
By Vance Lister

Published on Jul 28, 2023


Chapter 19

Aaron, Jason and Justin left early Saturday morning. Shane and Kenny got up long enough just to see them off then ran upstairs and crawled back in bed. They didn't sleep though they just laid there and talked Kenny lying sideways across the bed and across Shane's legs.

"You wear pajamas at home Kenny?"

Kenny ran his hands down along his light blue pajamas with dark blue trim. "Nope, Jimmy got these for me just for coming over here." he grinned up at the ceiling. "Said he didn't want me sleeping naked with a stud like you around."

Shane chuckled and shook his head.

"You always wear pajamas?"

"Well a tank top and shorts." Shane said holding out the front of his tank top. "I only sleep naked when I'm sleeping with Sam."

"It really must be hell with him living so far away. I didn't really realize it before but I've missed Jimmy so much just this one week I can't imagine going months without seeing him."

"It does suck. But it just makes the times we are together that much more fun." he chuckled again. "I know that sounds corny but it's true."

Kenny smiled at him and ran his hand along Shane's chest. "It doesn't sound corny at all."

The door flew open and they both jumped before either could move Jimmy flew onto the bed straddled Kenny and kissed him like there was no tomorrow. Kenny wrapped his arms and legs up around Jimmy's torso and sort of hung from him. Jimmy stood up with Kenny still clinging tightly to him and pulled his mouth away. Putting his arms around him he pulled him hard into his chest and held him tightly.

Shane watched in awe as they both cried and laughed amazed at the incredibly strong and obvious love they had for each other. Seth ran into the room and jumped on Shane. "You jealous?" he asked a second before he pushed Shane back on the bed and kissed him just as passionately.

Shane felt Jimmy and Kenny's weight added to the bed and pushed Seth off him. Kenny was still wrapped around Jimmy his head nestled into his shoulder and Jimmy was smiling over at them. "So did you guys have a good time?"

"Wonderful." Shane nodded happily while Kenny started in on what they did.

"And Shane is the best diver I've ever seen." He lifted his head off Jimmy's shoulder and leaned back in his arms so he could see his face. "We had the biggest Thanks giving meal ever, we made a sand castle, we jumped in leaves, we played computer, we watched movies." Shane watched as Jimmy grinned wider and wider as the list went on and on.

"Well you sure seem happy."

Kenny nodded emphatically. "I sure am. Especially now that you're home."

Jimmy pulled him close again hugging him tightly.

"We are all just a bit jealous of you Jimmy." Seth who was now laying beside Shane said.

"Well you should be. But what in particular are you talking about?"

"Kenny's hair."

Jimmy nodded looking very much in agreement. "Soft ain't it."

"Like silk. Is it soft down there too."

Jimmy laughed. "Your such a perv Seth. Is that all you think about?"

"No I think about other stuff once in a while."

"You guys want to come over and hang out with us this afternoon? Seth's got to drive us home anyways." he asked looking at Shane.

"I got an appointment at 11 but I can have Tad drop me at your house later."

"I can take you to your shrink." Shane smacked Seth on the chest and Seth put his hand over his mouth forgetting Jimmy didn't know about Shane seeing a shrink.


"It's nothing to be embarrassed about anyways Shane." Jimmy said shaking his head. "I went to one after my mom died. It don't mean your crazy."

Shane smiled feeling a little better about Jimmy knowing.

"So's the two of you can drop me and Kenny off. We can have some alone bedroom time." He grinned while Kenny let out an excited laugh. "Then you can come back when you are done. We can have dinner together and hang out. I got money for Christmas so we can order out Chinese. That's Kenny's favorite. Do you guys like Chinese?"

Shane and Seth both nodded.

Jimmy held Kenny out with his arms. "That sound good to you?"

Kenny nodded enthusiastically the crawled down out of Jimmy's lap. "I'll take a shower and change first though."

"Good idea." Jimmy grinned.

Kenny grabbed some clothes and took off to the bathroom. Jimmy thanked Shane like fifty times and Shane told him there was no need they both had a great time.

"His birthday is coming up next week it's on Thursday but I want to have the party Friday so we can drink and stay up all night if we want. You guys will come won't you?"

"Sure," they both said without hesitation.

"I gotta tell you though Shane I already talked to Pete and he wants to bring Derek. I don't know what happened between you two but if you are not comfortable with him being there I'll tell Pete no."

"he can't come." Seth said immediately.

Shane rolled his eyes and looked over at Seth. "It's okay Seth. I don't care."

Seth let out a long irritated breath. "Okay," He said sighing.

Jimmy looked at Shane as though to be sure then smacked Seth upside the head. "And yes It is very soft down there. Don't ask questions like that in front of Kenny though it embarrasses the hell out of him."

Seth grinned and rubbed at his head. "Sorry."

Kenny came back in the room five minutes later his hair slicked back but some curls were already drying and bouncing back into place. Shane got out of bed grabbed some clothes and headed to the bathroom himself. Seeing Tad and Don's bedroom door open and Tad folding some laundry on the bed he walked in the room.

"Seth said he'd take me to see Max this morning cause he's got to take Jimmy and Kenny home anyways. Then after I see Max they want us to come over and spend the day. Is that alright?"

Tad looked up at him and smiled. "Sure Shane. Just make sure you go see Max."

"I will I promise."

"And call if you are gonna be later then ten."

"Sure thing."

Shane walked over and sat down by Tad on the bed. "I just wanted you to know I had the most wonderful Thanksgiving I think anyone has ever had."

Tad grinned and pulled Shane close giving him a big hug.

"And if it really bugs you that I call you mom I'll stop."

Tad laughed. "No Shane I just think it's funny. It doesn't really bother me at all."

Shane grinned his face pressed into Tad's chest. "That's good cause I like calling you mom."

Tad laughed again and tousled his hair. "I love you Shane."

"I love you too Tad." He sat up and wrapped his arms around Tad and they hugged for a good minute before Shane resumed his trip to the bathroom. Tad cried for at least five minutes after he left overjoyed with Shane, his incredibly improved personality and newfound affection that he was always showing now with he and Don.

It made Tad wish that they had, had kids of their own or at least taken one in a lot sooner. He was very happy with just Shane though Shane gave him enough joy for five kids and he was not gonna dwell on what could have been.

Seth and Shane knocked on Jimmy's door at around 1 o'clock. "This is a nice house." Shane said looking around the wrap around white porch and big front picture windows of the pale yellow house. It was two stories but he could not see the second story from where he was standing cause of the roof over the porch.

They heard the sounds of someone running down the stairs and Jimmy opened the door still pulling his shirt on.

"Oh geez sorry," Seth said turning a little red.

Jimmy grinned and motioned them in. "We were done anyways we just lost track of time."

Shane looked around the livingroom they had walked into. The walls were painted with a mint green paint that looked like it had been done recently. The carpet was beige and the couch and two chairs were a dark green. Over the couch was a picture of Kenny and Jimmy that looked like it was professionally done.

Shane walked over and looked at it.

"We got that done last Christmas." Jimmy said sounding proud of it. "Thought it would give the place a more personal effect. Kenny's redone the entire house with fresh paint curtains, decorations and slip covers. I've helped of course but he did all the color schemes and stuff himself. he's real good at all that stuff."

"Dad gives us the money. House has been needing to be fixed up for a long time and it's free labor with Kenny. He loves doing this stuff." he led them into the kitchen where the walls were painted a deep red and the cupboards were a bright white. Red plaid curtains hung in the windows and Shane thought it looked as nice as the ones in the Better Homes and Garden magazine that Tad subscribed to.

The table off in the corner of the kitchen had a red plaid table cloth on it with white knit place mats and a vase of red roses with baby's breath. He walked over to them leaned over and smelled them and Jimmy laughed. "Their fake. Last longer that way."

Shane grinned as he stood back up. "They look so real." His brotherly love for Kenny was growing stronger seeing how much love he'd put into decorating he and Jimmy's home.

As they walked back into the livingroom Kenny was coming down the stairs. He smiled over at Shane and Seth as he reached the bottom. "Did you have fun at your appointment."

"Well Kenny I can pretty much guarantee you that you had a lot more fun here."

Kenny grinned, looked at Jimmy lovingly and nodded assuredly. "I see what you mean about time apart making the time together that much more special."

"Kenny I'm gonna go to that store on the corner where they sell me beer." Jimmy turned back to Seth and Shane. "You guys want to drink?"

"Well yeah," Seth pulled out his wallet and handed Jimmy a twenty. "Just get double what you are getting. You want me to go with you we can take my car so you don't have to carry it all back."

Jimmy shrugged then nodded. "well okay, cause double what I'm getting is gonna be heavy."

They took off and Kenny motioned for Shane to follow him in the kitchen. "You hungry I'm starving." He said opening a cupboard. "And if I'm gonna drink I gotta eat or I'll puke all over the place."

"I could eat,"

"What do you want?"

"Whatever your having is fine."

"Well." Kenny pulled out a jar of Peanut butter and some marshmallow fluff. "I was gonna have peanut butter and fluff. But we haven't gone grocery shopping so there's no bread." He pulled two spoons out of a drawer. "So what I do in that case is just fill my spoon with both and eat it that way."

He set the jars down on the table and they both sat down. Kenny handed him a spoon took the covers off the jars and they dug in. Shane's eyes lit up at the taste. "Wow this is good. I've never had this fluff stuff before."

Kenny licked his spoon clean and swallowed. "They don't sell it around here. Jimmy orders it over the internet. He's a fluff freak. He'd put fluff on steak if he had the chance I bet."

Shane grinned. "That doesn't sound so good."

Kenny made a face and shook his head in agreeance. "It's real good in hot chocolate too."

Seth and Jimmy got back. Seth sat down at the table with them while Jimmy put the beer in the fridge. He pulled out four then brought them back to the table sitting in the chair in front of the window. His eyes widened as he looked down at the table. "YOU ARE EATING MY FLUFF!"

Shane jumped so he nearly fell out of his chair. Kenny started laughing at Jimmy but more so at Shane. "He's just kidding."

Shane put his hand on his chest to prevent his racing heart from tearing right through his chest and plopping out on the table. Jimmy grinned but looked very guilty. He patted Shane on the back. "I'm sorry Shane. I didn't mean to scare you."

Shane shook his head totally embarrassed realizing for the first time the anxiety medicine did nothing to stop him from being scared when someone screamed at him whether they were joking or not.

"Oh man Shane." Jimmy said guiltily as he rubbed his back seeing Shane still looked scared to death his face a chalky white. "I'm sorry man. I wasn't thinking."

Shane shook his head again and took a deep breath. He looked over at Kenny who was looking at him worriedly along with Seth across the table. Though his embarrassment only got worse seeing it he managed a smile. "It's okay." He said holding up a hand that was shaking so bad he put down on his lap hiding it under the table. "I guess I'm just a little jumpy."

Jimmy shook his head looking like he was about to cry for feeling so bad. He cracked open a beer and handed it over to Shane. "Drink this it will calm your nerves."

Shane smiled appreciatively reached his shaky hand back up grasped the beer and took a long swallow. He set it down then put his hand over his face chuckling. "I'm so embarrassed."

"You are?" Jimmy said in disbelief. "I'm the one who should be embarrassed."

Shane thought desperately on a way to change the subject the talk of it only extending his embarrassment. Seth seeming to sense his struggle jumped in and saved the day.

"Did you have a good time in Delaware Jimmy."

Jimmy rubbed his hand down over his face giving Seth enough time to shrug over at Shane grinning at his lame attempt. Shane smiled back at him lame or not he'd jumped in and tried to save him.

"It was okay, I have a few cousins I really like so I hung out with them most of the time. Would be a lot more fun if Kenny could come too." Jimmy smiled over at Kenny and Kenny with marshmallow on his lips smiled back.

Jimmy grinned a look that told Shane that Jimmy loved Kenny's boyish charm as much as he seemed to love everything else about him. "Do you know what's next week Kenny?"

"December." Kenny said grinning. "Almost Christmas." he turned his head to one side like a thought may have struck him and he scratched his ear. He turned back to Jimmy grinning widely a moment later. "And my birthday!" He raised his arms up in the air excitedly. "How old will I be?"

Shane was so reminded of himself he smiled warmly.


Shane looked over at Jimmy in confusion. "But he's in my grade."

"Yeah but he's smart as hell. He's skipped two grades they wanted to skip him again this year but he didn't want to."

Shane looked back at Kenny. "Why not?"

"I don't like being so much younger then everyone in my class. It already sucks I wasn't gonna go up another year."

Looking back to Jimmy Shane asked. "How old are you?"

"Just turned seventeen. So in another year I won't be able to have sex with Kenny anymore. Otherwise I'll go to jail."

Kenny's mouth dropped open and he looked like he was going to start crying. Jimmy chuckled stood up and leaned over the table. He kissed the marshmallow off Kenny's lips and caressed the back of his head. "I'm just kidding baby. If you won't tell I won't tell."

Kenny sorta sagged in his chair like every muscle relaxed at the same time his relief radiating from him. "You are so mean sometimes Jimmy. You just scared the hell out of me."

"I seem to be on a roll today." he cracked open his beer and downed it in one go. Slamming it back down on the table he let out the hugest burp Shane had ever heard and got everyone laughing. "I'll drink up fast so maybe it'll get rid of my mean streak." He got up from the table and grabbed another beer. "You guys better plan on staying the night if you are gonna drink 24 beers between you."

Seth looked over at Shane. "You think you'll be able to."

"Yeah sure, I just gotta call."

"Well you better call before you get all blitzed."

Kenny got up and grabbed the portable phone he handed it over to Shane. Shane thanked him and dialed the number for home. Tad answered and just as Shane had said Tad said it was no problem. He clicked off the phone and took it back to the base. Sitting back down he downed the rest of his beer.

Kenny got up again and got him another one as well as one for Seth. "How come you haven't even opened yours yet?" Shane asked looking at the can in front of Kenny.

"I haven't had enough to eat yet." he filled his spoon again with a huge glob of peanut butter and an equal amount of fluff. He put it all in his mouth his cheeks bulging out as he worked at it.

"Quick Kenny say Mississippi." Seth said laughing.

Kenny grinned as best he could with his very full mouth and smacked Seth on the arm. Once he'd swallowed he cracked open his beer. "There I should be all set now."

By five o'clock they were all well under the affects of the alcohol when Jimmy pulled out the menu for China Island. They were in the livingroom lazing around on the furniture where'd they'd spent most of the afternoon playing Scruples just using the cards and no board so they could sit up in the chairs and not on the floor.

Jimmy handed the menu to Shane who was on the love seat with Seth. They looked over it together and decided on the pu pu platter. Shane handed it back to Jimmy who sat down by Kenny on the couch who was on his back with his knees pulled up and his hands wrapped around his ankles. Jimmy put his arm up on Kenny's knees and looked over the menu. "You want dough balls right?"

"Hell yeah!" Kenny said loudly.

"What's dough balls?" Shane asked.

Kenny turned his head up on the arm rest and looked over at Shane his mouth hanging open in shock. "My God Shane they are little drops of heaven. They're deep fried they've got sugar drenched all over them. I may just give you one so you can try it. Once you do though you gotta be careful cause you could get totally addicted."

Jimmy laughed and reached his arm over Kenny's leg and pressed on his stomach. "Yeah just look at what a porker Kenny is." Kenny grabbed Jimmy's hand and kissed it. "Well I have good will power."

"Yeah til someone dangles a bag of oreos in front of your face."

Kenny laughed. "True,"

They ordered the food and after they got it and ate pretty much every last drop Kenny pulled out the game of Twister.

"Oh yeah," Seth said jumping up. "Naked twister."

"No way you sick dog." Kenny said giggling. "Clothed Twister."

Seth pouted for a minute then shrugged his shoulders. "Okay I guess that will still be fun."

They played twister long into the night and then played their own separate versions of twister after they went to bed. Shane and Seth in one room with Kenny and Jimmy in their room.

The next week back at school passed by very quickly. Before Shane knew it he was back at Kenny's house with Kenny and Jimmy decorating for the party. Jimmy kept ordering Kenny to go sit down since he wasn't supposed to decorate for his own party but Kenny always kept wandering back and helping out.

Seth had dropped them off then went over to Prescott Cove to pick up Matt. Shane had already told Don and Tad he would not be home that night as he, Matt and Seth were gonna share the room Seth and he had slept in a week before. "You sure about Derek coming Shane? It's not too late to call 'em."

Kenny looked at Shane sharply. "Derek's coming to my party?"

Jimmy looked over at Kenny. "That bothers you hon?"

Kenny stammered a bit while Shane shook his head that it was okay behind Jimmy's back so Kenny could see but Jimmy couldn't.

"Well ahh I guess it's okay. I just thought since they went out Shane wouldn't like that."

"Well Shane said it was okay. It is still okay isn't it Shane?" He asked turning to face Shane.

"Yeah it's fine Jimmy, we've actually been talking a little in gym. It's not like we would get in a fight or something."

Jimmy placed the foot stool a little further down the wall of the livingroom and climbed back on it. Shane handed him one of the many streamers he had in his hand that was connected to the chandelier in the middle of the room. "So how long did you two go out?"

Shane looked over at Kenny who was fidgeting on the couch obviously wanting very badly to get back up and help. "A couple months."

"What happened? I mean why'd you break up? I get the feeling it's something big. And I get the feeling Kenny knows, but he won't tell me. I beat the snot out of him but he wouldn't tell."

Kenny grinned though he looked nervous that Jimmy was pressing Shane about a subject he knew was very painful to him.

"We were just from two different worlds." Shane shrugged nonchalantly. "He was a jock. I was the school retard. He was in the closet I was outed. It just didn't work out."

Jimmy looked down at him and nodded not looking like he believed that was it. Shane handed him up another streamer avoiding his eyes.

"What do you mean outed? Who told?"

"No one told. Everyone suspected anyways I think. I was always being called a fag. But a teacher of mine found a picture I had in my bag of this buff guy mostly naked and showed it to the whole class. That was all that was needed cause they all suspected it anyways."

"Geez that teacher sounds like a real bitch."

Shane let out a laugh. "Well that's what I called her. Anyways that's how Derek found out I was gay. He started showing up where I was. Came to my house that sort of thing. Then we were just a couple. He was always pretty nice before that. Well nice as far as kids at Prescott High got." Shane wanted to give him more information and since he couldn't bring himself or want to tell why they really broke up he thought it best to tell him how they got together.

He actually was hardly dreading Derek coming to the party at all. They'd had some good talks in the locker room and Shane had no doubt how deeply sorry Derek was. He still had no intentions of ever being close with him again but didn't mind the fact they would hang out tonight with their friends.

He had not yet told Sam that they were talking and felt guilty as hell about it. Almost like he was actually cheating on him or something. He knew though that Sam would get mad if Shane had even thought of forgiving Derek. Tad and Don he knew felt the same way and he'd not even told them that Derek was going to Cliff Side.

He took a few steps back as Jimmy got down and moved the step ladder over more. Shane looked back at Kenny who was swinging his legs over the couch looking happy as hell in anticipation of his party. "So your favorite colors must be purple and green." Shane grinned over at him as every decoration was some shade of those two colors.

"Well actually they are red and green but I didn't want it to look like a Christmas party. So I chose purple 2nd runner up."

"And tomorrow if we are not hung over to badly we are gonna set up our Christmas tree." Jimmy said smiling over at him.

Kenny nodded enthusiastically. He bolted for the door a minute later when the door bell rang. Seth and Matt walked into the house. Seth carrying a large box filled with hard liquor one wrapped in Birthday wrapping paper. Jimmy hung the last streamer and climbed down off his stool. He walked into the kitchen with Seth, Matt, Shane and Kenny and took the wrapped one out of the box. "One of your birthday presents." He said grinning at Kenny.

Kenny looking like he already knew what it was ripped off the paper revealing a bottle of bright blue liquor. "What in hell is that?" Shane asked as Kenny hugged Jimmy. "Antifreeze?"

Kenny pulled away from Jimmy and laughed. "No it's blue Curacoa tastes pretty good and gets me real drunk."

"A real happy drunk." Jimmy said putting his hands on Kenny's shoulders. "He'll be laughing his ass off by seven o'clock. His lips will be bright blue but that just helps me to get laughing."

Seth pulled out a half gallon of Vodka and a bottle of fruit punch. "And this Shane. Is for you, Matt and me."

Shane nodded looking a little nervous. Seth dropped his hand holding the bottle down to his side. "You don't want it?"

"I just ain't real used to hard liquor, what if I hurl?"

"Just don't do it on the rug." Kenny said matter of factly.

Shane chuckled and Jimmy shook his head. "Yeah the little woman get's real pissed when we stain her rug."

Kenny swung around and swatted Jimmy in the shoulder. "Shut up fag."

Jimmy laughed and gave him a big hug which took care of Kenny's anger in a heart beat. The phone rang and Kenny broke free of Jimmy's arms and ran into the livingroom.




"It's Tad."

"Oh no," Kenny put his hand over his mouth. "You aren't gonna make Shane come home are you?"

"No, no, don't worry about that. We got a bit of a surprise here though. I want to bring the surprise there for Shane but I need to know your address and need to make sure it's okay."

Kenny furrowed his brow totally confused. "What's the surprise?"

"Sam is here."

Kenny jumped in the air with excitement. "REALLY!"

Tad laughed on the other ending shushing Kenny. "It's a surprise don't yell too loud." course he'd already done that.

"Okay yeah sure," Kenny was talking a mile a minute and gave Tad directions to which Tad had to ask him to slow down like five times.

"Okay Kenny Thanks. We'll be there in about an hour."

Kenny jumped up and down again. "Why so long?"

"Cause we gotta wait for his mom to leave." Tad chuckled long after he hung up the phone at Kenny's intense excitement to Shane's surprise.

Kenny walked back into the kitchen and immediately filled himself a glass of liquor. He couldn't look at Shane let alone talk to him. Shane seemed to know him so well he'd know in a second if he was hiding something. He silently thanked Jimmy for not asking him who it was as they all walked back into the livingroom and set up the card table. They put eight chairs around it then all sat down Kenny at the head of the table with Jimmy on one side and Shane on the other followed by Seth then Matt.

Chapter 20

They just got seated when the door bell rang. Kenny jumped up and ran to the door stumbling part of the way. Shane turned to Jimmy and grinned who grinned back at him shaking his head. "You wait. By the time he's done that glass he'll have you laughing your ass off so bad you'll piss your pants."

Shane smiled looking very forward to it. Kenny walked back in the room followed by Tim and Kyle who said hello then disappeared into the kitchen to mix their drinks after dropping their presents for Kenny off on the coffee table alongside Shane's, Matt's and Seth's.

Ten minutes later after Kyle and Tim were seated around the table again Kenny took back off to the door when the bell rang again. This time he was followed in by Nathan, Pete and Derek. Seth and Matt both looked over at Shane. "Don't you guys look at me like that all night it's just gonna make me more uncomfortable."

Seth put his shirt up over his face. "Well this is the only way it will stop."

Shane patted his face over the shirt. "Well whatever works."

After mixing their own drinks Nathan, Pete and Derek returned and sat down at the table Derek on the opposite corner that Shane was on. Derek looked over at Matt nervously who kept giving him a dirty look.

"Let's play cops and robbers." Kenny called out seeing and feeling the tension.

"How do you play that?" Matt said turning away from Derek and looking at Kenny.

"Well everyone gets one card. In the cards will be a Jack and an Ace. The Jack is the robber and see he has to make a deal with someone else at the table." Kenny leaned back in his chair and chuckled a bit while he rubbed his stomach. "Well not really the Jack just has to wink at someone else at the table without anyone else seeing. The person that was winked at waits a little bit then throws out his card and says 'the deal has been made.' Then whoever has the ace." Kenny put up his hands and made quotes with his fingers. "The cop." he said then put his hands back down. "Has to guess who the robber or the one who blinked was. Each wrong guess the person he guessed flips over their card the cop has to drink the number on the card. If the robber blinks at the cop then you just gotta down your whole drink."

Shane's face lit up thinking the game sounded fun as hell and he smiled down at Matt who looked very enthused himself.

"Everyone want to play?" Kenny asked.

Every one nodded and Kenny went and got the cards. As he shuffled he gave more instructions. "You gotta look around after the cards are dealt so you can try and figure out who the robber is. No cheating though and telling if you catch 'em and aren't the cop."

Jimmy leaned over and looked at Kenny whose glass was already nearly gone.

"What?" Kenny asked grinning at him.

"You got something blue on your lips."

"Keep it up and your balls are gonna be blue."

Jimmy laughed and looked over at Shane whose eyes were wide in humor. "See what I mean?"

Shane nodded while Kenny kicked Jimmy under the table before he dealt out the cards leaning well across the table to get them down to the other end. Kenny counted to five then they all peeked at their cards to see what they had. Shane got a six but still looked around at everyone else wanting to see if he could catch the robber. Nathan looked at him briefly and winked Shane moved his head along and went back over the game instructions in his head. He remembered what he had to say and waited a few seconds like instructed before he said it.

He tossed his card out to the center of the table. "The deal had been made."

Kenny clapped excitedly and downed the rest of his drink. "Okay whose the cop?"

Matt flipped over his card. "I am." From his tone of voice it was obvious he had no idea who the robber was. He looked down at Jimmy who would have had the best vantage point to sneak an undetected wink at Shane. "Jimmy." he decided to guess.

Jimmy shook his head and flipped over his card. Matt took five gulps of his drink and looked around the table again. His eyes fell on Derek who was looking at him nervously. Though Matt figured it was just cause he knew he hated him he shrugged and said. "It better not be you."

Derek shook his head and timidly flipped over his card. Matt took six drinks and looked back around the table his face flushing from the beginnings of a buzz. Matt looked around again no one else looked guilty so he made a blind guess. "Nathan."

Nathan grinned and flipped over his card. Matt held his arms up in victory. He gathered up the cards and shuffled them again then dealt them out. Shane paid extra close attention this round as he'd been dealt the Ace. When Tim called out the deal had been made he had absolutely no clue and figured he was gonna get good and drunk good and fast.

He looked around the table after flipping over his card figuring he'd start with the people on the other side of Tim and the same side as him. "Matt?"

Matt grinned and shook his head flipping over a five. Shane took five drinks. "Seth?" and so he drank seven drinks. "Pete?" And another four drinks. "I gotta go mix another."

Seth slid him over his drink. "Drink mine for now. We can both go mix one when you are done."

Shane looked to the opposite end of the table to Kenny. "You?"

Kenny shook his head and flipped over a seven.

"I'm gonna hurl on your rug." He said chuckling feeling a very warm alcohol induced glow when he finished his seven drinks. He looked down the table again. "Kyle?"

Kyle flipped over his card and clapped his hands. "Way to go Einstein. Geez who'd have thought I'd wink at my own boyfriend."

Shane laughed and shook his head. "I guess I'm not a good cop."

He Seth and Kenny all got up and went into the kitchen to refill their drinks. Matt joined them thirty seconds later. "You ain't gonna start a fight or nothin' tonight are you Matt?" Shane asked having seen a couple of the looks that Matt had given Derek.

"Don't worry Shane. I just gotta get drunk then I won't care so much."

Shane sighed then walked over and hugged Matt. "You are so sweet to care so much but he's been real nice really. I just don't want anyone fighting."

Matt nodded and hugged Shane back. "I'll be a good boy." Shane started to let go of him and Matt pulled him back giving him a big kiss. "Until we go to bed anyways."

"You guys will probably just have to mold me however you want me cause I think I'm gonna be too drunk to do much good."

"Well slow down then." Kenny said knowing Shane would want to be having sex all night long as soon as Sam got there.

Shane looked at him sideways, Kenny covered his mouth and hurried out of the kitchen knowing he was way to drunk to be trusted with Shane and the secret any longer. Shane Seth and Matt had just sat down when the door bell rang again. Kenny jumped up tripped over the table leg and fell flat on his face. He started laughing hysterically so hard in fact that he could not get himself back up off the floor. Shane laughing as well knelt down to help him up while Jimmy went and answered the door.

Jimmy's eyes widened seeing Sam standing just outside the door. "Dude, awesome, does Shane know you are coming?"

Sam shook his head his eyes flashing with excitement. "Where is he?"

Jimmy thought of Derek and suddenly grew worried. He backed Sam out onto the porch and closed the door behind him.

"What's wrong?" Sam's voice was faltering.

"I just wanted to warn you man that Derek is here."

Sam's heart stopped in his chest. "Derek Kirk?"

Jimmy nodded.

"What the fuck is he doing here?"

"He's Pete's boyfriend now. I asked Shane if it was okay, I knew they went out. He said it was. I just wanted to warn you."

"Shane said it was okay?" Sam asked a little unable to believe what he was hearing yet knowing Shane he wondered how he could have figured otherwise as Shane had the biggest damn bleeding heart of anyone he'd ever met.

Jimmy nodded. "I'm sorry, I just figured if it was okay with him it would be okay all around."

Sam made a fist and smashed it into his palm. "Well, I am glad you warned me."

"And you won't beat him up?"

"I can't beat no one up Jimmy. Geez I would sure want to but I would only lose. Do you know what happened between Derek and Shane?" Sam figured he didn't cause if he did there was no way Jimmy would have let Derek come he knew Jimmy well enough to know that.

"No, no one will tell me. I know Kenny knows something I don't know but he ain't telling. Is it real bad?"

Sam nodded. "But I can't tell you either. If Shane wanted people to know he'd tell 'em and since it happened to him I gotta respect that."

"You want me to kick Derek out?"

"Yes," Sam said yes but shook his head. "I don't want to ruin Pete's good time. I guess if it doesn't bother Shane I can at least pretend it doesn't bother me." he knew Pete even better then he knew Jimmy and was sure Pete had no idea of how much of an ass Derek really was though he wanted to warn him he didn't figure tonight would be the night.

"Okay, well why don't you go in and sit at my place. Shane is already feeling pretty good. See how quick he notices."

Sam grinned and walked in the house with Jimmy who walked him as far as the kitchen while Sam continued on and sat down at the table. Seeing Shane was on his knees trying to get Kenny to his feet he put his finger over his mouth as Seth and Matt opened their mouths to yell out. They quickly closed them. Seth looked down at Shane. "Hurry up man. There's robbers to be caught."

"Yeah, yeah I'm coming."

Sam looked down the table and his eyes fell on Derek's who was looking back at him nervously. Sam shot him a severing look then looked back over at Matt who rolled his eyes and shook his head at the whole situation. Shane got Kenny back into his chair and started to sit down. He looked across the table and bolted back up like his chair was full of hot coals.

"SAM!" He darted around the table and Sam met him halfway. They dissolved into each others arms, kissing laughing and crying running their hands all over each other. Kenny clapped like a little boy then stood up in his chair turned around and hugged them both.

Seth and Matt joined in the hug.

Derek looked down at them jealousy raged through him like a raging river.

Jealousy, and self hatred since he knew damn well that it was his own fault he

and Shane were not still together.

They all pulled out of the hug leaving Sam and Shane kissing each with a hand cupped around the back of the others neck. Matt put up his arms and did a little dance around them. "Foursome tonight!" He sang out. Seth laughed at him and punched him on the arm looking and feeling just as excited.

Sam pulled away from Shane and looked over at Seth and Matt. "Not til I get him to myself first."

Kenny who had sat back down got turned back around and got on his knees. "Go right now Sam." He said pointing up the stairs. "We'll wait."

Sam grinned at Shane and Shane grinned back at him. "Okay," Sam grabbed Shane by the wrist. "We won't be long. It's been like four months."

Everyone at the table laughed except Derek who wanted nothing more then to be the one going upstairs with Shane. As soon as Shane and Sam were gone up the stairs Nathan slammed his fist down on the table.

"What's your problem?" Matt asked grinning over at him.

"Now I'm the only one who ain't gonna get laid tonight."

"Well you always were." Seth said laughing. "Shane was gonna get laid tonight whether Sam showed up or not.

Nathan ran his hands through his hair still looking miserable. "Well least I could have pretended he wasn't."

"I could do you Nathan."

Matt smacked Seth's arm. "You're such a slut."

Nathan grinned. "That's okay, I've seen your dink Seth. I couldn't take it. I guess I'm not as brave a man as Matt and Shane."

Derek looked at Seth sharply having had no idea Seth had been screwing Shane and now feeling even more jealous. Seth caught the look and grinned evilly at him. "Course compared to what Shane was used to it took some getting used to."

Derek turned red with humiliation and took a long haul of his drink wanting nothing more then to just leave but not having it in him to ruin Pete's good time. "Why don't you just leave him alone Seth." Pete spoke up. "He hasn't picked on any of you."

"Let him try." Seth jeered taking a swig of his own.

Jimmy shook his head. "Seth don't." Seth looked over at him then moved his eyes over to Kenny who looked to be sobering up from the tension. Seth nodded swallowed his hate and looked back at Derek. "Alright Derek. I'm sorry, I'll be good." He detested the apology that was coming out of his mouth and was glad it was obvious Derek didn't believe a word of it. He didn't want to ruin Kenny's party. After all Kenny had as much right to be happy as Shane did.

Up stairs Shane and Sam tore each other's clothes off and jumped onto the bed. Sam kissed him all over his body. "How long are you staying?" Shane asked.

"Just for the weekend. Mom had go down to Maryland for some conference."

Shane raised his head off the pillow and looked at him oddly. "A deli conference."

Sam looking up from where he kissing around Shane's groin and grinned. He crawled up along him then laid down on Shane's chest. "No, she works for a realtor up there. I can't believe how even more hotter you look then last time I saw you. Those pictures didn't do you justice."

Shane smiled and lifted his lips into Sam's. "Three D version is always better."

Sam put his hands on each side of Shane's face and looked deep into his eyes lovingly. "Aren't you mad at me Sam?"

"Cause of Derek?"

Shane nodded what little he could with his head being held.

"I'll never understand this forgiving nature of yours Shane. Sometimes I think that heart of yours is way to big. But I'm not mad at you. I don't think I ever could be mad at you."

Shane smiled and ran his hands through Sam's hair. "Did you know you are the best boyfriend in the world."

"Yes," Sam said grinning. He got up onto his knees straddling Shane's thighs. He swatted Shane on the side of the butt and lifted his condom off the bed. "Now lift them legs boy. I'll show you just how good."

Shane lifted his legs and put his calves on Sam's shoulders. "Are we playing deliverance again or something?"

Sam laughed and shook his head. "We'll just play reunited lovers." he slipped on his condom got it good and wet and slid inside Shane. Shane groaned and rubbed his hand along his stomach. Sam put his hands on the bottoms of Shane's feet and pushed his legs back so his knees were nearly on his chest. He sucked on his toes while thrusting steadily back and forth.

As expected it took about five minutes for them both to get off Shane's spurting straight up and getting Sam in the chin. Shane started laughing still feeling his drunk well. "Santa's here."

Sam dropped Shane's feet laughing too. He wiped his hand along his chin then licked off his hand. "Santa like his treat."

Shane cocked his head to one side on the pillow. "Santa an Indian or something."

Sam started laughing and flopped back down over Shane's chest. He kissed him deeply and passionately. "God I love you Shane."

Shane wrapped his arm up around Sam and squeezed him tightly. "God I love you too Sam."

Sam made noise like the last of his air was pressing out of him. "Jesus you got strong." He squeaked out. "I cain't breath."

Shane let go of him enough so Sam rolled off one side of his chest. They laid in each others arms kissing for a bout five minutes before they cleaned up got dressed and went back downstairs. The whole room started clapping except Derek and Shane turned about five shades of red. Sam squeezed his hand as he did some bows which got Shane laughing and feeling a little less embarrassed.

Seth got up from the table with his empty glass and Shane's. "I drank the rest of your drink. I was the cop. I was a worse cop then you." he said nudging Shane's shoulder. The three walked into the kitchen and made drinks Sam getting a glass out of the cupboard and making a tall one of his own. "This house is real nice."

"Yeah," Shane nodded.

"Not real fancy but real homey."

"Kenny decorated it."

Kenny walked into the kitchen his own glass empty again. "They's call me Martha Stewart." He said with a wide grin.

Sam smiled at him then gave him a big hug. He of course had been filled in on Kenny's long kept secret of abuse and seeing him only made Sam feel real bad for him though he knew he had to hide it as best as possible cause Kenny like Shane didn't like people knowing about it. "Happy Birthday." He said giving him a good excuse for the hug.

Kenny hugged him back then kissed him on the cheek. "I'm so glad you're here Sam. I was having some trouble keeping the surprise to myself."

Shane's head swung over and his mouth dropped open. "You knew you little shit?"

Kenny giggled. "Only for an hour or so before he showed up."

Shane grinned recollecting Something. "So that's why you told me to slow down on my drinking huh?"

Kenny nodded.

"I thought you were just parenting me."

"No way," Kenny giggled again. "I ain't no parent." He walked to the counter and filled his glass again. All with full drinks they walked back out to the livingroom. "Sam needs a chair." Kenny said to Jimmy as he set his drink down on the table.

"All we got our those." He said pointing over to the fancy recliner chairs. Sam turned. "Oh that'd be great." he hauled one over to the corner of the table and sat down by Shane. The chair was so much lower then the others Kenny even towered over him.

"I'm not gonna catch the robber to well way down here."

"Well we should play something else anyways." Jimmy said. "We've played that for an hour."

"Let's play the truth game."

"Ohh Seth do you ever stop." Kyle said shaking his head.

"No sir, I got a big libido." he laughed. "I'm not sure what that means but I think I got one."

Kyle looked over at Kenny "What do you want to play Kenny? It is your birthday."

"Truth game is fine with me." he said shrugging. He held up a finger. "Wait though. Let's play I never instead."

"What's that?" Shane asked.

"We go around the table you would say something like 'I never had sex with a girl.' Anyone who has had sex with a girl would have to drink. That brings up questions. It's real fun."

Everyone agreed to the game and Kenny went first. He chuckled then said. "I never had sex with a girl."

Tim, Derek, Pete and Jimmy all drank. "Hey that's weird." Shane said pointing them out already halfway through his second drink and feeling it well.

"What's weird?" Jimmy asked looking confused.

"Well everyone who drank whose had sex with a girl is a top." he looked over at Jimmy who was grinning. "I wonder if having sex with a girl has anything to do with it or if it's just a coincidence."

"I don't really think it's a coincidence. A top is usually more sexually experienced they are the leader in the bedroom so to say. So we" Jimmy pointed to Tim then Derek and Pete. "started having sex earlier probably and didn't wait to be sure of our sexual orientation. We just wanted sex we didn't care with who."

Shane nodded that making some sense. He took another long drink and Sam got up on his knees as it was his turn to say 'I never' though he desperately wanted to say I never beat up my boyfriend he forced himself not to and said. "I never stuck a household item up my own ass." Everyone laughed but Jimmy, Kyle and Nathan as well as Sam and Seth drank.

Shane laughed and smacked Sam on the arm. "What did you use?"

"A banana." Sam said grinning he looked over at Jimmy. "What about you?"

"Candle." He muttered turning red. Kyle nodded along that being what he'd used to and Sam looked at Nathan.

Nathan beet red shook his head chuckling.

"Come on Nathan, don't be a poop." They all egged him on and finally Nathan gave in. "My mom's curling iron."

Sam dropped his elbows off the table and his head into Shane's lap laughing like crazy along with everyone else. "Oh Nathan your poor mom."

Nathan had his forehead down on the table and was shaking his head back and forth.

Shane took another drink it being his turn now. "I never.." he shrugged not knowing what to say. "Had sex in a canoe."

Sam laughed sat up and took a long drink alongside Shane the only two who drank. "God you guys ain't adventurous." Sam laughed as he put his drink down.

"You'd have to be pretty talented to do that." Tim said in a amazement. "They are too tippy."

"Well it was half on land."

They went around the table and it was Derek's turn. Derek didn't want to say anything at all but all eyes were on him and he knew he had to say something. "I never had sex in a hot tub."

Shane turned his head to Sam wearily then picked up his drink and drank along with Derek again the only two who were drinking. Sam only smiled filling Shane with relief while Tim started laughing. "Geez Shane is there anywhere you ain't had sex?"

"I haven't had sex in the principals office." Pete and Nathan both laughed.

"You ought to try it, the air of danger makes it more fun."

Shane shook his head not agreeing in any way.

By an hour later they were all totally shit faced mostly just talking and not sticking to any game at all. Sam started calling Shane daddy and Kenny mommy feeling much like a little kid sitting so far below them at the table. Kenny and Shane got right into their roles and kept patting him on the head.

"Let's play spin the bottle." Kenny called out.

Jimmy looked at him in surprise knowing Kenny had to be totally drunk to want to play that. Everyone was so drunk they agreed immediately no one giving a thought to the face that Derek and Shane could easily end up having to kiss.

They all got in a circle on the floor Shane got on his knees with Seth on one side of him and Sam on the other. Kenny ran in from the kitchen and took his place by Sam leaving them in the same order on the floor as they had been in on the table. "I'll go first." He leaned into the circle and gave the empty Whiskey bottle a mighty spin. He followed it with his eyes then looked up where it pointed as it stopped. He smiled at Kyle then crawled across the floor and gave him a great big kiss.

"Wow, Kenny," Kyle his eyes all glassy ran his finger over his lips. "You are a great kisser."

Kenny blushed a bit but was too drunk to care much. "Yeah well don't get to used to it." Jimmy spoke up grabbing a hold of the bottle. Kyle kissed his hand for a minute looking like he was trying to relive the experience and Tim smacked him on the back of the head. "You are making me feel bad."

Kyle chuckled then lip locked Tim. Feigning great excitement he put the back of his wrist to his forehead and pretended to faint flopping back on the floor. Tim straddled him and they made out even more. "Hey," Jimmy called out.

Tim turned his head around and looked at him. "What?"

"I gotta kiss Kyle now."

Tim's shoulders sagged. "Geez, I hate this game."

"Oh yeah but it's okay when you get to kiss everyone else." Jimmy snickered as he crawled across the floor pushed Tim aside and straddled Kyle himself. Jimmy made it last a real long time just to bug Tim which worked cause Tim hauled him off Kyle and pushed him back to his own side of the room.

He sat Kyle back up who was looking very dazed and made him switch places with him. Nathan took the bottle and gave it another spin landing on Kyle even in his new position. Tim made fists with his hands and smacked his thighs while everyone else laughed at him.

Nathan crawled across the floor and planted another huge kiss on Kyle while Tim drummed his fingers on his thighs and stared up at the ceiling. "I think the game is fixed."

"I like it." Kyle said loudly as Nathan crawled back across the floor. Tim shoved him playfully with his elbow and Kyle to drunk to keep his balance even on his knees fell over flat on his back again.

Jimmy's dog who as far as Shane could tell rarely made an appearance in the house joined their circle plopping in between Kenny and Jimmy. "Oh great, I'm gonna have to kiss him." Tim said shaking his head. Kenny laughed and kissed the dog full on the lips. "It ain't so bad." the dog seemed to like it and licked Kenny all over his face and neck getting Kenny giggling uncontrollable.

Derek drunk enough now so he didn't care much he was hated by half the people at the party grabbed the bottle and just prayed it didn't land on Seth, Matt or Sam. Shane he would love but doubted anyone would let him kiss him. He spun the bottle and let out a long sigh when it pointed over at Sam.

Sam laughed too drunk to really care. "Well come on big stud."

Shane laughed and elbowed him thinking Sam was revealing his secret nickname for Derek from a long time ago. Derek walked across the floor on his knees. "You ain't gonna bite me or nothing are you."

Sam grabbed him by the back of the neck and just before their lips touched said. "Don't give me any ideas." He didn't bite him and was actually pretty impressed with Derek's kissing abilities. When Derek turned back to his corner Sam turned to Shane. "He's pretty good." he smacked Shane on the leg. "Not as good as you but hey who could be."

Derek flooded with relief as he sat back down by Pete as the situation was not the disaster he'd expected. Seth's turn came around and he gave the bottle a mighty spin Shane was not even paying any attention since he and Sam kept sneaking 'illegal' kisses. All of a sudden Seth was on him. Pushing him down to the ground and kissing him with the force of five men.

Derek could feel himself growing hard just at the sight of someone kissing Shane so passionately. He looked down at the floor thinking of less pleasant thoughts til his dick started to slacken. Matt swatted Seth's ass. "Don't fuck him right here. We got a game to play."

Seth sat back up pushed down his hard on with his hand and held it there while everyone laughed at him since he was so huge it could easily be seen by everyone.

Shane sat up his lips sort a puffy from the ferocious kiss which only turned Derek on even more. He reached out to the bottle and gave it a big spin his shoulders sagged as the bottle pointed directly at Derek.

He looked at Sam, Sam only shrugged having no doubt he would not have to worry about Shane going back to Derek whether they kissed or not. Derek knew he should have said something like 're-spin' or 'you don't have to' but fact was he wanted it too badly. His heart leapt in his throat as Shane adShaned on him the kiss was warm but only cause Shane's lips had been heated up so by Seth. He felt no tingle on Shane's end like there once was and though he already knew Shane cared very little for him it still nearly broke his heart.

Without having any control over it tears started down his cheeks. Pete looked over at him totally baffled. "What's wrong?"

Shane back in his spot turned back around his mouth hung open seeing Derek crying. The room grew silent other then the sounds of Derek's quiet crying. Seth, Matt, Shane and Seth all looked at each other. Matt, Seth and sam thinking for the first time that maybe Shane had been right all along at just how sorry Derek was about the whole situation.

Kenny had tears rolling down his cheeks too never in a million years thinking he'd feel sorry for Derek but knowing all he'd gone through as well since the incident he did feel a little sorry for him.

Derek stood up crying harder. "I gotta go." He started for the door Sam nudged Shane and nodded to him that he should try and do something. Since knowing Shane so well he knew he'd want to.

Shane swallowed hard and stood up. He walked over and took Derek's arm. "You don't gotta go Derek. Come on stay. We are having fun."

Derek shook his head and tried to pull his arm out of Shane's in his misery he was still surprised when he wasn't able to. "I'm sorry Shane." he sobbed out. "I can't live with myself anymore after what I did to you. And I certainly can't sit here like nothing ever happened."

Shane turned and looked at the rest of the group nervously that were all looking back up at them.

"How can you not hate me? How can you be so wonderful?" Derek looked at him pleadingly.

Shane figuring Derek was about to reveal something he didn't want revealed led Derek out onto the porch.

Jimmy smashed his fist down on his thigh. "What the fuck went on with those two?" he wasn't mad just curious as hell and more then a little annoyed cause to him it seemed like everyone knew but him.

"Derek used to beat on Shane. Then him and the whole basketball team kid napped him and took him to a....."

Seth leaned across the circle and shoved Pete. "Pete stop. You think Shane wants everyone knowing that shit."

Kenny started sobbing and Sam put his arms around him and held him tightly.

Jimmy turned to Pete while everyone else looked at Sam all of them in total shock despite their drunken states. "You are still going out with him?" Tim said angrily. "What the hell is the matter with you?"

Pete shook his head. "He's gone through treatment. He spent six months in mental hospital. It's not like he hasn't paid for and learned from his mistakes. My God he's still paying just look at what just happened."

Sam put his chin on top of Kenny's head. "I actually think he's right. Derek treated Shane very well most of the time. Bought him things, took him out to eat. He was just so scared of someone finding out. You don't know how bad it is at Prescott high. Just look at the bruise on Matt's face." Sam nodded over to Matt who absent mindedly rubbed the fresh bruise below his left eye he'd gotten just that day.

"I never thought I'd stick up for Derek." Sam said rubbing Kenny's back. "What he did was totally wrong. But it's obvious that he loved Shane. It's wasn't like he initiated the basketball team incident he was sort a dragged along."

"Did they rape him?" Nathan asked quietly.

Sam sighed figuring they were all gonna think that anyways he nodded. "And beat him so bad he nearly died."

Shane sat down on the porch step and pulled Derek down beside him. "I don't want all them knowing what happened Derek. You can't say anything."

Derek looked at him fearfully through his tears. "I thought you'd already told most of them?"

"No Mr. Mason told Sam, Sam told Seth and Matt. I told Kenny no one else knows."

"I told Pete."

Shane hung his head and shook it. "Damn Derek why'd you do that?"

"I had to tell him what I was like Shane. I didn't want him thinking he was going out with some angel."

Shane looked over and studied Derek's face. "You gotta stop being so hard on yourself Derek. I don't think you quite deserve it."

"How can you of all people say that?"

Shane sighed and looked out at the road that was slick from a recent rain and dimly lit by the street lamps that silhouetted the last of the falling leaves and the ones already fallen that were blowing around in the wind. He turned his body partway to Derek and put his hand on his. "We had a lot of good times Derek. You were my first boyfriend. The first person to ever be nice to me. I imagine I was hard to handle, I was sulky and untrusting."

Derek shook his head vehemently. "Don't you say that Shane." He said angrily. "There was no excuse for all those times I hit you and what I did in the end. No excuse at all."

"Well my point is, you were a good boyfriend ninety percent of the time. We had a great time together mostly. Don't you think?"

"Well I sure think so Shane. I'll never stop loving you. You weren't whiny at all I don't know why you said that or would even think that."

"But how come you gotta go to practice can't you just skip it?" Shane whined extra hard and got Derek chuckling.

"You weren't that bad." He said shaking his head.

"But Bart's so mean, why you gotta hang out with him anyways."

Derek let out a laugh and smacked Shane on the arm. "Stop it, I don't want to feel good."

Shane laughed too. "You taking up my self hating behavior now Derek? Don't you remember how that used to piss you off? Why do it? I don't think anyone else hates you why hate yourself."

"Course others hate me Shane. What about Sam, Matt and Seth?"

"Well they're just mad. Sam actually wanted me to try and make you feel better. He don't hate you."

"Are the four of you a couple or something?"

Shane grinned. "Four doesn't add up to a couple."

"Well you know what I mean."

"Well sort of. Sam and I are a couple and Seth and Matt are a couple but when the four of us get together we are kinda a foursome. And when Sam's gone Matt and Seth and I are kinda a threesome."

"If you and Sam ever broke up would you ever consider going back out with me?" Derek looked at Shane nervously surprising even himself that he'd asked that question but needing to know if there would ever be any hope.

"Sam and I aren't gonna break up Derek. We've already survived through times harder then most people ever face. If we made it through that we are gonna make it through anything. Next year, About seven months from now he's gonna be living back here. Just another hurdle we will have crossed. I love Sam with all of my heart and I know he loves me back just as much. If we ever became separated for any reason I would not be able to even picture myself going out with anyone else."

Shane leaned back on his hands and sighed. "Like how many boyfriends do you know would let their mate out on the porch with their ex for maybe ten minutes already without checking up on us once?"

Derek grinned and shook his head. "Surely not me."

"It's cause he trusts me. He knows I love him and would never do anything to hurt him and I know the same of him."

"Well even though I'm jealous as hell I'm real happy for you Shane. You sure do deserve it. I'm sure of that."

Shane squeezed Derek's hand and smiled warmly at him. "So you and I at least friends?"

"I'm game if you are Shane."

Shane nodded and gave him a quick hug. "Now we gotta go drink more cause I'm really sobering up."

Shane could tell the moment he walked in the room that everyone knew what had gone on between Derek and him months before. He wanted to bolt from the room but stood his ground not wanting to lose any of these friends that were all a big reason why his new life was now so valuable to him.

Sam looked at him apologetically from the floor and he smiled a weak smile back loving the fact he could read Sam's message right off his face. Shane knelt down between Kenny and Sam and downed the rest of his drink that had been three quarters full.

Derek looked around at everyone nervously as he sat down pretty sure himself that everyone knew now. "I can leave if you guys want."

They all glanced over at Shane then back at Derek. "We don't want you to leave Derek." Tim spoke up. "If it's alright with Shane it's alright with us." he turned back to Shane. "It's okay with you right?"

Shane nodded while Kenny got up took and took his glass and Shane's into the kitchen. The silence stretched on again for a few more minutes. Shane looked around at everyone who was glancing up at him every few seconds. "Well it's obvious you all know what happened. Derek's not the same person he was and even the way he was before wasn't bad. I don't want anyone to hate him on my account cause I don't hate him. What happened wasn't his fault. And that's all I want to say about it." He put his hands on his thighs and let out a long sigh. "So in respect to me and in honor of Kenny." He looked over as Kenny kneeled back down beside him. "Let's all continue getting shit faced and forget about the last twenty minutes."

Seth, Matt and Sam all clapped the others joined in after a moment then they all resumed drinking vigorously having all lost a good deal of their buzzes real fast in the previous twenty minutes.

They stayed up long into the night most of the people passing out right on the livingroom floor. After waking up Matt, Seth, Shane and Sam went upstairs to a bedroom and were up another two hours catching up on lost time with Sam. They caught up again after waking up at eight the next morning.

After taking showers they straggled downstairs where most everyone was up only one still sleeping was Kyle who was snuggled up with Jimmy's dog. Seth grinned at Tim. "You gonna allow that?" he asked pointing down at Kyle.

"Dog's a good lay." Tim grinned before taking a bite of cereal.

"I bet he ain't as good as Shane's dog." Seth said grinning. "That dog knows how to french kiss."

Shane smacked him on the arm. "Don't pick on my dog."

"I'm not, I'm giving him a compliment."

Derek who was sitting on the couch with his own bowl of cereal looked up at Shane. "You got a dog Shane?"

"Yeah, you met him. That dog that lived in the park."

Derek's eyes lit up. "The German Shepard?"

"Yes, Tad and Don bought him for me."

"You got a German Shepard?" Nathan asked sounding totally jealous. Shane beamed and nodded.

Nathan stomped his foot. "Man I always wanted a German Shepard. My ma's got a friggin poodle."

"My mom's got a Pomeranian." Derek chuckled.

Kenny walked out of the kitchen with one hand on his stomach and one on his forehead. Shane grinned over at him. "You okay there Kenny?"

"I got one big hangover." he said with a sly grin. "I just may puke before the morning is out."

"Your lips are still blue." Matt said laughing.

"Did you know when you puke up blue Curacoa it's colored blue too."

Matt shook his head and laughed again. "No but thanks for the very useful information."

Kenny grinned and dropped down onto Jimmy's lap who was sitting on the couch. He looked at Derek curiously. "I know I don't hate you anymore but I can't remember why."

Derek and Jimmy both laughed and Jimmy kissed the side of Kenny's head. "I'll tell you later."

Kenny nodded while Shane smiled at Jimmy appreciatively. "Well," he said clapping his hands together. "I gotta go see my shrink. I say that freely since you guys know every other god Damn thing about me now."

Tim stood up from the couch and gave Shane a big hug. "You are an amazing person Shane. I wish I was as strong as you are." Shane hugged him back.

"Don't say that, you'll get me bawling."

Tim chuckled and pulled away smiling warmly at him. "Okay I just had to say it once."

Kenny got up and hugged him too, "I'm glad you came to my party."

Shane hugged him back. "Me too I had real good time."

After leaving Max's office, Seth and Matt dropped Shane and Sam off at Shane's house. Sam's heart felt like it withered up in his chest seeing his mothers car in the driveway. "She ain't supposed to be back til tomorrow."

Shane looked over at him both of them had tears in their eyes. "Maybe she'll stay one more night." They walked into the house where Don, Tad and Sam's mom were sitting around in the livingroom.

Don turned and motioned them in. "We need to all have a talk boys."

They both walked into the livingroom feeling very nervous wondering what in hell could be wrong. They both sat side by side on the love seat and looked at the adults nervously.

"Well you boys put us in a real pickle here."

Shane shook his head. "We didn't do anything."

Don raised his hand to silence him. "It's not you as much as it is Sam."

Sam furrowed his brow looking totally confused. "What did I do Ma?"

"Well you mope around the house, you've made no attempt to make any friends, you are no longer a joy to live with and I got your report card in the mail before we left. You know you still need to apply yourself your last year whether you are already accepted into a college or not."

Sam sat back on the couch and sighed. "Why you gotta bring that up here?" He asked looking around to Don Tad and Shane.

"Because your behavior is a direct result of you missing Shane. My only option was to insist you break up."

Sam opened his mouth as tears streamed down his cheeks but didn't get any words out before his mother spoke up again. "But I knew that wouldn't work either. Breaking up wouldn't make you miss him any less. I've been talking with Don and Tad about the situation. I'm not totally for it, but I'm willing to do it." she let out a long sigh and brushed her hair off her forehead.

"You can move back here if you want. You can live here with Don and Tad." Sam jumped up and yelled for joy but his mother quickly silenced him. "Sit back down." She said pointing to a chair. Sam sat back down and grasped onto Shane's hand both of them shaking in excitement. "There are some rules you will need to follow or you will be shipped right back to Maine."

Sam nodded and waited for the list.

"First off you are gonna have your own room. I don't want the two of you living here like a married couple. Neither of you are eighteen and I don't agree that you are having sex so young."

Shane and Sam both blushed wanting to disappear.

"I know you do and there's not much I can do to stop it but I am not gonna allow you to sleep in the same bed every night. If you are caught in Shane's bed in the night or having sex at all while you are in this house then you are coming back to me."

"Second, if you get any warning notices from school about your grades or get anything below a c on your next report card you are coming back home. I'm doing this so you won't throw your life away so you getting good grades is very important. Don is going to tutor you and he says that he will spend an hour with you every evening I don't want you whining or giving him any crap about it."

Sam smiled over at Don willing to do anything to get to stay and very Thankful to Don and Tad for extending this wonderful offer.

"You are also gonna earn your keep here. I told them to give you plenty of chores. They don't have to do this. They are doing this out of the kindness of their hearts and you need to show them that you appreciate it."

"I do appreciate it." Sam said adamantly.

"I'm sure you do." She said with a first hint of a smile. "I'm going to ship your stuff down UPS. You can stay here as of today." She stood up and held her arms out to him. Sam got up and walked into them hugging her tightly. "I'm gonna miss you baby so I'll look for any little reason to bring you back home with me. So stay on your toes, be a good boy and just maybe I'll let you stay."

"I'll be good mom. Thank you so much."

She squeezed him extra tight and kissed his forehead. "I better go before I start crying." She took his hand. "Walk out to the car with me?" Sam nodded. She looked down at Don and Tad. "Thank you so much. And I mean it, I don't want him slacking off around here. Keep him busy."

Don and Tad both nodded and got up and shook her free hand. "I'm sure we won't have any problems. Sam's a good kid." Tad said tousling Sam's hair. As soon as Sam and his mother left the house Shane jumped up off the couch and ran into Tad and Don's arms.

"You know," He said his head buried between theirs. "I'm starting to think my life before was worth it just to get to live with you guys."

Don rubbed his arm up and down Shane's back. "No it wasn't Shane. No one should have to suffer that much no matter how good their life turns out in the end."

"I just can't believe this, this is even better then my dream."

Don and Tad pulled back and looked at him sideways. "What dream?"

Shane grinned sheepishly, "the dream I used to have. About how I wanted things." Tad and Don sat down on the couch and pulled Shane down between them. "How come we've heard nothing about this dream before."

Shane shrugged. "Don't know."

"How long did you have this dream?"

"Since I was little. I just used to pretend it was so sometimes when I was all alone."

Don lifted Shane's arm and held it. "Well you gonna tell us about it?"

"It's kinda embarrassing."

"Oh come on." Tad added. "It's not like we haven't talked about embarrassing things before."

Shane moved his head from side to side considering this. "True." He sighed, "okay, well I had a mom and dad." He looked at Tad when he said mom and grinned. Tad rolled his eyes but grinned too. "I had a dog." he motioned down to Shep who was lying at his feet chewing on another bone. "I was the most popular boy in school and star of the swim team. When I was younger I always had girlfriends but couldn't even make out with them. When I hit high school I had boyfriends and when I got together with Sam I had Sam. There were bunches of different scenarios but that was my family. My mom stayed home all day but my father worked he was always home for dinner though. we all ate dinner together every night."

Tad grabbed onto Shane's arm. "And you got yelled at for feeding your dog at the table?" he said a revelation hitting him.

Shane nodded and looked at him funny. "How did you know that?"

"That day at lunch right after you got here. You kept feeding Shep and looking at me. Like you wanted me to do something in particular about it."

Shane grinned turning a little red. "Oh yeah I remember. You passed by the way."

Tad chuckled now what Shane had done that day making perfect sense to him.

"So sounds to me like your dream has pretty much come true Shane."

"I'd say, even better." Shane said smiling. "I'm not the most popular boy in school but I've got lots of friends that I care about very much and I think they all care about me too. I've got my dog, and two dads." He smiled warmly at Tad. "Which in my opinion is better then a mother and father. And now it will be like I have a brother since I can't have sex with him here." he chuckled. "On weekends he'll be my boyfriend."

Sam was kept busy by Tad and Don and spent an hour un begrudgingly at the table with Don every night going over his work which Don saw he had little trouble now that he was actually applying himself to his work.

He spent his afternoons at the pool at school watching Shane practice and was amazed as everyone else who'd seen him had been at Shane's extreme talent for diving.

On Friday afternoon at four o'clock the balcony around the pool was filled with spectators to the first official meet of the year. Shane who was sitting on a bench down below by Seth did not even dare look up at them wondering what in hell he'd gotten himself into.

The swimming events were first Shane was in only one of those and came in six out of ten. Coach patted him on the back when he got out of the pool. He wondered why as he'd totally sucked but in his opinion he'd always not done so well at the swimming part.

His heart started beating faster and he could feel himself shaking as the beginning of the diving competition was announced. Coach had signed him up for only the two higher dives saying he was not gonna waste his talent on the puny little one. Seth put his hand on Shane's leg and smiled at him. "You're gonna do great Shane. Don't you dare let all these people scare you. You're gonna have 'em all speechless by the end of this meet." He was drying his hair off with a towel his events already over with placing 1st in one and 2nd in the other.

After his first dive the medium one he surfaced to a raucous noise of applause. He climbed out of the pool, where coach and Seth both hugged him then sat down and looked over at the judges. Seth jumped up and clapped loudly as well as all the people above in the bleachers when his score was revealed. "You are way ahead Shane, you got this in the bag." Seth said dropping back down beside him and putting his arm around him.

His name was called over the intercom again. He stood up shakily walked over to the ladder and climbed to the highest board. He took a deep breath at the top and his nerves left him. He looked around at the crowd and spotted Tad, Sam and Don. Don was sitting in the middle with his arm over Sam's shoulders and the three were looking at him with anticipation and a look Shane had no doubt was love.

He smiled at them then raised up his arms which was a show for the judges but something he loved to do as it made him feel even more powerful in this spot that made him feel powerful in the first place. Looking a head he saw Derek, Pete, Tim, Kyle, Kenny, Nathan and Jimmy all looking at him from another section of the balcony. He smiled at them too and they all waved back filling his heart with such a warmth he was afraid it would melt before he got his dive in.

He half wished his father and brother could see him now but knew even if they did they probably would still hate him. What was most important now was that he did not care what they thought. He knew he did not deserve the hate they forced on him every day.

He walked to the end of the board bounced a couple times then walked back and raised his arms again. The whistle blew he took a step forward did a cart wheel then did a round off the round off landing propelling him high off the board. He did his flips and rolls and the crowd started cheering before he even hit the water.

Coach hefted him out of the water the second he reached the side and threw his arms around him. He was hugged by the entire team as the crowd continued to roar above them. Twenty minutes later Shane walked into the locker room with the rest of his team carrying two round medals. Medals he could not wait get home to hang up in his room.

When he left the locker room Don, Tad and Sam plus his friends were all waiting for him. Everyone last one of them gave him a big hug including Derek. Shane worried some about this as he'd still not told Don or Tad that he was even going to the same school.

Around the dinner table with Sam, Tad and Don an hour later with Kentucky fried chicken buckets scattered all over the table Don brought it up. "So I'm assuming Derek just didn't appear out of nowhere for this swim meet tonight Shane."

Shane shook his head while Sam looked at him curiously. Shane figuring the look was cause Sam figured he had told them. "He's been going to school there all year. He started going out with one of my friends." he picked a piece of chicken off a breast bone and stuck it in his mouth. "He's a lot different now you guys. I hated him and ignored him for most of the year but last week I decided to start talking to him again, we had a long talk and we are gonna be okay as friends. I made it very clear I never wanted to go out with him again."

Don smiled and shook his head at the same time. "You are one amazing person Shane."

Shane blushed. "I know that." he said chuckling while Sam leaned into his and kissed him on the cheek. Sam then looked over at Don who was looking back at him. "What? Brothers do that."

Don laughed and shook his head. "Yeah on leave it to Beaver."

"Well that's okay Ward."

Shane smiled knowing he'd never been happier as he was at that very moment. He reached into the chicken bucket grabbed a wing and ripped off a big piece. He held it down to Shep who gobbled it up.

Tad shook his head. "Don't feed the dog at the table Shane."

Next: Chapter 11

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