Shadows Riddle

By moc.onuj@9n_ssertsim

Published on Mar 18, 2001


Disclaimer: Twinkle, twinkle, little one, No I don't know when it's done, But in the moment, I'd like to say, That I don't know if they are gay. Flashes a toothless grin

Author's note: smashes the meow-chi toy from Mickey D's STOP. MEOWING. DAMNIT! Oh, and if you are Irish, I'm sorry if I mess up some words and stuff. I'm basing what I know from movies and such.

Shout Outs: just wanna say hi to some friends: Leo, Aaron (HEY BUDDY! TALK TO ME!), Nike, NCfan, Sophie, Goldie-boy (^.~*), Lucas Thompson, Mat, Andy, Jacqi, Steph, and all the people who has read and were too chicken to write to me (j/k. keep reading, readers! I'm only joking with ya.)

"The Shadow's Riddle" Act 3; Scene 1: Journey To the Past

Thomas hummed a small tune under his breath as his fingers hit the keyboard in a daze. The phone rang as he picked it up. "Hello?" he asked.

"Tommy, you've got to help me!" the voice on the other line shouted.

"Erin? Erin O'Shannon?"

"That would be me."

"Where are you?" he asked.

"Just look next to your mouse, me boyo." She responded with such a thick Irish accent that he nearly hung up. He looked next the to mouse and saw a figure about 4 inches and 11 centimeters tall. "Top o' the morning to ya."

"Erin, what happened?" he asked.

"Nimm told me to drop by and see what you're up to. She says that she wanted to make sure you won't be messing up your big chance."

"What big chance?"

"You know how Nimm's always the matchmaker. She can see futures and all that. She sees you're future with that Carter boy."

"Then what are you doing here?" he asked.

"Can't a leprechaun stop by without anyone being suspicious?" she asked good-naturedly. "But here me now, boyo, I'll bet that there are people who'll try to come between you and him. They'll play all sorts of tricks to spite you." and with that, she was gone.

A knock on the door got Thomas' attention as he got up and opened it. The words 'FAGGOT, STAY AWAY FROM MY NICK' were brutally spray painted across his door. Thomas gasped as horrid memories came to him.

Flashback: Thomas as a young teen "Hey faggot!" screamed a boy. A small boy with brown hair covered his ears and shut his blue eyes that hid behind a pair of glasses. "Faggot, why won't you say anything?!" the boy screamed again.

"Back off!" shouted a heavily Irish accented voice.

"Yeah, go pick on someone your OWN species!" shouted another.

"Ooh! Faggot-boy has GIRLS protecting him!" the first boy taunted.

"Nimm, you tend to the boy. I'll deal with these sickos." The girl with the accented voice walked near the boys. "How are ye, lads?" she asked sweetly.

"Better, now that you're here, sweet cheeks." The first boy smiled.

"Oh really?" she asked. She let a punch fly. The boy screamed as her fist connected with his face. "Listen to me now, boyo, pick on him again and you'll learn the meaning of 'Fighting Irish'." She warned as they ran off. "You shouldn'tve let him run you down like that." She squat to his level. "I'm Erin. That there is Nimm. We were thinking of going along to her ma's bar right now. Wanna come along?" she asked.

Thomas looked unsure.

"Don't worry. Her ma don't let us at the hard drinks. We get soda and god stuff. So what do you say?" she asked.

"I guess."

"Good." Nimm smiled. The trio walked off the campus and towards a large dark club with blue streamers everywhere. "Mom?" she shouted.

"Over here, hun!" shouted a woman's voice. Thomas was looking through the windows at the raging club below. He saw boys kissing boys, girls kissing girls, and straight people all out on the dance floor. "Whoa, a third, puddin'? You're really bringing in business." A woman whose dark hair was tied up into two buns. "Hi, I'm Nimm."

"I thought SHE was Nimm." Thomas asked as he pointed at Nimm.

"She is. Just call her Nin. When she's older is when they'll all call her Nimm. So what'll it be?" the woman asked.

"The usual, Mrs. Nimm." Erin called out. Two Shirley Temples were brought up. The two girls clinked their glasses before sipping the drink.

"Could I have a soda?" he asked timidly. The woman slid a can of mountain dew over to him. He popped the top and looked out the window. The other two girls sat by him on stools, over looking the place with a watchful eye.

"Hey, mom, there's some people messing." Nin pointed out. She seemed to concentrate on the scuffle downstairs. "It's a homophobic and one of the femmes."

The woman punched a button. "Joey, handle it?"

"Sure, boss." A voice replied.

"Mrs. Nimm?" called out Thomas. "Why are there...special people here?" he asked.

Mrs. Nimm chuckled. "My dear, this is a free bar. Gays, lesbians, and straights are welcome. Anyone is except homophobics."


"People who don't like gays and lesbians. They think they can just waltz right in and push people around. That's why I have the Brute Squad. They just volunteer to kick people who are like that out."


"Don't worry, Thomas. You're always welcome here." Nin said. She smiled as she put an arm around him.

End of Flashback Thomas was so wrapped up in his memory of the past that he didn't see a shadow wrap a comforting arm around him. "Now, is that the behavior a world-renowned author should have?" asked the familiar voice. Thomas leaned into the touch and cried on his chest. "C'mon, babe, dry your tears."

"B-but the door--"

Nick looked up and saw the fan's handiwork. He glared at it. "Who did this to you?" he demanded with venom.

"I don't know." Thomas whispered. "Nicky," he held onto Nick's shirt. "C-could you stay with me tonight?" he asked carefully. "Please?"

"Of course. I can't leave you alone with this maniac."

"And just who are you calling a maniac?" shouted an accented voice. "Thomas, if you let your boyfriends insult me, I can just move out." A woman with frizzy red hair stepped into the foyer. "Erin, and you?"

"Nick." He shook hands with the petite woman.

A figure bapped Nick on the head. "Forgot to introduce me, Frack!"

Nick rubbed his sore head as he glared at the shorter man. "I was just gonna GET to that, FRICK!" he replied. "The bozo here is Brian."

"That girl! I'll kick her arse if she comes by again!" she snapped as her eyes fell onto the crude message on the door. "I'll get the mop and bucket." She retreated back into the home and returned with a mop and bucket. "Girls theses days have no respect for other people's properties." Erin grumbled as she began to wipe off the mess.

"You knew who did this?" asked Thomas.

"Of Course."

"Then who is it?"



Send me an email!

As always, N9

Next: Chapter 4

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