Shadow Reverend

By L Stone

Published on May 29, 2021


Thank you for reading my stories. Questions and comments are always welcome at This story is fiction regarding intimate relations regarding fictional characters, set in the literary world based loosely off Herbert's Dune Universe.

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Shadow Reverend Chapter 7

Kest woke the next morning already planning for what he was going to have Dima experience next. Kest slipped out of bed and walked naked to the en suite where he took care of his morning needs. The bathroom facilities were nice, the shower wide and open.

Kest walked out of the bedroom and into his office or sitting room. Glancing around it would be a little tight, but he could do his prana-bindu exercises here. He quickly made an open space, wide enough for his needs. Making sure the door was locked, Kest returned to the center of the opening.

Taking a deep breath, Kest centered himself and then started to move through his warm up kata. In the slowed time space of his exercise he could still hear the training Sister's voice float through the different body/muscle pose combinations. Even in his training he had been cheeky and would modify or alter combinations on purpose. Just as he was sure that the Sister would correct him and force him to do it exactly like instructed, she would give a brief smile and merely say 'enough jazz today'. Small glimpses of the Sister's true self were treasures that he kept and remembered.

As he progressed through the program and was active as a Shadow Reverend agent, he realized how much behind the armor he truly was. The Sisterhood was viewed as being human adjacent from their beliefs, attitudes and actions as viewed by the common human. Kest knew that they were much more as he had the human insites that few who were non-sisters would ever have. He smiled at that reality. Today after his warm up kata, the rest of his workout was all 'jazz'. Kest improvised moving from scripted moves into reactionary moves, changes decided and then acted on in instants. The speed of his movements increased and the time stretch became elongated as he continued. Kest had not let go quite like this in some time, it must have been the resonance he had in his brief interaction with Dima so far. Kest let his consciousness go and just flowed in his movements.

kkkkkooooooccccckkkk kkkkkooooooccccckkkk

Kest slowed to a stop and quickly jarred back to a normal time flow as the knocking at his door brought him back. Kest took a cleansing breath and moved towards the door. Looking through the door hole he saw Leda standing in the hallway. Leda had a knowing smile on her face. Kest opened the door, nonplussed at his naked state. If Leda was surprised it did not show in her reaction.

"Master Kest, I am here to provide you with the updated schedule for the day. May I come in?" Leda inquired.

"Sure. Please." Kest replied as he opened the door wider to allow her entry.

Kest closed the door and turned to see Leda looking at the open space in the sitting room. Kest made no effort to hide his body or cover up. Leda glanced up with a smirk.

"Prana-bindu." It was a statement that Leta made, not a question.

Kest nodded.

"There is a private exercise space further down this wing that will accommodate such practice and it is discrete enough for your needs." Leda advised.

"Thank you. It will help not having to move furniture every day." Kest replied.

"I will let Pavel know you need to use the space. Today we will have your lesson with Dima in a conference room not far from the dining room that was used last night. Dima's other tudors will come in and out throughout the morning. Dima will also have a senior staff presentation this afternoon. All the major staff will be in attendance, including most of the important under-staff." Leda said. "If possible will you review those in attendance and the other tutors to see if we have more face-dancers?"

"That will be a great time to review everyone. I will be sure to let Pavel or you know if any show up." Kest said.

"Let me move the furniture back so you can go to Dima's suite. He is not a morning person and will not even be out of bed yet. I am sure that he was worn out from last night." Leda said again with a smile.

"Indeed." Kest said. "If he is not used to being up this early, will there be other staff around his suite?"

"No, this wing is kept very quiet until after lunch or until Dima notifies us of a need." Leda advised.

"Excellent, I will go directly. I am sure that there is something appropriate for me in his closet." Kest said.

Kest walked to the door and nodded before stepping into the hallway without even shoes. Kest turned towards the family suites and went on his way. Leda shook her head for a second, wishing that he had been her training partner for the introduction to imprint training. Again another smile as she returned the room's furniture to normal. She went to the bedroom and collected some clothes and footwear, she knew how to access Dima's suite through the butler's entrance and could put these in Dima's closet.

Kest walked up the stairs to Dima's suite unchallenged. It was freeing to be able to walk the halls without clothes. Upon reaching Dima's suite he entered and made his way to Dima's bedroom. True to Leda's prediction, Dima was still asleep, tucked in mostly like Kest had left him the night before.

Kest stood next to where Dima's face was as he reached down into the blankets to caress Dima's sleeping body. Dima did not stir but did inhale, it seemed to relax him more as Kest's scent was strong from his workout. Dima appeared to smile as he kept breathing in. Kest pulled his hand out of the covers and walked around to the otherside of the bed.

Lifting the covers, Kest slipped into the bed and moved towards Dima's sprawled form. Kest slowly pulled Dima's sleeping form into his arms, hugging the redhead to him. Dima still was not fully awake as he snuggled against Kest's body. Kest pulled Dima in a tighter hug, a drowsy Dima settled his head on Kest's chest again breathing deeply. Kest just held Dima, stroking the younger man's head and back.

"What? When did you get here? You did not sleep here." Dima said in a groggy voice, opening his eyes.

"Not long ago. You are correct, I did not sleep here. You were still asleep when I got here this morning." Kest explained in a soft voice, still stroking Dima's head.

Dima stayed in Kest's embrace letting the warm body and masculine scent surround him. He sighed as he kept his head still on Kest's chest. Dima could feel his groin start to tingle and grow. Kest smiled as he felt Dima's member start to firm up and Dima ground his hips into Kest's. Dima began to make small kisses on Kest's chest, moving up Kest's neck.

Kest guided Dima's face to his pulling Dima's body more on top of his own. Kest's lips landed on Dima's and they began to kiss deeply. Dima was hungry for Kest's body, trying to devour Kest's mouth and tongue, rubbing his hands all over Kest's body and grinding his firm cock all over Kest's cock.

Kest was touching and rubbing Dima in a specific sequence, discreetly and softly, making Dima's sex drive more energized but dampening Dima's physical abilites. Dima was working himself into a frenzy of sexual energy, but could not move. Kest rolled Dima onto his back.

Kest now began to touch Dima more actively. Kest lowered his mouth and kissed down the hollow of Dima's neck until he reached Dima's nipples. With one hand on Dima's right nipple, Kest swirled his tongue around Dima's left one. Dima let out a lusty moan as Kest continued to suck, lick and tweak Dima's nipples, flipping back and forth between them. Dima's body was not moving, but his cock was rock hard and burping out pre-cum as Kest played.

Kest lifted up one of Dima's arms and licked and nibbled on Dima's underarm. Dima's cock was leaking more when Kest switched to the other pit. Dima was making a solid moaning noise, not realizing that he did not have control of his movements. Kest moved down Dima's body, specifically skipping the groin area and worked down to Dima's feet. Kest lifted each foot, taking time to kiss, lick and suck each toe before letting it settle on the bed, wide apart.

Kest moved between Dima's wide spread legs. Carefully Kest lifted Dima's legs up, opening up access to Dima's hole. The red hair that covered Dima's crotch was ringing the pale pink pucker. Kest bent forward and blew a stream of air directly at the pale pucker. A shiver ran throughout all of Dima's body, his cock belched a new glob of pre-cum and his moaning got higher in pitch. Kest blew another stream of air and Dima's body reacted again.

This time Kest lowered his long tongue and carefully licked in a circular pattern all around Dima's pucker. Dima's moaning took on an even more angstful sound. Dima's cock was pulsing, leaking a steady stream of pre-cum. Kest's tongue started moving in closer to Dima's pucker entrance. Dima was like a highly wound string, each time Kest's tongue would tap or lick Dima's pucker lips, a tight shiver shot through his body.

Kest used two fingers to pull apart Dima's pucker lips and then forced his tongue deep into the opening. Kest could feel Dima's body flicker with energy, pulsing on his tongue with tight ass muscles. The more Kest teased the hole with his tongue, the more desperately horny Dima became. Kest's work was slicking Dima's hole enough for first one, then two fingers to start to slide in and out. Dima was almost crying at the intensity of his desire.

Kest pulled out of Dima's tight ass and moved beside Dima on the bed. Kest laid flat on his back and then he reached over and completed a simple touch sequence on Dima's body, releasing the muscle control. Dima almost roared with lusty desire. Dima rolled over on top of Kest's body, sliding up to be above Kest's rigid cock.

Reaching back Dima gripped Kest's cock to stand it straight up. Looking into Kest's eyes, Dima began to lower his body, lining up his slicked pucker with Kest's cock head. Now in position, Dima threw his head back and sank in one swift motion, taking all of Kest's large cock into his hole. Dima dropped his hands on to Kest's chest as he began to rise and then drop onto Kest's sex pole.

Dima was bouncing his full body weight as his ass slid and gripped Kest's cock with each cycle of movement. Kest had allowed his hands to hold the sides of Dima's legs by Dima's knees. As Dima was bouncing and flailing, Kest began to slowly stroke the backs of Dima's knees, a spot Dima was unaware that it was sensitive.

Dima's body started to spasm. Dima cried out with a guttural sound as his cum started to boil out of his churning balls. Dima was still riding on Kest's flesh obelisk as Dima was shooting rope after rope of cum all over the bed and Kest. Dima's full body was contracting with each pulse and shot of cum.

Kest began a hard thrusting as Dima was still spewing cum. Kest gripped and held Dima's hips steady as he started pounding up into the twitching hole. The extra heat and quacking of Dima's ass muscles was providing enough additional friction for Kest's climax to start to build. Kest let out a rough growl as his thrusting power increased more. Dima felt like his ass was being plowed time and time again as Kest was like a jackhammer.

Dima was being bounced hard with each powerful thrust from Kest's hips. Kest's cock was plunging deeper with each successive thrust, the thickness was rubbing Dima's gland as the cock went both directions. Even though Dima had climaxed a few minutes ago, he could feel his body start to tingle again. With a raw, ravaged cry Dima's cock started to shoot another round of cum. Dima's limbs were flailing uselessly around as his climax was wringing his body around. The pulses from his cock spread outward, Dima felt like streaks of fire down each individual nerve.

Kest was so close that as Dima was twitching in passion, it pushed Kest over the edge. Kest yelled as his cum began to pump deep in the recesses of Dima's chute. With each jet of cum from Kest's buried cock, Dima was crying with pleasure. Kest finally felt his cock pulse the last of his load before he dropped back onto the bed.

Dima collapsed down on Kest's form, his body spent from his dual climax. It was several minutes before Kest's spent cock was soft enough to pop out of Dima's abused hole. Dima whimpered as he felt a trail of cum leak from his tender ass lips down his balls. Kest collected Dima in his arms and began a deep and passionate kiss. Dima forgot about his body aches and was just focused on the pleasure he had experienced.

After a few minutes of making out, Dima lifted his head, breathing raggedly. His red hair was looking ravaged, his body flushed and his eyes still with a wild streak gleaming. Kest on the other hand was simply glowing, energy seemingly flowing from his core, only looking slightly mussed.

"Never have I experienced something like that. I still can feel you thrusting in me. Never have I wanted something so badly as to give you pleasure and make you cum." Dima said between gusting breaths.

"That is just a taste of how you should feel and how you should make your partner feel each time. I think there is another area that I will need to tutor you in." Kest said quietly.

"Please, I need to feel that again." Dima pleaded.

"For now we need to get cleaned up for our regular lessons. Shower and dressing before food. You will need to eat soon with the energy you have just spent." Kest instructed.

Dima slid off the bed, feeling sore from the heavy activities he just experienced. He winced as he moved and then sighed as he felt more cum run down his leg and his pucker pulsed. Kest climbed off the bed and followed the red headed scion to the shower. Kest smiled as he could tell that Dima was weighing out the pleasure vs. pain ratio from their experience and could tell that Dima was focusing on the pleasure aspects - Dima's cock was starting to firm up.

The pair shared a shower, washing each other from head to toe. Kest had to redirect Dima away from more sexual activities. Kest knew that they would need another 'lesson' this afternoon and made Dima promise to wait until then for more play. After that they were able to complete cleaning up and exited the shower.

Dima headed into his closet to find something suitable to wear and Kest had come in as well to look. Kest noticed that some of his clothes were now hanging in the front of the closet with some shoes and underclothes folded underneath them. The hem of a shirt was folded in the shape of an 'L'. Kest smiled and would thank Leda when he could.

Now cleaned and dressed, Dima led the way to the dining room that they had used the previous night. Kest noted that the staff were surprised that Dima was not only up this early, but was intending on eating breakfast here instead of in his suites. Dima may not have been aware, but Kest catalogued each response. It was always good to observe others when there was a break in routines, it often allowed for the true personalities to come out.

Soon hot food was arriving for Dima and Kest to eat. There was a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables. Kest inquired if they were imported, knowing the expense that could represent, but Dima explained that the estate had been some of the first to allocate land and convert to the soil clean up process. Now they were able to grow some modified varitial produce. Kest nodded, thinking at least someone was managing the estates well.

They finished the meal and went to the conference room that Leda had advised would be available to the lessons. Dima sat down right next to Kest, their legs touching as he glanced up into Kest's eyes. Kest gave Dima a very familiar caress from Dima's ear and down Dima's neck. Kest stopped his hand as it slid over Dima's nipple and he tweaked it. Dima jumped a little in surprise, but was turned on.

"Lessons first. You know that we have a lot to do before you meet with the senior staff presentation this afternoon. Behave and you will get a reward before that meeting." Kest said in a calm voice as he stood up.

Dima looked up and Kest reached out and pulled Dima's face into his crotch. Dima took a deep breath, trying to get some of Kest's masculine scent. After a few more breaths and a much calmer look on Dima's face, Kest gently pushed Dima's head back. Dima glanced up with a slightly sated look on his face.

Kest began going through more details with Dima regarding his politics training. Again Kest was using his strong questioning skills to pull out and analyze Dima's understanding and limits of the previous tutoring. Kest could tell that Dima was on the cusp of his own understanding of these things. Another inward smile to the Reverend Mother Superior, timing could not have been more advantageous.

They had been working for about an hour before Pavel arrived. As Pavel entered he paused as he saw Dima working on some papers and overheard some of Kest and Dima's discussion. Pavel lifted an eyebrow to Kest to indicate his approval. Dima's Majordomo was well pleased both in Dima's attentiveness to the subject matter and the responses to Kest's questions.

"Dima, I have Masters Mikal and Richard set to come by in a few minutes." Pavel said, then went on, "Master Kest, Master Mikal is the tutor for economics and trade. Master Richard is the tutor for land and estate management. With myself we compose the core of Dima's educators."

"That is excellent. I look forward to meeting them. Have they served in their posts long?" Kest inquired.

"Master Richard's family has served Dima's family for over four generations. He has worked in all facets of the estate before coming into his current position. He is my direct liaison with the physical aspects of the estate." Pavel explained.

"Now Master Mikal has been with the family for a shorter time. He was brought in to tutor Dima's older brother just before the untimely accident that took his life along with Dima's parents when they were off planet." Pavel said.

Kest noted the phrasing and subtle emphasis on Pavel's summary of Master Mikal. A brief nod and eye contact confirmed Kest's understanding of Pavel's concern.

Dima was focused more on the new content that Kest had him working on and had missed the real conversation that Kest and Pavel were having. Kest would be on alert for Pavel's tip off. Kest continued to work with Dima after Pavel stepped out of the conference room. They worked for about fifteen minutes before there was a knock on the door.

Dima looked up and smiled as an older man walked in. The man was not elderly but definitely older. There was still a spring in his step and an open smile on his face. Dima returned the bright smile as he stood and the man walked up and they shared a hug.

"Rich, I am glad to see you." Dima said brightly and turned towards Kest. "Rich this is Master Kestrel, but he prefers Kest. My new tutor for politics."

"Pleased to meet you. Kest. Call me Rich. The 'domo probably referred to me as Richard. I hear that name and look over my shoulder thinking my deceased father is around." Rich said with a warm laugh as he extended a hand to Kest. "Glad they found a tutor closer to Dima's age. Not many staff or anyone else that are that way. He needs peers that are not worn or too aged."

Dima laughed, but gave Kest a passionate look that Rich did not miss. Kest took note of the observation as well as he returned the warm handshake with Rich. Relieved that Rich was not a face-dancer as he could tell that Dima and Rich were close.

"It is nice to meet you, Rich. Dima is correct, I do prefer that people call me Kest. It causes some to be less apprehensive of my hawk-like qualities." Kest answered with a chuckle.

Rich laughs, a deep and vibrant belly laugh, which makes Dima chuckle too. Rich winks at Kest letting Kest know that he understood several levels of Kest's statement about his name. Kest is delighted to see that Dima has several devoted members of his entourage that have Dima's best interests as goals.

Rich and Dima talk for a few minutes allowing Kest to relax and just listen. Rich quickly gave a detailed rundown of items of interest with the estate and the lands. Dima made insiteful inquiries, showing that he had not only paid attention to the older tutor, but was processing what was being discussed. Rich made the report more conversational than presentational, considering Dima's inquiries and suggestions as they went along.

Rich concluded his conversation and welcomed Kest yet again. Rich made it a point to shake Kest's hand again and offered his assistance if Kest needed anything. Pavel was entering the room when Rich was saying goodbye and looked relieved when Kest gave a clear signal. Pavel was relieved as removing Rich would not have been easy. Rich in turn bid Pavel goodbye as well on his way out, but not before taking a moment to ruffle Dima's red hair causing Dima to chuckle.

"Master Mikal should be here almost any time. I expected him before Rich, he is usually very prompt." Pavel said.

As Pavel was finishing up speaking there was a knock at the door. The door opened and a nondescript middle aged man, dark haired man with muddy brown eyes entered. Pavel happened to have to turn towards the door and caught a brief reaction to Kest's eyes, they sharpened as they focused on the new person in the room.

"Ah, this is Master Mikal. He is Dima's economics and trade tutor. We are lucky to have found someone with Guild training for this role." Pavel said, "Master Mikal, this is Master Kestrel."

"How nice to meet you Master Mikal." Kest said as he stood crossing to put his body between Dima and Mikal's, reaching out his hand. "Lucky indeed to have someone with your training."

Mikal froze for a millisecond, but not before Kest and Pavel noticed it. Mikal extended his hand with some reservation as he shook hands with Kest. During the handshake Kest gave a signal that any Guild trained agent would be obligated to respond to. Kest did not receive the countersign. That completely confirmed his suspicion.

As they seperated, Kest gave a firm nod to Pavel. Kest stayed where he was not giving Mikal an opportunity. Mikal might not have recognized that Kest was being defensive, but there was a tension in the air. Dima was unaware of the change in the room's atmosphere and he continued to look over an item that Kest had given him to review.

There was a knock on the door and it opened to reveal Leda carrying a tray of drinks. In an apparent moment of clumsiness she bumped into Mikal, toppling a full drink cup on his shirt. Leda shrieked her apology to the confused Guild teacher imposter.

"Leda, you are very clumsy today. I will take Master Mikal to my quarters where he can change into something clean. Follow us now and you can remove the blight in which you caused." Pavel said with authority.

Mikal squawked, but allowed Pavel to escort him out of the conference room. Leda flashed a quick confirmation signal to Kest, who confirmed. Mikal was a face-dancer and one of the new ones. Leda placed the tray down quickly and raced to follow Pavel. When the door closed Kest let out a cleansing breath.

"Are you alright? Did Leda splash you with a drink again?" Dima inquired as he looked up, unaware of his potential danger. "Not that I would mind seeing you without a shirt on."

"I think that we are done with the main tutoring for today. You have been good, so you will get some of the other tutoring before the presentation." Kest said as he leaned down and kissed Dima's pale lips and stared into the green eyes. "Lean in and take a deep breath to center yourself."

Kest pulled Dima's face into the crotch of his pants. Dima smiled and sighed, taking in a deep breath. The scent went right through Dima's brain and then to his cock - which started to fill. Dima rooted his face a little deeper, his nose feeling Kest's cock start to plump. Kest tapped Dima's head and looked down into Dima's lusty eyes.

"My suite is not far. We can go there for this session." Kest said softly as Dima smiled.

Dima rose from the table and followed Kest the short distance to Kest's suite. As the door closed, Kest pulled Dima into his arms and began a forceful kiss. Dima moaned into Kest's mouth and his body melted against Kest's. Dima's hands were fumbling with Kest's pants, trying to get ahold of Kest's firming cock. Dima smiled as his fingers touched Kest's fleshy member.

Dima broke the kiss as he dropped to his knees in front of Kest. Dima nudged Kest's pants to fall in a pool at Kest's ankles that Dima assisted him in stepping out of. Dima rocked back on his heels and just looked at Kest's swiftly hardening cock. Dima had a hungry look in his eyes as he licked his lips. He moved closer but Kest put an arresting hand on Dima's head.

"Strip and lay face up on my bed." Kest ordered in a soft voice.

Dima did not even stand up, as he hustled on all fours to the open bedroom door. As Kest retrieved his discarded pants and followed into the bedroom, Dima was pulling the last of his garments off. Dima crawled on the bed, putting his head towards the pillows. Kest made a circular gesture and Dima turned his body so his head was towards the foot of the bed. Kest tossed the rest of his clothes in a pile as he motioned for Dima to scoot further down the bed. Dima scooted until his head was just off the bed, looking up at Kest's nude form.

Kest moved closer to Dima letting his jutting cock lead the way. Kest stepped up so his cock was just resting on Dima's forehead. With a slow thrust forward, Kest pushed his cock head down Dima's forehead and nose, brushed past Dima's lips until it rested on Dima's chin. Now Kest's cock shaft was resting on Dima's upturned face and his balls on Dima's forehead. Kest's legs were now straddling Dima's head.

Dima sighed as Kest slowly thrust his hips forward and back. Kest's cock was moving over Dima's lips and Kest's balls were moving down Dima's face to go over Dima's nose. Dima spread his lips and put his tongue on Kest's cock shaft as Kest continued to rock his hips to and fro. Kest moved closer and drug his balls from over Dima's nose to the parted lips and tongue. Kest stayed stationary as Dima opened his mouth wider and sucked in one of Kest's balls. Dima was sloppy, sucking and wetting the ball before sucking in the other. Kest sighed in pleasure.

Kest pulled his hips backward and trailed his cock back over Dima's mouth. Kest shifted the tilt of his hips as his cock head was against Dima's tongue. Dima made a pleased noise as Kest began rocking his cock head in and out of Dima's lips. Dima was sucking the drips of pre-cum from Kest's cock head as it continued to push in and out. Kest lowered his hands and began to stroke Dima's chest and nipples. Dima cooed as Kest's fingers began to circle around Dima's nipples causing his jaw to relax.

Kest pushed his cock into Dima's mouth with his next thrust in and instead of pulling back, Kest kept sliding his cock shaft deeper into Dima's mouth. Dima moaned around the shaft as it inched deeper in his mouth. The angle and position of Dima's head opened access to his throat. When Dima expected Kest to stop, Kest kept pushing forward and Kest's cock entered into Dima's throat. Kest tweaked Dima's nipples as a distraction as he pushed his cock as far in Dima's mouth and throat as he could.

Before Dima could sputter, Kest was pulling his cock back in a slow, even stroke all the way back to Dima's lips. Kest repeated his slow thrust forward and Dima was ready this time and relaxed to allow the cock head to easily enter his throat. Kest took his time and continued the slow, full cock thrusts while he teased and played with Dima's nipples. Dima's cock was at full mast and leaking a pool of pre-cum on his belly. Dima went to reach down to play with it, but Kest softly knocked the hand away.

"Just focus on my cock and on your nipples." Kest said from above.

Dima relaxed back and let his mind wander as Kest worked on Dima's nipples and thrusting his cock in and out of Dima's throat. The breathing that Dima was doing was coming from right underneath Kest's balls. The masculine scent was even stronger as it was more concentrated and now had elements of Kest's sweat as well. Dima was getting more turned on, but more relaxed at the same time. Kest began to slow his pace down, which meant that his cock was staying in Dima's throat longer and longer as he stretched the duration. Dima was too zoned out to realize there had been a change, he was just relying on his nose breathing even more. Kest continued for several more minutes, increasing the time of his cock in the tight throat.

Dima was getting more and more worked up. The intoxicating scent, the warm body contact, and the play that Kest was giving Dima's nipples were sending sparks of energy directly to his cock. Dima started to feel a tingling in his body, his cock was leaking profusely and bouncing to his heartbeat. Dima's chest and belly started to tighten and his legs stiffen as Kest continued. Dima's nose flared which allowed more of Kest's scent to fill his brain.

Kest latched his fingers tightly around one tender nipple and pinched it savagely. It sent a jolt down Dima's body that was already building to a climax. Dima groaned loudly around Kest's cock as it slid deep in his throat. Kest was grinding his fingers tighter on the captured nipple, Dima was starting to gasp for breath which was pulling more and more of Kest's scent into him. Dima was still gasping as Kest's cock pulled out briefly but then pushed deeper still.

Kest reached down with his other hand and rested on Dima's throat, gripping it tighter. Kest could feel his cock slide deeper still, with his hand on Dima's throat he squeezed. The extra friction was bringing Kest closer as well, but he wanted a different hole to breed.

Dima was starting to react from the combination of sensations. When Kest's cock pulled out of his throat again, Dima's breaths were more and more ragged and in quicker successions. Dima started to moan loudly as he felt Kest's cock head push into his throat, being even tighter due to Kest squeezing on Dima's throat. Dima's chest started heaving and his body started contracting.

Dima let a muffled scream around Kest's cock as his own cock started to pulse, shooting rope after rope of hot cum on his chest and belly. Dima was seeing stars as his airflow was being stopped, but his cock seemed to get more energy as the next few shots splashed his neck and chin. Kest released his squeeze from Dima's neck and pulled his cock just out of Dima's throat, but still deep in his mouth. Dima was shuddering as the explosive climax was still pulsing throughout his body.

Kest pulled his cock clear from Dima's mouth and crawled up on the bed. Kest used his hand to collect some of Dima's cum and wiped on his cock. Slipping his arms under Dima's legs, Kest lifted them up and placed them on his shoulders. Collecting more cum, Kest then pushed it into Dima's pucker. Lining up his cock head with Dima's entrance, Kest pushed his hips forward and used his arms to pull Dima's lower body closer.

Dima cried out briefly as Kest's cock pushed through his outer ass ring. Kest made a long, full stroke and continued until his balls were resting on Dima's taint. Dima's climax relaxed his muscles and joints, so Kest pushed forward, tilting Dima's hips upward. As Kest pulled out and thrust back in, he was going almost straight up and down. Dima had his knees touching his chest as he was folded up and being filled completely with Kest's cock.

Kest pushed up to his feet with his cock still in Dima's hole. Now when he dropped down, Kest's cock was pounding deeper and deeper in Dima's chute. Dima cried out again as this new position allowed Kest's cock to push past his inner ass ring as well. Kest started a powerful pace of thrusting, filling Dima with cock completely each time.

Kest was feeling his climax build again. He was doing his tricks to delay the release, building his pleasure / pain sensations. Kest increased his thrusting pace as he got closer and closer. Kest was gripping Dima's folded body tight for control of his thrusting and noticed that Dima's body was starting to get rigid.

Dima screamed as his body experienced another anal climax. Since he had just recently shot a huge load, this climax was mostly dry. Dima's quaking body was the friction that Kest needed. Kest yelled as he began pumping his hot cum deep in Dima's bowel. As Kest's cock was deeper than Dima had ever had, the boiling cum was warming him in spots never felt before.

Kest pulled out and allowed Dima's body to unfold. Cum was dripping out of Dima's hole as his legs rested on the bed. Kest looked at the scion: flushed skin covered in his own cum, leaking Kest's, hair a red nimbus and green eyes looking glazed and exhausted. Kest reached between Dima's legs and collected some dripping cum. He added it to what he could still collect from Dima's body. Then Kest took and fed his cum soaked fingers into Dima's mouth. Dima devoured Kest's fingers, sucking them clean.

Kest allowed Dima to doze off for a brief nap. Kest stepped in the en suite and got cleaned up. He dressed in clean clothes. Kest pulled a cover over Dima's exhausted frame as he lightly snored. Contending that Dima would be out for a while, Kest closed the bedroom door. He secured the door to the hallway as he went in search of Pavel's room.

Kest made his way with the help of an under-butler to the administrative suites in an adjacent wing of the house. Kest knocked on the door and Pavel answered, looking a little flushed. Seeing that it was Kest he allowed the door to open completely. Kest saw in an instant that there had been a struggle in the office space.

The suite was similar to Kest's and the first room was an office sitting space with doors leading to other rooms beyond. As Pavel closed the door behind Kest, they turned their attention to Leda standing over a deposed form on the floor. From the clothing it was the former Master Mikal, even in the deceased state was retaining the obtained form.

"Pavel brought the face-dancer here and it thought that it could overpower the Majordomo. It was not aware that Pavel had advanced training in dealing with Tleilaxu scum and was already on high alert." Leda said.

"Yes, it tried to struggle and then attack me. Unfortunately for it, Leda had slipped in the room while it's focus was on me. Leda dispatched it easily. " Pavel said with a respectful nod.

Leda was straightening her clothing, "An easy task for those of us trained for such things." Leda said nonchalantly. "It was for sure the new type of face-dancer. Now I have all I need to detect and sterilize its kind."

"That is what I had hoped. I will be observing the upper staff during this afternoon's meeting and will identify any I find." Kest said, "Can we safely explain that Master Mikel was urgently recalled due to an emergency and had to leave the estate?"

"Yes, that would work well enough. I will have a runner dressed like it go into town directly, with a change of clothes. Once at the spaceport the runner can change and return to the estate later. That should give us enough of a screen." Pavel said.

"I know a runner to be able to be used and I will handle that part." Leda said.

"I can have the carcass lasered instead of using the trash incinerator. That will clear up this problem. Also, I will circulate that as Master Mikal will no longer be available, that you will also handle the subjects when you tutor politics. That will give us enough time for a proper replacement to be located. Is that acceptable, Kest?" Pavel inquired.

"Yes, that is easily handled." Kest replied, "I will also want to search its quarters to see if there are any other clues or details. I can do this in the guise of obtaining any teaching materials it may have used. We can remove its clothes now and I will take them back to my room to search later."

The three then stripped the body of the face-dancer. Leda and Kest both try to make an analysis to provide back to the Sisterhood. The body does not give any specific clues until a small tattoo was located deep in the hairline, the helix in the eye was horizontal instead of vertical. It was a very subtle variation. Kest made a note directly and would include it in his next report. Leda noted it and would send a direct message with her runner.

"I need to return to Dima. I will let him know of the absence and my additional tutoring subjects." Kest said.

Leda and Pavel nodded as Kest retreated back to the family wing. Kest was relieved to see that no one had entered his suite as he had made security measures to be able to tell. He entered the bedroom and found that Dima was still asleep. Kest crawled up on the bed and laid next to Dima. Dima snuggled up to Kest's side and Kest draped his arm over the tired scion.

"Did you leave me?" Dima asked.

"Only into the office, I received a notice that I would be taking over your tutoring for Master Mikal. He was called away, urgently." Kest said as he stroked Dima's red hair.

"Oh, ok. I am sure I will learn more for you anyway. He was weird, always jumpy and something did not seem right with him." Dima said, still in a sleepy voice.

"You just rest. There is the meeting later that you need to be attentive for. Let me open my shirt and you can rest your head on my chest." Kest advised.

Dima nodded and lifted up just enough to allow Kest to remove his shirt and recline back. Dima pressed his face against Kest's toned and smooth chest. Dima was taking in deep breaths again, filling up with Kest's scent, feeling the warmth from Kest's chest and being lulled back to slumber with the sound of Kest's heartbeat. Dina slipped back to his dreams, filled with visions of the man who was holding him.

A short time later Kest began kissing the sleeping redhead to wake him. They needed to get dressed for a late lunch and then the afternoon presentation. Dima stirred in Kest's arms, with a happy and relaxed look. The smile on Dima's face made Kest happy as well. They shared a deeper kiss, Dima's tongue going into Kest's mouth much more than before. Kest broke the kiss and received a slight whimper from Dima. Kest chuckled.

"You need to get fully dressed. I only have to put on my shirt. Out of bed you." Kest ordered.

"Ok, Ok!" Dima said then exclaimed as Kest pinched Dima's exposed ass cheek.

Kest retrieved his shirt and pulled it on as Dima collected his clothes and was pulling them on. Kest walked to the side of the bed that Dima was sitting on to pull on his shoes. When Kest paused, Dima leaned forward and jammed his face in the crotch of Kest's pants, breathing deeply. Then Dima pulled himself back dramatically.

"Your scent turns me on, energizes me and calms me down. You are so sexy." Dima said as he finished getting dressed.

Dima stood up and walked into Kest's embrace. They shared a chaste kiss and headed towards the dining hall. They passed several people on the way for food as the presentation meeting was not too far off. When they sat down, the kitchen staff brought out a sturdy lunch fare for Dima and Kest to eat. Kest was glad that he did not find any others in the staff so far that were face-dancers. Dima and Kest finished the food and were standing up when Pavel entered the dining room. Seeing them standing he walked over directly.

"The presentation is almost ready to start. It is in the larger audience hall. The speech is on the podium already. Once your welcome, the speech and any other remarks are completed the floor will be opened for factor reports from each of the estate divisions. You will be able to sit at the table on the stage. Kest it would be helpful for you to be up there as well, you can make notes that would be appropriate for your future tutoring sessions." Pavel gave his instructions.

"If you follow me, we can go and enter from the back entrance." Pavel said, "Oh, Kest also that other interest you inquired about has been resolved. I will have Leda show you the previous tutor's suite tomorrow and you will be able to get what items you may need then."

"Thank you, Pavel." Kest said, sharing a knowing glance with Pavel. "I will be sure to make any notes needed as the presentation is going on. I appreciate your resourcefulness."

"Yes, Pavel. Great thinking. You are truly an asset to the family and to me personally. Thank you." Dima said unprompted.

Pavel nodded, but held back some emotion from his face. He could tell that the time spent with Kest was already having a positive influence on the young scion. This was a nice change.

The trio walked through the hallways and then back corridors to enter the audience hall from the stage side. As Dima walked on stage, several of the members of the audience stood and nodded to Dima - most of which were older staff members. Kest could tell that the older factors and staff still maintained a proper level of respect, but that some of the new ones were not exhibiting the same.

Kest made a mental note to work with Dima on that. Maybe this could work to Kest's advantage, a full holdings tour to give facetime with each member of the household staff and see the conditions. This would give an excuse for Kest to confirm and clear any other face-dancers from the estates.

Dima went to the podium and retrieved the speech which he brought to the table on stage. Kest was seated and Dima sat next to him. Kest took a few moments to scan the large room that was beginning to fill up. Kest thought he saw someone with the signs he was looking for, but could not get a clear enough read to know for sure.

Pavel went to the podium and welcomed the growing crowd. He quickly turned it over to Dima who stood and walked to the podium. Dima gave his own welcome and started the speech. The speech was of no real consequence, really just a welcome format to start for the semi annual meeting and reports. Dima completed his speaking and turned it back to Pavel who started the report session.

Pavel would announce an individual, who would come down front and speak from a small podium on the floor before the stage. This started and Dima paid attention while Kest took notes. This went on for most of the holdings and divisions. There was nothing to note until Pavel announced the primary groundskeeper for the hunting lodge. When the older man stood up from the back and came forward.

The man was exhibiting all the signs of the new type of face-dancer. Kest sat up and went on full alert. Pavel noted the change. Dima could tell something was a different energy on stage, but was not sure why. The man started speaking and made his report. Kest was sure by the time he was finished he was compromised. It was too crowded and public to neutralize it here. Kest made a note and passed it to Dima with a suggestion. Dima nodded. The face-dancer concluded its report and returned to the back of the room.

Pavel announced that Dima would give some closing remarks before concluding the meeting. Dima stood up and thanked everyone for taking the time to present. He also advised that as a part of his newly implemented program he would be coming to visit each worksite and division in person in the next few months. Dima advised that Pavel would be circulating a notice of when those visits would occur. Dima thanked everyone again and gave the dismissal.

Pavel crossed over to Kest with Dima as the people were leaving the room. Pavel lifted an eyebrow at Kest as Kest slid his notepad to Pavel's view. It had 'hunting lodge' circled and noted as first stop to visit. Pavel nodded and escorted the two out the back entrance.

"Kest suggested it would be good to meet all the staff in their element to forge an understanding and create bonds. I did not mean to spring that on you, but I think it is a great idea." Diam said proudly.

"Kest is correct, that would be a great idea. I might suggest going to some of the outer holdings, such as the hunting lodge first. That will give other more complex divisions a chance to get ready and schedule accordingly." Pavel suggested.

"Wonderful. I have not been there since Uncle Oleg's death. You are right, that would be the correct first step." Dima said to Pavel.

"Tomorrow should be enough time for that visit. Leaving in the morning would give you a meeting time and some leisure time to explore as well." Pavel said.

"Excellent. We will do that. Kest will be coming as he wants to use the visit to identify and enhance my tutoring in the other areas he is taking on. This will be fun." Dima said.

"Yes, Sir. I am sure Kest will make learning enjoyable for you." Pavel said with an approving and knowledgeable smile.

Kest had stayed quiet, but smiled at Pavel's last comment. Before he could answer, Pavel started to speak again.

"I will send Leda with you, as the hunting lodge will not have the kitchen or housing staff that it would when it is in use. It will be her penance for being so clumsy recently." Pavel advised.

"Great. It is settled then. Advise the kitchen that Kest and I will eat on my patio tonight and turn in early for our trip. Also advise Leda to meet in my suite in the morning for us to leave early." Dima said.

"Yes, Sire." Pavel answered, thinking that Dima was turning a more responsible leaf already.

Pavel headed towards the kitchen and Dima and Kest retired to Dima's suite. They entered and after closing the door, Dima turned and pulled Kest into a tight embrace.

"It was so hard not to do this all afternoon. There is a part of me that wants to strip, drop down and have you plow right into me right now. You are making me so worked up. I want you and to please you." Dima said with some urgency.

Kest answered with a deep kiss, pulling Dima in tighter together. Dima sighed as he could feel the firmness in Kest's pants that matched his own. Dima broke away, but kept a hold of Kest's hand, leading Kest out to the balcony patio.

When they were outdoors, Dima pushed Kest to sit on a lounge chair. Dima dropped to his knees and pushed his face on top of Kest's growing hardness. Dima began rubbing his face up and down the length of Kest's member. Kest moved a hand to rest on the back of Dima's head, giving some direction for the rubbing. Dima moaned.

Kest pulled Dima's face up and planted a deep kiss on Dima's lips. Dima was kissing back, but was working on the opening to Kest's pants. Having opened the pants, Dima snaked a hand in and around Kest's cock, pulled it out. Dima separated from Kest's mouth and lowered his down onto Kest's cock. Kest reclined back as Dima started to bob his head up and down on Kest's now fully hard cock.

Dima slowed down and let his lips and tongue work over Kest's rock solid shaft. Each time Dima moved down Kest's cock, Dima's lips pushed further down the shaft. Kest's cock head was bumping into the back of Dima's throat. The next time Dima's lips pushed down he forced his head further and Kest's cock head pushed into his throat. Dima held in place for as long as he could before he lifted up, gasping when the cock head cleared. Dima pushed back down, and slipped Kest's cock head back into his throat, pausing again.

Dima continued to face fuck himself on Kest's cock for some time. Kest relaxed back and let the redhead work Kest's tool. Dima lowered a hand and was fondling Kest's balls as well. The slow, wet rhythm was starting to build a climax deep in Kest's balls. Kest was not quite ready for that. He pulled Dima up off his cock, Dima's face was dripping with spit and snot. Kest kissed Dima, forcing his tongue deep in Dima's mouth. Dima whimpered and moaned as Kest kept up the intensity of the rough kiss.

Kest stood up and closed up his pants, after stuffing his hard cock down a leg of his pants. Dima looked confused and a little hurt, but then understood when they heard the door open and a server was coming to set up the table for their dinner. Dima made an effort to straighten up his appearance while he walked over with Kest to overlook the balcony.

"Is everything with you a lesson?" Dima asked in a soft voice as he gazed into the distance with a blank expression.

"Yes and no." Kest answered in the same soft voice.

Dima turned to look at Kest, his eyes focusing on Kest's face and hazel eyes.

"Both?" Dima inquired.

"Yes, you will learn that in all interactions there is an element of education. In some instances it is obvious such as in a tutoring session. Other times it is more discreet, as in how your praise of Pavel today made Pavel proud." Kest said.

Dima had a moment of awe as he recalled his interaction with Pavel and how it was different than before. He was finding out how his interactions with Kest were making a change in himself and not just sexually. Then his face turned crimson as he recalled some of the things that he and Kest had done together already, in such a short time.

"You will find that the right nudge in the proper direction at the right time can make all the difference in the world. There is a group that specializes in analysing and discreetly acting on these right time, right place situations." Kest said.

Dima thought about this quietly as the server called them to let them know food was ready. Dima and Kest sat down and started eating and drinking. Kest was silent as Dima was still deep in thought. They had almost finished eating when Dima looked up at Kest more clearly.

"Sisterhood." Dima said quietly, almost under his breath.

Kest looked over at Dima as he sat in a new found headspace. Kest smiled. "Never to rule, but there to advise. Not in the spotlight, but in the shadows." Kest said quietly.

Dima processed this and stayed quiet thinking for a while longer. They finished their food and stood up. The server cleared the table and left a pot of coffee. Dima and Kest stayed on the balcony, side by side in silence for some more time. As the last glows of the evening sun was shining on the patio and Dima was in the light but Kest was in the shadows, Dima turned to Kest with a questioning look.

"You are not female. How?" Dima asked.

If anyone was listening to that question on its own, they would have been extremely confused. Kest knew that this was a summination of thoughts from throughout the evening. He smiled.

"There are a rare few, like myself. We have a name that is almost never spoken outside of the Sisterhood's control." Kest said, "Shadow Reverends."

"We are even more in the shadows than the majority of the Sisterhood. At most we are mere legend or heresy to non-Sisterhood populations. My training was as rigorous as a Reverend Mother, just no final transformation. My brethren are as close to the Reverend Mothers as a man can be." Kest explained.

"There are times when a man is the best tool to be used. That is when I am called out." Kest said in a calm voice, but with echoes of loneliness.

Kest felt a hand touch his arm, he turned his face to Dima. Dima's eyes were filled with emotion and compassion. There was a moment of sympatico. A tear leaked down from the corner of Dima's eye.

"So, isolated. So, lonely." Dima whispered.

Kest lowered his head to his chest, unable to trust how his eyes would respond to Dima's comment. Dima tightened his hand on Kest's arm, almost posessively.

"Come with me." Dima said quietly.

Dima led Kest to the bedroom and closed the door. Dima understood in the short time that Kest had been there, that there was so much that Dima had learned and grown in that time. Kest allowed Dima to pull him in and close the door. Dima wanted to show his appreciation as he could.

Next: Chapter 8

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