Shadow Reverend

By L Stone

Published on Jan 2, 2021


Thank you for reading my stories. Questions and comments are always welcome at This story is fiction regarding intimate relations regarding fictional characters, set in the literary world based loosely off Herbert's Dune Universe.

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Shadow Reverend Chapter 3

Kest gathered his modest belongings in preparation for his departure from the Highlighter. His trip only seemed long since he was unable to leave the luxury quarters provided to him by the Sisterhood's contact. It was not like the actual travel took long, but the careful loading and unloading of cargo and passenger ships was done only by Guild control and at the pace of the Guild's choosing. This made Kest ride the line of being irritated. That was not good for Kest, as he needed to represent the Sisterhood as they intended.

Kest took a deep cleansing breath as he heard the chimes and the door open. The cloaked Guild representative entered and advised Kest that he would be able to disembark these quarters to go to the landing craft that was headed to the backwater planet he had been sent to. Kest followed the representative to the small landing craft.

Once seated, the pilot advised him, they would be leaving directly and be on the ground in less than 30 minutes. Kest smiled and thanked the pilot. In the exchange Kest was able to get the real message from the pilot, an agent for the Sisterhood. Kest was being fast-tracked for landing, unbeknownst to the party he intended to meet. A deeper smile spread on Kest's face, he was being used for the full effect as a tool in a Sisterhood punishment buffet.

True to the pilot's word, Kest was on the ground in under half an hour. Kest exited the craft and entered the landing port to see an overweight supervisor moving swiftly to greet him. Kest stood just inside and picked an invisible piece of lint from his dark black uniform as he waited. The supervisor made it to him and bowed, his head almost touching the floor, as was this planet's cultural greeting of respect.

"My pardon sire! You were not expected for at least another hour or so. The family delegate is not here yet. I apologize!" the supervisor babbled on with increasing concern in his voice before he sputtered out.

Kest stayed silent for an extended period while the supervisor was still bowing in obedience. Silence is a powerful tool if used correctly. Kest used his toe to raise the head of the supervisor.

"That is unfortunate. You can take me to them now." Kest ordered with disdain in his voice.

Kest then watched the supervisor's face roll through several emotions at the demand. Fear seemed to override the supervisor's other emotions, he started to advise Kest that it would not be possible, but stopped cold at the look on Kest's face. Kest had learned to project the serenity and firmness of the Sisterhood's "mask". In situations like this, the look was usually all it took to resolve an issue.

"Ah, yes sire. Directly!" the supervisor said as he did a brief bow again before standing up. "This way, sire."

The overweight supervisor was almost tripping over his own feet as he led Kest to a ground car. He settled Kest in first before hurrying around to seat himself in the driver's seat. Kest kept his grin inside, as his instance that the supervisor himself drive him did not allow for the family to be notified of Kest's early arrival. Kest just waited.

The drive from the port to the family compound took almost an hour. Which indicated to Kest that the family had intended on making him wait at the port for someone to come for him. Kest's intuition was correct, the family was in need of his visit. As the ground car started to pass by tree lined fence lines and the road became more smooth, he knew they were close.

The port supervisor turned the ground car down a wide tree covered lane that wound for some distance before coming over a small rise. The ground car sped now closer to the family's estate. It was a huge home compound set in a spralling expanse of planned gardens and decorative ponds. The whole design was to be opulent as possible. It made Kest upset, not that it showed, because part of his briefing before coming included that the family was on hard times and unable to fulfill their part of a financial deal. As Kest looked around, that was clearly not the case.

The ground car skidded to a stop, startling some ground keepers. The port supervisor began to get out.

"Go and get your master. I will exit the car myself." Kest said in a flat emotionless voice.

The port supervisor paused as if Kest's voice slapped his face, "Yes Sire! Immediately!" the supervisor toned as he backed away bowing.

Kest did laugh at the comical man before he exited the ground car. He walked a few steps away and waited. He smoothed his uniform out while he waited and assumed the haughty manner of the Sisters.

The port supervisor came hurrying out of the door followed by a liveried servant who was looking out of sorts. The pair stopped several paces from Kest and bowed.

"Master Kest! It is a pleasure that would visit us at the estate." The older servant said as he bowed. "I am Sivon, the family's majordomo. My young master Leonard was not expecting you for sometime."

"I was only an hour early to the landing port. We did not pass anyone on the way here that would have been sent to convey me here. We can cease with the lies, Sivon. I was intended to cool my heels at the port. Was this your advice or your Master's?" Kest inquired.

Sweat started to bead on Sivon's forehead. He was left with lying to a representative of the Sisterhood about his advice. His eyes darted side to side before he got control of himself. Taking a deep breath, "It was my advice Master Kest." Sivon said quietly.

The port supervisor gasped quietly as he did not expect Sivon to tell the truth. Then again he concluded you were never sure how the representatives of the Sisterhood were trained, you tried deceit at your own risk.

"Sivon, you need to take me to Master Leonard directly." Kest ordered flatly.

"Yes, Sire. This way." Sivon said with shrunken shoulders, not meeting the eyes of the port supervisor.

"You should get back to the port. I am sure you are needed there." Kest ordered the supervisor. "Arrangements will be made for my return trip."

"Thank you, Sire." The port supervisor said with a bow as he hurried to leave the estate.

Kest then followed Sivon into the grand hall. Several servants turned and skittered out of the way as the pair approached. Sivon led Kest to the private apartments for the family. Under Kest's observation, the only place that there were guards were directly in front of the Master's quarters. There was a surprised look as Sivon gave the non-verbal command to leave their posts. Glancing at one another, they left with haste.

Sivon opened the door and held it open for Kest to enter. Kest entered as Sivon closed the door behind them. As Kest walked further in the apartment he could hear grunting and squeals coming through the double doors which lead to the bedroom. Kest continued through the room in silence, but Sivon cleared his throat.

"What do you want Sivon! I told you I was not to be disturbed. I have much to do before that Sisterhood prick gets here." Leonard said angrily over his shoulder, not even bothering to turn around.

Sivon stopped by the door and was going to speak but stayed silent at a sharp look from Kest. Leonard continued with his activity on the bed, the grunting and laughing went on. When Sivon did not answer, Leonard then turned toward the door.

"Fuck Sivon! I told you not to inter......" Leonard started then stopped as he now saw Kest standing only three feet from him.

"Prick. My such strong titles." Kest said evenly in his low voice. Then looking at the girl who had been occupying Leonard's attention he continued, "You, slut are no longer needed. Sivon, take the girl away and help her off the property."

The girl started to say something, only to be slapped quiet by Leonard. Leonard got off the bed, pulling a sheet to cover his nakedness. The girl holding her face crawled out of the bed and rushed towards the door. Sivon hurried her out and went to follow her.

"Sivon. Have the guards return and stay posted outside. We are not to be disturbed for any reason. I will let them know when they are relieved. That means even yourself - no one is to come through those doors." Kest ordered.

Bobbing his head, "Yes, Master Kest." Sivon said gravely as he turned and followed the girl out of the apartment.

"Who do you..." Leonard started, but was unable to continue as Kest struck him solidly in the chest, knocking the air out of his lungs and sprawling him back on the bed.

"You are not to speak to me at this time. I will do the talking. 'Master Leonard'." Kest hissed.

Leonard was dumbfounded as he tried to recover his breath. His brain was too fogged to think clearly anyway. He was only repeating what Sivon had said many times before.

Sivon was his chief advisor and had been handling most of the decisions since Leonard's parents had perished a few years before. It had been Sivon who made sure that Leonard had plenty of body servant girls to take care of Leonard's baser needs and desires.

It had also been Sivon who told Leonard to not make good on the deal with the Sisterhood. That and to let the Sisterhood's representative stew at the landing port for a few hours. Sivon said it would show the Sisterhood who was in control of the situation.

All of these thoughts passed quickly through Leonard's head and he was still laying back on his bed, which was redolent with the sexual smells of his previous activities. Leonard looked up to see Kest still standing in the spot he had been before, appearing not to have moved. In Leonard's mind, he could not recall seeing Kest move to connect the strike that landed him on his back.

"Get out of that bed and come over here." Kest ordered as he pointed to a spot next to him.

Leonard nodded, not yet trusting his voice. He tried to bring the sheet with him, but let it drop as he received a sharp glance from Kest. Leonard crawled down and stood naked next to the fully clothed Kest. Kest glanced down and saw that Leonard's dick was still mostly hard - even after being struck. Leonard realized that he was being observed and attempted to cover his hard member. Yet again he stopped when Kest's look sharpened.

"Stay here, do not move." Kest told Leonard.

Kest then began walking around the large bed. He opened his senses and made some observations. Kest leaned over the middle of the bed, taking in a deep breath, before continuing around. Kest stopped at the nightstand with some of the girl's things on it. Taking out a long dagger, Kest moved a few items around before letting them fall back to the nightstand. Kest sheathed the blade and returned to where Leonard was standing.

"You do realize that the girl was lacing you with an addictive poison." Kest explained, "It is one that is almost odorless and once the victim is fully addicted requires a timed antidote to stay alive."

Leonard looked shocked. He shook his head to say no. His parents had him learn about all manners of poisons and threats. As a ruling family they were always having to be vigilant for those types of threats. How could that girl bring that drug in and not get caught.

Leonard then paused and locked eyes with Kest, "Sivon." Leonard breathed.

Kest nodded.

Leonard looked pained, "He was my parent's most trusted advisor. When they died, he stepped up and coordinated the whole transition for me to maintain control of the family title. Even claiming that as I was just on the cusp of majority, that I did not require a regent."

Kest had noted the signs of the drug when he entered the bedroom. His inspection of the bed, nightstand and of Leonard confirmed it. Thinking quickly Kest devised a plan. With a rueful thought, Mother Superior had her fingerprints all over this assignment.

There was one sure way to cleanse a victim's system of this drug - intense and continued sexual release. Kest understood what he was going to have to do. He looked with some pity on the young aristocrat, unsuspecting as he was currently. It was lucky that Kest had been sent when he was, the drug was not at the full dosage yet. That being the case, Kest would be able to counteract the drug and assist Leonard with the withdrawals.

"Right now we need to leave these quarters. We are going to need time and space to correct this." Kest said, "Do you have a retreat property? Some place that would not be expected to be used?"

"Yes, we have a hunting lodge over an hour away that is not in use as it is out of season. No one but family uses it. There are not even servants on-site. We use replactors for food and drink, if we do not bring other supplies. It is not anything like these accommodations, but they are comfortable." Leonard explained.

"Excellent!" Kest said. Then he continued, "I will need to communicate with the Sisterhood and then I can fly us to that property. I saw the thopter pad when we pulled up."

"Alright." Leonard said as he started to enter a closet for clothes.

"Do not touch anything in this room." Kest commanded in a strong voice. "Until it has been thoroughly cleaned and swept for other contaminants it is unsafe."

Leonard nodded, still embarrassed by his erect state and nakedness.

Kest strode to the door and motioned for Leonard to follow him. As the doors opened, the guards were at their posts and not as surprised as when he arrived. Kest looked at both of them and motioned for them to follow as he and Leonard walked down the hall. If the guards were surprised at seeking their master nude and in his excited state they did not show it. Kest wondered exactly how corrupt the estate was.

In a short distance and with an inquiry to the guards, Kest and the rest entered the communications room. The technicians looked skeptical but followed Kest's instructions. Kest gave them the connection code he needed to get in touch with the Sisterhood.

"Sister Alize, the estate needs a full decom team. Primary will be with me detox needed. Defector will be in house custody." Kest said tersely in one of the Sisterhood's battle languages.

Sister Alize only nodded and signed off. It was as Kest expected. This was more than a known issue and the Sisterhood was prepared to assume the needed tasks to route the unloyal element from this ruling family's home and network. All Kest's call did was confirm the knowledge and acknowledge that he was handling Leonard.

Kest left the communications room with Leonard and the two guards in tow. They started towards the exterior door as Kest intended to reach the thopter for his and Leonard's transportation to the lodge. As Kest could have predicted Sivon proceeded to intercept their exit.

"Master Kest. Where are you going?" Sivon said thickly in fake concern.

Kest looked at the two guards and then back to Sivon.

"Guards you will take this man in your custody. He will be held in a cell without speaking to anyone, even yourselves. Should he try, you have permission to render him unconscious. A team of Sisters are enroute and will deal with him." Kest ordered.

The guards moved to follow Kest's orders, but Sivon tried to lunge for Leonard. Kest had anticipated this as well. When Sivon's muscles bunched to spring, Kest was already in a defensive position. As Sivon's feet left the floor, Kest moved to push Leonard further away and then to spring towards Sivon. Kest hands connected with Sivon's body and then Kest performed a shart pivot and twist. Using Sivon's kinetic energy, Kest redirected the flow and trajectory of the moving man. The twist served to make the flight end in a forceful terminus against the stone floor. Sivon collapsed as he connected with the floor, a dagger clattered from his grip and slid across the floor.

The guards were standing and staring in awe. The whole situation took only seconds. Leonard was standing up, shaking his head as if unsure of what he truly saw. Kest looked down and Sivon was still breathing, but was stunned. The guards were now collecting the fallen man who was more subdued.

"You may go now. Leave the dagger for the Sisters to deal with. I am sure it is laced with poison." Kest commanded.

"Yes Master Kest." one of the guards replied as they led the former majordomo to a holding cell.

"We need to be on our way. Your recovery will only take longer as we are delayed." Kest told Leonard.

Leonard nodded not trusting his voice. He was shaken as he knew that Sivon had intended to kill him. He was also in awe of the speed and efficiency in which Kest dealt with the situation. Leonard was starting to feel a certain trust with this man in the black uniform.

Kest and Leonard traversed the rest of the way to the thopter without any more issues or delays. Kest had Leonard stay outside the vehicle as he did a full sweep of it for dangers. Only then did he allow Leonard inside and requested him sit up front instead of in the normal family seating area. Kest had Leonard give the directions to the lodge and they lifted off. Kest noted as they were leaving the estate, that three battalion ready thopters were landing on the pad and the black robed Sisters were seemingly floating out to attend to the matters at hand.

"Master Kest, am I getting worried." Leonard said with some distress in his voice.

"Please when it is just us, Kest is fine Leonard. What is your concern?" Kest said while piloting the craft.

"With all that has gone on, my body still is reacting like I am ready to mount someone." Leonard said glancing down at his still naked body and stiff cock.

"That is part of the reaction to the drugs that were given to you and the poison that the slut was dosing you with. We will get you sorted out. It will be alright." Kest said as he reached over and rested a hand on Leonard's bare shoulder.

Kest's touch on Leonard's skin caused Leonard to moan. Kest removed his hand and saw that Leonard was blushing. Kest was glad the lodge was just over the next ridge. The drugs in Leonard's system were very close to being complete. Leonard was in for quite a challenge to get better and purge his system of them.

Kest landed the thopter and they exited. Kest hooked up the charging cables and then followed Leonard to the lodge. It was a very well built lodge using the native stone, large porches surrounded the three story building. They entered through the side entrance to the mudroom and then on into one of the kitchens. They powered up the lodge and checked the stores. There were enough foods in statis and the replicators were working.

"We need to get started now. Show me to your bedroom." Kest requested.

"This way." Leonard said as he headed up the staircase leading the way.

Leonard opened the door to a suite that overlooked the front of the lodge, Kest could see a covered porch through glass doors. The bed was very large and matched with a large bathroom with water fixtures. Kest nodded.

"This might be unusual, but to counteract the drugs in your system it is imperative that we flush them. The combination that you were administered requires a specific purging. It will be very graphic for you and you may not be comfortable at first, but you will be fine if you follow my requests. It is going to be a very physical process." Kest explained.

"I need you to go take a shower. Clean all of your body." Kest requested, "I will be in shortly."

Leonard nodded as he walked into the ensuite. Kest heard the water turn on and Leonard start to clean himself. Kest pulled back the top covers of the bed and set them to the side, leaving some of the pillows. Then Kest started to remove his black uniform. He carefully stacked his clothes in one of the chairs before walking into the bathroom.

Steam was coming out of the large shower, Leonard was rinsing some soap from his hair. As Kest stepped into the shower, Leonard turned around, his cock still jutting out.

"Hey! What is this!" Leonard shouted as he opened his eyes to see Kest in the shower with him.

"Calm yourself. This is part of the process. Relax I am in control." Kest said firmly.

"But, I have never been with a man like this before." Leonard tried to continue, then seeing Kest's stern face, "OK, I will trust you."

Leonard finished his hair and then moved to the side for Kest to get wet. Leonard was truthful, he had never been this intimate with another man. While Kest was using the soap for his hair, Leonard was looking at Kest's body. Kest had toned and muscular physique, hardly any body fat and water rationed lean. Leonard's eyes made it down to Kest's cock, hanging limply over very full looking balls. Flaccid it appeared to be over 5 inches and the cock head. Leonard felt his own cock surge some, it had been firm for over an hour but now it was coming back to fully hard. That was something new.

Kest caught Leonard's stare and smiled. Leonard blushed and tried to turn. Kest shoved soap into Leonard's hand and then turned his back to him. Looking over his shoulder he nodded to Leonard. Leonard then began to clean Kest's back. Leonard's cock began to ache as he ran his hands down Kest's tight, smooth skin. Leonard had never touched someone's skin that had been conditioned in a water sparse climate. He could feel the rippling muscles and tendons as Kest moved. As his hands went lower down Kest's back, Leonard let out a moan when he touched the firm globes of Kest's ass cheeks. Kest arched his back and tilted his ass under Leonard's hands, Leonard's moan increased in volume.

Kest straightened up and turned around. Kest's cock was now growing, no longer limp. As Kest had turned suddenly, Leonard's hands which had been washing Kest's ass, brushed against Kest's cock shaft. Leonard made to pull his hands back but Kest used his own hand to trap Leonard's on top of his cock. Hand over hand, Kest moved Leonard's hand up and down on Kest's cock.

Leonard's face was flushed, his eyes wide, as Kest used his hand to stroke the now hard cock. After several strokes, Kest removed his hand and Leonard kept stoking Kest's turgid member. This was the first time that Leonard was touching a penis other than his own, his knees felt weak and his own cock was responding by leaking pre-cum. Leonard brought his other hand up to touch Kest's taut chest. Kest allowed Leonard to explore his body as the water cleared away the soap. Once fully rinsed, Kest turned and stopped the water in the shower. He turned Leonard to face the exit of the shower and pushed Leonard's back - letting his hands slide down to brush Leonard's ass. Leonard moaned again at the touch. Kest handed Leonard a towel as he grabbed one for himself. They dried off before Kest led them back to the bedroom.

Leonard was quickly being overloaded by his senses as Kest had wrapped an arm around his waist as they walked toward the bed. Kest manovered so they were sitting side by side on the bed, legs touching. Turning his head towards Leonard, Kest leaned in and placed his lips on Leonard's. Leonard did not respond, just kept his lips closed until Kest moved one of Leonard's hands back to Kest's hard cock. Leonard opened his mouth to sigh and Kest plunged his tongue into the open mouth.

Leonard's moan, muffled under Kest's lips was getting louder when Kest reached over and wrapped his hand around Leonard's aching cock. As Kest began moving his hand up and down on Leonard's hard shaft, Leonard matched the pace with the jacking of Kest's cock. Becoming more bold, Leonard started sharing his tongue in Kest's mouth as their kiss continued. They continued to make out, touching and jacking each other's cocks for some time.

Kest leaned back on the bed, Leonard still connected with him, leaned back as well. Kest broke their kiss, as he started to lick and kiss down Leonard's jawline to his ear. Kest pushed his tongue around the ear canal, dipping deeper before pulling back slightly and blowing air over the spit soaked ear. Kest moved his lips down and started to kiss Leonard's neck, headed towards Leonard's chest.

As Kest's lips sealed around Leonard's nipple, Leonard's body responded by a twitch in the cock still in Kest's hand and a loud groan. Kest began to swirl his tongue around the pert nipple in his mouth as he started to move his hand faster as it was fisting Leonard's cock. Leonard's nipple seemed to be hardwired directly to his dick, the play with it caused Leonard to spurt pre-cum like a tap. Kest's hand was now getting slippery from the amount of leaking pre-cum.

Leonard started to thrash his head from side to side, his breathing becoming more ragged. Kest's stimulation on Leonard's nipples and the jacking of Leonard's cock were sending waves of pleasure throughout Leonard's body. Leonard felt his climax build as Kest intensified his play Leonard's e-zones. Kest sucked the nipple in his mouth in deep. As Leonard was nearing the crest of his climax, Kest bit down hard on the nipple and ground it between his molars.

Leonard cried out at first in pain and then in passion, as the bite pushed him past his point of no return and his cock started to shoot ropes of cum. Kest continued to pump Leonard's cock and grind the nipple in his mouth, as he felt hot cum pump onto his hair and then side of face, as Leonard's cum volleys started over both of their heads and then worked lower with each rope until the last bit trickled out onto his pubes. Kest stayed his hand and mouth and allowed Leonard to rest as pleasure twitches racked his body for several minutes.

Kest scooped the shot cum from his face and then pushed the laden finger into Leonard's mouth. Leonard sealed his lips around the finger and sucked his own essence from it. Kest repeated this as he collected and fed the still warm cum to its owner. With all the cum collected, Kest planted his lips on Leonard's and they shared a deep kiss.

Kest broke the kiss and started to move his hands down to Leonard's hips. With a firm grip, Kest turned Leonard over on the bed then pulled Leonard's hips back lifting his ass in the air. Bending his face forward, Kest used his hands to spread open Leonard's ass cheeks. A pale pink pucker appeared as the crack was opened wide. Kest ventured his long tongue out and licked from the base of Leonard's crack all the way up. Leonard was slobbering and moaning as Kest continued to lick up and down his ass crack, his body would twitch when Kest's tongue made contact to his pucker.

Kest then began to circle his tongue in slow circles around the outer edge of Leonard's puker. With each pass of the tongue Kest made the circle tighter, edging closer and closer to Leonard's hole. Leonard was groaning and hollering as Kest's tongue circled more slowly as the circles became smaller. At last Kest's tongue swiped right over Leonard's tender ass lips and then Kest pushed the tip into Leonard's hole.

Leonard's groans and moans were getting louder, as he tried to buck his hips back up into Kest's face, trying to get more tongue in his hole. Kest's tongue had started to push in and out of Leonard's ass lips, flicking and exploring with each thrust.

Leonard's body started to sweat, he could feel the sexual energy start to build again at Kest's ministrations. Kest could feel the change in Leonard's body and as he continued the tongue assault on Leonard's pucker, a hand slipped under and fondled Leonard's hard cock. Leonard cried out at the combined feelings from the dual play.

Kest had forced his tongue in Leonard's hole deep feeling the ass muscles squeeze and grip it. Leonard's moans turned into a deep growl and his body began to shake. Kest speared his tongue deeper and began flicking it from side to side. With his hands, Kest had started to jack Leonard's cock in a slow twisting manner. The shaking of Leonard's body was vibrating wildly.

Lenoard started to scream as another climax was milked from his body, his cum splashing all over the bed. Rope after rope of cum was boiling from his cock as Kest kept moving his hand in a steady rhythm while still tonguing Leonard's ass. Leonard's body was shuddering as he collapsed forward, ripping Kest's tongue from his pucker.

Kest moved Leonard's legs apart, stroking the inner thighs moving upward towards Leonard's crack. Energy was still shooting through Leonard's body which caused some muscle twitching. Leonard started cooing as Kest swiped his middle finger around Leonard's spit soaked pucker. Leonard next gasped for air as Kest pushed the finger in Leonard's ass sinking it down to the knuckle. Kest then began to pull it out slowing and then push it back in, careful to stimulate the prostate gland each direction.

Leonard was moaning and drooling as Kest's finger pistoned in and out. Kest added a second finger and Leonard's moan got louder as the fingers were spreading with each pull out. Kest would pause with his fingers deep in Leonard and massage his gland for several seconds before pulling back out. Leonard was pushing his hips upward to get more of Kest's fingers in him.

Kest added a third finger and began working them in and out of Leonard's hole at a faster pace. Leonard would moan and shudder as the fingers passed in and out of his pucker. Kest would pull his fingers out and spit in Leonard's gaping hole before shoving his fingers back in. Soon Leonard's pucker is sloppy wet and takes a moment before his ass lips close when Kest's fingers are removed. The next time that Kest pulled his fingers out Leonard started to whine.

"Don't stop. Please I need more of that." Leonard begged.

"You are almost ready. Just a few more minutes and I think you will be able to handle the next phase." Kest said with confidence.

"Please. I need you." Leonard breathed lustily, "I need you bad."

Kest chuckled softly as he continued his finger fuck and stretching of Leonard's virgin hole. Leonard was trying to push his ass up with each thrust in of Kest's fingers. Kest was doing all that he could to wait until the timing was right, he had to push Leonard to the point that the initial minutes of penetration pain would not abort the process. Reading Leonard's body queues it would only be a short time more. Kest continued on with his stimulation and stretching of Leonard's pucker.

Kest removed his fingers, Leonard's hole gaped for more than a few seconds before closing. Nodding to himself, Kest reached up and grabbed a pillow. Leonard was starting to whimper again as he was not being stimulated. Kest pulled up on Leonard's hips and then stuffed the pillow under them, lowering Leonard back down to the bed. Kest wet his fingers and the spit on Leonard's upturned pucker. Leonard sighed when the wet fingers were slid back in, the different angle allowed them to go deeper.

Kest pulled his fingers out again, but moved his hard cock laid it on Leonard's crack. When Kest lowered his body on top of Leonard's, Leonard moaned and wiggled his ass around Kest's cock. Kest began sliding his rigid shaft up and down in the tightly wedged crack. Each time Kest's leaky cock head passed over Leonard's pucker, he would coo and wiggle his hips. Kest kept teasing back and forth.

"I need it in me. Please, oh PLEASE!" moaned Leonard with his face planted into the bed and his ass wiggling.

Kest stopped moving, "Alright, but you have to relax and do what I tell you. It will be painful at first, but it does get better quickly. Do you understand?" Kest asked.

"Yes, I just need it. I need to be filled." Leonard moaned his accent.

Kest did not reply verbally, he simply lifted up to his knees and gripped his cock. Placing his cock head directly on Leonard's slicked pucker, he began to move it in circles around the ass lips. Leonard was moaning louder, making an effort to push his hips upward. Kest placed a staying hand on Leonard's back and made a negative noise - Leonard stopped and dropped back down to his pillow perch. Kest resumed circling his cock head pushing open Leonard's pucker more and more each time.

Kest then pushed his hips forward and the tip of his cock head squeezed into the tight opening. Leonard grunted and tensed. Kest slapped an open palm against Leonard's ass cheek and Leonard relaxed some. Kest just held the tip in.

Reaching down Kest began tracing along Leonard's back and neck with his fingers. Leonard relaxed more as Kest was touching and rubbing on other e-zones, when Kest traced around Leonard's ear, Leonard let out a huge sigh and moan. Kest stayed rubbing Leonard's ear for a minute or so.

"When I push in, I need you to push out like you are trying to relieve yourself." Kest said. Leonard nodded in reply.

Slowly Kest started to lower his hips, thrusting his cock deeper in the tight channel. At first Leonard stayed tense, but then started to push out. That was when Kest was able to slide the rest of the way in. Leonard felt an overwhelming sense of being full after a brief moment of pain. As Kest's cock pushed against his prostate, the pain faded for Leonard and he started to feel pleasure. Kest continued until his pelvis was resting on Leonard's upturned ass. Kest lowered his chest to lay on Leonard's back and he stayed like that for several minutes after he sucked in one of Leonard's ear lobes.

Ever so slightly, Kest began to circle his hips, moving in cock deeply buried in Leonard's ass. Leonard let out a low, hungry moan as his ass muscles tightened and released against the hard invader. Kest began humming subvocally right against the back of Leonard's ear, his hands were roaming over Leonard's body, touching here, caressing there, pinching a place or two. Leonard sighed and the last of his tension flowed from his body.

Kest then started to raise up and lower back down, his cock now moving in and out of Leonard's hole. Leonard was moaning with passion, feeling sensations pass through his body like waves. Kest pulled back and lifted up with his hands, when his cock head was just in before dropping his hips down hard. Leonard grunted at the impact but then the sound turned into an earthy moan as Kest continued with the long dicking pattern.

Kest could feel Leonard start to flush, his tight chute got hotter as Kest's cock was plunging deep and stimulating Leonard's gland with the hard thrusting. Quickly Leonard's leg and arm muscles started to tighten, his hips which had been thrusting up to meet Kest's downward motion were now starting to move erratically. Leonard's breathing started getting shorter and his moans were now quick grunts. Kest moved his hands to be right on Leonard's shoulder blades, anchoring him to the bed as Kest started to move his hips faster.

"CUUUMMMMIIINNNGGGG!!" curdled out of Leonard's throat as his body began quaking.

Leonard's cock was spewing more ropes of cum directly into the bed and pillow that were supporting him. As his body was convulsing, his chute was gripping Kest's cock like a vise. Kest pushed through this a few more times, but then Leonard's body seized him deeply and Kest could not pull out. Laying his body back down on Leonard's back, Kest began stroking and kissing Leonard's head and neck. After several minutes, Leonard's body relaxed as his climax had passed. Kest stayed where he was for a little bit longer before pulling out.

Leonard made a whimpering sound as Kest's cock left his hole. He turned his head and stared deeply in Kest's eyes - through a lustful haze he gazed. Slowly and without losing eye contact, Leonard rolled over on his back. Reaching down he lifted his legs and pulled his ass cheeks open. Beckoning Kest to come closer, Leonard reached a hand out and guided Kest's cock into his hole. Leonard's still semi-hard cock started to rise again as Kest's cock pushed back into the tight hole.

Kest leaned forward, allowing Leonard's legs to rest on his shoulders. Pushing them both upward, Kest tilted Leonard's pelvis up, sliding his cock deeper back in Leonard's chute. Leonard issued a gurgling moan as Kest was fully inserted, pelvis to pelvis. Kest did not stay still, but started to raise and lower his hips with some force. Rolling up to his tiptoes, Kest was using his full body weight to pound down with each stroke. Leonard was grunting on impact but was continuing a steady stream of coos and moans at the repeated thrusting. Reaching behind Kest's hips, Leonard grabbed hold of Kest's tight ass cheeks and attempted to pull Kest deeper with each downward thrust. Kest kept pistioning away at Leonard's chute, adding a slight side to side tilt to his thrusts. The extra stretching and hitting of new areas of his hole, Leonard's coos were getting louder.

Kest had been pounding Leonard in this position for several minutes when Leonard started to quiver. Resuming the hard pounding on Leonard's gland, Kest moved a hands to Leonard's chest. Taking a nipple between fingers of both hands, Kest began to rub and pinch them to hard points. Leonard was writhing with the new stimulation at this point, his cock had been leaking more pre-cum but was now hard as a rock and bouncing between the pair's abs. Kest leaned his face in close to Leonard's, with his next thrust Kest sealed his lips to Leonard's to begin a long kiss. Kest was now flicking his tongue around Leonard's mouth, stimulating Leonard's hard nips, and pounding directly against Leonard's gland. Leonard began to feel that now familiar feeling.

Wailing into Kest's mouth, Leonard was bucking and flailing as his cock began to shoot another hands free cum. Kest continued working Leonard's body as Leonard was shooting ropes of cum on their chests and abs. The internal quaking was gripping and massaging Kest's cock. Kest relaxed his hold and let this series of friction take his first climax. Staying his hands to just hold Leonard down, Kest began to pump his seed deep in Leonard's body. Leonard moaned as he felt the boiling liquid start to fill him up. Kest was now quaking himself as his ropes of cum were jetting out into the velvety glove of Leonard's chute. With a final thrust Kest collapsed down on Leonard's body, firmly pressing Leonard's knees to his chest and trapping Leonard's still semi hard cock between their bellies.

Their kiss was broken when Kest dropped, but they were still face to face. Leonard was panting and would give a little moan with each pulse he felt of Kest's cock inside of him. Even having cum multiple times now, Leonard was still feeling sexually charged and horny. Leonard started to pulse his inner muscles around Kest's cock still lodged in his hole. Kest's eyes opened and looked into Leonard's fiery gaze. Opening his mouth Kest resumed their kiss, Leonard's tongue darting into his mouth as soon as their lips touched. Kest reached his hands around to hold Leonard's back and pull him tight. Leonard melted into Kest's grip and was moaning with desire again.

Kest held tight to Leonard's body as he rolled to the side and onto his back. Leonard stayed tightly held and made the switch of position still tightly joined with Kest. Kest now released his hug and the kiss. Leonard kept his legs against Kest's chest but raised up his head and chest. Kest cock was still deep in Leonard's ass. Leonard folded his legs to either side of Kest's hips using his hands on Kest's chest for stability. Kest raised his knees up slightly and as Leonard tilted back he moved his hands to hold onto Kest's knees.

Leonard began to swivel his hips back and forth and then side to side making Kest's hard pole in him move around. Leonard explored the new position, sometimes leaning forward using Kest's chest to hold on to while his hips were writhing around, Other times he would tilt as far as he could back holding Kest's knees as an anchor. Resuming a more neutral position, Leonard began lifting up and then sliding down on Kest's cock. Leonard was enjoying the control of the pace and penetration. Leonard kept lifting up higher and now was dropping down onto Kest's pelvis, raming Kest's cock into his ass walls. Tilting just right, Leonard had positioned himself to have Kest's cock punch his gland with each of his drops. Leonard threw his head back with a loud groan as he worked his hole against Kest's piece.

Kest allowed Leonard to play for several more minutes, bouncing and dropping down. With the next lift, Kest used his hands to hold Leonard in position. Then Kest began to thrust upward in hard strokes. Leonard was enjoying this adaptation and started to rub his hands over his own body, careful to avoid his rigid cock. Kest kept the hold as he pounded into Leonard's ass, then he used the grip to pull Leonard's hips downward to meet his upward thrusts. Leonard quickly caught the new rhythm and maintained the motion. Soon the two were slamming down or up as the case may have been, sweat flinging off each of their bodies. Leonard gasped for air when he felt that familiar tingle in his groin, he reached down to hold his bouncing cock. Only having made a few strokes Leonard cried out as he started to jet cum in the air landing on Kest's chest and belly. Having climaxed so many times already there were only a few ropes of his seed, but he was now experiencing a dry cum as his climax continued. Never having experienced this Leonard lost control of his body, tumbling to the side, pulling off Kest's cock as he fell. Leonard was now twitching on the bed as his orgasm subsided. Kest had rolled over to hold onto Leonard's twitching body.

Slowly Leonard stopped pulsing and twitching, Kest pulled him into a spooning position. Kest was now wrapping his arms around Leonard and hugging them tightly together. Leonard relaxed into Kest's embrace with a sigh. Turning his head to the side, Leonard looked into Kest's eyes. There was still a lingering hunger in Leonard's stare but not the same level of fanaticism. Kest smiled.

"You have done very well Leonard. The combination of drugs will only work out of your system completely as your body depletes your semen production. The extremes we had to push you to will speed your recovery without the addictive withdrawal complications." Kest explained.

"Never have I felt like this. Not just the drugs and the effects, but the level of connection. I have only been with women to this point sexually. This is a whole new experience. " Leonard started, "I am an only child, my parents were very strict and protective. I have never had this close of a relationship with another man. Truthfully never seen another man naked, not even my father, until now. Wow, I am blown away."

"Part of that feeling is an aftereffect of the chemicals in your system. Those drugs supercharged your libido and tainted your regular hormone production. The dependency would have made you feel crippling remorse and desire to copulate, but not allowed you to climax without the maintenance drug. You would have been in agony torn between your desires and obsessive need for release that would have been strictly controlled. " Kest continued with his explanation.

"There is still more to work out of your system. There will be several more sessions like the ones we had already. You may even enjoy it along the way." Kest said with a chuckle.

Leonard relaxed into the comfort of Kest's chest. His body feeling the strong viral man holding him. Leonard reached down and put his hand on Kest's semi hard cock. Feeling the firmness in his hand, Leonard started to move his hand up and down on the shaft. Kest let out a small sigh. Leonard felt bold, he continued to jack Kest's cock which was coming quickly back to full mast. Leonard felt some pre-cum leak from Kest's cock head, taking it he brought it to his lips. Leonard sucked the salty, sweet liquid from his fingers.

Leonard returned his hand back to Kest's cock. Holding the hard member by the base, Leonard guided it to his sex lubed hole. Kest remained still as Leonard positioned the cock at his ass lips and then pushed his hips back on to it. Leonard released a lusty moan as he impaled himself on Kest's hard digit. Kest waited until Leonard had taken his full length before he grabbed Leonard's hip. Kest began to pull back and thrust in Leonard's opened chute. Leonard moaned with pleasure, enjoying the full feeling and the close intimacy of being spooned and fucked.

Kest began to pump in a steady slow rhythm knowing that he was going to need his energy for this project. Leonard was going to keep him quite busy for many days of this. Leonard sighed and cooed as Kest tilted slightly hitting other parts in his canal. Kest chuckled again, then to himself, "Looks like Leonard is enjoying this already, this will be fun."

Next: Chapter 4

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