Sharecropper's Son

By Chartoe (Analslave , Ccdeshaholmes)

Published on May 12, 2002


This is the 7th chapter of my story. Any comments are welcome at

Sharecroppers Son 7

Tony and I retrieved our clothes and I went down to the front of the movie house to help him get ready for the movie. He popped some corn and took out some sodas and placed them in a wash tub that he had chipped ice up in. He placed about thirty bottles of soda in the tube and said he thought that should be enough for tonight. He picked up some boxes of candy and placed then on the counter next to the drinks.

He told me that he usually tended to the drinks and eats while his help sold tickets at the front window. He asked me if I would help out at the counter and he would see that Charlie and I had some candy, popcorn and drinks during the movie. I agreed and he told me what to charge for each item. We then sat back and waited for the people to start arriving. Tony told me that most of the people would arrive about 15 minutes before show time.

He glanced out the window and told me to go wake Charlie up and have him move his clothes and things inside the projector room and to stay there until we showed up. I didn't know why but Tony had the sound of urgency in his voice and I ran off up stairs.

Charlie was a little groggy when I finally got him awake and he put up no fuse as I moved him into the projector room. I spread the blanket out on the floor and he curled back up as if he was going back to sleep. I told him that Tony said for him to stay there until we returned.

When I got back down stairs there was three boys coming into the movie house and headed toward my counter. They each took a soda and a candy bar and then a large bag of popcorn. I noticed that they headed upstairs to the balcony and then figured that is why Tony had me go move Charlie.

Tony took money from a couple more young people that went into the main theater. He then stepped back to where I was and said that the three boys that had gone up stairs were not all from our town. He said that the oldest boy was visiting his grandparents for a few months. He then told me that he was kind of a bully but a smart one. Tony said he had watched him several times force some of the younger boys to do things for him and would then pay them a nickel so he could say they did it for money.

Tony then said that they would probably get to see him at work tonight up in the balcony. We got busy for the next fifteen minutes as more people came to see the movie. Most of the people went into the main theater but a couple of boys went into the balcony.

Tony finally came out from the front window and helped me serve the few people who wanted popcorn and sodas. He looked in the washtub and noticed that there weren't many left so he told me to go get about six more. When I returned he said we had to be sure that there were some left for us. He made a loud announcement that the snack area was about to close and it was five minutes before the movie began.

A couple of young kids came running back to the counter to get some candy and more popcorn. When they left I helped Tony place the candy and popcorn that was left underneath the counter. He then filled a few bags of corn, grabbed some candy and told me to grab three of the sodas. We headed up to the balcony area and Tony told me to let him go in first. When he stepped by the projector room he opened the door and motioned for me to go inside. I noticed that the people in the balcony were not able to see me as I slipped inside the projector room.

Tony told the boys in the balcony that they had better behave themselves. He then came into the room where Charlie was getting up and looking for his clothes. Tony told him to not worry about them as he started up the large projector. Tony had one of the oversize chairs for himself as he sat down and motioned for Charlie to sit on his lap. He then told me to hand each of us a soda as he grabbed a large hand of corn.

The movie started and the three of us leaned back in our chairs and started watching the movie. The movie as they go was not a great one but the idea of watching a movie was what was exciting to most of the people there.

We sat there for a good ten minutes eating the corn and drinking the sodas, when Tony told me to take a look through the hole. I glanced around the balcony but didn't see anything out of the ordinary. When I looked back at Tony I noticed that he had wrapped his arm around Charlie's waist and was fondling Charlie's slowly growing cock. Charlie was watching the movie and if his cock had not been growing I would have thought he didn't know what was going on.

I got back to watching the movie but noticed that every once in a while Charlie would reach down and play with Tony's cock, but he never took his eyes off of the movie. Tony had stopped eating and was now rubbing Charlie's stomach with his other hand.

I was not really interested in the movie so I went back to the hole in the wall to see if anything was going on. I noticed that the three boys that had came in first were sitting around one of the boys that had entered later. I then noticed the bigger boy stand up in front of him and unzip his pants. The other two boys moved in beside the third but didn't put their hands on him. As the older boy moved in I could see that the younger boy was scared but he wasn't fighting or trying to get away.

I noticed the boys cock as it pushed against his mouth and at first he didn't open it. The older boy started slapping his cock on both sides of the boy's face and when the boy opened his mouth the older boy pushed his cock inside. The younger boy tried to pull back but his head was against the chair and he couldn't move. I watched as I noticed his cheeks swell up as the boy's cock filled his mouth.

The younger boy started to gag but when he did the older boy pushed his cock further in. He then grabbed the younger boy's head and started pumping his cock into his mouth. The younger boy was lucky in that the older boy's cock was not but about six inches long and wasn't that thick. He pumped several times and then I noticed him stop, as I was sure his cum was blasting down the boy's throat.

I turned around to tell Tony and noticed that he had removed his clothes and Charlie had leaned against the rail of the large window with his ass sticking back toward Tony. Tony was rubbing all around on Charlie's ass as he fondled his balls and cock. Charlie was watching the movie but I could tell he was enjoying the attention he was getting from Tony.

I moved back to the hole to see how the young boy was getting along. I was able to see the other two boys as they each took their turns at the young boy's mouth. I could tell he was not enjoying it but was lucky because the other two were excited and didn't last long. When they were through I noticed the older boy toss a couple of nickels at the younger boy. He then said that since they had paid for it he couldn't say they forced him.

I was feeling sorry for the younger boy and noticed that he was curling up in the corner as the other three boys left the balcony. His friend was just sitting there watching the movie as if nothing had happened around him. Guess he was scared and just happy it had not happened to him.

I glanced back at Tony and Charlie and both of them didn't even know I was around. Tony was burying his face in the crack of Charlie's ass and Charlie was grinding his ass back at Tony. Tony's hands were busy playing with Charlie's cock and balls as Charlie continued to lean on the ledge and watch the action on the screen.

I moved across the room and slowly slipped out and moved over by the younger boy who was still withdrawn. He looked up at me when I sat down and even though he didn't act as if he was happy to see me he didn't pull away either. I asked him if he was all right and he seemed to relax a little. I asked him if the other boys had hurt him and he just looked at me. He finally said that he wasn't hurt but felt so ashamed about what they had done to him.

He then told me that he and his friend had heard that there was usually some playing around in the balcony, but what had happened to him was not what they were hoping for. I asked him if his friend was all right since he had not moved from the time the boys left and I had entered the balcony. The younger boy said that the three boys had threatened to use his ass like a cheep whore. He said that once they had attacked him that his friend had not moved.

I reached over and tapped the other boy on the shoulder and he jumped away and looked at me wondering where I had come from. It was apparent that he had been so scared that he had completely frozen in place and I had kind snapped him back. He looked at his friend and asked if the other boys had left. When he said they had I thought the other boy was going to cry, but was able to control himself.

They both seemed to relax some more as we sat there watching the movie and making small talk. I finally asked the younger boy what kind of action were they expecting to find in the balcony. He told me that some of the other boys in town had told them about watching some boys and girls playing with each other. He said that he had heard of one time when a girl really got turned on and gave every boy in the balcony a blowjob. He said that the two of them had never done anything close to that and were hoping to at least watch if not get involved.

I looked at the younger boy and said that if he really wanted a blowjob that I wouldn't mind giving him one and his friend. They looked at each other as if they couldn't believe what they were hearing. The younger boy thought for a second and then said he wouldn't mind trying it since it appeared the three boys that had used his mouth seemed to really enjoy it.

I got up from my seat and moved down in front of the younger boy as he spread his legs and slid down in his seat. I reached up, unbuckled his pants, unzipped them and then slowly reached inside. The young boy just sat there watching but pulled back a little when my hand found his cock. It was not hard yet but had started to thicken. I placed it in my mouth and felt it start to grow even harder. It was not very big about four inches long and a little thicker than my thumb.

I licked up and down the shaft as it remained in my mouth, as I slipped my hand inside his pants and played with his balls. He started to moan a little and reached up and grabbed the back of my head. He instantly pulled his hands off of my head when he realized where they were. I pulled off of his cock and told him it was all right for him to hold onto my head.

He quickly placed them back where they were and started applying some pressure, trying to pull my mouth further down on his cock. I started pumping up and down on his cock as I heard his breathing start to get heavier and faster. I felt his cock start to grow even more and knew he was about to cum. He tried to push my head away but I wouldn't let him. He grunted and thrust his hips into my face as I felt the cum gush out against the back of my mouth. He spurted three of four more times as I swallowed all of his cum. When I was sure I had cleaned all of the cum off of his cock I removed it from my mouth and looked at the other boy.

He was just sitting there watching, but I noticed his right hand was wrapped around his cock. I moved over toward him and he immediately unbuckled his pants and zipped them down. Before I could get to him he had pulled his cock out and was waiting for me. His cock was a lot thicker than the others, but was just over three inches long. I started bobbing up and down on his cock and could tell by the way he was thrusting his hips that he was very near cumming. He grunted and stood up as he thrust his cock as far in my mouth as he could. His cum was gushing out of his cock as I had to try real hard to make sure I got all of it. He finally relaxed as I cleaned up the last few drops of cum from his cock.

I heard him say thanks as he started putting his clothes back in place. The younger boy had just been watching and was now rubbing his own cock again. I looked at the two of them and said that they might consider helping each other out sometime. I then stood up and told them to enjoy the rest of the movie as I headed back to the projector room.

As I entered the room Tony glanced at me as he continued to fuck his fingers in Charlie's asshole. I noticed quickly the globs of cum on the floor in front of Charlie. Tony noticed me looked and just grinned at me. He then told me to drop my pants and move in closer to him and Charlie. When I did Tony moved his head to where he could get his mouth on my cock. He sucked it all the way in as his hand continued to work on Charlie's asshole. I was so excited from being with the two boys that I only lasted a few seconds.

Tony was able to swallow all of my cum, but I noticed he looked up at me when I came so soon. He continued to suck on my cock until it was hard again. He pulled off of my cock and then turned me around to where I was now facing Charlie's ass. Tony pulled his fingers out of Charlie and nudged me forward. I knew what Tony wanted and slid my cock inside Charlie. When I was all the way in Tony reached around me and grabbed Charlie's hips. He then started pulling and pushing against Charlie and myself. My cock was moving in and out of Charlie's asshole as the bulk of Tony's stomach and breast were forced against my back and ass. He continued to pump the two of us as if he was actually fucking the both of us.

Tony whispered for the two of us to watch the rest of the movie and that we were going to stay just as we were until then. A couple of times I had to drive into Charlie a little harder and Tony would kiss me on the back of the neck each time. I felt Charlie tense up and grunt as his asshole tightened up around my cock. I knew he was cumming and so did Tony. As soon as he relaxed Tony would pick up the pace.

When the movie was over Tony told us to just relax as he stood up and got dressed. He left the projector room and said he would be back in just a few minutes. He was gone for about five minutes and when he returned he told us that he had made sure everyone was gone and locked the front door. He moved back over to us and reached for my hard cock when I reminded him of what he had tried earlier in the day and was unable to do. He thought for a second and then grinned when he remembered what I was talking about.

"Well, what do you suggest we do?" Tony said as he looked at me.

I told him that I thought we might be able to get his cock in Charlie's ass with a little luck. Tony said he was willing to try as he removed his clothes again. I had Charlie lay on his back on the table and pull his legs up toward his head. Tony moved in between his legs and pushed Charlie's legs even further back. I then told Tony to spread his legs so I could get underneath him and the table.

I crawled underneath and told Tony to pick his stomach up and place it on Charlie. He did and when he did it allowed me full access to Tony's cock and balls. I was also able to see Charlie's asshole. I reached up and grabbed Tony's cock and pushed the head of it against Charlie's asshole. I told Tony to push as I guided his cock into Charlie's asshole.

Charlie grunted as Tony moaned and his cock entered Charlie's asshole. I told Tony to push harder as more of his cock went inside. Tony was halfway holding Charlie up off of the table as he thrust his cock deeper and deeper. I reached up and started pulling on Tony's balls as they started swaying back and forth.

"Oh, yeah." Tony kept say louder and louder as he increased his pace.

I noticed the sweat rolling down the mammoth legs of Tony as I sat there jerking off as I watched Tony's cock thrusting in and out of Charlie's asshole. Charlie's asshole along with Tony's cock was glistening with sweat and juices. I started hearing slapping sounds as Tony pounded harder and harder into Charlie's asshole. My hand had become wet from the sweat and juice that was running down Tony's balls so I moved my hand up to Tony's asshole. It was not easy but I was able to force my hand up to where I could push a couple of fingers about half way inside Tony's asshole.

Tony grunted real loud as he started shooting cum deep in Charlie's asshole. I watched as his balls would pull up against his shaft and I would then feel the cum as blasted out of his body and into Charlie. As his orgasm started to slow I slowly pulled my fingers out of his asshole. He leaned forward and with one mighty thrust forced his cock deep in Charlie and then lay on top of him. He lay there gasping for breath as I crawled out from under the table.

After a few minutes Tony was able to catch his breath and remove himself from Charlie. I noticed that Charlie had enjoyed the action by the cum that was smeared on his stomach. Tony sat down in a chair still breathing a little harder than normal and told me to go downstairs and bring the three of us a soda so we could cool off. After the sodas we cleaned up as Tony rewound the movie and we headed downstairs.

Tony let us out of the front door and told us to be sure and come back and see him again. He then handed Charlie a dollar and told him to go spend it on something for himself.

We stood outside for about ten minutes before we saw Mr. Brown's truck heading in our direction. He pulled up in front of the movie theater and asked how we liked the movie. Charlie said the movie wasn't bad, but the action before and after was great. Mr. Brown looked at him and grinned.

I asked Mr. Brown if we could go by the stores before we headed home. He said that was no problem as he drove off. I went in and purchased a little over two dollars worth of food and came out with three sacks. Charlie spent about twenty cents on candy for him and his brothers and sisters, but said he knew that his mother could use some cooking goods also but he didn't know what to get. I told him to just take part of the money when he got home and give it to his mother, that way she could get just what she needed.

On the way home Charlie and I was very excited as he talked and laughed at just about everything. Mr. Brown didn't say a word as he drove us home. We dropped Charlie off first and Mr. Brown made him promise to come see him at his house when he wasn't busy in the fields. When I got home I asked Mr. Brown if he needed me for anything in the morning and he said he didn't but if I wanted to come over it was perfectly all right with him. I looked at him and told him I might come over and bring Charlie with me. Mr. Brown grinned at this and waved as he drove off.

My mother acted as if it was Christmas the way she fused over the things I had bought. She kept saying that she would be sure and have a nice double layer chocolate cake for us the next day. My father grinned as he noticed how excited my mother was. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and whispered that if I heard any noise coming from their room tonight to not disturb them. He then patted me on the ass as he told me to help my mother put the food away.

Next: Chapter 8

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