Shadow Reverend

By L Stone

Published on Apr 21, 2023


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Shadow Reverend Chapter 12

Kest stowed his bag and carryall after he unpacked and changed into loose fitting workout clothes. The new bag had his new assignment details. He would look at those later, now was his time for focus. The cabin was large enough for Kest to settle down and do his meditations, but it was not large enough for his full physical exercises. Kest dropped down and folded into the position. Taking a deep breath, Kest let his mind quiet.

Due to his training with the Sisterhood, Kest easily was able to enter his meditative state. His mind was able to free itself from the excess noise and emotion that he just left on Geidi Prime. In another lifetime it could have been him staying and living out his life with Dima the Harkonnen scion. The profundity of that was relayed by the Reverend Mother Superior's personal message to him. Kest was able to experience an emotion that most Sisters would never admit to, love.

Sure those of the Sisterhood experienced emotions, but they restricted them with ironclad precision. Kest knew that the Sisterhood wanted to stay adjacent to the rest of the human population. Staying in the shadows, only stepping in where absolutely needed. The driving force to help humanity mature.

Slowly Kest let his mind and body quiet as his meditations took hold. Layer after layer of concern and emotion released. His breathing slowed as did his pulse. Kest was closely attuned to his body now.

From this state of extreme calm and control, Kest began to move through his prada-bindu exercises. The initial pace was almost glacial and deliberate, but with each repeat Kest sped up slightly. After only ten repeats of the pattern, Kest was moving almost faster than the unaltered eye could follow. The next five repeats moved into the pace that only a fully trained Reverend Mother could maintain.

At the close of the fifteenth repeat Kest came to a complete stop. Chuckling his heart rate was only a few ticks over his resting heart rate. Kest drew in a deep cleansing breath and let it out in a rush. Kest knew that he had pushed himself more than he should have, his need for food would be extreme if he delayed after such a taxing exercise.

Kest chuckled again as he recalled his early training days where he was used in chastising unsuspecting postulant sisters who were exhibiting prideful attitudes. The postulant would be paired with Kest to work specific exercises. Kest received a subtle signal from the supervising Reverend Mother. The Kest would increase the difficulty or complexity of the exercises, quickly pushing the unsuspecting postulant into an almost frenzy of reaction only. More than one postulant faltered. The resulting look would be akin to awe and then chagrin as the supervising Reverend Mother would chuckle. Most postulants would get the intended lesson, only a few required an additional lesson.

Kest took a deep breath and then nodded to himself. He walked into the en suite bathroom, shaking his head again at the opulence of the suite. It had a soaking tub in addition to a steam shower. Kest easily stripped his clothes off and regarded his reflection in the full length mirrors. His lithe body was firmly muscled, but not bulky. He maintained a sleek look, with trimmed pubes. His hand passed over his nipple which he tweaked to a hard point. Then he let his hand drop to fondle his full balls and quickly firming cock.

Kest sighed as he stepped into the shower. He slowly rinsed the sweat and tension from his body as the water ran over his sleek body. The heat and steam rejuvenated him as it cleansed him. Turning off the water he stepped into the sonic dryer, the water quickly dispersed. Kest brushed his hair before walking into the bedroom to choose clothes. Then he would seek food.

Kest stepped out of his suite and followed the directions to the dining facility on ship. There were several on ship and his level of accommodations provided access to all of them. Kest chose the more intimate and smaller one. As he entered, he was led to a table by the window that was along a recreational park-like space. Kest looked over the chef's menu selections of the day.

A young male server dressed in subtle gray clothing came to take Kest's orders. The server's cornsilk blond hair was long but pulled back into a plait cascading down his back. Kest sucked in his breath when he saw the pink eyes, albinos were very rare. Kest then noticed the server's skin that was exposed was pale, almost translucent. Kest's eyes were drawn to the delicate fingers that flashed a brief and most secret hand signal of those in the Sisterhood's employment.

"The chowder is very popular today, Master Kest." the albino said while he flashed another hand sign.

"That would be wonderful. That is what I shall have." Kest replied as he flashed his counter sign and the inquiry gesture.

"I will let the Chef know Master Kest. He likes to ensure that he watches for deserving clientele for his masterwork dishes." the albino replied, and signed to be vigilant as Kest was being observed.

"Please pass my regards to the Chef then." Kest replied, and signed that he was well prepared and would use caution.

The albino server retreated to the kitchen. Kest appeared to direct his gaze out the window. Using the reflection, Kest identified three observers in different positions around the room. The albino agent had not indicated danger, just caution, so Kest sat and enjoyed his solitude while waiting for the food. Soon the albino server returned with a large bowl of steaming soup.

"Please enjoy your meal, Master Kest. I will return shortly as the Chef needs some assistance. Forgive me sir, my name is Gavin." Gavin said as he gave the hand signs that a meeting was needed.

"Thank you, Gavin. Perhaps later you can give me a tour of the hydroponics to look at the exotic herbs that I can detect in the chower." Kest responded and gave the hand sign to accept the meeting.

"It will be a pleasure, Master Kest. Enjoy." Gavin said with a slight bow, his eyes never leaving Kest's.

Kest ate his meal after Gavin left. As he enjoyed the hearty fare, Kest noticed that the other diners were slowly filtering out after they finished their food. This migration included the three that Kest had noted as being watchers. Kest confirmed that the last watcher that left was one of the new facedancers. Nodding to himself and thinking, that would be the first issue to resolve.

There were only a small handful of people left in the dining room when Kest finished and Gavin returned. Gavin glanced around and then sat in the seat across from Kest. Gavin placed his hands on the tabletop before he spoke.

"The Chef has asked me to procure some of the herbs before he prepares this evening's meal. He asked that I show you where they grow. The Chef indicates that it is a new hybrid variety that is resistant to how the traditional stock grows. The Chef keeps a close watch on the new variety to make sure it does not disrupt the traditional stock too much." Gavin said as his hands communicated the awareness of the new facedancers.

"I am sure a careful pruning of the new stock might be in order, if it is too aggressive. Problems can arise if issues are not resolved timely. I would like to see how the new variety reacts." Kest replied, his hands advising his assessment and the need to eliminate a facedancer watcher.

"We should go soon, then. The best time to harvest and prune the herbs is almost upon us." Gavin said as he stood, his hands silent.

Kest nodded and rose from the table. Gavin made eye contact with another of the serving staff and as Gavin led Kest out the table was cleaned and re-set. Gavin casually removed his server's apron and left it with the host as the two walked out. Gavin pointed in a direction and Kest followed as they walked side by side.

Kest noticed the facedancer watcher begin to trail them as they went down the corridor. Gavin, who moved with dancer-like grace, gently stumbled causing close contact between him and Kest. Kest helped right him as they continued on.

In the brief contact, Gavin confirmed that he was aware that they were being followed, also that the watcher was a facedancer. Kest had acknowledged his understanding and agreement. This was done without verbal communication.

Gavin again pointed down a service corridor and walked through a door marked private. The pair went down a small hallway before reaching a hatch marked hydroponics. Gavin keyed the door open with a handprint. The door was just closing as the hallway door opened and the facedancer to enter. Gavin made a show of going deeper into the growing unit, loudly describing different herbs. Kest stayed just inside the unit's entry, in a blindspot.

Gavin turned at the junction end of the unit and proceeded on. The door to the unit opened quietly and the facedancer walked through. Gavin's voice and movement were the facedancer's focus. The facedancer seemed to crumble to the floor like sand pouring out of a cup. There was a look of surprise on the being's face as it died. Kest had struck like lightning, once he confirmed for sure that it was the facedancer.

Gavin returned to where Kest and the creature were. Kest was exhaming the corpse and did not turn up any additional clues other than the marking he was already familiar with. This facedancer had the same markings as the new one's on Geidi Prime. Kest pointed to the marking as he looked up at Gavin.

"This is the new marking. It is similar to ones I have dispatched recently." Kest explained.

"I thought so, I have seen a few. These new one's do not like to be captured and they are even more skittish around local facedancers and Masters." Gavin advised, then continued, "They usually are not so bold to make quick attacks like this one planned to do."

"It might be that they suspect I am to blame for the missing agents from my time on-planet." Kest said, reaching into a pocket he pulled out an access key.

"Impulsive, indeed. It appears that this one was not being too careful. Can you locate the suite associated with the key?" Kest inquired.

"Yes, I have connections. If there is nothing else, I might suggest we render this thing to the bio scrap incinerator." Gavin said.

Kest looked and did not locate anything else. So he and Gavin stripped the corpse. Kest secured the clothing into a bundle, he would look more carefully in his suite. Together they turned and observed the body to see if there were any other markings. Again just the modified tattoo like the others that Kest had found. Kest pointed out the marking.

"This is the slight difference you will find. Also they have the same pheromone smell as regular facedancers." Kest instructed.

Gavin nodded and took in a breath to confirm Kest's comment. The two then took the corpse to the incinerator. After inserting the body, Gavin closed and activated the machine. He opened it to confirm all the evidence was eliminated - only a fine dust remained. Gavin brushed it out.

Kest retrieved the clothing bundle. Gavin went down another aisle and carefully nipped some stalks of fresh herbs growing. Kest and Gavin met back at the door, the slight herbaceous smell filled up the space. Gavin chuckled as he looked at Kest.

"The Chef still needs his herbs." Gavin said, his pink eyes twinkling with laughter. "I will deliver these. May I come to your suite later?"

"Yes. I will be expecting you." Kest said with a smile in his voice.

Kest reached over and gently pushed back a strand of the almost white hair behind Gavin's ear. Then Kest slid the tips of his fingers down the translucent skin behind Gavin's ear towards his neck. Gavin's breath was caught in his throat as Kest's fingers continued down and brushed Gavin's nipple through the shirt like a whisper. Gavin moaned as the hidden nub hardened to a sharp point. The moan continued as Kest gently swirled his fingertip in a light circle. A crimson flush covered Gavin's skin as Kest removed his hand.

"Be prompt, my little white hawk." Kest said as he whispered into Gavin's ear.

A shiver went through Gavin's body as Kest swept out of the door. It took a few moments for Gavin to pull himself together enough to be composed. A few ragged breaths and Gavin clutched the herbs in his hands as he headed out and towards the kitchens.

Kest entered his suite after the short walk. He put the bundle of clothing on his table. Carefully he unwrapped and examined each article of clothing. The shoes were the only items that held any clue, as there were still faint impressions of gravel in the semi hard soles and one piece of rock remained. Kest removed the rock and examined it. The rock was from Geidi Prime, the still slight oiliness in the composition was the true give away.

Kest nodded to himself. His actions were getting noticed. This group was feeling Kest's winnowing actions. He would need to be on alert when he reached Caladan, especially if this facedancer was to report to someone already on the planet. Satisfied that the clothing held no more clues, he bundled them up again. It might be possible for him to return them to the creature's room, thus creating more doubt for the creature's disappearance.

Kest then cleaned up and changed into more comfortable clothing. He chose a russet orange tank in a light, silk-like fabric and dark black shorts in the same fabric. The clothes compliments his deep tan from his country adventures in the improving Geidi Prime landscape. A brief glistening of his eyes as he recalled his time with Dima. His remembrance was cut short by the door signal.

Kest crossed and opened the door. Gavin stood at the entrance, still dressed in the subtle gray clothing and holding a small carryall. Gavin's hair was still pulled back into the plait. He was about two inches shorter than Kest and his frame much more petite. Gavin looked up into Kest's hazel eyes with his still shocking pink eyes. Kest moved his head near Gavin's ear.

"Enter and strip." Kest whispered then stood aside.

"Yes, Master Kest." Gavin breathed out as a shiver ran through his body.

Kest closed and secured the door after Gavin floated through, again with the dancer-like quality. Kest waited a moment before turning as he heard the rustling of fabrics. Coming around Kest was now able to see all of Gavin's body. It was smooth like glass, no body hair other than a soft fuzz right above a cock that matched his frame. His nipples were a very pale pink color. Gavin's muscles were taut and trim - not over developed or flabby. There were subtle calluses along Gavin's feet and hands that indicated a martial style athletic or defence training.

Kest walked around the pale, nude man. Using deft fingers, Kest removed the restraint on Gavin's hair which now spread wide across Gavin's shoulders and back. Kest ran his sundarkened hand from Gavin's neck all the way down to Gavin's toned ass cheeks. A ripple of pleasure coursed through Gavin's body as he sucked in a breath. Kest gently caressed the rounded cleft and Gavin moaned.

Kest stepped up closer behind Gavin and pulled the petite man against his body. Gavin's moaning got louder as Kest moved his head to the side and began to nibble on Gavin's earlobe. Gavin melted back into Kest's embrace as a flush raced through Gavin's body. Kest began to hum very quietly, right at the base of Gavin's ear that was picking up as much vibration as it was sound. Kest hummed a short, specific pattern and it was like a switch was turned on - Gavin's body completely seized up and froze in place. Kest hummed the next pattern and Gavin's body responded to relax, but the pink eyes were vacant.

Kest pulled away from Gavin's body and walked around to the albino's front. Kest then touched Gavin in a quick, successive pattern. Gavin's eyes took on life again and the body settled into a new posture. A smile that was not Gavin's appeared on his face.

"My dear Kestrel. What an excellent job you have done. The Sisterhood could never have accomplished what you did with Dima. Now that bloodline is secure and Dima supported and protected. There was only so much information that could be passed to you officially. This distran is pretty and I am sure, willing for your company on your journey." A feminine voice said from Gavin's mouth.

"Geidi Prime is now set as a landing point for those returning from afar. Your preparations have ensured a safety net for the future. Your trip to Caladan will be relaxing on purpose. Once you arrive on-planet you will be busy. Certain factions are starting to gain a foothold at the Chapterhouse. It is time to revisit the prada-bindu sparing of your training. Some of my sisters need reminding that they are not above reproach. Some actions need responses. It will be as it was on the practice floor, they will not realize that they are learning a lesson until they hear my chuckle. Stronger punishment will not be necessary, but the results will be the same." the voice continued.

"Kestrel, rest and relax with this young white hawk. He could have been your contemporary if his markings were not so unusual and distinctive. Our Shadow Reverends need to be able to blend and it is impossible for our Gavin to do so. You may continue his training on Caladan. There are skills that can be employed by a tool that is in plain sight. Safe journey." the voice concluded Gavin's body went into a neutral posture and blank stare.

Kest stepped close to Gavin again, touching a quick sequence across the pale man's body. Then Kest returned to embrace Gavin from behind. Another brief humming pattern and Gavin jumped as if being awoken from a deep sleep. For in truth, that is what it was like when providing a complete message via distran.

"I am sorry Kest, I must have zoned out." Gavin said in a woozy voice.

"No problems my little hawk." Kest whispered into Gavin's ear making Gavin shiver.

Gavin sighed as Kest's hands moved over his smooth skin. Using a hand to lift up Gavin's arm, Kest then slid his fingertips down the arm, passing the smooth armpit and on to Gavin's chest. Gavin's ass muscles twitched as Kest's fingers circled the pale pink nipple. Kest's fingers gathered the swiftly firming flesh and gently rubbed the nub to a hard pebble. Gavin's breathing and muscle twitching increased as Kest licked Gavin's ear and played with the nipple. Gavin whimpered in need as his uncut cock fully extended, the darker pink cock head flaring and bouncing to Gavin's heart beat.

Kest quickly turned Gavin's body around and planted his lips on Gavin's. The smothered moan threatened to leak from Gavin's lips as Kest's tongue moved all over the inside of Gavin's mouth. Gavin's hard member was now trapped between their bodies as Kest pulled Gavin closer to him. Kest's hands dropped lower and held tight to the firm ass mounds, gently spreading them apart as Kest pulled tighter.

Gavin would have tried to thrust his hips, but Kest's grip held him immobile. Gavin instead just melted into Kest's body and let the pleasure course through his body. Still kissing deeply, Kest felt the resistance decrease. Kest moved one hand into Gavin's ass crack. Gavin moaned as Kest's fingers began to brush up and down in the smooth crack. Gavin shuddered as Kest's fingers circled Gavin's pucker. Gavin felt like shockwaves were shooting through his body as Kest played with his pucker.

Kest broke the kiss and was looking into Gavin's eyes as his finger pushed into Gavin's rosebud. Gavin's pink eyes opened wide and dilated as Kest's finger moved in a slow circle. Gavin began to whine as Kest made wider circles. Gavin's look now was more impassioned as Kest's finger pushed in deeper. Every now and then Gavin would twitch or moan as Kest fingered him. Gavin dropped his head backwards, exposing his bare neck.

Kest nodded his mouth close to Gavin's neck. Starting at the hollow of Gavin's neck, Kest licked up the pale, translucent skin up to Gavin's chin. Kest added a second finger in Gavin's hole just as he nibbled on Gavin's chin. Gavin gasped for breath as Kest's finger pushed deeper. Kest kissed and nibbled on Gavin's neck, chin, and jawline. Gavin could only pant and shudder under Kest's play.

Kest slowly led the pair of them to the bed. Fingers still thrusting in and out, Kest had to assist Gavin in crawling on the mattress. Kest had Gavin pull back up onto his knees, Gavin's face resting on the bed. Kest pulled his fingers out and used his hands to spread Gavin's ass cheeks apart. It was Kest's turn to moan as he looked upon Gavin's rosebud. Gavin's pucker was the lightest shade of pink that Kest had ever seen on a person. Gavin's pale skin was very translucent in his crack, Kest could see veins close to the surface.

Gavin cried out as Kest dove his face into Gavin's crack. Gavin cried out again when Kest's tongue darted into the loosened pucker that had been warmed up with the fingering. Kest's tongue traced individual vein lines making Gavin moan and shudder. The more that Kest licked and nibbled on Gavin's pucker lips, the more that Gavin was turned on and moaning. Kest pulled ass wider apart and thrust his tongue in Gavin's pucker. Gavin began thrusting backward as Kest began to lap Gavin's pucker lips like a cat.

Kest pulled his face back and heard a whimper from the bed. Kest hooked an arm under Gavin's legs and flipped the pale man over onto his back. Gavin was gasping as his skin was flushed in a veiny pattern. As Kest used his grip to turn Gavin's body around, head hanging off the end of the mattress. Gavin was staring up at Kest with unbridled lust, his pink eyes were open wide. Gavin made a mewling noise as Kest's turgid member got closer to Gavin's face.

Kest rested his hard cock on Gavin's chin, his balls resting on Gavin's lips. Gavin opened his pale pink lips and began to suck and lick Kest's balls. Kest let his head fall back as Gavin's mouth worked his nuts. Kest watched as a drip of his pre-cum dripped down from his cock head and landed on Gavin's throat. Gavin moaned when he felt the sticky liquid touch his skin. Kest pulled his hips back, dragging his cock from over Gavin's chin to his lips. Kest stopped when his cock head was just above Gavin's lips.

Kest pushed just his cock head into Gavin's mouth. Looking down, Kest saw Gavin's pink eyes flutter as Gavin's tongue darted and swathed around on Kest's cock head. Gavin swallowed the collected pre-cum with a hum before he resumed licking and sucking on the flared member. Kest reached down and gently pushed the top of Gavin's head down, allowing Gavin's mouth and throat to become a straight shot.

Kest then pushed his hips forward, slowly inching his hard cock into Gavin's mouth. Gavin relaxed his jaw and kept his lips around the shaft as it moved into his mouth. Kest continued until his balls rested on Gavin's nose, his cock head easily pushed into Gavin's throat. Gavin did not thrash or gag, instead he began to suck and lick the huge cock. Kest pulled back until just the tip of his cock head was touching Gavin's lips before pushing back into Gavin's throat. Kest continued the slow and easy strokes of his cock in and out of Gavin's throat.

Gavin moaned around the sliding cock as he could, his body was completely turned on. Gavin jolted as Kest bent over and took Gavin's hard cock into his mouth. Kest rested his hands on the top of Gavin's thighs for stability as he pumped his hips and bobbed his head. Gavin was moaning and trying to thrash, but not due to lack of oxygen - instead full of lust. Kest was slurping up all the sweet pre-cum that Gavin's cock was giving, it was a good amount of it.

Kest straightened up, pulling his mouth off Gavin's cock with a pop. Gavin's cock slapped back to his belly, now wet with Kest's spit. Kest pumped one more time before he withdrew his cock from Gavin's mouth. Kest took a step back, his cock pulsing with his heartbeat. Gavin's eyes did not stop looking at Kest's member drenched in his own spit and throat slime. Kest gently twisted his hips and his cock rocked back and forth, Gavin's eyes followed the movement. Kest chuckled and finally Gavin looked up, their eyes locking.

"Get up towards the head of the bed. Stay on your back and lift those legs high and wide." Kest said in a low, soft voice.

Gavin gulped and then nodded his head as he scrambled into position. Kest waited for Gavin to get settled before he climbed up on the bed. Gavin's pink eyes followed Kest's every move, he was panting again in anticipation. Kest moved on his knees right below Gavin's exposed hole, still glistening from Kest's rim job. Taking his fingertips, Kest traced from the hollow right behind Gavin's ankle bones down Gavin's legs to the damp pucker. A shudder of pleasure ran through Gavin's body as he moaned. Kest repeated the stroking and Gavin's eyes started to roll backwards as he moaned louder.

Kest inched closer and laid his cock in Gavin's crack. The flesh to flesh contact was like fire, Gavin's pale skin flushed again as he started to pant. Kest flexed his buttocks and gently slid his cock up and down Gavin's crack. Gavin felt like liquid fire touched his tender skin as Kest's flared cock head brushed the length of his crack. A short cry left Gavin's lips as Kest's cock head pushed against his slicked pucker. Gavin's ass lips fluttered as the spongy, hard unit rested at his entrance.

Kest slowly rolled his hips in a tight motion, his cock head moved around the tight entrance, not going any further in yet. Again Gavin's body rippled in pleasure, his mouth was gurgling. Kest savored in the fiery heat that encompased his cock head, it flared again pushing outward against the ass lips. Kest glanced down at Gavin's face and the pink eyes were filled with lust and desire. Kest smiled as he grabbed Gavin's thighs.

Kest pushed forward, easing his thick member deeper into Gavin's chute. Gavin moaned and bucked, but Kest's firm grip controlled the speed of his insertion. Kest continued until his trimmed pubes brushed the soft, hairless ass lips. Gavin's ass muscles were like a velvet glove that was squeezing and releasing around Kest's length.

Kest stayed in place again, letting Gavin become used to his size. Kest stayed in place until Gavin's panting and muscles had calmed down some. Gavin's flushed face looked up at Kest's tightly muscled body, the sun darkened skin looking almost black against his ultra pale, white skin. Kest had moved his hands from Gavin's thighs and pulled Gavin's legs up onto his chest. Nimble fingers rubbed and massaged the soles of Gavin's feet as Kest turned his head and licked a short length of Gavin's ankle. Another ripple of pleasure coursed through Gavin's body.

Due to Kest's tender and controlled prep and entry, Gavin was not feeling pain from his impalement of Kest's cock, only fullness. Gavin's need for more stimulation was increasing. Kest felt the change and started his slow and deliberate thrusts in and out of Gavin's hole. When Kest's cock head pulled back enough to put pressure on Gavin's prostate, Gavin gave a wild cry. Pleasure was radiating outward from his crotch each time Kest's cock head brushed Gavin's gland.

Kest's fingers, lips and tongue still played with the pale skin on Gavin's legs and feet as his cock started to pick up speed now that Gavin was properly opened. Gavin was grunting with each impact and moaning as Kest's cock retreated repeatedly. Soon Kest's balls were slapping the tender flesh with each stroke. Reaching a hand down, Kest's fist enclosed Gavin's hard cock that was coated with pre-cum. Now each thrust of Kest's hips was making Gavin's cock slide through Kest's fist.

Gavin was now squealing as Kest sped up his thrusting. Kest tightened up his fist creating more pressure on Gavin's cock and Gavin's squealing became louder and more dire. Kest was getting closer and knew that Gavin was almost there as well. Kest pumped both his hips and fist faster. Gavin's skin now fully flushed, even his scalp, as his body began to quack. Kest watched Gavin's eyes begin to twitch and start to roll backwards. Gavin's toes started to curl up as his squeals gave way to screams of pleasure.

Wordlessly Gavin shrieked as his body began to convulse. Rope after rope of his cum shot out of his cock, still being pumped by Kest's fist. Kest's cock was hammering his gland which added additional supply of cum to burst forth. Gavin's ass muscles were clenching and spasming with his climax. That was what Kest needed to tip his climax over.

Kest released his hold on Gavin's spent cock as he renewed his grip on Gavin's hips. Fiercely Kest pounded into the still twitching hole as he growled deeply. Gavin cried out again as his insides were now being splashed with jet after jet of Kest's boiling cum. Each blast seemed to penetrate Gavin deeper and deeper each time. The pressure against Gavin's gland and his anal rings with the force of Kest's thrusting sent Gavin into another climax, dry as his balls were already empty.

The two were grunting and squealing as the combined pleasure rolled through their bodies. Kest's body reacted on an elementary level and continued to thrust away. Finally Kest's balls were fully unloaded and he collapsed onto the jumble of limbs beneath him. Both men were huffing and puffing to regain their breaths after such an eventful mating.

Many minutes later they both roused from the sexual haze. Kest rolled to his side after he pulled his still tumescent cock from Gavin's ravaged hole. Gavin sighed and then gave a little chuckle as he felt Kest's cum drip out before his puker gape could close. Kest pulled in and gathered Gavin into his arms. Kest's leg went over top of Gavin's after Kest embraced him, the small spoon to Kest's big spoon. Again the difference in skin was striking, Kest nuzzled his face to Gavin's ear and was lightly teasing it.

"Rest my little white hawk. We will continue this conversation after our respite." Kest whispered softly.

Gavin was exhausted, partly from his distran message which he was unaware of, and from their explosive congress. He merely grunted softly and sighed when he felt Kest's cock start to firm up again. Gavin snuggled around until that hard member was lodged in his crack before drifting off to sleep. Kest held his rest at bay until he heard Gavin fully drop off to sleep.

"This will be a fun trip. I will have to see how this will turn out. Oh my little white hawk." Kest thought as he drifted off as well, his dreams were filled of darting raptors in search of prey.

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