Shadow Reverend

By L Stone

Published on Dec 2, 2020


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Shadow Reverend Chapter 2

Kest settled into his ship quarters for inter-planet travel. He was quite pleased at the accommodations he was provided as the Guild was becoming more aware of his requirements when traveling trying to gain favor from the Sisterhood. Kest could tell that the Guild was still having difficulty understanding Kest's role for the Sisterhood and Kest had followed the Reverend Mother Superior's advice that silence spoke as much as words do. The Sisterhood was using Guild transport less and less as the transition to Navigator free ships were becoming more commonplace.

Looking around Kest mused that this must have been quarters for Landsraad aristocracy that was no longer used. It housed lavish and baroque decorations, almost to a gaudy on purpose level. Kest shook his head at the waste and overspending on pointless opulence. Kest placed his bag on the bed in the sleeping suite, covertly using a scanning device built into the bag to confirm that the room was not under surveillance. Nodding to himself at the all clear indication, Kest began to strip away his travel soiled clothing.

Kest viewed his body in the reflection of the gilded full length mirror. He could see the tight and toned muscles in his arms and legs. His core was firm but flexible. Kest made it a point to do prana-bindu exercises each day to stretch his mind and body. As with most of his exercises he liked to do them fully nude and watch the flow of his muscles and tendons. Kest could feel his own erection grow as he admired his own form.  

Kest started the selected kata he had for today and began. Soon the only noises were his steady exhalation and the rustling on the floor from the movement of foot, hand or limb. Sweat began to glisten on his skin even with his minute internal adjustments to his metabolism, a secret provided to him during his intense training on Crucible. As he sank into his meditative state for his exercises, he remembered his training.

Kest had been on Crucible for three terran years since his discovery by the lead Sister at his creche. He had had many teaching Sisters and male procters, but only a handful of fellow students around his own age. There were several younger males that were potential candidates for the Shadow program and here receiving training that overlapped Kest's own, but sadly most were being prepared as training males used to train future Imprinters for the Sisterhood. These Imprinting training males were more disposed to being docile and seductive, a combination that would hone the future Imprinter's sexual skills to make the sexual act a process for manipulation and guiding.  

Kest's dominate nature and his homosexuality set him apart from these other students. He was intrigued by some of the older training males that were his sometimes instructors, they were so close to making the steps he had, but so far away with their intrinsic mental state. One training male had made an off-hand comment after an intimate training session, that Kest was more like a Sister in regards to Kest's mental acuity and physical precision without the emotional fail safes for moderation. Kest laughed when he learned that the instructor had been punished for making that comment to him, however true it was. The Sisterhood did not like having their limitations illustrated so clearly.

Kest was surprised that for his next prana-bindu lesson with Sister Elzor that there was another student already in the room. Kest used his honed observational skills to realize that this was another Shadow student not an Imprinter trainer. Taking a calming breath Kest walked into the training facility to where the other student was standing.

Dressed like Kest in a dark form fitting exercise tight and a loose tunic with bare feet. The new student was of a similar frame as Kest and was in great physical shape, but had water sparse body composition of someone who was born or raised on an arid planet. As the student turned his face, Kest was correct he had deep blue in blue eyes of someone from Arrakis, potential of Fremen stock. To complete his observation, Kest saw the tell-tale signs of stillsuit wear and use in the accumulation of scarred tissue in the correct areas.

"Now you are here we will begin." Sister Elzor said to Kest, "This is Dvaita who will be joining us for some finishing before returning to Arrakis."

Dvaita nodded at Kest as they started to remove their tunics, leaving only the skin tight training tights. They both returned and faced the sister as they began the series of exercises planned for today. Kest and Dvaita were both observing each other as they progressed in the exercises. The series of today's training involved a combination of subtle preparation moves to facilitate a full body offensive action.  

For no other reason other than to show off, Kest was pushing the level of his practice higher, making his seemingly inactivity then burst to action be more dramatic. After a few combinations at this intensity, Kest noticed that Dvaita was rapidly upping his actions to match Kest's.

Sister Elzor gave an unnoticed smirk as the two young men were pushing each other to new highs. She was weaving in and out making micro corrections for each of them. Then she started to shift to the next level of the exercise that needed the sustained intensity that the two were now generating. Inwardly the sister noted that aycolate sisters did not achieve this level until they were almost ready for the spice trial.

Dvaita made a slight error in the landing placement angle of his foot causing a bobble. Kest did not react quickly enough to make a correction before his newly learned offensive action and was not able to stop from coming into full body contact with Dvaita. The two tumbled to the floor, sweat saturated skin against skin and hip to hip. As they came to a landing, both were feeling a solid firmness in the tights and as the clothing items were so skin tight the bulges were quite pronounced.

Being bold, Kest discreetly touched and rubbed several places on Dvaita's body in a combination that was only known in the advanced Imprinter training. Dvaita's body was responding as it should have under such actions - eyes widened, breath shortened, skin flushed, nipples beginning to harden and the full cock starting to leak pre-cum.

Then there was a shift as Dvaita began to make touches and rubs in an answer to Kest's ministrations. Now Kest was having the same reactions. Kest continued his combinations and Dvaita answered with his combinations. The two were building extreme levels of sexual energy in a short timeframe. Kest could feel that his climax was just on the brink, which was the same for Dvaita.

This was distrubed by Sister Elzor's small cough which broke the spell for the two entwined men on the workout floor. Kest looked into Dvaita's blue in blue eyes and found the same hunger and desire that Kest was feeling, but also the regret that they were interrupted. Slowly they disentangled from each other and came to standing. Both sporting full members with large damp spots at the respective cock heads. They moved back to the exercise at-rest positions and awaited for the Sister.

Sister Elzor did not mention anything about the two trainee's tussel, just started in with a new advanced sequence. She did not miss the palpable sexual tension that the tussle had resulted in. With an inner smile, it was just as they had expected - Kest and Dvaita were a good match and now was the right time to bring them together.

The training continued for another 90 minutes before she allowed them to conclude. Finished with the lessons for the day, Kest and Dvaita were free to get cleaned up and relax before dinner.

"Dvaita where are your quarters?" Kest inquired as they retrieved their tunics.

"Dvaita will quarter with you for the next week." Sister Elzor answered for Dvaita.

"I had just arrived and was instructed to change for the lesson. I had not been assigned quarters yet." Dvaita said in a rich baritone. He went on, "Please call me Dv. Dvaita is too formal, most especially if we are going to be rooming together."

"Understandable, my full name is Kestrel, but I now go by the shortened Kest." Kest responded, "If you will follow me then we can go to our quarters."

Dv smiled as he retrieved his traveling case and followed Kest the short distance to Kest's room. Kest now felt the growing tension getting higher, but not in a frustrating manner.

They arrived and Kest ushered Dv in. The room that Kest had been assigned did have ample space for two people without feeling crowded. Kest showed Dv the storage available for his brought items, the ensuite bathing and cleaning facilities, and finally the large bed.

Their eyes met as Kest sat down in a chair by the bed. Dv put his travel case down by the dresser and turned to face Kest. The pent up sexual tension had fully returned. Kest kicked off his slip on shoes as he leaned forward to remove his tunic. Dv smiled and lifted his tunic over his head, tossing it on his bag. Dv kicked his shoes off as he made his way over to Kest.

Leaning down, Dv placed his lips on Kest's. Lips parted and tongues were passing in and out of each other's mouths. Dv's hands traced down Kest's toned physique, pausing to trace hard muscle groups on Kest's chest and abs. Kest moaned in the kiss as Dv's fingers traced and then closed on Kest's nipples.

Dv broke their kiss as he lifted one of Kest's arms up and moved his mouth to cover Kest's exposed pit. Dv's lips were gripping and kissing the slightly salty sweat as his tongue was swiping up and down the hairless pit. Dv made soft humming sounds as he continued to lick and suck, making Kest shiver. Dv lifted Kest's other arm and made his way slowly over Kest's sleek upper chest, only briefly kissing each nipple. Dv then repeated the through tongue cleaning and nibbling of Kest's pit.

Kest sighed as Dv slid his body down Kest's, gently spreading Kest's legs apart and moved his mouth over Kest's closest nipple. Kest went to lower his arms, but Dv gestured to keep them up with his hands. Kest rested his hands behind his head as Dv switched to the other nipple. Dv's skilled mouth was teasing, tasting, nibbling and licking Kest's achingly hard nipples, Kest moaned long and low at Dv's oral skills.

Dv then moved his mouth lower, kissing and licking over the toned muscles that his hands had rubbed and teased earlier. Dv's mouth sealed around Kest's belly button and began to lick and dip in and out of it with his tongue. Kest was panting as Dv's hot tongue was bathing his belly button in a slow, sensual manner and the air was cooling his damp pits and nipples. The combination of warm and cool sensations were making Kest's cock fully harden and begin to leak pre-cum.

Dv noted the reaction to his mouth on Kest's body as he allowed his hands to work lower down Kest's legs avoiding the hard man meat straining the skin close tights. Dv pushed himself back as he moved to bring Kest's feet to his face. Dv began to kiss and lick each foot, taking individual toes in his mouth and sucking them. Dv then put as much of each foot in his mouth as he could and bobbed his head on it. Kest was sighing and moaning as Dv worked his feet and ankles.

Kest looked down to see that Dv had reached forward and had gripped the waistband of his tights. Dv slowly was pulling the tights down Kest's body, Kest lifted slightly to allow the tights to pull free from his hips and ass. Dv slid them down Kest's legs before pulling them off. Now Kest was completely nude, his cock standing completely at full mast, glistening with drips of pre-cum at his piss slit.

Dv began slowly kissing and licking up Kest's smooth legs, alternating between them as he moved upward. As Dv neared Kest's inner thighs and leg junction, Kest closed his eyes and moaned more loudly. Dv moved his body slightly forward as he began to lick the lightly haired balls and base of Kest's hard cock. Soon Dv worked his lips and tongue up Kest's cock shaft, slurping up the drips of pre-cum on the way.

Pausing just at the top, Dv sealed his lips around Kest's cock head. Kest sighed as he leaned back and his hips flared outward. Dv loosened his seal and slid his mouth down Kest's cock. Dv stopped when his nose was resting in the small patch of pubic hair at the base of Kest's cock. Dv started sucking and bobbing his head up and down on the hard cock in his mouth. Dv was adjusting his mouth and jaws to take more of the thick, hard cock in.

Kest moaned more loudly as Dv pushed his head lower and Kest's cock head entered Dv's throat. Dv paused with the large hard spongy head being constricted by the tighter throat passage. Dv hummed lightly through his nose, causing the throat muscles to vibrate around Kest's cock. Dv then pulled his head up only a few inches before coming back down, pushing Kest's cock head in and out of his throat.

Kest lowered his hands down on Dv's head as Kest began thrusting his hips up, pushing Dv's head lower on his cock. Dv adjusted and allowed Kest to take over the motion, slipping Kest's cock deeper in Dv's throat. Dv started with a deeper hum, creating more vibrations on Kest's cock as it punched in and out of the tight throat muscles.

Kest pulled back sharply on Dv's head, ripping it free from Kest's cock. Dv looked up with a sloppy face and questioning eyes. Kest pointed to the bed.

"Strip and on your back." Kest ordered as Dv smiled.

Dv hopped up and rolled his workout tights off his body, his cock sprung free. Dv mounted the bed and laid on his back, looking up at Kest. Kest reached down and pulled Dv towards the end of the bed, with Dv's ass just hanging off it.  

Kest then dropped to his knees, pushing Dv's legs towards Dv's chest and spreading his ass cheeks. Kest lowered his face in and began to lick and kiss Dv's exposed crack. Dv cried out as Kest's tongue began to spear in and out of his pucker. Dv then started moaning as Kest nibbled and sucked between the tongue fucking. Kest began a combination of touches along Dv's legs, knees and thighs as his mouth and tongue continued to slob away.

The sexual tension they had achieved in the workout floor was back and returned with more force. Kest started another touch, brush, pinch, tweak combination that raised the building tension in Dv even higher. Dv did not even realize that Kest had removed his face from Dv's ass and replaced it with two fingers that were plunging in and stretching his hole out. Dv did gasp for air as Kest's mouth came down around Dv's cock and took it all the way to the base, plunging his cock head into Kest's throat. Kest left the cock deep in him as he started humming hard and his fingers began to push against Dv's gland.

Dv loud moaning was stifled by a yelp as he felt a large climax build but to be cut off right before he could release. Kest had removed his mouth from Dv's cock that was now bobbing freely, slinging spit and pre-cum all over. Kest pushed Dv's legs up higher, tilting Dv's ass up. Moving in closer Kest placed his throbbing cock head right against Dv's pucker, rubbing it just to coat Dv's ass lips with his dripping pre-cum.  

Kest moved his hips forward and buried his large, angry cock all the way into Dv's prepped hole. Even so, Dv yelled as Kest's balls slapped hard against his ass and stopped. Kest began a new combination of touches which were able to include pulses of his cock in against Dv's gland, ass lips and deep in Dv's chute.  

Dv's arms were pinned by his own legs under Kest's weight. The hard cock in his ass and the new touch sequence were driving Dv crazy with lust. The pressure was building in him, tiptoeing closer to a climax. Kest was aware of the edging and would back off just in time each round. Dv was panting and moaning more with each moment.

Kest pulled his hips back and began thrusting into Dv's now loosened hole. Kest started a smooth rhythm of full dick thrusting in and out. Dv was almost in a crazed state as Kest began another touch sequence in time with his thrusting. Dv felt his ass muscles tighten around Kest's plunging cock, providing more friction against Kest's cock.

Kest sped up his thrusting now having finished his last touch combination. Dv's body was like a fine instrument and Kest was skillfully manipulating it like a virtuoso.

Kest now focused on his body, drawing in the potential for sexual release. A deep burning fire was building in his core, fingers of this heat were working outward. The heat had reached his skin and it was now radiating, Dv winced as the temperature of Kest's skin flushed to boiling hot everywhere their skin touched.

Kest now felt the heat turn to a flash of electricity, firing away at each of his nerves. This flash reached his balls and cock, adding pulses of energy through his cock deep into Dv's core. With a feeling like a zap, Dv yelled out as his climax crested and was not stopped. Dv's cock was spurting rope after rope of cum between their bodies as Kest continued to plunge his cock in and out of Dv's now pulsing hole. The final release of sexual energy was causing Dv to start to black out.

Kest screamed as his climax was roaring out of him. The scream roused Dv and he felt the hard pulses deep in his ass as Kest's cum was jetting out, wave by wave. Kest's climax continued and the pounding against Dv's gland and the residual tension from the continued edging pushed Dv into another climax.  

More hot cum was spurting between their bodies as Dv's second climax rocked him to the core and succeeded in pushing him to lose consciousness. Kest's major climax was waning as the final cliching of Dv's body milked the last of Kest's cum from his cock. Kest was able to look down to see Dv's eyes roll to the back of his head and then Dv's body released and relaxed - utterly spent. Kest kept his cock still in Dv and used it with his other senses to monitor Dv's condition.

Dv eyes started to flicker awake and Kest took a deep breath as he pulled his cock free from Dv's ass. A trail of cum was leaking out of Dv's spent ass. Kest tumbled down on the bed next to Dv's relaxed form. Kest gathered Dv's body into a cuddle. Dv's breathing had returned to normal and he pulled Kest's arm in closer to him as if to comfort himself.

Dv turned his head to face Kest's and stared into Kest's eyes. A series of expressions passed across Dv's face - fear, anger, passion and finally understanding. Kest watched and nodded when the expression was to the understanding look.

"It is quite different to learn but not have practical experience on our techniques, isn't it." Kest said in a soft voice. Dv nodded as Kest continued, "I thought that might be the case when I saw you at the training class. I have been used to polish or scour many of our fellow trainees. You have great skills and knowledge, so for your remaining time here we will work on your advanced practical."

"I have never come that close to losing my center as I did just back there. I was foolish to think that I was more advanced than I was. I am looking forward to more time in practice." Dv said in a quiet voice.

"That is why we have a week. You are ripe for learning and when you leave, you will know the difference." Kest said, "And I will make sure I give you a fresher course on counteracting the touch sequences. Imprinters hate it when they try their tricks on men I have trained. It is my small jab back at them. They think they are the only ones that can deliver a punishment banquet."

"For now though, we need to clean up and get ready for dinner." Kest said, "Think you are ready to stand?"

"I am." Dv said more strongly, "But I might need to kneel in the shower to make sure I am strong enough." Dv finished with a mischievous chuckle.

"Lead the way then, you sexy man." Kest said in reply with a slutty grin. "I can think of a way to keep your balance while kneeling for sure."

Dv smiled wider as they walked to the shower. He was always amazed at the water rich planets that could indulge in steam showers. Kest started the water and gathered Dv in his arms for a deep, long kiss - free of any of the techniques they had learned, just a passionate kiss. The water sprayed around them as they stood together.

Dv slid down to his knees, his eyes feasted on Kest's mostly hard cock. Opening his mouth he swallowed Kest's cock and began a slow, sensuous pace of sucking it in and out. Kest rested his back against the shower wall and relaxed as Dv's talented mouth worked his organ back to life. In no time Kest's cock was fully hard with Dv's lips and tongue working it over.

Dv continued to lavish his mouth all up and down on Kest's cock. Sliding his hands lower, Dv began to stroke and pull Kest's balls. Dv then flicked a thumb along Kest's taint towards the ass crack. Kest began to moan as Dv added a circling finger to trace around Kest's pucker. The finger tip pushed at Kest's entrance as Dv began to deep throat Kest's cock. Kest began to moan as Dv's finger pushed upward and found his swiftly hardening gland. Dv had pushed his head harder down on Kest's cock, moving more than just the cock head in as his finger began to massage Kest's prostate.

Kest groaned as he felt his climax being milked out of him from Dv's mouth and finger. Letting loose, Kest began to shoot his second load deep down Dv's throat. Kest's ass muscles had seized and locked Dv's finger in his ass, but Dv still was able to press against the gland. Pulse after pulse of cum was powering down Dv's gullet. Dv pulled his head up a bit for the last few ropes of Kest's cum to fill his mouth.

Kest's body relaxed and Dv was able to free his finger. Sucking the hard dick in his mouth, Dv pulled up and off of it. Standing up into Kest's embrace they shared another deep kiss. This time sharing some of Kest's load between them.

The entwined pair stayed this way for many minutes. Reality set in and they began to clean each other with the soaps. Finishing up, Kest turned off the water and they toweled themselves off. They dressed and headed to dinner; sated and ready for more to come.

Next: Chapter 3

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