Harold was 14 years old and had a style on the piano like Jerry Lee Lewis. He was the bright and shining star of one of the leading families in our church because of his talent as one of the church pianists.
Harold was short, goodlooking, and was well on his way to outing himself in all his gayness. Girls saw him as a best friend, guys stayed clear of him because they were threatened by his effeminate manner and lack of willingness to do guy things.
What complicated things for Harold was his choice of clothes. Looking back on it I now know he had the taste of a gay man, but back in the '70's it was hard to understand. Most guys were modest even though they wore tight jeans, but Harold's were skin tight, revealing a sizeable bulge.
As a 17 year old, who was new to the church scene, I was both horny as hell, and in the process of sorting out my sexual preferences. My interest in Harold told me that sorting out what I wanted would not be straightforward.
Over time the new guy, me, and the black sheep, Harold, were left alone to hang out together. Strangely enough I liked Harold. I was about to find out that those feelings were about to lead to knowing him the the biblical sense.
One weekend a group of us were invited to spend the weekend with a youth leader and his wife in Windsor Ontario. They were fun people, and so we made plans to stay at my place the night before, and leave early in the morning for the almost four hour drive.
My girlfriend and another girl were going to sleep in one room ,and Harold and I were going to sleep in my room. Back then it wasn't unusual for two guys to share a bed. Though we now know that there were alot of abuse situations happening under those conditions, there just wasn't the taboo that exists today. Besides, in my case my bed filled the room, leaving little or no room on the floor for anyone to sleep.
I had my bath and came into the room wearing only a towel. I really didn't think anything about it until I saw the expression on Harold's face. He looked as though he was just given a present. I immediately felt self conscious, yet at the same time turned on the the attraction. The bulge in my towel grew, and Harold giggled.
Harold asked, "Do you wear pajamas to bed?
"Um, well, actually no, I just wear my briefs," was my response.
It never occured to me that I should have borrow some pajamas. I'd never had anyone spend the night before. I was also frightened about what I was feeling sexually. I wanted to play, and then it occured to me that this could be fun to at least tease him.
Then I began a search for my briefs. I found a pair that I carefully tucked into the bottom of my drawer. A plan to taunt Harold was unfolding before my eyes. Little did I know what was going to happen before the night was finished.
"I can't find any underwear," I said..
"That's no big deal," was Harold's response before I barely finished my words.
My back was to him, still wearing the towel. However, the towel was now tenting. In order to get my cock soft again, I started to think about baseball, which I hated, and sat down on the bed pretending to look for my ginch.
Finally my dick was limp again. Harold quickly did whatever he did and got into bed. I wasn't sure what he was wearing. I think I saw a pair of long pajamas on the bed before I went for my bath.
"Do you mind if I sleep in the buff, man?" I said to Harold.
"It's okay," was his response, with no hesitation.
As I rose from the bed to turn off the light switch, located across the room, I could feel Harold's eyes fixed on my crotch. The light was out, and I made my way back to the bed, got under the blankets, and turned my back to him.
Seconds passed when I heard, "can I see it?"
"No way, man, get lost."
All the while I really wanted to show him and see his cock too. I was scared and excited at the same time.
My taunting continued when I reached just far enough up to open the window. I wanted him to see my thick cock flopping, and to hear my dick and balls wack against my leg. He might catch a glimpse of my cock, but then again I was so fast. I did it again. This guy was getting frustrated.
Harold is at the point of begging to see my meat. I wanted to show it off but was too scared to let him see it. When I think about it now I was so pitiful to be so scared. Afterall I'd laid in bed many nights thinking about what was behind that nice bulge in Harold's tight pants.
Many nights had passed going to bed with such a burning in my balls. What made it worse was that I was trying so hard not to touch myself, believing that I would go to hell if I failed to leave my former habit of nightly masturbation behind.
Night after night I'd wake up with wet sheets, soaked from my heavy loads of cum. Most of those wet dreams involved Harold, wanting to see his cock and to feel my cock pressed against what looked like a massive piece of meat.
Finally I decided I had to stop playing with is head. I couldn't bring myself to exposing my cock and neither could I dare turn to face his. I called it a night and went to sleep. I thought that it would be over. Was I ever in for a surprise.
Sure I'd fallen asleep but Harold was a determined guy. I was waken by a hand around my throbbing thick 7" dong. At first I thought it was one of those wet dreams, but this was real. Harold had his hand firmly around my cock and had maneuvered it into position to his tight little pucker.
I couldn't believe it. I immediately turned over. He was wide awake and obviously frustrated. I pretended to still be asleep. There was more than I deep sigh coming from Harold, but he thought I was sleeping.
I was really scared now, but I managed to fall asleep again only to be awakened on the other side of the bed. This time I had Harold's oh so hot cock in my hand, and mine was in his hand. Gawd this was one hot, horny guy. I felt the rapid, throbbing pulse of his cock and I immediately loved the sensations of his thick piece of manhood.
The chicken that I was I turned away again, and remained awake the rest of the that night. I couldn't let this go any further.
To this day I wish I had fucked the night away with Harold. It's over 31 years ago and I still have vivid memories of what his cock felt like in my hands. I've spilt gallons of cum fantasizing over what that sweet ass would have felt like to penetrate and make mine.
Harold is no longer a church pianist, but he makes religious people look like hypocrits by the care and attention he shows his widowed father. I understand that he has partner and is an extremely goodlooking man who is now in his 40's..
What do you think? This is my first story. james_vanbc@hotmail.com