Shadow Reverend

By L Stone

Published on Aug 18, 2021


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Shadow Reverend Chapter 9

It was later in the evening when Kest and Dima roused. Kest observed that Dima was still exhibiting signs of shock from the attack from the face dancer posing as the grounds keeper of the hunting lodge earlier in the day, but he was improving. It was good to see that Dima was starting to rebound. Dima was keeping close to Kest though, either near or touching Kest in some form or fashion. Kest knew that it was part of Dima's healing process so he was relaxed and as comforting as he could be.

The pair were moving around in the bedroom when Dima's stomach rumbled. That was when they realized that they had not eaten lunch. Kest chuckled as Dima made a face.

"I guess that I am hungry now for food." Dima said with a slight blush on his fair skin.

"Leda said she would have food available when we were ready." Kest offered.

Dima glanced over his shoulder as he was getting dressed and gave Kest a hard look. Dima pulled his pants up before he turned to look Kest head on. It appeared that Dima had made his mind up about something as he stopped in a solid stance.

"Leda's from the Sisterhood." Dima said quietly but with intensity, "I know that I am right. No one could have moved like she did with that man this morning. Or a body not a man, I should say."

Kest took in a deep breath before he spoke, "Yes, Leda is from the Sisterhood. You are correct on the other part as well, it was not a true man that attacked this morning. If you are ready to hear more, I can share." Kest said.

"Is Leda a spy or something? And what was it that attacked us?" Dima asked with more firmness in his voice than he really felt.

Kest noticed the brave facade as he replied, "Not so much a spy, more like an agent. She is not looking to share house secrets, but to be there for protection. You know as a member of your household that there are many dangers centered on you just for your lineage. The Sisterhood like we discussed are long-range planners, to be honest longer-range than the majority of people know and not just for the Sisterhood. They have more noble aspirations of planning, for all of humanity. Part of that planning encompases maintaining certain familial lines intact. Leto II gave us a singular glimpse during his reign, he used the Sisterhood's model for his needs and vision."

Kest stopped to make sure that Dima was still processing the details without too much strain, he continued, "The thing that attacked this morning was a face dancer. Well a new breed of face dancer, better than ones we are used to from the Bene Tleilax. We are not even sure that they are under normal Bene Tleilax origin or control." Kest paused for a shiver, something uncommon for him, "These new face dancers are more difficult to detect and apparently have some new skills or abilities to take on more of the victim's memories than were thought possible. The face dancer that assumed Milo your head groundskeeper here was one of the new ones."

Kest paused again as he was watching Dima, who paled at the description of the face dancer. Ruling families had for centuries been schooled on the dangers of face dancers. With a large gulp, Dima kept focused on Kest.

"You know that I have many duties in my role. Part of my directive has been to identify and eliminate any of these new face dancers that I am able to." Kest continued, then gave a brief pause before going on. "The former groundskeeper was one of several that have been eliminated in your household."

Dima was looking more grave than before. Kest was watching Dima's reaction and did not say anything. Without warning Dima sat down quickly and he put a hand to his face. It took a minute to gain his composure before he looked up again.

"Mikal was one too, am I correct?" Dima said in a quiet voice.

Kest looked at Dima and nodded, not really trusting Dima's reaction to a voice. For good reason, Dima swayed slightly in his seated position and then had to use a hand to steady himself. Dima looked up at Kest, tears were now running down his face.

"He was eliminated as you put it, not called away on a personal emergency." Dima said in a strained voice, again Kest only nodded. Then Dima continued, "It makes sense now. OH!!!! How I burn now!"

Kest stepped closer as the quiet, crying young man was now becoming enraged. Dima's face was a mixture between sorrow and fiery anger - it was twisting with distortion as it moved between the warring emotions. Kest sat down next to Dima and gathered the red head into his arms. Dima sobbed loudly and melted into Kest's embrace.

"So face dancers are responsible for my family's deaths. Mikal had not been my tutor for long before my parents and older brother went on the off-planet trip. He suggested that he and I should stay as he had arranged a meeting with a regional CHOAM representative. He convinced my parents they should go and not reschedule their trip. Further he said we would meet up with them later in the trip." Dima now explained with some grief. "Then it was Milo who was the first to locate my Uncle after his accident here. Was it truly an accident? What were these face dancer's goals? Why my family?"

Kest held Dima in his arms and gently rocked the shocked man. It took several minutes of calm breathing and using stroking techniques for Kest to be able to help center Dima. Dima finally took a deep breath and let it out before sitting back upright.

"It is my lineage as a ruling house. I know that now." Dima said quietly.

"That is most likely correct. I am not sure, but I would hazard a guess that they wanted to control you and your family dealings on this planet. They would have needed you to remain human so your dealings with others would not have tipped off. Your family's historic aborance to the Sisterhood should have been the insulation the face dancers needed to succeed in their plan to do so undetected." Kest explained.

"The Sisterhood can detect face dancers and eliminate them as they are located if possible." Kest added, "And people that are trained by the Sisterhood can detect them as well."

Dima had a gleem return to his eyes. The look was cutting through his pain and despair, it was one fueled not by fear but by hate. The trademark looks of his heritage were now fully displayed. He locked eyes with Kest now.

"These new face dancers are in trouble now. I do not like having my family ripped from me too early and now I am thrust in control of my family lands and concerns. They will be made to pay for those errors." Dima hissed with quiet focus.

Kest did not speak for a moment as he just held Dima and began subtly caressing some soothing points on the fiery redhead's body. Slowly the combination was bringing Dima down from his emotional high. Kest then bent his head forward and placed his lips on Dima's. Dima sighed into Kest's mouth and their tongues began to pass between each other's lips.

Kest and Dima made out with some heavy groping, but did not proceed further. The kissing and cuddling were still consoling Dima's emotions. Again Dima's stomach growled. The pair of them broke the kiss laughing.

"I need to eat." Dima chuckled as Kest jostled the red hair.

"I am sure Leda will have us taken care of." Kest said as he pulled both of them to standing, grinning as he looked at the bulges in both their pants.

Dima led the way to the kitchen. They walked down the stairs from the guest suites with Dima pointing out the painting or other hunting artifact details as they went. Kest enjoyed the return of a budding personality in Dima. They entered the kitchen to find Leda starting to make up some plates. Also there was Lex, assisting Leda in the task.

"Ah Sire and Master Kest, you have arrived just in time. Leda has prepared a wonderful meal for us all." Lex said as he noticed the physical closeness that Dima and Kest shared.

"You have braved it downstairs. I am glad." Leda said with a smile. "We can eat in here if that is ok?"

"Thank you, Leda. That is perfect." Dima said, "And thank you for your hunting as well."

Leda almost faltered at the last statement, being so bold, until she met eyes with Kest and got a slight smiling nod. She then smiled at Dima and looked into his eyes.

"You are welcome, Sire. I am happy to serve as needed by you and your household." Leda said with grace and understated power as a full Bene Gesserit sister would.

Lex had turned to grab something and missed the full subterfuge of Leda's reply. Both Dima and Leda nodded while Kest smiled. The four of them worked on assembling the food and sat down at one of the tables in the kitchen area. Dima looked around and gave Kest and company a small smile.

"When I was a small child, I would come down early in the morning and watch the cooks prepare food for breakfast and for lunches that were to be taken on extended hunting days. I would get in trouble with my nurses as I had to elude them to sneak down here. It was always well worth it, as the cooks loved me and gave me special treats. It is one of my favorite childhood memories." Dima shared.

Kest touched Dima's face and they shared a smile. Leda looked happy at the pair, knowing how much Kest was helping Dima mature. Lex was picking up on how close the two were and was becoming turned on. They continued eating.

"I have spoken with Pavel, Sire. Through a discussion and with your approval, we think it would be appropriate for Lex to assume the head groundskeeper position here and for him to find an assistant as he is able to. Pavel and I both trust him and believe he will be a nice addition to your hunters, Sire." Leda said.

Lex looked surprised at the frankness at which Leda spoke. Kest only grinned. Dima smiled at both the information and the double meaning of hunters.

"I think that would be an outstanding idea, Leda. Lex, if you are willing to take on the responsibilities here and learn from Pavel and Leda, I believe it will work well." Dima said

"It would be an honor, Sire! It will be a pleasure to serve in whatever manner that you need me." Lex answered quickly and then slightly blushed at his own eagerness.

"That is wonderful. Please let Pavel know at your convenience. Lex, it will be good to have you as part of my hunting team as well." Dima said, being more direct.

Glancing at Kest and then Leda who each gave subtle nods, "I have a desire to rid my household of the face dancer scum. I believe they are responsible for my family's tragedies recently. I need people I can trust. If you are willing, I want you with me in this endeavor. I need men and women I can trust. Can you do this for me?" Dima asked in all seriousness.

Lex took a moment to compose himself. He then stood and walked around the table to the side where Kest and Dima were seated. Lex stopped in front of Dima and dropped to his knees. Lowering his head, exposing his neck in supplication.

"It will be my honor to serve with you, Sire. I pledge with my heart, mind and soul to serve and protect you." Lex said with solemn tones and convictions.

Dima replied, "Then rise, Lex. I accept your pledge and welcome you."

Dima stood as he had spoken. Lex looked up with fervor in his eyes at the red headed liege. Dima was excited and turned on both by the situation and by the man, his cock was plumping up and bulging. Dima noticed that Lex was also filling out his pants in the crotch area. They each caught a smile as they saw each other checking the other out. Kest noticed the glancing and bodily reactions in both men, he grinned and caught Leda with a similar grin. Kest thought, Yes, Lex will be perfect.

Both Dima and Lex both returned to sit down. The four of them finished their meal together. Kest started to gently groom and touch Dima throughout the remainder of the meal. Kest was noting how interested Lex was in the pair's informal closeness. Several times Lex had to resituate as his crotch was becoming full and he did not want to be obvious about it. Kest and Leda shared a knowing look.

As they completed eating, Leda stood, "Dima, I need to clean up here and then communicate with Pavel. If you will excuse me." Leda said.

"Thank you, Leda." Dima said, "Please get some rest. I know that you have worked hard today and I appreciate it."

Leda smiled and nodded. Again she and Kest shared a knowing look. Leda was caught again by how much development and maturity Dima was advancing through the interactions with Kest. She moved and started the small clean up needed.

"Why don't you join us as we go up to the suite we are using. That way you will know which one we are using for the visit." Kest offered to Lex.

"That is very thoughtful, Kest. It would be my pleasure to join you." Lex replied politely, but with unspoken undertones.

Kest gave a smile and nod as they stood. Dima, Kest and now Lex were headed to the quest suites. Kest was letting Dima lead, but was subtly touching Dima with more and more of a sexually familiar tone. As they reached the door, Dima stopped and turned to Leda.

"Good night, Leda. Thank you again!" Dima said, both Kest and Lex replied with 'Good night' as well. Leda smiled and waved the trio on.

Dima resumed leading them up to the third floor guest suites, coming to the one they were using. Kest checked to see that the suite had not been entered by using his discrete markings as a clue. It had been undisturbed in their meal absence. Lex was about to turn to go away.

"Will you come in for a little while? It will take some time to wind down and be ready for sleep." Dima inquired, looking at Lex.

Lex nodded and entered the sitting room of the guest suite. Kest was able to take a good examination of Lex now. He was about the same size as Dima in height, weight was close as well. Lex's musculature was more dense from the outdoor and physical nature of his job. Lex had coal black hair and fair skin in places that it was not tanned from the outdoor work. Lex's most striking feature was his pale blue eyes, almost sky blue in color. Lex's face was lean with sharp features and high cheekbones which help accentuate his eyes even more. Kest also noted that Lex's crotch still was holding a bulge, which Lex was doing his best to camouflage.

Dima offered a seat on the couch which Lex took, still focusing on Dima as he could. Kest then offered a drink. The suite may not have been fully stocked, but did have some aged liquors for on hand drinks. Kest took the decantor and poured just two glasses of the amber liquid. Kest returned and handed one glass to Lex. Then turning Kest sat down very close to Dima who was between him and Lex, taking a drink he leaned closer and kissed Dima to share the liquor.

Dima was not surprised at the kiss or the sharing of the liquid. He had been picking up on the hints that Lex was attracted to the pair of them. As Kest kissed him, Dima let his hands roam all over Kest's body. Both Dima's and Kest's bodies were responding accordingly and their cocks were filling out in their pants. Kest broke the kiss and turned to Lex who was sweating and flushed from watching.

"How about you offer Dima a drink, Lex?" Kest said in a low, sensual voice while Dima was staring at Lex.

Lex gulped. The looks he was getting from Dima finally broke his reserve. Lex took a swallow of the liquid and then he leaned towards Dima's open lips. They sealed their lips and began kissing and sharing the drink between them. Lex was hesitating until Dima let his hands roam and then Lex reciprocated. Now both young men were kissing deeply and letting hands touch all over each other. They broke the kiss and Kest took a sip and began kissing Dima until they had swallowed the drink. Then Lex repeated the drink kiss.

Now Dima and Lex were feeling the effects of the liquor, their faces and necks were flushed. All three men were sporting hard-ons under their clothes. Kest, being experienced, stood up and took off his shirt, tossing it aside. Dima moved closer to Kest's nude chest and sucked a nipple into his mouth. Kest moaned. Lex moved up and mirroring Dima sucked in Kest's other nipple. Kest let his head fall back as he sighed in pleasure. Dima felt around Kest's pants and opened the closure. Lex helped and then together they slowly lowered the pants down Kest's legs. Kest stepped out of the pants as they neared his feet. Now Kest was standing in just his tight briefs that were struggling to contain his hard cock, a wet spot had pooled at his cock head. Dima went to grab the waist band, but Kest stayed Dima's hand.

Using the grip on Dima's hand Kest lifted up, pulling Dima to standing. Dima caught on as Kest sank to his knees next to Lex. Dima stripped off his shirt and Lex and Kest latched onto Dima's exposed nipples. Dima was basking in the waves of pleasure from the suckling men on his chest. Lex took the initiative this time and felt around Dima's pants to open them. Kest assisted Lex as they lowered Kest's pants down allowing Dima to step out of them. Now Dima was clad in only his briefs that were stretched to contain Dima's cock. Now Dima and Kest looked down to where Lex was kneeling.

Lex stood as Dima joined Kest on the floor. Lex stripped his shirt off, tossing it aside. Lex had short body hair in the same dark black color in smatterings on his chest and pits. A small trail of hair started just below his navel and went down toward his pants. Lex's chest was still tanned, but his arms and neck were darker from being exposed more often. Dima and Kest waited a moment to look at Lex before they began to suck on each nipple. Lex let out a pent up moan, rich with desire. Shortly after, Dima reached and felt around the front of Lex's pants. Dima gave Lex a good feeling before opening the closure of the pants. Then Kest assisted to lower Lex's pants down his legs. Lex stepped out of the pants to reveal a very full cock jutting over the waistband of the shorts he was wearing. Lex's legs were lighter still, getting whiter as one moved towards his crotch.

Kest stood up and Dima followed suit. Kest opened his arms and encompassed both younger men in his embrace. Dima and Lex were now sharing a kiss with Kest. At one point all three of their tongues were out tangling together. Hands were exploring, hips were gyrating and clothed cocks were grinding against each other. Moans were issued when kissing changed partners. They were edging higher in raw sexual energy. Kest was touching and licking and nibbling each Dima and Lex, pushing them higher still.

Lex could stand it no longer, with a sharp tug on each Dima's and Kest's shorts he dropped to his knees as the other men's cocks were released. Lex moved his hands to hold the base of each cock, Dima's with the red curly hairs and Kest's with the trimmed brown hairs. Lex tore his sight off of the two beautiful cocks and looked up through his dark eyelashes. Lex's pale blue eyes flashing lust, he opened his mouth and leaned closer. Lex's tongue swiped first Dima's and then Kest's cock heads collecting strands of pre-cum. Both standing men let out sighs of pleasure and Lex let his tongue retract into his mouth to taste both men's gifts, he hummed in delight. Lex then opened his mouth and began to lick and suck each man's cock head in turn.

Kest pulled Dima into a hug, giving Kest access to Dima's nipples which he began teasing. Dima mirrored Kest's actions, now both men were stimulating each other as Lex was sucking further and further down on each cock in turn. Kest dropped a hand down to stroke Lex's head and neck in subtle combinations, allowing Lex to relax further and be amped up with more sexual desire. As Lex was able to deep throat each hard cock down to the base, it was very clear that Lex was not his first time doing this.

Dima and Kest were giving appreciative moans as Lex switched between the two hard cocks. Lex would slurp down to the base of each cock before switching to the other. To note, Lex did not have a gag reflex that was noticeable and Kest's cock head was going smoothly into Lex's throat with each deep bob. Dima looked into Kest's eyes and they met in a kiss, cooing and moaning as Lex worked their cocks.

Kest broke their kiss and pulled Lex up to his feet. Lex's face was splattered with spit and his lips were puffy, a slight flush could be seen from his efforts. Kest positioned himself behind Lex with Dima in Lex's front. Gently Dima came forward and began making out with Lex and playing with Lex's nipples. Kest then lowered to his knees and pulled Lex's tight shorts off, freeing the newly promoted groundskeeper's cock. Lex moaned in Dima's mouth as Kest parted Lex's ass cheeks and made a swipe of his tongue up the crack. Lex was grinding his cock into Dima's as Kest ate Lex's ass.

Dima moved down Lex's body, kissing and teasing the toned flesh as he went. Dima opened his mouth and swallowed Lex's hard member, taking a moment to swirl his tongue around the shiny cock head to capture some of the salty sweet pre-cum. Lex threw his head back now as Kest was rimming him and Dima was bobbing on his cock. Lex tried to thrust but could not decide which way to go as both mouths were giving him such pleasure.

Kest slid a spit soaked finger into Lex's hole. Lex responded with an earthy moan, now thrusting forward into Dima's mouth at Kest's finger fucking pace. Lex started to moan more loudly as Kest thrust two fingers in and quickly followed by a third as Lex's hole was loosening up. Dima was still bobbing on Lex's hard member, taking it deeper each time.

Dima slipped his lips up and off Lex's cock. Slowly he worked his mouth up Lex's body - licking and kissing, until their lips met again. Dima stood apart as Kest stood up as well. Then Dima led the three into the bedroom. Dima crossed to the bed and crawled up and layed face up with his head by the foot of the bed. Lex mounted the bed at Kest's gentle push, joining Dima in a 69 position with Lex on all fours over Dima. Lastly Kest joined them on the bed on his knees behind Lex.

Kest inserted three fingers back into Lex's prepped hole. Lex could be heard moaning around Dima's cock as both men were sucking each other off. Kest further opened Lex's ass by the thrusting and pulling of his fingers in and out. Lex was trying to arch his back to open his ass up, but Dima's oral actions impeded that movement. Kest removed his fingers and Lex gave a slightly disappointed sound.

Kest had retrieved a container of lube and was now slicking his hard cock up. Lex and Dima were still going after each other and were not paying attention to how Kest was prepping. Lex next felt Kest come up behind him again, this time he felt the hot rod slap across his crack. Lex moaned and shivered with pleasure as Kest slowly moved his hard cock up and down Lex's crack.

Kest positioned his cock head at Lex's pucker, the heat from the hard tool made Lex coo around Dima's cock in his mouth. Kest pushed gently forward, entering Lex's tight hole. With a firm grip on Lex's hips, Kest slid the full length of cock in. Lex moaned loudly, but kept sucking on Dima's cock. After a few moments to let Lex become comfortable with the cock in his ass, Kest started to slowly pull back and thrust back into Lex's hole. The thrusting from Kest was moving Lex's cock in and out of Dima's mouth, it was causing all the men to moan with pleasure.

Kest controlled the pace for several minutes of ass pounding, throat fucking between Lex and Dima. They were all now warmed up. Kest pushed deep and then latched onto Lex's hips. Standing up, Kest pulled Lex's cock from Dima's mouth. In turn the lift removed Lex's mouth from Dima's cock. Kest positioned Lex back on the bed and turned him over to be on Lex's back. Kest resumed thrusting into Lex's hole. Dima moved around and pointed his cock back into Lex's open mouth. Now Kest and Dima were looking into each other's eyes as they pumped cock in Lex's holes.

Soon the pair found a rhythm of pounding into Lex, leaning closer together they were able to get face to face. Dima pressed his lips on Kest's and they started to make out while still pumping away. Lex was reaching around Dima's legs for stability as the pair was plowing into him. Lex's hands went up and began teasing Dima's crack and pucker. Dima cried out as Lex was able to slip a sweaty finger into his pucker. Lex was able to hold his finger in Dima's pucker and it moved as Dima thrust in and out of Lex's mouth. Kest then reached across and began tweaking Dima's nipples.

Dima was starting to feel his climax begin to rise. Kest was watching the flush begin to spread over Dima's pale skin. Dima was thrusting away into Lex's mouth and back onto Lex's finger still in his ass. Dima began gurgling and moaning as pleasure was sweeping his body as he got closer. The moaning turned more to desperate whines as Dima increased the power of his face fucking into Lex. Kest's fingers were rubbing and pinching Dima's hard nipples to sharp points - sending flashes of pleasure right to Dima's balls.

"YIIIIEEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHH!" Dima screamed as his balls pulled up so quickly they slapped.

Dima's first jets of cum were going straight into Lex's throat. Lex was swallowing as fast as he could with each jet. Lex's finger was trapped in Dima's ass with the tight muscles pulsing on it with each successive volley of cum shots. Dima kept pumping as he continued to jizz, but pulled back somewhat to let Lex's mouth fill with his seed. Lex was slurping and tasting the cum as he could.

Dima then slumped back on the bed, popping his cock free from Lex's mouth. Dima was still breathing heavily from his climax as he settled to watch Kest still pumping cock in and out of Lex's ass. Now that Dima was sitting back watching, Kest pulled his cock out of Lex's now used hole. Kest moved to lay down next to where Dima was sitting, he motioned for Lex to climb on his upright, rigid tool. Lex smiled his puffy lips as he straddled Kest's cock and sank down on it.

Kest pulled Dima's face to his and they began to make out again as Lex was now riding Kest's cock. Lex was controlling the pace and power of his bouncing, feeling all of Kest's cock in his chute. Kest broke the kiss and then pushed Dima's head towards Lex's. Now Lex and Dima were kissing, Dima tasting some of his cum from Lex's mouth. Kest began to thrust upward as Lex was bouncing down, ramping up the intensity.

Dima took one hand and began to tease Lex's nipple. The other hand Dima reached down and began to stroke Lex's hard cock. Lex was moaning into Dima's mouth as they continued to kiss. The shift of position and now Kest's upward pounding was poking Lex's p-nut. The stimulation that Dima was giving Lex was pushing Lex past his point of holding back as Kest's cock was plowing his hole.

Lex began to moan more loudly as he felt his body start to shake. Dima continued to jack Lex's cock in full, fast strokes. Kest gripped Lex's hips and was now piledriving upward into Lex's body. Lex broke the kiss with Dima as he threw his head back and gave a growl like whimpering noise. Dima and Kest continued to stimulate Lex's body as he got more and more worked up.

"OH MY! OOOOHHH! OOOOHHHH! I'M CUUUMMMMIIIINNNNGGGG!" Lex stuttered before shouting.

Lex's cock began to pump rope after rope of cum splashing all over Kest's thrusting body. Dima was pumping Lex's cock directing the shots on Kest's face, chest, and abs until no cum was exiting the pulsing tool. Kest was getting close to his climax as well, the pulsing around his cock was adding the much needed friction. Dima returned to kissing Lex as Kest continued to piston cock in and out.

"Take my load!" Kest yelled as he could not hold back any more.

Kest began to breed Lex's still quivering ass, shooting hot jets of cum deeply in Lex's chute. Lex grunted as he felt the hot liquid spraying in his insides. Kest was huffing as he pounded hard upward, filling Lex with his seed. After eight hard pounding jets, Kest gave a last deep thrust and pulled Lex down onto his pulsing cock.

Lex's body collapsed onto Kest's while Dima was licking pools of cum from Kest's body. Dima was then taking turns and kissing Kest and Lex, sharing Lex's seed. Dima continued until Kest's body was cleaned up. By that time Kest's cock had popped out of Lex's used hole, Dima bent down and began collecting Kest's dripping cum. Dima shared this treasure with the sweaty men as well.

Once Lex's and Kest's bodies were cleaned up, Dima settled down on the bed between Lex and Kest. The three cuddled together and started to drift off to sleep. Lex was laying his head against Dima's chest and Kest was spooning Dima from behind. Dima had a fuzzy thought of how this was creating a new, happy memory at the hunting lodge. The room soon only had sleeping noises from the exhausted trio.

Next: Chapter 10

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