didn't wait until Brynda's next period to use me. It was about two weeks later that he came knocking on my door, asking me to "help him out again". I told him "No fucking way!", but it ending up him fucking me senseless. Soon it turned into every week, and then a couple of times a week. I think the guy was getting it either from Brynda or me every night of the week.

Monday nights was my standing "date" with Colin; his night off and Brad's night for football practice. Colin would pop in his "Debbie" video, and within a few minutes he'd call out to me in my room. "Brad! Come out here, Dude. I need a throat to fuck!" After the forth or fifth week instead of promptly leaving or dismissing me, we hung out and talked. He admitted he'd been thinking about 'having a go at my backdoor', but wasn't sure he could handle 'porking another dude without getting grossed out and puking his guts out.' He joked that maybe I should dress up like "a real pretty chick' and that might do the trick for him. I liked pleasing him, and was definitely curious about having his horse dick stuffed up my ass, but I wasn't about to turn into some kind of transvestite for him. While out shopping though, I did find a real sexy pair of red silk boxer briefs and decided to give it a try. I bought a pair a size too small and when I tried them on at home I was pleased with the result. When I threw a woody thinking about Colin's huge dick banging away in my ass, I realized that while the small size showed off my ass real well, it showed off my package to well for Colin's liking. I came up with the solution of wearing my jockstrap underneath, which did the trick perfectly - no bulge in front, even when I was rock hard. For ease of entry, I slit the back seam open. The next Monday when Brad called me out to fuck my face, I came out wearing nothing but my red silk boxers with jockstrap underneath. Colin's eyes beamed approval, and he ordered me to turn around, to which I immediately complied, bending over and wiggling my round ass enticingly.

"Fuckin' A" Colin huskily sighed his approval. "Back Door Beauty" He promptly produced a video of "Debbie Does Anal", popped it in the VCR and then bent me over an ottoman in front of the TV. I had figured he wouldn't be any too gentle and, while my ass had considerably more flexibility from Brad's regular banging, I knew Colin's huge cock would take some adjustment. So, I had lubed myself inside generously and taken a Tylenol with codeine. True to form, Brad barely paused to smear some lube on his horse cock before he crammed the hard knob into my hole. Ignoring my pleas to let me get used to it, he continued forcing it inward. I thought the head was going to his my stomach when I finally felt his pubes pressed against my backside. He was rough and the girth and length of his massive shaft hard to take, but within a few minutes I was groaning, moaning and begging for more so loud that Colin yelled at me to "shut the fuck up, bitch', so that he could hear Debbie instead of his 'faggot bitch'. I clenched my teeth and suppressed my animalistic groans of ecstasy as he rutted like a raging bull inside me. I creamed myself twice before he fired his load deep inside my rear with a thunderous roar. I don't think he knew made me cum, let alone twice; I knew he couldn't care less. I was only for him to use for his pleasure. But, I had him hooked. Some nights he wanted to fuck my face before turning me around and ramming it up my butt. But other nights he was too horny and just bent me over and went straight at ramming his massive tool in and out of me, sending wave after wave of orgasms ratcheting throughout my body before he exploded his load into me. The only thing that Colin was really weird about was that no one - especially Brad - find out anything about his "helping me out". I assured him - and finally convinced him - that the last thing in the world I wanted was for anyone to find out that I was taking his cock in the ass and mouth. He seemed to always remain suspicious, though, that I might let something slip to Brad, and he promised to "fuck me up good" if Brad ever found out.

Brad was surprised when I first suggested we might try me giving him some head. He quickly relented, and loved it. Now he insisted on the full "treatment" - his fucking my face and then finish off fucking my ass. Some nights he'd enjoyed himself so much he'd cum down my throat. We'd hang out for a few minutes, shooting the shit, then rut my butt until he got off again. I liked those nights the best. After cumming once in my throat, he could ream my ass for 45 minutes before getting off again. I don't how Brynda kept up with him all by herself. Brad of course had no clue that Colin knew he was screwing me too. He knew Colin's schedule well, and made sure were done and in our own rooms when Colin was due home. And he never seemed to even consider that Colin was doing anything with me. He made me swear that no one ever find out about his "helping me out". I assured him - and finally convinced him - that the last thing in the world I wanted was for anyone to find out I took his cock in my ass and mouth. He asked me a couple of times, pressing me, if I was doing "anything else with anyone else." I think he was more worried about catching something if I was screwing around. I assured him that I was "getting all the dick my curiosity could handle right here in our condo." That seemed to satisfy him and his ego; it never dawned on him that his wasn't the only dick in the condo. I wasn't sure which dick I liked better. While at 7", Brad was no slouch, Colin's 9" filled me to capacity. But Colin's fucks were rough and to the point. Brad fucked with an intensity that would have done a porn star proud.

And so the fall passed, with each of my roommates using me as their personal bitch, my secret passion secure. While I was getting fucked with ferocity and alarming alacrity, I convinced myself it would remain a secret, a phase I enjoyed immensely, but assumed would pass.

To be continued . . . Feedback encouraged & appreciated:

Next: Chapter 4

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