Shane's Life as a Slave

By rob roberts

Published on Dec 30, 2013



Shane's Life as a Slave

This is a fictional work. It belongs to the author and may not be reproduced or copied. If you are under 18, you must not read it. To all others, I hope you enjoy it. PLEASE MAKE A CONTRIBUTION TO NIFTY TO HELP KEEP THIS SITE ALIVE.

I awoke from my rest feeling a little in need of stretching. It was a comfortable bed- one made for large dogs, but still, I needed to stretch out and give my legs some room. I did it hesitantly making sure that I didn't awake my master. He was sleeping in his large, king sized bed and I wished he had let me stay there last night.

After stretching, I crawled over to his bed in case he was awake, so he didn't see me. I looked up to him, his muscular body stretched out and his large feet sticking up. He was bigger than me and owned me. I admired his body, all much darker than me. I knew my job and glanced at his clock. Just enough time for me to do my usual morning routine for him. I had to pee but that would have to wait. I made sure my body was clean. I quickly crawled into his shower and cleaned myself good both inside and out. Not wasting one his towels, I hoped the air would dry me quickly.

I returned to the bedroom and he was still asleep. Good. I crawled up to his bed and licked his toes. I liked his taste but knew where my real job was so I crawled up farther and gently pushed his legs apart. I then saw my target, his beautiful tight hole, much tighter than mine. I buried my face into his hole as best as I could. Sensing my presence I guess, he spread his legs farther and allowed my tongue to enter his somewhat brown ring area. I tasted his hair around his hole but quickly just pushed my tongue inside to begin. He moaned a little. Good sign. He was liking my work. I lapped and sucked on his hole. Maybe he would emit some gas but that was normal. I tasted something funky and knew it was likely shit but I savored it like candy. He was my master and took good care of me, much better than the other milk boys in the stable. After a good few minutes of eating, I felt his hands around my face and he gently pulled me up to his rather large, now hard cock. I knew my job and I placed the large head into my mouth and tasted him. A little piss maybe but that would come later. I licked and sucked and began to swallow the whole thing. I knew I would have trouble getting all 11 inches in my mouth but he liked the way I worked and I knew I could swallow most of it. I felt it grow in my mouth and throat. I knew he wouldn't be much longer before I felt his balls in my finger tips seem to pull up and then my reward. His breathing was different and then, he began to shoot his load in my mouth and in my throat. I just stayed where I was and took it all. Once I felt the pulsing stop, I began to lick him clean. I didn't look up to him yet but sensed he was awake and looking down at me.

He then called my name, well not my real name. It hadn't been used since I was quite young. He called me the name he chose for me which I guess was better than the number I had before. He said cunt, you done real good . He sat up in his bed then and pulled me up to play with my hard dick. I so needed to pee but I had a piss hard on and knew it had to wait. He pulled me up to see his smiling black face and he kissed me and asked if I enjoyed breakfast. I said yes master, as I really had no choice. He then pushed me back down as his cock was softening. I knew what came next and I was well trained. Without, waiting, I put his cock in my mouth again and waited until I felt his first drops of piss. It then came hard and I got my' juice' as he called it. It was as usual, strong tasting and somewhat bitter but I did it everyday for him and had gotten used to the taste. That would be my meal for this morning unless he felt particularly generous and fed my scarps from his food when he dined on his breakfast.

I guess before I go on, I should tell you some things about me. I was called Shane until I was taken from my parents and they were both enslaved. I was supposedly going to a boy's home but in reality, being white, that usually meant in our area of Georgia, that I would go to the farm where I would be all but forgotten and become a milk boy. When I grew up to the right age. I guess no social services agencies cared enough to check on the boys and some girls they placed there.

We lived under black rule and I guess it had been this way since maybe 60 years ago. My mother was fourteen when I was born. Although legal to marry, she and my daddy hadn't. When word got round that two fourteen year olds had a baby, no self respecting family would allow that. The black courts, I guess, sentenced my daddy to enslavement and my mother too.

I was kept on her parents farm but not treated to well, until I was around 9. Then, they decided I was more than they wanted and a reminder of what happened to their daughter and I was taken as a ward of the court. I was supposed to go to a school for boys but as the blacks controlled those too, and space was limited, I was sent to what we called the farm. I hated it but realized as a white, most white boys found themselves there in one way or another. Some parents, I heard even sold their children to the farm to pay debt. Maybe my so called grandparents sold me too but I was too young to know and it didn't make any difference. I never saw them again and doubted I would ever see my parents. I really didn't know them anyway.

Once there, I guess you never leave. At least, you don't leave on foot. I hear once you are used up, they tend to sell you for a hide and you're not ever seen again.

The farm produced produce for sale all over. They also produce milk and milk products from a herd of cows. Their prices put almost everyone else out of business as they have slave labor and pay almost no taxes. See, they also hire some black and some white folks to work there overseeing what all goes on. No whitey will ever complain as it is one of the few jobs around and you don't mess with the Green Family, the people who control it.

They also do something not usually found on farms but I guess they found a market. See they take the boys on the farm, the white ones, and milk them for their cum. It is sold and is considered a delicacy. They also open up the farm to tours as they are that bold, and let people, mostly blacks, watch as the white boys get milked twice a day. I don't know if it is legal or not but I guess in these parts, it must be. They get a full tour of the farm but the highlight is the milking of the boys. They also run a dairy store and snack shop . That is where I understand my momma still works. That is, when she isn't breeding. They breed most of the white boys right on the farm now. The boys never see anything but the farm and are put to work helping in the fields until they mature. The maturing is pushed along as they are fed a constant diet of a special meal and pills that increases their semen output and makes them grow fast. A boy of ten will likely be well into what they call puberty. He develops a big dick, big balls and body hair very early. By 12, he is tested and usually gets milked twice a day. In between, he works the farm in some job or another. This lasts until the boys are in their late twenties or so. Once their production slacks off, they are used as beasts of burden until they get sick or injured or whatever and then they just kind of disappear. I hear they put them under and then salvage their parts including their skins for all kinds of stuff. The rest gets ground up and is made into fertilizer for the fields. They don't know no better so that is their lives.

Being a free boy until I was ten, I went to school through fifth grade. I was considered smarter than most white boys. Those bred on the farm, never went to school so they could not read or write. They were just bodies, pretty good looking ones, but only trained to do their jobs. They knew no parents nor family. They were all white boys. It wasn't unusual to see boys at 10 or 11 with pubic hair and much larger than normal cocks and balls They were also given meds to start their puberty early. Their enhanced bodies made them `show well' and they were popular for guests to the farm, to watch and enjoy.

Special breeding techniques used made sure most of the bitches produced boys. A few girls were bred but they worked the farm until they bled. Once they bled, they were ready to breed. The best looking ones, when not pregnant, worked the shop or did the tours. Even pregnant, they worked until almost time to drop their babies. The babies were taken and raised separately. The girls also breast fed the babies so the girls often had big tits from all the sucking that happened.

Once I got to the farm, I got the fed the same stuff so my maturity happened sooner than usual.

The Green family was headed by the main master. He was a big black man and had a wife and several children. There was one girl and the rest boys. They oversaw the farm as soon as they could. One or two went to college for awhile.

I was the property of Nate, one of the sons, who just finished high school. He had picked me out of the milk boys, where most of their personal slave boys came from. It was considered an honor to get picked. I had seen Nate since I was first brought here. He was a better looking young man, better looking than some of the other masters. He was lean and tall and had played sports for the high school team. He was very good looking and pretty muscular. I was smaller only being less than his six foot tall self. He had a good smile which us boys rarely saw. He was mostly all business on the farm. The thing I liked about him was he wasn't as mean as his father or brothers. See, when they got to be 15, they could go out and pick a boy or maybe a girl slave, and take them to be their personal slave. They had to care and look after their slave but could use them anyway they wanted. I was now about 15 maybe. I got milked everyday and Nate maybe noticed that I made a lot of milk. Old white boys generally milked us as the visitors watched. I no longer was bothered by that as I just decided that was the way life was. Black overseers or the family would monitor the job and then send the freshly milked boys out to work in the fields planting crops, taking care of the crops and harvesting the crops. Needless to say, all white boys were always naked. They had been since birth. They had no pride and eat from troughs, pissed and shit in the fields and were generally thought of as animals. They were kept in barns and even when it got cold, had only one another to share warmth with. If it snowed, they got a blanket thrown over them. I was one of those boys but being a little educated, hated the life until I just finally knew I had no chance of ever leaving, so I accepted it.

Nate found me and spoke with me. I was one of the few, who could speak very well, at least by farm standards, so he was impressed with me. He had done well in school I guess so he appreciated a whitey with a least a few brains. He pulled me aside a few times and examined my body. Finding no real flaws, other than a few beating marks, he had the vet check me out as he watched. I was as a former free boy, a bit embarrassed to be examined like that but hey, what choice did I have.

The vet even jerked me off soon after a milking and was pleased that I still could cum. Nate just stood and watched. He said he wanted to select his "boy" having decided, I guess, that he didn't want a girl. I was a little surprised but said nothing. It seemed most of the brothers except one, had chosen boys as they could work harder and if desperate, a hole's a hole. I knew he had a girl friend as he talked about her while the vet checked me out He said to the vet that she didn't always want to put out though so he thought a whitey might be a good alternative to suck him off when he wanted it and even a white boy could take care of his stuff and do anything that might be considered below him.

The vet nodded and said that boys made excellent sluts, especially white boys. They had no brains anyway and would do whatever a black man asked. I knew that to be true and had been fucked by several black overseers. He said my size wasn't in my favor though as I was shorter than him and not as muscular. The vet said that just made it easier to use me as trash anyway but he did tell him, my hole was good, I had good teeth and a decent dick for a white boy. I was kind of proud of it actually. Being formally free, I had thought about my cock and balls and was shocked when I started to get big so early. I now sported what looked to be about 7 inches and was thick. My balls were big which Nate noted produced a lot of stuff.

I was getting more muscular as I worked hard all day in the fields lifting crops and doing lots of digging and manual labor. The vet said I had a nice hide too, pretty tanned, all over naturally. He even checked my feet and made me shit to check me for worms. I guess I passed as Nate soon took me with him to the house where he washed me down with a hose. I hated cold water on me unless it was real hot outside. He personally washed me and stuck the hose up my hole which he called a pussy. I was embarrassed to shit in front of him. I guess that was a holdover from my days as free.

Once done, he said I looked pretty good for a whitey and had one of the keepers even trim my messy blonde hair. He said he would make me a prize and might show me off at a fair someday. Only the best looking whiteys got taken to the fair and some won prizes. The bad thing was they usually got sold there and were never seen again. I hated my life but the unknown was worse.

I was naturally afraid of what was going to happen. I had seen one white boy given to one of his brothers who was castrated. His daddy got mad saying white boys were only good for milking and hard work, but he had done it anyway. I don't know if he was being punished or why, but heard from others that he might make him a girl. His lifeless cock now just hung and he was very docile. He used the boys as a pony who pulled a very fancy cart around. He was called Geldboy by his owner . Even the other slaves now laughed at him sometimes. His ball sack had been replaced with two big silver balls that hung where his normal balls would be. They shone in the sun. He slept with the son and was the subject lots of humiliation. He had to be about twenty now but at least they kept him for show and he usually wore bright feathers in his head and often sported a tail sticking out of his hole when he ran. He was pretty muscular though and was oiled up each day for show.

We all feared that someday that could happen to us. He was made to kneel and suck off black men when his master had him pulling the cart around and would stop by check on something.

I didn't want that to happen to me even though I was still getting milked.

Nate touched me all over and asked if I sucked good. He said I might need to do that and maybe some other stuff as well. I said politely that as a white boy, I would do what was asked of me. He took me back to the fields and I didn't hear anything more for a week but I began to watch him and he was obviously watching me. He had me hitched to a wagon with some other boys and he seemed to like looking at my somewhat muscled ass. In our team of four boys, he had me in the second row right in front of where he sat. It was unusual for him to ride the wagons of crops but I said noting. After that, all sweaty and dirty, he had the groomer take me aside and then he came over and said he chose me for his personal boy. I was surprised and I guess honored. He had me washed and cleaned out, again watching as I shit out the dirty water. He then took me to his father which scared me. He said he had made his choice for a boy and said I was the one. That is when he told me I would no longer be called 486 but "Cunt". I hated that name and still do but now, I just accept it.

I was taken to one of the overseers who Nate explained to, that I was now his personal boy. He seemed to understand. I was again milked before they cleaned off my cock, something they usually didn't do and the fitted out with his requests. The worst was when they pierced my cock with a ring. I hurt so bad as white boys never got any painkillers. It was said it was good for them to suffer. They also put a ring between my balls and cock which didn't hurt so much. I was now wearing a collar that was not the usual leather thing but shy, with the name he chose, stamped into it. I was now `cunt' for all others to see. He laughed at my suffering some and said eventually, he would tattoo a sun around my asshole to show me off. Finally, he placed a ring around the base of my balls which carried two weights that pulled on my balls when I moved. I t kind of hurt but now I am used to it.

My neck collar had a ring for a leash and Master Nate attached a light chain to it. He said this was how he wanted me except for the tattoo which would come later. In pain with a sore dick. He led me out and took me to the main house. I had no possessions so I had no reason to go back to the barn and so started my life as his house slave.

Ch 2

It took several days for my dick to heal. I was surprised how gentle Nate was with me. Yeah, he fucked me and made me suck him off. He also taught me my responsibilities as his slave. That included sleeping with him some nights when his dick would often stay in me all night. He was one hung boy with at least 11 inches. My work on the farm and being subjected to the overseers fucking me probably as a means of survival, had taught me how to take big dicks but few were as big as he was. I couldn't help but cry the first few nights as my sore ass tried to accommodate his big dick. He said it was good for white boys to cry and to suffer. This was all white boys destiny- to be at the mercy of a black man and letting him use my hole for his pleasure. He said I would likely never get to fuck anything unless he decided along with his dad, that I might become a breeder boy. The thought scared me almost as much as submitting to his big dick. He liked to show me off some taking me by the leash and having me follow him around like a puppy. He even put a puppy tail dildo in my swollen ass or cunt as he now referred to it. He said I was cute. The weights on my balls were certainly having the desired effect as they hung lower than before. Even his brothers and sister thought I was cute he told me.

My daily routine was to eat his ass with my mouth and tongue. I knew he sometimes left it a little dirty or sweaty just to teach me to learn to savor whatever came from him. Then, I would lick his dick off and suck on it like a baby nursing. He almost always gave me his morning piss as well. Over time, I learned to like it. I felt more secure than I had since I was a boy. I had returned to getting milked along with the other slave boys and having people watch us. On the farm, we were then usually sent to do farm labor but often Nate would keep me back to take me places. He still had me go with a few others to the petting farm where visitors could basically molest us in the barnyard area. It was a cute children's area but we were not treated as such.

Nate had all my pubes removed as he thought the kiddies might like that but he left some of my pit hair and my leg hair to show I was mature I guess. Girls got to play with us too and boys got to squeeze our nuts and feel us up. We had to submit and let them have their way. I was also used to give pony rides on my back. Others were used to pull little carts with the boys and girls inside and their parents using the whip to make us run.. I was usually exhausted by the time this was over so going with Nate was a thrill and a lot less humiliation.

I had rarely ever been in a car and it scared me some. As a kid, my grandparents didn't take us many places, at least I didn't get to go. Riding with Nate in his sports car was fun. He taught me how to belt myself in but often took off the belt so I could nuzzle his dick as he drove.

Having been free at one time, it was embarrassing to go to town with him. Yes, naked white boys were not that uncommon as they worked in stores and shops mostly doing physical labor stuff. The road crews were mostly made up of white slave boys who were serving time for some crimes they allegedly did. I'm sure most really didn't do anything but it was a site to see. They wore no pants as they didn't get breaks so they had to pee and shit as they worked. A boy was assigned to pick it all up and dispose of it.

I was sometimes treated as a dog and had to crawl. Nate, taking good care of me, got me knee pads to wear when I did this. It was humiliating though as he made me wear my puppy tale. That was the case when he took me to the tattoo parlor where the sunburst he had talked about doing was done to my ass. It was a sunburst with the center of the sun being my pussy hole. It hurt some but after the ringing of my dick, it wasn't too bad. He told the guy doing it, that he didn't want to add any more tats to me as he wanted me to be smooth and pretty to look at. I was kind of proud that he thought that much of me.

I had to keep my legs spread wide though that day as the feeling in my ass hurt a little. It also didn't stop him from fucking me later that day.

After several weeks of being with him almost constantly, he had some of his friends over to show me off. Just like a dog, they petted me and referred to me in very demeaning ways. They weren't much older than me and it was cruel of them to call me such names but as a white boy, I was considered much lower than them. Like a pet they played with me even making me retrieve sticks they threw. Nate said I should be happy to be played with. He even let them fuck me and I had to show my gratitude by kissing their feet and eventually sucking them off. One boy liked to get me in a head lock and made me suck his sweaty pits after they played basketball. I didn't play but had to let myself be used by them as they took breaks in the game.

I had been Nate's boy for about a month when one day, without telling me, no reason he should I guess, he took me to the barn where the strong boys who pulled the wagons were kept. I wondered why and feared he might have tired of me and would make me one of them. I was always afraid to not do as my master asked for fear of what he would do with me. I found out that some of his brothers tired of their boys and they were sent back to be farm boys and if that didn't happen, they were often beaten.

I had learned to love my master as he was mostly kind even if he did make me do things no boy should be made to do. Yet, he seemed to love me and even kissed me sometimes. He also made sure I got fed daily and sometimes gave me extras or pieces of fruit after he had a bite. The only thing I didn't like but it amused him, was when he would stick bananas up my cunt after he came in me and then make me eat them. I was used to his cum taste though and even that of my ass so I guess it wasn't that bad and it made him laugh. He would often cuddle with me then in bed and allow me to worship his hot muscular body. I no longer thought of myself as a boy. Those days were long gone but savoring his taste, even when sweaty and dirty, made me feel not like I was gay but loved and cared for like a good pet.

When we got to the barn, most of the other ponies were already hard at work. He led me to one stable area and there stood a very handsome man-pony. He was big and muscular from his hard labors. He had a bridle in his mouth and hardly paid us any mind. I stood next to Nate and then he told me that this pony, he found out through checking the records, was my real father. I was shocked and looked at him. He went over and like dealing with a horse, ran his hands over the man's torso and sturdy legs. He was smiling when he said that unlike most boys, who would never know their parents, he wanted me to see what became of my father. The man was late twenties or so maybe older, I had no idea about ages really. He was handsome and after seeing his expressionless face, I could see that he looked like me some. Unlike me, he still had a hairy crotch with his big dick sticking out firmly. His big balls hung low as the farm liked. He showed no passion or real interest. He had long ago ceased to be a man and was just an animal. I went closer hoping he might remember me but realized he hadn't seen me since I was a baby. I'm sure he no longer thought about the girl he impregnated nor the boy he had born. He was all muscle and tanned. His legs were strong and his butt firm. He had a hairy hole that Nate exposed. To me. I could tell he often must have had a dildo inside of him and probably wore a horse tail attached to it as most of the men who were ponies did so.

I wanted to run up and hug him or show him some love. I wanted my father back but knew that would never happen.

Nate explained that he was nearing the end of his days pulling heavy wagons. I asked Nate what would happen to him and he shrugged and said probably he would be recycled. I had been told by other boys that when they got old, they were castrated and then put down. Their skin was harvested for making fine leather like coverings. Sometimes, their dicks would be sold once they were placed in a kind of plastic to make paper weights or other novelties which were sold in the farm shop. Blacks liked to have such tokens which were taken at the expense of the white boy victims. Their bodies were then shredded and made into fertilizer. Complete reuse of the body. No waste. They could have their shit and piss used on the crops too as their diets were such that they had no bad effects of those who ate the crops. Their bodies were the same.

I got a tear in my eyes thinking that this would happen to him. I didn't even know his real name and yet, Nate tells me for whatever reason, that he is my father. Nate continues to stroke this handsome man with his well defined chest. He wasn't as big as some of the ponies I'd seen but very good looking although he says nothing. I was almost surprised that he didn't bend over to nuzzle Nate's cock or kiss his feet like I had seen done but then I realized that he was tied to a ring in the wall. He wore only a heavy collar and of course, the bridle in his mouth.

I almost wanted to run up and hug him but didn't think Nate would allow that. Nate did invite me to touch his body which I did stroking him gently. He seemed to like that. Nate pointed out when I did, his cock grew and got firmer. He said that this one was one of his favorites as he had a bigger cock than some and he always got hard when he ran and pulled a wagon. Nate reached down and stroked his cock making him moan slightly. Nate said this one liked to be touched. He let me touch his cock and it trembled some and was dripping pre cum. Nate said he had been used as a breeder like I would one day. Yeah, I guess I had brothers someplace but didn't ask. Nat went on stroking and said that he was going to keep him and make him his cart boy. Nate said he was scheduled for recycling but he had persuaded his father to let him keep him for other duties. Nate then went directly in front of the man and looked him in the eye making the man- horse look at him. He then told him that I was his son. `Yep, just like you, your boy is a slave but my slave. Now I want you to honor him" the man – horse looked at him and then looked to me. I saw maybe a tear in his eye as he must have been able to go back in his memory to recall having a son. Nate unhitched his ring from the wall and the man-horse just dropped to his knees like he was given a command. Nate pulled me over and let him look at me and then said he should kiss my dick. I had no idea he was going to do this. I didn't know how I felt about this. I wasn't sue this was my father but how could I let this man, a beast of burden now but still, suck my cock. Few people had ever done that for me. I only recall a few slave boys who did it and I did them. It was when we were younger and we got caught and were beaten for it. Stealing the masters milk was a crime!

I looked to Nate and he nodded and the man who was my real father began to swallow my whole cock and it felt so good. I still didn't know if he knew of our relationship but quickly I didn't care. As I was always horny, it didn't take long before I said that I was cumming and Nate just ordered the man to swallow it all. He/it didn't protest as I guess he sucked men often. It was a way of demeaning him I guess. Once done, he licked me clean and then looked to Nate who I could tell was sporting a big boner. I was supposed to always relieve him but he ordered the pony to do it. He moved over and began to suck Nate's bigger dick. Nate smiled at me and said that he had used this beast before. He pulled out as he began to cum and shot the rest on the pony's face. He made no attempt to clean it off and then had the pony stand. He told me had a nice pussy too and even though now stretched, it always felt good. He asked me if I wanted to fuck it but I just stood there.

Nate then said he decided to spare the pony and keep him for his own. He would be pulling a cart. The cart would be outfitted for Nate and he would have the pony cleaned up and made to look special. I didn't know what that meant but was glad he spared him from destruction. A boy slave, about my age came by and Nate ordered him to clean up the pony and then take him to be fitted as his personal pony. I looked at the pony, my father apparently, and saw he had some tears in his eyes. I didn't know if it was that he would be spared or if it was sadness over being used and humiliated by sucking his own son off and a master too, in front of me. He no longer was a real man and over the past years lost all of his human dignity. He was just an animal.

While he was led away, I noticed he pissed himself all over the barn floor which brought several swats to his muscular ass for making a mess. I'm sure he just couldn't help himself.

Nate laughed and said once he was ready, I would either run next to him as Nate rode in the cart or maybe he would have me climb on his back. I knew that would be hard on him but I had no say in the matter.

He next took me to see what turned out to be my mother. In the café/ shop that was open to tourists, he came in and sat. All the slave women there knew who he was. I was made to kneel next to him and just watched as I had never been allowed in there before. The women were all slaves between delivering new slaves but they got no rest apparently as they worked the store under the supervision of a black woman who made sure they complied with customer wishes. I noticed several waiting on customers. Most were young girls who wore only the smallest of a skirt that partially exposed their ass and depending on how they moved, their cunts were readily exposed. The black woman wore a dress and was dressed like a regular woman should be.

The customers were quite free to touch the women and I noticed several teen boys who had one and they were fingering her pussy and ass. I wanted to say something or ask if this was allowed but apparently it was. When one got up and came over to me, Nate told him I was not to be touched. The kid was a little rude but shook his head and went back to his friends and said something.

One of the girls came up and approached Nate and asked what he would like. He didn't touch her but being on the floor, I got a good view of her cunt and the hair on it. Apparently, they didn't all get shaved as I was. He got a coffee and a treat and told her to bring a pan of water for me. She thanked Nate and went to get it. When she returned, she put the bowl in front of me and then as he began to sip the coffee, he asked about waitress 602. The girl said she was with a customer but would send her over. Several minutes passed and a woman, older than the girl came over. She asked Nate how she could be of assistance. He told her he wanted her to see what became of her son. I stopped drinking and wanted to look up to see the conversation but didn't. He then told her I was her son Shane who ended up on the farm just like her. She began to stammer and Nate told me to look at her. I did. She was a pretty woman and I knew that she was my mom. I wanted to jump up and hug her and kiss her but that wasn't allowed. She began to tear up as she looked down at me. Her voice trembled when she spoke to Nate trying to ask how I ended up here. I know she was embarrassed in her outfit that consisted of high heel shoes, the tiny skirt with no underwear and topless. Her breasts still looked good though as did her figure. Nate asked her some embarrassing questions like when she was last bred and if she knew her husband was here too. He made some comment laughing that the whole family was now here. She didn't look amused but couldn't say a word to a master. He then said he wanted to thank her for breeding me and said what a good pet I was. It was kind of cruel and certainly demeaning to her. He then looked at me and said I needed to thank her for bearing me. I didn't know what he meant until he said I should get up on my knees and kiss he twat. I looked at him in shock and then he said to do it in a stern manner. She didn't move but I felt her tenseness. I slowly rose and put my face in her muff of hair around her clit. And kissed it and then pulled away. He then laughed and said didn't I want to taste it more and smell it. I was angry but had no say. Here I was seeing both of my parents and doing sex things with them. I returned to her cunt burying my face in it. I licked her as best I could and she actually moaned. I felt awful doing this but then again, it wasn't my decision. I pulled away and he patted my head. I think I was actually embarrassed by doing the cunt licking. I don't know why I should though as I am naked in public all the time and have come to accept eating and getting fucked by black men on a regular basis. I was surprised when I saw that I had a big hardon. The woman who he says is my mother looked down at me as I backed away and she could see my ringed cock, the collar and he eventually had me bend over to show her the tattoo of a sunburst around my exposed hole that sported a plug with a small puppy tail hanging out of it.

She had a tear in her eyes as she realized I'm sure, what had happened to her and her son.

Nate sat down and let her go back to work. Her big tits were so exposed. The black woman in charge made her resume her duties. As we sat there, me kneeling doggie style on the floor and Nate in a chair drinking his coffee, I had a chance to see how these women were used and fondled by the others, many of them teenage black young men. I could tell they had erection in their pants. We sat for awhile until Nate said we had to go and see how his pony was doing.

We went back to the barn, Nate allowing me to walk but still with a tail in my ass. In some ways, I felt honored that Nate wanted to keep me. It was maybe the best I could ever hope for and certainly better than working in the hot fields all day.

His pony, what was once my father, had been groomed and was now clean. I knew they had done something with his cock as it was sticking out like an iron rod. On his head was a small feathered thing that looked silly and demeaning but that he stood proudly, probably no longer able to think about how he looked. His skin was now oiled and looked smooth. He still had his pubes but they had been trimmed some. The rest of his body hair remained intact except for any on his chest, which was smooth. Nate went up to him and felt him all over. He asked the groomer boy is he had been cleaned and the boy said he had. Nate went around and had the pony bend over slightly and stuck his finger in his hole. There was some hair there his hole but Nate seemed satisfied and then stuck his finger in the ponies mouth so he could lick it. The pony did as he was expected. It was again humiliating to me for some reason, that this man was made to act this way but I figured it had been so long since he was treated as a man, or even a teen boy as he was when he was taken, that he no longer had any self pride. He was just an animal and I guess I was too.

Nate had the groomer hitch him up to a small but elaborate cart that bore the name of the farm. There were two seats in the cart and a space to carry stuff behind the seats. Sadly, the pony just stood there as he was hitched up. He had done this before but I guessed, probably with a much larger wagon and other ponies to help pull. I was not invited to gt in but my leash was replaced with a longer rope and attached to the side of the cart. Nate looked at me and then said I should run along behind. He was taking us on a run. We began slowly enough but Nate used the riding crop or whip to make the pony man run faster. Before long we were both panting, me more than the pony. I was glad when we stopped for a bit so Nate could check out what was happening in the fields. He was kind enough to have one of the other boys from the field come over and piss in the pony's mouth for refreshment and then he called another boy over and had him piss in my mouth. My father looked at me but offered nothing as he watched me drink from the boys, a kid of maybe 14 or so, fill my mouth with his piss. Nate later said that I should get used to it as more often than not, I would drink what came from the other slaves and maybe sometimes, I might give them refreshment. He told me that all white boys should drink one another's piss instead of fresh water as then it wasn't wasted.

Several more times on our tour, he had me piss in doggy style lifting my leg just like animal, while I was on all fours. He also had me piss in my father's mouth to refresh him and he seemed to not mind. I guess he was used to it and drinking my piss was pretty normal. I wondered how often either of us would get to drink regular water.

We went back finally, to the barn where the groomer boy took over and unhitched the pony and led him away . He didn't try to speak with me or anything nor did I with him.

Nate took me to the main house where he hosed me off as to not smell. He then went and had a warm shower and changed clothes. He checked me out to see if I was clean enough before taking me out to piss in the grass and then we went to lunch with his family in the dining room of the house.

Each of the personal slave boys to the family, knelt with their hands behind their heads while the family ate and talked. No slaves were supposed to look anywhere but straight ahead. I could see even Nate's Mama had a boy, one older than me but like all, they were white boys. I glanced around a bit and let me eyes wander as much as I could, to have a look. We were never allowed to eat with the family nor have much to do with one another. I wondered about them though. I wondered if they were farm bred or if they came to the farm as I did. All the boys sprouted big cocks and most appeared to be ringed. The two girls were naked to and had rings in their clits. Seeing the girls made me hard yet embarrassed but then I thought that we were essentially, all alike and it didn't matter.

Serving boys wearing just a band around their waists, not long enough to really conceal anything, served the family in silence. I learned later that a few had their vocal chords removed so they could not speak but only let out guttural sounds or nodded their heads. Nate told me his momma liked to have silent boys doing all the work. I guess when they didn't serve, they cleaned and scrubbed. I was glad that Nate had not done this to me. I guess they still all got milked though.

My arms were tired by the time lunch was done and all the children were excused. They each led their own slave out, and we didn't have to do anything during lunch but Nate told me later that sometimes, we were required to handle a bodily need if someone had to go during lunch. I thought that kind of disgusting but then, nothing should surprise me.

We were taken outside where one of the slave boys poured slave chow in bowls. A few of the children pissed in their boys or girls bowl but Nate had me eat it dry. I had had enough piss for the day, for a lifetime actually, but was already used to it so I guess it didn't matter.

That's what white boys were for.

In the afternoon, we had to do some other chores or shall I say, I did as Nate watched and made suggestions. Mostly, I had to clean his room and his bathroom. He said that was one of my duties and I should get used to it. I made a mental note to try to do it as things happened.

I spent the rest of the afternoon, going with Nate to check on various things. He asked if I could write and I said I could do some so he made me take notes and write as best as I could. I gave him the list and he said he was proud to have a pet that could do more than most of the others.

I no longer thought much about my life. I was content and Nate took good care of me. Yes, I wasn't allowed clothes but I had long forgot about that. He kept me warm and even sometimes, in the winter, he would let me sleep with a blanket or under his covers. I had to endure the cold and like the others, even shoveled snow but when I did, he would give me warm things to drink and put things called boots on my bare feet to protect them. I knew he loved me even though he stilled called me cunt and said bad things about white boys being trash and stupid. It was just part of his bravado. He did it mostly in front of his friends. Rarely, did he let them abuse me. Yes, they fucked me sometimes but only when he was around and could watch. I had no pride so doing things with black boys was just a norm for me. I respected black people and figured that black men were always superior to white boys or men.

Sometimes, he made me even submit to younger black boys and I came to love the taste of boy or man cum. I was, I guess a total submissive to black men. That's the way things should be, I decided.

Master Nate even rigged up a kind of gym that he had me use every day to develop my body more. I had little body fat and had developed decent pecs and a good abdomen. My body was shaped like more of a v in front. He eventually let me keep some of my pubic hair, a small patch just to show I was more of an adult. I was almost kept a little hungry but he fed me fruits and other nutritional things to keep me fit. He still liked to stick a banana up my cunt and then have me eat it. He said it was good for white boys to taste their own ass juices as it kept them humble. I didn't really understand that but that is what he said. He also kept a dildo or butt plug in me to keep my hole open. Within a year, my hole was open most of the time and he liked that. He also liked to see me leak his cum from my hole. He said black man's cum gave me strength . Who knows Even his father came to say I was a good white boy and told Nate I should breed some more like me.

I had never really had sex with a girl. I assumed white boys didn't do that. He took me to the breeding area one day and had a boy suck me until I was hard and then he had me climb up on top of a girl. I felt amazing. He had me stick my cock in her and move up and down on her. He and his father watched the whole thing. He hot and slightly hairy pussy felt so good to me. I wondered if that was the feeling he got when he fucked me. I did that several times and he always rewarded me with a hug after. I had no idea I was making a baby. That wasn't told to me until several years later when he showed me a little boy who kind of looked like me and he said I had made him. I didn't really get it at first as I had no sex education but I knew whatever Nate told me was right. I wanted to touch the boy but that wasn't allowed. He said I had actually bred several it turned out, each to be raised as a new milk boy. It kind of made me feel proud that I had done something good.

I still ran when Nate took his pony and had him pull the cart. The pony was actually my father Nate said and I would run along beside the cart the pony pulled with Nate in it. He liked to see me run and he said he liked watching the pony's big balls swing as he ran. When Nate went to do things, if he didn't take me along, he would have me water the pony and sometimes make him suck me off. I was surprised at this as normally all my cream was supposed to go to the milking plant but he said it was good for his pony to pay homage, whatever that meant, to me as his special boy. I kind of bonded with the pony and loved to see his strong body at work. I eventually got the pony to speak a little. No one had spoken with him or allowed him to speak in a long time so it was slow in coming but I cared for him and even asked to suck his big dick.

Pony boy, he had no name that I knew of, had a hard time talking or gathering thoughts. It had been a long time since he replied to anything in words. Most of his replies were either grunts or yes, master. No one spoke or had a conversation with him. He was still handsome though and his hide, other than some whip marks which seemed to be healing , was nice and tanned. I could see some faint signs of his efforts to be a human again since I spent time with him. I wondered if Master Nate knew I tried to speak to him. I really wanted to know more about his love with my apparent mother, his life and so many other things. I had all I could do to speak well as it had been a long time since I had spoken like a person too.

One day, as I stroked him and rubbed his back, he reached out his arms and tried to hold me. He spoke just a few words. He said the word `son' sounding like a question. I nodded and pointed to me. He had tears in his eyes and tried to pull me close. It was very surreal. I finally got the words, I love you, out and tried to hug him back.

Eventually over time, he found a few words and basically told me how sorry he was that I was like him. I said it wasn't his fault and I think he understood. It was almost like two people who spoke different languages. Mostly, I just held him. When Nate would come out, he saw us lying close and seemed a little upset, probably with me but he made pony boy suck my now enlarged cock. I didn't want him to do it as dads don't usually suck off their own sons but he did it as an animal was ordered to do. The next time, he told me he liked the taste of my juice as he called it. I said I liked his too as I had sampled it. He almost smiled at me, having an expression that I didn't normally see on his face. He was usually expressionless, something he developed over a long time of being thought of as an animal and treated that way.

I sensed after that, almost a happiness when he saw me and we ran together with him pulling the cart. A few times, out of spite I'm sure, Nate made me ride on his back. It was a struggle but after the ride, he said he liked feeling me on his body. I couldn't imagine why but I sensed his need for human touch in a loving way. I often convinced Nate to let me groom him and made sure I gave him lots of loving touch including on his balls and dick. I think eventually, Nate realized what he had created and for some reason, left out fruit and carrots for me to take to him and feed him. he got very little of that as a pony.

One morning as I did my usual morning ministrations on Nate, eating his hold and sucking his piss, he stopped me after I had swallowed it all. He told me that I was the best boy he had ever used. I felt somewhat proud that I made him happy. He then told me that it was probably a mistake he made, introducing my father to me and how I had become attached to him in many ways. He did say that the pony seemed to perform better than he had and showed more energy which was good. He wondered if I might be getting more attached to the pony than I was to him.

I told him no I loved being his boy and wanted to do whatever he wanted forever. He smiled at me and then said we would see. That week, he put me in many humiliating situations, such as asking to eat a black boy out when we went to town. The black guy laughed and took me to his truck and made me eat his ass in public. We were at a park and others were around . I had never done anything like that so publicly. Yes, I had licked my mother's cunt at the farm but in an open public area, and I ate out Nate and his friends when told to but this was different. I wondered if anyone would object. I realized with Nate holding my leash, it wasn't likely. The boy, a teen like me, was pretty sweaty and his ass was a little dirty. Nate just kind of smirked as I buried my face in the boy's hole and licked. The guy shot a big load and I was made to lick it off the back of the truck and then lick the guy clean. He then let the guy piss in my mouth and had another boy take a shit in the public bathroom, over my face. I hated every minute of it but I think Nate wanted to see if I was still willing to do everything he ordered me to do.

I guess I passed as he later, after a through cleaning, hugged me and said I done good.

I was relieved when we went back to the farm. If nothing more, I now felt safe on the farm. I knew what to expect and although some things weren't what I choose, it was what I knew best.

Nate also liked to play with my body. He often had me bend over so he could see the sunburst tattoo that was around my hole. He thought it was so hot. I think he enjoyed it when he `walked me' each morning along with the other house boys. We were to shit and piss. The family enjoyed humiliating us so we had to play along and lift our legs near a tree and stick our noses in one another's asses either before or after we shit. We all tried to hurry and shit as the last one to do so had to lick the others. I didn't mind licking my masters hole as he was a black man but doing it to other white boy cunts was less fun. Fortunately, I had it done to me more than I had to do it for others. I especially liked when the oldest of us, a guy maybe twenty, had to lick the younger boys' holes.

Around Christmas time, we knew because of the cold, Nate's mother made or had made, little hats which were either Santa or and elf. On Christmas eve, we had bells attached to our cock rings so we jingled. Other than that, we wore nothing as usual. The family, the richest around, had many visitors who often brought gifts or were family. They often stayed the night and special accommodations were made in the various guest rooms. Each of the families who stayed was given a boy or girl, their request, to meet all their needs, carry things, unpack, help dress and of course serve as fucktoys. Some with more members, were given two slaves. All were dresses in only hats and their bells. The teen visitors loved to have these white boys suck their cocks and drink their morning piss and be made to do whatever they wanted.

I was grateful that Nate kept me in his room. I had to wear the hat and bell when out of his room, but he hated the tinkling sound and took it off me. He also kept me in his bed. He had a cousin sleep in his room and he enjoyed watching me do my usual morning routine with Nate. Nate offered me to him to do the same.

I had by now become so used to doing it, it didn't bother me to be seen or to do it to his guests. Nate had me sleep with him however and I was warm and comfortable under the covers. He had become more close to me it seemed and kissed me every night before we slept. I was still milked every day and all but often Nate did it and when he fucked me real good, I sometimes came in his bed. He no longer slapped me for that but simply had me lick it up.

Over the holidays, he seemed proud to show me off and even had me put a Christmas cap on my father and a bell in his weighty cock ring. He seemed to love to take him for runs in the light snow and had me ride on his back or in the cart with him. he said he didn't want my toes to freeze. I wish he had similar compassion for my dad but he always fed him and apple when he did well. He also was proud of my fathers low hanging balls and erect cock when he pulled us around. Nate seldom used the crop on him anymore . It flet good to ride on my father's warm back in the cold weather. If I rode in the wagon with Nate, he sometimes even covered me with a blanket, but he always made sure my cock was hard and visible. When he went shopping, he would hitch up my dad in the street. The we would walk from shop to shop and I would carry what he bought. I was cold but used to it and got many favorable glances from passersby. He would let them touch me if they asked nicely and some of his friends would sometimes accompany us on our trips. He would always take me to a curb where I could pee.

Having him decide to sound me, hurt me at first but eventually, I had a huge piss slit and when I peeed, it poured out of me. He sometimes kept a decorative sound in my piss slit, especially when he wanted to show me off. I became very proud of being a show dog for my master.

Nate took me everywhere. I became his constant companion. I loved being with him and even my nakedness no longer bothered me in public places. He even let me sit on chairs right next to him. His fingers often found their way to my pussy and he would put them inside of me and play with me. Of course it made me hard and he liked that. He liked to show off my big meat and allow his friends to touch me too. He even let them fuck me sometimes as he told me as he constantly did, that that was white boys were for. I learned to accept that and agree that white boys like me were inferior.

By eighteen or so, he had a cock of 11 or twelve inches. Mineo f course would never grow that big but with extra doses of the meds they developed, I had become around 9.5 and very thick. Not that it mattered as the only time I got to use my cock was when he had me breed a bitch which he did about every half a year. I must have made lots of babies I figured once I learned that that was why he had me stick my hard dick in them after it was boned up good.

He did let me cum sometimes and I produced a lot of stuff. He said when he did his private milkings of me that that was my reward for being so attentive to him. He would sometimes let me play basketball with him and his brothers or friends. Most slaves never played anything and I had never really learned to play the game. He taught me some things and while he and his buds played, I played too. Of course, I never got to be good like he was and at times, felt I was a target in their play as they wore shorts and shoes and I was totally naked. It seemed liked they like to pass the ball low hitting me in the groin. After the games, I was made to suck them off and I did it willingly. I knew my place and knew black men and boys were always to be my superiors and I needed to release their pent up juices in me.

My life went on like that for quite a long time. I can't recall how old I was when he told me one day as I ate his hole and licked the nice hair he had there, that he was going to marry. I had been present many times when an attractive girl he dated was brought to his home. His parents liked her. Eventually they had sex and I was present for that too, getting to taste her cunt as he ordered me to do after he fucked her. I then cleaned him too. He told her as I ate and made her moan, that I would be his boy and that I would service both of them after marriage and, eventually, his children too.

He told her I would be there house whitey and her slave as well as his. I didn't like it too much as I no longer got to sleep with Nate but in my dog bed and had to lick her cunt and his dick when they fucked. Yet, I was kept as his boy and when they had children, I was their pet as well. One day he brought two younger white boys home whom he said were my sons from breeding. I cared little about what had happened after I bred children but was fascinated to see that looked a lot like a young version of me. He told me they would now be house boys too and I watched the first time he fucked them. I had no concern for them but hated to see my master put his seed in their cunts.

Eventually, they grew and were probably better looking than me. I had to now be in my mid twenties but still worked out daily and did much for my Master and his family.

My father hurt his leg when he was probably well into his thirties. He still pulled their little cart around and I continued to service him. I loved my father now and wanted to protect him. I knew Nate liked him as well.

Nate took me aside one day and told me it was time. I didn't realize what that meant but quicky learned that my father was to be put down. I almost protested but remembered my place and said with tears in my eyes, that I understood. He said it would be painless for him and that he wanted to save a portion of him for me and for him to see. I had no idea but I was allowed to suck him off and then just as quick as could be, the doctor gave him a shot and he fell over, still erect. His balls and dick were quickly cut off and his balls disposed of but his hard dick was placed in something that hardened quickly and was made into a cube that was clear. Nate said he would place it in his office so I could always remember him. I looked at the hard and still leaking cum, cock that was now incased in plastic or something. It made me tear up to know that my father was now being rendered and I would not see him again.

I hadn't seen my mother in a long time and Nate eventually told me that she too was no longer living. He remains were placed with my father's and Nate took me there to see it. There was no funeral but he did put up a marker on the site that made me feel proud. It said that here lay the remains of the Green Family's best pony boy and the bitch who bore him the Greens' best boy ever. He said it was something he did for me. I cried and yet was overtaken with grief. He led me gently back to his office as he was now the president of the Farm, and he held me tightly. I knew my place though and soon dropped to my knees and kissed his crotch. He smiled at me and nodded is approval as he stood and looked at the plastic box containing my father's dick. He soon ejaculated in my mouth and said I was his best boy. I flet proud to have received his man juice.

My life went on for a long time. I saw some of the boys I bred, two sets of twins, eventually take over my duties. I tried to keep myself fit as best I could but eventually, I also got old and Nate said it was time for me too. I go ahead now looking forward to rejoining my parents. My oldest son, a boy of maybe 17, came to Nate's office and sucked me off. Then as quickly as I remembered seeing my father, a doctor came and I saw the needle. My life was over now.


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Thanks, rob roberts

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