Shadow Reverend

By L Stone

Published on Jul 9, 2021


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Shadow Reverend Chapter 8

Kest slipped out of the bedroom from Dima's suite late in the evening. He wanted to make it to his suite and send his message to the Sisterhood about the new breed of face dancers. He also needed to search Mikal's suite for any other evidence or clues. Kest decided he would stop by his suite first and then try and then locate the other suite.  

Kest padded quietly through the halls in the family wing down to his suite that was not far away. He entered his suite and stopped just inside the door at a slight noise. Looking closely he saw that Leda was resting in the armchair in his waiting room. His entry caused her to wake, but only her eyes betrayed that she was awake. They made eye contact and the tension released from both of them.

"I thought you might need to know where the face dancer's suite was. I took the liberty of being here for when you came back." Leda said not showing any evidence that she was still sleepy.

"I am glad you did. I want to search it before anyone else might think his absence is amiss. We can go now and then when I return I can prepare my message." Kest replied.

Leda nodded and rose to her feet. The pair were quickly back into the hallway and headed towards the servant's wing not far from the administrative wing. They rounded the corner to find a house guard posted in the hallway. The guard was alert and when he saw Leda a quick sign / countersign was exchanged. The guard did not speak, only nodded to admit them to the former tutor's room.

Kest paused at the entrance and entered his most receptive observational phase. Leda mirrored Kest's action before they stepped into the small suite. The suite was less than half the size of Kest's in the family wing, the waiting room had only space for a small desk and media storage shelf. The door to the sleep chamber was open.

Kest and Leda began to explore the small room together. There were not very many items on the desk, all benign. The media shelf was almost as empty - a few spool books and readers. Kest glanced at Leda and nodded. They had not found anything useful yet.

Kest led Leda into the sleeping chamber. The closet was sparse and tidy, there was a false back that revealed many different sets of clothes in different sizes. This time when their eyes met, it was the confirmation needed. They pulled out the clothing and matched them together, Leda started making notes on physical descriptions needed to wear the particular costumes. These descriptions would be passed onto Pavel to investigate for anyone missing who might fit.

Leda was getting ready to go when Kest uncovered an upper shelf in the closet and a ridialian crystal for data storage in it. There was not a reader, the only marking on the crystal was the same symbol that was on Mikal's tattoo. Leda took it with the bundle of clothes they had made. She would have it all sent to the Sisterhood for review and investigation.

"I need to prepare these for discrete transport since we are leaving in a few hours." Leda said, "You need to get back to Dima. The face dancers might start to get antsy if they feel the net of a trap closing in. They might try an attack, as foolish as that would be, but there could be collateral damage."

"Understood. I will go now and see you in 'the morning' as it were." Kest said tersely.

Leda nodded as they parted ways. Kest returned back to his suite and packed up the few things that he would need. He composed and then sent his communication to the Sisterhood. Then he quickly made it back to Dima's suite unchallenged by the House Guards. Kest slipped into the suite and deposited his carryall and items by Dima's desk before going into the bedroom.

Kest quietly closed the door behind him after entering the bedroom. Dima was as Kest left him, the nimbus of wild red hair ringed the pale and smooth skin. Dima's nude form was only briefly covered by a corner of the sheet as Dima's legs and arms were sprawled wide. The moonlight was splashed across Dima's toned abs, showing a firmish lump under the sheet in the crotch area.

Kest looked up to Dima's relaxed face with a hint of a smile on his full lips. Kest was starting to pull off his clothes as when he left to explore he was also fully nude. Kest caught a glimpse of his own face that was starting to smile as he recalled their time together.

Dima had pulled the emotion ridden Kest from the balcony by the arm. When they entered the bedroom, Dima had closed and locked the doors before returning to Kest standing near the bed. Dima reached down and started to undo the closures on Kest's clothes. Helping pull off and then step out of clothes, Dima had Kest naked in just a few moments.

Dima pushed Kest onto the bed as he shed his own clothes, being pulled off quickly in the heat of his desire. Dima crawled onto the bed and slid his nude form on top of Kest's. Dima brought his face to Kest's, opening his mouth and planting a deep kiss on Kest's lips. Dima's tongue was being firm in breeching Kest's lips.

Dima kissed Kest deeply for several minutes, just holding and lightly grinding his body against Kest's. Dima pulled his mouth away from the kiss and then moved plant kisses on Kest's forehead and then each eyelid. Dima's kisses then trailed down along Kest's jawline, neck and chest. Dima spent several minutes slowly and sensually kissing and licking Kest's nipples. Kest was moaning softly as he looked down his body to see the red headed scion feasting on his chest.

Dima glanced up with a grin as he began to move lower on Kest's body. Light licks and tongue touches moved across Kest's abs and toned belly. Kest chuckled when Dima's tongue flicked in and out of his belly button. Dima next gave oral attention to the v-lines down Kest's body. Dima stopped when his nose was right at Kest's balls, he took a deep breath in and sighed.

Kest began to moan as Dima began licking and sucking on his ball sack and balls. Dima was moving in a slow, pleasure filled pace, making sure to wet and suck each bit of flesh. Kest gasped in air as Dima's mouth went around his dripping cock head. Dima swirled his tongue around the hard, spongy flesh before swallowing the sticky, sweet liquid.

Dima then lowered his mouth down drawing more of Kest's turgid member in. Dima went at the same slow pace as his other movements, taking his time to use his tongue to swath along Kest's hard cock. Dima continued until his lips were touching the base of Kest's cock shaft. Dima paused there, taking in deep breaths of Kest's intoxicating musk.

Dima then began a slow and measured bobbing of his head up and down on Kest's member. When his tongue and lips would come up to Kest's cock head, Dima would pay special attention to the corona and slit. Kest was letting Dima worship his body, reveling in the passion and focus of the young scion. Dima worked his mouth up and down Kest's hard pole for almost twenty minutes, slowing to a stop if he could sense that Kest was getting too close to a climax.

At the crest of his next bob, Dima pulled his mouth off Kest's cock and looked up into Kest's eyes. Dima's look was of lust and desire and it hit Kest with an almost physical reaction. Kest was caught up in the attention and emotion of Dima's oral actions, the eye contact was charging him up even more.

"Will you prepare me? I need you in me badly." Dima pleaded with desire.

Kest nodded and Dima gave him a wicked grin. Dima pivoted his body from between Kest's legs to straddling Kest's torso. Dima settled his mouth back around Kest's cock as Kest leaned forward to spread Dima's ass cheeks. Kest blew a stream of air into the pulsing pucker ringed with red hair. Dima moaned deep and low against Kest's cock in his mouth. Kest leaned his face up and his mouth and tongue started to attack Dima's hot hole. Kest's tongue was wetting and seeking entrance to Dima's pucker. Dima's hips arched and he pushed back into Kest's thrusting tongue.

Dima continued to moan loudly around Kest's cock that he was using more spit to make it slick. Kest was pulling Dima's ass cheeks wider to gain deeper access in Dima's hole. Kest was making sure Dima was plenty wet. The pair continued to spit soak the appropriate parts for several minutes to a chorus of moans and sighs.

"I need you in me!" Dima said urgently as he pulled his mouth off Kest's cock.

Dima sat up and quickly turned around to straddle Kest's torso again, now with his ass lining up on Kest's cock. Dima shuffled backward as he reached behind and aligned Kest's hard member at his pucker entrance. Dima lifted up slightly as he placed the cock head and then began to sink down on the hard pike. Dima cried out with passion as he lowered his body down around Kest's cock. Kest let out an earthy, passionate moan as the wet, tight heat inched from his cock head all the way down his shaft.

Dima settled his full weight down on Kest, allowing his body to tightly wrap and pulse around Kest's meaty member. Dima threw his head back, flinging his sweat soaked red hair all around as he slowly began to circle his hips. Kest's hard cock was rubbing Dima's insides and stretching Dima's hole. Dima was gurgling with passion as he worked Kest's cock all around.

Dima looked down and brought his hands to Kest's upraised ones. Their hands gripped one another tightly, bonding their connection even more. Dima then used that connection to anchor his upper body as he began to lift and fall on Kest's cock. A wave of passion swept Dima's body as he moved up and down, impaling himself on Kest's solid piece. Dima would slow at the bottom and grind his hips deeper in Kest's pelvis.

Dima had a sweat covered face and glowing eyes that beconded down to Kest. Dima bent forward, lowering his face down. Kest kept strong eye contact as he leaned up. Their faces met and they began to kiss. Kest then began to pump his hips upward into Dima's opened hole. Dima lifted up some to give Kest more range of motion. Soon they were slapping their bodies hard against each other, Kest pumping upward and Dima matching it with a downward thrust. They took turns, grunting and moaning into their still deep kiss.

Passion was filling the room, their pace was picking up slowly. Dima's cock was being slung around, leaking strands of pre-cum between their abs. Kest released his grip of Dima's hands when he thrust hard up into Dima's ass. Quickly Kest pushed his body upward and rotated their position with Dima landing on his back and Kest above him. Kest snaked his arms under Dima's legs and pushed them upward over Kest's shoulders. Dima cried out at the new depths that Kest's cock was reaching, breaking their kiss.

Kest now took over the pace and thrusting for their union. Dima was moaning and groaning with each impact. Kest compressed down into Dima's folded body, resuming their hard kiss as his thrusting became stronger. Dima was wracked with ripples of pleasure as Kest started to pound faster. Kest's balls were slapping hard against Dima's ass.

Kest started to feel his climax building, his need for release was intense. Kest pushed Dima's legs more into Dima's body, so now each thrust was pounding into Dima's gland. Dima broke the kiss with a strangled groan of pleasure. Kest began to piledrive into Dima's opened hole, the power bouncing Dima deeper into the bed below his folded body. The change of direction and increased pressure from Kest was now driving Dima to a climax as well.

Kest was watching Dima's body react, he wanted them to climax at the same time. Kest used some of his training techniques: a touch here, a lick there and a squeeze in just the right spot. Dima was being raised to an erotic level he had not experienced yet. Kest continued to pump his cock in and out, Dima was breathing faster and felt like he was opening up in more than just a sexual way.

Kest was just on the edge of his explosion, only being held back by the force of his will. Dima was burbling in waves of pleasure that were radiating throughout his body and he had not even climaxed yet.

Suddenly Dima's toes curled, his calves tightened and his legs tensed on Kest's shoulders. Kest turned his head and licked along Dima's inner ankle bone just as he was pounding his cock right into Dima's gland. Dima began to tremble and quake.

Kest could hold back no longer, with a loud grunting noise he started to rut into Dima's chute. Kest's boiling hot cum started to jet deep in Dima's hole. The hot liquid was the final element that Dima needed, his climax was now cresting. Dima's cock was spraying streams of cum in time to the pounding against his gland by Kest's cock.

Both men were pulsing out jizz, Dima's between their compressed bodies and Kest's deeper in Dima's bowels. Cries and grunts were the only noises that were louder than the sharp reports of their bodies pounding together. The level that Kest had taken Dima to in preparation for their climaxes was serving as an enhancer of the soul buring pleasure feeling. Dima was quaking and writhing under Kest continued pummeling into his ass.

Dima's eyes rolled back in his head with a cry as Kest made his final thrust and stayed joined deeply together. Kest was breathing deeply, his body energized even with the after effects of his climax. Kest checked Dima's spent body for breathing and pulse. Dima was just passed out as a result of the sexual overload, now he was in a deep sleep of exhaustion. Kest slowly pulled his cock from Dima's used hole and unfolded Dima's body.

Kest then tucked the redhead into the covers as he got out of bed. Quickly he got dressed and then decided to be active before Dima would stir again. Kest exited the bedroom and headed towards his suite to prepare for their trip and to visit Mikal's room before morning.

Kest slipped back into the bed with Dima. Dima did not wake, but snuggled into Kest's embrace. Kest allowed himself to slip into sleep with the lightly snoring Dima in his arms. The men spent the rest of the night in deep and refreshing slumber.

"I like to wake in your arms." Dima said sleepily as he nuzzled his head into Kest's chest.

"How did you know I was awake?" Kest inquired as he now stroked the redhead.

"Your breathing changed after you made a small sigh." Dima reported.

"We had better get out of bed and prepare for the trip to the hunting lodge." Kest gently advised, really not wanting to release the man in his arms.

"Alright, though I would rather stay and have fun in bed." Dima chuckled as he then turned his head and licked Kest's nipple.

Dima laughed as he sat up and began to pull away from Kest. Kest tightened his grip and touched his lips to Dima's. Dima sighed and then they slowly made out, resting in each other's arms. Finally Kest pulled back and smiled at Dima, a warm and relaxed look on his face.

"It would be fun, but it would neglect your duties. As you are noble born and in your primacy you have to attend to your duties before your pleasures." Kest lightly chided.

"I understand. You are a very wise tutor. You provide learning opportunities in every moment, but they are not always obvious. I am blessed. Thank you for the chance to learn." Dima replied as he gave Kest a quick hug and then stood up.

Kest slid over and stood up as well. At Dima's beaconing Kest followed the red-head into the ensuite. The pair showered together, taking time to fully wash the other's body. It was sensual but not sexual. Soon the water was turned off and they helped each other dry off.  

Dima headed into his closet to retrieve clothes to dress, he noticed a section in the front that did not contain his clothes. He turned and lifted a ginger eyebrow back at Kest who glanced at his clothes.

"I moved some things here to make it easier if I was an overnight guest." Kest said, knowing that Leda had moved them sometime since they met the previous night.

"Again, a smart decision. I can appreciate the level of preparedness." Dima said with a playful smile.

Dima pulled his clothes out and gave Kest space to decide what to wear. Quickly the two men dressed and headed towards the rest of Dima's suite. When they entered the sitting room, Leda was there to meet them.

"Dima, I have been sent to inform you that we will be ready to leave in thirty minutes for the lodge. I will go and pack the needed luggage for you. Also there is breakfast on the balcony." Leda advised.

"Thank you Leda." Dima replied and then ushered Kest to the balcony.

Dima and Kest arrived at the table to find a hearty fare spread of food. Each man filled a plate and began eating. There were fresh fruits and vegetables served with lean meats and starchy breads. Spice coffee was served as well. They ate together enjoying the quiet and peace of the morning overlooking the grounds. Dima had just finished his food when Leda entered the balcony.

"Looks like they are ready for us." Dima commented to Kest, "We will be going by thopter to the lodge. It is in the mountains to the west of here. Roads are small and not designed for larger wheeled vehicles, so thopters are the best way to get there."

"What type of hunting does the lodge offer?" Kest inquired as they stood and went inside.

"Quite a variety of animals. The lodge is in a large preserve covering part of the mountains and foothills. There is also a stable of riding and hunting horses available." Dima explained as he retrieved his small carryall on the table by his bedroom. Kest nodded.

Dima led the way with Kest at his shoulder and Leda fell behind them. Leda had sent a porter ahead with the luggage when she had finished packing. Kest stopped at the desk to retrieve his carryall with teaching materials. The three of them passed out of the family suite wing and to the thopter pad in quick order. Pavel met them at the thopter as they boarded.

"Sire, the thopter is ready to go. The pilot will stay with you for the duration of your visit." Pavel stated. "I believe that all the luggage is already on board. Have a nice time with the inspection."

"Thank you, Pavel. I appreciate your hard work and dedication. I am sure that Kest will ensure that it is an educational time. If we run into any difficulties, I know I can depend on you." Dima said as he then gave Pavel a hug which was returned.

"Travel safe and have fun." Pavel replied as they parted and smiled at Kest and Leda.

The trio boarded the thopter and got seated. The pilot started the thopter and they took off as soon as Pavel had moved far enough back. Dima waved out the window to Pavel who returned the wave. Leda had retrieved a knitting project and was swiftly moving the yarns and klacking the needles in a rhythmic pattern. Kest turned to Dima and began asking questions about the surrounding city, farms and countryside as they travelled. Kest smiled as Dima was proudly explaining what the family holdings were doing and progressing. This interaction based learning went on for the duration of the trip as Kest kept asking open ended questions and letting Dima explain and work through problems.

As they prepared for the landing at the lodge's thopter pad, Leda turned to stow her project and smiled at Kest. Kest returned the smile as Dima turned to look out the window.

"You remind me of my teaching proctor. You are going to benefit him in ways he may never realize." Leda said quietly.

Kest only smiled and gave her a knowing nod. They all were prepared for landing. The pilot brought the thopter down on the pad and began to power down. There was a delay before anyone came out to greet them as they disembarked the thopter. A sturdy young man around Dima's age came to greet them.

"Welcome to the hunting lodge Master Dimitri." the young man said in a clear, baritone voice. "I am Alexi, but please call me Lex. I serve as the under groundskeeper. We were not aware that you were coming until the pilot called in his landing authorization. I am sorry but Groundskeeper Milo was not feeling well after his trip into the estate and could not be here to meet you."

"Thank you, Lex. I am glad that you were able to meet us. This was a swift decision to begin a tour of the family holdings and meet the key decision makers. We are a small group and Leda will take care of our food and domestic needs. I know that the off season staffing is limited." Dima said. "As well, please call me Dima."

"Thank you, Sire." Lex replied.

"Also let me introduce my tudor traveling with me, Master Kestrel. He goes by Kest and is currently my tutor in politics and finance." Dima introduced.  

"Pleased to meet you, Kest. Welcome to you and Leda as well." Lex said with a smile. "I am happy that you are here, Sire. It was a tragedy that befell your Uncle Oleg. He was a loved and respected man here."

"Thank you for that Lex. I am glad to start my tour here. It will be a healing and learning experience." Dima said but was starting to show some emotion.

"I would like to see the lodge and our accommodations if that is acceptable. Traveling early in the day is taking a toll on me." Kest interjected as he gave a nod to Leda who confirmed that Lex was clearly not a face dancer.

"I know the way and if Leda could check in the kitchen, we would like it if you joined us for a late lunch." Dima announced and then asked Lex.

Lex smiled genuinely, "It would be an honor, Sire." he replied.

Lex walked with them to the lodge entrance as Dima led the way. Lex then headed towards the staff buildings as Dima and company entered the lodge. The lodge was clearly well maintained even though it was not in use currently. Each of them had the carryall and luggage with them, as a porter was currently not on site. Dima did not mind, it would be more of a learning experience the more he did for himself.

They entered the grand hall of the lodge and were about to head towards the stairs up to the bedrooms when there was a clatter coming from the dining hall. Dima looked up and saw Groundskeeper Milo rushing towards them. Dima was concerned that not only did Milo appear to be sick or off, but he had a hunting knife drawn in his hands.

Kest and Leda dropped their bags and gave a brief nod that Milo was the face dancer they were looking for. It's actions were becoming aggressive and impulsive. Dima was still unaware of the full extent of his danger. Kest and Leda separated and moved towards Milo to flank him and put distance between Milo and Dima.

Milo was more intent on Dima than he was on Kest or Leda. Kest changed the direction of his motion and put himself between Milo and Dima. Then Milo recognized the threat to himself, his actions were becoming more spastic and rushed. Milo tried to move to where he would have a clear path to Dima, but Kest tracked him move for move while moving closer.

Dima realized now how fully he was in danger. He moved slowly backward, trying to use Kest's body to shield his body as Milo tried to advance. Milo was quickly becoming erratic in his motions and his decisions. Milo was shifting his focus between Kest and Dima before shaking his head and refocusing on just Dima. Kest noticed the shift and was preparing for the knife to be thrown. Milo stopped moving and strengthened his resolve, taking aim at the scion.

Milo whipped up his hand to throw the knife. In an almost blurring motion, Leda reached up and trapped the knife weilding arm. Letting the motion move through her and into Milo she twisted and flung Milo over and backward. The knife clattered behind her on the floor away from Milo. Milo broke free from the grip on his arm and bounced up to face Leda. Now weapon free, Milo made a grab towards Leda.

Again in a blur, Leda moved into Milo's leap. She used his momentum to launch his body and with a sharp pivot she directed his body to impact with the floor. There was a bone crunching sound as Milo's body connected to the floor. Leda stepped back and then bent down to check the fallen man. The body was still on the floor, not moving or breathing. Leda then stood up.

While Leda had engaged Milo, Kest had secured the knife and backed into a protective stance guarding Dima. Only when Leda looked over and nodded to him did Kest take his eyes off the body on the floor. Turning he found Dima had sunk down to the floor, breathing heavy. Dima's expression was shock and disbelief at what had just occurred.

"I need to check the body with Leda. Can you be brave for a few minutes?" Kest said softly. Dima did not speak, only nodded.

Kest then returned to where Leda was now examining the body. Kest flicked up the hairline and found the same tattoo as was on Mikal's body. Kest looked up to Leda's nod again. This was one of the new face dancers as they had suspected. Leda went to one of the communication ports and realized that it was not working, most likely due to the actions of the body on the floor. Leda returned to Kest.

"Communications are out here in the lodge. I will go to the staff buildings and check it out. Have him take you up to one of the guest suites, not the family suites. I will be back soon. The pilot is one of Pavel's top picks so I know he can be trusted." Leda said.

"I think that Lex would be alright as well. If you agree with my reading of him." Kest said.

"Agreed. There are not many staff on-site, less than ten. I will review them all if possible and then report back here. I can then have the corpse removed. I will find the room you are with Dima in and give the appropriate signal. I would advise on not opening for anyone else." Leda advised.

"Exactly." Kest replied, "Good luck hunting."

Leda nodded and then took off towards the back of the lodge and the staff entrance. Kest turned back and walked over to Dima. Dima still was on edge, emotions very high. The look on his face was showing signs of strain, his pale skin flushed and his breathing was still fast.

"Are we safe?" Dima said in a low controlled voice that was heavy with emotion.

"Yes, for now we are. We need to go to one of the guest suites and wait for Leda to return." Kest said in a soft, soothing voice. "Can you do that for me, can you take us to a suite?"

"Yea.. I mean, yes I can." Dima said, still in shock.

"Good. Let me get the bags and you lead the way." Kest said as he moved to the discarded luggage.

"I will help." Dima said with more resolve.

Dima and Kest collected all three of the companion's bags and Dima then started towards the stairs. He was about to go down the first hallway off the second floor landing, but shook his head and they went up another flight of steps. On the third floor he turned down a smaller hallway and entered a corner guest suite. Kest followed and put a discrete mark on the door before closing and securing it.

Dima dove into Kest's arms as soon as the door closed and Kest turned around. Kest did his best to keep balance with the emotional red-head bound to him. Dima let out a muffled sob as he started to cry, no longer able to keep it together. Kest just held onto the crying man, gently stroking his back.

Kest started a deep breathing exercise, breathing in, holding it, then breathing out. After the third repetition, Dima started to follow the pattern with Kest. Kest kept up the exercise for almost ten minutes. Kest pulled Dima's chin up and looked into the tear streaked eyes. Dima was more calm now, but still showing signs of distress.

Kest bent his face over and placed his lips on Dima's. Dima opened his mouth and let Kest's tongue slowly and patiently brush in and engage Dima's tongue. Dima melted into Kest's body as the tension started to decrease and his sexual energy increased. Kest started a pattern of touches and caresses, each designed to amplify Dima's sexual receptivity. Dima moaned deep in Kest's mouth as they continued kissing.

Kest stopped the kiss long enough to go to the bedroom. Stopping next to the bed, Kest began to remove each piece of clothing that Dima was wearing. Taking time to kiss, suck and touch all over the exposed skin with each article of clothing being removed. Dima was moaning and whimpering as Kest was teasing his flesh. Kest was down to Dima's undergarment that was being stretched with Dima's engorged cock. Kest was about to pull the fabric down when Dima stopped him. Dima then began to remove Kest's clothing in a similar manner. Dima tried to mimic the touching and kissing on each part of Kest's body like Kest had done with his. Similarly, Kest was now down to his bulging undergarment.

Dima dropped to his knees and hooked his thumbs in the waistband of Kest's garment. Kest's cock popped out and slapped Dima's face. Dima chuckled and helped Kest step out of the last of his clothing. Dima looked up and made eye contact with Kest as he opened his mouth and sucked in Kest's cock head. Kest sighed as he felt the hot mouth surround his tender unit.

Dima swirled his tongue and collected all the pre-cum before swallowing it. Kest then moaned as Dima worked his mouth open wider and took the rest of Kest's turgid cock into his mouth. Dima stopped with his lips resting around the base of Kest's cock and he started to breathe in deeply of Kest's now familiar scent. Dima took several deep breaths to calm and center himself.

Kest moaned again as Dima started to bob his head slowly up and down on Kest's rock hard cock. Dima was taking his time to let his lips and tongue touch every surface of Kest's cock as he moved up and down. Kest moved a hand down to rest on Dima's head as he started to gently thrust in and out. Dima relaxed his jaw and softened his mouth to let Kest start to control the pace.

Dima was now moaning around Kest's slowly thrusting cock. As Kest would press in as Dima was now pushing forward, pushing Kest's cock deeper into his throat. Kest moaned again as the tightness encased his cock head. They slowly continued the leisure pace that they had set for each other.

Dima pulled his lips off Kest's cock on the next bob up, "I need you in me. Please fill me up." Dima panted.

"Get on the bed on your knees." Kest ordered.

Dima scrambled up from the floor onto the bed. He hopped on his knees and pushed his hips back off the end of the bed. Kest moved up behind Dima and trailed a hand from the base of Dima's neck down his back. When his fingers encountered Dima's shorts, Kest pulled them slowly down exposing Dima's ass. Dima shivered as Kest blew some air into his crack while pulling the shorts the rest of the way off Dima's legs.

Kest then lowered down and planted his face in Dima's crack. Dima cried out as Kest's tongue traced up and down, running directly over Dima's pucker. Dima arched his hips up and back trying to open up wider for Kest's tongue as it slathered and wet Dima's entrance. Kest allowed his tongue to dip lower, sucking in Dima's hanging ball sack into his mouth. Dima groaned in pleasure as Kest sucked and licked his balls.

Kest popped out Dima's balls and he then ran his tongue down Dima's hard cock shaft. Dima cried out as the tip of Kest's tongue began to trace around his cock head, collecting the dripping pre-cum. Kest then swallowed the upper half of Dima's cock and sucked on it, making Dima moan and writhe in pleasure.

"Too close. Please fuck me. Please mount me. Breed me!" Dima pleaded.

Kest let Dima's cock slip from his lips. Dima gasped in relief, then he moaned as he felt Kest's tongue return to his pucker. Kest spent time wetting and opening up Dima's pucker lips, plunging his tongue in deeper each time. By the time Kest slipped a finger in Dima's hole Dima was moaning and groaning almost constantly. When Kest slipped a second finger in, Dima pushed back trying to get the fingers in deeper and Kest moved them back and forth.

Kest removed his fingers and stood up. He squared his hips behind Dima's prepped hole and moved closer. Kest lined up his leaking cock head right in the slicked hole. Kest moaned as he pushed in slightly, allowing Dima's ass lips to slowly stretch over his hard member. Dima was moaning louder than before as he felt the hot cock push into him.

Kest gently pushed deeper into Dima's tight ass. Dima let out an erotic sigh as he felt Kest's trimmed pubes brush his ass lips and his body felt completely full of Kest's hard cock. It was Kest's turn to give a deep sigh as Dima started to clamp and release his ass muscles around Kest's buried cock. The fiery hot massage on Kest's cock was turning him on even more.

Kest held Dima's hips tightly as he began to pull back and then thrust forward. Kest kept pulling back further and further each time until it was just his cock head in Dima's ass lips before the returning thrust. Dima's hole was fully opened by this point and his hunger to be plowed was intense. With a forceful grunt, Dima pushed back into Kest's incoming thrust, resulting in a loud slapping of skin to skin.

Kest now started to pick up his pace. Dima was matching his pushing back with Kest's thrusting. Both men were groaning and crying out as their impacts were colliding time and time again. Kest wanted to plunge his cock in deeper still, but he was enjoying this position so much.

After many additional thrusting impacts, Kest reached up and pushed Dima's head into the bed and moved Dima's hips forward. Kest pulled out his cock with a pop. Dima let out a whimper. Kest stepped up on the bed, straddling Dima's body. Bending down Kest pointed his cock into the upturned hole and plunged his cock deep in Dima's ass.

Dima groaned loudly into the bed as Kest dropped and lifted repeatedly, plunging his cock deep inside Dima's chute. The angle was right for Kest's cock to push in and out of the second pucker. Dima was feeling more full of cock than ever, the heat from Kest's hole wrecker felt like it was searing a mark with each trust. Kest kept a steady pace and Dima was getting more and more erotically charged with each pounding impact.

Kest moved a hand down and began to stroke Dima's hard cock that was bouncing with the impact from Kest's thrusting. Dima let out a strangled moan, he felt his inner core start to pulse outward. Pure pleasure was radiating out with this pulsing in Dima's body. Dima started to yell as he felt pressure build in his balls and Kest's stroking of his cock and thrusting in and out of his ass.

"YIIIIEEEEEAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!" Dima yelled into the bed.

Dima began shooting rope after rope of cum as Kest continued stroking and thrusting. Dima felt like he was shooting light out of his cock as his inner core was pulsing at the same rhythm as his jets of cum. Kest felt Dima's body quaking and all of Dima's ass muscles were massaging Kest's cock with each thrust, bringing Kest closer to his climax.

Kest lifted fully off Dima's body, his cock popped out of the tight ass lips and Dima gave a lusty whimper. Kest stepped down off the bed and reached down to grab Dima's hips. With a quick turn, Kest flipped Dima's mostly limp form from face down to face up. Kest then lifted Dima's legs to rest on Kest's shoulders. Kest lined up his cock and resumed a deep thrusting. Kest pulled Dima's hips tightly up to Kest's pelvis before Kest bent his torso forward, compressing them together.

Kest began to jackhammer his cock in and out of Dima's hole. Dima's cock had not lost any firmness even after he shot his load, now it was being rubbed between the men's abs. Dima started to feel a second climax begin to build even though it had been such a short time. Kest was monitoring Dima's responses trying to balance his climax with Dima's second one.

Dima started to cry out in ecstasy as he got closer and closer to his climax. Kest timed it on the next thrust to release his hold and climax himself as Dima was on the brink. Kest let out an earthy grunt and started to shoot his boiling cum deep in Dima's chute. Dima feeling the first splash of hot liquid in his recesses tipped his climax over.

Both Kest and Dima were now shooting jets of cum, coating Dima's insides with Kest's load and both of their chests with Dima's load. The room was full of grunts, moans and cries as they pumped until their balls were empty. Dima was still having a dry orgasm as Kest was still filling his bowels.  

With a final yelp Dima's eyes rolled back in his head and he passed out from sensory overload. Kest came to rest and pulled out of Dima's ass more than a trail of cum leaked from the used pucker. Kest then unfolded them and moved Dima's body into a comfortable resting position. Kest checked Dima's vitals just to ensure there was not an issue before he covered the spent redhead with a sheet.

Shortly after there was a knock at the door in the pattern he had been waiting to hear. Leda had returned and it was a relief to Kest. Kest walked to the door and rapped the required counter knock before he opened the door. Leda was alone in the hallway and quickly entered the guest suite.

"I assume that Dima is adequately sedated and now resting?" Leda asked with thinly masked mirth in her voice as she looked at Kest's nude and sex covered body.

"That would be an astute observation. He is more than well relaxed and should handle the shock of the attack." Kest said with a smirk. "What is your news?"

"It appears that Milo was the only one currently here that was a face dancer. Lex and I met with everyone briefly and I was able to determine that there were no other staff converted. Lex and the pilot have moved the body to the thopter pad for holding. I have righted the great hall to erase the appearance of the attack." Leda explained, "Lex said that the current staff is part of the permanent lodge staff and that when the lodge is in season and use the estate sends the needed numbers to flesh out a full complement. It is my guess that if there are other face dancers they would be in the group from the estate. We may have eliminated them already with the sweep of the house. I have alerted Pavel to be on watch as we have neutralized Milo."

"I would like to search Milo's quarters before they are distrubed to see if there are any other clues." Kest said and Leda nodded. He continued, "I think that the attack will have blown your cover as just a housemaid for Dima. His time with me has made him sensitive to Sisterhood trained individuals."

"That was a risk that needed to be taken. Milo was too much of a wildcard and as he was feeling backed into a corner, he lashed out. There was too much potential for harm to Dima." Leda conceded.

"I think our work together will offset the sigma for those of the Sisterhood. We will have to be nimble to move with his evolving feelings regarding the Sisterhood." Kest said.

"I will work with Lex and have Milo's quarters secured until the morning for us to review it together. I will go after that to eliminate the corpse. I will retain the clothing and anything else found on the face dancer. When we have concluded that I will then get the kitchen in order, food will be available this evening." Leda outlined her intentions.

"I like that plan. I will stay with Dima and when he revives I am sure that he will have many questions. I am sure he has not had this close of a brush with violence, his shock was evident of that. Much of my mission will depend on how well he responds." Kest explained, "You might review Lex as being Milo's replacement with Pavel. Dima and I can meet with Lex in the morning to discuss that move with him."

"I was already considering that. I will speak to Pavel today." Leda replied. "I need to take care of my duties. Come downstairs when you both are ready."

Kest and Leda smiled at one another before Leda took her leave of the room. Kest moved and secured the door as before. Then Kest went to the ensuite and cleaned up. After that he took a damp towel and returned to the bed. Dima was still deep in slumber and did not wake as Kest used the cloth to clean the redhead's body.

Kest then collected their discarded clothing and made a pile for cleaning later. Kest took their luggage and distributed the clean items in the closet and storage in the suite. The needed domestic tasks completed, Kest returned to where Dima was laying.

Kest stood beside the sleeping scion, lightly brushing the red hair off Dima's forehead. There was a refined beauty in Dima's features, even asleep he was compelling to look at. Kest sighed as he moved around the bed and climbed under the sheet with Dima. Dima did not wake but did snuggle back into Kest's embrace. Kest settled and matched his breathing to Dima's as he relaxed into waiting. Kest stayed that way, gently stroking Dima's body as Dima recovered. It would be some time still.

Next: Chapter 9

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