Shave It

By Rob Richards

Published on Aug 5, 2010


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Shave It

I run a high-end barber shop and men?s spa on the Vegas strip, in one of those slick resort hotels. It?s called Shave It ? we get mostly hotel customers, here for conventions or vacations, and also some word-of-mouth customers who have friends who?ve come here and been really happy with our service. It?s ?high-end? for a couple of reasons. First, being on the strip, our prices are kinda high ? a basic haircut is about $50, and a plain shave is $20, not counting tip. Of course, my place looks a hellova lot nicer than most barber shops ? nice d‚cor, private spaces where the three of us cut hair and give shaves, and plenty of extra rooms behind the front for our other services. And that?s the other part of ?high-end,? our other services. Guys come in and ask ?what else do you do besides a haircut and a shave?? We tell ?em ? ?whatever you want, man ? whatever you want. You want a massage, you got it. You want something else shaved, no problem. We can help you out.?

Man, business couldn?t be better. Me and my two partners are late 20s, early 30s, and we stay in shape ? better for business that way. Business uniform is sleeveless t-shirts, loose fitting cargo shorts, and flip-flops ? I figure, the less we wear, the better. Bill, he?s a gym rat ? big bulging muscles under that t-shirt, and a solid pair of legs, bet he weighs 220. Johnny Boy, he?s slender but taught ? probably 5? 9?, no more than 160 pounds, but tight abs, real 6 pack, and a cute face and smile ? he turns ?em on. And me, well I?m in between ? 175 pounds, 6 footer, good solid build, and a pair of arms that show real nice in a t-shirt. A man coming into the shop can see what kind of shape his barber is in, know what I mean?

Now, 95% of the time, the guy doesn?t notice ? he?s just there for a haircut and a shave, and that?s fine ? or he notices, but can?t do anything about it. It?s that other 5% of the time where it gets fun. Like this guy who came in yesterday, had an appointment with me for 1 o?clock. Walked in, and I sized him up before his eyes found me ? about my height, but beefy, probably 190 or so, and solid and muscular, in shape, no beer belly on this dude. I smiled, and said ?Mr. Stacy, I think you?re my 1 o?clock appointment. I?m Greg.?

He looked me over quickly, then smiled a big broad smile, nodded yes, and said ?Good to meet you Greg. Glad to be here ? really need a haircut, and probably a shave too.?

?No problem, Mr. Stacy. Here, let me take your coat, and then just have a seat right here and we?ll get started. Hey, let?s loosen that tie for you, ok?? Not many guys in Vegas come into the shop wearing a coat and tie, but this guy did ? conventioneer, on a lunch break?

?Oh, yeah. Sorry,? he said. ?Had meetings this morning, but I?m free all afternoon ? guess I just forgot I could get comfortable.? And he started to loosen the tie ? but I stepped up and did it for him, smiling.

?My job to take care of you, Mr. Stacy, however I can ? here, let me do it.? And I removed his tie, took it from him, and put it in the closet with his coat. Then I closed the door to the booth, so we were alone.

?So, just want it shortened and cleaned up?? I asked. He nodded. ?And a shave too, right?? I added.

?Yeah, sounds good ? in fact, that sounds real good. I?ve been so strung out with work lately, I could use the relaxation ? a shave sounds fantastic. And like I said, I?ve got all afternoon.?

?OK then,? I said, ?let?s get going.? I massaged his head and neck, relaxing him for a few minutes, reaching into the top of his shirt and getting his shoulders a bit too. And then, ?So tell me, Mr. Stacy,?

?Call me Chris, please,? he interrupted.

?OK, Chris. There?s a couple of ways we can work this. I can cut your hair and shave you this way, and you can go back to your room and shower and change. Or we can take that shirt off and shower you later down here, in one of the rooms in the back, and keep the loose hairs out of your shirt. Your call.? This was usually a good sign of what the customer was up for.

He looked around at the private room, and at me, then smiled. ?Let?s strip it off, man. Sounds good to me ? cut the hair, shave me, and then I can shower here, right??

?Yeah man, I?ll shower you off after we?re done, and you?ll be ready to go.? I repeated the part about how I?d shower him off ? not sure if it registered, though.

I proceeded to get his shirt off ? nice body! ? and then covered his chest with the drape, leaned him back to shampoo his hair, and then raised him up and cut his jet black hair ? touch of grey at the temples. He seemed relaxed, not anxious about anything, so when I finished I reached down and touched his shoulders, massaged a bit, and then reached down a little toward his chest, massaging his skin lightly. Then I said ?OK, let?s shave you now,? and I lifted him a little higher, the chair all the way back to upright. The drape slid down his chest, and I could see his fit body in the reflection of the mirror. He looked a little embarrassed, especially since the light was so bright. Nothing to be embarrassed about, if you ask me ? solid, thick chest, and great abs and arms.

I just spoke up, preventing him from saying anything. ?Nice chest, man ? most guys would give their right nut to have pecs like that.? I proceeded to lather his face up, making sure that my arm touched his naked skin a few times as I shaved his handsome face. My cock was starting to awaken in my cargo pants ? couldn?t tell if he noticed, of course, and since the drape was all over his lap, I couldn?t tell if anything was happening down there in his lap either. But I took my time with his face, even shortening his sideburns too (told him it would give him a more contemporary look ? he nodded his approval). I got nice and close to his face a few times, felt his breath on my skin as I worked on his beard, and I?m sure he felt mine on his chest and neck. And my arm and elbow pressed against him, through the drape, over and over again ? I didn?t feel him pull back, if anything he pressed forward, toward me.

Finally, I finished the shave, and pushed the drape further from his lap. ?OK, nice shave, if I do say so,? I said, wiping the final bit of shaving lather from his chin. ?Wanna look?? I asked.

?Sure man,? he replied, and he took the mirror from my hand, held it up, and scanned his face and hair, and a smile crept across his face. ?Nice man. You do good work.?

And then he continued. ?The ad for this place in the hotel magazine said ?ALL your shaving needs.? What does that mean, exactly??

All right, I thought to myself. ?Chris, I hope this doesn?t surprise you, or freak you out or anything, but ??, and I stripped my t-shirt off, revealing my naked chest too. ?Sometimes guys aren?t sure what else they can ask for here, or what else they might want, so I figured maybe I should show you the other kinds of things I can do for you. I usually try to match my client in terms of how they?re dressed, you know, how much skin they?re showing ? helps keep things even, and keeps the embarrassment down, and the interest up. Is that all right with you??

Chris smiled a slow, broad smile. ?Yeah man ? you?re nice to look at, actually ? no problem with me.?

I smiled my biggest smile, and came close to him, my stomach just brushing against his naked shoulder. ?The ad means just what it says, Chris. Whatever you want, I can make it happen. For instance, see?? And I held up my arms, showing him how the hair in my armpits was trimmed ? ?maybe you just want me to trim you up all over, get you cleaned up, your pits and chest. I can do that for you, make you look like this. Or maybe you want a little more. If you want a massage, I can massage you ? we have massage rooms in the back ? I can do an upper body massage, if that?s all you want, or a full body massage, the whole works. If you want me to shave someplace else, I can do that too ? I do that for guys all the time, it?s part of the service I provide ? I can even show you what it?ll look like, so you?ll know what you?re getting into. You can pick how much you want shaved, how you want it shaved, and how you want me to shave it ? and remember, like I said, I match my client in terms of how much you have on, how much you?re wearing. If I need to get you totally naked to shave you, and if you want me to, then I?m totally naked too ? and it only seems right, if you?re into it, since I get to touch you, well then you ?? and I let it drift off there.

?Well, I?m free all afternoon, and I have been stressed out, so a massage would feel real good, and ?? He let his voice drift off. My experience said that now was the time to push it.

?And what, Chris??, I said quietly, my mouth almost touching his ear, my chest against his arm, my hand now playing lazily over his chest, starting to reach down to his lower abs. His hand reached over and grabbed mine, and he held my hand hard ? I imagined his cock was straining against his pants. And then he reached his other hand up, and started trailing it up my chest, and into my armpit. He felt the trimmed hairs there, and sighed a big sigh, with a huge smile on his face.

?I like that, in your pits, ya know. I?d like that, and also maybe my chest.? And he leaned back a little, and his eyes drank in my chest. ?Can I?? he asked.

?Sure, man,? I smiled ? and his hand went up to my chest, then both hands, and they roamed over my pecs, feeling the shortened hairs, but feeling the muscles more.

?I like that a lot,? he said in a low voice. And,? he continued, ?I think maybe I?d like to see how you?ve shaved yourself down there, and maybe have you shave my pubes the same way. I mean, I?m guessing you shave down there, and everything?. And then maybe we could ?.?

I smiled at him, pulled the drape entirely away, and let my hands play with the hair around his nipples. Then I said ?Chris ? we?re going to fix you up. Let?s go to one of the private rooms in back. You go through that door there, first room on your right, strip down and get that towel around your waist. I?ll bring your clothes down and meet you there. I want you on the massage table, on your back.?

I gave him a minute, stripped down and got a towel around my waist too, then went into the room. He was on the massage table, on his back, with a boner pushing up the towel. The lights were dim, it was warm, and he was breathing heavily. He opened his eyes and looked when he heard the door, then he laid back, smiling, when he saw it was me.

I came to the massage table, and lifted his arm ? a furry mass of armpit hair, of course. ?Man, you want me to tame this, right? Wrestle it down??

?Yeah man, like yours ? I liked that out there, when I saw your pits. What do you do??, Chris replied.

?Just keep it trimmed down man, so it?s short. Some guys shave their pits all the way, but I don?t like that ? stubble is irritating to me, and I like the look of some pit hair, but keeping it trimmed is a turn on for me, so let?s do you that way, all right??

Chris was nodding enthusiastically. ?Yessss!? he whispered.

I washed his pit, getting rid of the deodorant residue that sticks the hairs together, then dried him, then started clipping ? he loved it, loved the attention, and then when I?d finished I had him feel it ? and he loved the feel of it, the nearly naked feel of his pits. Did the same on the other side, making sure I felt up his thick arm and chest muscle while I was at it ? man, this guy was a hunk. I said so to him, while I was clipping the hairs in his pit ? ?Man, you are one hunk, you know that??

Then I climbed on top of him, my legs around his hips, straddling his waist, and started running my hands over his chest.

?Some guys like their chests totally smooth, no hair at all,? I said. He furrowed his brow. I continued, ?but frankly, I like a hot stud like you with some hair on his chest ? but I like it trimmed, in control, like I?ve done mine. How ?bout you, Chris??

?Yeah man ? in control, that sounds good,? he replied. He seemed relieved that I didn?t want to shave him baby-naked ? but also that I was still going to touch him and shave him.

?OK then ? you got some chest hair here that needs trimming,? and I ran my fingers and hands all over his muscular chest, ?but basically I just need to even you up, get everything trimmed and cleaned. You ready??

Chris was loving it ? I could feel his cock, hard and sticking up through his towel, at my backdoor. I leaned back into it, and he smiled.

?Yeah, can?t you feel it? I?m ready!? he replied.

I leaned back a little, making sure my butt was in contact with his cock, through our towels. ?Yeah, Chris ? I can feel it. I can tell you?re ready,? I said, a huge grin on my face. And I proceeded to trim his chest hairs, keeping my butt in contact with his cock as long as I could. Then, when I leaned forward to trim his upper chest, I made sure my stiff dick was rubbing against his abs. He squirmed beneath me, and I squirmed back.

Then, finished with his chest, with his cock still hard as a rock, I climbed off him, and stood beside him. ?OK, Chris, have a look, ? see how I?ve got myself trimmed down here in the pubes. See if you like this, if this is what you want for yourself.? And I pulled my towel off, and stood there naked, waiting for him to see me.

He gasped, literally sucked air in, when he saw me naked, when he saw my swinging 8 incher and trimmed pubes. He started to get up off the massage table, but I motioned him to stay still ? and I climbed up again on top of him, now with my legs on either side of him, but higher up than before, so he could get a good view of my crotch and pubes. He reached his hand out and felt my pubes.

?Aw YEAH man,? he said quietly, his eyes on fire looking at my pubes and stiff cock. ?How do you trim ?em that way??

?Easy man ? I?ll do you this way too, ok? Trim the pubes back, so there?s no forest above your dick, then give you a nice clean ring around the base of your cock, to show off how big you are. I call it whitewalls, a nice ring around the base of your dick. I?ll shave your cock shaft too ? most of us get some hairs on the shaft, and it?s nicer to get it smooth. And then if you want, smooth balls too ? man, lots of guys love having their balls shaved. You want that?? I said in a low voice.

?I don?t know,? he responded. ?What do they feel like, shaved??

?Well, I think they feel awesome shaved ? always love it when they?re shaved, but you gotta keep ?em shaved, because the stubble can be a little irritating. But here, feel mine to see what it feels like when you hold a pair of shaved balls.?

And he reached out and cupped my shaved balls, feeling them all over, getting me even harder. He laughed softly, and then as he cupped my balls tighter, he reached up and touched my cockhead with his finger, rubbing the precum around the head.

?I think that?s how I want ?em ? shaved smooth, like yours.? And he took his finger and shoved it in his mouth, tasting my precum, then laid back down on the table. I started to work, trimming his pubes, shaving his shaft, and then carefully lathering and smoothing his balls. His cock got enormous, and I had to stop myself over and over from throwing the razor down and swallowing his dick all the way down ? but business first! I alternated between the warmed, slippery lather and the warm, wet washcloths, slowly removing all the hair from his balls and shaft, until his balls were as smooth as my own. Finally, when I?d washed all the lather and hair away, I said, ?OK, one last check to make sure I got everything trimmed away,? and I leaned down and tongued his smooth, hairless balls, then tongued up his hard shaft. He moaned, at first quietly, then louder. As my mouth came closer and closer to his cockhead, he started groaning even louder, and his hands moved to the back of my head.

?Oh Greg,? he sighed, ?yeah man, you?ve got me so fuckin? turned on. Do it, man! Finish me ? you?ve got me on the edge.?

And I climbed up on top of my hunk of a customer, Chris, now equipped with beautifully smooth balls and a slicked up, hard dick, and I swallowed him whole, taking his entire dick down my throat. I pumped his cock, sucking him hard, loving his moans and his writhing on the massage table.

After a minute, I stopped him, and took my mouth off his beautiful swollen dick. He looked heartbroken, until he saw my smile. ?I know you have some other needs, Chris, and we gotta shower these hairs off of you,? I said, with an evil grin on my face. ?But there?s something else first, man, something I gotta show you. See if you like this, and then later you get the shower of your life.?

?What ? what else are you going to show me, man??

?Chris, most of us grow some hairs in our crack, you know, and around our hole. But have you ever seen one shaved?? And I rotated around on the table, leaned back, and spread my legs. ?Shaved clean like this, I mean??

Chris moaned, and his tongue licked his lips. ?Aw man! Aw Shit Man ? your ass is so hot that way ? that is so fuckin? hot!? And he swung his legs around, leaned in, and tasted my hot, shaved ass ? sucked it, and tongued it, like it was his first time. Man, he was driving me crazy, and he was going crazy too.

I didn?t need to ask him what he wanted ? I could see it. I simply reached over, grabbed the brush, and lathered his cock up one more time. Then I lathered my clean, shaved ass. And I spread my legs wide, ready to take Chris?s huge shaft up my shaved ass, and I repeated to him, ?all your shaving needs.?

Next: Chapter 2

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