Shave It

By Rob Richards

Published on Jun 19, 2011


As you read in installment 1, Shave It is a high-end barber shop on the Vegas strip, where our ad says ?ALL your shaving needs.? And we mean all ? haircuts, shaves, and for special customers who figure it out, even more ? massages, chest and armpit shaves, pubic shaves, balls, ass cracks ? you name it. We?ve even had guys who wanted full body shaves ? that?s rare, but it?s happened.

I?m Greg, the main proprietor of the shop. Working with me are Bill, the big, muscular guy, and Johnny Boy, the smaller, slender one. Three hot barbers, all ready to cater to your every need! All you have to do is read between the lines, figure out what our ad says. Lots of our customers are regular hotel visitors, conventioneers, guys who just need haircuts. That?s no problem, of course. But they probably wonder why three muscular dudes are wearing sleeveless t-shirts, cargo shorts, and flip flops. But the 5% who figure things out, and come for our special services, man, they?re the ones we really take care of. Like yesterday ? a father-son appointment. Yeah, that?s right ? father-son.

I?d taken care of the father before ? not just a haircut and a shave, mind you. No, this hot daddy wanted his pits and chest done, and more. I did a shave on his cock and balls too, and a 2-way naked massage ? well, as you know, my policy is that I?m as naked as my client, so when I have to get my client naked to shave his balls, for example, I gotta get naked too. I explain it to them ahead of time, and the 5% that are interested really like it! Increases their tips too!

So anyway, this guy ? Will ? was real happy with his experience. Think it was the 2-way naked massage, frankly ? he really got off on my bod, on touching me, on playing with my muscles and my dick. He kept saying it reminded him of someone, but he never said who. Anyway, as he was leaving, he said he?d be back in a few months.

And then, couple of days ago, the phone rings, and it?s the concierge, saying that a repeat customer, Will, wanted to make an appointment for himself and his son Will Junior ? they?d be in at 1PM, and they?d probably stay most of the afternoon. Aha, ?most of the afternoon? ? that?s usually code for ?they want a full treatment,? not just a haircut, but a massage and plenty more. But ? a father/son duo? Whoa ? never had that before. What?s up ? does son know what this is all about? Does dad want to watch? Does dad want to introduce son to something new? Maybe a father/son duo? Guess I?d have to wait and see. But anyway, I scheduled myself and Johnny Boy to do the haircuts, and told him about the unusual circumstance, and then figured we?d just have to wait and see. I figured maybe I?d take Will Junior, and let Dad experience Johnny Boy for a change.

Father and Son arrived at 1 o?clock sharp ? and man, they were a pair. Will Senior was a good-looking man, about 45 years old, still in great shape, with a dynamite smile ? and as I recall, a good sized dick and balls. And there was Junior ? same height as Dad, same basic face, but cute blond hair, and ? oh man! The kid was wearing a sleeveless tank, like Johnny and me, and short, thin nylon running shorts, and running shoes ? he could have just come in from a run, except he wasn?t sweaty or panting. Talk about a young god! Blond, tan, slender-muscular, with a beautiful smile ? couldn?t tell about his attitude yet, but so far it was lookin? good.

I walked up to Will Sr., and stuck out my hand. ?Good to see you again, Will!? I said, with a big grin plastered on my face. I held his hand way too long ? or was it that he wouldn?t let go?

?Greg, good seeing you again too! Man, I haven?t stopped thinking about that haircut and massage you gave me a couple months ago. Couldn?t wait to get back for another one ? and as you see, I?ve brought my son along this time. Figured it?s time he sees some of the things I?ve seen, and learns how to behave in a man?s world. Don?t you think??

?Well,? I started, ? I think we can show him a few things, yeah,? I continued. ?Of course, it all depends on exactly what you want me ? I mean, us ? to , uh, to teach him. Or do to him ? I mean, do for him. Umm, well you know ? I mean, does Will Jr. just want a haircut and a shave? Or were you thinking that maybe he should be introduced to some of our other services?? All of a sudden, I realized I didn?t really know whether I was on thin ice or not. Maybe Will Sr. wanted the kid to get a haircut and then leave, so he?d have me to himself later ? or maybe, as I hoped, he wanted Will Jr. to get introduced to ALL his shaving needs, as our ad says!

?Let?s just say that I told Will I had a fantastic time here, last time I was in town. I told him he should go for anything that sounds good, he should have a real good time, not to worry about the money, and not to worry about what I might think about it ? because I?ve been here and tried just about everything you offer, and fuckin? loved it all.? Daddy certainly laid it out, didn?t he?

?And what did Will Jr. say to that?? I asked.

Will Jr. piped up. With a big grin, he stepped forward, just as Johnny Boy came into the room. He stopped, looked at Johnny, then turned back toward me.

?My dad said you were the one he had last time he was in here, and that you gave him a great haircut and shave, and you also showed him a good time. I don?t know exactly what that means, showed him a good time, but I?m ready to find out if you?re ready to show me.? Will Jr. can certainly make a good extemporaneous speech.

Johnny Boy stepped forward just then, reached out and put one hand on Will Sr.?s arm while he shook his other hand. He felt the strong arm muscle, and he moaned softly. ?Mr. Will, I?m Johnny. I know I look more like your son?s age, but I?d love to take care of you this afternoon ? Greg says you?re the greatest, and I?d like to experience that. Plus, if you want, we can all four get together after the haircuts and everything, just to see how everyone?s doing.? Ohhhhh ? great idea, at the end of the two-ways, all four of us together, a father-son duo and two hot barbers. Good work, Johnny Boy!

?Sounds like an excellent idea to me, Johnny,? Will Sr. said, reaching over to touch Johny?s bare arm, rubbing up and down that smooth, muscular skin. ?Haircuts and other stuff first, and then all four of us together, maybe in the showers. Let?s get to it!? And so Will Sr. went off with Johnny to his cubicle, and I was left with Mr. Hot Stuff, Will Junior.

?So Will, -- or should I just call you Junior?? I asked.

?Yeah, I like Junior,? the cute hunk replied, ?call me that. And tell me, what all do you do here ? Dad just said that he?d tried almost everything you do here, but he wasn?t very specific.?

I guided Junior into the chair, and pulled the drape over his chest and attached it around his neck, getting ready to give him a haircut. ?Well, Junior, our ad says ?ALL your shaving needs.? You got any idea what we mean by that?? And as he thought about that, I started massaging his head and neck, and started feeling down his neck toward his shoulders and chest. The kid started relaxing into my hands.

?I?m thinking that maybe you can shave more than just a guy?s face, right??

?Yeah, Junior ? you?re right. For example, your dad wanted me to shave his pits and his chest last time he was here ? you ever done that, or seen a guy who shaved there??

?No, not except for my dad ? what?s it like?? the kid replied, obviously interested.

So I pulled off my t-shirt, of course ? then raised my arms, and came close to the kid, so he could see the trimmed pit hairs, and then said ?Go ahead, feel my chest, feel the trimmed hairs on my chest. And feel my pits too, go ahead, feel ?em.?

The kid looked totally entranced ? his hands felt up my chest, my pecs and hair, and then drifted up to my pits ? he was actually more interested in feeling my biceps and shoulder muscles, so I pumped my muscles up a little bit for him. Then I said ?Come on, kid ? you got at least this much muscle on your arms too, right? Lemme see .? And he grinned, slightly embarrassed at first, then a bit of a defiant expression on his face. I pulled the drape off him, and he leaned forward and pulled his tank top off ? God, what a beautiful torso, what a chiseled chest and waist, and filled out arms.

?There. What do you think about this?? he said, again almost defiantly.

?I think you?re hot, number one,? I said, ?and number two, I think we need to trim those pit hairs down to make you even hotter. Let?s give you a haircut and a shave, and then we?ll go to town on your pits. You?re mostly smooth on the chest already, though ? that?s hot. Just solid tanned muscle there, so we?ll just touch that up, and then focus on the other parts.?

I have to admit, I do some of my best work with a hot man when I do his pits and chest ? I can lean into him, stroke his arms and chest muscles, trim the hairs and breathe some warm air toward his skin, and really get him turned on. So after I cut his hair, I did it ? trimming the pits, making sure I stepped back to observe my work several times, steadying myself by putting a spare hand on his stomach or chest, and moving it up and down a bit to feel those taught muscles under that smooth, golden skin. Nice! And sure enough, when I was finishing with Junior?s pits and chest, the kid was already hard ? his pole was sticking straight up in his running shorts, and he had me sticking straight up too of course. The kid had an amazing body, and he knew it ? and he knew he was turning me on. I?d made sure we were making lots of skin-to-skin contact when I shaved him, and when I did his chest and pits, so the electricity was already there.

I finished the pits and chest, and then let my hand slowly drift down again from his chest toward his 6 pack ? ?Man, you are one hot fucker, ya know? You got an awesome bod, these abs, and lower down too? I said in a low voice, and I let my hand play with the elastic waistband of his shorts. Pulled it out a little, let my hand glide down inside a bit, stroking his sensitive stomach. And I finally let my hand touch just the tip of his cock, straining against the flimsy nylon shorts ? he sighed and moved his hips slightly.

Even though Junior kept his eyes closed, he had a huge grin on his face. Then he spoke up. ?This is what my dad was talking about, huh? This is the ?full service? thing he kept talking about ? how he tried everything you guys offer here. Man, I?m enjoying this!?

?Junior, this isn?t even half of what we do here ? and it?s not even half of what your dad did. Um, hope I?m not divulging any dark secrets or anything when I say that ? but man, your dad is hot, one hot fucker too, just like you. And he really got into some of our special services here ? and I think just maybe that he thinks you might like some of that too.? And I slipped my hand further into the top of his waistband ? no underwear or jockstrap ? and felt the tickle of his pubes, then the hot warmth at the base of his stiff cock. ?So now, we?re gonna go to one of the back rooms and see what else you might want to have shaved or trimmed ? like these pubes, or maybe the hairs on your cockshaft ? and maybe see if you want a full body massage. I don?t know if your dad told you about my policy or not, but here it is ? I match my clients at every step of the way in terms of how much they?re wearing. If I ask you to take your shirt off, I take mine off too. If I ask you to get naked, I get naked too. And if I get to touch you, then if you want, you get to touch me too ? man, you?re not gonna freak out if I tell you about your dad, are you? About how your dad liked that, how he liked being touched, and touching back??

Junior smiled a huge smile. ?Nah, man, that doesn?t freak me out ? my dad and I have been fucking around, giving each other full body massages and stuff, for a while ? I figured when he told me about this place that this is what really goes on here, and that?s why he wanted me to come here with him. I?m just glad it?s with you ? he told me what a hot fucker you are, and how awesome your cock is. I can?t wait to find out for myself. And after his last trip, he showed me how you?d shaved his balls and cock ? aw man, that was so hot! Not just hot lookin?, but hot that he showed me, ya know? I mean,? and now Junior really lowered his voice, so he was whispering a real man-to-man secret to me. ?I mean, I?ve always had the hots for my dad ? you know how built he is, how hot he is. And there he was, with his balls all smooth and his cock all cleaned up and everything, and he wanted to show me, wanted to tell me about how you shaved him, telling me how you?d gotten naked with him and everything, how you?d shaved his balls and then licked them clean with your tongue. Man, I creamed just hearing about it ? right then, when Dad and I were naked together, him showing me his smooth balls and cock and having me feel ?em, I just shot a huge load out, all over his chest and stomach.?

?Man,? I whispered back to Mr. Junior-God, ?this has got me so fuckin? hot, just hearing about this, you and your dad after I shaved him. You?re blowing my mind, man. OK, you?re ready for what comes next, let?s head to the back. Go through that door, take the first room on the right. I want you to strip down, get that towel around your waist, and lay down on the massage table, face down. I?ll be down there with you in just a minute.

Junior reached up one more time to fondle my chest muscles, then got up and headed out through the door. I waited a minute, stripped down myself and wrapped a towel around my waist, then went into his room. He looked up, smiled when he saw it was me, then lowered his head back to the massage table.

I loosened my towel a bit, and climbed on top of Junior?s hot ass, which was also loosely covered with a towel.

?OK, Hot Stuff, a little massage seems in order now, to get you ready for the next step.? And I oiled his beautiful, muscular back, and started kneading the oil into his muscles. Junior groaned, and wiggled his ass under me. And as I massaged his sensuous back, I reached down and loosened my towel from my waist, slowly letting it fall aside ? and I untucked his from his waist too, and slowly pulled it aside, so my naked body was astride his beautiful naked backside. A quiet, pleased moan came from Junior?s mouth.

?Like that, huh?? I said quietly.

?Yeah,? he replied. ?It feels a lot like when my dad climbs on top of me to give me a massage, only he?s a little heavier.? Aha, there?s an admission ? I suspected it, but wasn?t sure. Dad and son give each other naked massages ? HOT! So I leaned forward a little, letting my dick slowly lower itself onto Junior?s back.

?And does your dad lean this far forward when he massages you??, I asked, slicking my dick up in his oily back, and sliding it up and down slowly in rhythm with my hands.

?Yeah, man, he does ? because he knows I love the feel of a cock on my skin.? Well, Junior can certainly express an idea clearly, I realized! So I pushed it a little more, sliding down lower on Junior?s hips, so my dick was cruising between his cheeks.

?And how about this? Does your dad groove you like this with his dick, Junior? Does he play with your crack with his dick like this?? I asked, my voice low and suggestive.

And Junior replied even softer, and even sexier. ?Yeah, man ? my dad grooves my ass with his dick ? with that big hard dick he?s got. You know how big he is, don?t you ? it?s awesome, isn?t it? And I know, well, I mean ? I guess I know that it?s wrong, somehow, for me ? um ? well, what I mean is that a lot of people would say it?s wrong for a father and son to um?? and Junior got all tangled up in his words, couldn?t exactly say what was on his mind.

So I helped him out. I had plenty of oil on my dick, and I was already in his groove. So I shifted a little lower still, and said to Junior ?Hey man, I think I know what you?re saying. I mean, you got one hot fucker of a dad, and you?re one hot fucker too, and now you?re telling me that you and your dad fuck around together. That?s cool man ? totally cool. And now, I?m thinking that you want to explore that feeling a little more, right? Want to see how it might feel with someone else, just like your dad did last time he was in here for a haircut.?

?Yeah, man,? Junior said. ?Dad told me how you fucked him, and how he fucked you ? and he told me how big your dick was, and how great it felt up his ass. And man, I just gotta feel it, gotta feel how your dick feels going up my groove and into my ass.?

?Well, ok then, how ?bout I go first and do what we both want, and then later you can take me? Maybe even take me in front of your dad ? impress the hell out of him with what a stud you are?? Figured that would appeal to the stud, an offer to get fucked and then to fuck in front of his dad too, show off his studliness to the man who made him, the man who fucked him.

?YEAH man, GO for it!? And with that as approval, I slowly aimed my hard dick at Junior?s beautiful ass, his hot, teenage, daddy-only hole, and pressed against his hole, pressed my hard dickhead against his beautiful, puckered ass. And then I slowly entered, my dickhead pushing through as Junior sighed a big contented sigh. The head poked in, and I held back until he was ready, and then I forged ahead ? Junior was all for it, and I plunged in, pushing, pushing hard, until I was in deep, in all the way, and Junior was pushing back, then pumping, then fucking back hard as I screwed him deep. Ah, the sight of that young, tanned, teenage God under my body, with my dick buried in his ass!

I screwed him hard, and he responded ? he wanted it. Kept moaning and groaning throughout, ?Yeah, Yeah, do it! Fuck me, fuck me DEEP, man.? As I was getting going real good, I saw the door open just a bit, and a face peer into the room ? it was Johnny Boy, with Will Senior behind him. Johnny had a question mark on his face ? I grinned and nodded, and the two of them came in, and stood by the door, watching. Johnny Boy pointed at Will Senior, and mouthed the words ?he wants to watch.?

I said, ?Junior, let?s finish this up good ? we have an audience, a couple of people who would really like to get off watching this show.?

Junior smiled, a huge smile on his beautiful face. ?Yeah, I want Dad to see this, I want him to see me taking it deep? he said. And I got closer and closer, my breathing getting heavier. Johnny Boy and Will Sr. came closer, and they both pulled their towels off ? they stood next to us, their boners sticking straight out, their faces flushed with excitement, watching me fuck this fine young specimen of male flesh. Involuntarily, Will Senior reached over and grabbed Johnny Boy?s dick and started pumping him, and Johnny Boy grabbed Senior?s meaty cock and jerked him too, both of them focused intensely on the sight of my dick pumping in and out of Junior?s hot, muscular ass. I watched their faces, and their hands, and the feelings on my dick plus the sights I was seeing brought me over the edge ? I groaned a loud groan, said ?here it is, Junior,? and filled his sweet ass with wave after wave of hot spunk. It was a huge load that I pumped up Junior?s hot ass ? and when I finally pulled out, Will Senior dropped his head down to my dick, licked all the leftover cum off the head, and the spunk from Junior?s ass, and then sucked his boy?s asshole, rimming him and tasting my cum from his boy?s hole. And then Junior opened his eyes, looked down at his dad, and smiled.

?Dad, this place is fucking awesome!? And at that, Will Senior reached up and kissed Junior on the mouth, frenched him deep, sharing some of the cum that was still in his mouth.

Johnny Boy was right behind him, with his dick as hard as I?ve ever seen it. He looked at me first, smiled, and then reached over, his hands roaming over Daddy?s back and ass. And then he spoke up.

?Suck your boy off, Will. Suck his beautiful dick, so Greg and I can see a Daddy and Son in action.? And with that, Will Senior rolled Junior over onto his back, and swallowed his golden boy?s dick, swallowed him down all the way, then started a serious back and forth, bobbing up and down, pulling out just to the boy?s cockhead, then swallowing him down all the way ? Will Senior was a skilled cocksucker, and Will Junior was a lucky boy! Will Junior was so hard, had been on the edge for so long, that he shot almost immediately ? filled his Daddy?s mouth with a beautiful, big load of teenage boy cream. Watching this awesome show, and getting as hot as I?d ever seen him, Johnny Boy came close, kissed Will Senior deep and sucked out some of Junior?s hot cream. He then slicked up his dick with the cream and his own spit, and pushed against Will Senior?s ass, breathing into his ear at the same time. Will Senior turned his head, kissed Johnny again, and then nodded his approval ? ?yeah, man ? do it.? So Johnny Boy aimed and entered Will Senior?s tight asshole. I watched in awe ? I was now teasing Junior?s puckered asshole with a couple of fingers, poking in and out a bit, with Junior pushing toward me as if to say ?come back in.? Will Senior still had his boy?s cum in his throat, and now Johnny Boy was fucking Will Senior?s ass. Will Junior watched his father getting fucked while he himself was being fingered at the same time ? totally hot! I reached down and sucked a little on Junior?s dick while Daddy got fucked, then heard Johnny Boy erupt in Daddy?s ass, a powerful cum that filled Daddy?s ass. Johnny Boy licked Will Senior?s asshole after he pulled out, sucked some of his own cum out, and smiled. Then we collapsed into a heap. It was so fuckin hot, I even leaned over and sucked some cum out of Will Senior?s asshole too, tasting Johnny Boy?s cum and Will Senior?s spunk mixed together. Junior kissed me then ? he wanted a taste too.

After a few minutes, our breathing returned to normal, and I piped up. ?Seems like we?ve been cutting a lot of hair, and sweating a lot. I think the four of us could use a shower. Whaddya think??

Will Senior responded. ?OK, let?s all four shower ? but it?s gotta be by my rules, if you guys want your full tip.? He had a smile on his face, so we knew he had something fun in mind.

?OK, Will ? I?m game. What are the rules?? I asked.

?OK, here?s the rules. You guys are probably hot to see a father and son get it on ? am I right? And well, Will Junior and I have sure enjoyed you two today ? and want to enjoy more. So my rules are this ? Junior and I will put on a show for you two, but only if you two put on a show for us. And I mean a full show, up to the hilt, if you know what I mean. Do you two do that??

Johnny Boy couldn?t stop smiling, and me either. ?I think we can arrange that ? lemme get us some towels,? he said.

And that?s the way it went down ? we all four went to the group showers, turned ?em on full force, and in the middle of the hot water and steam Will Senior fucked his son while we watched, and then I fucked Johnny Boy while they watched. But we didn?t stop there of course ? the two ?boys? wanted to fuck too, naturally, while the ?fathers? watched, and then the boys wanted to watch the fathers fuck, which Will Senior and I were happy to do too. Then we all four washed each other off, with lots of soap and lather, and more tonguing of assholes than is usual in the showers, then dried each other off and called it a successful day.

Man, you wouldn?t believe the tip Will Senior gave us. A thou each, beyond the regular tip for the haircuts, shaves, and massages. And a promise that Junior and Senior would be back in a couple of months for a ?return engagement.? Sweet. And hot.

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