Shadows Riddle

By moc.onuj@9n_ssertsim

Published on Apr 2, 2001


Disclaimer: not real. Never happened. Still pending if they are gay/bi/yadda, yadda, yadda.

Author's note: did I scare people off in chapter 3? Yes, no, maybe so? 'Coz I only got one response and that's from Mat. Was it because I cursed? Was that the problem? Or was I involving too many fantasy characters in it?

Shout Outs: just wanna say hi to some friends: Leo, Aaron (HEY BUDDY! TALK TO ME!), /Nike (THANK YOU A LOT!), NCfan, Sophie, Goldie-boy (^.~*), Lucas Thompson, Mat, Andy, Jacqi, Steph, and all the people who has read this and my other stories.

"The Shadow's Riddle" Act 4; Scene 1: Love Can Move Mountains Nick gasped. "No." he hugged Thomas tighter. "Not Mandah. Please, god. No."

"Honey, who's Mandah?" asked Thomas. He turned to Erin. "How do YOU know this Mandah character?"

"I wouldn't think she'd go this far." Nick muttered under his breath. He looked up at Erin. "Is it--?" She nodded. "No!" he shouted.

"Thomas, Nimm, Harlequin, and I have been battling Mandah for many ages. Only now, have we found a way to kill her. The painting that she left was something I recognized as her work." Erin quietly replied. "Her jealousy kills a mass amount of people."

"I DON'T WANT THOMAS TO DIE!" he wailed.

Thomas paled. "Die?" he rasped.

Nick looked into Thomas's fearful blue eyes. "Let's take this into the living room." They all walked over towards the couch as everyone awaited for Nick's story. "I was dating a girl, Mandah Willaford a few years back. She was abusive, cruel, and cold. Everything that a girl shouldn't be. The exact opposite of Nimm and Erin. When she found out that I was gay, she threw one of her temper tantrums. It was scary. She stood there with the coldest face as she used her powers to, like, throw things around. I ran into the kitchen and she used her power again to throw knives and such." Thomas gasped and put a comforting arm around Nick's shoulders.

"I never did like that bitch." Brian muttered. Erin elbowed him to hush him up then nodded to Nick to go on.

"One of the knives scraped past my arm and left me with this scar." He showed a long cut that ran from his elbow to his wrist. "She said, 'Nickolas, I'll make sure that no one will love you again, you hear? If some faggot comes after you, I'll kill him.'" He turned to Thomas. "I guess that's why I was a bit hesitant when we first met."

"It's ok, sweetie." Thomas replied.

"I wanted to protect you. Keep you away from Mandah. She just won't let go. She's already killed the guys I've been with." Nick sighed. "I don't want to lose you, too." he said softly.

"Nicky, you'll never lose me."

Erin, the leprechaun, beckoned Nick into a secluded corner. "There is danger around us." she whispered.

"Huh? What did you say?" Nick had to bend down to get close to the small creature.

"I'm living in a world full of idiots." She muttered. Erin leaned in closer. "I've bad feeling. Something evil is coming our way." She looked over her shoulder, just in case, to see if anyone was listening. Then she whispered, "This Mandah is, it's not what you believe it to be."

"It's? It to be?" Nick was confused, "She's just, to say the least, an overenthusiastic fan who can't get me out of her head. She's even received a restraining order. All I have to do is to call management and they'll take care of it all." Nick shrugged.

The goblin sighed. "No. You're wrong. Mandah is not human. It's pure evil. It wants nothing else but misery to strike upon us. We won't allow it to get to Thomas. It would kill him." Erin spoke quietly, but forceful. They had to protect Thomas from the creature.

Nick shook his head. "Are you kidding me? There's no such thing as creatures of pure evil." Nick sounded inappreciative when he spoke.

"You don't believe in the Faerie World? You didn't believe in ghosts and goblins until you met me, didn't you?" Erin said no more. "If you don't trust me, look into your mind and see the truth for yourself. Look deep inside and you'll feel it too. The sensation of pure evil lurking around."

Erin's gaze was penetrating. Without a doubt, Nick knew this leprechaun really did believe in what she was saying. She seriously believed Thomas' life was in danger. True or not, but it was enough to get Nick worried.

"What feeling? How can I feel it?" Nick wanted to know, he wanted to believe.

"There's nothing to it, just look deep within yourself. You'll find it there. But once you've found it, it will not disappear until the creature itself will die." Erin warned Nick. To gain the awareness would haunt Nick forever. Either the creature would die or for all eternity Nick would feel its presence, giving him no peace.

Erin continued, "You know now the risk. Is your love deep enough to risk a life in misery?" The goblin's question was piercing. It all came down to this. Would Nick dare to stand up and fight for the person he loved?"

"Tell me what to do." It was easy to decide for Nick. The last couple of days had been overwhelming. Thomas had showed him things he never thought possible. And now he had to fight something he never even thought existed.

"Nick? What's happening?" Brian's voice interrupted the two.

"I will tell you later. But for now, not a word to Thomas about this." Erin whispered to Nick before she scurried off.

"What was all that about?" Brian asked Nick.

Nick got up on his feet again and with a puzzled look answered Brian.

"I honestly don't know." He looked to check where Thomas was. "Brian, Erin says she doesn't believe Mandah to be what we think she is."


"He thinks she'll try and kill Thomas."


Silence with light snoring.

"Pssst. Nick!" Someone whispered.

No response and more snoring.

The small goblin crawled up onto the bed. "Nick." she whispered. Erin tried to wake Nick, without waking Thomas who was in the bed next to Nick. Annoyed with the lack of response, Erin slapped Nick carefully on the shoulder. "Nick!"

"Huh!" Nick managed to get out as he woke up. "Damn, Erin. What are you doin' here now? What time is it?" Nick looked at the watch. "Aw man, it's only 3 AM!"

"Keep your voice down!" Erin urged Nick. "We mustn't wake Thomas. Come on, get some clothes on and meet me in the kitchen." Once again, the goblin scurried off. It seemed as if she rarely walked, Nick noted.

Nick arrived in the cold kitchen as he saw Erin, full sized, sitting on a stool. "I'm to give you a vision. The vision is if you do not protect Thomas." Her emerald gaze shot through his mind.

They heard a cackle. "Nick, you should NOT have dumped me. This is what'll happen if you do." Mandah took off the cloak and swirled around the dying man; cackling wickedly as Thomas' suffering intensified. His screams filled the apartment as well as Nick's agonized cries. "NICK!" "THOMAS!" Finally, Mandah left through the ceiling, leaving an almost dead Thomas at Nick's feet. "Thomas, honey, speak to me." "I love you." he whispered before closing his eyes for the last time. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Nick snapped back to Earth, gasping for air. He nearly passed out from the weight of the vision. He started to weep. "No, not Thomas. Please no." "I'm afraid it would be so if we not protect him. Mandah would probably not harm you, if she wanted to do that, she would already have done it. However, she feels anger towards Thomas and wants to destroy him, leaving you all to herself. Remember this really is a creature of pure evil walking the earth." Erin gently reminded. "I won't allow it! What do I have to do?" he demanded the ghoul. "I've hired a trainer for you. Need to be an excellent swordsman to defeat Mandah." Erin replied simply. She comforted him while he cried himself to sleep in the kitchen. Nick awoke to the sound of a coffee cup landing on the table. He looked up to see a familiar face...shadow. "Hello again, Nickolas." she smiled. "I'm here to train you to be ready to fight Mandah." "Harlequin?" he rasped. She pushed the hood from her head. "In the flesh. C'mon, it's time to start." They disappeared. Over the next few days, she taught him the ways of the sword. Whenever Erin or Nimm checked on his progress, they were amazed that he was doing well. One day, the three had a meeting. "Do you think he's ready?" asked Nimm. "He's been progressing well. I'm sure he'll protect Thomas." Harlequin replied. "But, it's his love that will protect them both. Corny as it sounds, they need that strong bond." Erin said. "I gave him a sword." "Which one?" asked Harlequin. "The long, broadsword. 4' 3" long. All steel. Sharp and light. If I'd give him the dagger, he wouldn'tve stood a chance." "Are you sure he can handle that?" "He has to. For Thomas and his safety." ~*The Next Day*~ Nick and Thomas cuddled on the couch, watching "The Princess Bride." Nimm came over earlier and invited Erin and Brian out. The house was eerily quiet. Nick knew this scene all too well. He held Thomas tighter. He pulled out a sword as soon as he felt Mandah's fury in the room. He spun around and blocked the dagger from hitting Thomas' heart. Mandah fell to the ground and get back up. "What is this? Nick, you actually grew the balls to fight me?!" she screeched. "Problem, Mandah?" She growled as her face twisted into a hated expression. A sword extruded from her hand. "A bigger sword doesn't mean, you can save him." she scowled. Nick tried an overhead blow towards Mandah but she moved with ease. She tried to hit his side but he blocked it. It progressed into a duel. Thomas watched as metal clanged. His eyes widened as Mandah turned to him. She was about to drive her sword through him when Nick ran in front. The sharp pain pierced through Nick's body. With his last strength, he thrust his sword into Mandah's heart and cut her head. His breathing became more and more ragged as he watched the evil being die. He fell into Thomas' arms. Slowly bleeding to death, he smiled up into Thomas' face. "Thomas Aaron Burke, I love you. Plain and simple." His hand reached up and caressed Thomas' face before leaving the earth. Thomas sobbed quietly before howling, "NO!" He held the lifeless body of Nick Carter in his hands. Nimm, Erin, and Brian walked into the bloodied apartment and gasped in horror. They looked on as their best friend held his dead lover in his arms. Ok, here's the question of the day: put in the scene or not put in the scene? EITHER WAY! EMAIL ME! I HAVE NO LIFE SO THAT'S WHY I LIVE OFF OF EMAILS. I'm pathetic. I'm seeking help as we speak. But please email me, send me comments and suggestions.

Next: Chapter 5

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