Shaving a Friend

By Ray

Published on Jul 29, 2013


Shaving a Friend #4

Gary's phone rang just after 1:00 PM, and it was the boys. They wanted him to be over at their house in fifteen minutes, wearing one piece of clothing again. He didn't mind it now, as it was warm outside, but if this continued into the winter, it might be a different story. So he stripped down, and put on just his shorts. They were a bit too small, but he liked them, and thought that the boys would like them too. Off he drove to the boy's house.

He knocked at the door, and the door was opened by James, who was naked. Nick was right there too, and told Gary to lose the shorts, right now, with the door open, and greet James with a good French kiss. So, down went the shorts, and he and James embraced exchanging some spit and feeling each other's butts. "Turn sideways to the door, so that if someone goes by, they can see two fags kissing."

Nick told us to break the kiss, and get into the living room, there are things to do. When we got into the living room, Kevin, and David were there, and another, younger boy was too. Nick told Gary that the new boy was Robby, and the younger brother of Kevin. He looked too young to be doing this, but there was no arguing with these three.

Robby jumped up and said "Can I play with his cock too? It looks a lot bigger than any of yours."

Kevin told him to settle down, he'd get a chance, but later in the day.

Nick reached down and picked up a jar of something. It was Nair, a hair remover. "This is going to make you look like James does. We like smooth guys, and since you are pretty hairy, this stuff will take care of that. Into the shower, and James will do the honors of applying the cream. And it will be applied all over, everywhere." Gary was not too thrilled, but thought "what the heck" it will grow back.

Into the shower James and Gary went, and no water was turned on, as the directions said to do it with dry skin. James stared on his front, and put a large gob on his chest, and worked it around, then another on each arm. He knelt down and plastered a gob on Gary's pubic hairs, and all around that area. He smothered Gary's balls with the stuff. And he really complained that it burned worse than the Ben-Gay. He said that it felt like a blow torch had been applied to his nuts. The legs were next, and that was easy. Gary then was turned around, and James began to work on his back. Got that done, and the butt was next. "Make sure you get that crack all nice and clean too." Nick pointed out. When James ran some of the stuff onto Gary's ass, he let out a howl that let everyone in the room know that the stuff really burned like fire.

The instructions said to let it work for five or ten minutes, then shower it off. So after the ten minutes, the shower was turned on, and all of Gary's body hair went flushing down the drain in one short minute. James was told to check Gary's body, to see if there were any places that were missed, and if so put another batch on that area. James checked, and could not find a single hair on Gary's body. "That is good, now Gary, you are to stay smooth all the time. If you need help James who does whatever we tell him, will be more than willing to help you do that." Robby piped up that new there are three of us that don't have any hairs.

"Now, all of us have gotten hard just watching this show, so Gary you can kneel down and get to work sucking us all off." The boys had moved to the couch, sitting very close together, so that their bodies were rubbing at the same time, so the young boys were having a good time, even when there was not a mouth on their cock. "You can start with me, and then the others when I am done shooting a load down your throat. I have been missing that hot mouth all night and all this morning." He was not kidding, he had a good hot load for Gary, and of course, a young boy can store up some cum.

Kevin said that he wanted his butt licked before he got sucked, that way he'd have a better load. So Gary got in front of him and lifted his legs so that he could get access to the cute little butt in front of him. He spread Kevin's cheeks, and began to lick that little target that was just in front of him. After only a minute or two, Kevin said to quit, and get back to the front end. Gary admired the little cock that was in his face, and could not wait to swallow both the cock, and any amount of load that it could shoot out. Of course Robby could not shoot any cum, but he did have a good orgasm. He'd been taught by his older brother how to do that, and he told all of them that he liked to get that feeling.

Gary finished sucking the boys, and swallowed all of their hot cum. He wished that he could start on them, and suck each of them off again. But the boys had other plans. They wanted to see Gary shoot his cum for them. They told him to jack off, and when he shoots his load, he is to shoot it into his hand, and then lick it clean. But, they told him that he was not to use his hands to jack off. They told him that he could use one of their legs, and hump a leg, just like a dog does sometimes. Or he could use Nick's butt, and slide his cock up and down Nick's ass crack till the shot happens. If he does it that way, he has to shoot his load on Nick's ass, and then immediately lick it all up clean. OOPS wait a minute, Robby wants to play with your cock and balls, so we'll let him do that for a few minutes.

Robby got up, and went over to Gary, and pulled on his cock, and of course, being hard, it sprang up against his stomach. Robby laughed. He did it again several times. He laughed each time, and it began to be a bit painful to Gary, but he didn't say anything. Robby next want to play with Gary's balls, and reached down to grab them. He grabbed them pretty hard, and Gary wheezed in a deep breath in pain. Robby asked if that hurt, and Gary told him "yes" so Robby did it again, and this time he not only squeezed them but also, pulled them down. Gary almost passed out. Robby said that he was enjoying this, and bet that he liked that almost as having Gary lick his ass hole, which he really enjoyed. Nick told him to stop, and let's get on with the show.

Nick asked which way would Gary like to jack off. He replied that he would like to use Nick's ass crack, so that he'd not spill any of the stuff on the floor. So Nick knelt down, and so did Gary. Gary approached him and started to rub his cock on that cute little ass. But, Nick said that it was not slippery enough, so to bend down, and lick it good, and get it wet. Gary then licked his ass, and got it good and wet, and returned to rubbing his cock up and down Nick's ass. But as he did, Kevin came over, and began to pinch Gary's ass cheeks very roughly. He'd pinch it hard, and then pull the skin so that there was a bit of pain, actually there was a lot of pain. He'd pinch one side, and then the other, and pull them apart, digging his fingernails into the skin.

About that time, James joined in the fun. He was told to start working on Gary's tits. He grasped both of them and pulled them down, and then apart. He also was using his fingernails on those big brown tits of Gary's.

Of course this took Gary's mind off of what he wanted to do. He wanted to cum, and get these boys off of their torment of his body. But try as he might, he could not get his mind to do anything but pay attention to the pain that was being inflicted on his ass cheeks, and his nipples. Finally, Nick told the other boys to stop, as his knees were getting sore, and that we should let Gary shoot off his load, so that we can see how much he can produce. At last relief, and Gary shot his load, and it was a big one, bigger than he'd shot in a long time. But as soon as the last stringy rope left, James pushed his head down on Nick's ass, and told him to get busy licking all that stuff up.

They all marveled at the amount of cum that Gary produced, and told him that they would like to see him do that a lot. He told them that it would take a day for that much to build up again. They didn't believe him, and told him that in a few minutes he'd be jacking off again, and he'd best shoot a lot of cum like that last time. But in order to coax some more cum out of his balls, let's lube them up with some more of that Ben Gay stuff. He seems to like that a lot. He never says anything, so suppose that he does like it, and it probably warms his balls, so that they produce more of that stuff. Nick told James to go get the stuff, and to put a bunch of it on Gary's balls.

Gary winced in pain, but didn't say a word about how much it hurt. After Robby scraped his balls, they were raw to start with, and the Bay Gay made it even worse. Kevin said that it would probably be best of James cleaned off his hands by rubbing them on Gary's ass, and maybe just a little would be there and help warm things up from both sides. Gary again felt that stuff on his ass hole, and it really burned, because this time James shoved some of it up his hole, and it burned like fire.

Nick said that he, James and Kevin had talked to their parents and they were all agreeable to allowing Gary to take them to the cabin for a couple of weeks. Actually, they said that they could stay with him, and they would certainly help with the food money, and anything else, like driving them up to the place. So that was falling into place nicely.

They wanted to know what sort of things that they could do. Gary told them that they would be out in the woods, far from any other houses. There would be internet access, but that was by satellite so it was expensive, and won't be doing that too much. But do we have to wear clothes was asked by Robby, I want to see everyone's cocks flopping around, even though mine doesn't. Gary told them that once the cars that brought them, they could ditch their clothes for the rest of the time. And Gary told them that there would be plenty of sun tan lotion for them to use to prevent those white butts from getting sunburned. Don't want that.

Gary wanted to know how many would be coming on the trip. Seems like there will just be the five. Nick, James, Kevin, Robbie, and Noah are coming for sure. There might be one more, but he is not too sure that his folks will let him come. He is also young and can't shoot yet, so he is bashful about that. We will convince him to come though when he finds out that you do whatever we tell you to do. It will be fun to have two slaves, James and you. Hope that you are up for some of the things that we'd like to do. Gary said that he'd be willing to go along with just about anything. Is Noah the younger one that might be coming. Nick said that he wants to come, but very shy about his body, but maybe a week in the woods will cure that.

We think that it is about time for you to put on your show. We can see that your cock has gotten hard again, and that the Ben Gay must be wearing off a bit. You are going to jack off for us, and then shoot your stuff into your hand, and then lick your hand clean. If you don't shoot as big a load as you did earlier, we will have to punish you. So get to it.

Gary then began to jack off as slowly as possible, while admiring the young naked boys in front of him, with their eyes glued to his cock. They didn't give him any lube, so his cock was getting a bit sore, but he kept on jacking to please the young boys. After a few minutes Gary got the feeling that an orgasm was about to happen, and he knew that it was not going to be as big a load as before, but onward he went. He shot a pretty good load, but about half as big as before. He started to lick it off of his hand, and Kevin shoved Gary's hand onto his face smearing the cum all over his face. The boys all laughed at that. Gary had cum all over his face.

Nick said that he noted that the load was not as big, so Gary is going to get some punishment.

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Next: Chapter 5

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