Shane and Trey

By anyta sunday

Published on Jan 23, 2011


Disclaimer: Story characters belong to the author, any resemblances to real people are entirely coincidental.

Content Advisory: Adult situations, language, sexual references

Copyright, 2010, Anyta Sunday

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Chapter Five

Jeez, I was such a bastard. Lowest of the low. Scum of the earth.

It didn't matter I'd successfully managed to avoid Trey the last week, because he stayed con-stant-ly on my mind. Which I guess made the runaround--getting up at six and going to bed past midnight not to see or speak to him--pretty pointless. And fuck it made me cranky.

June nudged me sharply with her elbow. "Time to leave dreamy-head." I snapped out of my daze. People all around us slapped their books shut and began shuffling out of the lecture theatre. "So, tell me, who is it?"

I stuffed my notebook into my canvas shoulder bag. "Who is what?"

"The guy you were thinking about." She raised a finger halting me from interjecting. "And don't tell me you weren't. I know that look."

I banged the door open with my fist. I didn't want to think about it anymore, but June didn't seem to pick up on my foul mood. Or if she did, she ignored it.

"Anyway, let me guess," she continued as we made our way outside, "well, he's probably taller than you—for some reason I think you'd go for the tall dark handsome type." She gave a short hehe and ploughed on. "Oh, and I bet he has a killer smile. You'd be one to swoon at that sort of thing." She shoved me with her shoulder and then looked at me, waggling her brows.

I gritted my teeth and lengthened my stride toward a narrow pathway between two buildings. "I'm gonna grab something to eat."

"The cafeteria is that way," June said pointing to her left.

"This is a short cut," I said, stepping off the brick path onto a narrow concrete one. "Trust me." How did I know that? Oh, because a plus side of getting up so early is I got to know the campus really well. I spent my mornings walking and my evenings running around it. I'd made sure to check out Trey's schedule and noted the times I could safely go back to our room. Although I didn't trust myself to nap for fear of oversleeping, and stuck to showering and playing my guitar. Studying I did at the library.

We came out on the other side of the buildings, the late afternoon sun almost blinding us. Shielding our eyes, we crossed a small square to the cafeteria.

"That was quite a shortcut. Good tip," June said in a jubilant voice that annoyed me. (Anyone who wasn't also in a foul mood had that effect on me. Actually, I'd imagine other foul mooded people would have that effect too, because they'd made me see how pathetic I was being).

After grabbing a quick sandwich, June and I checked out a few books in the library and slunk to "our" table. A square four person table that remained free because it was too close to the librarian's desk. Students didn't seem partial to sit so near supervision (a lot of students brought food and drink into the library). June and I, however, didn't mind it at all. Thanks to having a librarian as a Mom, library rules were engrained in us, and we never had much difficulty keeping to them.

We slipped into our seats and began re-reading our notes for the day. June would occasionally highlight something and mutter, but other than that we stayed quiet. After an hour, June stretched. I sat back from my work and stared at her. My sweet, hard-working sister. I was so proud of her.

"What are you looking at?" she whispered.

I smiled and shrugged. You're just awesome. "I'm glad you're coming to help me with my afterschool care class tomorrow," I answered instead.

June dropped her arms and frowned. "Tomorrow? I thought it was Wednesday."

I shook my head. "Tuesdays and Fridays."

She crooked her forefinger at me, and led me into a discussion room. As soon as the door shut she spoke at a normal volume. "I'm sorry Shane, but I can't do that. For geography I have group assignments and we're meeting Tuesday evenings."

She bit her lip, looking worried she'd let me down.

"Hey, don't worry about it. I'll find someone else."

While scrolling through the people I knew—a very short list—I brightened my smile to reassure her. Maybe I could ask Syd if he'd be interested? We'd met up since our first date and things had gone well. In fact—

I glanced at my watch. "Shit. I meant to be meeting Syd for a run in twenty minutes."

June looked at me, obviously confused at the sudden topic change. I pulled her into a quick hug. "Don't worry about tomorrow, okay. Geography assignment trumps babysitting."

We walked back to our table and I shoved my notes and books into my bag. As I slung it over my shoulder I felt a presence behind me. The hairs on the back of my neck rose and I fought off a shiver.

Trey stepped past me and met my sister in an embrace. June stood on her tiptoes, waiting for him to kiss her. He hesitated a moment, and then bowed his head, brushing his lips on hers. I willed myself to look away, but my body wasn't obeying orders. Was that such a shock? I mean, it never did around him.

He disentangled himself, and flashed me a quick look, his jaw twitching. "Hello, Shane," he said, his voice hushed but cold. "Long time no see."

I forced a smile in response, and faced June. "Gotta go, see you soon, yeah?"

She nodded, and Trey said, "Not so fast, man, I'm heading out in a sec too. Just wait." He faced my sister. "Are we up for doing something tonight?"

June shook her head and whispered back, "I've been hijacked into a girls evening."

Trey's shoulders dropped a fraction, not in disappointment though, actually, if I wasn't mistaken he seemed relieved. June must have noticed it too, because her smile faltered.

I stepped away, suddenly feeling as if I was intruding on their space, and made my way out of the library. Actually, I was glad of the excuse to leave without Trey. I sucked in the fresh air and began across the courtyard with a spring in my step.

"Shane!" My sister's voice trailed toward me. I groaned inwardly and turned to the approaching figures. When they'd covered the distance, June tugged my arm in excitement. "I had a great idea. Trey can help you with your kids."

I glanced up at Trey, briefly meeting his dark eyes. Gorgeous fucking eyes. I could tell he was watching my reaction carefully, and that made me nervous. I straightened, hardened my gaze and said to my sister. "No. It's okay. I said I'd figure something out June. No need to try and fix things."

Trey's deep voice interrupted me. "Actually, if you don't mind I'd like to do it. I don't drive, so travelling with you will be sort of helping me out. I can visit my folks at the same time."

My mouth had dropped open, and now I stared at Trey, his hair lined with a red glow from the setting sun behind him. "I'm sorry, did you say you can't drive?"

Trey shook his head. "Never learned. Never cared to really. Can see how practical it would be about now, though." He chuckled, but I could tell there was an embarrassed edge to it.

"Isn't that just perfect, Shane?" June said.

"I—ah. I—" No. Yes. Really, really no. Oh fuck, hell—"yeah." I coughed. "Yeah that sounds good then."

Trey's eyes softened. "Thanks man."

"Great," June said, letting Trey's hand go. "I'm sure you two will work fine together. I'll see you sometime tomorrow, Shane. Trey, call me?"

He nodded and watched her hurry away, a look on his face I couldn't determine. Turning, he caught me studying him, and I felt a blush creep into my cheeks. Quickly, I averted my gaze, scanning the courtyard while I spoke, "I'm going running, so I've got to hurry--"

My cell began vibrating in my pocket. I took it out, walking in the direction of our dorm. "Yeah?"

"It's Syd."

"Sorry, are you there already? I'm on my way." Trey kept to my slow pace, standing so close to me one false step and we'd be banging shoulders.

"No. No, it's not that. Would you be annoyed if I rain checked this run?"

A tiny bit of disappointment thread in my stomach. "Nah, that's fine." Subtly, I veered away from Trey, but he mimicked my steps like we were joined at the hip or something.

I concentrated on Syd's voice. "It's just I think I met someone. He only has time for a coffee right now though, and I don't want to let this one slip. He's hawt." Then in a quieter tone he added, "I'll tell you all about it tomorrow. We'll have lunch. Twelve, the cafeteria."

Then he hung up.

"So you and Syd aren't a thing then?" Trey said lightly.

"Would you mind not listening to my phone calls?"

His grin widened. "I can't help it, sorry." We walked a few more steps. "But you guys aren't then, right?"

"No, we're not. We decided we'd get on better as friends."

Trey put on a pained expression. "Ouch. How did you take him telling you that?"

I stopped. "What makes you think he was the one to say anything?"

"So it wasn't him." He cocked his head to the side, his eyes searching mine. There was something in them that prickled my insides. "Why'd you tell him then? You seemed right happy about "getting to know him pretty good" if I remember clearly."

I turned from him and strode the last few meters into our dorm. Once inside, Trey landed an arm around my shoulders. "Really am sorry for eavesdropping, man. I'll," he hesitated, "try not to butt in any more, okay?"

I barely registered his words, as my body soaked up the heavy warmth of Trey's arm on me. His hand flicked as he spoke and I could make out tiny blond hairs over it. His fingers were long and slender, and I fought the image of sucking them.

I ducked away from his touch using the excuse to open the room.

"You still going for a run?" Trey said inside, shucking off his t-shirt. "I think I'll come with." He scrunched his shirt and chucked it into a dirty clothes pile at the side of his bed. I'd thought him being such a slob would help me get over this thing with him, but all it did was heighten my want. His clothes piled up were covered in his sweet scent, and, well, I might have buried my head in it more than once.

I yanked open my drawer and pulled out my running gear trying not to look at him. "Does it ever cross your mind to ask? Maybe I prefer to run alone."

Trey laughed, and as he did I peeked at him again. His toned body mocked my control as my dick stirred. Fuckity-fuck.

"But I know that's not true. You were going to go with Syd." Trey unzipped his jeans, hooked his thumbs at the waist and pulled them off.

My gaze darted to Trey's red boxer-briefs and my breathing quickened. Except for that thin material I was staring at a personally tailored wet dream. He moved to his drawers and bent over, his ass jutting out like a fucking ripe apple ready to be plucked. With my running gear in hand, I zipped out of our room without saying a word—what would I say anyway, right?—and changed in the bathroom.

When I got back to the room, Trey was thankfully ready. I placed my folded clothes on the end of my bed. "Okay then," I said, "let's run, but I'm not going slow for you, or anything."

Trey raised a brow and laughed. "You are so funny."

With that I stormed out, Trey close at my heel. As soon as we got outside I started jogging, and five minutes in I stopped to do some stretches. After, I continued at a brisker pace. Trey lopped beside me, grinning. "Thank god. I was seriously afraid you thought that was fast."

"Oh baby," I said, increasing my speed, "this is nothing."

One part of me wanted to halt as I realized I'd just called Trey, baby. Instead I pushed myself praying he hadn't noticed or didn't care anything of it. I wanted so bad to lose Trey from my side, but each time I increased my pace, Trey matched it.

Forty minutes into the run, sweat dribbled onto my lashes, blurring my vision. Lifting my t-shirt, I gave my forehead a quick wipe. Trey, on the other hand, barely looked red. I started to turn off the street and into the campus, but Trey running on my inside, wouldn't let me. "Let's keep going straight," he said.

Breathing heavily, I grunted. Sure why not? It would lengthen the run, but hell, I could handle it. Or I sure would with Trey next to me.

I pointed to a brick path running parallel to the street, but lined either side with trees. It looked much nicer to run there. "Why not there?" I puffed when Trey purposefully ignored a turn off toward it.

"I just don't like brick paths, okay?" he said, and I was glad to hear he was breathing a bit harder now.

"You mean to run on? I think concrete is just as bad for you."

Trey didn't say anything, and I was beginning to get suspicious. Surely he didn't mean—did he? I smiled inwardly (it was an evil grin, actually), and suggested to Trey we cross the road and go past the bookstore and museum.

Once we reached the other side Trey stopped still, staring at the two brick paths and whitening. What the fuck? I stopped next to him, using the time to stretch as I asked, "What's up?"

Trey waited until I stood up and met my eye. "You brought me here on purpose didn't you?"

I couldn't deny it, I just—"Why don't you like brick paths?"

"Fuck it, Shane," he said in a deep, really scary, voice. I stepped back. He looked over my shoulder, and I could see him struggling, his fists pumping at his side, and his eyes watery. Guilt for leading him here washed through me. This giant looked so fucking vulnerable, I had a hard time not to wrap my arms around his waist and comfort him. Shit. What had I done?

Trey took a deep breath. "I can't step on a crack. I—I just can't do it."

I looked at him hard, noting his drawn brows, and glazy eyes as if he were reliving a memory. A need to comfort him overtook me and I patted his arm. "Okay, fine. Let's just go back."

Without say another word we jogged across the street. After ten minutes, we turned a sharp corner and a bike almost collided into me. I jumped to the side as it shot past us, hitting Trey's side and losing my balance. I would have fallen, but Trey gripped my waist holding me steady while yelling at the biker to watch where he was going.

"You alright?" he asked, spinning me around and checking if I had any obvious injuries.

I nodded and he let me go. We continued running, and I silently thanked the biker for being an idiot. One, because I had Trey's very hot hands on me, and two, because it broke the tension I'd created before.

A smirk touched Trey's lips as he glanced at me. "What?" I asked.

"Want to race?"

I gave Trey a once over. This guy had a long stride, he was bound to be fast, but so was I. Especially when it came to sprinting. I was very sure I'd be able to ah—give him a run for his money on this one.

I grinned at him. "Once we pass the elephant statue it's a go, all the way back to the dorms."

"Okay," Trey said, "And whoever wins gets to make a demand of the other."

My mind reeled with things I could demand Trey to do—things that would make it easier to keep him out of my way. Nothing concrete came to mind when we passed the elephant statue and we both set out to a sprint.

I was surprised Trey could move so fast. I'd anticipated his long stride, but hadn't thought he'd be able to move his muscles that quick. Flat out, I kept up to him. Fifty yards to the dorms I knew I'd lost. I had no more in me for the extra ompf to beat him, and Trey had. He slammed his palms against the doors two yards in front of me. "Shiiiiiiit," I cursed, my lungs burning. I hit the side of the building, ignoring Trey's wide grin. How could he not be totally puffing right now? Well, okay, he was puffing a bit, but it was nothing compared to me. I was tempted to curl into a ball, that's how much my body ached. It'd been more intense and longer run than usual.

Trey slapped my ass. "Come on, let's stretch."

My sweaty backside relished the slap, even though I knew all it meant was `nice job, you did good.'

After we stretched, we headed back to our room. I undid my shoe lace, where I'd threaded the key, and opened up.

Once inside, Trey flopped onto the floor, sprawling his limbs in every direction. I placed my sneakers on the rack, and peeled my socks off, feeling so much better. I stepped over Trey's extended leg and arm to get to my drawers, but before I could get there, he snagged my ankle. "We should run together more often."

He loosened his grip and moved his hands to my foot, electricity shooting through my hairs. "Fuck you have fat toes."

I ripped my foot from his grasp and moved so he couldn't stare at them anymore. I knew my toes were ugly. Didn't need confirmation of it, though. I hated my toes. Worse, I hated feeling self-conscious about them.

"Oh, hey," Trey said, quickly picking up on my mood—although slamming my drawers might have clued him in. "Chill man. Your fat toes are cute."

That made me move even faster than before. I grabbed a towel and wash-bag. My fat toes are cute? Was he taking the piss?

"I'm going to shower," I said, and left the room.

I placed my clothes on the bench and hopped into the end cubicle. At first I had the temperature luke-warm, but soon I turned it up a notch. The door to the showers opened, and heavy feet slapped across the tiles. "Heya Shane," Trey called and started the shower next to mine.

I grunted in response, and Trey began humming a tune. In places it got quite high pitched and I chuckled silently. But after half a minute, the song bugged me because the title was on the tip of my tongue, but I couldn't place it. Finally I had to ask, "What's that you're humming?"

"Ohh, ahh," he paused a moment, and I thought I could detect embarrassment in that silence. "Scarborough Fair," he finished, quietly.

Oh right. I replayed the tune in my head—having one of those ahhhh moments, where things just click in place. The fact Trey hummed it, was sort of a turn on, and I was semi-hard. I ignored it of course and began washing my hair.

"My mom used to sing it to us as kids, before—" There was something sad in his voice, and I found myself waiting for him to finish. "Ah, dammit. Man, could I use some of your shampoo?"

I grabbed the bottle and reached it to the top of the cubicle to pass it over the wall, when Trey simply opened my door. In the buff (of course). He smiled and held a hand out for the bottle. In shock, time seemed to slow, and I took longer to move. As soon as I'd noticed him, I'd averted my gaze, but Trey wasn't shy at all, and made no attempt to disguise the fact he was checking me out. I wasn't ashamed of myself, in fact, (other than my toes) I felt pretty damn good about my body. I kept in shape—didn't have major abs, but the muscle was defined enough, and I had a nice dick that liked to lean slightly to the left. But even though I was happy with what I had, having Trey size me up still sent heat rushing to my ears.

As if time snapped back to its proper pace, I slapped the shampoo bottle into Trey's hand and turned my back to him.

"Thanks, man," he said. Was his voice slightly croaky?

We finished our showers in silence. I waited until Trey had left before I got out and dressed. Then I went back to my room. Nervously. Because while my head screamed at me to think up an excuse to get away from Trey, the rest of me wanted to spend more time with him. And after the brick path incident, and Scarborough Fair, I was, well, curious.

In the room, a still only towel-clad Trey greeted me. My eyes skipped around, looking anywhere but at him. I grabbed my guitar and sat on the end of my bed.

Just before I started strumming, Trey spoke, "So, I have a real fine bottle of whiskey here." I looked at him, at the cheeky grin cornering his lips, and I knew exactly what would be coming next. I internally groaned. "And I do believe," Trey continued, "as my winning right, I have one demand available..."

Next: Chapter 6

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