Shadow Reverend

By L Stone

Published on Mar 19, 2021


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Shadow Reverend Chapter 5

Kest woke to a hot warm sensation on his cock. He did not need to look down to know that it was Tom's mouth sucking from tip to base as Kest's cock was fully hard. In the week since Kest had been on the ship en route to Geidi Prime Kest had been training Tom. Tom was spending all of his off shift time in Kest' suite, starting two nights ago this included over nights as well. Part of Tom's training included cock worship, Kest had required Tom to deep throat his cock any time it was tumescent. That instruction was now included during the night. Kest had received three blow jobs during his sleep, waking before he could climax. That reward was for the following morning's first fuck.

Tom was working his lips and tongue on Kest's cock shaft and head while his hands were gently playing with Kest's balls. Kest dropped a hand to the back of Tom's neck and started thrusting deeply. Tom opened his jaw and relaxed, now breathing through his nose. The combined work had eliminated Tom's gag reflex, so with each deep thrust Kest's cock head was plunging into Tom's throat. The only sounds were the grunting of Kest and the slurpy sound of Tom's sucking.

Kest was getting close, but did not want to cum. He tightened his grip on Tom's neck and with the next thrust forced Tom's head down to meet it. Kest's cock and part of his shaft were now lodged deep in Tom's throat. Kest kept his cock buried and the tight grip on Tom's neck for an extended time. Tom began to get anxious as he was not getting any air, as his nose was tightly sealed against Kest's pelvis. Tom just tried to relax even though his response was to fight, he had learned the hard way that he was no match for Kest and fighting only made it worse. Trying hard Tom just stayed put, his throat starting to quiver around Kest's cock, his eyes watering up and snot pushing out of his nose in an attempt to breath.

Kest used his grip and ripped Tom's head away from his rigid member. Tom was sputtering and coughing, trying to clear his airway and breath. Kest pushed Tom away and he swung his legs over the side of the bed. With a huge stretch Kest stood up and moved to the middle of the room where there was a cleared open space. Tom had crawled off the bed and was sitting on his knees, hands behind him watching Kest's every move. Tom's eyes were already taking on a worshipful, longing gaze.

Kest started every morning with his prana bindu stretches and exercises. The speed of the transitions that Kest used as a master of this art made it appear that he was flowing like water through each pose and exercise. He was not concerned that Tom would be able to learn too much of what Kest did. Kest prefered to do his exercises nude as clothing was only a distraction. Quickly he entered his active meditative mode and his pace through the routine increased significantly. To Tom's eyes it appeared that Kest was only a blur of flesh moving at deadly speed and almost silently, only a regular normal breathing sound.

The reality distortion from the exercises made it appear that Tom was moving in extreme slow motion, each rise and fall of his chest in breathing taking several minutes. Kest was able to easily see the aroused state the younger man was in: the eyes wide and dilated, nostrils flared, pale pink nipples getting hard and darker, and rigid penis and pulled tight scrotum. These details were catalogued in Kest's unconscious mind as he moved through the kata of today's workout. Kest noted that even without touching himself, that Tom was getting close to a climax just was watching Kest move.

Kest altered his movements and flowed to a stop right in front of the kneeling figure. Tom responded as if slapped due to the extreme stop of movement directly in his face. Kest reached down and lifted Tom up by his chin, extending the blond to his limit of standing up on tip-toes. Kest staired his deep blue in blue eyes of spice addiction into Tom's blue tinged eyes. A shiver ran through Tom's body, but he remained silent as he worked on controlling his breathing.

"You love this body? Do my movements make you lust for me? Should you be relieved before I am?" Kest whispered extremely softly.

"Yes, Sir. You excite me, Sir. You should always be relieved first, Sir." Tom quickly replied in a flushed voice.

Kest dropped his hand from Tom's chin. With a feather light touch to Tom's chest Kest directed him back on the bed.

"Hands and knees" Kest ordered.

"Yes, Sir." Tom answered as he jumped on the bed into position as Kest requested.

Kest walked up to the edge of the bed and grabbed Tom's slender hips. Kest slid the blond's ass back to hang over the edge. Kest pulled apart the pale ass cheeks exposing the puffy pucker, he spit right on target. Tom shivered when the liquid hit his skin. Kest moved forward and placed his swiftly hardening cock on Tom's crack. Tom gave a whimper when he felt the hot flesh. Kest moved his hips and slid his cock up and down in Tom's crack. Tom gave a little, hungry cry at the movement.

Kest bent his face down and let another glob of spit hit his cock as it moved in Tom's crack. Kest pulled back so that only his cock head was touching Tom's skin. When his cock head lined up to Tom's pucker, Kest pushed forward in a swift motion. Tom cried out and arched his back as Kest's thrust had gone all the way to his balls in the one motion. Tom was now breathing hard, trying to acclimate to the large member pulsing in his ass. Tom gave a cry out again as Kest pulled fully out.

Kest kept a firm grip on Tom's hips as he started the hard, long dicking rhythm of thrusting balls deep then pulling completely out. It was rough on Tom, but Kest did that on purpose to bring down some of Tom's lust. Tom continued to whimper and whine as Kest pounded away, though the timbre was dropped down as Kest worked. Soon the whimpers turned into more earthy moans as Tom was relaxing into the dicking and was moving into a heightened state sexually, but not close to climax.

Kest noted the change, when he pulled out next he hooked an arm under Tom's leg and filled the blond over on his back. Kest kept Tom's leg up against Kest's chest as he thrust back in Tom's hole. Tom gave a happy grunt at the change of position and Kest's cock hitting different points inside. Kest pulled both of Tom's legs tight as he plowed in. Kest kept a steady pace, pulling until just his cock head was still in Tom's ass before thrusting back in.

"So deep!" Tom moaned as Kest thrust in hard.

Kest chuckled and pulled Tom in tighter on the next thrust going even deeper. Tom was cooing and moaning from the internal stimulation. With Tom's leg up Kest decided to start a touch sequence designed to key Tom up but not allow a release. Kest nuzzled his chin along Tom's ankle, flicked a finger along the back of Tom's knee, and pressed a fingertip in Tom's groin close to Tom's leaking cock. This was followed by a quick lick of the arch of Tom's foot, trail of a finger down Tom's inner thigh and starting a low humming that made the length of Tom's leg resting on Kest's shoulder vibrate.

Tom was now squirming and moaning, his head thrashing side to side. Kest moved a hand down to tease a nipple, brush the underside of Tom's arm close to the pit and then flick an ear lobe. Tom's cock was angry, red and pulsing but Kest held back on the combination that would allow Tom to climax. Tom was drooling and his cock was leaking, he tried to reach down to grab his cock, but Kest quickly swatted Tom's hands away. Kest was moving his hips like a piston and his cock was steadily pounding in and out of Tom's hole.

Kest ripped his cock out of Tom's pucker and he stood up. Kest lifted Tom off the bed and flipped him around. Kest moved behind Tom and pushed his hard cock back into Tom's used hole. That done Kest walked the pair of them over to the wall, lifting Tom's hands overhead and held them with one of his. Kest used his legs to kick Tom's feet further apart, making Tom drop lower on Kest's unit. Kest began thrusting hard up and into Tom's body as he leaned his chest to cover Tom's back. Kest pulled the blond closer to him and used his free hand to touch and rub more places on Tom's body. Kest used his mouth and tongue to kiss and lick Tom's neck, jaw and ears.

Kest kept his thrusting constant, but varied his other stimulation of Tom's body in an apparent random order. This was making Tom come just short of climax and then would retreat away without the release Tom wanted and needed. Tom's body was shaking and thrusting down onto Kest's cock trying for an anal climax, but Kest adjusted just enough to stop that from happening. Tom was whimpering and whining again like when Kest first took him. Tom was losing all control, he was almost to the point that Kest wanted.

Kest lifted both of his hands up to cover over Tom's. Kest's body was firmly pushing Tom's into the wall, just giving enough room for Tom to draw breath. Kest cock was slamming harder and harder with each successive thrust. At this point Tom had lost all speech and was just mumbling and drooling against the wall. Kest felt that he was getting close to his climax.

Still thrusting into Tom with enough force to bounce Tom off his feet, Kest leaned his head to Tom's ear. In a deep and low whisper Kest started to issue commands that went directly into Tom's subconscious mind. This was part of the conditioning that Kest was doing to ensure Tom's loyalty to him and the Sisterhood. Tom was now in the most receptive mode for this conditioning and would not recall that it had occurred even if forced to recall by chemical or mechanical means. Tom's body was vibrating as Kest was pumping his ass and his mind.

Kest decided that he had done enough for this session. Kest allowed his climax that he had held at bay to begin to crest. Kest grunted with abandon as his seed was rushing out of his cock and pulsing into Tom's chute. After four solid jets of cum were shot, Kest dipped his tongue deep in Tom's ear canal - for the touch sequence he used that was the keystone for Tom's climax. Tom's body went rigid and then started convulsing as his cock started to spray rope after rope of cum against the wall and floor. Kest continued to pump the last five or six jets of cum in Tom's ass, enjoying the tight gripping from the spasms from Tom's desired climax.

Kest gave a final thrust and forced his full weight to hold them to the wall. Tom was still barely coherent, his body twitching now and again in response to his full body climax. Kest's training and his intuition had him stop several points shy of creating a sexual addiction that excluded all rational and irrational thought. This as the Sisterhood would learn later on was the mistake that the Honored Matres would make in their domination process. A very costly mistake that would take a heavy price and long time to correct.

Kest became aware that Tom was starting to struggle with his breath. Kest let up on the pressure holding them to the wall. Tom drew in a ragged breath now, still not fully functional. Kest tilted slowly back, pulling both from the wall as Tom was still impaled on Kest's hardness. Kest lifted the spent man and moved them over to the bed. Kest set Tom down on it and Tom slumped to lay almost lifeless on the mattress. Looking up Tom gave Kest a sated and glowing gaze filled with desire and lust. Kest smiled as he crawled up on the bed beside Tom, pulling the man to him.

Tom sighed and formed his body into the hollow that Kest created. The warmth they shared was making the bond deeper between Tom to Kest, though Tom was unaware of how strong a bond it was. Kest allowed Tom to drift off into a deep sleep, gently rocking and stroking the younger man. Soon Tom was completely out, snoring deeply.

Kest uncurled from Tom and went to his hidden communication device. He made the needed connections and began to send his message with the update to the Sisterhood. Kest made the notations of who he recommended to follow up for the final training and bonding for Tom. Message complete Kest returned the device to the inactive status and returned to the bed. He would need some rest for when Tom woke up he would be even more sexually charged and the need of multiple climaxes to be sated. Kest smiled as he drifted off to sleep thinking how much he enjoyed his job.

Next: Chapter 6

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