Shapeshifting Demon of Lust

By moc.liamtoh@ykculnu

Published on May 20, 2024



Thank you so much for taking the time to read this! I decided I would try to write this idea I've had floating in my head for a while. If you enjoy this, please feel free to message the author at @zyllenial on Twitter.

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I'm a demon, if you must know. That name may sound scary to some, but to tell you the truth, it isn't entirely accurate. I'm more of a... spirit, an intangible blob of sentience that can take whatever shape your heart desires, for a "small" fee. I'm known by many names to those who try to evoke me for my services: Elvin the Pleasing, Kolvon the Lustful, and any other odd somesuch names that mortals would think of to call me. I call myself a demon just because it rolls off the tongue easiest, but you can call me whatever you like.

The way I work is simple: you tell me a sexual fantasy, and I make sure you live it out. It can take as long as you want, but once I cum, the job is done, and I disappear, leaving you with a hazy memory of the best sex you've ever had.

Let's take one of my most recent agreements for example. A man had summoned me early one evening, and as I materialized on his front porch, I took a look at my surroundings. I noticed the driveway had a decent car, no visible damage. I noticed the lawn had what seemed to be really well-trimmed grass, and the house itself looked well-maintained on the outside. I looked down at my clothes, wondering what it was the man had believed I'd wear, and noticed that I was dressed in a tight fitting maroon shirt and some athletic shorts, with an oddly short inseam. As I looked myself over, I noticed that my body was thin, but not frail. I had a reasonably well-built ass that seemed to shake as I moved around. Judging by the feeling in the front of my pants, I was pretty average, this time around. An average size usually meant that the man who summoned me didn't really care about what was going on in the front.

I reached into my pockets and was relieved to find a pocket compact mirror. I've been doing this for longer than most mortals have been alive, and I quickly learned that I needed some way to be able to know what I look like whenever I appear, and so I sneaked in this bit of time before I met the guy into every agreement that a man forged with me. Other than this, I had next to know idea what I would be getting myself into.

That could sound scary, but really a lot of it is very similar. A man is lonely, and usually wants a twink, or a bear, or a femboy, or a jock to satisfy him for the night. I might get some occasionally kinky people, but most guys honestly just preferred a simple "hit it and quit it" approach. It didn't matter to me much, since all I needed was to feed on their sexual energy. An average hookup like this could keep me sated for a month.

Back to my appearance, I noticed that I had short blond hair, and brown eyes (the brown eyes usually being another default). I also noticed that I was wearing a red cap with a company logo on it, as well as a white badge with the name "Zach" embedded into the cap.

"Oh, don't tell me..." I thought to myself.

Sure enough, as I looked down, I saw a large insulated square bag at my feet, with a logo identical to the one on my hat etched into the top. Did this mean that the best fantasy this man could think of was a pizza delivery porn scenario? Oh well, it was better to get these cheesy ones over with. One last thing I noticed: every time I'm invoked, a tiny bit of my personality is changed to match whatever the person desires. I could tell that I was meant to be a little dumb and meant to act rather slutty. Man, this guy sure was original.

I picked up the pizza bag and knocked on the door, waiting for the man to answer. It took a moment, and even a second round of knocking, but I heard a man who sounded like he was coming down the stairs, shouting, "Just a sec!".

When he opened the door, I was met with a man so tall that I had to crane my neck up to look him in the eyes, which were a piercing blue. His jet black hair looked as though it had strategically placed grays in the sides of it, and his short but thick and extremely well-kept beard looked like it was setting my lust receptors on fire.He was wearing a long sleeved button shirt that hugged his body well. He didn't look to be incredibly muscular, but you could tell that he had to do something physical in his spare time.

"Nice to meet you... Zach." The man said as he reached his hand out to shake mine. Momentarily confused, I reached out and met his hand. He had a strong grip, something that he seemed proud of as I noticed the smirk he gave me.

"Here, bud, why don't you come inside? I think I left my wallet on the counter over here." He said, ushering me into his house.

"Sure thing, man." I responded. This guy wanted dumb blond? Well I might just be happy to oblige. I walked inside as he shut the door behind me. I set the bag down on a bar counter that was up against the wall. "Mind if I set this here, man?" I asked, adjusting my hat.

"No, go ahead, I'm sure my wallet is around here somewhere..." he let his voice trail off as he walked into a doorway next to the bar counter, into what I assumed was the kitchen, the door closing behind him. I heard him shuffling some things around, and after a moment, I thought he sounded a little uneasy.

"Hey, man. Can you... come in here? I think I dropped something and I can't reach down to pick it up." He sounded much more distressed than sexy, and I was wondering if the guy had actually managed to drop his wallet someplace. I got up and pushed the door open.

As my eyes quickly adjusted to the brighter lights of the kitchen, I noticed that he was standing with his legs shoulder-width apart and his pants down, revealing an impressively long cock. My eyes widened as I wondered how he fit it all in those pants. His shirt was opened up, and I could see that while he didn't have much mass, he was incredibly toned, with visible abs and nice pecs that seemed to compliment his frame very well. At his feet, sure enough, there was an open wallet.

"I'm in a bit of a predicament, do you think you can bend over and grab this for me?" He winked at me, knowing full well what he wanted me to do.

"Oh, sure man, no problem!" I said, playing up the dumb guy act as much as I could. Then again, it didn't seem all that unnatural for this to happen. The guy happened to drop his wallet. His cock was so big, and his shirt was so tight, he probably didn't wanna rip it bending over to pick it up. I walked over to him, standing almost nine inches away, just long enough for his long cock not to touch me as I knelt down.

"Nah, son, you're too far away. You're gonna have to crawl to it." I could hear the lust in his voice. I could feel it intensify as he saw my ass.

"Yeah, sure thing boss man!" I shouted out. I felt myself getting really into this character... I felt way more excited than usual as I started to crawl on my hands and knees. Once I got to where his cock was right in front of my face, I stopped.

"Aw, damn, my big fat cock is in the way, boy." He smirked down at me as I was eye level with the head of his cock. "You've got a bit longer to go, you might need to find a way to get it out of your way."

"Like what, Sir?" I looked up at him, meeting his piercing gaze. Sir? Sure, the customer was always right, or whatever, but that seemed out of the ordinary.

"Hmm, tell you what, boy. You might be able to reach it if you put this cock in your mouth. That way you got some extra room to work with. You think that sounds alright?"

"Well damn, man, sounds like you're pretty smart!" I heard myself saying, before I opened up my mouth and started to take his cock in me. I told myself I'd keep going until I started to gag, but after going slow for a while, I noticed I was nearing the base and hadn't even felt close. Of course a guy with a cock this big wouldn't want a gag reflex getting in the way.

"Fuuuuuck, boy..." I heard him trail off as I took more and more of his cock in my mouth. "You do that so well. This might be worth an extra big tip. You like that, boy?" With that, he reached down and grabbed my hair, slowly pulling me off his cock, and making me look up at him.

"Yeah, man. That sounds great!" I blurted out again. Money didn't mean anything to me, but I figured I'd indulge the man. With the amount of sexual energy this guy had given off already, I felt like I'd be good for a week, and he hadn't even started trying to fuck me yet.

As a response, he thrust my mouth back onto his cock, practically using my throat as his own fleshlight as he threw my cap off and grabbed my hair for better traction. No matter how quickly or how much he thrust into me, I didn't gag a single time. The man seemed quite impressed with this, and after a couple minutes of this, he stopped and took my head in both of his hands.

"Look up at me, boy, and open up." He growled, to which I immediately responded. With both of his hands grabbing onto the back of my head, he started thrusting in and out of my throat, no longer letting me move. I was purely a human throat for his cock to pummel, and I started to get hard from this, though you couldn't tell in the position I was in.

"Fuck boy, you feel so fucking good. You like me using that throat? Huh?" He didn't stop his pace at all, meaning I couldn't answer him appropriately. All I could do was look up at this man while he face fucked me. I wasn't sure how long I had been in this position, but the longer I looked, the more I could swear that the man looked sexier and sexier to me. He just seemed so tall, so well-built, and so manly. I was glad to have such a stud fucking my throat for as long as he wanted. It took another couple of minutes, but eventually he slowed his pace to a stop once again.

"Get up, boy. Take those pants off." He sounded more authoritative, like he was getting much more into this scene as time went on.

"Yes, Sir!" I yipped. It seemed so natural to call him that at this point. The way he commanded me, it made me hard just to call him that. Perhaps that was another part of his fantasy, having the dumb blond also be a submissive slut. I stood up and easily removed my shorts, my own hard cock now prominently on display, as I had apparently been going commando this entire time.

"Yeah, that's what I like to see, boy." He growled once again as he grabbed my shoulder. In one fluid motion, he spun me around and pushed me, to where I was up against a countertop. He grabbed my shoulder and pushed, making me bend over. I moaned as the cold, smooth stone of the countertop touched my skin.

"Mmm, yeah that's what I like to see." He growled again as he smacked my ass. I involuntarily tensed as he smacked it, but my ass seemed to cushion most of the pain it would've caused. That's not how it normally works, but maybe this guy made sure he didn't hurt me with anything he did. If I wasn't so turned on, I would've feigned heartfelt sympathy for him.

"Yeah? You like it when I spank you?" He laughed to himself as he spanked me again. I could tell this one was harder than the last time, but I still didn't feel any pain from it, just a jolt of pleasure reaching to my cock.

"Fuck, yes Sir!" I almost shouted. I felt such intense pleasure in my cock now, and I could feel my ass starting to ache with need as he kept playing with my backside.

"Tell me what you want, boy." He bent over to where his weight was on top of me, his bare skin touching my back, his thick beard grazing against my neck as his mouth was so close to my ear I could feel his every word almost before he said it.

"I want your big cock, Sir..." I let out a whimper. Something about this position made the submissive part of me leap out. I could feel the immense control that he had over me in this moment, and the control he had over the scene as a whole. He seemed either very experienced, or way too into this.

"Such a good boy!" He growled into my ear as he stuck the head of his cock in my tight ass. I felt my hole start to open up for him, noticing once again that nothing he did hurt me. He could have probably rammed his entire cock inside of me at once, and I'd only feel the intense pleasure of him hitting my prostate.

"Oh, fuck..." I moaned out as his cock drove itself into my ass. It wasn't the absolute best that I could remember, but right now it was all I wanted.

"Mmm, you like that, don't you ya little slut?" He rumbled as he began picking up his pace, until after a couple moments I could tell he was going at least as fast as he had on my throat. He had at this point gotten up from laying on top of me, and had grabbed my waist with both hands as he thrust in and out. Every once in a while, I could feel him slap the side of my ass, accompanied with a "Fuck yeah, take it boy!" or a "damn baby, you feel so good."

He seemed to have incredible stamina compared to most people I was contracted with. I didn't have a clock to tell the time, but I felt like I had been bent over this countertop for close to twenty minutes while he continuously drilled my hole. The best part was, it never stopped feeling amazing. He must have really made sure that his contract stated that I wouldn't feel fatigue or any other downsides to being fucked for so long. Eventually, like all things, I could hear him panting more, and I could feel him start to slow down.

"Fuck, baby... you getting close?"

"Mm, yes Sir! Your cock feels so good inside of me!" This wasn't a lie at all. I knew that I could feel myself on the edge of cumming for quite some time now, but in the position I was in, I couldn't comfortably reach down and stroke myself. Turns out, that wasn't much of a problem for him, as he reached around and started jerking my cock while he continued to pummel my prostate.

"Fuck yeah baby, I want you to cum with me. That'll be so hot, don't you think?"

"Fuuuck yeah, Sir! Please let me cum with you! God, you feel so good..."

After this, it didn't take too long for him to stop abruptly. I could feel my insides being flooded with his cum as he continued to jerk me off. He picked up the pace after he came himself, hoping to catch me up.

"Yeah baby come on. Give it to me. Give it to Daddy!" With that, as if a floodgate had opened, I felt myself closer than I'd been this entire experience, until I myself started panting.

"Oh fuck I'm gonna... I'm cumming!" I moaned out as I could feel myself painting his lower cabinets with my load. After I was finished, I barely felt like I could stand, and used my position laying against the countertop to my advantage.

"Here, let me grab you a towel." I heard him say, much more gingerly than he had been just minutes earlier. He even gave my shoulder a kiss as he smacked my ass one more time before turning to walk out the door into the rest of the house.

One thing he didn't realize was how quickly it would all end. As the man walked back into his kitchen, his towel in hand, he could find no evidence that there was anybody in there only moments ago. The cap he had flung across the room had disappeared. The shorts the hot young twink had worn were gone as well. Even the cum stains he'd left on the lower cabinets were cleaned up to the point where they may not have ever been there at all. Puzzled, the man walked out into the main hall, where he had greeted the boy. The pizza bag that had been resting there during the whole exchange was also gone. The only remnant of the boy being there at all was the feeling that the man had of an intense orgasm, one that was better than any other he'd had in his life.

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