Shenandoah River


Published on Jul 2, 2012


Shenandoah River Boys

By Bill Moretini

Matty carefully avoided the briar-covered gooseberry bushes that threatened to swallow the deer path that lead to the Shenandoah river. Considering that the sixteen year old was wearing open sided cut off bib overalls, no shirt, and barefooted too, his wiry young body was vulnerable to various kinds of hostile vegetation and weeds along the trail.

His left hand held a four foot long sapling that he thrashed the undergrowth with to scare off snakes. His right hand held an eight foot long sapling fishing pole, complete with line, hook, lead sinker and cork. An empty pork 'n beans can half full of night crawler worms was jammed down into his front pocket.

At nine in the morning, the temperature was already about eighty, and there was little breeze to offer relief. That is why he wore no underwear. However, that allowed his cock to swing freely and it's plump dick head rub against his overalls, causing him to sport a partial erection as he walked along. He didn't really mind that as long as nobody was around to notice the long bulge trailing along the left leg of his overalls.

Matty could hear the rapids of the Shenandoah where the river ran more swiftly before cascading over a ledge and creating a waterfall. A sizable pool of much quieter water at the foot of the falls is where he would throw in his line and fish for smallmouth bass or anything that would bite. He could now smell the freshness of the water as mist rose from where the small waterfall cascaded into the pool, and a vibrant rainbow arched above the pool.

When he broke into the clearing beside the pool, he stopped dead in his tracks. There, right where Matty intended to fish was a naked boy. It was Ernie Parkinson, a schoolmate in one grade higher than himself, but two years older.

Matty was beyond peeved. No way would he be able to catch fish with Ernie swimming in the pool. Ernie apparently hadn't seen him yet because he was busy whipping his mule, his pendulum balls slamming against his thighs with every intense stroke. For meanness, Matty cleared his throat as loudly as he could.

At first, Ernie swung around in the shallow water in front of the falls and walked into and through them. Then his head peeked back out, water splashing on his shoulders.

"Oh, it's just you," Ernie yelled above the noise of the waterfalls. Then he ducked back behind the falls where he couldn't be seen.

"Yeah, it's just me, damn you Ernie Parkinson!" yelled Matty. "You're scaring all the fish away. Get out!"

Nothing happened immediately. Then the smooth pattern of falling water split and fell on either side of Ernie's long, hard dong. Ernie twitched it to aggravate Matty. It worked..., but in more ways than one.

Matty's still partial erection began to stir. He was pissed, and he dropped his fishing pole and stick to scare snakes with. He reached down and grabbed a rock to throw. His hand with the rock was pulled back when Ernie stepped into the open, up to his knees in water.

Matty dropped the rock. His jaw dropped too when he saw how massive Ernie's hard cock was. Ernie grabbed his rigid meat and flipped it quickly from side to side.

"I heard you like dick, Matty Westland," said Ernie. "How about stripping off and coming in here behind the falls and sucking on this here sweet dick of mine?"

It wasn't true. But due to the way Matty had starred at the large erection of a classmate in the showers in gym class, he had been seen, and the teasing and rumors began.

"I don't do things like that, you sick fucker! Get out of my fishing spot!"

"Aw, now don't be like that, Matty. If you'll suck mine, I'll suck yours. How about it, sport?"

"Shit no! Please get out and let me fish there."

"By the way your overalls are pushing out, you won't be needing a worm for bait. Looks kind of interesting too."

"Fuck you, Ernie!"

"If that's what you want, I've got plenty of spit. Looks like that bulge is swelling. Come on in and get a piece of ass, buddy. We can swim later."

"I came here to fish!" Matty said loudly, but the thought of getting his rocks off...something he hadn't done for two whole days..., was beginning to weigh heavy on his mind...and his nuts.

Matty had often wondered if a man's asshole was better feeling to a dick than a girls vagina, something he'd only experienced once. Fucking Susan had felt okay physically, but not at all rewarding psychologically, and all too easily forgotten later.

"Okay, I'll get out of the water and sit down beside you and talk while you fish," said Ernie.

"Sure, if you put on some cloths," said Matty.

"Nope. It's too hot. I sit beside you naked or I'll continue swimming. Which will it be, Matty?"

"You asshole! Okay, I guess, if you put on your underwear."

"I don't wear underwear in this heat! By the looks of that bulge in your overalls, I'd say you aren't wearing any either. And it keeps pushing out more all the time."

Matty had waited nearly a week for the river to clear up after a heavy rain so that he could go fishing. And after all, he rationalized, if he ignored Ernie's taunting, he might stop doing it. He could imagine the smell of frying fish in his mother's kitchen, and recall the delicious flavor of smallmouth bass.

"I've got beer in the cooler, and I promise to stop beating off. Come on, Matty...buddy."

"You're seventeen, where did you get the beer?" asked Matty.

"It's ice cold."

"Humph! Oh, all right. It's damn hot, and I could use something moist in my dry throat."

It was all Ernie could do to refrain from smirking. He had other ideas for moistening Matty's dry throat. The thought made his still hard dick twitch with lust. Fortunately for him, hesitant Matty was threading a worm onto the hook and didn't see Ernie's dick twitch. The timing for seducing Matty had to be just right.

Cunning Ernie waded over to the bank and climbed up it to where a small cooler set beside his pile of cloths; what few there were. He got a couple of frosty bottles and stepped over to where Matty sat. Matty refused to look at the massive cock. He treated Ernie as if he wasn't there and wasn't sitting down beside him on the cool bank. Ernie opened both bottles with his Swiss camping knife.

"Here you go, buddy," said Ernie. "Here's to a successful day at Shenandoah river."

Ernie was not really thinking about Matty having a successful day of fishing, he was thinking of himself succeeding at seducing Matty. Ernie held his bottle close to his chest and low, so that Matty would likely glance past it and see the thumping-hard cock.

"Yeah, here's to," saluted Matty.

When Matty saw the big long dick dripping pre-cum that glistened in the sunshine, a quake shot though him. He knew from tasting his own pre-cum many times, how delicious it tasted. He suddenly had a strange hankering to find out if Ernie's pre-cum tasted as good or maybe better than his own.

"I think I'll lie back on my elbows, close my eyes, and get some rays," said Ernie.

" that," stammered Matty. "I'll just keep fishing. Uh, thanks for the beer."

"Sure, buddy, but you owe me one."

"One what, Ernie?"

"A favor."

"Cheapskate! Don't worry, I'll pay your ass back," snapped Matty. "Now let me fish."

"Man, the breeze feels good on my sweaty body. You should take off your cloths and enjoy it too," coaxed Ernie.

"Shut up, Ernie!"

Ernie did shut up, but squinted his eyes nearly shut so he could see Matty's every move. Convinced that Ernie wasn't looking, Matty slowly turned his head and stared at Ernie's big cock with disbelief. It was far bigger than his own in every way, and he had not seen another guy's hard dick to compare Ernie's to.

The ridged cock was pointing straight upward as Ernie lie on his backside and elbows. As Matty wondered what it would be like to have a cock that big, a large pearl of glistening pre-cum bubbled out of the pink pee slit. The seed of temptation urged Matty to fulfill his hankering to taste it. He turned more and stared at Ernie's eyes which appeared completely closed. Should I take the chance? Matty wondered.

Spurred on by his intense curiosity, Matty slowly hovered his finger above the oozing liquid. Ernie was almost giddy with expectation as he watched Matty's cautious approach through squinted eyes. Matty's index finger was less than an inch away from the shinny pearl when he felt a strong jerk.

"Oh shit, a fish!" yelled Matty.

"Fuck the goddamn fish!" Ernie said, and raised to a sitting position.

"You weren't snoozing!" spat Matty as he fought the pull of the fish on the line.

"Was too! Caught the damn thing so I can go swimming some more," Ernie said angrily.

The fish put up a good fight, but Matty finally won out. Meanwhile, Ernie, being really pissed, got to his feet and headed toward the water.

"Nice fucking fish!" hissed Ernie. "Now I'm going swimming whether you like it or not. You might as well join me now."

"Okay, as soon as I put it on the stringer," said Matty.

Ernie could hardly believe his ears. His mind immediately returned to plotting, although his erection had begun to wilt. He still believed that if he tried hard enough, he could yet seduce Matty. He waded in and then swum to the waterfall and waited in front of it.

Matty finished undressing what little he wore, than he guzzled all of his beer, tossed the bottle down, and picked up Ernie's bottle and guzzled half of it. He belched loudly, and then guzzled till he had finished with Ernie's beer. Ernie watched on in puzzlement, but kept his eyes locked on Matty's now flaccid cock.

As Matty trotted down the bank to the water's edge, his cock and nut-sac bouncing all over the place. He did a shallow dive and came up at Ernie's feet. When he stood up in the water, they were nose-to-nose. Ernie was even more puzzled.

"Alright, you fucker, I know what you want," Matty said, so close that Ernie felt his breath on his face. "Drop and start sucking!"

Stunned, but highly pleased, Ernie went to his knees in the shallow water. He immediately sucked Matty's balls into his eager mouth. Matty grunted loudly. Ernie reached up and tweaked Matty's prominent nipples.

"Oh! Oh wow! That feels really good!" exclaimed Matty. "But someone could come along and see us."

Ernie spit out Matty's balls and grabbed his hand and drug him through the falling sheet of water. On the other side, water and time had etched back into the earth, creating a small shelf.

Ernie sat on the shelf and pulled Matty's hip up to his face. He opened his mouth, and slid his tongue under Matty's cock which was beginning to engorge. Matty began to squirm and moan as Ernie's mouth began to work wonders like Matty had never imagined possible. Ernie was a damn good and well experienced cocksucker. But that is far from everything Ernie had in mind. He backed off.

"You like?" he asked as he looked up at Matty.

"Hell yes! Now get back on it, you fucking pervert!"

Ernie did just that. His long, skinny middle finger began to slide over Matty's perineum until it found his moist asshole. Matty's eyes bugged when he felt the finger press into the soft flesh of his ring.

"What the fuck are you doing, Ernie!"

"Giving you the experience of your young lifetime. Now fill my hot mouth with sweet cum," said Ernie, and then returned to deep-throating Matty's thick six and a half inch cock.

"Gladly, you animal! Suck that dick, you slut! Oh! Oh shit! Your finger feels strange! Uh, in a good way! Oh fuck Yes!"

Matty laced his fingers through Ernie's curly blond hair and held his head firmly while he fucked his face with long slow thrusts. Ernie was moaning with pleasure as much as Matty was. With his free hand, he grabbed a fist full of Matty's butt cheek and squeezed hard while he gobbled Matty's cock to the base. His finger slipped in and worked Matty's prostrate as hard as he could. Matty caught his breath and clamped down on the probing finger. He couldn't believe how great it all felt. Matty's moans got louder as he felt the approach of a climax.

"Oh man! Get it, Ernie! Suck it hard! I'm getting close! Pull out now or I'll shoot off in your mouth! NOW, Ernie!

Ernie's hand clamped down hard on Matty's butt and forced Matty's throbbing dick deep down his throat.

"Oh...fuck! I'm coming! Ooooh fuck! Ooooooh FUCK!" yelled Matty as he convulsed and writhed in sexual ecstasy.

Ernie would not let go. Like a crazed animal, his tongue lashed at the bottom of Matty's gushing cock as spurt after spurt of thick cum lathered it voluminously. Ernie swallowed gulp after gulp of the sixteen year olds' super sweet boy juices. It seemed like the flow of semen would never stop.

Ernie felt the urgency boiling in his own nuts. His sac was drawing up tight. The sensation was getting intense. He quickly got off of Matty's still firm cock and stood up.

"Me, Matty! Suck me! I'm about to shoot the works!"

"I... I can't."

"To hell you can't! I did you! Oh shit, here it comes!"

Matty could no longer fight it. He plunged down onto his knees and grabbed the big slab of flesh and drove his head down onto Ernie's cock just as the first blast of cum spattered against the roof of his mouth. Shocked at first, eroticism quickly swept over him unmercifully.

"Take it, Matty! Oh yeah! Oh fuck yes! Oooooh! Suck it, man!"

Cum began to run out of the corners of Matty's mouth while more shot into his throat. He gulped. He groaned. He sucked and slurped. He could finally take no more. He backed off of the big cock and swallowed hard. Two more volleys spattered on his cheek and chin. Ernie milked out the last drops of his thick spunk, and then helped Matty to his feet.

"That was fantastic, Matty. A person would think you've be doing that for years."

Matty was speechless. He wiped cum from his face and chin.

"What in the hell have I done? You tricked me into that, Ernie!"

"Are you saying that you regret what happened?"

"I don't know. That's not true. I guess I really it. I'm so confused. Let's get dressed. I need to get the fish home before it spoils."

On the bank, Matty bent over with his back to Ernie, to pick up his overalls. Ernie stared lustily at Matty's adorable half-moon lobes.

"You'll do this again, won't you Matty?"

"What if I say yes?"

"I'll meet you here again tomorrow. I'll let you fuck me then."

"Really? I've often wondered what fucking a guy's nice tight hole would be like."

"You'll never have a better chance to find out than this. What do you say?"

"What time?"

"Great! How about nine, before the day heats up too much?"

"I'll see."

"What! You just asked me what time, I told you, and now you say, you'll see. Would another time be better than nine?"

"I have to think the whole thing over, Ernie. If I'm not here by nine, I won't be at all."

Ernie's jaw went slack. A mix of anger and befudlement set in as he watched Matty walk nonchalantly away and gleefully whistle. Ernie felt sure that he'd have a steady fuck buddy, and now he didn't know. He had no choice but to wait until nine AM the next day to find out.

Ernie didn't sleep well that night.

Next: Chapter 2

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