Sharecropper's Son

By Chartoe (Analslave , Ccdeshaholmes)

Published on Mar 30, 2002


This is the third chapter in my story of sex between men during the time when sharecropping was the only way to survive for some people. If you have any comments please send them to

Thanks again for reading.

Sharecropper's Son - 3

The next day started off as usual with me getting up before the rest of the family and heading to Mr. Brown's. When I go there he was almost through preparing breakfast and as usual was dressed in only his underwear. I noticed that the front of his underwear had begun to swell since I had come into the room.

We had our breakfast without much being said. Mr. Brown then asked what I was planning on doing when I had finished the corrals and stalls. I told him that I had to clean the stalls out everyday but when I was through with the repair work and if it was all right with him I wanted to take a load of manure to my house. He said that would be fine and to take as much of the manure that I could. He said that he had no use for it and it would only accumulate around the barn. I told him that Mr. Jones that lived next to us had a garden and would probably appreciate the manure, and I could haul him a load also. Mr. Brown said that was fine with him and the horses I would be using needed the exercise also.

When I got up to leave I thought Mr. Brown was going to say something but then waved me on, he said it could wait till later. As I left the kitchen he said he would call for me for lunch and to wait until after lunch to start my manure runs.

I got busy and had the rest of the stalls finished in an hour or so and had raked them out and added to the manure pile. I then got one of the old horses that was used for pulling the wagons and back one of the wagons up to the manure pile. I had managed to fill the wagon up and was actually trying to wash the smell off of me when I heard Mr. Brown call for me to come and eat.

The smell of the food hit me way before I got to the back porch and I realized how hungry I really was. I got to the porch and stopped and asked Mr. Brown to come see if I smelled to bad to come in the house. He walked to the porch laughing at me wanting him to come smell me. He got a few feet from me and drew back as the smell of the barn and manure hit him.

"You are a little ripe, why don't you take off the overalls and head to the bathroom and take a quick bath." He said. "I will put the overalls on the clothesline to air out some before you need to use them again." He continued.

I removed my overalls and handed them to Mr. Brown as I stood there with nothing on. I had started taking my underwear off each morning when I put the overalls on figuring there was no reason getting them dirty.

Mr. Brown was staring at my cock and I became a little self-conscious as I turned away from him. When I did I heard a gasp from him as he turned to go to the clothesline. I moved quickly to the bathroom and within seconds was soaping and rinsing off, not even letting the water get warm. The cool water actually felt good and helped me keep my cock under control. I grabbed a towel and dried off as I realized I had no clothes to ware, so I wrapped the towel around myself and went back to the kitchen.

Mr. Brown had already began eating as he noticed the towel and then said there was no use messing up any other clothes since I was going to put the overalls back own in a little while. I sat down with the towel around me and started gulping down my food. Mr. Brown told me to slow down that the food wasn't going anywhere and I had as long as I wanted to eat. I slowed down and we started chatting about the crops. I noticed that Mr. Brown had finished his meal and was sipping his tea as he chatted with me.

Mr. Brown said something about being too full as he unbuckled his pants and zipped them open. He began rubbing his stomach, but I noticed his hand had wandered down the front of his pants and was groping his cock as he continued to talk to me. It was like an every day thing for him to sit there playing with his cock and talking to me. I had eaten all I could without making myself feel stuffed as I pushed my plate away and watched as Mr. Brown's hand continued to move up and down his cock inside his pants.

My cock had started growing and I could tell Mr. Brown was up for some sexual fun so I asked him if he needed any help with his cock. He stopped playing with himself for a second and just grinned at me. He stood up and said we should go to his bedroom. When I stood up my cock had managed to push right between the ends of the towel and was pointing straight out from my balls. Mr. Brown said it looked like I needed some manual help also.

When we got to his bed he had managed to step out of his pants and underwear. I dropped the towel to the floor and moved between his legs as he sat down on the edge of the bed. I had his cock in my mouth and was really enjoying the taste of his hard meat. He moaned a couple of times after he caught his breath and started pumping his hips at my face. I gagged a little but was determined that I was going to take all of Mr. Brown's cock down my throat. It took a few times but I was finally able to get my lips against the course pubic hair that was matted at the base of his cock. Mr. Brown started really fucking my face but all at once stopped.

He had me move up on the bed to where my head was almost off the edge and he could push his cock in easier. He also pulled my legs up toward my head and then placed my cock in his mouth. He was sucking me as he pounded his cock deep in my throat. Every few strokes he would slow down and make sure I was feeling all right. After one of these times I felt my cock fall out of his mouth as he started licking my balls. He eventually moved down to my asshole and I almost came when his tongue started twirling around my little pink entrance.

He took his time as he gave my asshole all of his attention. His hips were not moving much at all as he started pushing his tongue deep in me. He moved his arms around my hips and grabbed each cheek of my ass in his hands and spread them apart. He was now pushing and pulling his tongue in and out of my asshole as fast as he could. I had started to moan and groan as he did this and now and then would try to swallow even more of his cock which was impossible because I already had all of it in my throat.

I felt his finger as it slowly found its way inside me and was now moving as his tongue had but only deeper. I felt a little pain but it was gone just as fast as it had arrived. He continued to push his finger in and out of me and without me even knowing had managed to push a second and then a third finger inside me. My ass and hips seemed to have a mind of their own as they started pumping into his hand.

I felt the pressure build up very quickly and before I could do anything I was shooting my hot cum all over his chest. I shot hard and quick and couldn't remember ever having cum so hard and fast. When my orgasm had subsided he slowly pulled his fingers out of my asshole as he picked up the pace of his hips. He was now building up to his own orgasm and I was sucking harder wanting to give him some relief. He grunted once as he pushed his cock deep in my throat. I could feel his cock pulse as the cum ran down his shaft and then spewed into my throat. He never moved his cock again as each shot was followed by a groan from him. He rolled off of me and rested as both of us tried to catch our breath.

He sat up and rubbed my stomach as he told me that he thought I was about ready for a real cock up my ass. I had never really given the thought of a cock up my ass much thought until now and glanced over at his. He giggled as he noticed me looking and said there was nothing to worry about that it wasn't much different than the three fingers I had just had in my asshole. Then he said that it would even feel better than the fingers did.

He stood up and started dressing as he told me that the pleasure of being fucked up the ass was for later and it would be up to me when we did it. I moved off the bed and grabbed the towel I had used earlier and wiped the cum from my cock and balls. I then moved over to Mr. Brown and wiped some off of his chest before he buttoned his shirt.

I went back outside and pulled on my overalls as Mr. Brown went to the kitchen. I gathered the two horses and hooked them to the wagon and waved at Mr. Brown as I headed out of the yard toward my house. When I got to my house my mother met me by the garden and showed me the best place to unload the wagon. She got it as close as she could to the garden, but not close enough to where it would wash into the garden if it rained.

It took me about thirty minutes to unload the wagon and she was there with a glass of tea when I had finished. She said that she would get busy spreading some of the manure on the things that were ready for it. I drove off as I noticed she had grabbed her hoe and rake and was headed to the garden.

I backed the wagon up to the manure pile and removed the horses as I let them eat and drink while I was loading the wagon. I walked over to the water trough and stuck my head under the cool water to get some relief from the sweat I had worked up. I hooked the horses back to the wagon and was off to Mr. Jones' house.

When I arrived Mrs. Jones met me at their drive and was wanting to know what I was doing. When I explained to her about the manure she was happy to get it. She yelled for Charlie to come and help me with the unloading, and told me to be sure to come back by the house when I was through. Charlie jumped upon the wagon with me as we headed around behind the house and toward the barn. The garden was located behind the barn and was out of site of the house. I located what I figured was the best place for us to unload in relationship with the garden.

With Charlie's help it only took about ten minutes to unload the wagon and both of us had worked up quiet a sweat. Charlie said that we could wash off in the water trough behind the barn that it had the cleanest and coolest water. As we walked toward it I noticed that I had managed to get some of the manure on my chest and Charlie looked as if he had rolled around in it. I leaned over and dunked my head into the water trough and then undid the straps of the overalls so I could wash my chest off.

Charlie had watched me and was trying to do the same. He had gotten his head wet and been able to unbuckle his overalls. When he stood up it was very apparent that he had not quiet grown into his pants as they fell completely off of him. He stood there completely naked and I started to ask him where is underwear was when I thought to myself that he might not have enough to wear every day since I had noticed the family wash on the clothesline. He was very embarrassed and when he threw my head back to laugh at him my pants fell to the ground as well.

We both laughed at each other as we stood their naked with our overalls around our ankles. Charlie stopped laughing as he continued to look at my cock. I noticed that the more he looked the straighter his little cock got. It was now sticking out about five inches but wasn't very thick yet. I felt my own cock and balls start to stir as I watched Charlie. He reached out and grabbed my cock but didn't do anything, just held it in his hand as it grew larger and larger.

He looked at me and asked if his would ever be that large and I told him it probably would and maybe even larger. He continued to hold onto my cock as his other hand started jerking his own. As he was jerking he told me how he had seen his father one time when he was fucking his mother. He said that his father's cock was pretty long and thick and at first he thought he was hurting his mother. He said that every since that day he had been playing with this own cock and wanted to know if something was wrong with him.

I looked around to be sure that no one could see us and then told him that what he was doing was perfectly normal and if he wanted to I could show him something he had probably not thought about. He thought for a second and then nodded ok. I pulled my cock from his hand and dropped to my knees as I sucked his cock into my mouth. I was able to suck all of it into my mouth as I swirled my tongue around the shaft. He moaned a couple of times before he yelled out as his little cock jerked and I felt a little cum as it hit the back of my mouth.

I stood up and looked into his face as he still had a glazed look about him. His breathing was getting back to normal as I splashed some water on his face. He jumped back from the cold water and then just laughed. He said that was even better than what he usually did to himself. I told him as he got older there were a lot of things better than what he had been doing and when he got old enough and wanted to learn to just let me know that I would be happy to do them with him.

We got our clothes back on and when I dropped Charlie off by the house his mother tried to give me some tea but I told her that we had drank some water from behind the barn and I wasn't thirsty. I pulled away as I waved to Charlie wondering if the two of us would ever get to do what I was wanting to do with him. As I rode back to Mr. Brown's I kept thinking how I had wanted to take Charlie and spread his ass open and fuck it with my cock. My cock was hurting from being hard for so long and I was beginning to get a funny feeling in my ass. The more I moved around the more I felt like I needed to scratch something deep in my asshole.

As I was pulling into the barn I noticed Mr. Brown returning from a ride on one of his horses. He walked up beside me just as I was removing the harnesses from the two horses I had used, and asked how my evening had been. I looked at him with my cock still hard and told him I needed to see him in a few minutes. He looked at me as if he was trying to figure out what the problem could be. He said that when we got through with putting the horses away we could talk.

I had turned my horses lose in the corral and Mr. Brown was returning from the stall where he had put his horse when he said we could go to the house. I looked at him and told him that I couldn't wait. He stopped in his tracks and said ok, what is bothering you. I told him what had happened between Charlie and I and what I had been feeling every since I had left him. I told him that my cock has hard and had been for almost thirty minutes and didn't seem to want to get soft any time soon.

He told me to take my clothes off and he would see if he could find a remedy to my predicament. As I removed my clothes he moved behind me and started rubbing his hands on my ass. The feeling was better than doing nothing but it was only increasing the feeling deep inside me. He reached around and grabbed my cock and slowly started sliding his hand up and down my shaft.

I felt his cock rub up and down the crack of my ass and realized I had not even noticed when Mr. Brown had removed his pants. The more he rubbed against me the more I pushed back against him. He started pulled away from me as I started leaning over and pushing my ass toward him. Before I knew it I was bent over with my legs spread apart and my ass against Mr. Brown.

He grabbed his cock and ran it up and down the crack of my ass and every time his cock head made contact with my asshole, I could feel it try to open up for it. Mr. Brown said that he had never seen an asshole do that and it looked like I was in heat. He pulled away just to see what I would do. I pushed back and when I didn't make any contact with him I spun around looking to see what he was doing.

He told me to follow him as he moved to the back of the barn. He spread a horse blanket on top of a couple of bales of hay and told me to spread my legs as wide as possible and lean over them. I did as he said as he reached up and grabbed some bottle of oil. He then rubbed his cock against my asshole again and I heard him cuss as it again opened a little trying to take his cock inside. I felt the liquid as he poured some on the top of my ass crack and then rubbed his cock in it as it ran down to my asshole. When his cock was well oiled he told me to brace myself that he was going to fuck my asshole and it might hurt at first.

I grabbed the sides of the bales as I felt the head of his cock rest against the entrance of my ass. He started with a little pressure just as I pushed back against him. The head of his cock popped inside as I let out a little yelp. It was more from surprise than pain. Mr. Brown thrust hard as half of his cock entered my asshole. He then started a slower pace as he slowly fed all of his cock up my asshole. When it was all inside he asked if I still had that itch up my ass.

I told him the itch was gone but he was rubbing something inside me that was about to make me cum. He started thrusting faster and faster and before I could say anything my cock was blasting my cum all over the horse blanket. Mr. Brown could feel my orgasm as my ass squeezed his cock. He asked me how that felt as he kept pumping into me. I tried to say something but was yelling as my cock started exploding again. I heard Mr. Brown laugh as he grabbed my hips and took long hard thrust into my asshole.

I came a couple more times before I felt his cock get thicker and longer just before he yelled and slammed his cock deep inside me. I could feel his hot cum as it shot out of his cock and then spread around inside my asshole. He must have shot at least ten times before he all but collapsed on my back as he gently kissed my neck.

"How was it?" Mr. Brown asked still lying on my back with his semi hard cock inside me.

"I had no idea it could be so intense and fulfilling." I told him as I tried to pump my ass on his cock.

Hold it there, I don't think I can take another round of your ass right now. He then slowly pulled his cock out of me as I felt his cum running out of my asshole and down the insides of my legs.

"Tell you what, we can do this maybe once a day, I am not making any promises." Mr. Brown said as he sat down on the hay beside me. "I wish I could do it more than that but at my age I don't think I can." "You seem to be very horny when it comes to being fucked up the ass and if we have to, I know a few men who are very discreet and would be happy to try and please you every now and then." He continued. "No need to worry about that right now, I intend to fuck you as much as I can and as much as you want." He said as he rubbed my ass cheeks.

He gave my cock a quick jerk as a few drops of cum came out.

"Need to clean up and head home for today, but tomorrow can you come a little earlier? He asked. "If you can we can have a little fun before breakfast." Mr. Brown said as he rubbed my ass with his hands.

I told him I would try to get up early enough to get here before he was cooking. I washed up and changed into my own clothes and started home as my cock again got hard as I thought about every thing I had been through. I had to stop before I got home and jerk off so I could get my cock soft enough that it didn't push the front of my pants out.

Next: Chapter 4

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