Shaken Not Stirred

Published on Jan 6, 1996



Warning - The following story contains descriptions of explicit sex. If you are not an adult or reading descriptions sex stories upset you, do not read any further.

The characters discussed in this story are based upon characters that are the property of major corporations. Use of the characters in this unauthorized story are not intended to provide any financial rewards for myself or to claim any ownership of the characters.

SHAKEN, NOT STIRRED Chapter 1 - The Assignment Chapter 2 - The Assemblage Chapter 3 - The Assault Chapter 4 - The Assertion Chapter 5 - The Assay Chapter 6 - The Assuage Chapter 7 - The Ass Question?

Shaken, not stirred by Waldo

Chapter 1 - The Assignment

The meeting room was large and only contained one large conference table and several chairs. It could have been better used in this new politically correct and very austere British Government headquarters building by putting forty or fifty smaller modular furniture desks into it; but they kept it reserved for high level meetings to remind attendees of the importance of their meeting.

At one end of the table were five members of Parliament. Five years ago, they would have avoided the task that they were here for today but times are changing.

At the other end of the table, an old man was reading various papers in a folder. Looking at his clothes and appearance, you would think that this old man was a book-keeper or accountant that was only days away from mandatory retirement. He turned the pages slowly, almost delicately as his still quick mind absorbed the details on the many pages of the report that had "TOP SECRET - Eyes Only" stamped on each page.

Everyone in the room was quite as the old man perused the folder in front of him. Explanations were not needed as to the contents of the folder because no one wanted to go on the record as saying anything that might later be misconstrued, if something went wrong.

Finally the old man finished his review of the folder, closed the folder, and pushed the folder so it slid across the table, stopping in front of the person sitting at the other end of the table. This was a middle aged, slightly overweight woman with an very out-of-date upsweep hairstyle, who hoped that she would someday be the Prime Minister of England. She did not want to be here today, but considered this problem to be so delicate and important that she felt it deserved her personal attention. She raised her eyebrows and simply asked "Well?"

Admiral Sir Miles Messervey, the aging former head of a British government secret department known formally as M.I.6, was staring back at the woman who looked, acted and thought that she was the current version of Margaret Thatcher who was the British Prime Minister from 1979 to 1990. Under Thatcher's administration, his organization had started it's decline, but had been almost totally wiped out under the bipartisan governing bureaucrats in power now. Officially his department still did not exist and the amount of funding permitted by this woman and her cronies made sure that it was a very minimal organization.

He replied "This will require additional funding. Projects such as this, were not budgeted in this year's budget."

She nodded, knowing before the meeting, that the old man would require funding. That was easy. Whatever else he required, would be difficult to obtain and provide, in this new open government that was reviewed daily by tabloid reporters hoping to find someone doing something that was not politically correct in today's high standards operation.

He continued "It is not the type of assignment that I would normally give him, but there is only one man in our government capable of pulling this off."

The woman tensed, hoping that the old man had other options. She knew who the man was that the Admiral wanted for this project. When he didn't say anything more, she said "I am not interested in details. Responsibility for the successful completion of this project is yours. However, I will say that if you choose the wrong person, that responsibility will fall clearly on you. It will mean the end of your career, if your choice fails or the news media learns of this project."

He smiled for the first time since entering the room as he acknowledged her acceptance of his choice of agent.

Several blocks away, a man wearing an expensive monogrammed white dress shirt and tie, was sitting at a desk in his non-descript office. He was leaned back in his chair, had his feet propped up on the desk where his keyboard was supposed to sit, and was staring out the window. The window was one of the few perks that he was able to enjoy now-a-days. On his desk, were several folders that he had been reviewing and writing his official reviews of the details and trends. He glanced up at the clock and saw that it was close enough to lunchtime to leave the office.

He stood and put his suit coat on, which was beginning to be a little tight from his current lifestyle and work habits. But he was still handsome, tall, well-built, with cold eyes, a nonchalant grin, and walked like a cat. And his black hair was clearly showing several light patches of gray, with just a hint of thinning in the front. After buttoning his jacket, he smiled as he glanced at himself in the mirror. There was a new girl working in one of the secretarial pools that he had noticed yesterday and he intended to ask her out to lunch today. And after lunch, perhaps she would join him after work for a drink?

As he opens his office door, the phone rings. He looks at it, thinking for a moment to ignore it, knowing it would be some befuddled bureaucrat with a stupid question about one of his reports. Then he picked up the phone and said simply "Bond here."

The voice on the other end said "Would you join me for lunch, Commander!"

Bond paused, knowing this was not an invitation to eat. He had not heard this ancient voice in over three years. Not since he had got into trouble on what was supposed to be a routine protection assignment for the Royal Family on holiday. After all, Di is a beautiful young woman and is no longer married to the Prince. That picture taken with a telephoto camera, and printed on the front page of the London Times, showing them sitting on a balcony, with her sitting on his lap and his hand buried under her blouse, clearly cupping her left breast; had brought them both too much publicity. Good thing that the photographer had not been there an hour earlier or he would have to have fought a duel over besmirching her honor. On second thought, any photograph made of anything occurring within her bedroom, would not have been suitable for publication.

He was jolted back to earth when the old man said "I just received permission for you to be re-assigned back to my organization, effective ten minutes ago."

"Yes, sir. I am on my way."

A click on the other end marked the end of this discussion. Bond knew that the old man would not say anything on such a simple device to tap.

Bond was sitting in a large chair, facing a fireplace. Admiral Sir Miles Messervey or "M" as the old staff of government spies, used to call him, still commanded enough authority and respect within this government to justify having one of the few government offices with a fireplace. The Admiral kept a fire going year around to keep the rest of the office warm. Sitting in these chairs so close to the roaring fire also made it difficult for anyone to bug their discussion.

The old man had poured him a glass of liquor from a decanter before sitting down in the other chair. Bond held the glass up, smelled it's aroma, examined it's color, and then took a small sip, cleansing his palate with it before taking another small sip. Then he said "Bordeaux, from the southern region. I would think it was a Decapolis, perhaps 85 or 86."

The old man replied "Close enough. It is one of those new California wines from the American Napa valley. Get it in bulk at my shopping club. Good taste, cheap price. Think it is last fall's batch."

Bond didn't hesitate before replying "That would have been my second guess." with the same self assured method that he had exhibited over the years.

The old man smiled at the younger man sitting beside him. The man that he loved as you would love a wayward son. Then he said "You look like you are out of shape for an assignment. I have something coming up where I need someone to be in top physical conditioning in a month. General assignment will be at a beach resort observing specified individuals; then finding out some of their intermost secrets. Usual sort of thing that used to be done by some of our more in-experienced agents in the old days. Sorry, but it is the only thing that I have to offer you."

"Do I get my license back?"

"No, I don't have authority to grant that. However those damn Parliament fools know that I was going to select you and they did not object. You need to be careful. As you leave, there is a folder on the corner of my desk. Take it with you. It is the paperwork that you will need to go to a training camp, where you will have to shape up. When I have the next details of the assignment ready, Miss Moneypenny will deliver them to you."

"She's still around?" he asked, with a faint smile on his face thinking about M's favorite secretary.

"No, she retired two years ago. She didn't have much retirement funds saved up so I let her move into a small house on my estate. She is the only one that I trust to work out some of the details of your project."

Bond didn't go back to his office, knowing that whatever he was working on, would be collected from his desk and given to one of those faceless know-it-all college kids in the other offices. He took a cab back to his spacious ground- floor apartment off the Kings' Road in Chelsea.

He sat down at his desk and looked at his appointment book for the next month. Within minutes, he had called all of his scheduled golf appointments and canceled everything. Then he started packing.

When finished, he called his housekeeping agent and explained that he was going on holiday for a month. Aunt May had died while doing grocery shopping for him about three years ago and Bond had not been able to find anyone to clean his apartment that was not associated with an agent.

When packed, he carried his luggage out to the garage and removed the tarpaulin from his car. It was not the car of his choice which was the Aston Martin DB5 with the hidden extras of retractable machine guns, smoke screen, oil spiller, extending hub caps, radar and ejector seat; but it was an acceptable Jaguar XKE series.

In the garage, he pried up a board and removed a box. He opened the box and removed a smaller box, which he opened. He gently removed the Walther PPK (Polizei Pistole Kurz) 7.65 millimeter pistol, examined it, and replaced it in the smaller box, which also contained a couple of different types of holsters and some ammunition. He puts the smaller box in the trunk and re-hides the bigger box.

Chapter 2 - The Assemblage

He has worked hard the last month and his new lean and hard body showed it. He had lost two full belt notches since arriving. It had not been easy because he had to give up the drinking, the smoking, the fine foods and dining and replace it with a very heavy exercise regime. It had not been easy because he had almost let himself go too far, thinking that he would never be given another assignment.

He was silently standing in the dark on a roof-top balcony, while he recovered his breathing. When he was positive that no one had seen him climb the side of the building, he unzipped his black camouflage jumpsuit and stepped out of it to reveal that he was wearing a black tie outfit under it. He opened his backpack and removed his shinny black shoes and quickly changed from his climbing shoes. Then he put the jumpsuit into his backpack and dropped it off the ledge, where he could recover it later.

After adjusting his appearance, making sure that everything was in the correct place and that he looked as if he had just stepped out on the balcony for a smoke. Inside his inner breast pocket was a ticket for the charity event and two thousand pounds that had arrived in an envelope two days ago, supposedly from M. While he could have used the ticket to gain entrance through the front door, he preferred to add some additional training to his night out on the town.

He stepped into the well-lit ballroom and was instantly greeted by the crowd noise of the typical aristocrat black- tie party. As a waiter walked by carrying a tray of drinks, he removed one, recognizing that it was not a drink that he would order for himself.

As he walked through the crowd of men and women, he listened to their chatter and wondered why M wanted him to attend this. He still had not been briefed on his mission or his quarry. The crowd on the upper level were standing around in small groups, talking, making useless chit-chat. As he walked, he did not see anyone's face that he recognized from his years of memorizing photographs of his country's enemies.

He walked down the curved stairwell and then he saw her standing in the middle of the crowd on the floor. While there were some attractive women at this soiree, she was the first one to arouse any strong sexual desires within him. From forty feet away and ten feet up the stairwell, he could feel the strong sexual sensuality that she was radiating. As did the small crowd of men standing around her, trying to impress her with their self-importance.

He paused and stopped to admire her. She was clearly an young American female that knew she was blonde, buxom and beautiful. She reminded him of an young Loni Anderson, with her pouty lips, beautiful sultry lips, very large firm breasts, and long flowing blonde hair. Except that Loni was always so pale and this woman had a beautiful golden tan. The formal low cut black dress that she was wearing, showed a very desirable shapely body under it's clinging fit and the slit up the skirt revealing a fine leg.

As he stood and looked at her talking to the small crowd of men standing around her, she looked up and saw him standing on the stairwell. For just a second, their eyes locked, there was just a trace of a smile on her lips and then she returned her attention to the man talking to her that was standing in front of her.

For just a moment, there was a trace of regret as he acknowledged to himself, that someday he would be too old to enjoy such a fine specimen of young and scintillating womanhood. But he knew that when that unwanted time came in another sixty or so years, he would face it.

While he would personally have preferred joining her crowd of admirers and finding some way to use his personal charm, to convince her to accompany him back to his bedroom; he knew that he was here on a job. After he had scopped out the rest of the attendees, he would come back and meet her.

He continued down the stairwell and looked at some of the other people on this floor. Most of them were pompous asses, with too much money and time; and an greatly exaggerated opinion of themselves. As he wandered through a door, he found a small gambling casino, set up to benefit some charity. He wandered around until he found a blackjack game and watched the players.

Most of them were losing their money. Except for one gray-haired man wearing a white formal dinner jacket with a nice pile of chips in front of him. Bond watched for a couple of hands and noticed that the man clearly knew the odds of this game and played to win. A faint smile crossed Bond's lips as he realized that he would enjoy sitting down and challenging this man's cardplaying ability.

Bond turned around and was going to explore the rest of the hall when he saw the blonde American woman approaching. Men were standing aside so that she could walk wherever she wanted. As she walked by, they smiled at her and quickly checked her body out as she continued on. She came straight to the card table and put her hand on the gray-haired man's shoulder. He looked up and said "Good. I could use some luck."

Bond walked around the table and sat down at an empty chair so that he was almost facing the gray-haired man, pulled out his gunmetal cigarette case loaded with his Morlands cigarettes and removed his 2,000 pounds. He handed the 2,000 pounds to the dealer and received twenty 100 pounds chips. This would be an expensive game and he could not afford to lose many games.

As the dealer broke the seal on a new deck of cards, Bond grabbed a waiter's attention and said "Please bring me a drink. I would like a dry vodka martini, shaken not stirred."

The woman smiled at him as he announced his drink. Her companion pushed some chips on the table.

Thirty minutes later, Bond was looking at his winnings. He had over 10,000 pounds lying in front of him and had another 3,000 pounds invested in the current pot. It had quickly became a series of high-stakes rounds between him and the gray-haired man, with everyone else dropping out as the stakes quickly rose.

The man was staring at his card and thinking. A professional dealer was dealing the cards, but the gray- haired man had assumed the role of being the blackjack dealer, giving him the advantage of seeing both of Bond's cards. In this game, the dealer had to stand on seventeen and draw a card if sixteen or below. Closest person to twenty-one without going over, won; with the dealer winning in a tie situation. Bond had eighteen showing, and the gray-haired man had a six showing and one card down; which was probably a ten-pointer. It was Bond's turn.

"Hit me." he said. The woman smiled at him, knowing that it was foolish to ask for another card, when he had a decent chance of winning this round with his existing cards. Before the dealer could comply, the gray-haired man held up his hand and said "Excuse me. Before you get your card, I would like to know your name."

"Bond. James Bond."

"Mr. Bond. I am John Augustus. This young, attractive lady is my personal secretary, Marti. I admire your skill in playing cards but am a little disappointed in your request for another card. Because it is just between me and you, I will give you a chance to drop out because I intend to raise the stakes on this pot. I think that you have about 10,000 pounds of my money in front of you. I have to leave in a couple of minutes and would like for my money to leave with me. If you stay in, I would like to raise the pot by 10,000 pounds. Would you have any problem with that?"

Bond pushed all of the chips in front of him into the pot and said "So nice to meet you. Are you American?"

The man laughed and pushed another 10,000 pounds into the pot, making it worth about 23,000 pounds. Many of the other people in the room had gathered around as the stakes became richer, but this display of high risk gambling caused a general silence to quite the room as more people crowded around to observe this game. Then he looked at Bond and said "Yes. Now do you still want another card?"

Bond nodded and the dealer flipped over a card. It was a 2. Bond now had 20. Bond nodded that he would stand on this combination. The American said "Hit me." as he flipped over his down card. It was a 7. He had 13 and needed an 8 or less.

The dealer flipped over a card. It was a 9. The American lost.

He stood, nodded toward Bond as acknowledgment of Bond's winning and turned to leave the table. The woman flashed Bond a beautiful smile and left, following Augustus. Bond lit one of his cigarettes and pushed half of the pot to the dealer as he said "Take ten percent for yourself and give the rest to the charity."

Chapter 3 - The Assault

The hot sun felt good as the rays soaked into his body. He was lying on a private beach belonging to a resort located in the Bahama Islands. He still did not know what his assignment was or who his quarry was. He had seen no one at the night time event that he recognized from the many files that he still reviewed. Augustus and the woman had left the event and Bond had spent the rest of the night, walking around, making small talk as he blended into the general crowd. He had received another envelope the day after the charity affair, with airline tickets and a room reservation at this resort.

He had left immediately and had been here for four days now soaking up the sun and maintaining his body's new hard shape. Every morning, he swam four miles in the ocean and then jogged for six miles. The rest of the time, he was acquiring a suntan that was beginning to look like a native's tan.

While he was lying on his blanket, relaxing, he was still very aware of his surroundings. This resort owned this stretch of beach and permitted topless bathing suits for the women. He had picked out a couple of college girls with nice firm boobs that he had been observing. He was planning on going to the beach bar the next time that they were ready for a drink, and try to pick one of them up. There might be thirty years difference between their ages, but he knew that he was still a good-looking man and had plenty of charm.

As he was watching them, he saw something out of the corner of his eye. It was the blonde-haired woman from the casino the other night. She was strolling down by the water's edge, wearing only a small bright yellow sarong covering a bikini bottom, covering her hips and very upper thighs. She was topless and her large breasts were glistening with a generous coating of suntan lotion. As he looked at the rest of her body, he saw that she had lotion on the rest of her body also, but it was her breasts that attracted him and held his attention. The areola were small but the nipples were pouty on the large, firm breasts. They looked sort of like a small breast on top of her bigger breast. She had a small dog on a lease and was leading him around the cove.

Bond looked around and didn't see anyone else from the gray-haired American's party. From scouting the local area during his runs, he knew that there was a path along the shoreline that could take him around the point without her seeing him. Then he could be walking back as he ran into her.

He walked up to the pier and headed down the trail. As soon as he was away from the buildings, he started jogging so that he could cover the longer distance quickly. Within five minutes, he was walking down the beach toward where she would be walking, trying to look relaxed as he headed back toward the point. As he came around a small bend, he could see the dog running loose and she was fighting with someone.

He ran toward them. The man that she was fighting with, did not hear Bond approach. As Bond reached where they were rolling in the sand, he grabbed the man and threw the man off of her. Bond looked at the woman for a moment to make sure she was all right and then looked back at her assailant. The man was a local and had pulled a knife. As Bond circled the assailant, the woman stood up and said "Rico. You are fired. If I tell John that you attacked me, you are a dead man. Leave and never let me see you again."

The man looked at the woman, frowned and started backing up the slope. Bond let him go as he turned to face the woman.

Her hair was disheveled from the groping and one of her breasts was red from where the man had squeezed it roughly as they had fought in the sand. She looked up at him with that beautiful smile as she brushed sand from her chest and legs. Then she said "Bond, isn't it? For some reason, you stood out from the rest of the crowd at the casino and I clearly remember you. After leaving the other night, I thought that we would never meet again. To what do I owe the pleasure?"

Bond smiled back as he said "I decided to take a vacation with my winnings and was just as surprised to see you."

She tried to brush her hair back into place as she said "John will be glad to see you and to get some of his money back. He owns this resort and we live in the house up on the mountain top, overlooking this place. My friends call me Marti."

"I am James. Glad to meet you. Is Marti short for Martha?"

"No, it's short for Martini as in the drink. John has been my life-long lover and his favorite nickname for me is Martini. He says that there is nothing that he likes more than to go home after work and have a couple of Martini's to make him feel better. He prefers his Martini's stirred, not shaken, unlike you. I noticed the other night that you also like Martinis." she said without any trace of embarrassment.

He looked down at her proud, jutting firm naked breasts, thin waist and nice hips as he replied "I have made it a life-long pilgrimage to find the perfect martini. I currently settle for a dry vodka martini that has been shaken but not stirred because stirring bruises the delicate flavor of the drink."

As the dog came running back to her, she grabbed the lease, smiled and said "John would disagree with you on your recipe. He thinks that using the right stirrer, would not bruise the Martini. Would you join John and me tonight for dinner. He has some favorite recipes that you might like to sample."

"It will be my pleasure. I can't help but notice that your breast is red from where you were attacked. Do you wish me to apply first aid?"

She laughed and replied "Years ago, I gave up on that old mother's tale that kissing the injured booboo spot made it better. Thanks, but I am all right."

Chapter 4 - The Assertion

They walked back to the hotel, and she told him that a car would pick him up at seven before she left him. He returned to his room, made sure that no one had been in his room while he was out, and then laid down to take a nap. As he grew older, he discovered that he needed to take a frequent nap. Especially if he was going to be up late.

He dressed and sat around waiting. Marti had told him to dress casual, so he put on some slacks and a simple beach shirt. He would have liked to take his pistol but knew that this was not the time to carry it. He didn't like going on an assignment without knowing what the objective was. But until he was told, he would proceed. The woman tantalized him. She was beautiful, vivacious, young, healthy and had the well-built type of body that always got him in trouble. She also knew how to use his body and she was using the effect that her body had on him, as a tool against him. He liked a challenge and looked forward as much to playing her game as he had enjoyed playing cards with her lover.

The car arrived and drove him back up onto the mountain, overlooking the resort. The house was a little mansion, which was on a little plateau and overlooked the entire beach area.

The gray-haired man was sitting on the patio enjoying the evening breeze. As Bond approached him, the man said "Welcome to my humble home. You taught me a valuable lesson in card-playing the other night, my friend and then saved my favorite concubine today. You asserted that you were the better player and I had to challenge you. You were correct and maybe we could do it again. Would like you like a drink? This is a fresh picture of dry vodka martinis. I understand that you are also a connoisseur of fine martinis."

"Yes, I have been know to partake. As for today, I did nothing. Did you report the man to the police?"

"No, unfortunately, he ran in front of a truck that belonged to my resort and was killed this afternoon. I had asked some of my security staff to investigate him but before they could visit him, he died. Is this your first trip to the Island?"

"No, I have been here before, but this is the first time that I have stayed at your resort." said Bond.

"I have asked my staff to make sure that your stay is as pleasant as possible. You are a gentleman, Mr. Bond. You did not react when I identified Marti as one of my concubines. I just thought that I would explain my relationship with her. She is free to do whatever she desires as long as it does not conflict with my business arrangements or desires of the moment. Here come the ladies, now to join us."

Both men stood as Marti and another woman joined them. Marti was wearing a white, low cut summer dress, with long flowing skirt that was blown by the evening breeze. The other woman was one of the island beauties. She was young, dark-skinned, long flowing dark hair, and her name was Tanya. While Tanya was beautiful, it was still Marti that strongly attracted Bond.

The gray-haired man led the party into the house and into a formal dining room. Marti sat facing Bond and Tanya sat facing John. As the servants brought the food in, Marti raised an eyebrow as she said "I was surprised to discover why your name was so familiar to me. I remembered the incident with the Princess and the photos in the paper. Are you going to write a book about the night you spent with her?"

Bond had been asked this many times since that weekend. He held his glass up as a sort of toast and said "My assignment was to make sure that she was protected at all times. I did my best to stay as close to her as I could during that weekend."

John laughed and said "I remember that and don't blame you. She is a fine looking woman whose man wouldn't take care of her needs. At a party one time, I seriously considered hitting on her myself. You were in the Navy or something at that time, weren't you? Are you still working for the British Government?"

"I was a Commander. Shortly thereafter I was reassigned from security details to a management role reviewing airport security procedures. Yes, I still work for them but have been out of the protection aspect for several years, and am on holiday now."

Marti had a sly smile on her face as she asked "If my memory serves me correct, you were also pictured wearing a kilt in one photograph. How does it feel to be a man wearing a skirt, among men who frown on that type of dress?"

Bond washed down his bite of food and replied "I know who I am and have confidence in my own sexuality. No matter what I do, someone will always find fault with something. So I dress to please myself, and in this case, to honor my ancestors. I am very comfortable with my kilt."

Tanya giggled and asked "What do you wear under the kilt?"

Bond gave her a sly smile as he responded "I will show you, if you show me yours."

John laughed at that and said "It must be exciting being a spy, but didn't you worry that you could get hurt, fighting those commies?"

"We all have to die sometime." replied Bond.

Marti cut her steak as she asked "And how would you like to die, my retired secret service agent?"

Bond looked at her and replied "The hard way. I want to be fucked to death by the most beautiful woman in the world."

John gave a hearty laugh as he added "That would be a very nice way to go. I wouldn't mind that myself."

The rest of the dinner was more casual and full of sexual references as they worked on emptying the large drink glasses; that were quickly re-filled by the kitchen staff. As John drank, it became obvious that he could not handle his alcohol. By the time dinner was over, he was very intoxicated. Marti asked Tanya to help John to his room.

As the drunken John was leaving the room, he said "James. It was good to see you again. If you will be around this weekend, we will fly down to a little casino that I own and I will give you another opportunity to try to beat me. But aside from that, I hope that your wish as to how you wish to die, comes true for you. I will ask my staff and friends to do their best to expedite your death. Good-by Mr. Bond."

After the young woman left the room with her drunken boss, Marti asked Bond to join her on the verandah.

As they sat on the moon-lit balcony, over looking the ocean cove below, Bond was beginning to feel an erection from being so close to this delightful woman.

They were sitting on a swing, feeling the slight motion of the swing as they talked. She was sitting so close that he was engulfed in her sweet perfume and intoxicated with her very vivacious personality. Finally she said "Did John tell you that I belong to him, but he lets me do some things that I want to do?"

"He mentioned something along that line."

"I like John. I was fourteen when I first met him. That was twelve years ago. He shaped me into the woman that I am now. That is why I go by the name of Marti. Who I was before, no longer matters or no longer exists. I am his Marti, his assagai warrior, who does his battles."

"Assagai, if I remember correctly, is a light spear or lance used by southern African tribesmen."

"Almost correct. It is one with a short shaft and long blade that they used for close combat. Just as the British Government used you as a weapon to guard their monarch's relatives, I am used by John to do his battles. You would not want to meet me when I have a blade in my hand, in a dark field on a dark night as my enemy, James. I knew that you were there at the beach and when I was attacked, I let him fondle me to see what you would do. I was in no danger at anytime. I like you. If you are here to spy on us, you should leave now before any harm comes to you." she said as she ran her hand through her long golden hair.

"Oh, I don't know about that. I would do my best to meet you in a dark field, but certainly not as your enemy. As for spying, I have never seen any papers concerning you, John or whatever he does. I am on holiday and do not have any orders that I am carrying out." he said.

She turned and flashed a brilliant smile that the moon highlighted as she said "Good. Do you like assertive women? Women who know what they want and go after what they want?"

"I like women. If they are assertive, fine. If not, then that is also fine." he replied as he glanced down the dark cleavage between her breasts.

"Tanya is giving John a blow job about now. He likes blow jobs and likes for his women to be good at giving blow jobs. I think that is one of the reasons that he likes me so much. He tells me that I have a natural caloreceptor built into my mouth. You know what that is? It is a sensory receptor that detects warmth but I specialize in the warmth from hot cocks. My hobby is studying cocks and I am very knowledgeable about them. I can't help but notice a bulge developing in your trousers; which pleases me that you find being with me as sexually desirable. If your penis is tucked wrong and gets uncomfortable, you will not embarrass me if you adjusted its position with your hand" she said.

"I like the way that you express what is on your mind. Seeing as to how we are discussing such intimate portions of our bodies and details of our personal lives, what are your plans for tonight?" he said.

She paused as she looked down at his obvious erection and then said "I have to leave early in the morning for a business trip for John, so I can't go back to your room tonight. I should really be in bed now, getting my beauty rest but I wanted this opportunity to be with you and to see if I want to know more about you. I want to have sex with you but tonight is not the night. So I will sit out here with you for about another half hour and then send you home. After I get back from my trip, we can talk about meeting somewhere. And at the right time, I will tell you everything about me that you need to know. I promise to let you in on all of my intermost secrets. Sorry, but that looks so uncomfortable."

With her hand, she touched his penis through the trousers and with a push from her fingers, straightened it so that it was sticking straight up against his belly, instead of being bunched in the crouch. Before she could let go of it, he caught her hand and held it there.

Her voice was slightly husky now as she was showing some signs of early arrousement as she said "I was glad to find out that it was not a sock. You would be surprised how many men put socks there to make themselves look bigger."

He didn't say a word as her long fingertips gently kneaded his genitals through the trousers. They stared into each other eyes, with him holding her wrist, feeling her loose fingers stroking his very hard cock through the cloth. She moved her other hand over and undid his trouser button and unzipped his fly as he let go of her wrist. Her hand quickly slid inside his underwear and found his cock.

As her hands caressed his penis and balls, gently stroking them with her long slender fingers, she said, "James, you don't mind if I call you James, do you? Anyhow, James, John is a very important man. If I fail him at the wrong time, I may not live through his punishment. So I can't spend the night with you tonight. Before I go in, I would like to thank you for coming to my rescue today. John will not mind if I show you a little comfort. You don't mind if I don't get undressed, do you? And please don't try to be a gentleman and pull it out just before you explode. I don't want to get any jism on this dress and will make sure that I swallow it all."

Bond's breathing was becoming faster as she pulled his trousers down out of the way a little more. "Oh, you have a nice one. It looks so good, big and firm." she said in a husky whisper.

He began to groan slightly and reached for her. But she stopped him as she let go of him and said in a very determined voice "No. Tonight is my treat to you. I call the shots and do what I want. Or you leave. What is your choice?"

With one smooth motion, he dropped his trouser down around his ankles so that he was sitting on the swing with her and his trousers around his ankles.

She brushed her hair back as she bent her head over his cock. He leaned his head back as her wet tongue flicked at his cockhead, causing him to tense. As she straighten back up, her fingers curled around his cock, feeling the good strong hardness and began to stroke him.

Her voice had become very soft and low as she said "Anticipation is one of my tools that I enjoy using. Now that you know that my mouth knows where to find your hard cock, you must wonder when it is going to wrap itself around it, as my soft hands gently bring you to a high state of arousal. Tonight is just a small sample of what I can do for you and what you can do for me. We will leave the rest of our body and our skills to dream about. I want you to anticipate being naked in bed with me, to think about the fun that we can have."

As her fingers on one hand stroked the hard smooth slippery knob of his cock, her other fingertips were exploring the slitted opening, feeling the hole in the knobbed end of his throbbing prick dribbling honey to moisten her fingertips. Her exploring fingers slightly slippery now, traced the knob, lightly moving the foreskin back down his cock. Her red tipped fingers slightly squeezing the bulbous head of his now slippery cock.

She tightened her grip, playing with the round roll of his foreskin as she slid it up and down on his cock, then rolled it back up over his knob, coating it with it's fluids as she milked the precum from him. She moved her fingers to the bulging cockhead, capturing a drop of leaking cock pre-cum on her finger tip, then she rubbed the slippery male lubricant on her lips before using her tongue to lick the juice from her lips.

She began to pump harder, while grunting and watching his facial expression as she jacked him off.

Her hand pumped faster, squeezing more, jacking the juice from his balls, until with a soft groan, his prick began to jerk from where he was ready to spurt. She bent her head over his cock and took only the cockhead into her mouth as she continued to pump him with her warm fist. Then he exploded, sending a stream of juicy sperm flying deep into her sucking mouth. And he spurted again as she continued pumping him. After a few seconds delay, sperm again shot from his balls. Then three times more, with her catching it all in her tightly wrapped mouth. She was still squeezing him hard in her fist, then slowly relaxing her pressure, as she continued to pump his cock with long strokes from the base to the tip, trying to milk him with increasing pressure.

Then she sat up, wiped her lips with her cocktail napkin and said "I hope that you weren't disappointed that John turned in so early. Will you come back by some night, when we have a little more free time?

Chapter 5 - The Assay

Bond was sleeping so peacefully that he jumped when the alarm went off. He rolled over and shut it off as he grabbed a cigarette and lit it.

Last night had been so wonderful but so strange. After she gave him a blowjob, they sat on the swing finishing their drinks. He had pulled his trousers back up, but left them unzipped as she was keeping her hand wrapped around his cock. Although it got hard again quickly, she declined to do anything more than just hold it in her soft hand, letting her warmth and occasional gentle squeeze, keep it very erected. Then she excused herself and escorted him to the door, where the driver was waiting to take him back to the hotel.

At the hotel, he went straight to the bar and discovered that it was almost empty. There were just a couple of married couples in there so he was not able to find anyone to go back to the room to help him obtain relief from the high state of arousal where she had taken him and then left him.

When he got back to his room, he made his usual security checks and discovered that a bug had been placed in his room during his absence. So now that he knew that they were watching him, he would continue to play his role. That of a tourist.

He shaved, showed, put on some shorts, and a T-shirt. He walked over to the outdoor restaurant and ordered some breakfast. While he was reading the newspaper, a man sat down at the table. He looked up to see that it was Bill Tanner, who was his best friend at the agency before the demotion.

"Hello James."

"Bill, how are you?"

"Good. You know that you are being watched and that they know I still work for the Agency?"

"So why are you sitting here?"

"We want to draw them out into the open. You are the fly trapped in their web. We want them to come after you. Sorry about that, but that is the plan."

"Do I get to find out any details of the plan?"

"Only this. Computer chips have taken the place of gold. In the last six months, over six hundred million dollars worth of chips have disappeared. We expect them to have a big sale soon. While they come after you, we have another method of attacking them. My job here today, is to draw attention to you. Did you bring your gun with you?"


"Good luck, James. When you get back home, stop by and have dinner with the missus and me some night. She asks about you occasionally." he said as he stood up.

Nothing occurred that day. Or night. Bond even passed up an opportunity to pick up one of the college girls, hoping that Marti would come back from her mysterious trip and call him.

This was a strange assignment. He had orders, but no orders. He was being set up as a target and had to go along with it. But he had confidence in M and knew that M would not send him to something that he could not handle.

And there was the mysterious and beautiful Marti. So young, so beautiful and so wonderful. If only he could find a woman like that, he would settle down again.

As he thought about her, he realized that he was really interested in her. Not in his usual one-time lay interested but more of a long-term interested. Going to work at his dull desk job could be made a lot more interesting if she was waiting at home for him. And he could take an early retirement, spending some of the money on her that he had set aside over the years. If only she wasn't involved with that asshole and up to her neck in something crooked. Odds were that John used her to do his dirty work and she might have to spend some time in jail.

He realized as he grew older that he wanted to find the right woman and settle down. Maybe Marti was the woman for him. Maybe not.

The more he thought about her, the more he realized that he was very intrigued. And also he became very horny.

The next day, he laid on his beach blanket, soaking up the sun, hoping that someone would provide him with an opportunity to do anything to get this show on the road. When the sun went down, he decided to make his own opportunity.

With a small portable tape recorder, he had made an audio tape of himself sleeping the night before. He turned the tape on, making it seem as if he was sleeping to whoever was listening on the bug and slipped out of his room, keeping to the bushes as he left the resort.

He was wearing his black camouflage jumpsuit and jungle makeup. He slipped through the bushes surrounding the hotel and slowly started making his way up the hillside to where the house was. Three quarters of the way up the hill, he found the first series of booby-traps and motion sensors. He worked his way across the hill, until he found a hidden building built into the hillside. Sneaking over to the building, he found an open window and looked in to see a security setup of monitors, monitoring the house, doorways, road, and several other things. They were expecting something and were prepared. Well, so was he.

His small bag of tools contained a motion detector detector and some of the other detectors. It took him almost three hours to get by the many traps and to the house.

He sneaked into the patio and found all of the alarms. He climbed up on the roof of the lower level and onto one of the balconies. As he sneaked onto the balcony, he could hear Marti's voice in the room. He held a small mirror so that he could see around the corner and saw Marti wearing only a pair of cut-off Levi shorts as she walked around the room brushing her hair. Her bare nipples looked mighty inviting.

As Bond watched, there was a knock on the door. Marti said "Come in."

The door opened and one of the college girls that he had been talking to down at the hotel the last couple of days walked in. Marti said "Please sit down."

The girl sat down and Marti sat down across from her as she said "It is time for you to return. Return to that place in your memory that only you can go. Close your eyes and relax. Let you mind relax as you seek that wonderful spot that only you can visit."

She was hypnotizing the girl. As Bond watched, Marti continued to give the girl hypnotic suggestions and within a couple of minutes, the girl was breathing deeply and was in an obvious hypnotic state. Then Marti said "Our master is waiting for you. He wants you and you want him. You want to make him happy. You want to do whatever he wants you to do. I am here to help you want to please him. Do you want me to help you?"

"Yes, mistress." said the sleeping woman's voice.

"Open your eyes and gaze upon my breasts. You will want to suck my breasts after you undress."

The woman opened her eyes and gazed at Marti's breasts. Marti rolled over on the bed so that she was lying on her back. As the college girl quickly undressed, Bond changed position so that he was better able to see with his mirror around the corner; yet still be hidden.

As soon as the girl undressed, she was all over Marti. She was kissing her deeply and rubbing her tender, young body up against Marti's more mature body. Through her clenched teeth, she was whimpering and begging as she asked Marti to make love to her.

Marti fondled and probed her as the girl sucked on Marti's wonderful large breasts and pink nipples. After several minutes of letting her suck her, Marti rolled the girl over and attacked her smaller breasts. The girl's tits were small and just fitted into Marti's mouth perfectly. As she licked away at her breasts, Bond was feeling a very strong erection and desire to enter the room and fuck them both. But he knew that he couldn't.

He watched as Marti covered the other's girl body with her own and began to suck gently, first one nipple, then the other, as she gasped and writhed against the older woman. Bond was biting his lips as he felt his hard cock straining for release within his jumpsuit as he watched this. He saw that the younger girl's nipples were erect and dark rose in color, and a blush was spreading up from her breasts to her face.

Marti abandoned her breasts and began to move her mouth down the girl's flat and lean body. She ran her tongue over the lower abdomen, kissing the little hollows in her hips, working her way down and around brushing against the shaved patch of pubic hair. With one motion, she kissed her lower lips with as much passion as she had used on the girl's breasts.

The girl jumped as Marti's tongue forced her most private lips opened and slid her tongue into the girl's pink slit. From Bond's position, he could tell the exact moment of every time that Marti's tongue touched her clitoris. He heard Marti's husky voice say softly "You like this. This makes you feel so good. I like doing this to you. I like feeling your erect and throbbing clit. Do you like it when I flick it ever so gently with my tongue? You don't have to answer that because your body tells me that you do."

Bond watched as Marti probed with her tongue deep inside the girl, making her moan. Then Marti sat up and said "Just wait a moment. Shut your eyes and remember what I have just done to you. Think about only how nice it feels."

While the woman laid on the bed, moaning softly and rubbing her legs, Marti walked to the phone and dialed one number. After a moment, she said "Now." and hung up the phone.

Bond watched as the door opened and John walked in. He was naked. He looked at the young girl squirming on the bed. Marti said "Open your eyes. Your master is here and he has something for you. You will follow him and do whatever he wants."

The girl stood up slowly because she was trembling from the sexual excitement that she was feeling. John took her hand and led her out of the room. As they left the room, Marti lit a cigarette and sat down on the bed. Then she said softly "James, I know you are out there on the balcony. Come on in and let's get this over with."

Bond slowly opened the door and walked in. Marti was propped up against a pillow. Lying beside her was a pistol, with a silencer. She picked up a remote control and turned on the TV. She said "There were four silent alarms that you were not able to get around. We have been monitoring you for the last three hours. Look at the TV which I turned off just before John came into the room. I made sure that your alarm detection equipment would lead you to my room and that you would have a little demonstration of my power. There are three different sniper rifles outside aimed at my patio door. Going back outside will result in your death. In a manner that would not benefit either one of us. In the hallway are two armed guards. You are my prisoner. Have you ever had a woman put handcuffs on you before?"

"Not when both of us were dressed?"

Bond looked at the TV, which he could not see from where he had been hiding on the patio. It showed a tape of him on the patio, holding a mirror as he looked into her room.

She said "With a little help from one of my drugs and some suggestions, I turned her into a sex kitten. If John likes her, I will work on her a little more so that she doesn't need any conditioning. With my drugs and long lasting suggestions, she will think and believe that she really wants to be John's love slave. If he wants to keep her, he has all sorts of very good doctors on his staff to turn her into what he wants her to look like. Within months, she can look good enough to win the Miss America contest or become a movie sex symbol. I know, because over the years, I have visited several of those doctors myself at John's guidance. None of my childhood friends or relatives would recognize me or believe how much I have changed since meeting John."

Chapter 6 - The Assuage

Bond was sitting naked on a small cot in a windowless room. He had already examined the door and determined that it would take a battering ram to break down that door. Light in the room came from a small overhead bulb that was behind a very secure wire mesh screen.

He knew that it had been several hours since her goons had stripped him and led him here. Someone came in after a couple of hours with a sandwich and some water, which he left alone. He did not want to risk any drugs at this point in his capture.

The door opened and a guard cautiously stuck his head in, made sure that Bond was behaving himself and then placed a chair just inside the door. As the guard stepped back, Marti walked into the room. She was wearing a pink short beach-skirt, and a white crop halter top revealing her belly button as it highlighted the distance between the outermost portion of her breast and the flatness of her belly. It was very obvious that she was not wearing a bra under her halter top. She was wearing white tennis shoes and sunglasses.

She removed the sunglasses as she sat down in the chair and the guard shut the door.

"Good morning, James."

"Morning." he replied.

"John was a little disappointed in how easy you were caught. He expected more from the famous 007 spy. He thinks that they were right to push you into a retirement job."

"What do you think?"

"I don't think about such things. I only know that I wanted the opportunity to make love to you. While I am very open minded and liberal about sex, I am also very particular about who I have sex with. Oh, don't get me wrong. I will have sex with whomever John wants me to fuck, but I am very particular about who I choose for myself. And you were the first person in a long time that it was my personal choice to do what I allowed myself to do, what I did in the swing."

"I am honored. Please be assured that the emotions and hardness that I expressed at that time, were my own desires and not in compliance with any directives from my government."

"Let me tell you a little bit about myself. Someday I will tell you the rest. I was the fifth born with four older brothers that liked to take advantage of their weaker and smaller sibling. I ran away from home when I was twelve and turned to prostitution to support myself. John picked me up and shaped me into the sexy feminine creature that you see here today. I did anything that he wanted. About three years ago, we were playing cards and making wild bets. I won, with the prize being my freedom. We agreed upon a date and a settlement amount. For the last three years, I have been setting into motion, plans that would provide enough money for John to retire and for me to go my own way. We were in England working out the last details when you seeked out John in the casino. I recognized you and came to the poker table to warn John that he was being stalked by the world famous James Bond. From the moment that you left the casino, you were trailed. When you showed up here, we knew that you were sent here to investigate us. It was planned for me to walk down the beach and for Rico to attack me. John left it up to me as to how you should be controlled. When you sneaked onto the property last night, he ordered your immediate execution. I talked him out of it and we are holding you here while we decide what to do with you."

She threw a pack of cigarettes and a matchbook over to him. He lit a cigarette and threw the pack back. She didn't resume talking until he also gave her the matches back.

"You intrigue me. Professionally and personally. My business arrangement with John is over, as of tomorrow morning. When I leave here, I would like to take you with me. Have you ever considered being part of a male harem? I would take very good care of you and you would start out by being my favorite lover. I would make sure that you get all of the pussy that you could eat." she said.

"It's the best offer that I have had today. What is in it for me?" he asked.

She reached into her cleavage and removed a small remote control. She pressed one of the buttons and whispered "I will make sure that you are always satisfied. If not from me, then from one of my toys."

The door opened and standing in the open doorway was the other one of the college girls that Bond had been watching at the resort. She was wearing only a satin and lace merrywidow, dark mid-thigh hoses held up by a garter, a thong lace bikini and high heels. Her breasts were pushed up by the underwire cups.

Marti's voice had again become husky as she said "Earlier today, I conditioned her to do whatever you desired. Her name is Toni."

As the woman walked into the room, with a small seductive smile on her deeply glistening lips, another woman entered the doorway. This woman was a young blonde-haired woman, wearing a pair of golden silk charmeuse pajamas and she was carrying two bottles of wine.

Marti said "Marlene has been with me for awhile and is quite a good lover. I have asked both ladies to keep you satisfied and safe, while I finish up my business."

Marti stood up, smiled and walked out the door, leaving a very naked James Bond with the two women, one bed and two bottles of wine in a locked room. She knew that he would find some way to pass the time. Better to keep him under control like this, than to allow him to think about ways to escape.

Marti had changed into a denim bustier top, with a low cut décolleté shape and white shorts. She was carrying James' pistol with the silencer on it. She walked over to the guard sitting outside Bond's room and asked "How is he doing?"

The guard pointed at the TV monitor and smiled "He fucked them both at least twice. They went at it for about four hours straight and then about an hour ago, they all fell asleep."

"The second bottle had a mild sleeping potion in it. John had told me to put poison in it, but I changed his mind. Open the door." she said.

The guard stood, unlocked the door and entered the room followed by Marti. A smile crossed her face as she smelled the familiar musky smell of dried sex in the small room used as a cell. The blonde woman on the bed was sleeping, but dried cum covered her face and breasts. The dark haired woman was laying on her stomach with her face across Bond's sleeping belly. Her legs were spread and her pubic hair was matted with her drying pussy juice and his cum. Marti released the safety on her pistol, making a soft click as it was released. She raised the pistol quickly, aimed the pistol and pulled the trigger. The bang was muffled by the silencer. For a moment, there was no sound of movement in the room. Then the guard slowly fell to the ground, dead from her bullet.

Marti said "James, I know that you are pretending to be asleep."

He opened his eyes and replied "The sleeping potion was in the second bottle, wasn't it?"


"What comes next?" he asked as he slowly stood.

She said "We need to get you out of here. John is dead. A bullet from your gun killed him. Two of his business associates are also dead. A task force of agents swarmed on board his big yacht about five minutes ago and have discovered the missing computer chips. In less than an hour, this hillside will be crawling with cops."

"Why did you do this?" he asked.

She waved the gun barrel at the unconscious women on the bed. "Just as I converted them to do whatever I commanded, John did the same thing with me twelve years ago. He turned me into the woman that you see now. About two years ago, I decided that I wanted to be able to live my own life and to free myself from him so I turned myself in to the British Government. They sent me back to work for them, giving me a license in case I needed to kill someone and a plan to break up his empire at the right moment. I would get a full pardon if I cooperated and a life sentence if I did not. About two months ago, he began to get worried because he knew the operation was so big that it should have someone investigating it. A plan was developed by the British Government to send someone in, to draw attention to themselves and divert any suspicion from my last minute activities. You were selected because of your previous involvement with similar major projects and because a lot of your exploits are now known by the general public. John was secretly happy because the world famous James Bond had been sent after him. He did not suspect that you were only a decoy. While he was busy watching you and playing games with you, I was making sure that you were safe and that everything was on schedule."

"A license to kill. I thought they quit that. What number did they give you?" he asked as he put on his clothes that had been just outside the door.

She smiled and said "38DD. Don't know where they thought up that number."

Chapter 7 - The Ass

They were on a small yacht. They escaped the island and set sail for New York City, which would take three good days of sailing. Bond was sitting at the rudder, wearing a pair of swimming trunks as he sipped a martini that she had fixed for him. She was wearing a white maillot swim suit that showed off every curve of her luscious body and was adjusting the sails.

Before going on board the ship, she had said "It will be just you and me for three days and nights on the ship. I will expect you to make love to me as much as I make love to you. Do you like surprises, my dear James?"

"Yes" he replied as he looked at her nipples trying to poke through the flimsy material holding her breasts up.

"Do you have any sexual inhibitions? How do you feel kissing my lips, knowing that my lips have been used by another man's cock?" she asked demurely.

"I intend to keep you so satisfied that you will never know what another cock feels like."

She kissed him lightly on the lips as she said "I have no place to go after I get back to England."

He whispered back "My apartment is very spacious."

She nibbled on his neck as she replied "It would not be a normal relationship. I have very strong sexual desires and especially enjoy having a big cock hump my ass on a frequent basis. Does that turn you off?"

"If you bring the ass, I will supply the rest." he replied.

They pulled into a cove of a small island to rest for the night. After the boat was anchored and the sails were taken down, she dived into the water. When she came up, she was holding her bathing suit, which she threw up on the boat deck.

She turned over, flashing a quick glimpse of her naked butt as she yelled "I am taking my ass to that island." Then she started swimming toward the island.

Bond removed his bathing suit and dived in after her. Although he was in good shape now, she was a fast swimmer and beat him to shore with her head start. When he got there, she was lying naked on the sand, face down, waiting for him.

She said "Remember James, I told you that I was John's Marti, his assagai warrior, who fights his battles."

"Yes, and you corrected my explanation of what an Assagai was."

"It is a light spear or lance with a short shaft and long blade that is used by southern African tribesmen. Let me show you why he called me his Assagai." she said as she rolled around and stood up.

Hanging down between her legs was a cock. It was small but it was still a cock. As Bond looked at it she said "You see I have a short shaft between my legs and I was his warrior. I told you that John and his doctors made me into the woman that I am today; knowing that you had other thoughts about what that meant. When I first met John, I was a boy of fourteen that had been raped by my older brothers and run away from home. I was living my life being a male prostitute on the streets of LA. John took me in and his doctors gave me female hormones to overpower my normal male hormones. Because I was just going through puberty, the female hormones had an fantastic effect upon my body causing it to grow and shape itself into the female adult body that you see now. A little plastic surgery here and there and the almost perfect woman's body and face was created. Other doctors conditioned my thinking and memories so I became the woman and slave that John wanted me to be. John used to enjoy watching men make asses of themselves trying to get into my pants behind his back, not knowing that I did not have a pussy. He would occasionally tease them by letting me give them a blow job as I did for you. John and his doctor's not only shaped my body but also shaped my mind. I am very happy with my body and will never have surgery to become a fully complete woman. I enjoy looking, dressing, and living as a woman, but I also enjoy having a cock. I enjoy sex as a woman with a man, but I still have a cock that needs occasional servicing by a female. My cock is small but it is fully functional. I keep it tucked up out of sight most of the time, so you see that I am very familiar with the misery of having an aroused cock tucked away in the wrong position. When I straighten your cock out the other night, my cock was also straining to be released from it's bindings. Hence my girl toys that I collect and train for myself using the conditioning techniques and drugs that were used on me. When I told you that I would make sure that you have all the pussy that you can handle, I was not lying. I will obtain the toys for us, train them and we will share them. And that, dear James.."

She paused as she sat back down and continued "is everything you need to know about me. Do you still want me to go back to England and live with you, now that you know my intermost secret?"


What was his choice?


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