Shining Star

By Tim

Published on Mar 24, 2001


Hello again! Welcome to part nine of 'Shining Star'. Below you will see the main body of text. That is why you are here. If you will carry on through the preamble then you will quickly get to it. But before we start we would like to thank some people - Sher, Tim, Lmmdas - for all the really nice complements. (Heh heh), and everyone whose e-mailed me.

Speaking of e-mail, do so! When you finish reading this chapter I want you to get to your e-mail a/c ASAP and send me mail! is the address and I love hearing from people who love my story (You can hate it too, but you have to give reasons.) I'm also very open to suggestions. (Eww Tim, I know what you're thinking!) So get those typing fingers busy! (Did that sound corny? Sorry!)

You should know from reading the above that I'm not someone that anyone with a right mind would have contact with. That maxim is one that the celebrities mentioned in the story have followed, because I don't know any of them. If fact, I'm making this entire thing up! (Gasp, I know, I know, shocking.) This means I don't actually know if any of them are gay, come to that, I don't know if they're straight. hmmm. If you're too young then I guess I should say that you're not to read this. Yeah, sure.

"So Fiachra, I hear that you got a number one! Congratulations!" Said Nick.

"Thanks." I said tiredly. I had spent the day in school being asked for autographs. - "I my sister heard that I was in your school she wouldn't stop asking me until I said that I'd get your autograph. Oh, and can you get Britney's for me too?" was one of the things that I never wanted to hear again. My hand was cramped, my manager had set up a couple of interviews, and I had spent the time that I had left to think over what had been said to me by both Britney and Justin.

"What's wrong?" He asked. "You sound really tired."

"Well that's because I am tired." And I went on to list the problems that I had.

"Awww, what did you expect though. Things to be exactly the way they were before?"

"Well. No, but the guys in my school were grand until today and then."

"So? Most of them won't give a damn, but some will, and most know someone who'll really want to have your autograph. If you were in a mixed school I'd be telling you either to get out or to keep a really good eye on your stuff, because someone will know someone who'll pay for it. And a lot don't really care that you might have liked that pen, or it might have been a present. So what if you won't have your Math homework? Some people think that them having your copy is more important." I groaned.

"Could you stop being a realist for one minute and let me think that things can only get better? Please?"

Nick laughed. "You want more good news? Jive is gonna want to ride on this success you know, that means getting another single out soon, and having your album ready quickly."

"Are you here to depress me? If so you're doing a great job!"

"Ok! I'll change the subject. What are you doing this weekend?"

"I don't have anything planned. Why?"

"Well. I just so happens that we have no concerts this weekend so we were thinking of coming over to Ireland. What do you think?" Asked Nick.

"That would be great! I'd love to see you guys again. It's been too long. I mean, talking on the phone is ok, but it's not as good as seeing you face to face." I was exuberant. I couldn't wait to see Nick again.

"Well, don't hold your breath, we'll have to clear it with management first. Then we have to find someplace to stay, book flights etc."

"You can stay here if you want! I'm sure that my parents wouldn't mind and we've got plenty of space." I offered.

"Are you sure? Because that would be great!"

"Of course I'm sure! I think that I owe you lot a fair bit anyway!"

Nick suddenly sounded serious. "Fiachra, I don't want you to ever think that. I don't want you to go around feeling that you owe me or any of the guys anything. We just did what any friends would do for each other. Ok?"

"Sure Nick. But no need to get so serious about it. Listen, I've got another call coming through, but I'll talk to you later, let me know what time you're getting into Dublin at will you?"

"Don't get your hopes up! It mightn't happen yet. I'll call you, ok?"

"Ok! Bye!" I hung up on Nick and waited for the phone to ring again.


"Fiachra? It's James. (My manager) Have you seen the Herald this morning?"

"No. I don't read that paper. Why?"

"Well, how far are you from the shops?"

"Only a couple of minutes."

"Then go down and get it. I'll wait." He didn't sound very happy."

"I'll ring you back when I've got it, will I?"

"You do that." And then he hung up. I grabbed my coat and my wallet and went down to the shops. (I was in a hurry but you know how I feel about running in public.) But James didn't seem very happy, and I haven't known him to be more then slightly upset. But I think that had something to do with the fact that I had gotten a debut No. 1 and he liked the commission that he was getting from that!

"Oh no." I groaned, after seeing the headline. -


Reports came flooding into the news desk yesterday of local boy Fiachra de Bhulbh being seen with the Princess of Pop - Britney Spears. They were reported to have been seen in the recently opened nightclub - "The Room" last night getting very close to one another. They were also seen by one of our ace reporters - Sheila McCormack at Fiachra's school kissing each other just after a press conference to discuss the new couple's chart hit. (Story continues with more pictures on page 7.)

Oh great, I thought. Not only was I going to have to put up with questions about this, I was going to have to answer to Justin. I remember the reports of how jealous he had been when Britney was in contact with that bloke. what's his name. the guy who was the kid in Home Alone. it doesn't matter I guess. Wait! What was I thinking! I knew that Justin wasn't with Britney. I wasn't thinking properly. But had she told him that I was gay? I brought the paper to the counter. The cashier glanced down to see what I was buying, then looked up at me to tell me the price. She quickly did a double take. I silently groaned. She gulped loudly and then stammered out.

"75 pence please." I handed it to her with a warm smile. She nervously smiled back, her lips barely curling at the edges. As I left the shop I heard the cashiers talking to each other in barely hushed tones.

"Did you see who that was!"

"I thought I recognised him! Fiachra something or other, isn't he?!"

"Yeah! He's sooo cute."

"You haven't got a chance! He's with Britney, remember?" And then I closed the door behind me, blocking off their benign comments.

"Hi James. It's Fiachra." I waited for the onslaught.

"You've seen the paper? What were you thinking?"

"What's wrong? I've looked through the pictures, and they only show us dancing, nothing more. All we have to do is say that it's not true, don't we?"

James sighed. "I know you're new at all this Fiachra, but you have to understand the mindset of the media. They only want to believe things that are scandalous, things that'll sell papers. That's all. Even if we do release a statement that says that you're not together they're not going to print it, and if they do it's not going to be front page material."

"Ok, so even if they don't print it. What harm can come of it?"

"You've got a lot to learn. You have to seem desirable to people. If you're engaged in a high profile relationship, or they thing that you are, then they don't take as much interest in you, they don't buy your music or things to do with you. - I thought back to what the cashiers had been saying - and because Britney and Justin are supposed to be together you'll also be seen as something of a home wrecker, which isn't good publicity either."

"I think I get it alright. What you're saying is that I can't do anything, because it'll be seen by someone as a bad thing?"

James gave a hoarse laugh. "Something like that."

"That's crazy."

"That's the way it works. Now, I suggest that you speak to Britney as soon as possible because it's not going to be long before the papers in the states pick up on this, and she's going to want to know. Her and Justin. In the meantime, I'm going to release a statement to say that you are not together and that you're only friends."

"Sure man. I'll ring her now."

"Bye Fiachra."

"Bye." I put the phone down and shook my head incredulously. I hadn't realised that people would twist things like that for their own purposes. I punched in Britney's home number and after getting her answering machine rang her mobile phone.

"Hello?" She wouldn't know who it was because my phone blocked caller id.

"Hey Britney, its Fiachra."

"Oh." She really sounded happy to hear from me.

"We need to talk about." Before I could finish my sentence she interrupted me.

"I know, listen, I know I said some really nasty things last night and I don't know how they made you feel, but I'm really really sorry. I wouldn't have fallen for you if you weren't such a great guy and I really want to be friends with you still, if you can forgive me what I said to you last night."

I was relieved that she had tackled the subject first. "Britney, the things that you said to me weren't that bad. I don't really think that you said anything that upset me and I'm glad that you still want to be friends, but there is something else that we need to talk about."


"Well, girl, the rumour mills are churning and they've produced something very interesting. Apparently, we are now a couple. Someone got some pictures of us dancing last night and they've been splashed over the papers today."

"Oh crap."

"Yeah, that's what I was thinking."

"This is not going to help my relationship with Justin." She giggled. I was just glad that she could make a joke of it now. She continued. "What are we going to do about it?"

"Well, my manager is making a press release saying that we're not a couple, and that we're just friends."

"That's not going to do much good." She sighed. "I'm going to have to get real public with Justin again and I don't think he enjoys kissing me that much."

"You think you've got problems? Apparently I'm going to be a home wrecker." I said.

She laughed. "I wouldn't worry about it. We can just release a couple of pics of me and Justin on a beach naked together and that'll take the front pages away from you alright!"

I joined in the laughter. "Yeah! I think that that might do it! Go right ahead!"

She sobered up. "Seriously though, I'll let my management know, and get some damage control going. This call must be costing you fortune so I'll let you go."

"Sure, bye." With that resolved and Britney Spears sorted out in my head I could finally relax. I picked up the remote control and turned on the TV to hear the News. There wasn't anything new happening so I started flicking. When I got to MTV I just went straight past it. I had already seen too much of myself in the media today. I settled on the cartoons.

"So we'll be getting in at about 7 tonight." Said an excited Nick. "We'll get a limo to your place then ok?"

"I'm sure that my mum wouldn't mind giving you a lift." I offered.

"I suppose. but she might have a problem fitting the entire group. plus bodyguards. Do you have a twelve-seater car? I don't think so."

"Point taken! I'll see you when you get here! Now don't miss that plane!"

"I'm going, I'm going! See ya!"

"Bye." He hung up. I sighed. This was not good. I was definitely falling in love with that boy.

"I know that look!" Laughed Helen, who had just come from getting her hair cut. "Who is this time?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." I shammed, blushing.

"Bullshit." But she left it at that, thank God. "What do you think of the hair?"

"Why? Is it different?" I asked.

"You little bitch! You know I just got it cut! Say you like it!"


"Say you like it!"

"Not gonna!"

"Tell me that you like my hair, or."

"Or what?"

"I'm going to the papers about how I had to see you getting off with Britney!" She replied.

I gasped. "You wouldn't!"

"No. I suppose I wouldn't."

"Oh Helen?"


"I like your hair." She laughed.

"You got any plans tonight girl?"

"Not yet. Why? What are you up to?" She asked.

"BSB are coming over for the rest of the weekend and we are gonna paint the town red tonight!" I whooped with excitement.

"So that's who you were talking to." She mused. I left her to tell mum that we were going to have guests for the next couple of days.

"And the next couple of songs have been produced." James had rung me to inform me of the progress of the album. Nick was right. They really were pushing to get this done as soon as possible.

"So you have how many for the album now?"

"Six, but we they to get some more up-tempo songs onto it. And since none of yours are really that up-tempo."

I cut him off "They want to use someone else's material? That's fine. Do I get to hear them first?"

"Sure. But it's really up to the producer of the album what's used really."

"Yeah, I understand."

"So you don't mind?"

"Why should I?"

James hesitated, trying not to offend me. "Well, up 'til now you've wanted complete control. I just thought that if you didn't have that you might be annoyed."

"Sure I want control, but if someone else knows better then who am I to argue?"

"I'm g lad that you see it that way. You've no idea about some of the people that I've worked with." He drifted off. "Anyway. That's ok then. I hear that BSB are coming over to stay with you?"

"Yeah." I said cautiously. "How did you know?"

"You'd be amazed how much information passes between managers. Anyway, just make sure that you look after them ok?" He asked.

"I'll try." I said sarcastically, but if he heard the sarcasm he ignored it.

"See that you do. Oh, can you pop down to the studios later? They want you to look over those songs that we were just talking about."

"What time?"

"About 5 should do it."

"Ok. I'll be there. Bye James."

"G'bye." So now I had to review songs at 5, meet up with a boy-band at 7 and then party all night? This was getting way too much like work!

"I'm coming with you." Said Helen.

"Do you even know where I'm going?"

"Nope, but I don't think that I can trust you by yourself anymore."

"What the hell do you mean by that?"

"Look at what you got up to with Britney. Someone has to make sure that you behave yourself!" I groaned and rolled my eyes.

"You're never going to let me live that down, are you?"

"You know it."

"Well, I'm going to the recording studios to see some songs that they want to put on the album, and you're welcome to come, but it's going to be really boring!"

"Nice try. I'm coming with you and that's it."

"I'm not trying anything here! It's gonna be really boring. I swear."

"I don't care. I'm coming."

"Whatever." I sighed.

The next couple of hours passed slowly. Watching TV and catching up with the family. Over the last week I'd been rushed around so much that I didn't really know what was going on. My sister's were obviously delighted that the Backstreet Boys were going to be staying with us. But since they had already had a lot of celebrity exposure (With Britney being around for the last week.) they got over the initial excitement quickly. Eventually the time to leave rolled around and Helen and I left with my mother for the studios.

"Is this it?" I asked, after going through about 10 sets of lyrics. I hadn't liked any of them.

"That's the short list. If you want to read some of the others that we have."

"Are they the same sort of thing as this?" I was being unusually assertive. I really didn't like the choice of music that was being presented to me.

"That's the kind of thing that I want on this album. I think that it really complements the slower songs that you wrote yourself." I producer was quickly moving from surety to uncertainty. "You really don't like any of it?"

"No. I don't think that I could sing this sort of thing."

"Well, I'm afraid to say that the choice is really mine at the end of the day, and if you don't pick at least three of those songs then I'm going to do it for you."

"Oh really?" He was heading into dangerous areas here.

"Yes. So I suggest that you do so. Let me know tomorrow."

"Kevin?" (Name of the producer)

"Yes Fiachra?"

"Don't try pulling that crap again. You may pick the songs, but I pick the producer. Don't forget that. If you want to stay with this project then I suggest that you find some music that I like." I pulled 2 mini discs out of my pocket, 'Black and Blue' and 'No Strings Attached', and threw them to him. "That's the kind of thing that I want. Have a listen to them." And then I left. On the way out I asked Helen.

"Did I do the right thing?"

"Hell yeah. You wouldn't have been happy with the album, and what's the point in that?"

"Thanks Helen." I said, pulling her into a hug. "I'm glad that you came along after all."

"Whatever. Let's go see about those singers of yours shall we?"

"Of mine?" I frowned then copped on to what she was talking about. "Oh! Them! Yeah, let's go."

That's that! E-Mail me! . That's all there is for now. E-Mail me!


Next: Chapter 10

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