
By Vance Lister

Published on Jul 28, 2023


Chapter 5

Derek showed up at his house on both Wednesday and Thursday night. Each night they'd gone into his father's room spent a good hour satisfying each other then fell asleep in each other's arms. On Friday morning instead of getting up before dawn they lingered in bed deciding to forego the workout that morning.

"Our dads will be home tonight so I guess we gotta be good for a few days." Derek had his arm under Shane's head and his leg draped over both of his.

Shane who was lying on his back with his hand flat out on Derek's stomach nodded serenely having had a great enough time in the last three days to last him a lifetime and he had known it had to end sometime.

"We can meet up after the game. I can pick you up at the library or someplace. You are still coming aren't you?"

"Are you sure you want me there Derek?" Shane asked not at all wanting to go. He wanted to see Derek's hot body out on the floor and think 'hey I've had that bod' but that was as far as his wanting to go went. He hated sports events and even more hated the people that went to them.

"Yes I'm sure, what are you gonna back out on me?" His voice sounded a bit angry and Shane relented.

"I'll be there." he tried to make it sound upbeat but was not to sure he had pulled it off.

"So you want to meet up after?"

"Yeah sounds good, say at the library?" He cringed thinking last time he was sitting there and had to duck his tail between his legs and mope home he prayed that wouldn't happen again. But he had seen who he thought had to be John Moore that week and his wrist was indeed broken so it really hadn't been Derek's fault that first time. He'd had such a good week with him his doubts of Derek's intentions had faded a lot.

"Sounds good. It'll be a half hour or so after the game is over before I get there."

Shane nodded again and they got up and took a shower. Before leaving for school he returned to his father's room and balled up the blanket they had slept on all week and threw it in a corner where it had originally been. He adjusted the messed up blankets as he remembered them being Tuesday night in hopes his father would notice nothing out of place.

All day at school his nerves were worked up about the game. He'd also decided to actually ask his father to sign those free lunch papers and was more worried about that. He had only survived this week cause Derek had brought food with him every night but was not too sure he would be okay everyday with just a bowl of cereal and a banana to eat. He thought maybe since The Buzz was gone his father may just be a bit nicer to him. It was that ray of hope that had made him dare to ask in the first place.

After school he hung around town wandering every inch of it keeping his eyes focused on the ground and it's surroundings for spare change and empty cans. He'd collected quite a few from what he and Derek drank on Tuesday which had added 60 cents to his collection. He only came up with fifty five cents more by 6:45 when he had to head back to the school as the game started at seven.

He walked into the gym through the access door right off the parking lot which was there so the game spectators wouldn't have to trapes through half the school to get to the gym. As sports events were the only thing that brought most of the town out of their houses on a regular basis. As he'd feared and expected the place was packed and he half expected them to all start chanting kill the queer as his eyes scanned the bleachers for a vacant spot to sit.

His head jerked to the right hearing his name called he almost looked away without seeing who it was figuring it was just someone wanting to get his attention to make sure he heard their insult. His eyes brightened a bit though seeing Nick, who he now knew was Derek's father waving him over to sit there beside him.

'Oh thank god.' Shane muttered to himself never having thought he would actually get to sit with someone he knew and liked. He edged up the bleachers as Derek's dad was about halfway up. He got only one rough shove from a zit faced boy he'd aptly named volcano for his bright red hair and eruptable zit face. The kid had always been a particularly mean one since way back in grade school when he'd forced dog shit into Shane's mouth while pounding the hell out of him on the play ground.

Shane had not even noticed him there if he had he'd have chosen another route as he was always careful to give this kid a lot of space. He reached Nick and sat down in the small empty space beside him.

"How are you?" Nick asked over the roar of the rest of the crowd all seemingly talking at once.

"I'm fine, did you have a good trip out?"

"Oh yeah great. You're dad got a big bonus actually. One of our best trips ever, we are heading back Sunday not gonna let this place we found go to waste."

Shane nodded and smiled glad he would be alone again in less then 48 hours.

"You sure your okay?"

Shane looked up at him and noted a pretty deep look of concern in the man's eyes. Something he figured was there since he'd passed out on the dock a week or so before.

"I'm fine." he said as nonchalantly as possible.

Nick put his hand down on Shane's knee and squeezed it. "I just worry about you sometimes. I know your father doesn't treat you too good. You feel free to come over if things get too rough at home okay?"

Not so sure Derek would like him showing up on the doorstep to his house in the middle of the night Shane knew he would never take this very kind man up on his offer. "Things are fine really." he smiled warmly hoping it was convincing.

The game got underway and the crowd roared. Shane only paid attention to one thing and had no idea what the score was at any given point in the game. He didn't much even know how the game worked he only knew the point was to get more baskets then the opposing team.

Derek smiled and waved several times and Shane was real glad he'd sat next to his father that way he could pretend like Derek was actually smiling and waving at him. Not far into the game Derek was soaked in sweat. It turned Shane on so much that more then once had to think of something totally gross so his dick would not shoot up to attention right there next to Nick.

The final buzzer sounded and the crowd all cheered by the looks on everyone's face he decided they had won as he clapped along with everyone else. He walked down off the bleachers with everyone else. He stopped and said good bye to Nick then left the gym glad to be back outside and away from that damn crowd. The game wasn't so bad his worst experience there had only been the annoying man behind him who kept shifting his position on the hard bench and kneeing Shane in the back on nearly every move. Which wasn't painful just real annoying.

He made it to the library and sat on the top step. The night felt incredibly warm compared to the last week and he looked over at the banks blinking sign. It said it was 9:30 then changed to the temperature which was a balmy thirteen degrees. Shane shrugged figuring that was still pretty darn cold but comparatively it felt pretty nice.

He looked down at his hands curling his fingers over his palm he studied his fingernails which he decided may need a trim. His gross brother had always chewed on his long into the night. Shane had laid there in his corner hearing the constant gnawing but what was worse was the constant spitting out of the nail bits he'd managed to rip off with his teeth. Many times Shane had, had to wipe the spitty bits from his body as he was always Buzz's target.

"What you doin' fag?" Shane's head shot up to see the volcano and his fiery red hair leering up at him from the middle of two of his cronies both equally as ugly. He cursed himself for looking down at his nails so long as he'd have seen then coming and been able to hide.

Volcano his hands in his pockets strode up the steps apparently trying to look as menacing as possible. "Didn't you know fags ain't allowed at sports events. My gram was at a bake off tonight. I think you were expected there."

Shane forgetting his place apparently from his week of bliss looked up at him angrily. "Are you calling your gram a fag?" oh it was a good come back but the moment it was out he knew he'd made a volatile error.

He glanced down the street as The Volcano's face turned as red as his hair this even visible in under the dim streetlights. There would definitely be an eruption and he prayed Derek would come along and save him. He glanced at the clock and saw it was 9:55 and he should be there any time now. He sure would love to see Derek chasing these fucks off in honor of him little old Shane Campbell.

The first punch was flown before he even looked back from the clock hitting him square on the nose making it feel as though it had been shoved right into his face. He put his hand over his throbbing nose and struggled to his feet but was knocked back on his ass with another punch to his gut.

By the time the three boys got done with him he was a sniveling bleeding curled up ball on the top step of the library. His body throbbed in every conceivable spot and the putrid taste of blood was strong in his mouth. He spit out a large glob closing his eyes so he wouldn't have to see it. He'd have thought after seeing his blood so many times it would no longer gross him out but that was evidently just a thought.

He turned his head on the cement step then laid his opposite cheek down and looked out at the road. He could not see the clock but knew it had to be well after ten, well after the time Derek was supposed to have picked him up. He turned his head again this time lying his throbbing nose flat against the step. He pressed his hands out flat on either side of him and lifted his screaming body onto his hands and knees breathing in deeply in a vain effort to ease his pain.

He was no longer at all proud of his great come back his only thought was how fucking stupid he was to have said anything at all. He got to his feet aided greatly by the help of the metal banister that ran up along the cement half wall of the library steps. He hunched over his ribs seeming to have gotten the brunt of the kicks.

He looked over at the clock and his heart sank seeing it was 11:40. He must have passed out, he thought as surely that much conscious time had not passed. 'Well this is the last god damn time I ever say I'm gonna meet anyone at this hell hole.' He eased himself down off the library steps and made another shameful walk home. He had no tears this time he figured it was just cause he was too worn out from his most recent horrific beating. He wiped his jacket sleeve across his face dragging off some congealing blood.

Not wanting his father to see he was not the only one who enjoyed beating on him he leaned down and picked up a hand ful of snow. He scrubbed thoroughly at his face and kept picking up more til the snow came off his face blood free pretty much letting him know he'd gotten it all. Anger burned through him at Derek though he knew Derek had no obligation to him. He just wished someone could care enough about him to bother to include them in their plans once in a while, or at least let him know of them.

He walked into the trailer park and patted Shep for a good five minutes before heading on to his trailer where much to his dismay the light was still on. He saw his father illuminated in the light coming from the window and saw him lift a beer can to his lips and tilt his head back apparently going for the very last drop. His only hope was that his father was too drunk to do much damage.

He walked up the steps sucked in a deep breath and righted his position. He winced as he went up then let out another breath as once he was up it wasn't so bad. He walked in and closed the door behind him.

"Where the hell have you been?" his father slurred.

"Just out."

There was a loud raucous laugh. "Who in hell would you be out with you ain't got no friends."

Shane turned to him as this was one of his fathers rare good moods. Now was the time to get that paper signed. "I know dad," he said being as kind as possible. "I was just out walking."

"Damn fairy, spose you were picking flowers or something." he snorted at his own joke then cracked open another beer.

Shane pulled his pack off his back and unzipped it while his father continued to stare over at the TV where David Letterman was running down his top ten list on a scratchy and snowy screen. He pulled out the free lunch forms and mustered up his courage. "Dad." He said cautiously.

"I ain't your dad. Some retard dropped you off on our door years ago." again he got a great big kick out of his own joke this time slapping his beefy hand down on his thigh while his laugh turned into a smoker's hacking cough. Shane waited for it to clear up.

"Can you sign a couple papers for me please." he asked keeping the papers at his side til he got some sort of confirmation that he would do it. He flinched as his father's suddenly stormy eyes turned on him.

"You better not have gotten in trouble again you worthless fuck."

"I didn't." Shane assured him. He jumped as his father shot his hand out. His father laughed at him as he snagged the papers and looked them over.

"You'd think I beat on you or something the way you act." He shook his head like the idea was the most ridiculous thing anyone had ever concocted while Shane stood rigidly keeping his mouth tightly closed. The old Bear looked from him to the papers then in one swift movement ripped it right down the middle. He ripped it again into quarters while Shane watched helplessly then flung the eight pieces into Shane's chest where they bounced down onto the floor.

He zipped up his pack flung it back over his shoulder then knelt down on one knee and picked up the pieces while his father yelled.

"I'll have no son of mine out begging like that you frigging scum. Jesus." he stopped long enough to shake his head. "My son the fucking little beggar."

Shane gathered up the last piece of paper and took them all over and dumped them into the trash. Wanting nothing more then to tell his father that he'd just said he wasn't his father only a minute before. He thought better of already being taught his lesson for speaking out that night. He walked down the hall instead his fathers maniacal laughter ringing out after him.

Over night a heavy snow fell leaving the park under a good eight inches of it. His father's incessant pounding on his door woke him up. He stood up slowly still in a lot of pain from the volcano's eruption and walked over to the door. He opened it up all the while rubbing at his sleepy eyes with the other hand.

"I'm outta beer." His father sneered his eyes red from a good hang over. "I ain't got no cash. You go around and ask to shovel driveways. Charge five bucks and bring me back what you make."

Shane nodded this not an unusual request and one he never dared to try and deny. He walked back into his room leaving the door hanging open as his father had already taken off down the hall where he was hacking up phlegm and spitting it Shane didn't want to know where.

He sat down on the floor and pulled on two pairs of socks toying with the idea of sneaking five bucks for himself if he got enough driveways shoveled but knew his father could see every driveway and would be keeping count as the dollar signs went through his head.

After putting his shoes on he put on his jacket and gloves and went out into the livingroom. "And hurry up." His father bellowed as he reached the door. "I don't want to wait all damn day."

Shane nodded then walked outside. He took the shovel from where he'd left it in the shed and trudged through the deep snow out of the driveway and onto the road of the park that had already been plowed.

Two hours later after shoveling five of the ten driveways he made his way to Shep's owners place. He'd saved that for last it being the most inviting as he'd be able to visit with Shep while he worked as his owners always wanted their driveway done.

He patted Shep on his entrance to the driveway his feet and legs freezing from trudging through the heavy snow in only his sneakers. "Where's your ball?" he asked in a playful way while Shep jumped on him his tail wagging a mile a minute. Shep got a lick in then dropped back on all fours and ran into his house. He popped out a second later and Shane's eyes widened in surprise as he had the ball in his mouth.

"Did you understand me?" He asked feeling total amazement as it had sure seemed that way. Shep brought the ball to him and Shane took it from his mouth and tossed it a few feet off into the snow where Shep bounded after it. Shane walked up the steps to the trailer and knocked three times.

The door opened quickly and Mrs somebody whose name Shane did not know squinted out at him. "You gonna do the drive?" she asked a cigarette hanging from her wrinkled lips.

"If you want."

"Yes, how much you chargin' this time?" she asked even more abruptly then her original question.

"Five bucks like usual."

"Damn rip off." She slammed the door in his face and if it weren't for Shane's experience with the woman he'd have thought she didn't want him to do it. He'd actually been tricked by it once when he was about ten and gone off home. She'd called ten minutes later screaming at his father saying he'd promised to do a job then took off.

He'd spent a good two hours getting a hiding then was sent back out ass burning and bleeding to do the job which she had refused to pay him for which resulted in another hiding which kept him flat on his stomach for three days luckily it had been school vacation and his father had left the day after the hiding. His only problem had been Buzz and his intrusive dick invading his ass twice a day.

He was nearly done the driveway it taking nearly twice as long as the others cause he stopped to throw Shep his ball like every two minutes when Derek's car pulled into the park. Shane glanced over at it then returned his eyes to his work not caring much to talk to the person who had hurt him yet again. He heard the car pull up to the end of the driveway and turned his head the other way.

"Hey," Derek's voice called out.

"Leave me alone."

"Stop being a shit and look at me."

Shane did no such thing instead he threw Shep's ball out again which had been dropped at his feet.

"I'm gonna stay right god damn here til you talk to me."

"That's fine. I'm almost done here anyways. Then you can sit here and talk to shep."

He did not see the very angry look on Derek's face as he finished up his shoveling. He walked back up to Mrs. Someone's door and knocked. The door opened and a five dollar bill was flung out at him which hit his chest and bounced off. He bent down and scooped it up and headed back down off the step.

He looked over at Derek whose arm was hanging out of the car while his eyes were boring into him. He realized he had to squeeze between Derek's car and the fence as it was the only way to get out of the driveway cause the falling apart fence ran the whole way around the trailer.

He was just to the gate when Derek reached out and latched onto his wrist gripping it painfully tight. "Let go of me." Shane tried in vain to jerk his wrist free. "That hurts."

Derek pulled his hand into the car and smacked it against the steering wheel. Shane winced as pain seared across his knuckles and tried to pull his hand away again.

"Don't talk to me like that." Derek said his voice very angry. Shane's anger turned to fear and he stopped struggling to free his hand. "Now you go put your little shovel away and then get in here. We need to talk."

"I have to take my dad the money first."

"WHATEVER." Derek yelled and shoved Shane's hand back out of the car.

Shane shakily walked past the car and down the road to his house. He tossed the shovel into the shed then walked up into the house and handed his father the thirty dollars. His father took it and wadded it up saying it was about damn time then strode off down the hall.

Shane turned and walked back outside where Derek's car was now at the end of his driveway. He walked around the front of it then got in the passenger side and buckled up his seat belt. He was turning his face back towards the windshield when Derek's hand lashed out delivering him a sharp slap across the face which was quickly followed by a blunt smack upside the head.

The car backed up out of the road while Shane's eyes burned with tears then peeled out onto the road. They headed West out onto the deserted road that lead away from Prescott Cove.

Shane wiped at his tears as fast as they fell from his eyes to scared to speak and too hurt to want to. He could see Derek glance over at him several times from the corner of his eye but did not lift his head to actually look at him face on. The car screeched to a halt on a road side turn out and he fully expected to be shoved out beat up then made to walk home as that was what his father usually did.

Instead Derek sat still his hands gripping the steering wheel tightly. "Would you stop that crying." His voice did not sound so angry now just maybe real irritated.

Shane wanted to stop crying had not even wanted to start but his tears always had a mind of their own and he knew there was nothing he could do. He flinched as he heard Derek's seat belt unsnap, he reached out and grabbed tight to the dashboard as Derek's hands moved over towards him knowing they were headed for his seat belt before they shot out at the door pushed it open so he could be pushed out. "Please don't do this Derek. I didn't mean to be bad." He hated himself for pleading this way but they had driven so far and he was very sore, very tired and very hungry he was not sure he could make it.

Derek stopped his hands from reaching across the seat and dropped them down between he and Shane. "Do what Shane?"

"Make me walk." Shane said still gripping the dashboard tightly wondering why he now had to explain his punishments out before they happened.

Derek shook his head and made somewhat of a disgusted sound. "I ain't gonna do that Shane. I just stopped so's we could talk."

Shane shook his head as his crying only got harder in his confusion.

He heard Derek sigh then felt his strong arms wrap around him. His hand moved up to the side of his face and was pulled over against Derek's face where his lips kissed his temple. "I'm sorry I hit you. I just get real mad sometimes." His lips moved off his temple and Shane's head was lowered down against Derek's chest by the hand that was still cradling the side of his face.

Derek put his chin down on the back of Shane's head blinking back his own tears. "I'm real sorry Shane." he said hating himself for what he'd just done especially after what his father had told him that morning about how Shane's father hit him all the time.

"You had every right to be mad at me. I'm sorry I stood you up last night, it's just the guys all wanted to go out. I tried to get out of it I just couldn't. They were all teasing me for being a daddy's boy and well I couldn't take that."

Shane pressed his check harder into Derek's chest wishing he could be a daddy's boy even if only for a little while. He brought his hand up and rested it on Derek's wrist. "I'm sorry I got mad. I was just feeling bad for myself."

"I know," Derek kissed the back of his head then stroked his hand across it. "I'm sorry I won't do it again I promise."

Shane nodded though he held no stock in any promises. He pulled away from Derek's chest and sat up again wiping the back of his hand across his eyes. "I'm sorry I cried too. I just get real emotional sometimes."

Derek smiled and cupped the side of his face again wiping some missed tears away with his thumb. "We are okay then?"

Shane nodded and smiled a weary smile. "I am if you are."

"Want to go to Providence? They've got a great gay bar up there. I went with my uncle once he's a fag too. It's really a lot of fun."

"I'm only fifteen they won't let me in."

"They will they don't care." Derek said with a dismissive wave of his hand.

Shane found himself nodding though the idea made him a bit nervous. He figured it may be good for him though to see that he was not one of an isolated few of guys that preferred guys.

They rode about half of the two hour drive in silence before Derek broke it. "So I saw you sitting with my dad last night at the game. You like him?"

Shane nodded. "Very much."

"He seems to like you too. He talks about you a lot. Says you are a good worker."

Shane smiled a warm feeling running through him and Derek looked over at him. "He says your dad hits you a lot that true?"

Shane's smile faded and a ringing in his ears rang out really wishing Nick had not divulged that information to Derek. "Well he does sometimes. Not always." Only cause he's not home. He thought bitterly.

Derek eyed him a few seconds before looking back at the road. "You tell me if he hurts you Shane and I'll go over and take care of him."

His heart swelled at this offer and the peculiar feeling that had been growing in him all week became a little stronger. "He's not so bad. He just gets mad sometimes." he said shrugging it off not wanting Derek to go pound the hell out of his father as it would only come back to haunt him in the end.

"I just hope I can keep my mouth shut at your brothers wedding next weekend, I'm afraid if I see him I'd give him a piece of my mind."

His heart lurching into his throat Shane cleared it panicking at that thought and the thought Derek would be at the wedding at all.

"Maybe we can sit together at the reception, if there's no one from school there of course." Derek glanced back over at him then reached his hand over and laid it on Shane's leg just ahead of where Shane was picking at something on his pants. "What's wrong?"

He took a deep breath and looked up at Derek wishing he could do a little better at hiding his feelings. "I'm not going to the wedding."

"Why not?"

"I wasn't invited. Me and my brother don't get along."

Derek's eyes took on a hurt expression and he figured it was cause he wasn't going. "It must be more then not getting along if he won't even invite you to his wedding?"

"Well okay then we hate each other." Shane said shrugging. "It's not like I want to go. Who gives a fuck. He's a prick and I'm glad he's moved out." He wondered who he was trying to convince here himself or Derek.

They pulled into Providence a city, a City being something he had never been in at all. His mouth dropped open as he was filled with awe at the tall glass buildings and ornately carved shorter stone ones. "This is real pretty." He said leaning forward in his seat for a better look.

"You ain't never been here before?"

Shane shook his head it already moving in every direction so he could do his best to take in everything there was to see from what looked like homeless people on the streets to kids holding hands with their parents to people with arm loads of shopping bags. There were people everywhere it seemed in any direction he looked he saw more people then even lived in Prescott Cove.

And the traffic was unbelievable. You were lucky to see two cars on the road at the same time back home but here they were bumper to bumper inching along through the store lined streets. He saw shops selling everything from wine to yarn and couldn't believe the things whole stores were dedicated to selling.

They passed through the congested part of the city to where the buildings were spaced off by parking lots. They pulled into one of these parking lots and Shane took a good look at the blue building that held no windows that he could see. There were only about 10 other cars in the parking lot and he was feeling a little less nervous as it seemed the place would not be packed.

Derek parked the car and shut it off then leaned across the seat and delivered Shane a long hot kiss. "You ready?"

"Ready." Shane nodded dreamily nearly forgetting about the guy decking him two hours earlier.

"Would you do me a favor?"

Shane looked up at him. "What?"

"Leave your damn pack in the car. I'll lock it no one will take it. It would be nice to see you without that thing on for once."

Shane hesitated then slowly peeled the pack off his back he tucked it up under the seat so no passerby's would see it then smiled what he hoped was confidently at Derek who smiled back at him looking pretty relieved.

They walked into the bar which Shane soon noticed was much more then a bar. To their left were five bowling lanes with one couple out there in multi colored shoes playing a game he'd only seen on TV as bowling was something his father watched on Sunday afternoons. To their right was an alcove of lockers with a bench running through the middle of them. Past this row was a glassed in room where two other men were skimpily clad in Tank tops and shorts lifting weights.

Past that and still on their right was a man behind a tall counter with racks of the multi colored shoes behind him. The man nodded and said hello to them. Derek said hello back while Shane averted his attention to the floor shoving his hands deep in his pockets waiting for someone to kick him out for being only fifteen.

They walked through a wide doorway and into a darker room where music was playing though not so loud you couldn't hear your self think. The room was lit in multiple colors and Shane looked up at the ceiling to see it lined with recessed lights in colors from purple, to green, to yellow and red. The rainbow colors Shane thought as another warm feeling ran through him. Looking back to earth he looked at the tables that were all round with plush looking car seat like benches circling around them. The seats were all in purple and yellow and an oil lamp was in the center of each table casting a flickering light on the faces of the couples who were sitting around the few occupied tables. There was a bar with shelves of liquor bottles lining the mirrored wall behind it and another man who smiled and nodded to them as they passed him. To the left of this bar over past some more tables was a large dance floor where three other couples were arm and arm dancing closely to the slow music.

Derek chose them a table close to this dance floor and they slid along opposite sides of the circle bench til they were sitting side by side flesh to flesh in the center of it. Shane put his hands up on the table and looked over at the dancing couples in awe of them right out in public like this outwardly loving each other so much. He realized he loved this and watched them dreamily.

Derek put his hand up on Shane's and squeezed. Shane looked over at him and smiled. "Pretty cool place huh?"

Shane nodded imaging his now wide eyes were all the answer Derek would really need. His head turned back to the other side of the table where a man had approached in a white polo shirt and shorts so tight Shane could make out the exact outline of his package. His eyes quickly flickered back to the table sure he may just bust out laughing if he kept looking.

"You boys aren't driving are you?"

Derek shook his head luckily before Shane got the chance to say anything. The man whose name tag Shane glanced up to read said Marty smiled. "What'll it be then?"

"We'll have a couple long island ice teas please."

"Anything to eat?"

Derek looked over at Shane. "You want a burger or something." Shane nodded without hesitation not having had anything since his banana and Cheerios the morning before.

"You want anything on that hon?" Marty asked giving Shane a very kind look which put Shane more at ease. He looked up into the man's face and smiled. "Well just mustard and ketchup would be good thanks."

"I'll have a burger too. And can you bring us a large order of onion rings too please?" Marty nodded and wrote this all down. Derek turned to Shane. "Do you like onion rings?"

Shane nodded though he wasn't sure he'd ever had them. They're food came a few minutes later and Shane made sure to eat it at a normal speed though his desire was to jam the whole thing in his mouth at one time. When Marty came came back to take their plates Derek ordered two more long Island Iced teas.

Shane looked at him already totally buzzed and let out a laugh after Marty left. Derek looked back at him and grinned. "What?"

"I think you are trying to get me drunk and take advantage of me."

Derek feeling pretty buzzed himself laughed. "Well yeah," He said holding his hands up in a 'what else could it be' fashion. He lowered his hand and grabbed Shane's wrist much gentler then he'd done earlier. "Come on." He said already sliding across the bench. "Let's dance."

The song was slow and Shane was glad of that though not surprised as every song they'd played in the half hour since they'd walked in had been slow. They walked hand in hand onto the dance floor. Derek turned and wrapped his arms around Shane's waist rubbing his hands along his sides and they moved across onto this back. Shane stood there for minute then looked over to the next couple on what to do. Turning back to Derek his put his own arms up around Derek's Biceps and bringing his hands back around he gripped them onto his shoulders.

He moved along with Derek's lead just loving the fact he was in Derek's strong embrace. He leaned his head foreword putting the side of his face into Derek's shoulder while Derek did the same thing on his shoulder. They danced two more songs before they retook their seats where their new drinks were already there waiting.

"You want to stay here tonight?" Derek asked after they'd been seated for a while. Shane turned his face upwards from where it was again nestled into Derek's shoulder. His whole body was snuggled up against him with Derek's strong arm draping down over his back while his hand continuously rubbed it gently in small circles.

"You mean in the bar?"

Derek's shoulder and chest moved in his laughter that was not rude just nice. "No in a hotel just next door. I'm pretty drunk I guess I shouldn't drive and I'd like to shack up together tonight. I'd be lonely in my own bed I sure was last night."

"Yeah me too." Shane said quietly as he stroked his hand up and down Derek's massive chest. "I think that would be fun." He thought it would be more then fun. He'd never stayed in a hotel before and thought it would be a great adventure.

They stayed in the bar another hour or so dancing a little more their buzzes were wearing off just a bit when they left and walked next door to a three story pretty nice looking hotel. Shane did not pay much attention to his surroundings his eyes were intent on Derek's rippling ass in front of him as they walked up to the reception desk and Derek checked them in handing over a hundred dollar bill and signing a paper.

They were directed up to the second floor where Derek pulled out a card he had been given and slipped it into a slot on a door with the number 210 on it a lock clicked and Derek turned the nob and pushed the door open.

Shane followed him in and looked around at the room with beige walls a dark blue incredibly plush rug that his feet were sinking right into. His eyes fell on the huge bed that was even bigger then his father's. His excitement took a hold of him and he kicked off his shoes and took a flying leap into the center of it. He landed on his stomach and rolled over snuggling in like a dog would roll on his back in gravel.

"I just gotta call my dad." Derek said sitting down by Shane's feet on the edge of the bed and picking up the phone. He put the receiver to his face and held it there between his cheek and shoulder while he removed Shane's holey socks and gently massaged his feet.

"Dad it's Derek." He said as he massaged. "I'm gonna stay at Bart's tonight okay?".... "Well I know, but it's a basket ball party and I should really be there I am part of the team." Shane watched propped up on his elbows as Derek nodded several times into the phone. "Okay, yuh I'll be there before you leave tomorrow." He hung up the phone then returned both hands to Shane's feet. He turned back to Shane on the bed and smiled. "Your feet stink."

Shane too drunk to get embarrassed by this just shrugged as he'd not had a chance to do his laundry and since most of his clothes were covered in Buzz piss he'd only had the one pair of socks to wear for the week.

"I was gonna kiss them but maybe we should take a whirl pool first." Derek said still smiling.

Shane chuckled then suddenly stopped as a terrifying thought hit him. "Ahh Derek, can you promise not to yell if I ask you something?"

Derek smiled again and squeezed Shane's knee. "I won't yell at you. I promise."

Shane turned his head on the bed so he was not facing Derek not wanting to ask it at all. "I left my pack in the car. Could we go down and get it."

Derek let out a long sigh. "What is with you and that pack Shane?" His voice was not yelling not even angry just maybe real confused.

"It's just my things. I like to keep them close so noone can take them." Derek sighed again and patted Shane's knee again while he stood up off the bed. "I'll go and get it. You go in the bathroom and start the whirl pool okay?"

Shane nodded though he was very leery of anyone being alone with his pack he decided he'd stuck his neck out enough for that hour and had to let it be. "Ahh Derek"

Derek halfway to the door turned back to him. "Ahh Shane."

Shane smiled and lifted his head off the bed to face him. "Where and what's a whir pool?"

Derek looked at him in disbelief then chuckled and shook his head. "You poor folk don't get out much do you?"

Shane grinned shyly while Derek pulled him up off the bed by the arm and led him into the bathroom that was just off the door. He stood in front of a very large round tub. "This is a whirlpool." He said smiling again drunk apparently making him unable to do anything but smile which Shane was very glad of. Derek turned around and turned the water on. "Should be full by the time I get back." He led Shane by the shoulder back out of the bathroom. "And don't get in til I get back I want to undress you."

Shane jumped back on the bed while Derek left the room his pain from his wounds not being felt at all in his drunken state making him totally forget about the horrid night before. He laid back against the soft pillows and sighed contentedly. Crossing his arm across his stomach he wrapped his hands around each side of his waist. He had been pretty upset earlier when Derek hit him but realized that must be okay as things seemed just fine since. He had been awful whiny and Derek had only done what was necessary to get him to stop feeling sorry for himself. He decided laying there in silence that he wasn't mad at Derek for standing him up the night before or for hitting him and now Derek was more then making it up to him.

He turned his face to the door when it opened and Derek walked in with his prized pack in his hands. He brought it over to the bed and set down gently on Shane's stomach. "There you go safe and sound." He said sitting down by Shane's waist on the edge of the bed. He reached over and stroked his hand along Shane's forehead brushing his hair up off his forehead. "Sometimes I think maybe you are a little crazy. But you know what?"

Shane shook his head having no idea what only concerned that Derek thought he was crazy.

"I think I just love you more because of it."

"Don't say that." Shane said his eyes misting up. "You'll just get me crying."

Derek cocked his head to one side. "What that I love you?"

Shane nodded sure that couldn't be true and not wanting to hear it as it felt like maybe Derek was toying with him.

"I won't say it then Shane. Not if you don't want. But just so's you know I do."

He averted his eyes and let out a long sigh gripping his pack tightly with one hand. Not wanting to get in a fight he let it drop and pushed the pack off his stomach. "Shall we whirl pool?" He asked sitting up.

"Don't you gotta call your dad let him know you won't be home?"

"I called while you were gone." Shane's eyes widened at his own quick thinking as he was pulled by the hand up off the bed and led to the bathroom. Derek turned back to him and gently tugged Shane's shirt up and over his head and arms.

"What the fuck." He said his voice definitely angry.

Shane looked down at his deeply bruised chest and instinctively threw his arms up over it in an attempt to cover it. Before he could admonish himself for his mistake in forgetting they were there Derek spoke again.

"Where in hell did you get those? Don't tell me it was on the docks cause I know you didn't work there this week." His face was red and his eyes were definitely real pissed. "Was it your fucking father?" his voice was rising and Shane instinctively took a step back. Derek latched onto his bicep gripping it in a vice like grip. "Answer me Shane." He shook him a bit sending Shane's head jouncing from side to side. "If it was your god damn father I swear I'll drive back there right now and pound the fucking hell out of him."

Shane too scared to do much else where he was half held off the ground by his arm shook his head cursing his again falling tears.

"Who was it then?" Derek shook him again causing Shane to snivel out loud. The grip on his arm was loosened. "Baby I'm not mad at you. Jesus." He shook his head and took a deep breath to try and calm himself down. He put his other hand up on Shane's other bicep and lowered his head so his eyes were at Shane's level. "Shane. Really I'm not mad at you." His voice was much calmer now but it did little to ease Shane's crying. "I just don't like people hurting you. Please tell me who did this."

Derek let out another long sigh then wrapped his arms around Shane's shaking body pulling him tightly into his chest. He stroked the top of his head and his back while kissing his forehead. He'd never felt so sorry for anyone or anything in his entire life this poor half starved looking boy that he so loved who just couldn't seem to get a break in life. He held him tight for a long time til his cries eased up and he again held him back by the biceps much gentler this time at arms length.

"Please tell me Shane. People can't just beat up on you whenever they have the mind to. It ain't right you tell me and I'll take care of it."

Shane turned his shame filled face to one side as he wiped at his eyes and took a long deep breath of his own. "I don't know his name. I've always called him Volcano cause he's got bright red hair and a whole ton of white pussy zits."

Though Derek was fuming mad at the kid who he knew was Ross Becker he had to chuckle at Shane's nick name for him. Shane looked back at him looking hurt and Derek explained why he was laughing.

"I got names for everyone." Shane said smiling very pleased Derek liked his name.

"Did you have a name for me?"

Shane went red in the face. "Yeah," He said quietly.

Derek grinned and squeezed his hands gently around Shane's biceps. "What was it?"

Shane grinned as well as it was actually a compliment and he didn't think it would be so bad to tell. "The stud."

Though he'd barely heard it Derek's grin turned into a smile lit up his entire face his eyes filled with a happy sort of humor and he laid a big wet kiss on Shane's tear covered lips. A kiss that lasted quite a spell before he pulled back and wiped at the rest of Shane's tears with the palm of his hand. "Ross..." He shook his head and smiled. "I mean the volcano will get his due. Don't you worry. He's got a sound thrashing coming his way."

"But if you do that people may find out why."

"Oh I'm not gonna do it." Derek reached down and undid Shane's pants. "I think I'll just tell Bart I heard the old volcano spouting off about him being a schmuck in the bathroom. That should take care of things."

Shane smiled as wide as Derek had after hearing his nick name. He stepped out of his pants then helped Derek off with his shirt. "That's a real smart idea." He said looking into Derek's eyes.

Derek ran his hands down along Shane's chest. "And I'm sure he'll come out of it looking worse then you do. He lowered his head and kissed every part of every bruise that covered Shane's chest while undoing his own pants and sliding them down past his knees and stepped out of them. He straightened back out and took Shane's hand then led him over to the tub they both stepped in and sat down on the bench that ran along the inside of the tub the water coming up to their nipples.

Derek reached over and shut off the water he pushed another button. Shane jumped to his feet as the water started bubbling like maybe a shark or something was thrashing around in it. "What the hell is that."

Derek laughed again and pulled him down onto his lap Shane straddled his legs setting his knees down on the bench on either side of Derek's ass then setting his own ass down on Derek's bulging thighs. "It's just the jets. It's why they call it a whirl pool. It massages you while you bathe."

Shane nodded feeling a bit more at ease. He leaned forward and ran his lips over Derek's neck while holding his head in place with the flat of his hand. Derek rubbed his back while Shane moved his other hand down to Derek's crotch exploring every groove and crevice of his expanding dink and pulsating balls.

One of Derek's hands moved down off his back and his fingers guided into Shane's ass crack feeling every hair between the soft fold. Shane pressed into him further as a finger slid up in his rear and he moved his hand from the side of Derek's face to his shoulder gripping it tightly as he let out a soft and inviting moan. Derek's legs pulled apart below him spreading his ass cheeks wider apart the finger moved further up inside him massaging every inch of his lower colon with a mind tingling feeling.

Derek slid down lower in the tub pulling his finger out of Shane's ass he moved is knees further out then grabbed a hold of each of Shane's tender cheeks spreading them wide he moved him forward positioning him over his flag pole erect cock that was just aching for Shane's welcoming ass.

Shane moved other hand up to Derek's other shoulder and eased himself down onto the flag pole he moaned again as it's throbbing tip stretched his sphincter slipping up inside. He pushed down more til he felt Derek's balls pressing into his cheeks while his fingers curled around the back of Derek's shoulder blades.

Derek's eyes rolled back in his head and he laid his head back against the side of the tub his mouth letting out a continuous moan. His hands still gripping each of Shane's ass cheeks keeping them spread wide while his fingers ran along the hairs inside the crack.

Shane moved his arms around Derek and brought his hands back up to his shoulders from behind curling his fingers over the top and pressing them in so tightly the tips of his fingers turned white. He moved up and down on his knees starting out slow then picking up speed as it increased Derek's moans and the speed at which his fingers explored his crack increasing his own pleasure in the process. His breath came in heated gasps and sweat poured down off his face in a mix from the hot water and his incredible pleasure.

Derek started calling out his name like he was praying to him or something and Shane tremored at the hot gush of liquid he felt shoot up inside him. His own orgasm came seconds later collapsing him in a trembling mass down onto Derek's chest.

They stayed in each other's embrace for several minutes their breathing returning to normal as they clung tightly to each other. They stayed in the whirl pool for at least an hour before going back out into the room. Shane opting to stay naked then put his dirty old clothes back on crawled under the bed covers. He watched Derek also naked pick a menu up off the table over near the window. He walked over and laid back on the bed by Shane.

"What do you want for dinner?"

Shane's eyes nearly bugged out at yet another meal his was still pretty full from the burger but was not one to deny food when it was offered. "You pick." He said sleepily rubbing his hand down along Derek's arm. He fell asleep shortly after they ate dinner and did not wake up until eight o'clock the next morning. He rubbed at his eyes then opened them to see Derek smiling down at him. "You are very cute when you sleep."

"This bed is just like a cloud. I've never been so comfortable in all my life."

"Our dads will be gone again come tonight I can stay over at your house for the next few nights."

Shane nodded wondering in the back of his mind why they couldn't go to Derek's house he figured it must be a hell of a lot nicer then the tin shack. He didn't dare ask the question though opting instead to just snuggle in closer to Derek.

Chapter 6

A week later Shane was pulling more of his father's crushed up beer cans out from under his father's couch when his father came out of the hall in a three piece tuxedo. Shane's eyes nearly bugged out of his head as he'd never in his life seen his father in anything but jeans and a ratty T-shirt or flannel shirt. He wanted to ask where in hell he'd gotten it but new better and kept his mouth shut.

His father walked over to the mirror by the door in the livingroom and adjusted his bow tie which caused Shane to hold his breath so's not to laugh right out loud at the big fat man tying his little bow tie. He watched out of the corner of his eyes as his father cleared his throat and puffed out his chest posing in the mirror. A moment later he was gone and the old Rust bucket clanged to life.

Shane waited about five minutes after the truck roared out onto the road then went to his room gathered up his laundry and pack and left the house himself. He'd gathered his last quarter the night before. He got to the laundry mat and dumped his load in the washer then took his pennies, dimes, and nickels to the counter to exchange them for quarters. The girl that had been giddy and flirty with Derek two weeks before only gave him a very annoyed look as she counted out his change.

"I need a box of that generic soap too please."

She nodded curtly gathering up the last of the change. She dropped them in the register and handed him a bunch of quarters and his box of soap. He turned and loaded up the washer with his quarters and started up then saw he only had two quarters left which did not give him enough money to use the dryer though he was certain he had collected enough.

He turned back to the counter and waited for a man in front of him to get his change then stepped back up in front of the girl. "You didn't give me enough quarters I gave you four dollars."

"No you didn't." she snapped her eyes narrowing.

"I did." Shane said not to keen on arguing with the girl but knowing he had to get his clothes dried and knowing he was right.

"I said you didn't, you think I don't know how to count?"

Shane realizing by her sarcastic look that she was fucking with him for the fun of it let out a sigh and tilted his head to one side. "I need to dry my clothes. I know I gave you enough money. I realize you all like to have your fun but this isn't fair."

Her eyes narrowed even more. "You think pretty highly of yourself if you think people even think about you long enough to plan a trick. I'm not giving you another quarter. You got the same amount of money back that you gave me. You'll have to dry your clothes somewhere else."

He turned away from the counter and walked over and took a seat he knew it would be no use to argue further and had been too stunned at her comment of thinking to highly of himself to try it. He couldn't imagine feeling any less about himself but certainly hoped he did not come off as some idiot with a big ego.

His load finished washing twenty minutes later and he pulled out the clothes and shoved them back into the trash bag figuring he'd just hang them around his bedroom. He just wouldn't be able to wear any clean clothes that day.

When he got back to his house Derek's car was waiting there in the driveway. Shane knew the second he got out that he was pissed and had no idea what the reason would be. Derek followed him silently up into the trailer then shoved Shane so hard he stumbled and fell over onto the floor his pack nearly falling off and his bag of clothes sliding across the floor in front of him.

Before he could even start to pick himself up Derek grabbed him by his shirt collar and hauled him back to his feet where he delivered two sharp slaps to his right cheek. "Where the fuck were you?" He screamed his face less then and inch from Shane's.

"I did my laundry." this answer only brought another slap and he could not figure out why this was a problem.

"Did you forget I was meeting you here?" he seethed shaking Shane to and fro by the hair.

Shane grimaced standing on his tip toes to ease the pressure on his hair. Derek flung him sideways sending him stumbling over the bag of laundry and falling back down on the floor flat on his back. His wind was knocked out of him and he looked up at Derek fearfully praying he would not launch another attack.

Derek screamed and yelled and Shane could not really tell if he was the one being yelled at or if Derek was yelling at himself. He did not have any recollection of them meeting that morning in fact last he knew Derek was going to his brother the Buzz's wedding.

He flinched as Derek walked over and stood over him. "Why you make me do this Shane? You think I like getting this mad at you? I love you and I don't want to hurt you. You just frustrate the hell out me sometimes."

Tears burned Shane's eyes not from the insulting parts but from the love part he hated when Derek said that as far as he knew when someone loved someone they did not hit them and Derek had hit him three times in the last week. He was always real quick to apologize and apologized real well but it made Shane uneasy and leaving him confused about how Derek felt about him.

Derek dropped down onto his knees and pulled Shane up into his arms. "I'm sorry baby. I hate to see you cry."

Shane thought maybe if he stopped hitting him he'd stop crying. He had no right to complain though Derek was better to him then anyone had ever been. He loved their relationship and thought he may love Derek. He just didn't like not knowing what was gonna set Derek off but figured over time he may figure it out.

They drove to Providence again after Shane hung his clothes in his room making sure Derek stayed in the livingroom so as not to see his room was just a room with no furniture in it. They spent the day at the bar and the night in the hotel then returned to town the next morning.

This was the ritual for the next month a month of bliss with minimal interruptions of Derek being pissed off at him which never lasted long. He still had to deal with his father's rage a few times but was gone from the house most of the time his dad was home so he'd had very few run ins.

On the last weekend of February Derek told him they could not get together that weekend because of the state championship and parties that would result whether they won or not.

His father was home that weekend and when he got up Saturday morning his father was already up and sitting at the kitchen table nursing another hang over leaning over a cup of coffee. "I don't want you coming home tonight. I'm having company. I leave tomorrow at six so you can come back then." He grumbled then hacked for a minute while Shane retreated back to his room and put on extra layers of clothes.

He walked back out five minutes later where his father was leaning over the trash either puking or trying to hock up a phlegm ball. He didn't stick around long enough to find out.

He walked down the road of the trailer park and stopped to play with Shep who greeted him like he always did except lately instead of getting a lick he was given the ball which Shane always threw to him a few times before he went on his way. "I'm gonna have to stay with you again tonight, if it's okay." He said patting the dog's head. "I won't come too early though. I've gotta wait til your mom and dad go to bed."

He played with Shep for a good hour turning once to see a Green and rusty car pulling into the park with a bright red haired woman behind the wheel. She looked out at him seemingly studying him from head to toe as she slowly drove past. Shane watched her drive into the park then pull into his driveway. He watched her get out of the car and look back over at him again then go up and knock on the door. His father opened the door and put his arms around her then they both disappeared inside.

He looked back down at Shep with a small grin. "Guess someone is gonna get lucky tonight."

He spent most of the day in the library glad such a small town had a library with fully functioning hours so he could hide away til five o'clock most days there was no school or recently, not with Derek. He read two books in the time he was there and spent some time day dreaming his dream of the two great parents tons of friends and him being the star of the diving team.

He left the library at five with a huge smile on his face the dream fresh in his memory. He spent the rest of the evening wandering the streets in his never ending search for spare change. If only he were sixteen he could get a job, that would keep him out of the house more plus give him plenty of money to get him food or whatever the hell else he wanted.

He started home when the clock on the bank said midnight. He stopped just past the post office which was the last building out of town. He thought it was his birthday or something as he looked down and saw several coins glinting in the street lights. There were quarters, dimes and nickels dozens of them. Like a whole money bag just opened up and spilt it's contents and the owner either didn't know or didn't care.

He knelt down on one knee and started collecting them up going for the quarters the biggest prize first. He'd only gotten three when a sharp pain erupted in his head and he shot his arm out sideways to stop him from falling over all together.

He tried to turn his head to see what was going on but didn't need to as three members of the basket ball team walked around in front of him. "Tonight you learn a lesson you god damn fag." Bart the king of Jocks sneered his arms crossed across his chest and his feet spread like a cowboy. Shane saw him sneering and looking over behind him and he chanced a glance around turning his head only and saw he was completely surrounded by another five members on top of the original three of the basketball team.

He slowly got to his feet his body shaking all over strictly from fear as it was not a cold night out at all. "Just leave me alone." He knew it would do no good but felt it had to be said. Two cars screeched to a stop outside the circle and Shane was punched too many times to count then dragged into one of the two cars. As the car moved down the road Shane was beaten more. Barely able to stay conscious he could do nothing to ward off the attack.

The rest of the night was very hazy he knew he was taken to a house where there was music blaring and tons of people perhaps the whole school he was carried through the house and the crowd to a back room with a dim light. He felt more pain that night then he'd ever felt in his life and it lasted for hours. Every part of his body was hurt in ways he did not know he just knew the resulting pain that throbbed in every conceivable and non conceivable spot. He'd heard tons of laughter and tons of cursing at him. Calling him every name and throwing every insult possible at him seemingly all at the same time all night long.

Derek was there he'd seen him shortly after being thrown down on the floor and heard his voice several times in the night even through his fading awareness. It was Derek's fist smashing directly into his nose resulting in his head slamming into the floor that was the last thing he remembered that night.

Next: Chapter 4: Shane 7 8

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