Shadow Reverend

By L Stone

Published on Jan 8, 2023


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Shadow Reverend Chapter 11

Kest sat waiting at the space field with his carryall. It had been many months that Kest with Dima, Lex and Leda had traveled throughout all of Dima's family holdings. The group located a few more stragglers of the new breed of facedancers, all of which were eliminated. Kest was confident that the team in place for Dima and Lex, with Pavel and Leda assisting them, could provide the safety and vigilance from the growing threat.

Kest was recalling the sendoff evening that he had spent at Dima's primary residence. Pavel had brought a bonded message that was addressed to Kest. Kest had been expecting it for some time, his duties as a Shadow Reverend did not often allow for extended pleasure once an assignment was completed. The message was delivered just past breakfast that the trio shared in the main dining room. The message itself was subterfuge, a note requesting Kest's services as tudor to another scion in one of the other Great Houses in the Landsraad. Kest knew it was the Reverend Mother Superior's message due to the key phrases and counter messages.  

Dima took the news harder than Kest had expected. The quick bond that was cemented with him and Kest was not something that came easy to Dima. Lex held Dima's hand at the news, being the strong defender to come side by side with his partner. The three finished the meal and Kest went to his room to gather up the few items he would need to travel. Kest and Lex passed a knowing glance as Lex led Dima up to the main family residences. When Kest entered his room, Leda was waiting for him.

"Here is the rest of your message." Leda said as she passed the encoded communications with the BG seal and SRM personal colors on the encryption seal. "My message was to provide this to you to view when you were leaving for the spaceport."

"Thank you, Leda. It has been nice to have a fine working partner like yourself for our work. I feel less nervous knowing that you will be able to help Dima. Well and now Lex too." Kest said as he took and stowed the message in his carryall.

"It will be well handled now. Thank you and good luck." Leda said and they hugged briefly, much like sisters would. Kest smiled at their parting and the respect that Leda had just shown him.

Having all that he needed packed, Kest added the message Leda had delivered into his carryall. He then walked up to the suite that Dima and now Lex were in. Kest was going to knock on the door when it opened. Lex was just about to exit. Lex surprised Kest by pulling the older man in a tight hug followed by a deep, passionate kiss. Lex separated and took Kest's carryall to set it down in the living room.

"I am stepping out for a while. I have a meeting with Pavel." Lex started, "Who sends his regards and thanks. Pavel said a transport will be ready for you when you head to the spaceport. I will say my goodbyes now so you can have some time with Dima. Thank you. Truely, I thank you for the love that I now have and the new trajectory I now have in my life."

Lex again gave Kest a quick kiss and headed to the door, closing and locking it behind him. Kest looked around the suite to find Dima. Seeing that Dima was not inside, the door to the balcony was open. Kest moved to the open door. Dima was leaning against the balcony rail, looking into the gardens and fields of his property. Kest walked up behind Dima and put his arms around the redheaded scion. Dima leaned his head back into Kest's body as he put his hands over Kest's.

"I know it is time. I am growing and have a much better support system now." Dima said just above a whisper, then even more quietly, "I will miss you."

Kest held the younger man in his embrace as he felt Dima begin to lightly sob. Kest turned Dima around in his arms so they were now face to face. Kest gently pushed Dima's head up so they could have eye contact.

"I will miss you too, Dima. You are a special person and not just because of your heritage. You. You can do this now. Dima, there is a purpose and task for you and now your team to accomplish. I think there will even be long lasting love for you too. Lex is special as well." Kest said in a quiet voice.

The passion was evident in Dima's eyes even though it was tinged with emotion. The two joined in a kiss, slow at first but not timid. This quickly changed as the passion won over. Now Kest and Dima were deeply kissing and groping each other's bodies. Dima started to pull off Kest's clothes, starting with Kest's top. Kest helped Dima take his top off as well. The redheaded man began kissing and licking from Kest's chin down to his chest. Sealing his lips around Kest's nipple, Dima began to suck and flick the hardening nub - Kest moaned.

Dima used his hands to undo the closure on Kest's pants and then helped Kest pull off his shoes and then pants. Kest's hardness was bound in the tight briefs he had on. Dima stopped playing with Kest's nipple to drop to his knees and buried his face into Kest's crotch. Kest moaned as he felt the wet, heat of Dima's mouth move all over his firm cock. Dima pulled his face back as he slipped his thumbs into the waistband of Kest's briefs. Dima smiled as he took in a deep breath, trying to memorize Kest's scent.

Kest moaned as his briefs fell to the floor and Dima took Kest's cock into his mouth. Dima lapped his tongue over Kest's cock head in a slow, circular fashion. A shiver ran through Kest's body as Dima sealed his lips around Kest's cock and pushed forward. Dima took the whole length of Kest's cock into his mouth and with a small push into his throat. Shaking his head around a bit, Dima used his mouth and tongue to stroke and caress the tool in his mouth. Dima stayed with his nose in Kest's trimmed pubes.

Kest lowered a hand down to rub Dima's red hair as Dima pulled back and started bobbing on Kest's cock. After a few moments, Kest started to thrust his hips forward into Dima's inward bob. Both men moaned when Kest's cock head was pushing in and out of Dima's throat. Dima was running his hands up and down Kest's legs, stopping them on Kest's tight ass muscles that were flexing with each thrust. Kest let his head fall backwards in a low moan as Dima used the grip on Kest's ass to pull more of Kest's cock into his throat with each thrust.

Kest pulled Dima off of his cock with a strong hold onto Dima's red hair. Standing up, Dima's face was streaked with tears and spittle, his lips puffy and skin blotchy. Dima undid his own pants and stepped out of them. Closing the gap, the two started kissing again, nude flesh pressed together. There was a hunger in the younger man as he tried to devour Kest's tongue and mouth. Kest was surprised as Dima pushed the two of them indoors. Breaking their kiss, Dima took Kest's hand and walked them to his bedroom.

Dima crawled on the bed and got on all fours, looking over his shoulder at Kest. Dima's now trim body with fair skin was beaconing Kest forward. Kest mounted the bed and got behind Dima. Kest then pushed Dima's head down to the bed as he then spread open Dima's ass cheeks. Dima squaked as Kest's tongue speared into the red hair ringed pucker, pushing in deep. Dima maintained a shrill moan as Kest's mouth and tongue attacked his hole. Dima was pushing his hips back into Kest's face as Kest was rimming him.

Dima cooed when Kest's finger pushed into his spit soaked ass ring. Now Kest was thrusting the finger in and out while his tongue was still swathing Dima's pucker. A shudder ran through Dima's body as Kest's long digit pushed against his gland. Kest then pulled the finger out and added a second one. Pushing them back in, Dima grunted and then moaned more loudly as Kest spread the fingers apart as he pulled them back, stretching Dima's hole.

Kest worked Dima to be open and more relaxed as he fingered and then licked down to Dima's balls. Dima gave a different moan as Kest sucked first one and then the other ball in his mouth, swirling his tongue and sucking on them. Dima could only move so much as Kest's fingers were still working him open. Kest worked his face back up, removing the fingers he spread Dima's ass cheeks wider and dove his face back in. Dima hollered as Kest's tongue was able to snake deeper than before and was flicking and licking all around.

Kest lifted his face away from the soaking hole, he then shuffled closer behind Dima raising his hips upward. Dima could feel the cock head rest right on his pucker, he tried to pulse the opening to pull Kest's cock in. Dima then let an earthy moan out as Kest pushed his cock slowly in. Kest pushed in until his pelvis was resting on Dima's crack. A trickle of sweat rolled down Dima's back. Kest rolled his hips as he moved his cock in Dima's insides. Dima pushed back further against Kest, even coming back onto his hands.

Kest leaned forward and looped his hands around Dima's chest. Lifting up and back, Kest was able to thrust upward and get deeper in Dima's chute. With their torsos were together, Kest was able to kiss Dima as he pounded his cock in Dima's ass. Kest moved his hands to cover Dima's nipples. Dima moaned into Kest's mouth and arched his back as Kest began to play with his nipples while still sending hard impacts into Dima's hole.

Dima gasped for breath, breaking their kiss and moaned, "I want to see your eyes when you breed me. Please!"

Kest only grunted a response as he gave Dima a solid thrust, making Dima moan more loudly. Kest stayed deeply buried as he scooted the pair of them towards the edge of the bed. When Kest's legs could reach the floor, he slipped his feet down. In a quick motion he pulled his cock out of Dima's hole with a popping sound. Dima exclaimed briefly before Kest used his hand holds on Dima's chest to manhandle the red head onto his back.  

Looking into Dima's eyes, Kest pulled Dima's legs up and scooted the exposed crack closer to his raging cock. Kest let the hard member slide up and down Dima's crack, feeling Dima's pucker try to snag the cock as he went by. Kest smiled as he positioned the hard cock head and thrust firmly, going all the way in. Kest resumed the hard thrusting, their bodies making a loud tattoo with each impact. Dima was trying to maintain the desired eye contact, but he kept wanting to close and savor the sensations Kest was giving his body.

Kest began a slight humming as he gently touched several places on Dima's body. Each caress or touch generated another layer of pleasure to what Dima was feeling. Kest continued to plunge his cock in and out of Dima's ass, changing depts and strength with each thrust. In coordination with the other stimulation it was driving Dima to the impending climax, but holding him on a thin edge - almost painfully pleasurable. Dima's mind was swimming with wave after wave of sexual energy, his body was pent up, and his desire was magnifing with each thrust.

Kest brought Dima to the desired plateau in his carefully orchestrated conditioning. Kest and Dima held eye contact now. It seemed to Dima that the rest of the room was fading away, leaving only he and Kest. The fading continued until Dima felt that it was just his and Kest's faces. Then it continued more until it was just their eyes. The sound, motions, and smells had all faded away - it was just the essence of both men.

I am giving you a gift, my love Dima. You have allowed me to feel more present than any other person I have been with. Your empathy allowed you to understand more of my being than anyone. That was your gift to me. Here is mine to you. I am training your body to counteract a Bene Gesserit imprinter or anyone else trained in this art. You will be unable to be controlled by their specific wiles, yet they will not understand why. That will ensure your safety - that unknown. This will not be a conscious gift, but it will be useful nonetheless. I love you Dimitri Harkonnen. Kest communicated to the deepest reaches of Dima's mind.

The world came crashing back to Dima. The sights, sounds, smells and sensations were now almost overwhelming to him. He looked again into Kest's eyes as Kest was loving his body. He felt Kest reach down and touch Dima's cock lightly. It only took a few strokes and Dima could feel his balls begin to churn.

"OHHH! OOOOHHHH!! OOOOOOOHHHHHHH!!!! KKKEEEESSSSSTTTT!" Dima was moaning in a higher and higher pitch.

The next stroke of Kest's hand on Dima's cock, Dima began to quake. His full body had a full spasm, a complete contraction, then an epic climax started. As Dima's cock started to shoot jet after jet of cum, his whole being seemed to be released and flung outward. Dima let out a loud scream as his orgasm continued to pulse throughout his body.

The extended pulsing pushed Kest over, he yelled wordlessly as he pumped his hot seed deep in Dima's chute. Dima locked eyes again with Kest as his cum splashed Dima's insides. They each had tears of pleasure, joy, and sadness. Slowly they stopped the thrusting and moving. Kest allowed Dima's legs down around his sides and then laid his chest against Dima's.

"Thank you, Kest. I love you and I know that you have to go. You are special to me. I will never forget you." Dima said with a tinge of sadness in his sexually exhausted voice.

"You are special, too. Dima you let me in more than anyone I have interacted with before. I love you too, in my own way. I know that you will be well cared for, now with both the family and your personal life. You will be able to grow old and happy. You and Lex will have a special bond that will not be easily broken. Charish that bond." Kest said as he held Dima to him.

Dima sighed and shed a few more tears. He knew that Kest was correct, not entirely happy at the moment about it, but that it was correct. The two held each other as their bodies recovered from their sex. No further words were necessary between them. Just before Dima was drifting off to a needed slumber, Kest leaned over and kissed him gently.

"Goodbye my friend. I love you." Kest said with rare emotion in his voice.

Dima answered in the same emotion, "Love you friend. I will miss you."

A brief kiss and then Dima drifted off to sleep. Kest stayed in place a few more moments before he got up. He collected his and Dima's scattered clothes before getting cleaned up and dressed again. Kest gave the resting scion a brief kiss on the forehead after brushing the red hair out of the way. Smiling in a melancholy way, Kest stood and left the bedroom. Kest returned to the living room to find Lex sitting there waiting.

"You have a good man in there. He loves you too. Be gentle and honest with him and you will have given yourself the greatest gift." Kest told Lex as he stood up.

"I love you as well and I will make sure he is protected and treated right. Thank you. Goodbye Kest. Good luck. You will always be welcome here." Lex said as he gave Kest a hug and kiss. Then he continued, "I will let you see yourself out, I need to go to my man now."

Lex smiled as they separated and he walked into the bedroom closing the door behind him. Kest smiled and waved bye as he left the suite. Kest headed out to the waiting transport and left the estate for the spaceport. Kest had checked in and found his transportation off-world would be a few minutes, enough time to read the message that Leda had delivered.

Kest broke the seal and the message unfolded. It was on a quickly disintegrating paper. It had the Reverend Mother Superior's personal chop on it and it said only "He loved you and you loved him back. My gift to you." Kest sat still for a few moments while the message paper disappeared. A rare tear dripped down Kest's cheek from the message. He felt more strongly bonded to this Reverend Mother Superior than to any other Bene Gesserit because she showed a rare gift to him - compassion. Kest understood the vulnerability that she had given him with this admission to him. That is what made the bond even tighter.

Kest was retrieved after he was composed. He boarded the transport up to the highlighter. After he was seated he noticed the same pilot that he had coming down to the planet. The pilot gave a brief nod towards the seat next to Kest. Kest noticed another bag was there.

"Yours." The pilot said and then returned to his duties, Kest nodded unseen by the pilot.

When Kest exited the shuttle, there were others coming in. Kest took his carryall and the new bag. He was then shown to his cabin. The steward that showed him there advised the trip to Caladan would take about three weeks due to the other scheduled stops. He also advised that the excellent facilities to eat, exercise and entertain were located on specific decks. The steward left quickly.

Kest glanced about the accommodations that he was provided. It was very luxurious, again it must have been a private vessel that was converted. Kest unpacked and changed. He decided it was time to go exercise and clear his head. The new bag had details that he needed to go over, but that would wait until he was ready. He had the time.

Next: Chapter 12

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