Shadow Reverend

By L Stone

Published on Apr 26, 2021


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Shadow Reverend Chapter 6

Kest was seated in the cockpit of the small transport taking him from the Highliner down to the surface of Geidi Prime. As he noted out of the view screen, the planet was still changing due to the cleanup process of the Caladan people after the downfall of the Harkonnens. The once dark grey, almost black atmosphere was now a faint, translucent grey with patches of white. The green up process was continuing after the mass dismantling of heavy and polluting machinery. Teams still worked cycle after cycle to scour the years of oil and scum the planet had endured.

When the transport broke into the lower atmosphere, Kest could see the evidence of the timber replanting projects. There were stunted forests of all types of trees. Studies were being done to determine which varieties of trees and plants were most successful in reacclimating to still harsh environments. The landscape still held the utilitarian stamp of the dismantled factories and machines.

Kest sat back and closed his eyes as the rest of the flight continued. He was remembering the vivid last meeting with the freshly imprinted agent, Tom, in the Guild ship above the planet. A lusty smile crept across Kest's face as he recalled the events from earlier in the day.

Kest had exited the water shower from his beyond luxury suite, steam billowing out of the room. Water droplets were still dripping down his naked flesh as he entered the bedroom. Tom was still on the bed from the night before, the last full evening of his imprinting. Kest had pushed the blond Guild employee to his physical limits, even Kest was pushed much further than normal and had to make a restorative shake. The bedroom still had traces of the potent man-sex scent.

Tom rolled over and saw Kest standing in the doorway, surrounded by the steam and glistening - he was like a vision. Tom lifted himself off the bed and took the several steps to Kest. Kest opened his arms and Tom folded into a hug. The slender blond rested his head on Kest's chest, filling himself with Kest's warmth. Kest stroked the blond hair, not needing any specific touch combination today to excite the blond.

Tom reached down and began to fondle and stroke Kest's cock, still damp from the shower. Tom let his fingers caress Kest's balls before lightly stroking from base to tip of Kest's cock. Tom looked up and met eyes with Kest. Kest pressed his lips to Tom's and they began to kiss deeply. Tom's tongue while not dominant was still active against Kest's. Tom kept up his playing with Kest's lower regions.

Tom broke the kiss as he dropped to his knees. Taking in a deep breath and just admiring Kest's fine tool that was almost to full mast from the fondling. Looking back up into Kest's eyes, Tom opened his mouth and swallowed Kest's cock, not stopping until his lips were pressed against Kest's pelvis. Kest moaned as Tom swirled his tongue around Kest's cock shaft.

Keeping eye contact, Tom started to bob his head up and down slowly on Kest's cock. When Tom would get to Kest's cock head, he would lick his tongue around the sensitive flesh before moving his mouth and lips back down. The next time Tom went down he pushed himself further and popped Kest's cock head into his throat - holding it there a moment before pulling off and moving his head up. Kest kept the eye contact that Tom had established. Kest lowered a hand to stroke Tom's hair as Tom worked his cock.

"Fuck me. Please!" Tom hoarsely whispered when he pulled off Kest's hard member.

"On the bed, on your back, head hanging off the end." Kest commanded in a soft but firm voice.

Tom nodded as he backed away and hopped on the bed as instructed. Tom settled down with just his shoulders touching the mattress and his head hanging off, he opened his jaws wide. Kest grinned as he walked over with his hard cock leading the way. Only taking a moment, Kest lined up his cock and pushed deep down Tom's throat. They had worked and Tom no longer had a gag reflex on a cock the size of Kest's. Kest began to piston his hips in and out of Tom's mouth, pushing deep into Tom's throat each time.

Kest leaned over, stoking Tom's body as Kest throat-fucked the blond. Tom moaned as Kest's fingers began to play with Tom's pucker. Kest reached and used the lube to slick his fingers up before returning them to Tom's hole. Tom moaned around Kest's cock as Kest's fingers began pushing in and out of Tom's hole. Kest pushed his chest closer to Tom's, moving his head over Tom's hard cock. Kest opened his lips and swallowed Tom's cock down to the base, swirling his tongue and humming around the hard member.

Tom just about came off the bed as Kest's fingers and mouth were working Tom's lower body and Kest's cock was working Tom's mouth and throat. Kest could feel Tom's sexual energy build with each of Tom's heart beats. Kest continued until Tom was just on the brink of a climax, then he backed off the intensity - removing his fingers from Tom's hole and letting Tom's cock slip out of his mouth. Kest then pulled his cock out of Tom's mouth and stepped back.

Tom was gasping for air, a lustly look in his eyes and a flush of his skin - he was primed. Kest motioned to roll over as they had worked on earlier during the trip. Tom knew to get on his back and scoot so his ass was just hanging off, then he pulled his knees to his chest to present his hole to Kest. Kest smiled as he stepped back up. Since Kest had lubed Tom's hole, Kest was able to push the full lenght of his cock into Tom in one push. Still the force of the thrust made Tom grunt, but with a happy smile on his face.

Kest gave Tom a steady long-dicking stroke for several minutes. Tom was moaning and groaning in pleasure as Kest was hitting his internal spots. Kest reached down and wrapped his arms around Tom's knees and chest, holding onto Tom's back. With secure grip, Kest started to pick up his pace and the strength of his thrusts, his cock not leaving Tom's hole now. Kest worked Tom's chute, making quick work of stretching out Tom's pucker. Tom's sexual energy was building up again.

Kest maneuvered to have Tom's knees over Kest's shoulders, modifying his grip on Tom's body. That complete, Kest thrust in deeper still, pulling Tom's body hard against Kest's incoming thrusts. Tom was bouncing back and forth from the powerful impacts. Tom began to coo as he could feel the early stages of his climax. Tom was close to losing control.

Kest thrust in deep and then stayed connected as he lifted Tom up in the air. Kest was holding and dropping Tom's body as Kest began to thrust upward. Kest's body strength was superb and surprising for someone with a trim physique as his, lifting and supporting Tom was an easy task. Tom for his part was crying out with new found pleasure as Kest was doing all the actions for their union. Kest's body was streaming with sweat from his exertions, but he was not tired, just energized.

Kest pivitoed and lowered Tom towards the floor, resting Tom's shoulders on the floor. When Kest's cock reentered Tom's hole from above, he was able to use gravity to help pound down into Tom. Kest's cock was getting as deep as he had ever been in Tom's chute, Tom was cooing and moaning with drool running down the side of his face. Kest felt his climax building, he sped up his jackhammer pace.  

The new position and the force and speed of Kest's pounding, sent Tom right over into his climax. Tom yelled wordlessly as his cum began to shoot out, covering his face and chest with each jet. Kest's pounding was milking Tom's full load out making Tom's whole body quake. The extra friction against Kest's cock was the capstone needed for Kest's climax. Kest began shooting his load of boiling cum deep in Tom's hole. Rope after rope of cum filled up Tom's chute and it began to churn as Kest was still thrusting quickly.  

After ten or twelve jets of cum were released, Kest gave a final thrust and stayed in Tom's ass with his cock pulsing. Now both men were breathing heavy while resting after their climaxes, still intimately joined. Kest stirred first and began to stand up - pulling his still hard cock out of Tom's pucker. When the dripping cock cleared Tom's ass lips, Tom unfolded his legs and sat up. Tom opened his mouth and took in Kest's cock to begin to lick and suck it clean. Kest let out a loud sigh as Tom worked.

Kest pulled his cock out of Tom's mouth. Kest reached down and lifted Tom to his feet by his underarms. Looking at the blond's puffy, cum and spit streaked face, Kest leaned in and gave Tom a hard kiss. Kest's tongue was pushing almost to Tom's throat as it swirled and flicked. Tom let out a moan that filled Kest's mouth, Tom's body melted to Kest's. Kest held Tom tight as they stood there.

Breaking the kiss, "Kest, I know that you are leaving shortly. I understand what my assignment is and what my duties are. Although our paths may never cross again. I tell you this, I will never forget you and the time we have spent together will forever be etched in my memory. Thank you." Tom said softly looking up into Kest's eyes.

"You are special Tom. I will not forget you either." Kest said as he held Tom for another moment or so. Then he continued. "I have my responsibilities now that need to be fulfilled. If fate allows us we will meet again."

Kest gave Tom another quick kiss then separated as he wiped down and began to get dressed. Tom watched with a wistful face as Kest put on his black uniform - like putting on armor, slowly changing Kest's appearance. Having finished getting ready and retrieving his carryall, Kest walked to the door of the bedroom. Looking over his shoulder he gave Tom a deep, piercing look and then he whispered an imprinted code phrase. Tom got a blank look on his face from hearing the phrase. Kest smiled and then said "Shoot."

As Kest turned and left, he could hear Tom having another climax - hand and stimulation free - a result of the imprinting. Kest knew when Tom awoke from the mind blowing climax he would be refreshed and recharged, not fully understanding how he had cum again. That was a reward for Tom's good work. Kest walked with ease to the waiting transport down to the planet's surface.


The transport had landed and Kest disembarked after grabbing his carryall. The spaceport still had vestiges of the former ruling family that the changes to the atmosphere and soil had not made it into architecture. The spaceport was utilitarian, cold and menasing. Once outside, Kest took a deep breath and felt the centuries of oppression roll off his skin. The Danian people who were charged with the changes to the planet were also implementing a name change as well - Gammu.

Without a major ruling family seat, Gammu was becoming a hotbed for minor houses looking for an opportunity. Sadly it was also becoming a home to once major houses that had fallen from poor management or foresight. Gammu was drawing the pieces to be a preferred banking center for those not wanting to draw attention to themselves. There were plots within plots within plots everywhere on the planet. Kest's arrival on the planet was due to all of the moving pieces in play.

While Kest had never been on the planet, he knew what to look for to find the Sisterhood contacts. When Kest had stopped for food at a seemingly seedy restaurant on the outside, inside it was very upscale - a hidden gem or a future trendy spot. Kest selected it because of a particular motif in the sign, alerting him to his goal. Kest was seated and a server came to get his order. A brief exchange of verbal and non-verbal communications confirmed Kest was in the right place. The server suggested that he might be more comfortable on the rooftop terrace and asked if he could show Kest the way. Kest nodded and then followed the server through a few doors before reaching an elevator. Kest got in and the server returned to the restaurant.

The elevator opened up into a posh lobby that had terrace doors open to the rooftop, an expanse of grass, flowers and miniature trees. A quick visual sweep and Kest saw a lone figure sitting outside at a bistro table with two chairs. Kest walked over and seated himself at the table, placing his carryall down.

"I would guess that you are not using your full title today?" Kest asked with a gleam in his eye.

"You could say that, Kestrel. It has been a long time since I have seen you in the flesh and even longer while in disguise outside of the Sisterhood." Kest's host replied.

"It is not everyday that one could share a simple conversation or meal with the Reverend Mother Superior. Are the BG Archives freaking out over this move?" Kest inquired.

Reverend Mother Superior laughed a deep and mirthful laugh, "Oh you are cheeky as they come. That is why you are so good at your job." She said.

Kest bowed his head in a playful manner and with a quirky grin. He had respect for the complete leader of the Sisterhood. She reinforced his desire to serve the Sisterhood by her direct, straightforward manner. Under his observation, a skill of the Sisterhood's training, he could see the subtle signs of stress in the creases in her eyes and mouth. Seeing this Kest changed his demeanor to match an obedient acolyte who was patiently waiting. The Reverend Mother Superior noted his change in attitude and posture, she took a deep breath thinking to herself how much Kest was like a Reverend Mother.

"Thank you." Reverend Mother Superior said in response to Kest's change. "Since your last briefing there has been a major occurrence. A rumor of a new breed of Bene Tleilaxu Face Dancer has been circulating. It is not a rumor. We have studied and captured a few - they are very good replicas and seem to have access to some of the victim's recent memories."

Kest raised an eyebrow.

Reverend Mother Superior continued, "The ones we have found have been doing everything they can to avoid detection from other Face Dancers or Masters. It brings the question: are these ones not from Tleilaxu?"

Reverend Mother Superior stopped there and let the implications play out for Kest. Kest nodded his understanding, but was not sure why this could not have been relayed to him in a less personal or risky manner.

"At this point only my Council and Bashar know of the information that the new ones are from Tleilaxu. It is being communicated of the new skills but not the suspected origins of these Face Dancers." Reverend Mother Superior explained. "They still have the same telling signs for our detection and would not pass a full Sister's inspection or yours for that matter."

"The reason I am here is to provide you with the details of the scion of Harkonnen, a would-be prince. He is your assignment here as he is on the planet. His entourage has been infiltrated by this new breed of Face Dancers. To what extent it is uncertain and due to the family history, this scion would not let a full Sister come into contact with him or his direct supporters." Reverend Mother Superior went on. "You will need to identify and neutralize the Face Dancers. They can be replaced by Sisterhood people who will be able to keep scion safe afterwards. This scion has been markered by the program and we need to maintain his bloodline traits in a more restrictive manner. Several potential carriers of his genetic data have been dealt with, more carriers would be noticed more than necessary.``

"I know from my missive that his name is Dimitri but goes by the diminutive of Dima. I understand that I am being brought in as a replacement tudor for politics. The previous tutor had an unfortunate accident?" Kest said and again raised an eyebrow. "I will meet with his people tonight at an estate not far from the city. Any changes to those plans?"

"No, they will still be sufficient to gain entry and access to Dimitri. You will recognize the agents that are ready to be activated into service as you take care of the Face Dancers. Once you have the scion under your influence, we will then have a suitable mate for him available. I expect that you will not have problems with the scion." Reverend Mother Superior commented.

Kest smiled and then returned his face to the normal placidness that marked BG Sisters as a mock salute. Reverend Mother Superior chuckled in spite of herself at his response. She arose from her chair to which he also stood. Walking to the elevator, she paused and put a hand on his shoulder looking into his eyes.

"If you had been a woman, I would have a rival for my position in a few years." Reverend Mother Superior said with some mirth in her voice, "Let the Records have fun with that comment."

Kest bowed his head and chuckled as well. As he stood the tall woman that was the complete leader of the Sisterhood was entering the elevator and leaving. On the table was the communication for the new Face Dancers. Kest viewed it and then it self-destructed like normal. The elevator opened again and the server from downstairs was bringing out Kest's food and drink. Kest thanked the server and ate well. When the server came to clear the used plates, he advised Kest of the changing room next to the elevator that would have the appropriate clothing that Kest would need for this mission as well as the information that this was a designated safe location if needed.

Kest thanked the server and headed to the changing chamber which turned out to be the access to a very upscale suite which encompassed the complete floor below the rooftop terrace. Kest took his time using the facilities to clean and rest before getting dressed. A note advised that the private elevator from this level went to a side entrance to the building that was private for this suite and keyed to Kest's dna for access. Kest smiled as he exited the building and headed to his rendezvous.

Kest found the necessary transportation that would take him to the scion's estate. It was a short ride out of the city, but the countryside was beginning to look pleasant with the changes being done to the planet. The planted hardwoods were growing rapidly giving the appearance of a new forest and a stark contrast to the city. The car turned into a simple, but sophisticated entrance and the road wound around and up on a tree lined lane.  

The car came out in a break of the trees and the expanse of the scion's estate was before him. The building was large and imposing and arched around to form a courtyard in front and in back. The car dropped Kest off at the front entrance and did not wait before it pulled away. Kest walked up the steps and was met by a tall broad shouldered man in elegant livery that hinted discreetly of Harkonnen house colors. Kest observed the man and was glad that he was not a Face Dancer. The house officer extended a hand to Kest.

"You must be Master Kestrel, the new politics tutor." the office said in a deep baritone voice. "I am Pavel, Master Dimitri's Majordomo. Welcome."

Kest shook the offered hand and nodded before speaking. "Thank you Pavel. Please call me Kest. I am excited to meet your master and get to work." Kest replied.

"Please let me show you to your quarters and then we will find Dima." Pavel said as they walked into the house. "Dimitri uses his informal name in the house. He is mostly informal on the estate."

"That is good to know. Thank you." Kest replied.

They walked a short distance, going down a few hallways and up a flight of stairs before they reached the suite that Kest would be using. They entered and Pavel showed Kest the office - sitting room, then the connected bedroom and en suite. The bedroom had large windows that overlooked the back courtyard's gardens. Kest set his carryall down and then followed Pavel to the family suites of the estate.

"Your suite is in the same wing as Dima's on the estate. The other wings are currently empty and not in use at this time. Dima has yet to settle down to start a family to fill the rest of the estate. His extended family are off-planet. Dima should be just upstairs here." Pavel said as they walked up a stairway just across from Kest's suite.

Kest and Pavel came to a double doorway that was open into Dima's suites. They walked into an elegant parlour with access to a modern office space and a large bedroom with adjoining ensuite and dressing areas. Dima was seated at a small table on the balcony off the back of the parlour overlooking the back courtyards. Dima turned when he heard someone enter.

Kest took a moment to observe his charge. Dima was a slender and fit looking young man - within a few years younger than Kest. Dima's skin was pale white with offset by his flaming red hair and bright green eyes. Dima was dressed in a luxury casual way, simple lines in quality fabrics. With a relief Dima was not a Face Dancer either. Dima stood up and came to Pavel and Kest with a smile.

"Hello, I am Dimitri. Please call me Dima. You are Master Kestrel?" Dima introduced himself.

"Yes, please call me Kest." Kest replied as he felt the warm hand in his.

Dima looked up and gazed into Kest's hazel eyes, it was like a lighting bolt flashed between them. Dima's hand lingered on Kest's for more than necessary time. Kest could see a plumping up in Dima's pants and a flush of his exposed pale skin. It appeared that Dima was going to say something more, but got flustered.

"If you would like, we could sit and talk about where your last tudor left off your political studies." Kest suggested.

"Ah. Yes! Yes, that is a great idea." Dima said in a stumbling voice, then he straightened up, "Thank you Pavel. I can ring for you if we need you."

"Yes, Sire." Pavel said and turned to leave, but not before Kest saw a smile cross Pavel's face.

"Come join me on the balcony. It is still pleasant out." Dima said as he collected his wits.

"Thank you, that would be nice." Kest replied as he followed the scion. "Your estate is wonderful."

"Well, it is newly my estate. My parents and older brother were killed in a transport accident while on route to another planet. My father's younger brother, my uncle, was acting at my regent. When I reached the age of majority, Uncle Oleg had a heart attack during a hunting trip. That was only six months ago." Dima explained.

"I am sorry for your losses. I had heard of your troubles when I was contacted to fill your tutor's role." Kest replied. "I was born and placed into a creche on my home planet as was custom. I never quite experienced a full family involvement to be able to comprehend your full loss." Kest said with sympathy.

"Thank you. I loved my parents and my brother and my uncle. They were all at least nice to me. My extended relatives all want to take control of the family interests and thanks in great part to Uncle Oleg they have stayed away. I am in control and plan to stay that way with the family." Dima said.

"When Uncle Oleg passed, there was quite a change in several members of my staff. I appreciate him more and more each day for his advice. I think we are getting back to mostly normal. I think the transition is what caused the previous tutor to become careless - he had an accident that nearly killed him. He had to go off-planet to a specialist to recover." Dima concluded.

"I am glad that I am able to assist you." Kest started. "With the study of politics you have to be very observational of even small events to see what the implications are for your family. Major forces like the Guild, the Landsraad, and the Bene Gesserit all play a part in how houses are able to interact and either prosper or decline. Planning for many futures is what will keep a family to survive."

"Those Witches!" Dima scowled as he said it.

"I take it that you are not a fan of the Sisterhood?" Kest inquired.

"Well, not me personally, but my family has had multiple problems with them in the past." Dima said, "It has always been the response in the family when someone mentioned them. Though part of what I was learning more recently was that my family may have been the cause of the problems with the Sisterhood."

"That may be the case. I understand that one crosses the Sisterhood at one's own risk. The punishment banquet that some talk about does not sound pleasant." Kest said and was going to go onto more when there was a disturbance behind them.

Both Dima and Kest rose and turned to the noise. They found a servant girl had dropped a tray of drinks that she was bringing out to the balcony. Kest's eyes tightened as he noticed that she had the attitudes of one of the Sisterhood acolyte's if not a sister incognito. As he bent over to assist her, they exchanged some non-verbal communications - here was the Sisterhood's agent in the house. She apologized for making such a noise and a mess. In the process of cleaning up, she got some of the drink on Kest's sleeve.

"Oh Sir! I am sorry. Let me take your jacket and have it cleaned before the stain sets in. I can return it to your suite when I am finished." She said as she looked to Kest and Dima.

"That is fine Leda." Dima said.

"Yes, that is fine Leda. You know where my suite is?" Kest replied.

"Yes, Sir. I do. I will do this directly and have it ready for you before dinner." Leda said.

Kest smiled as they made eye contact. This had given them an excuse to meet away from others. Kest turned back to Dima as Kest unbuttoned the jacket and removed it. Kest saw Dima trying not to stare at Kest's chest in the tight undershirt. Kest took his time in undressing, not rushing the view that he was providing. When Kest handed the jacket to Leda, she shared a knowing smile. Then she quickly retreated.

Kest and Dima returned to the balcony and resumed their conversation - really the first lesson that Kest was trying to convey. He kept it conversational, making Dima ask questions or facilitating observations. Kest knew to keep it light in content as his physical display was dividing Dima's concentration.

Kest had asked a question, but did not get a response. Looking up he caught Dima's eyes focused on his body. As if unintentional, Kest brushed his hand down against the crotch of his pants. Dima's eyes followed Kest's hand and did not move from viewing Kest's crotch. The attention was making Kest excited, his cock started to fill out the front of his pants. Kest's view could see that Dima's pants were becoming very tight in the crotch region as well.

Kest stood up and stretched his arms over his head. Dima sat back in surprise, but watched Kest move not sure where to land his eyes. Dima settled his view on Kest's crotch that was fuller then when Kest had sat down. Kest acted as if he did not notice Dima's fixation. Kest walked over to the railing and looked over the courtyard's gardens, making sure his movements were fluid and suggestive. Kest settled in an innocent posture, but it had strong sexual overtones to his stance. Looking over his shoulder at the still seated Dima, it was Dima that flushed. When Dima went to stand up, his cock was hard and tenting out his pants fabric. Dima's face panicked as his body had betrayed him.

"Oh! I am embarrassed." Dima exclaimed as he tried to cover himself up.

Kest moved back over to the table, again in the fluid motions. He stroked Dima's arm to calm the younger man down. Then Kest turned his hips to display himself in front of Dima's face.

"Do not worry. My body is excited as well." Kest said in a low husky voice.

Dima slowly stood up while keeping eye contact with Kest. As their faces neared one another, Dima leaned in and pressed his lips on Kest's lips. Kest gathered his arms around Dima and pulled the red head into a hug as they started kissing. Kest and Dima were locked in a deep kiss, tongues were flicking in and out of each other's mouths. Dima was melting into Kest's strong arms as they continued.

Kest allowed Dima to break the kiss as Dima was dropping to his knees in front of Kest's still covered cock. Dima used this time to let his hands explore Kest's chest and arms, then down to Kest's belly and legs. Kest's cock was rock hard now, as Dima settled on his knees he stared at the straining cock. Dima moved closer, but stopped with less than an inch dividing them. Dima looked up with a flushed face, his green eyes filled with lust as they met Kest's hazel ones. Dima dropped his eyes again to the crotch in front of him.

Dima went to reach the waist of Kest's pants and was surprised by a sudden, firm pressure on his hand. Kest had locked Dima's hand in a controlling grip, just enough pressure to stop the action, not too much to cause pain or discomfort. Dima flashed his face back up to Kest's, a look of confusion colored Dima's expression. Kest moved Dima's hand away from Kest's pants, with Kest's other hand he pushed Dima's face forward into Kest's pants.

"Just stay here. Breath deep. Relax." Kest urged in a quiet almost monotone voice to sooth.

Dima's mouth was closed and pressed firmly in Kest's crotch. Dima nodded and started breathing deeply. Dima was focusing on the warm and firm member trapped in the pants. Soon Dima was calming down, but with each breath he was taking in Kest's masculine scent, a musky and spicy scent. When Kest noticed the relaxation, he started to stroke Dima's red hair. Kest was no longer holding Dima, but Dima was maintaining the position.

Kest's cock stayed hard as Dima allowed Kest's scent to fill his brain. Kest glanced down and Dima was not only hard but leaking. Kest continued to stoke Dima's hair. Dima was zoning out with the heady combination of the scent and Kest's light stroking of his head. Kest let them stay this way for a few minutes longer.

Kest used a light touch to tilt Dima's head up, their eyes locking. Kest was smiling softly and Dima's lusty glare was reduced to a smoldering. Kest used another light touch to have Dima stand up again. When the red head was standing, Kest pulled Dima into another hug. As their lips touched, the kissing was more relaxed, but filled with passion. Dima tried to grind his crotch against Kest's, but Kest gave a subtle negative response. Dima stopped and just allowed them to make out.

After several minutes of the relaxed kissing, Kest pulled his face away from Dima's. Still holding the younger man to him, Kest made several small pecks of kisses along Dima's cheek and jaw line. Then Kest nuzzled the red head's ear. Dima let out a low whimper as Kest used his lips and tongue to explore Dima's ear. Dima tried to resume the crotch grinding, but received another negative response from Kest causing him to still.

"There is time for that later." Kest whispered into Dima's ear, who shivered, "We will explore completely another time. Right now you have duties before dinner and I need to meet Leda for my jacket."

Like a flash Kest released their hug and separated from Dima. Dima was again looking longingly at Kest's body, but the flaming lust was reduced to the smoldering. Kest smiled as he turned and walked off the balcony towards the suite entrance. Kest turned just as he was going out of eyeshot to see Dima still rooted to the same spot on the balcony, Dima's eyes closed and breathing deeply. Dima missed the smile on Kest's face as Kest entered the hallway.  

It was a short walk and one flight of stairs down to Kest's suite. In that time he was able to control his body and was no longer fully erect. Kest entered his suite to find Leda seated in one of the chairs in his sitting room / office, the jacket draped over the other chair. Leda looked up and smiled briefly as Kest sat down.

"So how long has the Sisterhood had you in place?" Kest inquired directly.

"I have been a sleeper agent for a few years, working my way up to be one of Dima's primary servants. Due to the family's strong aversion to the Sisterhood, I have been without contact from the Sisters since I entered the estate." Leda answered. "There have been several new servants since the accident with Dima's parents and brother. More so with Dima's uncle passing away while out hunting. There are more than a few that I have some concerns for, but I am not clear exactly why. They just seem not quite right."

"That is part of why I am here. I have met with a member from the Council who confirmed there is a new breed of Face Dancer cropping up. It was expected that they might be trying to infiltrate Dima's inner circle. The new Face Dancers can pick up more of the victim's memories to make the transition seem less out of place. There is concern with a direct heir to an ancient bloodline under control, that a shift in power may be in play." Kest continued. "I am here to help identify and eliminate this threat. I have a communication from the Sisterhood that explains the new signs and details regarding the Face Dancers. I would like to share that with you."

"I understand." Leda said as she stood up and came before Kest in a kneeling position.

Kest leaned down and formed a link with Leda, it was not the same as with a Sister to Sister link, but it was similar. Kest transmitted the message and Leda rocked back on her heels. She took a moment before returning to her chair.

"Just a member of the Council, huh?" Leda said with some sarcasm. "Oh I understand why you phrased it that way. I see that my concerns were well placed. So you know, Dima's Majordomo Pavel is safe to be trusted and is aware of my connection to the Sisterhood. As we identify the inflitating Face Dancers, they can be released or eliminated as necessary. I will alert Pavel of the new risks."

"Thank you, that will make this a less difficult assignment. The other aspect will be to help the bloodline's risk of being spread around too much. I am here as a tudor, but I will be teaching much more than politics." Kest went on, "It is part of my goal to solidify a more equitable meeting with this family and the Sisterhood. I have already seen some echoes of hope that I will be working on. A suitable union with a Sisterhood sponsored candidate would be the best protection that this family has in the future."

"That I can agree with. I will do what I can." Leda said. "Tonight I will have a few of the suspect servants in the dining room. You will be able to confirm my suspicions and then Pavel and I can do what is necessary."

"It is almost dinner time, I will refresh as I am sure my rest will not come until much later tonight." Kest said with a cheeky grin.

"You Shaddow Reverends are almost too much." Leda chuckled in spite of herself.

She stood and exited the suite. Kest was glad to have a highly enough ranked contact to work with. It was further a relief that Pavel would be able to be of assistance instead of a hindrance. Those two factors were working in his favor. He quickly freshened up and redressed just as there was a light knock on the door. Pavel was standing in the hallway as Kest opened the door.

"I thought I would escort you to the dinning hall." Pavel said, "May I come in for a quick moment?"

Kest nodded and opened the door to allow Pavel to enter. Pavel entered and motioned for Kest to close the door. Once it was closed, he stepped closer to Kest.

"I have spoken with Leda and she has alerted me of the Face Dancer threat. I agreed with her that you could confirm the suspicions on a few of the newer staff. Also if you run across any older staff that have been compromised, please let me know. They can be dealt with using some discretion." Pavel said in a voice just above a whisper.

Kest nodded.

Then Pavel said in a louder voice, "I am glad you are settling in. If you are ready we can go to dinner."

With that Kest and Pavel left Kest's suite and headed down for the meal. As they entered Kest saw Leda coming in through another entrance carrying a tray with food. The server that followed Leda was giving off the signals of the new Face Dancer. Leda looked at Kest's eyes and a subtle nod passed between them. Kest was seated near the end of the table where Dima was sitting. Pavel took a seat on the opposite side. Another servant, a male this time, entered with more food. He also had the signals. Pavel looked up at Kest when the servant set the food in front of them. Pavel and Kest shared a nod as well. In Kest's thinking, that was two down.

The meal carried on. Dima, Pavel and Kest discussed several topics which seemed light hearted, but Kest was continuing his tutoring in his subtle, conversational style. Pavel raised an eyebrow but did not say anything as he realized how Kest was working. As the meal ended, Pavel had excused himself to deal with a pressing matter, two actually he said, leaving Kest and Dima by themselves.

Dima had done well throughout the meal in trying to stay focused, but now with just the two of them, it was becoming harder for him. Dima watched the grace in which Kest moved, even while seated. It not only intrigued him, but made him excited. Kest knew how Dima was reacting and turned up his actions as Pavel left. Leda passed through the dining room one last time before she left as well.

"I have a bottle of port in my suite, if you would like to come up and join me on the balcony." Dima offered.

"That would be nice." Kest committed as they stood up from the table.

Kest observed how Dima's focus was on his body again. Dima was trying to be subtle but was not successful in his actions. Kest played up his part, acting as if he did not notice. Kest had added more lean grace to his walk, making it like he was prowling down the hall. As they started up the stairs, Kest's pants pulled tighter to his body as he flexed his legs. Kest heard a slight gasp from Dima who was watching Kest closely. Kest decided it was time to go further now.

Dima opened the door to his suite and ushered Kest in. Kest waited until the door was closed before he turned to Dima and without a word, pulled the red head into a tight embrace and began a rough, passionate kiss. Dima swooned in Kest's embrace and opened his mouth wide for Kest's tongue to invade his mouth. Kest's hands were wandering over Dima's body, undoing close enclosures. That done Kest began to undress Dima, only breaking the kissing as they needed to remove articles of clothing.

Now Dima was standing naked in Kest's embrace, still just inside the closed door of Dima's suite. Kest abandoned the kiss as he looked into Dima's green eyes. The lusty look had returned with Kest's actions thus far. Dima was breathing a little faster than normal and his pale skin was flushed. He waited as he looked over Kest's body again. Dima's cock was hard now and jutting outward, it was a respectable length and average girth.

"Knees." Kest said with a quiet smooth voice.

Dima dropped to his knees and stared at Kest's body, going from Kest's face to Kest's growing crotch. Kest took a step back and began to pull off his clothes in a slow, sensual pace. Soon Kest was standing bare chested and put his hands on the opening to his pants. Dima was watching him like a viper as Kest pushed the pants open and lowered them. Kest's cock was now in his tight trunk briefs that were straining to contain the solid member. Kest took a step forward, moving his body close to Dima's kneeling one.

Dima gasped as the masculine scent he had smelt before was more intense coming almost directly from the source. Dima licked his lips before he looked up into Kest's hazel eyes. Again Dima gasped and his body flushed with his sexual desire and attraction to Kest.

Kest took his time and let his hands slowly push down his briefs. Dima's eyes followed the fabric down until Kest's cock sprung out, flinging a strand of pre-cum out. The strand hit Dima's cheek and lips, he moaned in response as his tongue flicked out and tasted it. Kest was able to drop the briefs to the floor, he stepped out of them and moved even closer to Dima's face.

Dima was still tasting Kest's pre-cum when Kest lifted his cock and set it on Dima's forehead. Kest moved a hand behind and pulled Dima's face into his hard member. Dima took in a deep breath, quickly zoning out to the intense scents. Dima opened his mouth and began to lick and suck on Kest's balls resting right at his lips. Kest made an appreciative noise, as Dima was giving a tongue bath. Dima sucked one ball in, getting it wet before going after the other. He tried but was not successful in placing both balls in his mouth.

Kest tilted his hips and lowered his cock down Dima's face, trailing a line of pre-cum. Kest let up on the pressure on the back of Dima's head to allow for his cock to rest on Dima's open lips. Kest slowly pushed his hips forward, inserting his cock into Dima's waiting mouth. Dima moaned as Kest's cock head pushed over Dima's tongue. Dima closed his eyes and then his lips around Kest's cock as Kest pushed further back. Kest was about three quarters of the way in when he pushed against Dima's throat entrance. Dima sputtered and Kest paused.

Kest returned the pressure to the back of Dima's head as he began to pull out and thrust into Dima's mouth. Dima was groaning and sputtering as Kest's cock moved back and forth. On the next push in, Kest's cock head pushed into Dima's throat making Dima gag. Kest only pulled an in or so out before pushing back, popping his cock head in and out of Dima's throat. Dima was gagging and sputtering, but trying to take in all of Kest's cock.

Kest continued this short jabbing pattern into Dima's throat for several minutes. Kest thrust in deeper the next time in and he felt Dima's lips touch his trimmed pubes before Dima was gagging. Kest kept up with the deeper thrusting allowing Dima to get used to it. When Dima was gagging less, Kest thrust even deeper, forcing Dima's nose firmly against his groin. Kest held it there as Dima started to gag and then struggled ineffectively due to Kest's grip.

Kest pulled back on Dima's red hair and pulled his cock completely out of Dima's mouth. Dima was breathing hard trying to catch his breath as Kest was using his cock to slap the sides of Dima's cheeks. Dima's face now had cock snot making it slick, his eyes flicked up to Kest's, still beaming lust. Kest reached down and helped Dima stand.  

Turning the fair red head around, Kest pulled Dima close to his body. Dima moaned as he felt Kest's spit slicked cock resting in his crack. Kest held one arm around Dima's chest under Dima's arms so Dima could not lower them. With his other arm Kest reached down and began to play and stroke Dima's hard cock. Dima sighed and cooed as Kest's hand began to play with his member. Dima was pushing back into Kest's hard cock, making it slide up and down in his crack.

Kest began to nibble on Dima's ear as he played more with Dima's dick. Dima's body shuddered at the combined touches, his ass moving harder against Kest's cock. Kest worked Dima's body over, pausing to keep Dima from climaxing. Dima was moaning and drooling as Kest continued to tease him - he was getting more and more worked up as they went on. Dima's hips flared back and Kest's cock was now resting on his pucker.  

In his turned on state, Dima's pucker was pulsing. The cock head right at his entrance had Dima getting more horny. Kest's cock was still slicked from the blowjob from earlier and with the copious amounts of pre-cum. Kest's cock was getting Dima's entrances slicked up. Dima kept grinding his hips backward onto Kest's hardness.

Kest held tight to Dima's chest as he thrust his hips forward and his slicked cockhead pushed into Dima's pucker. Dima moaned and started panting as Kest held them steady right there. Staying in place, Kest resumed playing with Dima's hard dick, moving his hips to keep just his cock head in Dima's hole as Dima moved around. Dima was starting to whimper from the repeated teasing of his dick and the hard cock just in his entrance.

Dima let out a yell as Kest finally thrust hard, pushing his cock deep in Dima's chute. Kest held onto the red head as he began thrusting firmly, going slowly deeper each time. Dima had thrown his head back against Kest's shoulder as Kest began to pound into his ass. Kest continued to play and edge Dima's dick as he was pumping his own cock in and out. Dima was resting his full body weight against Kest's body as Kest continued to pound and play as he was.

Sweat was pouring off both men, flinging all around them. Kest could feel the starting of his climax building. He changed his pace and power as he thrust into Dima's abused hole. Dima was whimpering again as Kest intensified his stroking of Dima's dick - Dima was getting close now too. Dima started to whine and groan as he felt his leg muscles tighten moving upward from the arch of his foot to his groin. Dima's toes started to curl as he got closer to letting go.

Kest stayed his hand on Dima's cock so it was not creating any friction on the sensitive cock head. Kest then tilted his hips and with each thrust was pounding on Dima's prostate gland. The change had Dima crazed, on the very edge of climaxing but unable to as Kest had him restrained. Kest kept pounding as he felt his own climax getting even closer.

Kest was right at the point of no return when he resumed jacking on Dima's dick. It was just enough stimulation to push Dima into his long awaited climax. Dima screamed as his dick flexed in Kest's hand and began shooting rope after rope of jizz out on the floor.

By the time he had shot seven or eight ropes, Dima's ass was clamping and quivering around Kest's cock. With a loud grunt, Kest began pumping his boiling cum deep in Dima's quaking body. Kest was no longer pumping Dima's dick, just holding it and Dima's chest as he filled Dima's ass full of his hot cum. Kest continued to thrust a few more times before a final thrust into the fair skinned man, Kest's cock pulsing the final bits of his load in deeper still.

The two were breathing hard, intimately joined and being mostly supported by Kest as they recovered from their climaxes. Still holding onto Dima tightly, Kest pulled his hard cock out of Dima's pucker with a pop sound. Dima felt a trail of cum drip out of his gaping hole down his leg. Kest slowly set Dima down on his feet, but when Kest let go, Dima slumped to the ground.

Kest looked down quickly to make sure Dima was not injured. Dima was looking up at Kest and his still hard cock with more lust in his eyes. Dima was too spent to act on his horniness, much to his own dismay. Kest bent down and gathered the red head into his arms and lifted him from the floor. Kest made his way into Dima's bedroom and laid the spent man on the bed. Dima had reached down and fingered his cum filled hole, as Kest lowered him down Dima began sucking the cum off his own fingers.

Kest pulled the covers up over Dima as Dima began to drift off to an exhausted slumber. Kest had worked the younger man hard before the final release which had completely wrung the rest of the younger man's energy. Kest bent over and gave Dima a brief kiss, tasting his own seed on Dima's lips. Kest then retraced his steps out to the outer room and began dressing in his discarded clothes. Finally being presentable, Kest opened the door into the hallway back to his suite. Kest closed the door to Dima's suite and his mind was racing.

Thinking to himself as he walked, "I do love my job. This was going to be a fun assignment, even if there is some danger."

Next: Chapter 7

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