
By Stanley the Swinger

Published on Oct 27, 2001



We were best friends, we'd grown up together, our parents had moved into houses next door to each other when both our mom's were pregnant, so we really had known each other before we were born. We spent our entire childhoods together, we'd learned to ride our bikes together, we'd ridden the bus to our first day of kindergarted together. We camped out together during the summer, stayed over at each others houses overnight, and each went with the other on family vacations.

Yeah, Josh and I were definatley best friends, the kind that you don't see too often, usually somewhere along the line two childhood friends go seperate ways, but we didn't. Even when we both changed into teenagers and begane developing our ideas about the world, we stuck together. We still shared a lot of the same interests, and the things we differed on seemed to compliment each other.

Which was why no one was suprised when we had both gotten into the same college, and had decided to be roomates. We had shared our entire lives with each other up to this point and it made sense. Heck, in high school we shared our cars, our homework, pretty much everything except the girls we'd dated. Now we were actually going to share a room. What we didn't know was we were also about to share the biggest change in either of our lives.

The first week of college was pretty basic, our parents drove us up and helped us move into our room. We had set it up so we'd drive up in two cars, and both sets of our parents would drive back in one, leaving a car for Josh and I to share at school, we had split the cost on a parking pass to save cash. We did the typical first-weel stuff, hanging out at floor parties, meeting the RA's and such, and of course, the first week of class.

Things didn't get especially interesting until the weekend after the first week of classes. We had gone to a few parties around campus, with the intention of hooking up with some girls, but had both gotten shot down, as almost all the girls were looking for someone a little more impressive than a freshman who wasn't rushing frats or anything. After a couple of hours, Josh and I decided to grab a 12 pack of Mike's Hard Lemonade from the convienence store known for not carding, and go back to the dorm.

We settled back into old times at the dorm, I remembered sitting up in Josh's room drinking soda and just talking about stuff. We never seemed to run out of things to talk about, even though we spent almost all of our time together. We knew so much about each other already, We both knew that we had dated several girls in high school, but we were both still virgins. We knew that neither of us liked sports that much, and we knew what movies we each liked. And yet we never ran out of things to talk about.

Until now.

Here we sat sitting on my bed, both of our backs against the wall, facing the TV which was turned to some campus movie channel, neither of us were really paying much attention to the movie, we were just drinking our liquor and being pretty silent, not really being able to think of what to say. Finally I broke the ice.

"Hey Josh?"

"Yeah man?"

"Why didn't you sleep with Ashley back in high school?"

"I don't know, why?"

"Well it's just that we've talked about everything that ever happens to us, and yet I never knew why you didn't sleep with Ashley."

"Why Ashley?"

"Well I know why you didn't sleep with Sara or with Natalie, because you broke up with Sara pretty fast, and Natalie cheated on you... but you went out with Ash for 2 years, and you seemed to like her a lot, but you never had sex with her."

"I don't know man, I never really thought about it before, I mean, I guess there were plenty of times that we could have slept together, but they just never felt.... right"

"I guess I know what you mean by that, Its pretty close to why I never slept with Val."

"Kinda sucks to be starting college and still be virgins though, huh?"

"Yeah, a bit." I laughed a bit, knowing we had both intended on losing our virginities that night...

We sat there for a few moments again, without saying anything, when slowly I felt my hand brush against Josh's. It wasn't something I had thought about doing, it was just something that happened, completley naturally and on it's own. The next thing I knew he had placed his hand under mine, again, it just felt completley normal. I felt my index finger slide back and forth on the back of his palm, tickling it a bit, he seemed to like it because I felt his hand begin to move a bit, when I turned to look, I discovered why, he had leaned forward and right when I turned to look at him, he leaned in and kissed me on the lips.

It was a quick kiss, we both sort of sat for a second, and then pulled away when we realized what had happened... we both looked at each other, with obvious nervousness in both of our eyes. It was clear that neither of us had planned on this happening, I knew that I had never secretly had a crush on Josh, and I didn't think he had on me, I don't think we had ever even really talked to each other seriously about homosexuality.

But even though we hadn't planned for this to happen, we both seemed to let it, because after that brief second of fear when we pulled away, I felt myself go back towards him again, this time placing my hand on his thigh, and pressing my lips against his, as he leaned against the wall and caressed my arm with his other hand. I felt my lips open as I kissed him, my tounge sliding against his. We massaged our tounge's back and forth until finally i felt his arm slow down and we both began to pull away. We both just looked at each other before I finally spoke

"Wow... that was... interesting.."

"Yeah.. Did you plan for that to happen?"

"No... did you?"

"No... but... I don't want to stop.... do you?"

"No" I said, without even needing a moment to think it over.

He leaned in to me this time, kissing my neck, and working his lips down to my shirt, which I pulled off as he began to move those lips of his along my shoulder. I felt him press me against the bed. slowly he worked his way down my belly, until I could feel him unbutton my jeans. He really had no need to pull off my boxer shorts, because I had already found my way out the flap in the front.

He slowly b kissing the tip of my shaft, before beginning to lick my precum off with his tounge. I almost exloded before he moved his wet lips all the way down to the base, but I managed to hold it in as I stuck the pillow to my face to muffle the scream I let out when those magic lips of his finally made me burst. I could feel him swallow as he pulled away, afterwards he kissed me again. I could tell he wanted me to return the favor, but I was in the mood for something else, I undid his fly and then kissed him on the lips before standing up and pulling my pants and boxer shorts completley off,

"Let's try something different...." I said as I lay back down on the bed, this time on my belly.....

The next morning we awoke together in my bed, he was laying naked behind me with his arms around me. The night before had been a major night of firsts for my friend Josh and me. It was not just our first gay sexual experience, but our first sexual

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