Shall We Meet

By Mike H

Published on Feb 15, 2021


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I received a message.

"You haven't completed your task in the allotted time. Finish your task. And no skimping, you do things properly or else ..."

I carried on cutting through my underpants and jocks. It was actually more difficult than I anticipated. I kicked myself for not keeping track of the time. I finished and sent a message:

"Sorry, all done."

"Put them in the bin."

As directed, I put the cut-up remnants into the bin, and then sent an "ok" back.

"Right, since you obviously need more instruction. Drink 3 pints of water as quickly as you can. Tell me when you're done!"

I ran to the kitchen and grabbed a pint glass from the cupboard. I filled and downed the first two pints with ease - the third took a little longer.


"Good. Right, grey jogging shorts, and white t-shirt only. No socks. Go and fetch your nappies. Ask for Don. He is expecting you."

I went to the bedroom and grabbed my shorts and then found a white t-shirt. The shorts being stretchy fabric didn't do a huge amount to conceal my nappy - it wasn't obscenely obvious, but if you looked, you'd notice it.

Before last night, I'd had hairy arms and legs. I felt very "sub" - as if I'd lost some of my manliness. I could feel every tiny breeze; the fabric felt different on my skin too.

As I sat in the car, I was aware of my sore backside. I hadn't showered or even looked at it in the mirror thanks to Paul's instructions. It was, therefore, a sore drive to the car park in the town.

Unfortunately, I had to park at the far-end of the town-centre. This meant I had to walk right down the high-street. Perhaps this, too, was Paul making a point!

I finally got to the mobility shop and asked for Don. Don was slightly effeminate but tall and good looking.

I've ... erm ... I would like to buy ....' I wasn't sure where to begin. Then I just blurted out, I think you're expecting me?'

Oh,' said Don, with a broad smile, you've come to collect your nappies?'

I blushed.

`Yes,' I replied.

`I've put the stock of the large capacity ones aside for you, but we'll need to order some more to give you the full order. How are you intending to take them?'

`I've parked my car in the car park ...'

`You won't want to be carrying these to the car - take one case with you and I'll deliver the ones we have for you later this afternoon, ok?'

Suddenly I felt a twinge from below, and then a warming sensation as I started wetting myself. Clearly, the water was working its way through me. It really made the point that I couldn't be without nappies until the damned drugs had worn off.

I had been so focussed on what had just happened in my nappy, that I had blushed and nodded at Don. He'd walked behind the counter and was filling out a form.

`Excellent - now you'll also be signing up to our weekly subscription with delivery, I understand?'

Erm,' I replied, I don't think I need that ...'

Don looked at me very intently.

I'm sorry,' he said, there must be some misunderstanding. That wasn't a question - or would you like me to ring Paul clarify the situation for you?" He looked down at my trainers, then slowly and pointedly scanned up to the swelling bulge in my shorts.


`Where do I sign?'

`Good boy .... Just here and on the banking mandate here ... and that's the standard minimum of 12 months supply of our highest capacity nappies, and a top up of stuffers as needed - all with a 30 day cancellation after that. I'll be popping by weekly to deliver them for you - and making sure you have the right fit / capacity etc.'

'12 months?'

`Absolute minimum. And you might be happy enough with our service to have that as a perpetual agreement very soon. You'll like our nappies, they're plastic-backed and hold 6 litres, so no need for those inconvenient changes during the day.'

`Pop your address here - I'll see you later and every Saturday morning. But here's the case for now.'

I was wetting myself again. This was really humiliating. I just wanted to get out. I grabbed the box and asked if he had a bag?

`I'm sorry, but we don't have bags that big - the case does have a carrying strap here ...'

I took the case from him - the packaging was not discrete at all. Clear plastic showed the nappies inside, and the text out the outside read "Adult High Capacity Nappies, Maximum Absorbency"

I was half way down the high street when I was pissing again. I felt a trickle run down the inside of my hairless thigh and then run down into my trainer. I almost ran back to my car - the movement was causing the nappy to breach.

Breathless, I got back to my car and put the case of nappies on the back seat. I looked down at my shorts - either side of the nappy had wet my shorts - being grey, these areas were now almost black. It was as if my nappy was framed in my shorts.

I had no choice but to change - here and now. I'd ruin my car seats if I wasn't careful. I opened the new case and then used the plastic packaging as a changing mat on the back seat. I hopped into the back of the car and lay on my back. I could feel piss running up my back and on to the t-shirt.

I stripped out of my shorts and then opened a new nappy so I could keep my privacy as much as possible. I set that in the foot-well ready to grab as soon as the old one came off. Then I undid the tapes and pulled out the soaked padding from under me. The cold air hit my hairless skin, and I instantly started pissing again. An arc of piss landed on my t-shirt and I grabbed the new nappy, causing the piss to fly even more.

I pushed the nappy over my cock and used my shorts to dry the rest of me as much as I could. Then I taped it up properly. I didn't bother putting my shorts back on - they were soaked. The car stank of piss and wet nappies.

Once I'd dried everywhere as best I could, I closed the back door and got into the driver's seat. Thoroughly dejected, I drove home. I then saw a message:

"I took the liberty of ordering a couple of additional supplies from the mobility shop. Don will drop them over later and help you with them. Give Don any assistance required. No need to wear anything other than your nappy in the house."

At about 4PM, the doorbell went - sheepishly, I peeked through the front curtain - and could see Don. He was moving several cases of clearly marked nappies from his van to the front-step.

`I'm giving you an initial month's supply, then I'll come back weekly to replenish what you've used. That way, you have no excuse not to wear you nappy - and, I can go on holidays safe in the knowledge that you're not depending me.'

We moved the nappies into the hall.

`Paul said these should go into your bedroom - a couple downstairs but the rest there. Show me whee we're going.'

I led Don to the bedroom and we stacked the cases in the corner.

Right,' he said, I have a few other things to set up - let's get them. Give me a hand carrying.'

I followed him out to his van - again very conscious of the nappy and my hairless state. With no shoes or socks, I had to be careful where I walked too.

`Here you go ...'

Don passed me several boxes marked "Remote care assistant."

We carried them back in to the house, and Don opened the first.

This,' he said, is the hub. Where's your router?'

I pointed to the corner. He opened an app on his `phone and then asked for my network password. A few minutes later, the hub chimed - it was connected.

Don then told me to unpack the remaining boxes. Each contained a camera.

"Best on the market these,' said Don proudly, `two way communications, recording both remote and locally, back-up batteries, thermal, infra-red and normal cameras, all in high-def. Waterproof too - so we can put a couple in the bathroom as well. You're getting the whole works today!'

It took the best part of two hours to set everything up. There were two final pieces to configure - an electric lock with camera on the bathroom door; and a similar lock for the front-door - this with an integral door-bell.

`This will let Paul know when someone visits,' he said with a smile.

Don then sent a message to Paul.

Paul's voice came through the cameras.

`Excellent! I can see everywhere. Say thank you to Don for his work!'

`Thank you Don,' I said quietly.

`No - not like that - Don will want a special present, won't you Don?'

`That's very kind of you - and we could test the camera sound at the same time!'

Don walked forward and reached for my nappy. I backed off.

`Naughty,' he said and grabbed the front of it. With a pull, the nappy flew off and landed on the floor.

`Turn around and bend over - I'm going to fuck you.' He said.

`Please, no ...' I said.

`Was that a refusal?' Paul's voice echoed around the house.

`No,' I said quickly. I turned around and presented my backside to Dom.

`Ask the man to fuck you then!' said Paul.

Knowing this would probably end up on the blackmail material stack, I had little choice.

`Please will you fuck me?' I asked Don.

`Happy to oblige ... I see you've already been punished - I'd have thought you'd want to avoid getting another threshing.'

Dom dropped his pants and spat on my hole. Then he spat on his hand and lubricated himself. I felt the tip of his cock on my hole, and then he was in me.

He took his time with long leisurely strokes, pulling all the way out of me, then all the way back in. I didn't see his manhood but could feel e was reasonably sized and uncut. He started to go faster until finally, balls against my hole, he unloaded. To add to my humiliation, my bladder gave way again and I pissed all over my feet. As Don pulled out of me, I stood up, my faced cock now leaking precum.

`See you next week,' said Dom, putting his member back in his pants. He left me standing in a puddle of my own mess. I bent down and used the already wet nappy to mop up the mess.

It was now half-past six. If I wasn't careful, I'd be late for Paul. I ran to the bathroom, but the door was locked. I sent a message to Paul:

"Please will you unlock the bathroom?"

I went to the bedroom and unpacked a fresh nappy while I waited.

"Just put your nappy on and come over. No clothing required, remember."

Next: Chapter 4

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