Sharecropper's Son

By Chartoe (Analslave , Ccdeshaholmes)

Published on Mar 21, 2002


This is a story that involves sex between a men. The story is set in the years right after the depression when a lot of the farmers had a hard time scraping up a living. The story is completely fiction and so are the characters. Hope you enjoy the story and please send any comments to

Sharecropper's Son - 1

My story begins in the years just after the great depression when very few people had anything they could call their own. My father had lost all the land during the depression and as a family we lived from day to day. We felt ourselves lucky in that Dad had been able to go into what was called sharecropping. That was where one or more men worked the farmlands for the owner and if they were able to make a large enough profit then the farmers would actually receive something for their work.

Most of the farmers if they were good farmers or just plain lucky would break even on the year. Some were not that fortunate and would end up owing the landowner for years. Which in turn gave the landowner free labor to work his farmland for years, and of course the farmers debts would just pile up year to year.

My father had been lucky in that the landowner he had gone into business with was not one of the really mean ones. He tried to be fare with my father and the other sharecroppers and gave them all the chances he could to let them settle their debts to him. The landowner would actually come around the sharecropper's homes while the men were at work in the fields and make sure that there was at least enough food to keep the families alive. He was by no means overly generous but he was smart enough to know that if he made sure the farmers had enough to eat that they would be able to tend the crops.

The first time I saw the landowner I didn't know how to react. Most of the men and boys stood with their heads bent down toward the ground. I looked around and noticed them and was trying to figure out why they behaved that way, after all he was just the landowner not some king. He noticed me looking around and grinned at me when I looked at him. He was a man in his fifties and liked to ride his horse when he came around to check upon the families and crops. He was a large man but you got the impression that there was a lot of physical strength still left in his body. It was apparent that he had done a lot of manual labor in his day.

He looked right at me and asked me what my name was. I told him it was John Winters. He then said that he would like to see my father and me at our house in about thirty minutes. The rest of the men looked at me and my father not knowing what was about to happen to either of us. Some figured we would be asked to leave, others didn't know what to expect since the landowner had never asked to see anyone like that.

He rode off toward his house, which sat upon a large hill that overlooked all his farmland. The men started walking back to the different fields as they all tried to figure out what was to become of my father and his family. We walked slowly to our little one room house. My father put his arms around my shoulders as if to comfort me. I was really confused because I didn't feel as if I had done anything wrong.

When the landowner arrived at our house a few minutes later, he stepped down off of his horse and knocked on our door. My father opened in and invited him in but I could tell that my father was a little ashamed of our meager belongings. My mother and younger sister stood together on the other side of the room when the landowner walked in. He removed his hat and nodded recognition to my mother and then turned to my father and me.

My father offered him a seat but he said he would not be there very long and needed to stretch his legs after riding his horse. He started by saying that I was not in any trouble and neither was my father. He said that he was needed someone to help out in his stable with his horses and that I had seemed liked a person who didn't have to be told what to do all the time. He said he needed someone who would look around and see what needed to be done and do it.

Hearing this my father raised his head up a little higher and I noticed that his chest had expanded a little. It was very obvious that my father was proud that the landowner wanted his son to work for him. My father told the landowner that it was up to me if I wanted to work in the landowner's stables. I thought for a few seconds but it really was not much to think about. I would be working inside during the hot days and also during the cold days. Wouldn't have to worry about how long it would be before I could get a drink of water or even relieve myself.

I looked at the landowner and told him I would love to work for him in his stables. He grinned at my excitement and then told me that I would also be making a little spending money since the new job did not fall under the agreement that he and my father had agreed upon. He said he was pleased to meet the rest of my family as he turned to leave. As he mounted his horse my father asked how early I should be at the stables. The owner said that daybreak was soon enough since the horses liked their sleep also.

We went back into the house and were all jumping around and hugging each other because with me getting some spending money we would be able to get a few food items that we had not been able to acquire for months. We were planning on all the things I could get like sugar, tea, coffee, eggs, flour and some other items before we even knew how much money I would be getting.

We all slept a little better that night and I was awake right along with my father well before daybreak. My father was making sure that I was not going to be late for my first day on the job, and he was telling me how to behave around the landowner. I finally left the house just before daybreak and started the short walk toward the landowners barn and stables.

As I got to the barn I noticed that there were about ten or twelve horses in a corral outside the barn and I could hear a few more inside the barn. I opened the barn door and started looking around making sure I knew where everything was located. While I was looking at each stall the owner, Mr. Brown came up behind me and asked if I was now wishing I hadn't taken the job. He said that he knew that the place was in a mess but he had not been able to find anybody who could keep it clean and neat without being told every day what to do.

He then asked me what I thought should be done first. I knew he was really seeing if I had any knowledge of horses and keeping a proper barn. After I told him that the first thing would be to clean out the stalls and get some fresh hay in for the animals, he grinned at me and said that it appeared I already was a lot better than the previous help. He started back toward the main house and told me that I should come to the back porch in about an hour and he would have something for me to eat.

I located a pitchfork and started cleaning out the empty stalls and wondering where I was going to start the fertilizer pile. I was really working hard when I heard Mr. Brown call to me from the house. I noticed a bucket of water at the front of the barn and quickly washed my face, hands, and arms off before heading toward the house.

As I stepped upon the back porch of the large house, Mr. Brown handed me a large plate of eggs, bacon, bread and gravy. I looked at the plate and was thinking that there was almost enough food on that one plate to feed all of my family. Mr. Brown noticed me looking at it and told me to dig in that there was plenty more in the kitchen.

I sat down on the step of the porch and started cleaning my plate. Mr. Brown had returned inside the house and brought me out a big cup of coffee. He handed me the coffee and I almost drank it all without stopping. When I had finished I thanked him for the food and coffee. He had sat down in a rocker and was watching me. He told me that to help my family save on food that I could eat with him each morning before I went to work. We sat there for a while talking about the things that had happened to my family and his.

He had lost a son and wife during the depression when they got sick with some fever and the doctors had not been able to help them. He then told me that the boy was not really his son, his wife was pregnant when he met her and he had agreed to marry her and raise the boy as his own. He then told me that he had never been drawn toward women. He didn't say anything more on the subject but I figured he was attracted to men or boys. I didn't ask any questions since I myself had been having dreams for years about having sex with other men.

I again thanked him for the food and said I needed to get back to the cleaning, but before I left I asked him where I should put the horse dung and old hay that I had gathered. He kind of laughed at my use of the word dung and then told me that I would find an old pile around behind one of the corrals. I started walking away and then asked him if he used the pile for fertilizer. He said that at one time when they had grown a little garden he had used it but they hadn't had a garden in years. I then asked if it would be all right to get some later and use in on my mother's garden. He said I could have all I wanted but I had to promise to bring him some fresh vegetables when they were ripe.

It took me until noon to finish cleaning the stalls and hauling the manure out by the corral. I was just returning from carrying a load when Mr. Brown called for me to join him on the porch. I cleaned myself up as much as possible, but knew I smelled of horse manure. When I reached the porch he had placed some bread and meat on a little table along with a pitcher of cool looking tea. He told me to help myself as he sat down and started eating on a sandwich he had prepared for himself.

I poured myself a glass of tea and drank it down with one long drink. I fixed myself a very thick sandwich and poured myself another glass of tea. Mr. Brown didn't say anything as he watched me eat and drink. When I had finished he looked at me and told me that he had some old coveralls that had been his son's and that I was welcome to them if they fit. He said that when I had finished working around the barn that I could call it a day and that we would look around and plan out what needed to be done around the barn.

After lunch I worked for a couple of hours and was looking at the fences of the corrals when I noticed a big stallion mounting one of the mares in the corral. I stopped and watched as my own cock sprang to attention, as I became excited at the action of the horses. Mr. Brown walked up behind me right at that time and made a comment about how he bet that really felt good to the stallion. I jumped as his voice scared me at first and then I was embarrassed because I had been caught watching the horses fuck.

Mr. Brown noticed my embarrassment and giggled a little to himself. He then told me that my reaction was perfectly normal. He said that he got a hard on every time he noticed them too. When he said that I had to turn around and see if I could notice his hard on. He saw me looking so he pushed his hips forward so that I could see the bulge in his pants.

He was holding some blue jeans and coveralls in his hands as he came closer to me. As he got close he told me that I needed a bath real bad. He said I smelled about like a horse manure pile. He then told me that if I wanted to there was a big watering trough just behind the barn that I could use for a tub. He handed me the clothes and then left saying he would go get me a towel and some soap.

I really didn't want to take a bath in front of him, but he had left so quick that I didn't have time to say no, and didn't want to make him mad by saying no when he returned. I walked over by the barn and located the watering trough and was glad that it was filled with cool water. I figured this would help keep my cock in check while I bathed. I had removed my clothes and was sitting down in the trough when Mr. Brown returned with the soap and towel.

"You didn't waist anytime, did you?" Mr. Brown said as he handed me the bar of soap and placed the towel on the fence beside the trough. He started telling me the tools were kept and that there was some lumber in the building beside the barn. He said that I could repair some of the stalls and fences when I got around to it. While he was telling me this, the stallion walked over and reached through the fence and was drinking out of the trough that I was bathing in. When I looked over at him I noticed that his huge cock was still hanging out underneath him.

Mr. Brown was also looking at the horse when all at once the horse's cock jerked and slapped against his belly. It was then fully erect as the stallion turned around and headed toward the mare. The mare gave no resistance as the stallion mounted it and with one thrust of its powerful hindquarters the stallion buried his cock in the mare.

I noticed Mr. Brown's pants start to push out from his grown as I felt my own cock start to grow. Mr. Brown moved over closer to me as he rubbed his crotch while he continued to watch the horses. He grabbed the towel when he realized what he was doing and told me to stand up that he would help dry me off.

At first I didn't want to get up because I knew my cock was still hard and it would be embarrassing. I quickly stood up and Mr. Brown started drying off my back and hadn't even taken his eyes off of the horses. When the stallion dismounted the mare and his cock swung between his legs, I heard Mr. Brown let out a sigh. He then turned his attention to what he was doing with me and for the first time noticed my cock sticking out from my body.

"Well boy, you have got a nice one there." He said as he dried my ass off and slipped his hand with the towel between my legs and dried my balls.

He then handed me the towel and said I had better finish the drying. He then picked up the clothes he had given me and handed me a pair of jeans and had me try them on. They were probably a size too large but with a belt they would do just fine. He held up a pair of overalls and said what I could do was change into them every morning and use them as my work clothes. He said that each day I could wash them out and hang them up in the barn and they would be clean and dry for the next day.

I kept the jeans on and put my shirt back on as I got ready to go home. Mr. Brown walked me to the edge of the yard and told me he would be looking for me just before daybreak for breakfast.

The next morning I was up before my father and as I was getting dressed I explained to him that Mr. Brown said I could join him in the morning for breakfast before I started to work. I told him what I had done the day before and what I would probably do today. I had not been able to tell him the day before because he came home after dark and I was already asleep. I told him that Mr. Brown said we could use all the manure we wanted on our garden, we just had to be sure and give him some fresh vegetables whey they got ripe.

My father just listened as I rambled on as I continued to dress. While I was putting on the jeans that Mr. Brown had given me I told Dad about them and the overalls that he had found that I could use to work in. I could tell that Dad was happy that I was working at something that pleased me. H walked me to the door as I headed off toward the main farmhouse.

I noticed the light on in the kitchen of the farmhouse as I approached the back door. When I knocked Mr. Brown yelled for me to come on in. He was at the stove in nothing but his underwear. He grabbed his cup of coffee and told me to watch the bacon in the skillet while he went and put his pants on.

When he returned I had removed the bacon and placed it on the platter with the eggs and ham. I was a little amazed at all the food he had prepared just for the two of us. We sat down and after about thirty minutes of filling my stomach I told him I should really be getting to work. He told me to leave the dishes that he would take care of them. I stepped away fro the table and started out the door.

I had managed to spread some new hay for the horses and filled up the small troughs with fresh water from the pump outside. I was just about to get started on repairing some of the broken boards in the stalls and on the fence when Mr. Brown walked in. He commented on how clean and organized the barn looked and then noticed the tools I had gotten out to work with. He asked me if I could read and write. When I told him that I could he said that was great and if I would just measure the different lengths of lumber I needed and how many, he would go into town and have the lumberyard cut the wood for me.

He said that if I could make a list that we could take the old truck into town and pick up the lumber. This sounded great to me since I really didn't want to have to use a handsaw and cut each piece, as I needed it. He handed me a ruler along with pencil and paper and told me to make a list. He also told me to add a couple gallons of white paint to the list because before long I would need to paint the stalls and fences.

I walked around making notes and measurements as Mr. Brown saddled up one of his horses and proceeded off down the road. I finished up inside the barn and started walking around the corrals. There wasn't that many boards that needed replacing on the corrals. When I passed the corral with the stallion in it I started getting a stirring in my groin.

I headed back inside the barn and was thinking about how exciting it had been to watch the horses and how exciting hi had been when Mr. Brown had dried me off. I was too far-gone to stop myself as I pushed my hands in the side of the coveralls and started playing with myself. Masturbation was one pleasure that I had not been allowed to explore living in a one-room house with the rest of my family. I was really working myself up into a frenzy and hadn't heard Mr. Brown when he entered the barn with his horse. I let out an audible grunt as I let my seed squirt through the air and fall on the ground a few feet in front of me.

"That was pretty impressive." Mr. Brown said as I jumped at the sound of his voice and tried to replace myself in my coveralls.

Mr. Brown laughed a little at me trying to collect myself. He then told me to relax that what I was doing was perfectly normal and for my information he did it as often as he could himself. What he said had helped my feelings a little but my face was still red from the embarrassment of being caught. As I turned to look at Mr. Brown I noticed that his pants were bulging out. When he saw me looking he reached down and rearranged himself, making sure that I was able to see the outline of his engorged cock.

I just stared at him really wondering what he looked like underneath. He saw me staring and said that maybe we should go to the house and take a look at my list. I wanted to get to the house but the list was not what I wanted to see. As we walked together I was trying to figure out where my sudden interest in Mr. Brown's anatomy was coming from. When it came to sex with a boy or girl I was still a virgin. The only thing I had ever done had already been witnessed by Mr. Brown.

As we entered the house he started asking me questions about what sexual experiences I had already enjoyed. When I told him that I had never been with anyone he looked around and asked if I had even tried. When I told him that I had never wanted to he said he sort of understood. As we entered his bedroom he removed his pants and sat down in a chair close to the bed. He told me to sit on the edge of the bed and just relax.

When I was seated the pulled his chair right in front of me and looked right at me and said that if we started doing anything that I didn't want to do, I should say so and he would stop. He placed his hand on my crotch and slowly started rubbing against me. I could feel my cock start to grow and I was sure he could too. He asked me if I was enjoying what he was doing. I just nodded my head because I felt if I tried to speak it would not sound right.

He added a little more pressure and quickened his pace on my now hard cock. The feeling was out of this world even though he was only rubbing me through my pants. He noticed that I kept moving around trying to adjust myself for the best feelings. He looked me right in the eye and asked if I wanted to remove my clothes.

I waited a few seconds before I responded, trying to figure out if I should really get undressed or not. I wanted to but was not sure if I should. My desire to be stroked won out and I told him I wanted to take my overalls off. He reached up and unfastened the straps that came over my shoulders and had me stand up as they fell to the floor. I was left standing in my underwear with my cock pushing them out in front of me.

Mr. Brown grabbed my cock through my underwear and gave it a couple of strokes and asked if I didn't want to take them off. Before I could answer he had pulled them down to my knees. As he pushed them down he leaned forward and my cock almost hit him in the face. This time when he grabbed my cock I got a rush throughout my groin region and for a second thought I was going to cum.

Mr. Brown knew how to play with my cock better than I did as he continued to pull the foreskin back and forth over the head of my cock. With his other hand he had lifted my balls and was gently bouncing them as he continued to jerk me off. Just when I thought I was about to shoot, he stopped. He had worked me up so well that he knew that I would not be able to just stop.

He sat back in his chair and halfway spread his legs apart. I could see the tent that his cock was making with his underwear and knew that I had to get my hands on it. I reached out and touched it and when I found that it felt just like mine and grabbed it and started stroking it through the material.

Mr. Brown raised himself up in the chair and started pulling his underwear down as far as my hand would allow him too. He removed my hand so he could take his underwear the rest of the way off. When he stood up his cock was pointed right at my face and I got a close up view of it. I had not had the opportunity to look at other men and felt like I really had to look this one over. Mr. Brown's cock was uncut but in the present condition one could not tell. His cock was a good eight inches long and about five inches around. He had a large head that was dark purple in color compared to the shaft. His balls were large and hung low below his cock and they were sprinkled with some black and gray hair just as the rest of his body was.

The hair was a big turn on as my body had very little other than that underneath my arms and around my cock. As I reached out to take his cock in my hand he moved over to the bed beside me and lay down. He then told me that I could take my time and explore any part of him that I wanted. I immediately grabbed his cock and started jerking it as if it were my own. He moaned a few times as he closed his eyes. I moved in close enough to him that I could smell the strong pungent odor of piss and cum. The smell instantly got my cock to jump and ache from the wanting of attention.

Mr. Brown must have known how I was feeling as he reached out and started playing with my cock. I started pumping on his cock even more and noticed that his cock was leaking some fluid on my hand. It made his cock slippery and for some reason I had to find out what it taste like. I moved in real close and flicked my tongue out and cupped a little of the liquid and pulled it into my mouth. The taste was nothing like I thought it would be. It was not salty but sort of sweet and seemed to spread throughout my mouth when I tasted it.

The only thing I know for sure was that I wanted some more. I licked out a couple more times but never let the head of his cock enter my mouth. He had sat up on his elbows so he could watch what I was doing. He knew that I wanted to suck his cock but I was having a hard time making myself do it.

"You know if it is what you really want to do, then it is not totally wrong." Mr. Brown said just before he sucked my entire cock into his mouth.

I could not believe the feelings I was getting and the f act that he had sucked me inside this mouth. He then pulled his mouth away and looked down at me. He was waiting to see if I was going to do the same to him. I took a long breath and a hard look at his cock before I opened my mouth and pushed as much of his cock into it as I could.

I heard him gasp as my mouth closed around his cock, and he then sucked my cock into his mouth the warmth and taste I was getting from his cock was too much for me as I shot my load deep in his mouth. I thought he would be mad but didn't do anything other than swallow all my cum. This was even more of a turn on as I started sucking even harder on his cock. I felt his cock swell a little, but before I could react he had squirted into the back of my mouth and I instinctively swallowed. There was that taste again as I started trying to suck even more out of his cock. He shot about five more times in my mouth before I felt his cock start to go soft.

I pulled my mouth off of him and glanced at his face. He opened his eyes and wanted to know if I had enjoyed myself. All I could do was nod that I had as I tried to catch my breath.

"If you liked that and you think you might want to do it some more with me, then just let me know whenever you feel horny and I will be more than happy to help you out." He said as he sat up and rubbed my head.

"If you want to there are a few other things that I think you might like to try, but we will take it slow and work up to those." He said.

I rolled over and started to get up when I felt his large hand as it slowly rubbed my ass. It was gently rubbing and was sending tingling feeling through my ass and into my balls. I stopped and let him rub me some more. As his hands slid down in the crack of my ass I seemed to lose control of my legs as they spread out allowing him more access to my asshole. He slowly rubbed my asshole with his fingers, being ever so gently as he rubbed around the edge of it. My ass had started pushing back against his finger when he stopped.

"We will save that for later." He said as he stood up and started to put his clothes back on.

"New rule around here, only have sex after we do some work." He continued.

"So I guess you have to get up and find something to do if you want to play around some more before you go home." He said as he grinned at me and then slapped my naked ass. It made a loud noise but really didn't hurt. I jumped out of bed and within a couple of seconds had my clothes back on and was headed toward the barn.

I located some lumber and proceeded to repair what I could until Mr. Brown went into town and got the new lumber. I had been able to repair a couple of stalls when Mr. Brown yelled for me to come to him. When I got there he was waiting for me in his truck. He told me to climb in that we would be back way before it was time for me to go home.

We rode along in silence for a while when I finally started asking him some personal questions. I asked him why he had not remarried after the death of his wife, and he said that he was not sexually attracted to women. He said that he had fucked quiet a few and had finally came to the conclusion that they basically were all the same. He said that for a long time he thought that one day he would meet and have sex with a woman and that it would be so much better than the rest that he would want to marry her. He said that he did indeed find someone that sex with was great, but it was not a woman.

He said that he had picked up an older man walking down the road and brought him home to feed and clean him up before letting him go on his way. While the man was bathing Mr. Brown had entered the room and was almost raped by the man. Mr. Brown said he was able to fend the man off, but afterwards his cock was hard and he couldn't get it to calm down. Mr. Brown said he returned to the room where the old man was and let him do whatever he wanted to him. Mr. Brown said that when they had finished he was completely spent and satisfied for the first time in his sex life.

Mr. Brown said that was when he realized that sex for him to be complete had to be with another man. He said that since that time he had been with about three or four men and the sex had always been great. He said that the men he had been with were not all that nice and they had parted ways. He looked at me and asked what I thought about what had happened between the two of us.

I told him that it was wonderful but I hadn't been with a girl so I couldn't really make a comparison. I did go on to tell him about my dreams and how I was always sucking on some man's cock or fucking or being fucked up the ass. He told me that there was a chance that the dreams didn't mean anything. He said that since I had not been with a woman that my subconscious couldn't form a realistic dream with a woman.

As we drove on we chatted about different things that go us horny. To my surprise the sight of a man's ass got Mr. Brown turned on. He said that it didn't have to be naked just the appearance of it being pressed against a pair of pants was enough. Some how the talk got turned around t me having sex with a girl so I could make a comparison between men and women. Mr. Brown said that he knew of a house in town whose business was sex and if I felt up to it he could take me by there and let me sample their wares.

I told him that I didn't have any money and would probably be too scared to even try. He told me that he would pay for it and that he would partake of a woman himself so that I wouldn't be so scared. He said that we could get together in the same room and that he could coach me along. I told him I would have to think about it for a little while.

We pulled into the lumberyard and Mr. Brown handed the foreman the list I had made up and he walked off telling us it would take maybe an hour that some of the pieces would have to be cut. Mr. Brown looked at me and told me to follow him as we walked down the street of houses.

"Have you made up your mind ye?" He asked as he stopped in front of one of the houses.

I thought for a second but the idea of at least trying it with a woman had got my balls to tingling. Before I even realized it I was heading up to the front of the house with Mr. Brown.

Next: Chapter 2

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