Shark Reef

By Bearpup

Published on Jun 11, 2017


Please see original story ( for warnings and copyright. Highlights: All fiction. All rights reserved. Includes sex between adult men. Go away if any of that is against your local rules. Practice safer sex than my characters. Write if you like, but flamers end up in the nasty bits of future stories. Donate to Nifty TODAY at to keep the cum coming.

"Well, it's getting hot. Let's hit the nest, Ian, for the afternoon nap." He moved so fast to strip and get into the bed I almost laughed, but knew that would ruin the evening's surprise. I slipped in behind him and foiled his attempt to turn and start some loving. I wrapped my arms around him, firmly locking his own in place. I was careful; he couldn't reach either of our dicks, and I could tell the frustration was beginning to undo the kid. Well that was just fiiiiiiine. I smiled wickedly as Ian fidgeted and finally dozed. This was going to be a hell of a night.

Shark Reef 7: The Big Catch

By Bear Pup

I woke that afternoon like I had in the morning, still holding Ian and feeling him have a very nice, very sexy dream. Meagan, my second daughter, had nightmares when she was younger. She would never tell anyone what they were about, which made it nearly impossible to overcome the fear underneath. They started when we got Roscoe, a puppy, who loved sleeping in her bed, and we were terrified he was the cause. That she was scared to death of him but also worried she'd be the cause of getting rid of him if she said anything.

Finally, a doctor-friend made a suggestion. Meagan would frequently come and crawl in bed with us. He told me when I next woke up and she has having a nightmare, to speak low and clearly and in very simple language. Basically, just ask her what she saw, what she felt, what scared her.

It turned out that Roscoe was the cause, but not in any way we expected. The monsters were coming for Roscoe and she couldn't protect him. The next evening before bed, I took her out on the porch and sat with her alone, save for Roscoe. As if on cue, a dog barked and Roscoe answered with his puppyish yap.

"Do you know what that is, Meagan?" I asked.

"Just a dog barking, papa."

"No! It's one of the dogs from the Bark Patrol checking up on little Roscoe. There are dogs everywhere and they all gang up to protect each other, especially puppies. If anything is wrong, all Roscoe has to do is bark to them and they'd come running to keep him and you safe.

"It's what the Bark Patrol does, Meagan; it protects puppies and kids. And if you listen, they do it... All. Night. Long. Isn't that cool?" The nightmares stopped for a long time after that. She was still fragile even to this day and often had bad dreams, but nothing haunted her nights like that nightmare again.

I pitched my voice low and steady, soft but not a whisper, confident and sure. "You can hear me, Ian, but you're still asleep and dreaming. Ian, what do you see?"

His voice was slurred with sleep, but clear enough. "I see you. I see the people watching us. You're taking me, right there in front of them." Oh, fuck. Oh, shit. Oh, man that is so fucking hot.

"Ian, what do you feel?"

"I feel you on my back, fucking me. Your hair on my back. I'm so close. Soooooo close. And the others just watch."

"What now."

"I'm begging and screaming and begging and you go faster and, and, and," His voice caught and his breathing got short. I smiled wickedly and shook him awake.

"Rise and shine, sleepy-head! Time for another dinner of fish and sand!"

He groaned like the ancient mariner, wrenched from the edge of ecstasy. I pulled him to his sleepy feet and he swore at me, I'm guessing in Gaelic or just some imprecation local to his beautiful island. He rubbed the sand (literal and sleep-style) from his eyes and I walked with him as he stumbled into the trees. He yawned hugely and reached down.

He moaned when I grabbed his dick and again did the piss-hard thing. This time, though, his was not the only stream that flew straight up. It had been a long, long time since I'd been that hard. Oh, God, was I even gonna be able to make it through with my plan? I was sooooo close to blowing all over the leaves.

Since it was still early in the afternoon, we sprayed and dressed again. I tried fishing a little further down the beach that afternoon. Ian built the fire and gathered wood as it settled. It was still full light when I produced another of the blue-green hump-headed fish from the first night.

I made quick work of the thing with multitool, deciding not to skin it at all, instead trying something that worked great with trout. I cut two huge fillets from the meatiest part of the fish and threw the rest of the carcass out with the offal. Ian had set the grill as I put the fish skin-up on it, letting it roast and trusting the skin to help hold it together.

Ian played with the monocular as I fussed with the fish. I frowned in puzzlement as I watched him jam some of the 'tide-line' sticks into a line, frequently sitting and then realigning one of the three slightly, eventually just nudging them delicately as if making final adjustments to a timing chain.

I moved the fish to the 'coconut table' and gingerly peeled it back. Leaving it in place like that had apparently reduced the amount of meat that stuck -- odd since I'd expected the opposite effect -- and the skin did indeed hold the fillet together. It was succulent and the fire-flavor had roasted deeply into it. The sun hadn't even set when we finished. Ian had been oddly silent through the meal.

"I'll clean up, JB. Do me a favor, please. can you sit over there and line up those three sticks in the monocular and tell me what you think you see?"

"Sure kid. Thanks for cleaning up, though." Ian just frowned.

The monocular was a true marvel. I first got used to the control, panning across the entire length of the island that Ian had run, and on which he'd found Crab Man. The detail was insane. I could see individual leaves on the trees at the other end!

Confident I had the controls down pat, I spent a few minutes scrunching and leaning until I finally got to three sticks to line up. They pointed the other way, to the inaccessible island (or pair; there was a point where there might be a narrow channel in the middle) to the north. Again, the scope was wild. I could even see between the trees into the sunset glow and make out the edges of the door on the...

"HOLY FUCK!" My mouth went dry and my pulse exploded.

"Yeah, that was what I said." Ian was next to me again.

"It's shed or hut or some shit, Ian! What the hell?"

"Keep looking, JB. It looks, I don't know, really-really old, doesn't it?"

He was right. I couldn't see the whole structure, but it seemed... corroded, possibly? Regardless, it was damned sure manmade and had a door. I could just make out a big barrel hinge and... maybe a bar across it?

Instantly, the word 'inaccessible' was erased from my mind. There HAD to be a way over there. "Ian, I think we know what our next project is going to be."

"Yeah, I've been thinking about that, too. But it's already getting dusky. Is it too late to start, do you think?"

I put my arm around his shoulder and smiled at him. "It's too late to start on that, but then again, we do have all night..." I slid my hand slowly down his back. He shivered and pulled me into a kiss. I felt his hand move to my waist and caught him.

I leaned into his ear and purred, relishing the tremor that caused. "You had a very... fun dream this afternoon, Ian. Care to tell me about it?"

Ian gasped and pulled back, eyes both hunted and desperately needed. "I, uh, I don't know what you mean."

I smiled crookedly and kissed him again until he melted into me. I purred again, "It seemed like a really, really nice dream, Ian. And I can't make your dreams come true {whimper} if you don't tell me what they are." I turned the last word into a long, low growled and nibbled at his earlobe. Ian let out a series of whimpers and I could hear them become more confused and more desperate each time. "That's right, baby, dreams can come true. You sure you don't want to tell me?" I kissed and licked my way down his neck.

With the hand that wasn't holding Ian's head into my lustful caress, I slowly unbuttoned the shirt and pulled it to the side to give me access. I started to stroke and strum his left nipple. I shifted to his right and licked across his lips, capturing a moan, then nibbling on his right earlobe, pulling him across and into me.

"You really, really sure you don't want to tell me, baby?"

A staccato 'ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah' sigh whistled out and his threw back his head. "Promise not to hate me? Please? Please, JB? Promise?"

I redoubled my effort around his ear, purposefully blowing across it as I lip-nibbled him. "Mmm-hmm... as long as it's a good dream. Was it a good dream, baby?"

"OH GOD! Oh, JB. Oh. Oh. Okay. Yeah. You, you-you-you were fucking me. In front of people!"

"Oh, and what were you doing, baby? Were you fighting me off, Ian?" I switched ears and kissed as I went. "What were those people were watching you do, baby? What did they hear you say? No! No! Stop? Orrrrrrrrr," the deep, penetrating growl was back, "something else?"

"OH-H-H-H! I, I, I was b-begging! And you, you went harder and harder and harder and I was b-b-b-begging! And then! And then!"

"Oh, you poor baby. And then I woke you up, didn't I?" There were tons of fake concern there.

"YES! YES!" he sobbed. I pulled him fully into me and stood up.

"Let's go over to the nest, baby, and you can tell me what you wanted to happen next in your Very. Good. Dream." I punctuated each of those words with a kiss and a nipple-pinch. As we walked back, I undressed us, never letting Ian out of my kiss and embrace. He was trance-walking, utterly lost in young lust that I stoked implacably, inescapably, insistently.

Earlier, before even fishing, I'd pulled a Lunk-Lunk blanket beside the Mylar shelter. I wanted more room to maneuver than I'd have underneath. I'd also tucked a couple bottles underneath the sleeve that of the lube Hulme had brought. I eased Ian down and began to make long, slow, love to his body, avoiding only his crotch. He clutched me, so far undone that he didn't even think to reach for my sex, just lost in the kisses and caresses that were slowly driving him mad.

I finally laid him back and pressed my body down atop him. "How is the dream so far, baby? You like?"

"Oh, God! Please! Please, JB. You know what I need!"

I alternated between purring in each ear, kissing as I changed. "No, baby, you have to tell me." Kiss. Switch. Purr. "I've never done this before and... it's your dream after all."

The whine of need and desperation send electric waves through my body. The ego rush was so intense I could easily have cum at a touch. "You told all those people watching in your dream what you wanted, Ian." Kiss. Switch ears. "Come on, baby, tell me what you need me to do for you, do to you...?"

"Oh, JB! F-f-f-f-uck me! FUCK me, please!"

"How do I do that, baby?"

"NO! Please! You know! Don't make me say it, JB. Please?"

"But, baby, how can I know if I'm doing it right?" Kiss. Switch ears. Growl deeply. I let my hand for the first time dip down between his legs.

"YES! Please! Touch me there!"

"Touch you where, baby?" I let my hand drift in the opposite direction than he wanted, teasing his taint.

"No! No! JB, touch my a-a-arse!"

"You mean..." Kiss. Switch. Growl. I let me middle finger slip down to the wet, fluttering hole that, at that moment, was the center of Ian's soul. ""


I went in for the deepest possible kiss as I twirled my forefinger around and around that puckered opening. I popped open one of the bottles of lube and got a glob in my palm. I pulled out of the kiss and pulled away from his hole, greasing my hand as I did so.

"Is that what you wanted me to do, baby? Tell me what you want next."

"In-In-In-Inside! INSIDE! PLEASE!"

I let just a knuckle move in and he arched his back and pulled his knees up so fast I had to pull back for a moment. It let me move, though, so his thighs now rested against my chest. I kissed him savagely and swallowed a scream of pleasure as I plunged in to the next knuckle. I let that finger work for a while, getting further and further, making damned sure no part of me came anyplace close to touching Ian's explosively-sensitive cock.

When I pulled back, Ian cried out, "MORE! Fuck me, JB, please!"

I added a huge dollop of lube and worked my middle finger in as well. Ian gasped in pained delight and I returned to the power-kiss. I probed and stretched Ian's 'arse' methodically. I knew from high school health class and innumerable doctor's visits that, someplace in here, was...


...a thing called a prostate. I rubbed little circles around it as Ian howled. I looked down and a steady stream of juice was pouring from Ian's prick which throbbed painfully with every heartbeat. Ian squealed and cried under me, then started chanting "more" like a mantra.

"You saying you want another finger, baby?" He just grunted and hunched his ass harder against my hand. I lubed up again and his eyes popped open in pain as my ring-finger joined the party. I paused until the pain subsided from his eyes and went back to the prostate massage, running in and out slowly, caressing and stretching my ultimate prize... and his.

I'd kept Ian on the knife's edge of need for the last 18 hours. As I played his body into a frenzy, I realized I kinda liked it this way. I eased my fingers out of Ian's ass. He moaned and huffed in displeasure, hunching to try and recapture them. His eyes were, frankly, wild at that point.

"Ian, baby, what do you want?"

"MMMMMore!" he croaked.

"More what, baby? Talk to me, Ian."

"F-Fuck me! Do it NOW! Please, JB, I need it so bad."

"But that's an awful big step for a straight guy like me Ian. You know that. Why should I do that?"

"AH! NO! PLEASE! You can't stop! I-I-I-I'll do anything! Anything!"

"Well, you gonna be faithful to me baby?"

"Huh? Yes! Yes! What does that mean?"

"Well, if I take this huge step, Ian, you don't go around jacking off any more. We please each other together, never apart. You gonna be faithful to me baby?"


"No, baby. You gotta tell me Ian. You gotta promise me." I let my fingers now play around his hypersensitive hole. I could feel his ass-lips kissing outward, trying to lure or trap my fingers back inside.

"I! I! I! I! I promise! I swear. Faithful. Swear! No wanking! No anything! PLEASE!"

"Oh, baby, I love that you said that." I bent down and captured him in a long, slow, sensual kiss while lubing my cock generously. I honestly had no idea how this worked, but figured I could wing it.

I brought the head to his pucker and let it rest there a second, fighting down an urge to blow right then. When I was back under control and pushed forward. The resistance was fierce. Nothing at all like a pussy. It was like trying to wedge my cock into a coke-bottle's neck, far too small to accommodate it. I pushed again and Ian moaned, repeating 'yes' over and over as a chant.

I pushed forward again and felt the head POP inside. Ian clutched hard into my back, nails probably drawing blood, and howled like the stuck pig that he, in fact, was at that moment. I held still for several reasons. I was afraid I was really injuring him; I wanted to give him time to adjust, if that was even possible; and I was so close to cumming I was about to scream myself.

Like a switch thrown, Ian's clutching vanished and he hissed, "Yesssssssss!" I pushed forward again and met another barrier. More pressure and I popped through a second tourniquet-tight ring of muscle. No, this was nothing like a pussy at all. It was hotter, tighter... better!

He relaxed again and I started to feed him inch after inch of my dick, pausing to let him adjust. I hit his prostate and he howled again, this time in pleasure. I backed off a bit and pushed again, pounding that nubbin of flesh then past it. Ian exploded with incoherent sound, and a load of cum that could have downed a small army. He writhed and bucked around my cock. And I tasted blood as I bit my lip with the effort not to follow his example and just blow right then and there.

When he began to come down off his orgasm, I slowly started to thrust in and out. He yelped, then moaned and grabbed me hard. His voice was husky in my ear. "Fuck me, you bastard! Fuck me hard!"

His heels pounded into my ass then like a pair of bony spurs. I started going harder and harder, but stayed gentle. I'd fucked a lot of women, well, a fair few, and knew I could get a bit wild and pay for it later.

"I said FUCK ME! I'm not gonna break you pansy-assed Yankee fucker! Give it to me! MAN UP! NOW!"

He asked for it. I pulled out the caution and the stops that kept me for flat-out busting a pussy and poured every ounce of primitive animal lust into it. Ian's grunts and curses and howls fueled me, and I found myself shouting back, the filthiest things I could imagine coming from my mouth. I was lost in a kind of fuck-frenzy I'd read about in porn but never really imagined. The world was... gone. My universe was my cock and the insanely tight, writhing, bucking, screaming, cussing ass in was lodged within.

A heard a high, keening wail and Ian's ass tried to snap my cock off completely. I felt him again gush between us. I got one more thrust in before I lost all sense, all control, and the largest, longest, loudest, lustiest load I'd ever dropped.

If you want to get mail notifying you of new postings or give me ANY feedback that could make me a better author, e-mail me at

Active storelines, all at Canvas Hell: 28 chapters .../camping/canvas-hell/ Beaux Thibodaux: 20 chapters .../adult-youth/beaux-thibodaux/ The Heathens: 21 chapters .../historical/the-heathens/ Lake Desolation: 13 chapters .../rural/lake-desolation/ Dear John Letter: 3 chapter .../military/dear-john-letter/ Shark Reef: 7 chapters .../adult-youth/shark-reef/ Culberhouse Rules: 4 chapters .../incest/culberhouse-rules/

Just finished, rewritten and typeset: Off the Magic Carpet in PDF or eBook formats. Let me know if you're interested. The price is right: Whatever you think it's worth!

Special collaboration with Brad Borris: In God's Love (5 installments) .../incest/in-gods-love/

Next: Chapter 8

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