Sharing Orgasms With Ken

By Jack Santoro

Published on Jul 19, 2005


Sharing Orgasms with Ken, Part 2 By

I woke up first, propping myself up on one elbow to admire the beauty of Ken's penis. It lay along one thigh, a smooth and fleshy tube that tapered from the base almost to the end. I studied the outline of the head that was making the smooth skin bulge before it continued on to form a nipple at the end. His high flaring ridge formed a semi-circle at the top of his shaft, them swept forward and down to the bulge of the twin lobes underneath. His low hangers were between his thighs, the scrotum utterly relaxed. A drop of creamy fluid filled the pucker of his foreskin, the result of his frenzied release a couple of hours ago. We'd agreed not to have an orgasm before seeing each other again, and when I'd arrived at his house that morning we'd both been extremely horny and needing relief. We'd torn off our clothing and tumbled onto the bed, our pricks swelling even before we'd touched them.

I'd reached down to roll the nipple of his long foreskin between thumb and index finger, feeling him doing the same to mine. Now we were both rock-hard, and Ken's balls had begun to contract against his body. Mine were already tight, their normal state. I placed my palms on top and under his penis, moving my hands back and forth to twist the foreskin over his glans, and felt his response as his cock-head swelled even more between my palms. Ken began gasping, grunting, and moaning helplessly as I worked up his excitement. We didn't even think about getting a towel, and when the heavy spasms filled his cock the streams fell onto his stomach.

He'd kept his grip on my penis as he'd shot, and I knew that this was because the feel of my hard cock excited him as much as the feel of his excited me. Now he skinned me back completely and smeared some of his cream over my naked glans to lubricate it, them worked it in with his fingertips because he knew this was the fastest way to bring on the orgasm that I needed so badly. His touches made my glans all tingly, and within seconds my hot, throbbing tip exploded in orgasm. My eyes were closed as I unloaded, the jets falling on my stomach, and then we both were still, temporarily sated. It didn't take long for us to slip into sleep.

Now I pushed my face closer to the tapered end of his sleeping prick, inhaling his musky masculine aroma, then I licked at the fluid filling the end of his foreskin, savoring the rich salty taste. Now I picked up the end of his penis, slipping my tongue into the tight puckered ring that formed the end of his foreskin, and probing for the precious head it contained. I licked the lips of his long slit, then pushed farther to caress the broad upper surface of his glans, before circling the rim. I wanted to taste his secretions as my tongue pushed in to stretch his foreskin out.

Now I felt Ken stirring, as the stimulation aroused him to consciousness, and his hand came to rest on the back of my head. His penis began to swell as blood rushed into it, and soon it was totally hard, with the foreskin still enveloping the head and my probing tongue. Mine was half-hard, and now I felt him shift his body into a "69" position as his warm fingers closed around my cock.

Our cocks were a lot alike, with straight shafts, a big vein on the right side of each, and long foreskins that covered the heads completely even with full erections. His erection was slightly longer than my six inches, but my foreskin was somewhat longer than his, which had enabled me to dock him a week or two ago.

We'd studied each other's cock-heads, utterly fascinated by their compound curves because we both felt that the glans was the most beautiful part of the penis. At the front of his was a long slit that distended when liquid forced its lips apart, while my slit was shorter than his but pouted to a teardrop shape when the glans swelled. Both our tips were light purple at the front domes, darkening to a deeper shade around the rims. We both had high, flaring rims, with sexy recurves that stood at least a quarter inch above our shafts.

We were very happy that we still had our foreskins, both to protect the precious heads, and because they provided more to play with as we fondled each other's cocks. Both of us knew that our hoods did more than protect the precious heads and keep them sensitive, and we enjoyed stimulating their many nerve endings. Our favorite pastime was to explore the many different sensations possible from trying various ways to manipulate our foreskins. We enjoyed pulling and twisting each other's hoods, stretching them out away from our bodies. We also enjoyed pushing each other's foreskins back slowly over the swollen heads, feeling the nerve endings stretching as the skin expanded over the tapered tips. We also knew the glorious feeling of our foreskins riding over the edge of the rims to snap down into the deep grooves behind our heads.

"We never yet went to orgasm using our mouths," Ken said as he pinched the head of my cock through its ample covering. He was right. We'd stimulated each other by pushing our tongues into each other's hoods, but then had finished each other off in other ways. I'd lapped at the exposed surfaces of his glans to bring him to orgasm, but had kept my head out of the way so that I could watch him shoot, and therefore had never experienced his ejaculations in my mouth.

"Let's do it now," I said, understanding his need. Ken was really into oral sex, both as the donor and the receiver, and it was an unstated assumption that we'd try for variety as much as possible. Now that we'd had our first orgasms, the feeling of urgency was gone, and we could take our time to enjoy the nuances of sensation. Ken's hot tongue probed into my foreskin, and I felt it tickle my slit.

My lips were wrapped around his foreskin covered head as my tongue continued its circles around the seat of his sensations. I knew I was reaching him because I felt his hard glans throb against my tongue. I also tasted the fresh secretion of lubricant that was now steadily oozing from his slit.

I felt Ken's thumb and forefinger hold my penis by the glans as his tongue pushed farther inside the hood. Now his tongue was tracing circles around my orifice, and I knew he enjoyed the taste of my glans as much as I did his. I smelled his rich masculine aroma as my tongue worked around his rim, tracing it down to the hot spot under the head. Now I pressed my tongue into the deep triangular groove between the two sides of his corona where they met in a thin weld line, probing the hot spot where his gee-string attached the hood to his head.

Ken's chest and stomach were pressed against mine as we mouthed each other's cocks, and I felt his body shudder in excitement as my tongue hit his hot spot. I tightened my tongue to make it thicker and pried the foreskin away from the front half of his bulging tip. Now I pulled back on his shaft skin to drag the hood back all the way, exposing the precious fleshy jewel underneath. His glossy glans gleamed wetly in the soft light of the bedroom, and a large tear filled the eye of his cock. My tongue flicked out to taste it, and Ken moaned at the contact as my tongue-tip spread it smoothly around his weeping cock-eye.

"Your tip's beautiful," Ken murmured as he removed his mouth and urged my foreskin back slowly with his fingertips. I felt the nerve endings in my foreskin stretch delightfully as my hood rode back over the taper of the head, until it snapped down into the deep groove behind my flaring ridge to form a thick fleshy collar.

I moved forward to engulf his glans, feeling the smooth surfaces between my lips, my tongue-tip probing his slit again for another drop of fluid. Now my lips locked behind his flaring corona, squeezing the collar of foreskin, and his big cherry was inside my mouth, pressing against my tongue and palate.

I felt him do the same to me, enveloping my swollen cock-head totally until his lips wrapped around my foreskin collar behind it. His tongue worked all around my glans, exploring its contours, probing behind the rim, and making all of its nerve endings tingle. My tongue circled the round front dome of his tip, and then probing at the slit to taste the salty fluid that continually oozed from between its long lips.

This was one of the things that turned me on about Ken's cock. Ken was what I called a "juicer," constantly secreting a lot of natural lubricant, but mine did not. Opposites attract, and I'd found that seeing and tasting his copious body-fluid was very exciting for me.

Now Ken's fingers tightened around my shaft, dragging the skin back farther to open up the groove behind my rim, as his tongue explored nerve endings that rarely saw the light of day. The stretching feeling in my dick-skin heightened my excitement, as did the sensation of my tip's being totally naked inside his mouth. I did the same to his prick, pulling back until his skin lay smoothly along his shaft and his glans stood proudly exposed at the end.

I pressed my tongue into the hot spot under the head again, feeling the thick gee-string that was so sensitive to touch. As I pulled back harder on his skin, I felt his glans dip towards his balls because the thick gee-string pulled it down. Ken's scrotum had been loose when I'd awakened him, but now before my eyes his balls had tightened with excitement so that his sac was as compact as mine. I tickled the hairs on his scrotum, knowing that this would always enhance the thrill for him.

Ken's fingers closed around my sac as his mouth began the familiar vacuuming on my cock-head. He knew I enjoyed feeling him cup my balls, even as my glans was expanding further inside his suctioning mouth. Now he twisted his head and I felt the friction of his lips dragging around my rim and groove. My tongue pressed against his gee-string as I kneaded his balls gently, knowing that this was pushing him slowly and inexorably towards the brink. My fingertips pressed lightly into the tender flesh behind his sac, to feel every throb in his cock-root.

Having drained ourselves earlier, we did not have the feeling of needy urgency that we'd had before. Now we could relax and enjoy the long, slow build-up, knowing that our orgasms would be more intense the longer we delayed them. For me, the sensations in my glans alternated between a gentle tickling feeling and an occasional tingle as Ken changed his technique. I felt his glans throb when I squeezed it with my tongue and palate, or sucked on it very hard. I could also provoke a throb by pulling back on his skin with a jerk, giving his nerve endings a sharp jolt just this side of painful as his glans dipped.

Now Ken ran his tongue-tip quickly around the circumference of my rim, caressing the many nerve endings. The sudden hot thrill made my cock-root throb, and I felt a slight tickling sensation deep inside as a drop of fluid began its long crawl up my urethra to the tip.

"I think your cock-root just throbbed," Ken said. "You getting lube?"

"Yeah, finally," I replied. I'd had to remove my mouth to speak, and now I noticed that his engorged tip had become darker.

"Good, I want to taste yours." He enveloped my turgid glans with his lips again, and I tugged down on his sac to stimulate him further, as I knew he also delighted in having his scrotum stretched. Ken shuddered with the sensation, and I lip-locked his flaring corona, tasting the flow of lube pouring out onto my tongue. The surface of his glans also felt harder against my tongue, and I knew he was in his final swelling, the enlargement that occurs just before orgasm.

"You're really close, Ken. Want to go first?"

"Okay," he replied. "I'll keep my mouth off your prick just to make sure I don't bite when I come." We both knew this was possible, given the mindless contortions orgasm produced in both of us, and we both played it safe. His fist slowly stroked my foreskin up and down the swollen head to maintain my excitement as I brought him to last increment along the way. My lips caressed the front of h is dome, then moved farther back, expanding to ride over the sexy contours of his glans, as I kept his foreskin tightly back along his shaft to ensure that the head stayed totally naked.

"AH! AH! AH!" Ken began moaning softly as the sensations caught up to him. As I tugged down on his sac with one hand while keeping his skin tightly retracted with the other, my mouth totally engulfed his now throbbing tip. I knew he was all hot and tingly, as his moans became louder and the ooze from his slit became a stream. I felt his body tense against mine as I pulled him unresisting to the edge. I let go of his sac and threw my arm over his body, hugging him close to me as I felt the orgasm begin to sweep over him. Now I used a little trick that I'd been saving to enhance his pleasure.

Holding his skin firmly back, I opened my mouth slightly and scraped his naked glans with my teeth, noy hard enough to scratch but enough to send a hard spike of sensation into its nerve endings. The response was immediate:

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!" he cried out as the first hard spasm filled his shaft and glans, throbbing against my tongue as I felt his scrotum jerk in my fingers. The first hot torrent shot from his slit, filling my mouth, as I felt his glans throb, and I swallowed quickly because I knew another jet would follow. I felt his body struggle against mine as the hot frenzy of orgasm overwhelmed him, and his prick thrust deeply into my waiting mouth. His cock throbbed again in time with a loud grunt, and I felt the pulse in his glans as it erupted against my tongue. Now his helpless cries filled the room as his cock steadily pumped its loads into my mouth, and I tasted the sticky wetness on my tongue. I was enjoying his orgasm vicariously, feeling every throb, every shudder, and hearing every cry.

Ken's body strained against mine as his fingers automatically tightened on my cock, and I almost went into orgasm right then as he spewed another powerful jet into my mouth. His slime poured down my throat as I worked hard to swallow, enjoying the taste and feel of his hot juice. He shot several more times, but his jets were weakening, and finally he became still as the last drops oozed from his slit. I removed my mouth because I knew he'd become super-sensitive, and I watched as the residue dribbled from the end of his glans. The creamy fluid had become thinner and clearer because he'd drained his sperm tanks, and all that was left was prostatic secretion, but it still tasted salty when I licked at it tentatively.

I felt Ken's body relax, and saw the color drain from his glans as his erection began to subside. Now Ken lay quietly, stupefied by the after-shock of his orgasm, and I relaxed as well. As his tip softened and shrank, I was easily able to pull to protective shroud over it, until it was fully encased. He was still seeping, and the pucker at the end of his foreskin filled with clear fluid, which I licked to satisfy my thirst for his juice. After a minute, Ken opened his eyes and propped himself up on one elbow, fighting off the feeling of lassitude that had crept over him. He leaned forward and kissed me lightly on the lips.

"That was terrific, Jack," he said softly. "I really love to feel a hot guy's lips on my prick, and you gave me a really intense come." He lay down again and grasped my prick around the middle of the shaft in a tight grip that pulled my thick fleshy collar down away from the head and constricted my veins so that the glans would sell fully, as it does when I'm about to come. I relaxed to let him do his thing, because I knew that as worked up as I was, he'd draw the orgasm from me in a minute or two.

His lips caressed my naked cock-head, working forward up the taper to the ridge, and then plunging down into the deep groove in an erotic lip-lock. He twisted his head to apply sideways friction to the head and its high flaring ridge, making me shudder. He pulled back harder with his tight fist, stretching the skin and its many nerve endings until it was almost painful as his tongue-tip teased my slit.

This hot action gave me a powerful tickling sensation in the head, and I suddenly felt an urge to pee. I knew I wouldn't, though, as this sensation was merely the precursor to my orgasm. I waited for it to build up, trying hard to relax even though my legs had begun to tremble. Ken ran his tongue around the rim, caressing both the swollen flare and the back face where the little buds of sensation abounded, and I moaned at the intense feelings he was producing. I felt his free hand cup my balls, gently kneading them as his lips began moving up and down on the head.

The sensation was indescribable, and I was utterly lost as he heightened my excitement. I felt my glans begin to ache pleasantly, fully swollen and needing relief. Although I was trying hard to relax, Ken's suction built up the tension in my body and I felt my stomach muscles contract. Now the hard tickle in the head turned into a hot tingle, and my eyes closed as I felt myself slipping down the steep slope towards ecstasy.

The tingle got hotter and hotter, until my tip began to throb in time with the powerful contractions that gripped my crotch muscles, and I felt the first hot jet burn its way up my tube as I cried out in joyful agony. My whole world was in my cock, and I felt the wall of liquid slam through my slit to disgorge into Ken's mouth. I heard myself crying out in the distance as my world turned upside down and I tumbled into a pool of mindless sensation. My chest heaved with my heavy gasps as another convulsion wracked my crotch muscles, and my prick throbbed hard as the pulse of liquid fire shot through my urethra.

I was totally mindless and helpless as another pleasurable spasm enveloped me, and my prick felt rock-hard, stiff and throbbing, as I moaned under the pressure of the intense sensations. I was in a timeless void, aware only of the powerful throbs that enraptured me and the hot jets that tortured my urethra as they spewed from it. Ken's lips kept sending hot tingles into my glans, and my cock-root responded by jetting more streams of cream. I was drifting, dazed by the powerful shocks of orgasm, my body straining, until the heavy pounding in my cock-root faded and I came down off the high. I was totally disoriented and only gradually became aware that Ken's mouth was no longer engulfing my dick. I felt the residue of my orgasm crawling up my urethra to seep from my glans, filling the foreskin that he'd thoughtfully replaced over it. When I opened my eyes, I saw Ken, who leaned over to kiss me again on my lips. His warm fingers were still around my shaft, carefully avoiding my hyper-sensitive glans and the skin that covered it, just gently milking my tube.

"Man, you were really into it," he said, smiling. "Your cock throbbed so hard, and you almost drowned me with your cream."

"Oh, you really did it to me this time," I whispered, barely able to get the words out because I was so weak. "I felt you sucking my cream and the more you sucked the more came out."

"Yeah, I saw and felt it. Your tip was so hot when it was throbbing in my mouth, and your cream was even hotter." He lay down beside me again and we stopped trying to speak, instead surrendering to the inevitable aftermath, and we drifted into unconsciousness.

The End

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