Shattered Glass and Streetlamp Shine

By Stabbing Westward Junkie

Published on May 19, 2003


A serious face, encapsulated in pale, smooth skin, regards itself in a mirror too small for the face's dimensions. The glass is warped, with a green tinge to it that looks like sea water, and the frame is dark and reflective to match the dark hair that frames the intent face. The glass looks rippled, and it makes the face slip and slide in eerie fluid movements across its surface, making the bearer of the face smile with an almost secretive helplessness. Fingers as elusive and inspiring as poetry reach out to touch the surface, creating an unconsciously erotic movement as they caress the reflection. But after a moment, the fingers drop away again, deemed ugly and unremarkable by the face, and the smile is dragged away with them, leaving only an expression of blank disatisfaction.

"Ugh," the mouth whispers, an expellation of burdened breath that is soft like ground glass.

Grey eyes, the colour of twilight, take on a weary countennance as the fingers lift once more to push unhappily through the hair that hangs sleekly upon smoothly crafted cheekbones. Dark hair, dark eyes, pale skin, and lips that have only ever spoken words of the utmost gentleness and sincerity... but somehow, it is not enough. Never enough.

Embittered, the face turns away from the quietly observing mirror. A sigh, like wind slipping through a holy place, escapes lips of soft pink health, and then he is ready. The unconscious ritual that starts his day is complete. Hefting his bookbag to slip onto his already fatigued shoulders, he heads towards the door of his dormroom, pulling it open with a grunt. It always sticks in warm weather. Not bothering to lock it behind him, he heads down the hallway, elegant hands stuffed in his pockets, his gaze held upright but without any sort of life sparking in their normally brilliant depths.

He is alone in the hallway, and he cannot help but smile at the irony of this as he steps out into the radiance of the day awaiting him. Pausing by the slowly closing door, he blinks painfully as the sunshine sinks into his retina, turning everything a brilliant white gold. Some of his black mood is evaporated by the glow, and a sincere smile hooks the sides of his lips, tugging them upward in a involuntary but sweet smile, eyes closed and lashes the colour of smoke resting upon his cheeks.

It is the third month of his first year in university, and a day like any other. Heading towards his first class, his gaze encompasses nothing else except the sidewalk below his systematic gait and so he fails to notice, like he fails everyday, the covert glances of the girls that pass him by. Their eyes light up in helpless admiration as he slips past them, and their heads turn unbidden to watch him dissapear down the path. Soft laughter trails after him in his golden wake, words of whispered disbelief swirl around his unhearing figure.

"...must be new here.."

" intense-looking all the time.."

"...always seems so sad.."

He hears the laughter, but not the words, and the clear touch of it makes him flinch and clutch the straps to his backpack tighter, as if wanting to retreat into an invisible shell upon his back.

The day invades him. He cannot stay unhappy for long. Dusky eyes watch, enamoured, as the trees respond to the wind and voices rippling through their branches, and how the sky becomes an undescribable backdrop to their animated patterns. The air is fresh and without darkness, so he breathes of it deeply, shuddering with hidden delight as it fills his lungs. But the building that holds his classroom comes up suddenly, and he looks down and away, entering the doors with a downcast gaze. Again, alone. Checking his watch to make sure he isn't late for the class, he realizes that he is, and begins to run, cursing sharply under his breath as he goes.

"Ah, shit, shit, shit," he mutters, pushing open the door to his room quickly. Sidling around it, he offers an apologetic half-smile to the querying gaze of the professor and makes his way to his seat, trying not to let his face set itself aflame from the hundreds of eyes he can feel watching him.

"Late again, Mr. ..." The clear, authortative voice of the professor cuts through the quiet, sinking with tingling shock into his skin.

"Silas. Paul Silas. I know. I'm sorry. It won't happen again, ma'am."

"Quite correct. Because the next time you find yourself in lack of punctuality when heading to my class room, you will turn yourself back around again and head back to your dorm. I have no intrest in having tardiness interupt my lessons."

Eyes the colour of an evening sky connect with the pale watery blue ones of the professor, and take in her thinning, reedy hair, seeing how its blondness is artificial and how her make-up is simply a clinging to the wretchedly false belief that a few strokes here and there will create aesthetic wonders. Calmly he watches her, and it seems to her that in this moment, his eyes have become mirrors and suddenly she feels self-conscious, her gaze falling away from his as though burned. A caloused hand reaches up to rake through her dulled hair and her tongue reaches out to moisten red-stained lips. He looks away, unaware, and seats himself, speaking softly.

"Yes, ma'am." Quiet, polite, the picture of respect.

Swallowing, she offers him a curt nod and continues her lesson, her voice wavering and unsteady as she keeps her eyes locked on the bowed head of the one in the third row whose eyes were like stars seen through a filter of silver and violet.

Not many rows away in the same class room, two pairs of eyes watch Paul as he sits down. Both eyes are dark chocolate brown and both are locked on the back of his head as the lesson begins again. One leans over to the other and nudges his side, receiving a slow, helpless nod.

"I know... he's gorgeous..."

"Have you seen him before?"

"No.. have you?"

"Yeah... he lives in our building, I think. I've seen him come in and out a few times."

"Paul, right?"

"Yeah. Paul."

The twins grin as they look at each other and then back down to Paul. There is nothing malicious in their happiness, only admiration of the quiet beauty before them. They are brothers, identical in every way, not just their physical appearances. The same words come out of their mouths, creating the eerie, uncanny ability to finish each others sentences. They wear the same style of clothing, enjoy the same music, have the same taste in food and in men. But the identical ways that would seem trite and boring on anyone else become entertaining upon these two. They don't mind being as alike as they are, and in fact see it as an advantage. Both are passionate creatures, and enjoy their duality.

"I wonder if he's..."

"Forget about it. The beautiful ones never are."

One looks over to the other with a wry smirk.

"You know that's not true..."

"Well, it seems like it. Precious few. Get writing, Nate. I'm not letting you copy my notes every single day."


They both begin to write again, their bright eyes flickering between the professor, Paul, and each other. Nathan grins as his brother labourously moves his pen across the paper, and pats his shoulder lightly.

"Don't worry, Alex. I'm sure you'll meet him before too long."

When Alex smiles at this remark, Nathan grins and turns his gaze away, to the back of Paul's head. He notices wonderingly how Paul is hunched furtively over his notes, as though writing some sort of secret text, or as though in fear of being beaten. A twinge of pain hits his heart as he watches the other, wondering how he aqquired such a mannerism, why his voice was so soft and without confidance. Sighing softly, he returns to his work, dragging his eyes off Paul's solitary form and back to the paper. Running his fingers through his closely cropped copper and gold hair, he glances over at Alex again. They had both managed to dress disimilar today, which was an event worthy of a celebration. Normally they ended up pulling the same things out of the closet while never being in the same room. He watches Alex's sharp eyes move with the pen as he writes, eyes that are flecked with amber, unlike his own. They were both the picture of post adolescent beauty: slender but built, youthful looking with a touch of age in their voices, jaw lines and mannerisms. Always dressed to kill, they were often celebrated favourites at the clubs they frequented; the sight of the two, topless and walking through the crowds arm in arm was enough to turn every gay head in the room. And they thrived on it. Being Taurus, they were the epitome of their sign: flirty, lascivious, and exhibitionist. They loved nothing more than creating a scene... which often ended up with them dancing together in clubs, lips brushing the others, arms entwined and bodies pressed up against each others tightly. The floors would clear when this happened... leaving open-mouthed, hungry astonishment to gawk on the sidelines while Nathan and Alex merely smiled their secret, charismatic smiles to each other and kept on dancing.

Smiling to himself, he continues to write, inwardly groaning at the monotony of the professor's voice and the hideously boring content of the lecture. After a while Alex gives up and Nathan watches with a grin as his brother's gaze finds Paul, seemingly unaware of the tiny smile touching his lips as he does so.

"I expect you all to be here on time for Thursday; this test is not to be taken lightly. You may go."

Leaning back, Paul expells a breath he did not know he was holding, and stretches slightly. Letting his aching hand fall onto the desk as he rotates his wrist slowly, he winces slightly at the pain of cramped muscles and uses the other hand to pick up his notebook, dropping it into the bookbag leaning relaxedly against the leg of his desk. He is about to lean over and zipper the bag shut when a sudden feeling of eyes upon him makes him look up instinctively. At the desk beside him, a young man leans against the table, his arms folded across his chest and a friendly smile touching his generous lips. Dark eyes watch him amicably, and seem to sparkle slightly as Paul returns the unexpected smile.

"Hi," Paul says, his voice soft and measured. Eyes shaded to a light lavender watch Nathan quietly, curiosity stirring in their alluring depths.

Nathan smiles again, and offers his hand, extending it towards Paul slowly.

"Hi. I'm Nathan."

Paul glances down to Nathan's hand, and with a half-smile, extends his own, letting his slender fingers wrap around the warm touch of the other for a moment before pulling away again.

"And I'm -"

"Paul," Nathan cuts him off, with a curious smile dancing lightly upon his lips. "I know. You handled Professor Smythe really well... most people end up withering in front of her."

His voice is oddly musical, like a out of tune guitar, making Paul think of Southern skies and amber fields of wheat. The sound of it makes him smile, the beauty of the tones stirs a note in his heart. There was joyous laughter lurking behind each nuance in the words, and Paul identified with its mirth, taking a firm liking to the guy instantly. He blushes self-consciously at Nathan's words and looks away for a moment, shrugging and trying to hide his shy grin.

"She's no worse than my mother.. I've learned how to deal with abrupt people like that."

Nathan grins, dark eyes glittering with empathetic appriciation. "My condolences."

Paul grins widely at him as he hears this, but can think of nothing to say to it except offer an eloquent half-shrug in commiseration. Nathan chuckles softly, and tilts his head to the side slightly, regarding Paul with an intelligent, persuing gaze.

"I haven't seen you before... you didn't go to the high school, did you?"

Paul shakes his head, stuffing his hands in his pockets once the bookbag is firmly upon his back.

"No. I moved here from England, actually."

"Ahhh. That would explain the accent." Nathan pauses here to wink, and Paul grins helplessly. "Are you on exchange?"

"No, I just wanted to get away from London. So I chose as remote a university as I could."

Nathan laughs as he hears this, and Paul grins quietly, listening to the full, autumn-coloured laughter dance around the room.

"And you ended up here in Canada... in little old St. Townsend. London must have been pretty bad for you to want to come to this shit hole."

Paul shrugs once more and smiles at Nathan slowly, unconsciously letting the smile become almost erotic in its molasses-like speed.

"It's not so bad here. At least the sun shines. Back in London its always raining... I swear we went five weeks without a single break in the clouds. The whole island is like a sponge, it seems.."

Nathan laughs softly, and then points up behind Paul, to the seats above them.

"That's my brother up there... his name is Alex. We were wondering if you've had anyone offer to show you around the place yet."

Paul glances over his shoulder in the direction of Nathan's finger, and blinks slightly as he sees Alex, who instantly grins and offers him a languid salute. Paul's lilac gaze remains on Alex for a while longer, taking in the identical features that are akin to Nathan's, and simply grinning back at Alex's wide, carefree smile.

"No," he says, laughing softly as he looks back to Nathan. "I haven't."

Nathan's eyes light up instantly and he pushes himself off the desk to take a few steps closer to Paul, clasping his hands together.

"Excellent. Are you busy tonight?"

A shy expression finds purchase upon Paul's features as Nathan asks this, and he smiles helplessly, lifting a hand to run through his hair as he shakes his head.

"No... I'm never busy."

Nathan's suddenly shrewd gaze unnerves him, and he stares back uncomfortably as the dark eyes persue his own.

"I find that hard to believe," Nathan says after a moment, continuing to level Paul with that clairvoyant gaze. But then as he looks up at his brother, the expression becomes light once more.

"You live in Residance Three, right?"

Paul nods wordlessly, watching over his shoulder as Alex begins to descend the stairs, heading towards them.

"So when would be a good time to pick you up?"

"Uh... I dunno... about seven, I guess?"

"Okay. We'll see you then," Nathan says, offering him another wink and a gentle pat on the shoulder.

Paul nods and smiles gratefully at him, and turns to leave, but not without greeting Alex first. Offering a handshake and a smile, he heads towards the doors, skipping down the stairs lightly and glancing back over his shoulder to smile to the two before he dissapears into the hall.

Alex watches him leave, and then looks back to his smugly grinning brother.

"What was all that about?"

Nathan chuckles and begins to head out the door, Alex trailing after him expectantly.

"We're taking him out tonight. To show him around the town. He's new here.. from London."

They leave the class room and begin walking down the hallway. Alex carries his books in his arms, rifling through a notebook while holding it open with his teeth. Gay Pride rainbows are stuck to almost every surface on his notebooks, and they glitter under the flourescent lighting in the corridor. He finds what he is looking for in the book, and mutters something to himself, nodding as he closes the book again.

"London, hey? Hmm. Maybe we should take him out to a pub. Remind him of home."

Nathan holds the entrance door open for Alex as they sail through it, and shakes his head as he looks up to the sky.

"Something tells me he doesn't want to be reminded of home. Let's just show him an outrageous time. As un-London-like as we can."

Alex grins his small, quiet smile and hefts his books slightly as the cool air of the day rushes in all around them. Cologne catches the breeze, wafting off their cream-coloured skin and dancing in the air subtly. They walk slowly, seemingly without direction, their movements unconsciously graceful, in the way that deer are light upon their feet and move through their space as though underwater.

"Outrageous, hmm? Maybe we should introduce him to Seth."

Nathan glances quickly over at his brother, and snickers as he sees Alex's wicked grin.

"Maybe we should. Maybe that would lighten him up. No-one can stay introverted around Seth.."

Alex chuckles. "Yeah, or straight, either."

Nathan grins to himself and the two fall into companiable silence as they head towards their next class. There was something strange about Paul that he couldn't quite put his finger on. The shyness was part of it... how could someone so achingly good-looking be so self-conscious? But there was something else too... the quiet calm in his voice, as though he knew things no-one else did... and the look in his extraordinary gaze... like it could see parts of Nathan that he himself didn't even know were there. So strange... unexpected. Seth would probably appriciate his beauty...

"Rain... I hope it rains soon..."

Paul whispers these words quietly to himself as he stares out his open window, leaning on the ledge and letting the wind toss and tease his freshly washed hair. Locks of black-walnut silk fly around his face, and he impatiently swipes them aside as he stares down to the street below. The sun is moving through the thickly gathering clouds sluggishly, creating a wanly-lit pattern of sunshine and shade on the cement. The air is heavy; the feeling of electricity and change coursing through it, the feeling of rain and thunder whispering in the wind.

The breeze sinks into his room, pushing past his still form, and he shivers slightly as it moves through his shirt to brush against his skin, giving him goosebumps. The shirt is an old favourite of his, a black, soft material with sleeves that hang just past his wrists, and a collar that is done up in renaissance fashion; a black cord lacing through holes cut into the fabric. It exposes the softly tanned skin of his upper chest, and makes him shiver again as the wind touches it.

The scent of soap and aftershave wafts around him lightly as he steps away from the window, just in time to hear the expected knock on his door. Jumping a little, he rakes his hands through his hair, casting a quick cursory look into the mirror on his wall as he passes it by. Inhaling softly, he opens the door, resting his hand on the doorknob as he looks out.

"Convivial night persons come to sweep you away!" Nathan exclaims with a grin, winking at Paul as he moves to let the twins in.

Paul grins wryly and laughs softly as he closes the door, leaning against it with crossed arms.

"Sweep me away? I wish."

They both chuckle, and Nathan glances around quietly while Alex reaches forth a hand to touch Paul's shirt lightly.

"That's a really awesome shirt... where did you get it?"

Paul looks down at the shirt and Alex's rosy hand.

"I didn't.. get it anywhere.. I made it."

Alex raises his eyebrows and takes a closer look at the shirt, smiling in admiration as he runs his fingers across the fabric.

"You made it.. wow. Awesome.. you'll have to show me how to make stuff like that someday."

Paul smiles, and nods. "I was in a Renaissance show back home... we had to wear this kind of stuff everyday. I liked the look of it, so I made a few things myself. Buying clothes like this is way too expensive."

Alex nods emphatically. "I know. It's tragic, isn't it?"

Paul has to laugh at this choice of words, and nods.

Nathan's attention returns from his looking around and then pauses, pointing above Paul's bed. "That's really nice," he says, a smile touching his lips as he gazes at the rainbow flag hanging in colourful splendour upon the wall.

About the size of the window opposite of the bed, it drapes itself gracefully upon the wall, the colours vibrant and silken. He'd gotten it at the last Gay Pride parade he'd been to in London. The mere memory of that day brings a twitch of a smile to his face before he realizes just what it is that Nathan said. Paul's cheeks instantly redden, and he begins to fumble for words, inwardly kicking himself for putting it up. Running suddenly sweating fingers through his hair, he looks contritely at the two for a moment before dropping his gaze hurriedly.


Alex looks over at him and grins, sharing a glance with his brother as he lays a comforting hand on Paul's shoulder.

"You should see our place. We've got them everywhere."

Paul looks up slowly, both pairs of dark eyes locked on his blushing face. He looks from one to the other, and then blinks as they both start to break out in laughter. Nathan reaches out and musses Paul's hair, giggling to himself.

"It's okay, man. I think you'll find that the number of homosexuals greatly surpasses the heteros here. It's great to be a majority for once."

Paul can only smile weakly as relief floods his heart, and runs his fingers through his hair again in an attempt to smooth down the mess Nathan created. The two gaze at him for a long moment, as if expecting him to say something.

"So...uh.. you two.. are...uh.." he gesticulates lamely, the blush upon his cheeks as soft and dusty as roses.

"As flaming as you get," Alex finishes for him cheerfully, winking lasciviously.

Paul blushes again at the stark, blatantly erotic nature of the wink, and cannot help but smile weakly at Alex's sudden, songbird laughter.

"So that means there's another place we can take you to today. I think you'll like it there."

Wondering at this, but saying nothing, Paul allows each of the twins to take an arm and lead him out of his room. As he pauses to lock his door, Nathan and Alex's hands find each others in a quick, gleeful squeeze, their fingers locking together in a happiness borne out of a spice deeper than mere mirth. Alex turns eyes of amber upon his twin, taking in the delighted smile of his brother with a cheerful, flirty smile of his own. "Told you so," he mouths silently, giggling quietly as Nathan's grin widens wickedly. Having locked the door, Paul turns around once more, to find both of the brothers grinning widely at each other. But before he can ask, Nathan grabs his hand and they begin to head down the hallway.

The twins talk in excited, chipper tones, their voices harmonizing in seemingly choreographed pitches and falls as they fill in each others sentences. Paul doesn't listen so much to the content as he does the quality; the sudden flashes of his rare, shy smiles are brought to his lips by the careless, unaware beauty of the two surrounding him so completely. Their very presence was like gold; it seemed that the hallway was loosed free of its encumbering ceiling and seemed as though the very light of the sun was being left in their blissful wake. The feeling of Nathan's lingering fingers around his own is strange, but exhilaratingly pleasant. He holds onto the other gently, carefully, not wanting to hold on too hard lest he show how deep the touch of his newly-aqquired friend truly goes.

Once they are outside, Nathan lets go of Paul's hand gently, but not without a quick squeeze first. Heading down the opposite way that Paul usually goes to reach his classes, they begin their walk, pointing out things and people to Paul that he'd not seen or registered before. With each new thing and person, the twins lean in conspiritoraly and in hushed, half-giggling tones, proceed to tell him something intimate or infamous about the said thing, most of the time leaving Paul breathless with laughter.

Nathan grins at Paul's laughter, and then points straight ahead, where the tree-dappled road forks off into a parking lot which Paul had not seen before. At the end of the parking lot a grey building sits, no higher than two storeys, and windows from ceiling to floor that reflect the soft yellows of the sunsetting sky. The front doors are open, and Paul can see warm, inviting light emanating from within, as well as the faint sounds of laughter, talking, and music. Delicious smells waft across the full parking lot, reminding Paul of his appetite. An artfully lit sign hangs above the doors, proclaiming 'Detours' out into the dying light. He watches as people slip in and out of the doors, mostly in groups, either of females or males, never mixed.

"Detours," he hears Nathan say. "Sort of like the unofficial hang out for the fag and dyke crowd here in St. Townsend. A restaurant-bar type thing. We'll take you there later, if you like... it's an awesome place. They have really great food, and the prices aren't bad."

"Yeah, and we always get discounts," Alex chimes in, and Paul looks over at him with a grin, which Alex mirrors. "One of our friends works there, Seth. We're going to pick him up now from the Student Centre building, and then we'll all head back here for something to eat. Sound good?"

Paul nods, one of his shy, helpless smiles touching his lips as sweetly as sugar. Both of the twins have to glance away as they see this, the simple beauty of it upon his heartbreakingly perfect features was almost too much. Nathan takes his arm again and they begin walking once more, heading past Detours and continuing their walk down the twilight-lit path. Alex begins to relate the events of his day, his melodic voice sweeping through the air-brushed path as the other two listen. Nathan watches Paul listen to his brother, and marvels silently to himself as he sees Paul's slow smiles. Very much a pretty boy, Nathan tells himself silently, his dark eyes combing over Paul's streamlined features. The graceful cheekbones and straight jawline, combined with the feminine hair and impossibly exquisite eyes made a mixture almost too perfect to believe. He was never much into brunettes, but this one was mind-numbing. Something about those eyes... their colour alone was startling and strange, never mind their uncanny way to see right through you.

Eventually he lets go of the warmth of Paul's arm as they come up to their destination. The building looms like a grey ghost in the oncoming night, but the lights that flicker in its windows are bright and welcoming. Pulling open the heavy steel door, he holds it there for Paul and Alex as they enter. Paul diverts his attention away from Alex as they do, breathing in the soft scent of place, something like newspaper and linen. Doors line the undecorated hallway and he follows the brothers down to the very end, where a stairwell lies behind a glass door. He follows them up three flights, listening to the interaction between the two as they ascend.

" -we could try asking, you know. It never hurts to ask."

"He'll say no. He always says no. After you crashed his pickup.."

"Um, I don't think so. We know perfectly well you crashed it..."

They go on like this, making Paul grin silently to himself until they reach a door that looks like all the rest. Nathan scowls at his brother as he pushes the door open. It swings easily, and they both slip inside, pulling Paul on behind them. Suddenly he is thrust into a room full of bright colours, and smelling perversely of inscence. Much like the stuff he burns at home, he realizes as he looks around. Swaths of silk drape from the ceiling in what Paul recognizes as backdrops. Stools and verious props lie on the parts of the silk that pool on the floor, and the faint scent of paint lies heavily on the air.

Suddenly Nathan is behind him. "This is the Arts room... mostly for people that need it for extra time to finish up projects or who simply need the equipment they have here. We'll just be a few moments.. he's not done yet."

As he says this, Paul's attention is pulled to the left-hand corner. A studio light has been set up, shining down on someone administering paint to an easel easily the size of a wall. Behind the canvas, someone sits on a stool, and without any intervention of his mind to his body, Paul finds himself gravitating closer to the pair, his eyes narrowing slightly as he tries to see through the glare of the light.

The painter moves in front of the canvas quickly, the large, paint-covered brush in his long, stained fingers moving with swift, swirling movements across the white expanse. Since his back is to Paul, all he can see is a well-built, exotically dressed figure, wearing a bright red silk shirt and black silk pants, dark hair touseled and teased up into haphazzard spikes atop his head. The sleeves of the shirt are rolled up, bunching around the smooth elbows with a hurried kind of urgency, and he can hear the pulls of breath he takes into his lungs as he strains to get the brush up as high as it will go. He does not look at the painting at first, becoming too mesmerized by the fluid, almost erotic movements of the painter, watching how his shadow flickers across the tiled floor and does a dance of shade and light upon the canvas. The painting itself is massive, and he drags his gaze off the creater to look at it. What he sees there makes him gasp, a hand involuntarily raising to cover his lips. It is the profile of a face, the body melting into shadow, incomplete. The figure is standing on something, holding a blood red rose up to the sky which is aflame with golden amber brilliance. Light and radiance pours around him, encircling and embracing him, making his slender, perfect figure look all the more godly. The face itself is beautiful, half covered in shadow and hair that is the colour of chestnuts streaked through with caramel, and hangs in loose, wind-tossed ringlets around his face, shoulders and chest.

"Is that your friend? He is an incredible artist..." he asks Alex breathlessly, who has come to stand beside him.

Alex's soft chuckle makes him glance over, in time to see him shake his head negative.

"No.. that's Kip. THAT is Seth..." he whispers, touching Paul's arm to draw his attention to his pointing finger, gesturing to look behind the canvas. Paul frowns slightly and moves, peeking behind the canvas to the figure he can see sitting on a stool in his peripheral vision.

It is the painting come alive. He blinks slowly as he stares out into the light enveloping the young man on the stool. His legs dangle off the seat as he holds himself upright, baggy jeans adorning their slenderness, coming to cover black, shining Doc Martens upon his trim feet. Dancer's feet, he tells himself as he stares, moving up the man's body slowly. The jeans are a deep, dark blue, and they rest on his hips easily, elegantly. Around his waist and lower torso is a white dress shirt, unbuttoned and hanging on his elbows as he holds his arms around his chest. His shoulders and biceps are bare, and Paul stares at the unblemished skin unabashedly, almost able to taste its sweet, caramel-seeming softness in his mouth. Skin perfect for kissing... the thought surfaces in his mind as he stares, and he tears his eyes away, blushing deeply. The muscles in the arms lie dormant, but their shape remains visable under the satin-like skin, creating a beautiful series of swells and depressions down the long, expressive arms. His shoulders slope gently, perfectly, covered with the most incredible locks of hair Paul has ever seen. It pours in waves from his head; creating long, loose ringlets and curls that shimmer insanely in the bright overhead light. Hanging to the middle of his back, it tumbles down his skin like a waterfall arrested in motion. Their colour is brown, a deep rich chocolate brown, shot through with honey and amber streaks that Paul knows are not dyed. The whole effect is startling, and it is with a spinning head that Paul finally searches out the face.

It is beautiful. By far, this is the most beautiful human being Paul has ever come across. He thinks this disorientedly as he stares, becoming nothing more than a pair of eyes staring dumbly at perfection. Aristocratic, symmetrical and smooth, the features are stark in their masculine beauty. If they were a bit less strong, he could pass for a breathtaking woman. The face gives off the impression of finesse, of elegance, and an intelligence that Paul identifies with right away. The lips are full and generous; the ability to be ungraceful and ugly never crossing their surfaces. His eyes are open, staring out into space above the canvas, and in his delicate fingers he holds a rose as red as sunset crimson. Holding it aloft in the air, his expression is one of serenity, and Paul stares stupidly as Nathan watches him with a knowing grin.

"Beautiful, isn't he?"

Paul starts as he hears Nathan's voice, and blushes redly, closing the mouth he didn't know was open. Looking away from Seth, he drops his gaze to the ground in embarassment, his cheeks tomato red and his fingers trembling as he runs them nervously through his hair. He can feel Nathan's shrewd gaze upon his downcast eyes, and stammers to say something, anything at all.


Nathan smiles again, but this time it is with a touch of sympathy. Reaching out, he squeezes Paul's arm gently, speaking quietly.

"You are far from the first to do that. You should of seen me when I first met him. I couldn't talk. He found it quite amusing, in his twisted way."

Paul grins wanly as he hears this, his eyes dragging back to Seth. It is at this moment that Seth unfreezes himself from his position, his arms lowering and his head shaking slightly as he attempts to rid his vision of the shimmering curls that hang in his eyes. Paul watches, stricken dumb, as Seth turns his head to look their way at the sound of Nathan's voice. The light pours down upon his features with the gentleness of spring rain. It nestles in the honey highlights of his dark hair, and makes a showcase of his inviting lips. Paul swallows with difficulty as those eyes turn to rest directly on his own. Hazel, he can tell, even though the distance makes them less clear. They match perfectly with his hair, a myriad of light browns and golds. There is a discerning quality to them that makes Paul suddenly feel cornered, painfully illuminated by some spectral spotlight. For the first time in his life, Paul understands what it is like to have the world suddenly fall away in the persuit of someone elses gaze. For a fleeting moment, his reality becomes nothing but that gaze, as alien and familiar as it is. It is locked on him completely, seeing him without filtering anything out, intelligence and emotion swimming deeper in it than Paul has ever seen in anyone before. Distantly he wonders why his heart is thumping madly, and why the tightness in his chest seems to be a prelude to tears, but suddenly Nathan steps forward, breaking the connection.

"Hey. You almost done here?"

Eyes as bright as the earth are dragged off Paul's, sliding languidly to fall upon Nathan. Long, unkempt curls bob on his shoulders and chest as he nods, and then he looks to the painter, Kip, questioningly. Out of the corner of his eye, Paul sees Kip grin and nod.

"Yeah, I guess for now. I'll need you back tomorrow if that works for you.. I still need to get that rose down," Kip says, rubbing his paint-stained hands together wearily.

Seth nods, looking down at the rose contemplatively. Nathan takes this chance to grab Paul by the arm suddenly, and drag him behind him as he heads towards Seth. Paul stumbles behind him as he is dragged, coming to a stop in front of the seated Seth, who looks up at them quietly.

Nathan offers him a wide grin, and gestures to Paul, who tries hopelessly to hold Seth's shrewd gaze without success.

"Seth, this is Paul. Paul, this is Seth," he says, and Paul offers a weak smile in greeting. "He's new to St. Townsend. We're showing him the sights."

Paul becomes lost in the sudden smile that Seth flashes him. The wide, generous encompassment of it floors him; the white glittering of perfect teeth behind those brown sugar lips is a concoction too sweet to endure. Nathan is suddenly dragged aside by Kip, but Paul is too caught up to wonder why as Seth stands slowly, stretching as his feet touch the floor. He tries not to stare as Seth's pectoral muscles dance under his skin, and instantly drags his dazed gaze back up into Seth's eyes. Long lashes the colour of sand frame the startling irises -- very feminine and alluring in a face seemingly airbrushed into perfection.

"Hey...could you hold this for a moment?" Seth asks him, holding out the rose he had been holding towards Paul. Paul shivers helplessly at the sound of his voice: smooth as kahlua with cream, gentle and modulated with a careless grace.

It shines slick and smooth in the light, the red of it vibrant and unexpected. Paul takes it gently, carefully as Seth deposits it into his palm. He holds the delicate creation as Seth pulls his shirt up to cover his shoulders and arms once more. Deft, nimble-looking fingers do up the buttons, and Paul watches as the long curls of his hair dance around the fingertips moving in their midst. With a shake of the head that sends the shimmering curls over his shoulders and onto his back, he holds out his hand for the rose again, a half-smile latching itself sensuously upon his lips. The scent of the rose blossoms out into the air as it is moved again, Paul extending it back.

"Thanks," Seth says, turning slightly as he places the rose on the stool.

"Welcome," Paul manages, fighting desperately to keep the blush he can feel swirling throughout his body from reaching his face.

"Showing you the sights, hmm?" Seth asks, the grin on his face wide and serene. The friendliness of his voice and demeanor stuns Paul somewhat, who cannot put the casual and peaceable manner together with a face that looked like it should be able to bring the gods and angels down from the heavens. "Should take all of twenty minutes."

Paul laughs slightly, and nods, bringing his lavender gaze up to connect with Seth's earth-toned one. Flecks of emerald green dance around his pupils, Paul notes weakly.

"Yes, but they make it very interesting," he replies, gesturing over his shoulder to point at the twins behind him.

Seth grins again and glances over at them before returning his attention back to Paul.

"Mmm," he says with a wry smile. "Those two could make grass growing interesting."

Seth's smile widens as he hears Paul's appreciative laughter, and there is a sudden moment of awkwardness after the laughter dies away and silence reigns. He stares at Paul for a moment, his discerning gaze probing the lilac stormcloud-colour of the other's eyes silently, noting their unusual colour and seemingly perpetual expression of distance and enigmacity. Again Paul is held captive by Seth's gaze, and it is only when Seth looks away that he takes a step back.

"I've never met anyone with purple eyes before," Seth says, his quiet voice floating in the air around him softly as he brushes his hands down the front of his slightly rumpled shirt. "Are they colour contact lenses?"

Paul shakes his head, running his hands through his hair unconsciously. "No.. it's my natural colour. They change alot, though.. sometimes purple, other times grey, sometimes jade."

Seth smiles again, that strange, magnetic half smile. "The colour of twilight," he says, even quieter than before. Paul blinks as he looks at him, wondering at the curiously distant look in his eyes, when suddenly Nathan and Alex appear.

"Ready to go?"

Paul looks over at the two smiling brothers and nods, glancing over to Seth, who nods as well. Grinning, they start to head to the door, Paul trailing behind them slowly, unable to keep his gaze off of Seth's slender, dancer's figure. He is momentarily diverted, however, as Alex reaches over to grab Kip's hand as they pass him by. Kip smiles and turns, pulling Alex towards him slowly. Their arms wrapped around each other, Kip lowers his lips to touch lightly upon Alex's waiting ones, and they begin to kiss lingeringly. The sensual tenderness between the two becomes starkly obvious as the kiss continues, and Paul watches them silently, smiling as watches them smile through their kisses. Nathan watches his brother, unimpressed, and Seth stands there impatiently, his eyes looking everywhere except at the two.

"Come see me after?" Kip asks Alex in between kisses, the sudden strain and urgency in his voice making Paul blush redly and look down.

Alex nods, and deepens the kiss, oblivious of Nathan's annoyed intake of breath. When his arms slip around Kip's waist and he pushes himself up tightly against him, Kip moans softly, lifting his hand to rest on Alex's neck, pushing him into the kiss deeper and deeper. Suddenly, Seth cuts in, and delivers Alex a raised eyebrow and scowl.

"Save this kind of stuff for in private. Not everyone wants to see it, you know. And I do have to get to work."

Alex grins and blows a kiss towards Kip before nodding and stepping away, winking charmingly at Seth before heading out the door. Seth sighs and rolls his eyes, making Paul and Kip grin. Nathan follows his brother out, muttering something under his breath at him.

"See you tomorrow," Seth tells Kip with a wry grin. Kip grins back and hugs him briefly. Paul watches, slightly surprised, as they both kiss each other's cheeks. Wondering, he follows Seth out the door, waving to Kip as he goes. They follow the twins out of the building, Seth falling into an easy, absent-minded gait beside Paul, whose gaze flickers from Seth's face to the floor and back again helplessly. The sudden, unexpected beauty of this elegant creation is almost too much; he can feel his chest constricting slowly as Seth glances at him, eyes as deep as the knowledge of trees invading his being.


Paul blinks, and after a moment, nods, watching Seth with inquiring, slightly confused eyes. "Yes.."

At Paul's slightly worried tone, Seth laughs, gesticulating vaguely at the air as he lifts his arms to run through the hair threatening to overcome his line of vision.

"Just reiterating." And then, abruptly, "Have you ever read a series of books called the Fionavar Tapestry?"

Paul nods slowly, a flash of diamond eagerness dancing in his gaze as he grins unexpectedly at Seth.

"Yes.... I have," he says softly. "The most incredible books ever penned, next to Lord of the Rings."

Seth's grin is as wide as Paul's, and they both watch each other for a long moment before simutaneously looking away again. Paul's eyes drop back to the floor, and Seth keeps his steady gaze on the rapidly approaching doors as he speaks.

"You remind me of one of the characters in the books... Paul Schafer.. or Pwyll-"

"Twiceborn," Paul says, finishing Seth's sentance.

Seth nods, and delivers him another one of those strange, searching looks.

"Yes. I can tell today is going to be a good day."

Paul laughs softly, again battling to keep his characteristically shy blush off his face.

"How so? Don't you still have to go to work?"

Seth shrugs, and smiles slowly. "Work doesn't matter. It's going to be a good day because I've seen things today I've never seen before. An escape from the ordinary.. the rest of the day can't be so bad."

Paul frowns slightly, and Seth continues, holding open the door for him as they reach it.

"Purple eyes, and someone else who's read Fionavar. Things I've never seen before."

Before Paul can think up a response to this strange observation, Nathan and Alex come into view, having been waiting for them to catch up. With Nathan on one side of him, and Alex on the other side of Seth, they begin their walk back to Detours amidst the twilight softness and streetlamp shine. Paul moves silently, not saying a word, being rivited upon the word play between Seth and the twins. He listens to their conversation quietly, smiling as their combined laughter rises like silken smoke upon the air, to become lost amongst the stars and darkness. More often than not, Paul finds his gaze locked with feirce abandon upon Seth, watching helplessly the long glorious hair that Seth himself doesn't seem to notice, the effortless, unpredictable grace with which he moves, and the voice that seemed to hold the very essence of exotic sensuality. It was like honey, that voice. Amber and sweet, mixed with a golden masculinity that was achingly gentle in its melodic evolution.

Once the busy parking-lot of Detours approaches ahead of them on the wooded path, they spread out a little, Nathan and Alex unconsciously moving ahead, their laughter-filled voices murmuring softly upon the night air. Paul watches them as they link arms, smiling in amused wonderment at their strange, almost symbotic closeness.

"Almost incestuous, aren't they?" He hears Seth ask, who suddenly appears at his right side. The expression on Seth's face is one of wry mirth, and Paul smiles at the way it rests upon the flawless face. Nodding, Paul laughs softly, watching the two clasp hands, their identical, pristinely pale fingers wrapping around each other like ivy made of flesh and blood.

"Yes... I've never seen twins so... um... enamoured... of each other. They must be quite the crowd pleasers," he adds, a slight flicker of lasciviousness appearing in his gaze as he does so, a flicker that is not lost on Seth, who nods after a moment of watching the other. A strange smile pervades his lips as he replies, his gaze falling to the ground as Paul looks over at him.

"Like you wouldn't believe. They've had Detours in an uproar too many times to count. Little teases, those two. Drives the fags wild."

Paul chuckles softly and nods, not daring to even wonder if the term 'fags' was used as a demeaning or simply honest statement. Most of the homosexuals he'd ever met had no problem with calling themselves fags, but then again, neither did the homophobes. They walk in silence together, Paul acutely aware of Seth's presence the entire time, feeling the strident warmth of the other's aura brushing against his skin, making it tingle pleasurably. The contact was almost erotic in its covert, unintentional way, as so Paul tries fiercely to ignore it, locking his mental faculties upon the gravel crunching underfoot. Seth watches him silently for a few moments, noting Paul's unusual timidity mixing so strangely with his confident, almost feline gait. Blinking, he looks away as he feels those peturbing violet eyes glance over at him, sees them watching through hair as dark and soft as raven's wings, almost begging to be carressed. There was something about him that was unnerving, but also magnetic, Seth thinks to himself quietly, wondering. He himself was not swayed or made nervous about Paul's beauty like Nathan or Alex so obviously were. He just couldn't help but admire its sweet, strange perfection and analyze it bit by bit.

"Where are you from?" he asks Paul after a moment.

"London," Paul replies, making a face. Seth grins.

"Charming," he says his eyes straying into the other's as Paul lifts them questioningly.

"'Charming'?" he echoes. "What do you mean? London is many things, but 'charming' is not at the top of the list, let me tell you."

Seth chuckles and shakes his head, his hazel eyes turned an almost chocolate brown in the gathering dark.

"Your accent," he says lightly, reaching out to touch Paul's arm in warning as a car suddenly roars to life beside them. Paul, whose face is aglow with a rosy blush from Seth's words, doesn't even notice the car as Seth's fingers graze the skin on his forearm. He stares down at those fingers dumble, their slender strength and tanned countennace making him feel faint, especially at how Seth's hand extends from a wrist at once delicate and firm, the slope of his fingers in perfect harmony with the slope of the back of his hand. The touch is warm, but in a moist, sticky way; rather in a summer's day softness, the kind that makes you feel utterly alive as you step out into it. It sinks down through his skin and shivers up his arm; he can feel himself in eagar anticipation as it heads for his chest, the center of his being. His body aches for that completion, but it is swiftly denied as Seth suddenly moves his hand away.

"Paul?" He hears him ask in a gently inquiring tone, and it is only then that he realizes that his eyes are closed and his breath is coming in shirt, jagged stops. His eyes sweep open hurriedly, and he swallows in nervous, disabling embarrassment as he finds Seth's concerned gaze.

"You ok?" Seth asks, a frown touching his finely-sculpted eyebrows. Paul nods quickly and drops his arm, walking once more, leaving Seth to catch up.

"Yeah," he manages weakly. "Sorry about that."

"That's okay..." Seth says slowly, and Paul flushes as he feels the other's searching gaze on the side of his face. Luckily, however, the doors for the bar loom up ahead of them, with Alex and Nathan disapearing inside the smoky, clandestine depths. Paul reaches out to catch the heavy, worn wooden door as it swings shut after Alex's retreating back and he hefts it back open, holding it there for Seth who passes through with a smile and polite thank-you. Paul nods and tries to compose himself, standing there for a moment as Seth merges into the gloom of the bar. Inwardly kicking himself, his hands clench into dists as the memory of Seth's concerned expression floats before his mind's eye.

"Awestruck idiot," he murmurs distastsefully, as if the very words were the memory itself. He bites his lower lip in consternation, shaking his head.

"Who's an idiot?" he suddenly hears, and then Alex is grabbing his hand, pulling him away from the door. Before Paul can think of something to answer him with, Alex is pushing him into a seat at a table that is situated near the back of the wide open space. Nathan sits at one end, Alex in the middle, and Paul at the other end. He seats himself slowly, his eyes darting helplessly about for Seth despite himself, even as Alex launches into some meaningless critique of the people surrounding them. Paul listens with a distracted smile, then glances to Nathan, who, before he can open his mouth, offers him a languid, knowing smile. Paul raises his eyebrows slowly.

"He's just gone to the back-- he'll be back shortly. He's got to take our orders anyway."

Nodding slowly, Paul looks into the crowd surrounding them, completely missing the flicker of something bright and telltale in Nathan's observing gaze. He sits there silently, letting his eyes drink in the scene slowly, his hands folded demurely upon his laps. A strange sight he is, Nathan thinks to himself quietly, watching the way Paul regards his surroundings as if he'd never seen people or heard music before. Violet eyes watch unblinkingly, the raven fringe of eyelashes glittering like volcanic glass in the swirling inferno of the club lights. Dark hair brushes calmly beautiful cheeks, his whole body a perfect creation of otherworldly tanquility and knowledge. Nathan feels himself become more at ease simply by watching him, letting himself become overwrought by this most pristine epitome of grace.

Paul stares out into the crowd with an unconscious smile, watching the people around him move to the music pounding out of the shaking loudspeakers. His eyes shimmer in delighted surprise as he sees the couples dancing, not a single male-female one to be found. His gaze unabashedly follows a pair of youner looking boys, their arms wrapped around each other tightly and their bodies moving to a slow, deliberate rhythum, although the beat of the msuic is insistant in its pounding stocatto sound. Their faces shimmer with sweat and glitter, their lips parted in some exquisate sexual agony as their hips grind into each others, fingers digging deeply into bare, slick skin. He can almost hear their strained breaths as they pull them into labouring chests, a shiver knifes through his spine as he sees the darker-haired one close his eyes and push himself hard up against his partner's body; he feels their collective moan as the two touches meet.

There was a sexual electricity sparking throughout the place tonight, the very tables and chairs thrummed with its shivering charge. Intimacy was everywhere Paul looked, in the brushing of lips upon lips, the flash of make-up and cologne on the air. There wasn't a single plain person in sight, and even the ceiling and walls seemed alive with an intoxicating uniqueness themselves. He feels himself start to fall in love with the place, and feels the familiar anticipation of visiting it again and again, to become one with its risque beauty. To know all of its darkest corners and dusty forgotten places. But before he can let himself continue with that thougt process, a hand is waving in front of his face, obscuring his vision. A momentary flicker of annoyance flashes across his face before he looksup to see Seth standing there, grinning down at him. Paul stares up at him, at a loss for words for a moment as he takes Seth completely in. He'd changed out of the loose white dress shirt into a tight, black confection of light-absorbing material, the fabric clinging to his chest like liquid. The tumbling curls of his hair are swept up into a loose ponytail, several ringlets hanging in chaotic simplicity around his smiling face. He stands there quietly, the subtle elegance and power of his body making Paul's heart do an involuntary lurch.

"I wish I could zone out like that," Seth says with a slow wink, furthering the extent of Paul's embarrassed blush. "Then I wouldn't have to deal with these fools." He jerks an mockingly accusational finger towards the watching twins who instantly aqquire innocent, injured expressions. Alex returns Seth's laughter-filled grin, and then in a sly tone, orders his drink.

"Get me an electric popsicle, wench!" he announces pompously, reaching out to pinch Seth on the ass, which leaves Paul blushing darkly, and Seth to smack Alex's hand away.

"Oh, I'll get you your electric popsicle, you asshole," Seth says in a low, teasing growl. "I'll just filter it through my kidney's first."

Alex giggles in appriciation and Nathan snorts with laughter.

"And you?" Seth asks, directing his honeyed gaze to Nathan.

"Bacardi Silver, please," Nathan says, smiling.

Seth nods and then looks to Paul. "What about you?" His voice takes on an unexpectedly soft tone as he asks, and Paul frowns slightly as he hears it, wondering why it had surfaced just then.

"Uh... I... I don't have any money with me..." he stammers, being stricken dumb by Seth's magnetic gaze locked so fully upon his own. He swallows and looks down, even as Seth is replying to him.

"No-one pays for their drinks while I'm working. I'm the only bartender in this place until ten o'clock, so its not like anyone can call me on it. What would you like to drink?"

Paul looks up into Seth's expectant, smiling face, and glances over to the bar as one of his shy smiles flickers to the surface of his lips. "Kahlua and cream, then... mudslide?" he asks hesitantly, Seth's voice running like spiced cinnamon through his head.

Seth raises his eyebrows and nods, his smile deepening strangely. "Good choice. I'll be right back." And with that, he turns, shouldering his way gracefully through the crowd en route to the bar. Paul stares hopelessly after him, feeling his body thrum with the touch of Seth's energy, the vision of his calm, clairvoyant eyes. The crowd's reaction to the creation of perfect beauty moving through their midst does not go unnoticed by Paul. He watches as couples part to let Seth through, their hands moving covertly to brush against his smooth arms, through the shimmering, scented curls cascading down his back. He sees eyes darken with erotic surprise as they find and linger upon Seth, following his every movement towards the bar. He sees a few couples look at each other with sultry glances and can almost hear the purrs in their throats as they track Seth through crowd. All of this seems to go blissfully unnoticed by Seth, who merely smiles politely at the calls of his name that ring out invitingly above the swirl of music.

There was no doubt about it. Paul was in love with him, in the same hopeless way everyone else here was. Enraptured by the poetry of his body, by the life dancing in his alliuring gaze. With anyone else, Paul might of stopped to wonder why one person could invoke in him such incredible tsunamis of emotion, but with Seth it was self-evident and would just have been utterly strange if he didn't fall completely head over heels. Love at first sight, the thinks to himself weakly, lost in the haze of his feverish thoughts. He looses sight of Seth as the crowd closes in behind him, and he relaxes slightly, turning as he hears Nathan's golden voice.

"So what do you think?" he whispers conspiratorily, leaning across the beer-stained tabletop to speak in Paul's ear, his dark eyes glittering brightly as they watch him. His auburn hair explodes under the club lights; highlights of scarlet, gold and copper creating an insane fire glow atop his head. Transfixed by this, Paul murmurs his answer, completely unaware of his words.

"It's a great place," he says, witholding his itching urge to run his fingers through Nathan's fiery hair, to see if he would get burned by its brilliance. Nathan shakes his head hurriedly, almost blinding Paul as the light sluices through the myriad strands. His gaze falls back into the chocolate embrace of Nathan's eyes, their depths swirling with hidden, impish intention.

"No. Of Seth."

At this, Paul instantly blushes, aware of Alex's sudden, keen gaze on him as well. Uncomfortably, he struggles to find something to say, his face aglow with telltale feeling. What could he possibly say to that? Was there any possible way to convey just how weak and simplistic Seth made him feel? He stares into Nathan's awaiting, grinning face, and with a voice completely devoid of its ususal timidity and uncertainty, he lets his heart speak without any intervention of his mind. He does not mean for this to happen, but something in his soul snaps, unable to contain the knowledge of the beauty so infecting his soul. His eyes made lavender with distance and introspection, he speaks slowly, staring as Nathan unblinkingly.

"Most people just shake their heads, don't they?"

Nathan blinks, not expecting that, but before he can ask Paul what he means by it, Paul carries on.

"They can't bring the words to explain his beauty. You have asked dozens upon dozens of people what they think of him. But he leaves them without words, only startled, crazy awe. He emulates everything I can see in everyone else. The difference is that, with him, everyone else can see it too. The perfect beauty, that music of humanity that becomes evident in the movements of his heartbreaking hands, and in the measured, careless dance of his body, as though there was no body there at all, only pure, unadulterated grace. His voice makes love to itself. His hair shatters the sunlight. His eyes... should be impossible. A perfect Muse. I can see that exact same beauty in you, in your brother, in Kip, everyone here in this building. But I seem to be the only one that can see the endless extent of it. Most people think I'm just crazy when I try to explain all the beauty I see, all the time. But Seth... Seth is that beauty. He makes people see it.. see the perfection that lies in every single one of us. An incredible gift. It's not just that he's good-looking... it's so much more than that. He holds starlight in his hands and eyes. But it is not a gift that comes completely painlessly. I can see the sorrow buried deep in his eyes, in the softest tones of his voice. He has shattered many hearts and had to cloak himself in darkness because people become addicted to his radiance, the promise it holds of goodness, of perfection, love and divinity. You yourself have had to do this, both you and your brother. A strange price to pay, for being Alive and beautiful. I wish I knew why the most beautiful, inside and out, have to experience the most pain and lonliness. I admire him completely already, but I see the shields around his heart, and I wonder if he'lle ver let anyone through ever again."

With eyes violet and silver, his voice dwindles away, left only ton shine in the remnants of his words that dance in the twins eyes as they stare in shock at him. Nathan blinks slowly and begins to unfreeze, having been stuck in his leaning position as Paul had spoken.

"How do you know all that? So soon after meeting him? How?" he whispers, his eyes wide with something almost akin to fear.

Paul blinks and shrugs, looking down, the power in his voice receeding as he speaks, returning to himself once more as he witnesses the fear in the twins eyes.

"It's like a book," he whispers almost inaudibly. "Everyone is like a book. You just have to know how to read."

Before either Alex or Nathan can think of anything else to respond to that sudden plunge into the surreal, Seth appears out of the crowd, brandishing their drinks in one practiced hand.

"Here we are," he says cheerfully, putting them down onto the worn tabletop. Sliding Alex and Nathan their drinks, he frowns in puzzlement at their slightly dazed thank-yous. Arching an eyebrow, he directs a half-worried glance their way, his eyes narrowing slightly. "Did I miss..something...?" he asks, to which they both shake their heads belatedly, still staring at Paul. He looks over to Paul then, and sliding the drink left in his hands towards him, he inquires again. "Paul? You guys okay?"

Paul nods quickly and offers Seth a forced half-smile, while thanking him for the drink, curling his suddenly sweaty fingers around the cool, condensation-endowed glass.

"Fine," he says. "Thank you." And with another smile that reflects wanly in his gaze, he places the glass to his lips, letting some of the cool, sweet liquid to pour past them and into the awaiting bowl of his mouth. "It's busy here tonight."

Seth drags his gaze off the three of them slowly to look around, nodding faintly. "Yes.. it's always busy. I should probably head back to the bar.. but if you need anything, just come up. See you later," he says slowly, still probing each of them with his hazel gaze.

They all nod, and watch him leave, directing another puzzled gaze over his shoulder at them as he goes. Paul slumps back into his chair as he disapears, and focuses on his glass, slowly sipping the chilled drink as he feels the remnants of his words crackling around him in painful remembrance. The rest of the night is mostly spent in that startled silence, with Nathan leaning back in his seat with his arms crossed over his chest, staring at Paul. About halfway through the night, Kip appears, and drags Alex's suddenly taciturn body onto the dance floor. Paul watches them dance distantly, not really seeing the smiles that touch their lips, nor the sparkle that explodes in Alex's eyes as they move. His gaze is focused just past them, where he watches Seth mix drinks for the lines forming at the bar, watching his reflection move fuzzily in the semi-reflective bar counter. The lights swirl in his flowing hair, and shine off his sudden, all-encompassing smiles. Slowly he savours his mudslide, letting the syrupy bounty coat his tongue. Swallowing Seth's essence, he can't help but think, as he loses himself to the spicy, exotic, rich and deep flavour. Unconscious of Nathan's endless stare, he locks his gaze on the distant vision of Seth, becoming nothing more than another pair of admiring eyes in the night.

Next: Chapter 2

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