Shining Star

By David Brooke

Published on Aug 24, 2004


Shining Star By David Brooke

Disclaimer: This is a fictional story containing explicit consensual and non-consensual gay sex between adult men. If you find this type of story offensive, or viewing this material is illegal where you are, then do not do so.

Author's note: This is a rather long short story (60 pages, 62,000 words) that I have broken into 5 chapters. I put down into words people I have seen, stories I have heard or read, and also drew upon my imagination. It covers a broad range of material, so if it you do not immediately find what you're looking for, hang on - the story will probably get around to it. The ending surprised even me, when I realized where I wanted the story to go. Feedback encouraged & appreciated:

Chapter 1: The Introduction

I stand in front of the Venetian, surveying the foot and car traffic streaming by on The Strip in the warm summer evening. I'm dressed in my favorite "working outfit" white tennis shorts, a red white & blue American flag style T-shirt, and plain white sneaker- style tennis shoes. The tennis shorts are a size too small, just the way I want, like a second layer of skin. They show off my butt just right - you can clearly see the deep cleavage between my round, firm buns. The legs of the shorts tightly clench my muscular thighs. While I'm a little on the short side - 5' 7" - my legs are my second best asset, after my bubble butt. All muscle, from my thick thighs to firm, full calve muscles with a generous dusting of light brown, curly hair over my desert tanned skin. My shirt is a silk tee similarly under-sized that shows off my flat, abs ribbed stomach, pectoral packed chest. The sleeves are cut at the seam, to better show off my wiry, brawny arms. In all modesty, I'm built. I should be - I've been working out since I was 13, and every bit of my body is buffed and toned. I'm 20 years old now, and I'm told I'm pretty good in the looks department, too. I have curly, close-cropped light brown hair, with blonde highlights from the sun. My face bears my Nordic ancestry. Deep blue eyes gaze piercingly, framed by a sharp, short nose. To the casual observer - the moms and pops in town from Dubuque, Iowa - I look like an all-American jock, just as I want. To the closer observer though, you would notice the legs of my tennis shorts have been shortened to just under the crack of my ass, the side seams of the leg are split just a little, and a few slits in the seat expose just a little of the skin beneath; I'm not wearing anything underneath. To the closer observer, the outfit gives more the appearance of "come fuck me" hotpants than the tennis shorts you would expect to see on a jock. And, I figure if you're looking at my ass that close to realize all that, you're looking for some ass. You see, I'm not an all-American jock; I'm all-American boy slut, a Las Vegas call boy. I'm working The Strip, looking for a trick - ideally some out of town businessman with a thick wallet willing to part with $500 bucks to bang my butt while he calls me slutty names.

I spot my first target - a tall, dark-haired guy walking up briskly from the street towards the casino entrance. He's well dressed, in a tan sports jacket and dark pants. He feels my gaze, and gives me look over. I smile, tilt my head coyly, and give him a wink. He's taken back at first and looks away, but hesitates, and then looks back to be sure. I gaze directly into his eyes, giving him my "come on, you know you want it" look. He smiles, shakes his head ever so slightly as in disbelief at my directness. After a moment's hesitation, he starts coming my way. I turn around, and act like I'm checking out the traffic on the Strip. I don't want to seem too interested. Besides, it gives him a chance to check out my butt.

"Excuse me?" I turn around to find the dark-haired guy standing behind me. He's all smiles. He's pretty good looking, maybe 40 to 45, kept himself in good shape. His tall, lanky frame, long sharp nose and big ears suggest he's probably hung pretty well. He gives the appearance of educated and moneyed. An attorney, back East I decide. "Excuse me," he repeats. "Are you from around here, Las Vegas?"

"Yep, I live here," I reply evenly. I glance down at his left hand. No wedding band; that's encouraging, and the long, sinewy fingers reaffirm my initial assessment that he's well- hung.

"Well," he begins carefully, "you probably know the town pretty good, then, huh?" I nod in the affirmative. "So" he continues slowly, "You probably know all the good places to go, then. Where's the best place to go to find a good piece of ass?"

"Well," I tell him evenly, "you're looking at the best piece of ass in town right now."

He grins. "Thought so" he chuckles. He considers for a moment. "So," he asks, "what does the 'best piece of ass in town' go for these days?"

I look him square in the eye. "You a cop?" I ask.

"No," he responds, chuckling. "Good question, though. I'm an attorney, from Connecticut. So, I know you have to ask that and, if I were a cop, I can't lie and say I'm not."

I break into a smile. "In that case, the best piece of town is going $500 these days."

"Phew!" he whistles. "That's an expensive piece of ass."

I shrug my shoulders. "You get what you pay for. And, I gotta pay tuition somehow" I tell him.

"You're in college?" he asks somewhat surprised.

"Yeah. I'm a junior at UNLV" I reply.

"And you're working your way through school selling your ass on the Strip?" he ask incredulously.

I look him square in the eye. "Pays better than McDonalds" I tell him. "Food's usually better, too."

"Man, things sure have changed since I was in school" he chuckles. He considers for a moment. "Well, I don't know . . ." he begins. "It's not exactly what I had in mind for the evening. I'm in town celebrating a divorce from a bitch of a wife. I'm still pissed off enough to not want any fresh cunt just yet . . . . and, I have been curious what it would be like to . . . uh, 'broaden my horizons' . . . ." He rubs his chin with his hand. "Is $500 your best offer?" he asks quickly.

I like attorneys; they always get right down to business. "Well . . . I began slowly, "it is kind of a slow night . . . . and you seem like a nice guy . . . . I could make it $300."

"Hmmm," he considers. "Tell you what - let me think about it. I've got to meet some friends in the Venetian. I'll probably be done in an hour or so. If you're still here . . . and available, maybe we can hook up for something."

"Well, I MIGHT still be here" I tell him curtly. "You never know."

"Well, nice talking to you, anyway" he says. "Good luck with school . . . and your . . . uh, business." I nod, and he heads off, toward the casino.

He MAY be back, I think. Maybe he has some friends to meet, but I doubt it. More likely he needs some time to decide if his curiosity and my ass are worth $300 while he tries his luck in the casino. As the evening progresses and the free casino drinks loosens his inhibitions, he'll keep thinking about it, considering, wondering what a little boy pussy might be like. My best shot is if it he hits a losing streak and decides "screw this craps table that never seems to hit; I'm going to go screw some candy-boy ass." You know what they say about what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas? Whether it's true or not, people believe it, and they'll trying fucking anything when they're in town.

"Hey! Look at the boy toy!" someone shouts and I turn to see a convertible full of college age guys stopped in traffic in front of me. The guy in the front passenger seat is pointing at me. "Hey, check out the faggot, guys - he looks like a fucking hooker, a guy hooker!" he laughs jeeringly. I glare intently at the pale, stocky jerk in the front passenger seat, thinking if it's worth the trouble of smashing his face in. "Look at the way his ass is practically hanging out of those shorts" he laughs.

I step closer to the car. "Excuse me?" I begin. "You're cruising down the Strip checking out other guys' asses, and you're calling ME a fucking fag? The expression on the jerk's face turns to alarm as I get closer. "Sounds to me like YOU have some serious sexual orientation identity conflicts, mother fucker!" I say forcefully, glaring at him.

He considers the situation for a moment, apparently also trying to decipher what I'd said. "Hey!" he begins, as he finally figures it out, "Are you calling me a homo or something?"

I hear someone in the back of the car crackup into laughter and my gaze shifts to the back of the car and focuses on a tall, lanky guy with curly dark hair in the back seat. He's a total hottie. As he returns my gaze, our eyes lock. He has really intense dark blue eyes. He breaks out into a huge grin. I'm caught off guard - something which doesn't happen to me very often - as his broad grin is friendly, as if he really likes what he sees. I smile carefully back, ever so slightly. His smile gets even bigger. "Careful, studmuffin" I'm thinking, "don't give yourself away to your asshole buddies."

"Hey!" the jerk in the front shouts, "I asked you a question, fucker!"

"Give it up, Joe!" the dark haired guy calls out, never taking his eyes off mine. "Just drop it, huh? Don't be such a fucking asshole!" The light changes and the car begins to take off. The hunk in the back never takes his eyes off mine, turning around to maintain eye contact as the car moves away, still smiling, continuing to stare into my eyes, likes he's fucking star struck or something. I'm smiling back; there's something about him I totally like. He may be back later, too, I think. Find some excuse to get rid of his buddies, walking back, the bulge in his pants growing as he thinks about fucking my round, tight ass. But, I know college guys - no money to pay for shit, too full of ego to pay for pussy anyway. But, he is a total hottie. I can't quite put my finger on it, but there's something I like about him. If I make my money first from Mister Attorney, I might just give Mister. Hottie a little something-something for the fuck of it.

You see, I'm not just a hustler; I'm a total slut for cock. Can't get enough. What I want to tell you about is how I ended up this way. You see, I'm the last guy in the world who should have ended becoming a hustler, selling his ass to the highest bidder. Just a year ago, when I was 19, I was the all-American jock, a major in Sports Medical at UNLV. I was totally into sports. Sports Medicine - I wanted to be a Medical Therapist for a college football team - was my second choice when I realized I could never play football because of my size. It was my fucking friends who did this to me. All through my life, it's been my friends who I trusted as buddies, that have fucked me over and made me the way I am - a slut for cock. I was completely straight, never a thought about guys in a sexual way. Well, not really. But, I was completely straight, I swear. Yeah, yeah, I hear you laughing, thinking "here's another one claiming something or someone 'made' him into a homosexual". Fine! Go ahead and make your mother fucking judgments! I'm just here to tell my fucking story. So here's it is:

My name is Chad Sundquist. I'm from Colorado Springs. Well, mostly. My dad is in the Air Force and we moved around a lot, but Colorado Springs is where I lived the longest and where I went to high school. As I'd said, I was always the jock, totally into sports and 'guy things'. Do you remember, like when you're pre-puberty? I was one of those guys totally into doing things with the other guys, and we all thought girls were stupid. Between 12 and 14, when most of my buddies' voices began to crack and deepen, they suddenly discovered girls, and they suddenly weren't so stupid anymore. My buddies began to spend more and more of their time chasing after them, and doing stupid things like going to movies with them. I have to admit it, I didn't get it. Nothing changed for me; I'd still rather hang with the guys and still thought girls were stupid a complete waste of time. Now, don't get me wrong - it wasn't that I was queer or anything. I never messed around with guys in a 'dirty' way, never wanted to; I just would rather hangout with the guys than waste any time around stupid girls. Hanging out with guys, you do neat stuff like play sports and talk about sports. When you go to the movies with the guys, you watch action movies, with people getting blown apart every other second. Or, cool movies like "Road Trip" or "American Pie", with lots of cool, funny, gross shit. With girls, they always want to talk about dumb shit, like who's the most popular girl or guy, or who's the coolest. Girls want to see dumb movies, with love and all that kind of shit. So, I continued to hang with the guys and had no time for girls. But, I never thought about guys in a . . . sexual way. Well, OK, once; ONE time. I did "mess around" with another guy once. It was when I was 13. Me and my best buddy Jimmy Walker were horsing around his tree fort. Out of the blue, Jimmy asked me if I'd started to "grow" yet.

"Huh? I asked, "What do you mean 'grow'.

"Your dick, dickhead" he snickered. I looked at him, confused. "I'm starting to get really hairy down there" he told me, nodding his head down toward his crotch. "And my dick keeps getting bigger - longer, and thicker. And it keeps getting hard all the time."

I shrugged my shoulders. "So?" I asked.

"Well, how 'bout you?" Jimmy asked. "Is yours getting hairy and bigger?"

"I blushed deeply. "Fuck! I dunno!" I said defensively. "It's not like I check out my dick all the time," I assured him. I had noticed in the showers in gym class, in quick, furtive glances that most other guys were growing hair down there, and their dicks and balls seemed be hanging lower. I wondered when mine was going to change.

"Well, let's see it" Jimmy challenged, smiling sinisterly "You show me your and I'll show you mine".

"Yeah, right!" I laughed off his challenge off. "You first!"

"OK" Jimmy said nonchalantly. He stood up and with one quick tug pulled his shorts and underpants down to his ankles. His dick was already half hard, jutting out about 5 inches from dark, bushy haired crotch. Something glistened from the piss slit of the angry red bulbous head. His nuts were the biggest I'd ever seen, with large balls hanging what seemed a third of the way down to his knees. I was shocked, but mesmerized; I'd never seen a "grown-up" dick and balls so up close. "You can touch it if you want, man" Jimmy encouraged. It grows really big when I play with it."

"Ah man, that's gross" I assured him. "No way am I touching your dick. That's sick."

"Come on, man" Jimmy insisted gently. "Just play with it a little; it will grow really big". Indeed, his dick was growing longer on its own, and suddenly jerked up as he twitched his muscle. "No one will ever know" he assures me. "I'll play with yours if you play with mine" he offered.

In the heat of the moment, that was the deal clincher for me. I leaned forward and hesitatingly, gently clenched his dick from the underside. Unable to stop, my fingers wrapped around it.

"Oh yeah!" Jimmy sighed. "Jerk it for me man, jack me, man." I slowly began to jack his dick, hypnotized by how it quickly grew longer and rigid.

"I'm telling Mom!" shouted a whiney voice behind us. We both turned around, shocked. It was Jimmy's little brother Joey. He had climbed up the ladder to the tree fort and was looking in from the opening, his eyes wide with surprise.

"You little shit!" Jimmy screamed, lunging forward to grab Joey. But, Joey was to fast for him and scrambled down the ladder and ran toward the house.

"Mom! MOM!" Joey shouted. "Jimmy has his pants down with his thingie out, and Chad was PLAYING with it! The back screen door slammed shut as he ran inside the house.

"Oh shit!" Jimmy exclaimed disgustingly, his hard dick quickly wilting. "We'd better get outta here" told me, squirming as he pulled his pants up and struggled to get them on. I was too shocked to move, my mouth open, my face bright red. I couldn't imagine anything worse - caught with another boy with his pants down, and, worse yet, with my hand wrapped around his dick. I'd never be able to live it down. "Come ON, man!" Jimmy shouted at me, shaking me from paralysis. "We gotta get the fuck outta here before my mom comes out. We'll both say Joey is a liar."

But, by the time we scrambled down the ladder, Jimmy's mother was standing on the back porch glaring at us, arms folded.

"James Owens Walker!" she shouted; Jimmy cringing at hearing his 'real' name. "What were you two doing?"

"Ah, nuthin', mom" Jimmy began, shuffling his feet, looking down at the ground. "Me and Chad were just horsing around. We were, ugh, wrestling; we were wresting and my pants came down" he attempted. Jimmy's mom took one look at the shame and guilt clearly evident on my face.

"James!" she began sternly, "You go up to your room right now, and wait for your father to come home". Jimmy dejectedly began to walk to the house, leaving me alone to face his mother. "And you, Chad!" she scolded me. I'm surprised at you; you always seemed like such a nice boy." My shame and guilt deepened. "You'd better go home now" she told me. "But, I'm calling your mother on the telephone."

I never quite knew if it was Jimmy trying to save his ass or if it was Mrs. Walker trying to save the Walker family reputation. But, by the time the story had made it to my mom it was ME who had initiated the whole thing. Poor Jimmy, a fine Christian boy, had tried to tell me "No, No!" such things are wrong!", but I made him do it. My mother's look of shame only worsened my humiliation; I had failed her. My Dad beat my butt so hard I had trouble sitting down for a week. He told me what I had done was "filthy and disgusting" , and that boys who do such filthy and disgusting things with other boys grow up to be "sissy-boys", "girlie-boys", "sick perverts", and he would not have a sissy boy for a son. He told if I ever did something like that again he would throw me out of the house and that would be it; he would no longer have a son and I would no longer have a home, and I would end up being a "bag person", one of those shabby homeless people pushing a shopping cart around.

I promised I never would. I began to work out religiously, determined to be a sports star instead of some kind of "sissy boy". By the time I was 16, I was buffed, but I realized my growth hormones had stopped. I could bench press 280 pounds, was completely muscled, but I only weighed 140 pounds and was struggling to make it past 5' 6" in height. I realized I was way too small to make in pro football, my favorite sport. That's when I began to consider other ways to have a career in sports and decided on Sports Medicine. And, I kept my promise to my Dad; I never did anything 'dirty' with other guys. I dated girls a little in high school, but nothing serious. I still was not the excited about girls; I still would rather hang with the guys. But, nothing sexual, EVER! I had put sex completely out of my mind. Sex to me was something dirty and disgusting, banished from my mind. Until last year, anyway.

So, it started last year, in the fall. I'd been attending UNLV for two years, which has a really good sports medicine department. I was doing really well grade-wise, and had made a lot of friends. I was an assistant for the Rebels, UNLV's football team. Brad was a Defensive End for the Rebels, although only second string. He and I had become good friends. Although he came across as a 'dumb jock', he was actually pretty smart and had a great sense of humor; actually a total crack-up. Think Seann William Scott ('Stiffler', in American Pie). Brad kind of looks like him, too. Well-built, buffed bod, 6' 1" tall, sun streaked light brown hair. He and Colin, his friend since high school back in Stockton, California, had shared a two bedroom apartment during their sophomore year. They had found a great deal on a three bedroom condo and Brad had invited me to share the place with them and take the third bedroom. It sounded great to me to get out of the dorms, so we began our Junior year as roommates. All went well at first. Brad and I were both busy with the football team. Colin, while a Rebel fan, wasn't as much into sports. He was tall, dark haired and lanky. An engineering student, he was much more serious than Brad and me. His parents apparently weren't as well off as Brad's, as Colin had to keep a job. He worked 20-30 hours a week at a Starbucks, so he wasn't around nearly as much. I wondered if he drank too much java at work, as he always seemed to stay up late studying.

I'll admit, it was me that made the first mistake. We had broadband internet at the condo. One night I was surfing the net and typed into Google's image search something about muscles, and one of the pictures in the search results was a really buffed guy bent over, with one guy fucking him in the ass while he sucked another guy. "Ugh, that's sick!" I thought. But, I kept looking the picture. The guy was buffed; he looked like a total jock. And, his big dick was rock hard; he seemed to be really enjoying getting plowed from both ends. Everything I had heard about gay guys led me to believe that they were all effeminate; weak, sissy-boys who liked to be dominated by a real man. But, this guy looked like a total jock that could more than hold his own in a fight or wrestling match. Instead, he was totally into being boned by another jock. I clicked the image to view full size. The web site came up with a whole series of the guy, in a locker room, getting fucked in the ass by big dicked guys in about every conceivable position. "How could a jock like that get off fucked in the ass?" I wondered, "especially by such big dicks? That would have to hurt like hell! The photo series ended with the jock spraying a huge load while having his ass plugged. I realized I was rubbing my crotch, and I was hard as a rock. Disgusted with myself, I clicked to go back to Google. A bunch of pop-up windows began to come up all over the screen. I was clicking frantically to close them when one of them caught my attention. It said something about "anal delights", and it had a picture of a buffed guy sitting on a huge dildo as he stroked his cock. I clicked, and it went to some gay porn site selling dildos and other 'anal delight' devices, with guys jerking their meat, spraying huge loads, with things stuffed in their ass. "Geez," I thought, "you can get off like that with something crammed in your ass?" I finally managed to exit all the pop-ups and went back to my research. Later that night when I went to bed I was still horny as hell, which was my usual state-of-mind. You see, although I would never have admitted it to anyone, but at 19, I was still a virgin. I had tried sex with girls a few times, but with bad results. Let's just say I had never cum while being with a girl. And, true to my promise to my Dad and myself, I had never thought about guys in a sexual way. Well, if I did I immediately put such thoughts out of my head. But, I had discovered the pleasures of masturbation. So I got out the hand lotion and cum rag to enjoy a good jerk-off. As I beat my meat I kept thinking about the jock getting his ass plowed. I beat my meat faster, to get off, get over it, and stop thinking about that shit. I though about the photos of guys jerking off with a big dildo crammed in their ass. Plain old jerking off was getting a little boring, and I had wondered about new techniques. With a sigh, I slobbered my other hand with lotion, spread my legs wider, and my hand crept down toward my asshole. My finger toyed around the entrance, and then I pushed one inside. Ummph! Hmmmm? I pushed my finger in further. Somehow it seemed to add to the feelings in my groin. I began to push the finger in and out, beating my meat faster and faster. I pushed a second finger in. I grunted, and then blew a load so hard I think I sprayed some over the top of my head.

By the end of the week, I was jerking off every night, working up to three fingers working in and out of my ass. I was growing more and more curious about the feelings I was enjoying in my ass with my fingers, and how much it improved my climax. I wanted to try something more. But, sex with a guy was out, of course. No way! Much to my exasperation and disgust, I kept thinking of those photos of guys jerking off with a big dildo stuffed up their ass. That weekend I was driving home late from a party, and passed by a small porn shop, something 'Fantasy World'. I'd never been in a porn shop in my life, but, as if I were on auto pilot, I turned into the dark parking lot. I glanced around the brightly lit interior anxiously as I entered. The place was practically deserted. A towering, heavy-built guy with thinning dark hair stood by the cash register near the entrance. He ignored me, apparently absorbed with punching keys on a calculator. I looked at the rows of magazines and videos in the deserted shop, and focused on the back wall with a display of various types of dildos. I made my way slowly toward the back, feigning interest in the rows of videos of slutty looking women sucking or fucking. "How am I going to do this?" I wondered. I can't buy a fucking dildo, they guy will think I'm a fag or something." Suddenly I realized an out: I'm buying this for a girlfriend! Fucking guy doesn't need to know what I'm going to do with it! I reached the wall display of dildos. I hadn't realized there were so many different types. Long, short, fat, thin, some with tickler things on the end. I focused on one dildo about 8" long, and thick. It had a handle on the bottom. It was thickly veined; it reminded me of the dicks fucking the jock in the porn web site. "I don't know if I can handle something like that . . ." I wondered to myself. "But, the jock sure handled it" I assured myself. A display of different type of dildos caught my attention. "Butt Plug" the label read. "What the fuck is a 'butt plug'?" I wondered. "Why would someone want their butt plugged?"

"What does a little stud like you need with a dildo?" the voice behind me shocked me from my thoughts. I whirled around to find the store clerk standing behind me. I felt the warmth on my cheeks as I flushed bright red. Then I remembered my out.

"What the fuck?" I began with indignation. "It's not for me, it's for my girlfriend!"

"Oh?" the guy said with a smirk on his face. "And what does your girlfriend need with a dildo? Little stud like you can't give her enough of what she needs?"

"Fuck!" I thought. "I didn't think this through far enough!" I began to squirm uncomfortably, and then a thought flashed through my mind. "Um, well, she wants to try it in the ass, and I can't handle that. Not my scene," I assured him.

The guy cocked an eye. "Oh yeah? You outta try it man. An ass stays nice and tight, while pussy can get all sloppy after awhile. And, a lot of chicks dig it in the ass. A lot of guys, too," he added, looking closely at me.

Yeah, well, whatever" I said quickly. I turned around to reach for the 8" dildo I'd picked out. I glanced over at the butt plugs. "Hey, let me ask you - I'm kind of new at this. What are these butt plug things?" I asked, turning back around to face the clerk.

"See the difference in shape?" he grunted, nodding toward the butt plugs. See how the butt plugs get big in diameter at the end, then small, with the base. A dildo will slide out of your ass if you don't keep it pushed in; you're muscles push it out. You push the butt plug in all the way to the base, and the large part slips in and your sphincter muscles hold it in place, until pull it out. You can leave it in all day, that way, even walk around with it stuck up your butt."

"You'd walk around, with that thing stuck up you're ass?" I asked incredulously.

"I wouldn't" the guy assured me, shrugging his shoulders. "But I guess some guys get off on it."

I swear the 'some guys' went right past me, as I thought briefly of me of walking around campus with the butt plug stuck up my ass. My dick began to swell. "I'll take this," I said, seizing the 8" dildo, "and this butt plug, seizing a fat 6" model. "I'm not sure what she's into."

"Right," the man said with a smirk. I followed him to cash register. "Hey, you want to see some videos?" the guy asked suddenly, as I he was counting out my change.

"Huh?" I asked.

"You never been a video arcade?" the guy asked, jerking his head toward a doorway in the back. "We have a great video arcade, shows 12 video channels. You buy your tokens, go back to a booth, pick out channel you want, and enjoy a good jerk. It usually costs you a couple of bucks in tokens, but, it's a slow night. I'm getting ready to close up; I'll give you a free tour." His eyes seemed to be leering as he looked into mine.

"Ugh, I don't think so" I replied quickly, looking down. "Thanks, though."

Oh, come on" he insisted. He moved quickly and locked the front door and clicked off the "Open" sign. He put his hand and my shoulder and gave me a push toward the arcade. "Expand you horizons. We have a great video of a hot babe taking it in the ass while she sucks off another guy. Maybe it will inspire you to give it your woman in the ass. I was frightened; I considered turning and making a dash for the door and getting the hell out of there. Instead, I continued to let myself be pushed back to the arcade. It was dark inside, dimly lit by red lights. The guy pushed me into a booth. "You're going to love this" he assured me. He put a key in the control, pushed some buttons, and suddenly the small TV screen came alive, and the booth came alive with grunts, groans, and a guy saying "yeah, yeah, fuck me, fuck me man." It was a video of two guys fucking enthusiastically. My eyes widened in surprise. "Oh, we have both gay and straight channels" the guy explained evenly. "Whatever the customer wants. Now, let's see . . . "he pushed some buttons. Images of guys sucking cock, chicks eating other chick's pussy, chicks getting fucked flew past the screen. "Ah, here it is" he said at last. The scene on the screen settled on a woman with bleach blond hair writhing in apparent pleasure as a black guy with a big fat dick fucked her in the ass doggy style. "Yeah baby," the black guy groaned, "you gots one sweet ass." "Oh yeah, fuck my ass" the woman gasped. Another black guy appeared from off screen and promptly stuck his equally large fat cock into her mouth. She sucked it enthusiastically.

"Pretty hot, huh?" the guy asked, sitting down on the bench. He began to grope his crotch. "Have a seat" he suggested.

"OK, that's OK, thanks" I replied quickly. I began to realize I'd fucked up, coming back to the arcade with him. Up to now, I'd been turned on by . . . I donno, I guess by all the brash if forbidden sexuality of the porn shop. But, as the clerk began to get so firnedly in the intimacy of the small video booth, I realized something was wrong with this picture. I was quickly panicking, considering making a run for it.

"Not into this one, huh?" he asked. "Maybe the first one was more your style?" He pushed buttons and the first movie with the two guys fucking came back on the screen. I was definitely panicking now, knowing I should make a run for it, but I remained motionless, transfixed by the screen. The one guy was getting plowed, frantically jerking his meat. "Thought this was more your style" the guy said as he saw my eyes transfixed on the screen. "You do know how to use that thing, don't you?" When I ignored his question, he took the bag from my hand. I took my eyes from the screen to see him holding up my dildo. "Before you use this on your 'girlfriend', you need to get it really wet" he told me. He held the tip of the dildo in front of his mouth. "You need to stick it in your mouth first, slobber all over it and get it really wet before you stick it in your 'girlfriend'" he said. He held the dildo up to me. "Here, try it. Stick it in your mouth and get it really wet." I shook my head. "I said DO IT" he shouted suddenly, causing me to flinch in fright. Filled with dread, I took the dildo from him.

"The guy is really big" I thought. "But, maybe I can out run him."

"I said get it wet!" the guy said menacingly. "Stick it in your mouth, suck on it, and get it really wet!"

I pressed the tip against my mouth, as I debated my best plan of action. Under his glare, I opened my mouth, pressed the knob inside, and tentatively sucked it. It tasted chemically, with a strong taste of rubber or plastic. Maybe I just go along with him for now I decided. Maybe he'll let me go after this. I stuck the dildo in my mouth further, sucking. Aside from the taste, it did feel like a real dick. Or, what I imagined a real dick in my mouth would feel like.

"That's it, baby, suck it, suck it!" the guy encouraged me. He began to grope himself. "You know. . . " he began, "even though it's only a latex dick, I think technically this makes you a cocksucker" he laughed. I stopped sucking the dildo and looked down with fear in my eyes. "So," he said, groping his crotch, "since you're a cocksucker, why don't you get down here and chow down on the real thing?"

It was now or never I decided. I lunged toward the doorway and my freedom. His large hands gripped my thighs, and he threw me roughly into the corner of the booth. As I scrambled to regain my feet, his hand grabbed my crotch firmly and then squeezed my balls hard. "Aaah!" I gasped. His other hand my hand which still clutched the dildo, and he pushed it in my mouth. He shoved it in roughly, down my throat. I gagged and gasped for breath.

"You fucking move I'm going to twist your nuts off and shove this dildo down your throat so far you'll need a surgeon to remove it from your stomach" growled. I stopped struggling, scared out of my mind. "That's better" he said, still firmly gripping my balls. "Now, let's start over, at the beginning. This dildo ain't for no girlfriend, is it?" he demanded, twisting the dildo in my throat for emphasis. I gagged, and sucked for air through my nose. I shook my head. "I fucking knew it. You want it for your own little ass pussy, didn't you?" I nodded my head, tears forming in my eyes. "Hah!" he laughed. "Got such a hot little ass pussy can't get enough real cock to keep you happy, huh?" I shook my head, meaning no, that wasn't it. I was just curious, that's all. He took it to mean the other way. "Yeah, just as I thought. Hot little stud puppy like you just can't get enough dick to keep you happy, huh?" I shook my head. "Well, I'm going to give some of the real thing" he told me. "Then you can go home and play with your new toy." I shook my head furiously. "Oh yes you are" he assured me. "You're going to give it up real sweet for me, or I'm going to fuck you up so bad you'll wish you had given it up. And then I'll take what I want anyway." He suddenly let me go. I pulled the dildo from my throat, gagging, gasping for breath. "But first, you gotta suck it and get it nice and wet for me." He backed up, blocking the doorway, unbuckled his pants and pulled them down, his large, flaccid cock flopping out. "And I'm warning you; you make wrong move and I'll fuck you up real bad, then fuck your ass dry, and throw you naked, bleeding sorry ass out on the streets. Got it?"

With tears in my eyes, I nodded. "Don't fucking cry, you pussy. Suck it!" he demanded. I leaned forward on my knees, my mouth in front of his rapidly growing cock. The bulbous knob looked angry and red. I hesitated. "SUCK IT!" he demanded. "Suck it, or I'll ram it in you dry and tear you a new asshole!" I opened my mouth to take the head of his dick; he leaned forward, pressing more in my mouth. It tasted foul and musky; how do guys ever get into sucking dick I wondered. He pressed his dick in my mouth further. The head pressed against the back of my throat. I gagged, and then it slipped down my throat. My eyes bugged out as the thick cock slid down my throat, until his bushy pubic hairs were pressed against my face. God, I took it! I thought in amazement. I took his cock down my throat, and he's almost as big as that dildo. "Yeah, that's it baby" the guy cooed in a soothing voice. "Take it, take my cock down your throat." He began to thrust in and out, causing me to gag and pressed my teeth down on the base of his cock. His cock plopped out of my mouth as be pulled back. He smacked me on the side of my head so hard I fell over. "You stupid fucking bitch!" he shouted. "You fucking bite my dick again I'll knock you're fucking teeth out!" I looked at him submissively from the floor. "Now get back up on you knees lick it and beg forgiveness!"

I got back up on my knees and began to slather my tongue all over his cock, worshiping it, anything to just get through this. I took the head back in my mouth and sucked enthusiastically. It didn't taste so bad anymore. "That's it, that's it, suck it" the guy encouraged me. "Get it nice and wet for me - and for you." He yanked his cock from my mouth. "That's enough for now, time for the main event" he announced. "Stand up" he commanded. "Now" he instructed once I stood in front of him submissively, "drop you pants!"

Quickly I unbuckled my belt and pulled my pants and underpants down to my ankles. "Turn around" he commanded. I turned around, and he inspected my ass in my humiliation. "Nice ass, baby" he said. "Kinda looks like a girl's ass, though," he added. "Now, bend over, bitch."

"Please don't make me do that, mister!" I pleaded, my eyes misting with tears again. "Please! I've never . . . I've never done it before!"

"Yeah, right!" the man laughed sarcastically. "You trying to convince you really don't like it up the ass? That you're really 'straight'?"

"No!" I said quickly. "I mean, Yes! Yes, I'm straight, and No, I've never had anything up my ass before!" My mind flashed to my jerk-off sessions the past week, with increasing numbers of fingers crammed in my ass. "Well, not really" I added submissively. "That's why I came in to buy that dildo. I wanted to . . . well, I mean, I was curious what it would be like to . . . jerk off with that thing . . . in my ass."

"Yeah, right!" the man again laughed sarcastically. "You're really a straight boy? Couldn't line up any pussy tonight and you suddenly decide 'Gee! I should go buy a dildo to stick up my ass tonight while I jerk off and think of pussy!' Don't try to bullshit me, boy!"

"It's true!" I pleaded. "Well, I saw some pictures on the internet last week . . . some pictures of guys getting themselves off while . . . using a dildo. And, I was just curious. They looked like they were really into it, and I was curious what it would feel like. Only, I don't fuck pussy. I mean, I haven't fucked pussy . . . yet. I've . . . I've never had sex with anyone before."

The man laughed loudly. "You trying to tell me you're a virgin? A fucking virgin?" he asked. I hesitated, and then nodded my head. "How old are you, boy?" he asked, incredulous.

"Nineteen" I told him, as if it were a confession.

"Nineteen!" he repeated. "Nineteen, and you've never had pussy?"

"I'm just not into women . . yet!" I said defensively. "But, I'm not a fag, either. I've never had sex with a guy; I'm not a fag!"

"Yeah, sure!" the man snorted. "A guy nineteen and never had no pussy is either queer, or too fucking ugly to look at. And, you're not ugly. You may think you're not 'a fag', but, let me tell you: your butt was made for fucking. Any guy - I don't care how straight he is - would take one look at your fine ass and think 'that butt was made for fucking - and I'm going to fuck it!' And, no man should have a rubber dick as his first initiation into the fine art of being fucked in the ass. You're lucky you met me. I'm gojng to give you the ride you've been waiting for. Now, bend over bitch! NOW!"

He shouted the last word so loudly I cringed in fear. I hesitated and then, trembling with fear, I complied. "This can't be fucking happening" I thought as I supported myself with my hand on the bench, bent over, and my vulnerable butt stuck out behind me. I felt his large hands grasp my but cheeks, spreading them open. I felt the knob probe around my crack, and then press against my asshole. I clenched my ass muscles, trying to prevent its entry and violation. "This will go easier on you baby if you relax, honey" the guy told me. "But, your choice. Maybe you like it rough. One way or the other you're going to give it up to me. But, push out like you're trying to take a dump and it will be easier on you." I did as he told me and, as my ass muscles relaxed, the head popped in.

"Aaaaah!" I cried out. It hurt; it hurt like hell, a burning, searing pain in the center of my body.

"Oh yeah, baby," the guy purred. "Nice and tight. Ain't nothing better than tight, cherry ass." He pushed forward and another several inches slid inside me.

My eyes burned from the tears. "God this is awful" I thought. "This hurts so fucking much; how in the hell could anyone ever enjoy something like this?" The hard, burning hot rod continued pressing in farther and farther, hurting more and more. I tried to push it out with my ass muscles and suddenly it slip in further, faster, and easier. I felt his pubic hair press against my ass. "My God, it took!" I thought in amazement. "I took the whole fucking thing inside me. Thank God there isn't any more of it", even though it felt it was most of the way inside me to my stomach. Every nerve, every sense in my body was focused on the huge, hard rod buried in my ass. And then I felt it start to pull out. It stopped halfway, and then thrust back in quickly, his groin banging firmly against my ass. "Ooomph!" I grunted in surprise. It was no longer all pain. It still burnt, but with that burning pain was a feeling of being stuffed full, and a feeling of stimulation inside me, of my being a receptacle for the long, hard rod thrusting inside me.

"Oh yeah, baby" the guy purred. "You give it up real sweet, a fucking pro. Milk it for, milk it. Squeeze my cock with your pussy" he demanded. I clenched my ass muscles tightly, gripping the cock buried inside me. It added to the stimulation growing inside me. I realized my cock, which had wilted from the pain of entry, was quickly growing hard. He began to thrust his cock in out. Slowly at first, pulling back just a little, then pressing back in full length. Then pulling back further, thrusting harder and faster. Without realizing being conscious of it, I reached under and began to stroke my now rock hard cock. He fucked me harder and faster, puling almost all the way out and then banging back in. The thrust of his fucking pushed me forward and threw me off balance. I released the hold on my dick to use both hands to brace myself, and realized then I had actually been jerking off.

"Oh God!" I moaned out loud as I realized I was jerking off while getting fucked in the ass. "I'm fucking getting off on being raped!" I groaned silently to myself. A powerful thrust of his cock banged something deep inside me, sending jolts throughout my body. "Oh fuck!" I groaned loudly.

"Ah! I found it!" the guy exclaimed. He pulled out a little and then jabbed it in. "Right . . . there! Huh?"

"Agggh FUCK!" I grunted loudly, as his cock jabbed at that spot inside me again, sending jolts of pain and pleasure throughout my body. "What is that?" I asked in a faint voice.

"That's your prostate, baby" the guy cooed. "It's like your own little boy clit buried inside. It's why guys get into taking it in the ass. You can get off just having your little boy clit banged. Let's try it again!" he said, as he jabbed his cock over and over again into that spot.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck me!" I groaned as his hard cock jabbed repeatedly into that spot.

"What's that, baby?" the guy purred. "What's that you want, baby? Tell me what you want." He thrust really hard into that spot inside me.

"Fuck me!" I groaned involuntarily. As his hard cock banged again and again into that thing inside me again, my groans of "Fuck me!" became increasingly enthusiastic as I yield to the sensations rocking my body, emanating from inside my bowels. His thrusts became harder and harder, his thighs and balls smacking against my ass. I realized I was bracing myself with both hands, pushing back to meet his thrusts. "Fuck me!" I begged in shame, as I realized I was enjoying what was happening. I felt the stirring in my cock and in my balls, a stirring and desire and need to get off. I longed to reach for my cock and finish myself off, but both hands firmly gripped the bench to brace myself for the onslaught against my ass, and to push back met it. The stirring grew, the need to get off rising and in a flash of heat, I realized hot cum was gushing from cock as it twitched and flopped about. "Oh fuck!" I groaned loudly, pushing back against the cock inside of me, wanting more.

"Yeah, hot piece of ass now, baby" the guy groaned. "Fucking spooged yourself, just from me fucking you. I'm going to give it to you now, baby. Going to fill you fill, going to breed you, bitch. I groaned at the onslaught of short violent punching jabs inside me, and then groaned again as I felt the warm spooge gush inside me.

"You are one hot piece of ass, baby" the guy told me, as he stuffed his cock back in his pants when we were done. "You shouldn't play so hard to get though, baby. You get me all hot and bother showing that hot little ass pussy off while checking out which dildo you want to play with, then you play all hard to get when I come on to you. You know you wanted it all along. That may have been the first time you've taken it in the ass, but I know it won't be the last. You really liked it, didn't you?"

I ignored his question and avoided looking at him as I pulled my clothes back on. The guy patted me on the ass. "Don't forget your new toys" he said, nodding toward my dildo laying on the floor, and the bag with my butt plug. "Come back again, soon" he told me as he let me out the front door. The tears flowed down my face as I drove home, as I thought about the rape, and how little I'd done to stop it. My face burned red with shame as I thought about my shouts of "Fuck me!", and pushing back to meet his fuck. I tossed and turned in bed that night, trying to sleep. My dick was rock hard again, as I thought not about the rape, but of the feelings inside me as I was fucked. With a groan, I got my lotion and cum rag, began to jerk my dick frantically, and groaned as I shot while my shouts of "Fuck me!" racing through my mind.

To be continued . . .

Next: Chapter 2

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