Shadow Reverend

By L Stone

Published on Feb 15, 2021


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Shadow Reverend Chapter 4

Kest had his carryall on his shoulder. As he walked into the space port the port supervisor was almost running to greet him. The port supervisor bowed low and not just with local custom respect. The supervisor waited without the rancor he had shown Kest almost four weeks prior. Kest knew that while he was dealing with Leonard's detox, that the Sisterhood had been thorough in the reduction of corruption in Leonard's household and planetary staff. To be honest it surprised Kest that the supervisor still had his position.

Kest sighed as he gestured for the port supervisor to stand, at which the man did quickly but kept his eyes averted.

"Sire, your transport will be ready momentarily. I have confirmed the Highlighter is running on schedule. You should have no problems with your departure." The supervisor said with deferrence.

"Thank you. I will relay how satisfactory the departure has gone with Lord Leonard." Kest said flatly.

"Thank you, Sire!" the supervisor said with a bob of his head.

"I had pegged you as one of Sivon's creatures. You are lucky if the Sisters have allowed you to remain in your post." Kest said plainly.

The remaining color drained from the port supervisor's face and he was shaken by Kest's comment. Again the supervisor bowed low, this time touching his head to the floor. The signs of abject fear were clear to Kest. This man had been through a proper Sisterhood pain bouquet. Kest gestured for the man to stand, again.

The supervisor now stood with his head hung low, not looking any higher than Kest's boots. Kest again just stood quietly and looked at the man intently. The supervisor was deathly quiet for almost a full minute.

"Thank you for your interest, Sire. I was following Sivon's order, but was under the mistaken understanding that they originated from Master Leonard. That error has been corrected." The supervisor said in a husky, low voice.

"I am glad that issue has been resolved." Kest said, "Should the transport be ready now?"

"Yes, Sire. This way." The supervisor said after he looked up, then led Kest to the ship's loading ramp.

Kest strode into the craft and noted the same pilot as he had coming down. They shared a knowing smile as Kest settled down and strapped in. In just moments the craft was lifting off, heading to the Highlighter above the atmosphere. In minutes Kest was disembarking the transport and following a Guild representative to his quarters.

Kest read the communication that he received from the transport pilot once he was in his rooms. He smiled as he deciphered the code and read the message for his eyes only.

Excellent job handling the situation with Lord Leonard. His staff have been examined and those loyal to him are remaining. The Sisterhood has offered to fill in such gaps until proper replacements have been located. A suitable mate has been introduced into the Lord's personal staff, Leonard should respond well to him with your pre-bonding introduced during his detox. You have done well. Your next assignment will take you to Giedi Prime. Instructions will be available on your arrival. RMS

Kest unpacked and noted the travel schedule. It would take many stops until he reached Giedi Prime. Guild transport was almost instantaneous, but each stop required ferring of transports to and from the planet. It would be several weeks before he would reach his destination.

Again the Guild had placed him in an overly ornate suite for his travel. This vessel included swimming and exercise facilities as well as a tavern. Kest decided that he should check out what his living spaced would be like for the next while. Securing his quarters he walked to the common spaces. Not mentioned in the literature was the simulated park with live trees and grass, it included an open air exercise area and a running track. Kest made note of these as he continued to the indoor exercise facility.  

Kest stepped into the facility and was greeted by a staff member. He advised the young man that he was interested in a tour. The young man alerted his colleague and told Kest that he would be happy to show Kest around. Kest observed the man as he ushered Kest down the hallway. He was about Kest's height, pale blond hair that was closely cropped and styled, watery blue eyes, and delicate, petite frame - toned but not hard muscled.

As they stepped into the men's portion of the facility, the young man turned to Kest and offered a hand.

"I am sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I am Tom. I am one of the crew charged with this facility and with guest satisfaction. This way please." Tom said.

"Thank you Tom. I am Kest. Please lead the way." Kest said with a smile.

Tom continued the tour. His pale skin was offset by the dark grey of his uniform shirt and shorts. The cut of the clothes accentuated his body, hugging curves and tight in the right places. Kest chuckled over the fact that Tom was most likely very good at guest satisfaction. They continued further as Tom was pointing out the different features of the facility.

"Are the facilities divided by sex?" Kest asked.

"Yes, to accommodate our guests that may be more conservative our facilities do separate by gender. The females have access to the same options as the males, but the ratio of some equipment and services are adjusted by need and demand." Tom answered, "It also allows for you to be as comfortable in your workouts as you are able to be dressed to the level of your desire. Nudity is not uncommon and is requested in the pool and water activities."

"Oh, very nice." Kest replied.

As to illustrate this, as the pair entered the pool area a man was swimming laps completely nude and there were two men exiting the hot tub and were nude as well. Kest and Tom nodded to the men leaving towards the steam room. They walked down a hallway with a series of doors on either side, Tom pointed out the sign for massage. Again they smiled at a man exiting a massage room in the nude, glancing in the room, the massage therapist was also a nude man. Tom led Kest back to the front desk area. They went through the locker room area that passed them to the entrance. Tom turned to Kest.

"If there is anything that you would like please let us know. I have been assigned to assist with any needs you may have. I look forward to working with you." Tom said.

"That is wonderful. I think that I will want to swim some laps and then finish with a massage." Kest requested.

"Excellent, I will meet you in the massage room 8 when you are finished with your swim." Tom smiled.

"Thank you." Kest returned the smile as he re-entered the locker room.

Kest quickly found an open locker and started to undress. His severe black uniform was always getting looks from people he came across - people knew that his uniform represented the Sisterhood. As he peeled it away from his skin and put it away in the locker, it was like shedding an exoskeleton armor. Soon Kest was standing nude, his sinewy muscles and toned body were catching some attention from a few other men in the room. His long, soft cock dangling between his legs got a few looks as well.

Kest quickly walked to the pool facility, choosing a lane he dove in and began swimming. It was truly a luxury to have the open bodies of water, even in a pleasure craft such as this. So many planets, Dune included, were still water sparse. Kest learned to swim on the planet of his creche in the lakes and rivers. It was quite a contract to his training planets with much harsher environments. The old axiom was steel makes steel stronger was true in the Sisterhood training philosophy - harsh environments made for harsh conditioning for those who survived.

All these thoughts passed through his mind as he stretched and stroked through the water. Swimming always seemed to calm his mind faster than meditation. A Sister once described it as moving meditation, a powerful tool. Kest let his mind center as he swam away.  

After his internal clock told him he had swam for 30 minutes, Kest decided to stop. Using his hands on the edge of the pool, he pulled his toned body from the water. As the water ran down his skin, Kest could feel some discrete and less than discrete looks from the other men in the area. Kest walked to a stack of towel and used one to dry the rest of the water from his body, making sure to dry his hair vigorously which made his cock and balls swing. Throwing the towel in the nearby bin, Kest smiled to the few men willing to make eye contact with him. His body was creating some attention.

Kest walked toward the massage rooms corridor, his body free of most of the water. He walked down the hall and located room 8. Kest knocked on the door. A moment passed as the door opened and Tom was standing ready to greet Kest. Tom had shed his grey uniform and was as nude now as Kest was. Tom ushered Kest in as he shut the door behind Kest.

Kest took in Tom's nude form, the pale skin continued on his petite frame. The blond hair dusted Tom's pits and a small patch over his slender cock and balls. Tom's ass was almost rounded and hairless, it had a little wiggle when he walked. Tom's body was lightly toned, his chest was bare, his nipples a very pale pink against his fair skin.

In contrast Kest's body was nicely tanned from the time spent outdoors with Leonard during his detox period. Kest kept his body hair well groomed, with just a trace in his pits and a patch over his cock matching his dark black hair on his head. Kest's eyes were now fully blue from the Spice, even with a smiling expression they were piercing. Kest's muscles were tight and toned and his nipples were a dark pink against his tanned skin.

Kest smiled as he walked to the massage table. He turned his piercing gaze at Tom, who blushed with his full body at Kest's inspection. Tom's watery blue eyes were peaking out of his blond eyelashes as he looked up at Kest.

"Come. Knees." Kest said with quiet authority.

Tom licked his lips quickly as he took the few steps in front of Kest. Tom dropped to his knees and his eyes were level with Kest's long cock that was starting to plump up. Tom quivered as he stared at Kest's crotch.

"Eyes" Kest ordered.

Tom tore his eyes away from the sight in front of him and looked up to Kest's face. As their eyes connected a shiver ran through Tom's body, his nipples turned a darker shade of pink as they began to harden. Tom was panting, when he blinked his blond eyelashes flashed over his watery blue eyes.

Kest stepped closer, moving his firming cock inches away from Tom's face. Tom was struggling to maintain eye contact, but inhaled deeply trying to catch Kest's scent. Since Kest had been in the pool, he smelled mostly of pool chemicals. Kest reached down and stroked the side of Tom's face. Tom moaned at the touch, but kept his eyes gazing into Kest's intense Spice blue eyes. Kest continued to stroke Tom's head and face.  

"Open." Kest ordered quietly as his fingers brushed Tom's lips.

Tom's lips opened as Kest slid two fingers deep in Tom's mouth. Kest pushed them until his knuckles past Tom's lips, no gagging. Kest smiled as he began sliding the fingers in and out of Tom's mouth. As Kest pushed in deeper, finally Tom gagged lightly. Nodding to himself Kest removed his fingers from Tom's mouth.

Kest grabbed his cock and used it to wipe both sides of Tom's face, streaking sticky pre-cum as he went. Kest used his thumb to open up Tom's mouth wider. Stepping forward Kest pushed his balls into Tom's open mouth and rested his cock on Tom's nose and forehead. Tom needed no instruction to start sucking and licking Kest's balls. Tom's actions kept Kest's cock hard and leaking. Globs of pre-cum were dripping on Tom's forehead and dripping down his face, sometimes in his eyes.

Kest pulled his balls out of Tom's mouth after several minutes of action. Tom kept his mouth open and made to suck in Kest's cock as it slid down his face. Tom had a shocked expression as he did not get cock in his mouth and Kest backhanded Tom's face. Tom did well not to cry out, but he was on the edge. Kest stroked Tom's hurt face again and Tom started to settle. Kest again used his thumb to open Tom's mouth wide. Tom just waited. Kest leaned over and spit in Tom's gaping mouth.

"Swallow." Kest said quietly and sternly.

Tom swallowed taking in Kest's spit. Then Tom opened his mouth wide again and waited. Kest squared his hips and lowered his cock head into Tom's waiting mouth. Tom kept his mouth wide, not closing his lips. Again Kest nodded before he pushed his hard cock further into Tom's mouth. As Kest's cock head brushed against Tom's throat, he lowered a hand and closed Tom's mouth to seal around his cock. Leaving a hand holding onto Tom's hair, Kest began sliding his cock to Tom's lips before thrusting back to Tom's throat.

Kest kept pounding his cock in and out of Tom's mouth, his balls slapping Tom's chin. Tom was drooling as Kest's cock pistoned away, leaking down from the corners of his mouth, down his chin and then down to his body. Kest was enjoying the tight seal Tom's lips and the subtle flicks of his tongue along the underside of Kest's cock. Kest's body started to gleam with sweat as he worked is cock in Tom's mouth.

With a grunt, Kest pulled Tom's head back and off Kest's fully hard and spit soaked cock. Kest used the grip on Tom's hair to lift Tom from kneeling up to a standing position. Kest then turned Tom's body and folded it over the massage table. Kest pushed Tom's face down before he released his grip and took a step back. Being bent over was opening up Tom's ass cheeks for display. Down in Tom's crack Kest could see a pale pink pucker free of any trace of hair. Kest took a finger and traced from the top of Tom's crack to his balls. Tom moaned at the touch and got louder when Kest's fingers brushed his hole and his balls.

Kest lowered to his knees, using his hands he pried Tom's ass cheeks wider. Leaning his face in Kest blew a stream of air across Tom's pucker making Tom quiver and moan. Kest flicked out his tongue and swirled it around the hairless hole. Tom gasped for air and then let out a long moan, his legs quivering as he arched his back and pushed ass upwards. Kest then speared Tom's opening with a hardened tongue. Tom cried out in pleasure and then began to babble as Kest tongue fucked Tom's hole.

Kest continued to give Tom a sloppy rim job: nibbling, teasing, tongue fucking and licking all over Tom's crack and pucker. Tom cried out again as Kest thrust a spit soaked finger into his loosened hole. Kest pushed in past his first knuckle and then began to make widening circles in Tom's hole stretching and opening it up. Tom was reduced to pants and moans as Kest continued to tease the area with his tongue as his finger was working in and out.

Kest worked a second finger in with no problems, just a deep moan for acknowledgement from Tom. A few minutes later the pair of fingers brushed against Tom's gland. A shiver of pleasure shook through Tom's whole body. Tom's moan turned more to a high pitched whine as Kest's fingers massaged the gland in a slow, circular pattern. Tom tried to push his hips up off the table to make Kest's fingers stay in contact with his gland. Kest used his other hand to push Tom's hips down against the table. When Tom tried to raise them up again, Kest swiftly slapped Tom's ass. Tom cried out from the strike, but started moaning again as Kest stimulated his gland.

Tom was writhing and moaning from Kest's skillful finger fuck after the sloppy rimming. Kest only had to slap Tom's ass one additional time before Tom kept his hips lowered to the table. When Kest removed his fingers from Tom's hole, it gaped slightly and Tom gasped for air. Kest spit directly into the still gaped hole and Tom moaned in reply. Kest then lined up his pre-cum soaked cock head at Tom's pucker. Feeling the heat Tom groaned in pleasure. Kest just held his hard cock head at Tom's entrance. Kest spit again and this time the spit covered his cock head and part of his shaft.

Kest pushed his hips forward and his cock head bore into Tom's entrance. Kest stopped with just his cock head in Tim's body. Again Kest paused. Tom was panting and letting little moans free as he waited. Kest stayed still, feeling Tom's ass lips wrap around his cock and start to pulse.

"Push your hips up, impale yourself." Kest said in a low, direct voice.

Tom groaned and his muscles flexed around Kest's cock, just barely in Tom's pucker. With a sharp inhale of breath, Tom began to lift up his hips. Tom began to moan loudly as Kest's cock slowly entered his chute from his own actions. Tom had to stop several times and take some deep breaths before he could resume pushing back onto Kest's cock. Tom could feel Kest's long and thick member stretch his tight ass lips as he went. Tom's body jolted when Kest's cock brushed his gland, the hard cock head rubbing the gland hard as Tom continued.

Tom cried out as he felt Kest's trimmed pubes brush, his insides fully stuffed with Kest's cock. At this point Kest moved his hands to hold onto Tom's hips. Without any warning Kest pulled back until just his cock head was in Tom's ass lips before slamming completely back in. Tom shrieked as Kest's cock assaulted his ass. Kest kept a firm grip on Tom's hips as he pulled back and pounded multiple times. Tom's shrieks changed to cries and moans as Kest had opened Tom up and the pain turned into pleasure.

Kest reached up and slid his hands up Tom's body, hooking his hands under Tom's shoulders Kest lifted Tom's torso up off the table. Tom now in the new position, Kest resumed the hard pummeling up into Tom's tight hole. Kest pulled Tom up closer to his chest as he pumped away. Leaning forward, Kest began to suck on Tom's ear. Tom leaned back and moaned from the stimulation. As Kest flicked his tongue into Tom's ear, he began jackhammering up into Tom's body. Tom was alternating between whimpering and moaning as Kest's cock hammered away and stretched him out.

Kest moved one arm up across Tom's chest, gripping a hard nipple. Tom cried out again as Kest began to pinch and squeeze the hard nipple. Kest moved his other hand down Tom's chest trailing lower until his hand reached Tom's turgid cock that had been flopping around. Tom had been leaking pre-cum since Kest began pounding up into him, with the change in position his cock had been flinging strands of pre-cum all over his legs and the table. Kest's hand circled Tom's cock at the small patch of hair near the base. Using his thumb and index finger to circle around Tom's shaft, Kest used his other fingers to grip Tom's ball sack.

Tom cried out again as Kest began to stimulate both Tom's nipple and cock at the same time. Kest cock was still pounding in and out of Tom's hole. Tom was passing into an ultra sexual mode, his body was now being completely supported by Kest's cock and hands. Tom flung his head back over Kest's shoulder as a long, ragged moan, his body twitching. Kest leaned his mouth nearer Tom's ear, flicking it once with his tongue before he began a low humming. Tom's body responded by pressing closer to Kest's.

Kest initiated a touch sequence on Tom's body while his cock continued to pound and his humming got louder. A finger swiped and then pinched a nipple, fingers gripped and held the ball sack, and the shaft was rhymically pulsed as Kest worked Tom's body. Tom began to feel heat generating from his core and spread outward though his body and limbs. Kest felt the flush as it progressed through Tom's body, he intensified his touch sequence. As the heat passed through and over his head, Tom cried out, his body began to pulse in full body contractions.

The motion of Kest's cock in Tom's ass while Tom's body contracted caused Tom to begin to climax. His cock began shooting rope after rope of watery cum. Tom's body kept cumming and cumming, even after all of his watery cum was shot. Tom was experiencing wave after wave of pleasure now bordering on pain.

With a change in sequence Tom's body constricted violently again. This time Kest cried out as his climax crested, Tom's tight muscles gripping his member like a vice. Kest pumped nine or ten ropes of boiling cum into Tom's constricting body. With a hard and final thrust, the last bits of Kest's load was deposited into the deepest reaches of Tom's chute.

Kest pushed Tom off his cock and down onto the table. Tom pooled on the table with a sharp bark of surprise as he rested limply on the flat surface. Kest pulled himself off the table and walked to where Tom was laying. With a hard jerk, Kest twisted Tom's body around to be flat on his back and his head leaning over the edge of the table. Tom grunted as Kest thumbed open his jaw and shoved his still hard and cum streaked cock deep in his throat. Kest reached down to grip Tom's throat with one hand and a raw nipple with the other. Kest pumped his hips back and forth, sliding his cock in and out of Tom's throat.  

Tom felt his airway close off each time Kest's cock filled his throat. Tom would sputter and gag when the cock was pulled back. Kest added some strength to his grip on Tom's throat, he could feel his cock head and shaft pass under his hand with each thrust. Tom's gasping and sputtering increased.

"Breath through your nose." Kest hissed.

Tom started breathing as requested and the quality of the sputtering and gagging decreased. Kest's balls were slapping against Tom's nose and eyes with each thrust. Tom's nose breathing was now taking in Kest's scent, a sharp and spicy tang, thick with pheromones that were now blitzing Tom's brain. Kest noticed the change as the gagging almost completely stopped and Tom's tongue was now swiping Kest cock shaft. Tom's hands reached back and grabbed Kest's hips and were starting to pull Kest's cock in deeper on the thrusts in.

Kest released his grip on Tom's neck and moved his hands down to play with Tom's rigid cock again. Kest collected some of Tom's spent cum and smeared it over Tom's cock. Kest then started stroking Tom's cock up and down as he tugged and stretched Tom's balls. Tom continued his lusty quest to get more of Kest's cock in his mouth as he could. The gagging returned as Kest would go several thrusts before pulling out of Tom's throat. Tom was pushing himself harder and harder, trying to keep Kest's cock encased in the tighter throat muscles as he could stand.

As Tom was getting close to blacking out from the lack of air, his throat muscles were quaking hard around Kest's cock. Kest realized he was getting close again, he redoubled his effort in jacking Tom's cock. Kest felt Tom's balls start to pull close to his body, he was close to going off.

Tom sputtered as he let Kest's cock come out to his lips, taking a deep breath he pulled Kest into his throat with all the strength his arms could muster. Kest moaned as his cock head and shaft were pulled in deeper than before. Kest moved to pull back but found resistance from Tom's grip on his ass. Just then Tom began spewing a new load of light and more watery cum. Only producing two good spurts before continuing in a dry cum.

The quaking of Tom's full body and the throat muscles constricting at full strength, started Kest's next climax. Kest shot three ropes down Tom's belly before he pulled back to rest his cock on Tom's tongue and filled Tom's mouth with his remaining shots from this thick, creamy load. Cum overfilled Tom's mouth and was spurting out of the corners of his lips. Tom had recovered some for his climax, soon he was tasting and swallowing parts of Kest's load.

"Do not swallow all." Kest ordered.

Tom stopped swallowing the cum in his mouth and rested. He was now savoring the flavor of Kest's cum and it was mixing with the scents of Kest's sweaty crotch. Tom was feeling heady from the combination of smell and taste. Kest let his cock pass the sensitive phase before he pulled his cock from Tom's lips.

"Open." Kest requested.

Tom still reclined off the end of the table, opened his mouth and Kest could see the pool of pearly cum resting on Tom's tongue. Kest leaned down and licked up the leaked cum from Tom's face before splitting it into Tom's open mouth. Tom issued a whining moan as the new cum and saliva mixed with the cum in his mouth.

"Swallow." Kest commanded.

Tom quickly swallowed and savored the flavor as it went down his raw throat muscles. He looked up at Kest's body with a still rigid cock. A wave of desire passed over Tom, an almost insatiable hunger to please this man. Kest looked in Tom's eyes to see a primal, lust driven gaze coming out.

"Stand and clean that table. It is time for my massage." Kest said authoritatively.

"Yes, Sir." Tom croaked out of his spent throat muscles.

Tom quickly pulled himself off the table and grabbed some towels to clean the table of mostly his cum and sweat. He used one to collect the spent fluids from his body before throwing them in a bin. With a nod, Kest mounted the table and laid down face first.  

Tom now with his facilities more under his control, oiled his hands and began to work on Kest's nude flesh. Tom could see some hand sized molting around Kest's hips and ass from Tom's vice-like grip earlier. It caused him to blush at the animalistic way he desired Kest. Despite having had two climaxes that ended in dry shooting each time, Tom's cock was starting to plump up again.

Kest laid on the table and let Tom's training take over with an outstanding massage, working knots and tension points out of Kest's back and glutes. Tom worked down to Kest's feet before having Kest flip over to work his front. Tom gasped for air as he saw that Kest was fully engorged, he licked his lips and made to bend over it.

"No." Kest hissed.

Tom grunted as if slapped. The thing he desired now most and he was stopped from having it. Tom took a few cleansing breaths before he re-oiled his hands and started massaging Kest's front. Kest would hiss every time Tom came too close to the rigid member towering over Kest's crotch. Tom started a stretching series and was amazed at Kest's flexibility. The Sisterhood training allowed for Kest to have full range of motion and extended range in danger situations.

Tom had one of Kest's legs pushed up past his head in a stretch. Kest reached down and tapped away Tom's hand from his lowered leg. Tom's jaw dropped as Kest pulled both legs up, exposing his dark pink hairless hole. Kest reached out and pulled Tom's face down to his exposed ass. Tom needed no instruction and he began to lick up and down Kest's crack and over Kest's pucker. Tom inhaled Kest's musk in comination with the sweat and sex smells.

Slowly Tom focused on Kest's pucker. He swiped his tongue circled around the edges of Kest's ass lips before pushing a hardened tip of his tongue in Kest's hole. Kest reached down and pulled Tom's head in closer. Tom licked and slobbered Kest's hole working his tongue in deep and swiping it around like he was French kissing the hole. When Tom pushed his tongue in deep, Kest clamped his ass muscles tightly around it, keeping it from any movement.

Tom gasped for air as his trapped tongue was feeling a pattern of pulses moving up and down his tongue muscles. The control of Kest's body was almost absolute from his Sisterhood training, especially the Shadow Reverend specialized training. Tom could not grasp what he was experiencing, but his body was fully turned on. Kest removed his grip on Tom's head and Tom resumed his rim job. Kest allowed him to continue for a few more minutes.

Tom grunted as Kest pulled his blond hair up from Kest's crack up to his leaking cock. Kest restricted Tom's head movements to just focus on Kest's balls. Tom sucked and licked them, cleaning the sweat and sex funk from them. Tom sucked both balls in his mouth and sealed his lips around them. Kest tapped his head and Tom let the balls pop out of his lips. Tom looked up and locked eyes with Kest as he moved towards Kest's cock. Kest nodded. Tom smiled as he began licking up and down Kest's cock shaft like a sucker. Tom took his time exploring the base of Kest's cock with his mouth and tongue before he ventured up to the cock head.

Tom's tongue swirled around Kest's cock head in a slow, circular manner. Lapping up the leaking pre-cum before he let his lips seal around just Kest's cock head. Tom sucked and licked the head, flicking his tongue along Kest's piss slit. Tom then widened his lips and dropped his head down on the hard shaft. Tom continued down until his lips touched the buzzed hair at the base.

Tom felt Kest's hands pull and maneuver his body to be on all fours over Kest's body. Tom resumed sucking and now bobbing on Kest's cock. Tom moaned as he felt Kest spread his ass cheeks and begin licking and sucking on Tom's puffy ass lips. Kest pushed his tongue in deep enough to taste some of his own seed from the earlier deposits Kest made. Tom doubled his efforts on servicing Kest's cock, adding a hand to jerk it as his mouth moved up and down on Kest's shaft.

Kest reached down and lifted Tom's head from his cock. With a push he moved Tom's hips down to be over Kest's hard cock. Tom looked over his shoulder to see Kest's nod. Tom lifted on his knees, reaching behind he lined up Kest's cock with his hole. Tom lowered down, sliding Kest's cock in his loosened hole. Tom started bouncing up and down on the impaled cock, throwing his head back with pants and moans.

Kest reached down and began tracing and rubbing on Tom's feet and ankles as he continued to bounce wildly on Kest's cock. Kest was quickly pushing Tom back into that heightened sexual mode they had reached earlier, the caresses on Tom's lower legs, ankles and feet working in coordination with thrusts and tweaks of Kest's cock in Tom's chute. Tom leaned forward using his hands to grip the tops of Kest's knees as he was powering his ass up and down on Kest's cock. Kest moved his ministrations up Tom's thighs and glutes before coming to rest on Tom's ass cheeks.

Tom has re-entered that animalistic mode of pure sexual sensation with Kest's attention on his ass. Tom rode Kest's cock and started to growl, deep and low in his throat. If Tom could have comprehended as he looked down he would have seen his cock leaking pre-cum again as he rode away. Kest brought both hands to Tom's ass lips that were snuggly in place around Kest's cock as they moved up and down. Kest traced around each side of Tom's ass lips with slow steady strokes with his fingers. Tom responded with a lusty moan that rumbled deep in his body.

Kest kept his finger tracing up making Tom moan and growl in turn. Tom's body began to flush as his own actions brought him close to a climax. Kest then pushed a finger in with his cock as Tom pushed back. Tom cried out and pushed back harder against the now fuller feeling in his ass. Kest worked a second finger in with a subsequent push back. Tom's body started to respond at the additional stimulation, his self fucking motion was becoming wilder.

Tom pushed up on his arms, tilting his ass back and pounding harder down against Kest's cock and fingers. Another hard thrust down and Tom began to scream, his body quaking and his cock pulsing - right on the edge. The next thrust down Tom began panting and screamed again when Kest stretched his fingers outward as Tom pulled up, returning together when Tom bounced back down.

Two more thrust down and Tom lost control. Tom's cock started a completely dry cum, as the two other times emptied him. Kest kept flexing his fingers in Tom's ass as it was convulsing around Kest's cock. Kest ripped his fingers out and began thrusting with power up into Tom's dry cumming ass. A few hard thrusts and Kest began pumping hot cum again deep in Tom's ass. Feeling the hot liquid fill him up again, Tom's climax continued, his body convulsing around Kest's member. Kest pumped seven hard thrusts of cum in Tom's chute before a final hard thrust and final pump of cum in the blond's body.

Kest relaxed back down to the table, his cock still in Tom's ass. Tom was still prone on the table over Kest's legs, gasping for air and occasionally having his body twitch. After a few minutes, Kest cock popped out of Tom's spent hole, trailing sticky white cum that slid down Tom's crack and balls before pooling on the table beneath them.  

Kest extracted his legs from under Tom's body. He reached over and grabbed a towel to start cleaning up. Tom's eyes flicked open at the sounds and he slid off the table and crawled over to Kest. Need in his eyes Tom pulled the towel from Kest's hands and began cleaning Kest the rest of the way up. Tom shuffled around Kest on his knees wiping and cleaning up Kest's body. As Kest had started with his head and chest, Tom was able to complete the job without standing.

After examining Kest's body to insure that it was fully clean, Tom lowered his face to Kest's feet. Tom kissed the tops of both of Kest's feet several times before looking up into Kest's sharp, commanding gaze.

"Thank you Sir. I have never experienced anything like that. I am still feeling like you are in me, Sir." Tom breathed huskily.

"Part of me is still in you. Make sure you do not waste my seed." Kest said and Tom nodded, "This will be an exciting trip. While I am here, we will take you places you never imagined ever existed. Are you ready for that?"

"Yes, Sir!" Tom replied loudly, the animal voice regained.

Kest nodded. Tom looked at himself in almost disbelief at his response to Kest's inquiry. He began standing as Kest reached the door. Kest turned over his shoulder giving Tom his most piercing gaze and held it for a long pause. Tom felt his body start to respond again just by the stare.

"I am glad. You will do well I think." Kest said softly as he walked away.

In the room, Tom was experiencing another dry cum just from talking and Kest's last stare. Kest could hear Tom's body convulsing on the floor. He smiled and thought, 'Yes, Tom you will do well imprinted to me and a loyal subject for the Sisterhood in place as a spy. Never pass a good opportunity. Yes, nice indeed.'

Next: Chapter 5

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