Shawns Private Dancer

By Keith

Published on Apr 12, 2004


Shawn's Private Dancer

Chapter 2 -- Mr. Smart And Sexy

Plans for the Blue Note had already been put into place; Shawn was planning on making an exotic dance exhibit in alliance with one of Basic Black's numerous fashion lines. The problem was looking forward dancers to fit the bill, however. For the past few weeks, Shawn had gone from club to club in Salem, looking for the right ones to fit the job. Although he'd had to take a cold shower every time he returned from an outing, none had really caught his interest. Then, one night, he'd been invited to a dancer's audition, thanks to Kate Roberts, who knew full well the troubles of finding the right people for the right positions. Before long, he'd found his crew and, he had to admit, even if only to himself, that they were a hot bunch. And, even better, they were of all types of ethnic backgrounds and everything- real diversity, which Shawn liked.

One particular dancer, who was a Caucasian, Abercrombie & Fitch model-type, really caught Shawn's eye, among other, well, things. Standing at about six feet tall, Rex, as he was called, was a Greek God walking among the mundane peoples of Mother Earth. His eyes were a cerulean tint, and almost appeared brown, at times. His hair, which was a light, reddish brown, never seemed to find a wrong direction to be combed or parted and you could do anything to it, and it still helped him to exude his natural sexuality. His body was covered by firm, chiseled muscle without being overdone and looking like a freak on steroids. In fact, the boy just seemed to be a natural beauty. His skin was sun kissed in the most perfect of ways. He had a 29" waist and Shawn couldn't get enough of the way the boy moved. Not only was the boy a looker, but he was damned smart, too, so much so that Shawn was pretty intimidated to speak with him one-on-one, as he had to do with every dancer, in an interview.

Rex was nervous as hell, being the final dancer to be interviewed in a line of over 100 or so, of very hot guys and gorgeous girls. He donned an navy blue Armani suit, with a striped, maroon tie and when it was his turn, entered Shawn's office, exuding confidence he didn't have and shook his possible future boss' hand firmly. Shawn was even more impressed now than the initial meeting. He looked good, and he looked smart and Shawn mused about how sexy this guy was coming off as he spoke to him.

"All right; it's Rex, right?"

"Yes, sir, that's right," Shawn smiled when Rex called him 'sir'.

"Okay, Mr. Rex, I'll be honest with you. You really blew me away at that audition. The way you carry yourself, full of confidence and just strutting your stuff, I think that my crew wouldn't be complete without a dancer like you,"

"Well...thank you, Mr. Brady," Rex tried to hide the blush that was rushing to his cheeks.

"You brought your résumé, yes?" Rex nodded and handed the document to Shawn with ease. Shawn took it, wishing their fingers could have grazed when the document was passed between them. Shawn felt his cheeks suddenly hot, and knew his last thought had made him turn a shade redder than he'd intended. He couldn't deny, even for a second, that he wanted to touch this very attractive man. Shawn looked over the résumé, his deep eyes widening, showing his impressed state. His credentials were mighty impressive.

"There's nothing wrong, I hope," Rex uttered worried.

"Not at all," Shawn answered with a smile, "In fact, you have an impressive background from what I've read here,"

"Thank you, Mr. Brady. With some of those schools I'd listed on there, I know it may seem a bit odd that I'm a professional dancer, rather than chasing some kind of a PhD, or something. Dancing was just something I love to do, and I worked hard to have the body that I do. I felt that if I worked in a laboratory or in a hospital, it would be easier to lose that kind of a routine, without the need for physical labor," Rex smiled wholeheartedly, breaking the straight face he had kept on through most of the interview.

"That seems like a very bold decision on your part. I can see why you would like dancing -- you're very good at your craft,"

"Thank you, sir,"

"Please call me Shawn,"

"All right...Shawn," Rex smiled again, getting up to leave, Shawn having announced the end of the interview. As Shawn's hand touched the knob, he turned to Rex, opening the door for him.

"By the way, you're hired. I'll see you, along with the others, at the site of The Blue Note on Monday morning. Stop at the front desk, Joelle, Ms. Roberts' secretary, will give you any directions you need.

"Thank you! I'll see you on Monday," Rex exited the office Shawn had been using for interviews and, once out of ear shot and plain view, he muttered under his breath. "Damn...could my new boss be any hotter?" He licked his lips slowly, and headed to the front desk to get directions from Joelle.

Shawn, meanwhile, back in the office was packing up to go back to his new apartment, which he had just leased with some of the money he'd inherited from Victor's estate. Taking off his suit jacket and hanging it over the back of the chair, he slumped down with a smile, remembering Rex's demeanor change when he'd beseeched him to call him Shawn, instead of something more formal. He'd begun to wonder how he'd handle working with Rex from day-to-day, especially with the hunk wearing clothing that would do little to conceal his many bulging muscles. That all depended, of course, upon the theme of that particular night. Shawn began to imagine Rex in a slew of different outfits, based around several different themes. Smiling, he fell asleep on his desk while dreaming of sexy Rexy in just board shorts for a beach theme, in just a grass skirt for a luau theme, in just a toga and an olive head covering, in just animal skin and a headdress for a Native American theme, in a cowboy get-up for a Wild West theme...and so many more.

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