Shadows Beneath the Moon

By Tony James

Published on Mar 3, 2015



Tanner Philips was nervous. Tanner was a good looking boy of 13. He had thick blond hair that was as soft as a kitten. His face was smooth with not so much as a single whisker in sight. Tanner's eyes were the color of the ocean during a sunset. He normally wasn't skidish, but for some reason he was this night.

The hour was late, and The moon was hidden behind dark clouds. Tanner glanced repeatedly over his shoulder as he trudged home. With every step, Tanner cursed himself for not accepting a ride home. Margo's mother had offered repeatedly to drive Tanner home, but like a macho idiot Tanner had refused. He had insisted that it was no big deal, after all, he lived only six blocks away. Tanner hunched his shoulders against the chill. The nite was brisk as well as dark. Tanner passed house after house, all of them well-maintained, spanish style homes with two rows of well manicured bushes flanking the walkways leading to the front door. all of the homes were shrouded in darkness. Everyone is probably sleeping, he thought. It was well past midnight on a school nite to boot. Tanner's parents were going to kill him for breaking curfew for the fifth time that month. I should have been home three hours ago, he thought dismally as dead leaves and twigs crunched under foot. Mom and dad r going to be so furious and worried. "stupid boy!" He said aloud.

Tanner pictured his parents in his mind. Dad was a few inches taller then his wife, with sandy blond hair and pale green eyes. Mr. Phillips was probably at this very minute pacing in front of the fireplace in the den. Tanner good almost hear him muttering to himself with every step. "that boy better have a good reason for scaring us half to death. He's going to b in so much trouble this time. Tanner's mother was an attractive brunet with bright blue eyes. Her eyes always seemed to be laughing and amused as though she had just heard a funny joke. Now they would b dull with worry as they followed her husband's progress over the plush carpet.

A noise startled Tanner out of his thoughts and he jumped. Glancing behind him, Tanner thought he saw a pool of shadow shift as though someone or something was following him. A cold shiver ran down his spine. Gotta get home, he told himself as he lengthened his stride. Gotta get where its safe and warm. Tanner would happily accept any punishment his parents would meed out.

Another sound like dead leaves rustling made his heart give a nasty lurch in his chest and he broke into a run. The wind suddenly blew and Tanner could swear that it hissed his name. "Tanner." It whispered. "Tanner, I just wanna play." The voice was as rotten and dead as the leaves which crunched under his sneakers as he ran. "Almost there. Almost home. Just another block. Just another block." His reassurances sounded hollow even to his own ears.

Tanner's sneaker hit something and he tripped. "oomph," the breath whooshed from his lungs as he landed hard on his stomach. The strange wind, so much like a voice, blew again and Tanner was sure he could hear laughter. Cruel, mocking laughter. Tanner suddenly felt cold all over. He was sure that he was gonna die. He started to pray to whomever or whatever happened to b listening. "Please no! No, no, no. I don't wanna die."

The shadows shifted and a figure stepped forward. As it did so, the clouds rolled away and the full moon was revealed. In the cold light of the moon, Tanner could see his pursuer. It was a teenaged boy about 15 or 16. He had thick black hair down to the collar of his black t-shirt which was tucked into a pair of black jeans. His face was home to a pair of bright green eyes. Tanner's gaze moved down and focused on the boy's lips. They looked full and soft. Even in his fear, Tanner couldn't help but wonder how those lips would feel on his own. He also wondered how they would feel wrapped around his dick.

Tanner felt himself stir in his jeans as the boy moved forward. The boy extended a hand to Tanner and Tanner gratefully accepted it. As he did so, Tanner felt a tingle race through his body. It started in his fingers and quickly spread to his crotch. The boy winked at Tanner like they shared a secret. Reluctantly, Tanner let go of the boy's hand.

The boy smiled. The effect was dazzling. Tanner could see 2 rows of gleaming teeth. Tanner felt his dick twitch. "I've been waiting for so long." The boy said.

Tanner finally found his voice. "Who are you?" The boy's smile grew wider. He moved forward so that their bodies were almost touching. He put a hand on Tanner's shoulder. "don't you recognize me? I am the manifestation of all of your desires. My name is Luke and your wish is my command."

Without warning, Tanner leaned forward and pressed his lips to Luke's in a passionate kiss. Luke responded with a moan. He kissed Tanner back with the same amount of enthusiasm and need. Their hands started exploring.

Tanner rubbed Luke's shoulders and back. He could feel the hard muscles through Luke's shirt. Tanner started tugging on Luke's shirt wanting to feel the smooth skin underneath. Luke helped and soon the troublesome piece of clothing was gone. Luke had no hair on his back, but his chest was lightly dusted with black hair. He had dime sized nipples which stood at attention.

Tanner pulled Luke close for another kiss. Their bodies moved against each other. Tanner could tell that Luke was well endowed.

Luke dropped his hands and started tugging at Tanner's belt. "I want u inside me so bad." Tanner concurred and started frantically pulling at Luke's jeans. Eventually they got rid of their jeans and now stood pressed together with nothing separating them except for their boxers.

Tanner was so hard it was almost painful. Luke whimpered as Tanner pulled his boxers down allowing Luke's dick to spring forth. It was at least 9 inches of delicious boy meat and Tanner wasted no time.

Luke threw back his head as Tanner swallowed his entire rod in 1 go. Tanner could taste the precursor to his boyfriend's load and it was sweet. Luke panted, "oh yeah, baby! Take it down." Tanner sucked on Luke's dick and reached up with his other hand to feel Luke's balls. They were big and throbbing for release. Tanner pulled off Luke's dick to lick his balls. Luke moaned again. "O baby, that's it. Don't stop! I'm so close."

Tanner took one of Luke's balls into his mouth and sucked on it. Luke was trembling. "O baby, please make me cum. I need it so bad." Tanner took the ball out of his mouth and returned to Luke's drooling dick. Luke let out a small cry. "O fuck! O fuck! O fuck i'm cumming."

Luke's whole body tensed as he came. His sweet juices flooding Tanner's mouth. Tanner wanted to saver the rich taste of fresh boy cum, but Luke came like a fire hose. Wave after wave shot out of the dick in his mouth and it was all tanner could do to stop himself from drowning. He had never known anyone who came like this. Just as he thought he would have no choice but to pull off, the flood of cum slowed to a trickle. Tanner milked Luke's dick wanting every last drop of Luke's milk. At long last, Luke was empty.

Tanner busied himself with cleaning Luke's dick licking and sucking it until it was squeaky clean. Luke finally pulled away. "I think it's your turn now baby. I want you to cum inside me." Tanner needed no convincing. Quickly, he shoved his boxers down and stepped out of them. Tanner's dick was hard as steel and it was leaking copious amounts of pre-come. Luke dropped to his knees and took all 7 inches of Tanner into his mouth. Tanner gasped as Luke sucked. Precum filled Luke's mouth and he purred like a contented kitty cat. "Fuck yeah!" Tanner opened his legs giving Luke better access. Luke stroked Tanner's balls. They were big about the size of tennis balls. Tanner's dick throbbed in Luke's mouth as he teased it with his tongue. He swirled it around and around. "Fuck yeah," Tanner moaned. Finally Tanner pushed Luke away. "I wanna fuck u so bad! Turn around."

Luke did as Tanner bid getting down on all fours like a dog. Tanner croutched behind him. He took some precum from his dick and spread it over Luke's inviting hole. Luke panted, "yeah baby." Tanner loaded up his finger again and pushed it into Luke's ass. Luke moaned as the finger entered him with just the right amount of resistance. Tanner experimental he pushed his finger in and out a few times before adding a second finger. Luke was panting and moaning with anticipation. Tanner withdrew his fingers from Luke's ass and replace them with his cock witch had not softened in the slightest. He rubbed the dripping head of his cock against the asshole in front of him a couple times, then with one hard thrust Tanner buried it balls deep in Luke's ass. Luke cried out in pleasure/pain as Tanner filled him. Tanner also cried out as he came to rest buried deep inside Luke. The bottom boy's ass was so tight. Tanner could feel Luke's ass grip his dick like a vice. The 2 boys remained motionless for a few seconds just savoring their union. "I don't know who you are," Tanner said, kissing the back of Luke's neck, "but I'm glad u found me." Luke concurred wholeheartedly. "Are you ready?" Tanner asked as his hands slid down to grip Luke's narrow hips. "because believe you me baby, once I start, I ain't stopping for nothing." Luke's only answer was another anticipatory moan. That was all the encouragement Tanner needed.

Tanner pulled his throbbing cock out of Luke until only the engorged head remained inside the other boy. Luke shuttered. The shutter caused Luke to clench the dick in his ass. Tanner let out a sound somewhere between a mew and a growl. Gripping Luke's hips even titer, Tanner once again drove his dick into the other boy. Luke met Tanner's thrust with a reverse thrust of his own. Luke could feel Tanner's balls slap his ass every time he drove forward and the sensation made him extremely horny. Luke's dick began to harden. "Yeah baby!" Luke panted. "Fuck me good and hard. Make me your bitch." Tanner increased his pace until he was sweating and grunting. "Do u want my load?" "O yeah, baby. Give it to me."

Tanner fucked his boyfriend with the speed and abandon reserved only for teens. Tanner's balls were throbbing as he neared his climax. Luke's dick was fully hard and on the point of exploding. Luke controlled himself only with great difficulty. Tanner panted. "I'm cuming! Fuck i'm cuming." Luke felt Tanner give a few more hard thrusts then freeze. His dick bucked inside Luke as it unloaded. Luke cried out as he felt Tanner spray inside him. Luke's dick bucked as it pored his seed on the ground beneath him.

The 2 boys remained joined for a few seconds as they caught their breath. "That was amazing," Tanner panted. "U won't get any argument from me." Luke sighed regretfully as Tanner withdrew his softening dick. The night was still rather cool, but neither of the boys seemed to notice. The ground was soft littered as it was with dead leaves. Tanner stretched out on a particularly thick carpet of these leaves. He bid Luke to come lie next to him. Luke crawled over and snuggled next to Tanner. In a tone that was half amused, half fearful, Tanner asked, "do you think the good people who live in this house will mind terribly that we just had sex on their front lawn?" Luke chuckled. "If they did, they would have woken the entire neighborhood with their protestations." He licked Tanner's cheek. Tanner giggled. "I guess ur rite. Either their not home, or they must b deaf. Heaven knows, we made enough noise." "There's a third possability." Luke said teasingly. Tanner bit. "What?" Luke reached down to rub one of Tanner's nipples as he whispered, "they mite have enjoyed our show." Tanner giggled again and punched Luke's shoulder playfully. "You are such a bad boy."

Tanner pulled Luke's lips to meet his own. "I know this is going to sound crazy," Tanner said kissing the other boy's nose, "but I think I love u already. I want to spend the rest of my life with u." Luke chuckled and held Tanner close. "Baby, that doesn't sound crazy at all." Luke slid down Tanner's body and flicked one of Tanner's tits with his tongue. He was rewarded with a moan and a shiver. Luke popped the hard nipple into his mouth. Tanner moaned and shuttered. "That feels so good."

Luke sucked on Tanner's nipple a few seconds more then with a regretful sigh, Luke allowed the nipple to pop out of his mouth. He returned to his former position. Tanner sighed contentedly. "I never want to leave you. I love you so much. I want us to remain together forever." "At last, u have spoken the words I have been waiting for all night. I must feed."

Tanner's body stiffened as Luke's words registered. "What do u mean?" He asked wearily. Luke smiled wide. Two razor sharp fangs slid down from the roof of his mouth. The moonlight caught then and they gleamed. Luke's words were slightly distorted, but nevertheless perfectly comprehensible. "I have truly enjoyed our time together and my only regret is that I cannot let you go free. Tanner, please Believe me when I say that u r The only boy I have ever truly cared about since I was born over a century ago. I promise to make this quick. U Will not suffer."

Tanner began to struggle as Luke lowered his mouth to the place where Tanner's pulse beat so invitingly beneath his tender flesh.

Luke's gleaming fangs were a feather's breath away from Tanner's neck when he paused. Luke whispered the last words Tanner would hear. "I love u Tanner. Please never forget that." Tanner thrashed as Luke's fangs sank into his neck.

Tanner thrashed his arms and though several of his blows landed, they had absolutely no affect on his assailant. Tanner tried kicking to no avail. The human boy was no match for the supernatural creature.

The rich taste of blood filled the vampire's mouth. Luke moaned in ecstasy as he drank. Tanner continued to thrash, but Luke took no notice. Luke kept his promise. He drained Tanner as quickly as possible, but the process still took several minutes. Humans had so much blood, Luke thought sadly as he finally finished.

The vampire withdrew his fangs from the cold neck of the boy's body. No, he corrected himself as he disentangled himself from the cold embrace of death. This wasn't just another body. It was a sweet and loving boy, he thought bitterly as he got dressed. He didn't deserve this. Not for the first time, the vampire cursed the creature who had first seduced him then stolen his blood forever condemning him to an existence where he was forced to take the lives of others in order to insure his own continued survival.

Luke finished dressing then stood looking sadly down at the corpse at his feet. It looked shrunken without blood coursing through its veins. Luke suddenly wondered if he could perform one last service for the boy who had done what he, Luke, had thought impossible. This human child, he told himself as he scanned the area for he knew not what. This human child had touched his heart.

Luke's gaze landed on the pile of Tanner's discarded clothing and he hissed with satisfaction. He seized the clothes and began the difficult task of redressing Tanner's body. Tanner's skin was cold to the touch. Luke took great care not to hurt the boy he loved. As if he can feel anything now, Luke thought bitterly.

The task finally completed, Luke kissed the frigid lips of Tanner's body. Luke rose to his feet . He would return to his coffin and await the sun's arrival which would force his body to sleep whether he wanted it or not. He would not kill again this night.

Luke walked resolutely away from his latest victim. As he did so, the clouds began to vail the moon once more. Shadows began creeping forward laying claim to the land once more. Luke paused at the edge of the shadow tunnel and glanced back. The moon was almost completely obscured by the clouds but a circle of lite still remained. It focused like a spotlight on Tanner's body. The vampire felt another stab of sadness and he murmured, "farewell, my friend." Luke turned and vanished into the shadow tunnel.

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