Shadow Reverend

By L Stone

Published on Oct 21, 2023


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Shadow Reverend Chapter 10

Kest woke up to a moaning redhead pushing back against Kest's quickly firming cock. Dima rolled his head back on Kest's chest as Kest reached around and began pinching Dima's nipples. A flurry of black hair was moving in rhythm on Dima's groin area. Lex slurped loudly as he was deep throating Dima's cock. Dima was trying to rub Kest's now fully hard cock against his hole as Lex was working his cock.

Kest then felt a hand reach between Dima's legs and begin to massage Kest's balls. Kest gave a growl as Lex's hand was then tugging Kest's balls and then gripping the base of Kest's cock. Dima moaned loudly again as Lex was working his mouth at the same time as his hands. Kest pulled his hips back and with Lex's hand helping position his cock head at Dima's pucker.

A shiver ran up Dima's spine as he felt Kest pushed his cock into the receptive opening. Lex was just sucking, not bobbing on Dima's cock, but was still using his hands to stroke Kest's cock shaft and Dima's pucker. Kest slid completely in and let his cock pulse inside Dima's tight hole. Lex's hand was running the short distance between Kest's and Dima's balls causing both men to moan.

Lex pulled back and let Dima's rigid cock pop from his lips. Lex shuffled around and twisted his body so his cock was near Dima's face. Lex opened his mouth and swallowed Dima's cock again and started a slow bob, using his wide tongue to swipe up and down on Dima's cock shaft. Dima reached up and pulled Lex's cock head into his mouth. Lex gave a muffled moan as Dima's tongue circled Lex's cock head multiple times. Dima then pushed his head forward as he pulled Lex's body closer to his face. Lex's cock slid deep in Dima's mouth, just short of his throat.

Kest waited for Dima and Lex to find a pace in their mutual blow jobs. That allowed Dima's ass time to acclimate to Kest's buried cock. Kest moved his hand down to Dima's hip as he began to pump his hard member in and out of Dima's ass. Dima paused his sucking to give an earthy moan of pleasure before he resumed on Lex's cock. Kest grinned as his thrusting was mirroring the bobbing speed of the pair.

Kest moved his other hand up by Dima's head, reaching over and in between Lex's legs. Lex moaned as Kest's fingers began tracing around his black hair ringed pucker. Lex lifted his upper leg to allow Kest's hand more access to his hole. Lex grunted as Kest thrust a finger deep in Lex's ass lips, pushing past the outer ring. Lex's ass muscles were quivering around Kest's finger as the fingertip pushed against Lex's gland.

Dima loved being in the middle of the two hot men. His cock was being worked by Lex's mouth and throat. Dima's hole was being smoothly plowed by Kest's large cock. Dima could feel Kest's arm reaching over his head and around Lex's ass to be able to finger fuck Lex's hole. Waves of pleasure were washing through Dima's body, he was releasing control of everything, but his mouth as it was working on Lex's cock.

Kest now moved up his thrusting pace on both his cock in Dima's ass and his finger in Lex's ass. Kest's change in pace pushed the blowjob pace on both men. Dima and Lex were both cooing over the faster and now harder thrusts that Kest was giving them. All of the men were now building their respective climaxes.

Dima now felt his body start to tighten. Lex's hot mouth and throat were providing the friction on his cock - sending sparks of energy through his groin. Kest's cock was now punching in and out, rubbing his gland with each thrust. Trying to also provide Lex with a similar experience, so Dima was slobbering and sucking as he could on the coal haired man's cock. Kest could feel Dima's body start to get close.

Kest pushed his finger deeper in Lex's ass and began to rub the outdoorsman's gland harder. Lex gave a quivering moan as Kest's finger was making hard circles on it, sending shockwaves of pleasure throughout his body. Kest added a pulse to the rubbing of Lex's p-nut and Lex almost squealed around Dima's cock going in and out of his throat. Kest grinned, now both younger men were primed and ready to explode.

Kest gave a rumbling growl, deep in his throat as he began power thrusting into Dima's ass. Dima's cock was now jabbing in and out of Lex's throat from Kest's thrusting change. Kest added more pressure to the jabbing of the finger buried in Lex's ass, now making Lex's hips buck more and sending his cock down Dima's throat. The room was full of slurping, slapping and wet sounds that were punctuated with grunts, moans and growls.

Kest could feel his climax getting even closer, it would only be a short time before he would blow. Dima and Lex were just on the very edge as well. Kest tilted his hips slightly and now each thrust was pummeling Dima's gland. With his buried hand, Kest matched the thrusts with jabs to Lex's gland. Both younger men cried out in their lust, being muffled with each other's cocks in their mouths.

Dima shouted out first, his ass being stretched and his gland being pummeled in combination with Lex's masterful oral skills that had pushed him over the edge. Lex's shout was muffled as he was now sucking jet after jet of Dima's cum. Lex's swallowing of the hot liquid was the capstone to his climax. Now Lex was feeding jets of his own cum deep in Dima's mouth. Both men were quaking, their asses were gripping Kest's appendages as they shot their loads.

Kest yelled wordlessly as his cock thrust into Dima's quivering hole, the extra friction and pulsing of Dima's ass muscles were enough. Kest was now filling Dima's chute with his morning load of spunk. Kest was flexing his cock and finger to make sure that he milked the full loads of both Dima and Lex. Kest was not sure he could pull out of either hole as the men's asses were clamping down too hard.

Several minutes of exchanging sperm left the trio now exhausted on the bed. Kest was able to pull his hand from Lex's ass and let his cock pop out of Dima's ass. Kest rolled onto his back and stared at the ceiling, using techniques to regulate his breathing. Lex separated from Dima only to turn so their faces were together. Lex then planted a deep kiss on Dima's lips, pushing his tongue in deep. Dima moaned as they tasted each other's loads as they kissed. Dima reached back and swiped some of Kest's cum leaking from his ass lips, then he brought it up to his and Lex's kiss. They broke the kiss only to take turns sucking and licking the sticky liquid from Dima's fingers.

Kest chuckled as he watched the two consume his leaked load. Dima and Lex smiled as they gazed into the other's eyes. Looking over at Kest, they saw his open arms. Then Lex and Dima broke their hug and each took a side of Kest's body. Kest kissed each man on the head as he pulled them into a full hug. The younger men sighed as they relaxed into Kest's embrace.

"That was a lovely way to wake up, gentlemen." Kest said as he held them close to his naked body.

"I agree. Thank you Lex. And thank you Kest! I feel full and happy." Dima said.

"I do not think I have been this relaxed or happy ever. Sire..." Lex started.

"No 'Sire' when we are together like this. Only Dima. I need to have intimate friends that will allow me to still be Dima even when I assume more of my leadership." Dima said strongly as he looked directly into Lex's eyes.

"Yes, Si... I mean, yes Dima. I am privileged to have found and experienced this. Never in my dreams could I have imagined the passion and emotion that I felt last night and this morning." Lex admitted.

"I think we may need to discuss with Pavel a potential change to your new promotion, Lex." Kest said quietly and then saw the look of concern on Lex's face. Kest continued, "Do not be afraid, but I think that Dima may need you closer to him than at his hunting lodge. I would think that Majordomo would need a trusted lieutenant to be learning the ropes for when he would eventually retire. I think Pavel could use someone with your skills Lex and that role would allow closer contact with Dima."

Lex flushed and was almost speechless. Dima sucked in his breath with a look of awe as Kest spoke. As Dima's and Lex's eyes met, the glistening pools of each were broken and tears dripped down each face. The yearning was as thick as fog between the two of them. Dima turned back to look at Kest.

"Do you think Pavel would do that?" Dima asked quietly.

"There would need to be a replacement groundskeeper for the lodge, but barring that it should be a valid request. As Lex has already pledged to be a hunter as well, this could be very good for both of you." Kest said.

"I was excited to be promoted to Groundskeeper. I would have done a great job or at least to the best of my ability. I believe that my cousin Nikolai is most likely the best choice in a replacement for me. He is a few years older than me and has worked many jobs around the lodge. As a child Niko pulled a prank on Milo. Milo never forgot it and would never give Niko any position higher than a stableboy. It was Niko that showed me how to do everything that I do now." Lex explained.

"Is he still at the lodge? I am sure that it would be good for Kest and Leda to meet with him." Dima inquired.

"If we go to the stables he will be there. In the off season, he is the primary stable worker. We have Terran stock horses and he is one of the few that can work with them. Even Milo could not argue that." Lex advised.

"Excellent. We can run the idea by Leda when we eat. I know that I am hungry, but we smell of man sex." Kest said with a smile. "I think we should get cleaned up first."

Kest ruffled both the red head's and the coal head's hair. Dima chuckled and Lex still blushed slightly at the man sex comment. Dima stood and pulled Lex up. Then the pair turned and took one of each of Kest's arms. Dima led them into the en suite. Lex started the shower and the three of them washed up. It was soon steamy and hands washed whatever body part that it was touching. In a short time all three were cleaned, washed, and rinsed.

Dima and Lex were close to the same size, so Lex was wearing some of Dima's clean clothes. Kest covered a smile, as Dima and Lex could barely keep their eyes off one another and would be touching each other if close enough. Kest was glad that Dima could experience and grow with Lex, it was going to do both of them good. Stability was what Dima needed and a hardy, outdoorsy guy like Lex fit the bill. Add to that the fact that Lex was smart, sexy, and attracted to Dima made it even more kismet.

The trio headed downstairs with Lex and Dima trading stories and experiences from seeing different things on the way down. Kest stayed a step behind to foster the clear bond that was happening between the younger men. They entered the kitchen and Leda was pulling some pastries from the oven. The smell was fabolous. Leda looked and traded glances with Kest as she observed Dima and Lex together. Leda and Kest shared a knowing smile.

"Leda, that smells so wonderful. Thank you for making them up for us this morning." Dima exclaimed.

"They do smell great. I cannot wait to try one." Lex said.

Leda chuckled at the men's comments, "They need to cool. There is spice coffee ready. Shall we eat in the kitchen again?" Leda asked.

"Yes Leda. As we make our tour of my properties, I want to stay as low-key as possible. It might ruffle some of the older staff's feathers, but I like to see people interact without being so formal all the time. I do not always demand to be coddled." Dima explained.

"As you wish, Sire." Leda said with a bob of her head and another quick smile at Kest.

Leda was still marvelling at the speed that Dima was learning and maturing into leadership with Kest's guidance. The Sisterhood was rarely wrong when they sent a tool to be used. Kest was a perfect example of this. Leda felt more kin to Kest like a fellow Sister, it was something she missed having been removed from due to the discretion of her own posting. Kest saw the signs as well, other Sisters had the same reactions.

"Leda, I feel that we may need to discuss with Pavel the need for an apprentice Majordomo. It would be advantageous to have trusted advisers have time to learn from seasoned retainers before transitions need to occur. It would also be a safeguard in case of the tragedy of losing someone so highly placed without a backup." Kest said as they got spice coffee.

"Is there a candidate in mind, Sire?" Leda asked, but was strongly sure of the response.

"Yes, I think that Alexi would do well in this role. As you saw he has already pledged to be a fellow hunter. He is bright and has handled challenges well in our short interaction. Also I would trust him completely." Dima answered, putting a hand on Lex's arm as he said the last phrase, looking directly into Lex's eyes.

Lex was practically glowing at Dima's words and confidence in him. The interaction was not lost on Leda. Leda agreed with both Kest's broach of the subject and of Dima's response. Lex's reaction only solidified it.

"That is outstanding, Sire. I will consult with Pavel later today when our planned report is to be made. Is there someone that could be recommended to be the head Groundskeeper position." Leda inquired.

"Yes, we discussed this morning before coming down that my cousin Nikolai would be a good candidate. As I explained to Dima and Kest, my cousin and Groundskeeper Milo did not see eye to eye. Niko pulled a prank on the groundskeeper in his youth. Milo was deeply embarrassed by the prank and never let Niko advance as he should have. Milo had Niko train all of the new staff that would be taking positions that Niko would never hold. He even taught me all of the important parts of my position. Niko is still here in the off season to care for the riding livestock, including the Terran horses." Lex explained.

"I thought it would be good for you and Kest to speak with Nikolai before submitting him to Pavel. Would you be available after breakfast to go to the stables?" Dima inquired.

"Of course, I will be able to attend you to the stable." Leda answered Dima with a smile. Then turning to Lex, "Is your cousin the broader version of yourself that we interviewed after our arrival and issue with the facedancer?"

"Yes, Leda, that is Niko. I believe that he assisted the pilot in the disposal of the carcass." Lex answered.

Leda only nodded in response, but she caught Kest's eye and communicated an approval. Kest sighed in relief, that meant Nikolai had already passed a Sisterhood screening that Leda gave the staff in the aftermath of the attack. Leda then pulled the pastries onto a tray and brought them over to a table. The men followed with their drinks. They were quickly seated and eating. Leda noticed the closeness of Dima and Lex as they ate, looking up and she met Kest's eyes again.

"I would like to take Kest to see some of my favorite trails riding the horses today. Is it possible to take a lunch with us so we have time to explore before returning at night?" Dima inquired.

"I had anticipated you might want to get out, so I do have food ready to be taken with you." Leda said with a smile. Then she went on, "There should be enough for all three of you and some to spare."

"Wonderful, thank you for thinking ahead. Lex you will be able to keep me from blundering through, as it has been sometime since I have been riding here." Dima said.

"I was hoping you would say that. I can be a guide for the newer trails and features, Sire." Lex said with some affection in his voice.

"Wonderful!" Dima exclaimed.

The four finished eating breakfast. Leda had the food for the day in multiple packs that could go into saddle bags for transport. They gathered this together and then left from the kitchen as they went to the stables. Lex and Dima led the way, with Kest and Leda following. The energy of the younger men was tangible. Again Kest and Leda shared a knowing look.

The walk was not long from the lodge to the stables. Lex took the lead in going in to look for his cousin, Nikolai, as they entered the building. Kest looked at the cleaned and orderly stalls that stretched down the stable. The smells were what you would expect, but due to the well kept conditions it was not overpowering. Backing out of a stall pulling a wheelbarrow was a brawny man with close cropped coal black hair. The man's clothes even though it was just after breakfast time were already soiled with the physical work required for animal husbandry.

The man jumped as Lex gave a yell. The startled man turned around with a concerned look on his face, which turned to a wholesome grin as he saw that it was Lex. Then the man saw the others in the party, his expression changed. He stopped and came to attention, looking at Dima.

"My Lord, I am Nikolai. It is a pleasure to have you at the hunting lodge. I am sorry that you had the terrible experience when you arrived. Please do not let Master Milo's behavior reflect badly upon us all. Also I wanted to pass my condolences personally for Master Oleg. Your uncle was loved by many here." Nikolai said formally.

"Thank you for that welcome and for your remembrance of Uncle Oleg. By the tone of your voice, you knew my uncle well?" Dima inquired.

"Yes, Sire. I have been the primary stable worker for many years. I worked closely with your uncle as he loved to ride the Terran horses. It was a tragedy that your uncle had a heart attack on such an easy outing. He was the picture of health, even the night before it happened. It was strange that Master Milo was the one to find your uncle. Master Milo was never that much of a rider." Nikolai explained.

"There is much mystery that surrounds Master Milo. At least now he will no longer be a problem." Dima said with some clarity. Then he went on, "Thank you for your candor. Lex said that you might be an available candidate for the position of Head Groundskeeper."

Nikolai shot a shocked look at his cousin as he took a moment to frame his response.

"I was under the impression that Alexi was given that position, Sire. Has there been a problem?" Nikolai said with some concern, as his cousin was not exhibiting an upset or dejected attitude.

"No problem at all. Actually more likely a blessing in disguise. Lex will most likely be assuming a lieutenant position under Majordomo Pavel. Lex had given your name as a likely candidate to replace him here." Dima responded.

Nikolai gave a shout and jumped to hug his cousin. Then he realized where he was and who he was in front of. Lex grappled a hold of his cousin as Nikolai tried to pull away.

"My Lord, I am sorry for my outburst and now that my cousin is refusing to let me go." Nikolai directed towards Dima.

"Niko, give up this level of formality. Dima just wants to know if you are ready for your dream job?" Lex said with glee in his voice.

Dima chuckled at the cousins and he looked at both Kest and Leda. They both gave Dima the nods of approval. Dima then turned his attention back to Nikolai.

"Niko, if I may call you that, it would be with great joy that I am able to offer a companion of my late uncle the chance to do the job he dreamed of. Would you accept this role so Lex can train with Pavel? Now is an excellent time as I am touring all of my holdings with Master Kest and Leda. Lex will be able to learn as I am." Dima inquired.

"Yes, Sire! Please call me Niko. I will be honored to serve as you ask. Please let Lex go into his new position. It is a great joy for our family to serve yours, now even more so." Niko answered as he was still in the embrace of his cousin.

"That is a deal. The only thing is you have to save this "Sire" and "My Lord" business for when there are others around. Please call me Dima." Dima answered.

"Thank you Dima!" Niko replied quickly then turned to his cousin. "I am so proud of you, Lex."

Lex grinned and then finally released his hold on Niko. The two stood side by side and could have been mistaken for brothers instead of cousins. Then Niko looked at how the men of the party were dressed in riding gear.

"Lady Leda, will you not be joining the riding today?" Niko asked.

"Leda and only Leda, as I am not a noble-born. I have duties at the lodge that take precedence today, so I will not be able to join the men. I will be speaking with Pavel shortly and will pass on your recommendation and acceptance of the position." Leda replied, "Truly I need to be off now. Dima, Kest, and Lex have fun today."

"Thank you Leda." Dima replied as Leda bobbed her head and went back to the lodge.

"I keep putting my foot in my mouth today, cousin. I could have sworn that Leda was a great lady." Niko said.

"She is one of many talents and of great skill. Many people underestimate her at first glance, but she is an ardent supporter of Dima." Kest answered, "No need to feel out of place for making the noble assumption."

Lex and Dima both chuckled at Kest's reply to Niko's admission. Niko looked to be relaxing more and the friendly banter helped. Niko then turned towards where the Terran horses were in stalls. Lex and Niko led the party in that direction. It was a short distance and Dima let out a small gasp of excitement.

"River is still here." Dima said excitedly.

"Yes, Dima. When I heard that you were here, I made sure she was brushed down and prepped. Just in case you wanted to ride, I wanted her to be ready for you." Niko said, then continued to the group, "Dima's riding preference is well known, before his uncle Oleg passed, the pair would come and ride regularly."

"Have you ridden Terran horses before, Kest?" Niko asked as he was sizing up Kest.

"I was raised in an agricultural creche and I have ridden many beasts, but not horses. Though I have studied the resources available about them. Very few planets have them and few families have the resources to correctly provide and care for them." Kest said as he nodded.

"That is very true, Kest. I will let Lex help get River ready with Lex's chosen Maverick. I will help you select a mount for today." Niko said with Lex and Dima both smiling.

Dima and Lex went to the selected horses and were chattering away as they went to retrieve the tack necessary for the ride. That left Kest with Niko, both smiled.

"I think my cousin has found a friend, a close friend at that." Niko said quietly as the younger men departed.

"I would say that seems accurate. Any problem that needs to be made aware of?" Kest inquired.

"No, no problems at all. I am just happy. Lex is special to me, like a younger brother. I was glad that my stigma did not carry over to him. Lex was able to advance when I was held back. I knew that one day he would find a match though. Out here there are limited options and I did not want him either getting hurt or in trouble. I have protected him as best as I could." Niko explained as he walked towards several occupied stalls.

"Lex and Dima do seem to compliment each other. That is part of why I suggested his promotion to work with the Majordomo. The pair will need to learn many of the same things, and I am sure their bond will grow stronger." Kest said.

"That makes me feel better." Niko said, "This here is Jasper. He is even tempered and used to novice riders. He will also be able to keep up with Dima and Lex's mounts."

Niko was rubbing the nose of a medium tall horse in the stall, the dusty gray color of Jasper's fur was brushed smoothly. Kest approached and rubbed Jasper as Niko had. The horse stepped forward and nuzzled against Kest's hand. Niko turned to Kest with a look of appreciation.

"Jasper is usually not that forward with new people. Yes, he is a great ride for them, but he normally takes a bit to get warmed up to them." Niko explained.

"Like I said I grew up with many beasts of labor. Though none as fine and magnificent as Jasper here." Kest said as he continued to rub Jasper.

"He is a good judge of character. Jasper is not distracted by how attractive that someone is." Niko said quietly as his hand brushed Kest's.

Kest continued to rub Jasper, but his other hand reached up and pushed back a stock of Niko's coal dark hair. As Kest's fingers touched Niko's skin, Niko gave a soft moan. Kest stepped closer and Niko turned to look deep in Kest's eyes - there was a simmering passion in the stable man's eyes. Kest traced his finger back to Niko's ear and Niko gave him another moan with a slight fluttering of Niko's eyes.

"I take it that Lex and you are similar in another way as well?" Kest inquired in a low whisper as his hand was rubbing Niko's ear.

Niko gave a muted growl, deep in his chest. The passion in his eyes was burning brighter as Kest continued to subtly stroke him. Niko tried, but words were not forthcoming so he nodded. Kest then turned his gaze down the body of the bruany stable man. Kest saw the physical fitness of someone who works hard labor. Further down Kest could see more than a healthy swelling in Niko's pants.

"Does Lex know that you both share that attraction to other men?" Kest said softly as he began to move his hand down Niko's chest.

Niko sighed and then sharply drew in his breath as Kest rubbed a nipple through his shirt. Niko shook his head no as his voice was still not cooperating. Kest nodded in understanding and then pinched the hardening nipple through Niko's shirt. Niko moaned loudly enough that Jasper huffed and shook his head free of Kest and Niko's hands. Niko looked startled, but then cooed as Kest brought his other hand to rub Niko's bulge.

"Uh..Uh.. Oh.. Oh.." Niko stuttered as Kest massaged the lengthening cock in Niko's pants.

"You are riding with us today? I think it would be a good idea, right?" Kest murmured as he stroked the stable man's cock.

"Ye.. Ye.. Yes, I can do that." Niko continued to stutter under Kest's hands.

"Good man. We will have some fun today." Kest said as he gave Niko's cock a firm tap as he pulled both his hands away.

Niko groaned as he shivered with pleasure. Niko's breathing was now in quick bursts and there was some color in his cheeks. Niko looked more closely at Kest now. Kest's toned physique, relaxed posture, brown hair and warm hazel eyes. The eyes took a second look as Niko caught a flicker of bridled lust. Niko shivered again.

"Come with me and we will get the tack for our rides." Niko said a bit breathlessly.

Kest followed Niko to the tack room. By the time they got there, Niko had recovered enough to pull himself together. Soon they were leaving with full arms and they continued to a grooming station. Then Niko went and brought Jasper and then another dark horse.

"This is my ride, Kest. Meet Night." Niko said as Kest walked over.

Night was two hands taller than Jasper and had a sleek, almost shiny gloss to his fur. Night had more attitude than Jasper did, but still allowed Kest to rub his snout. Niko shook his head some at how Night responded.

"Night can be skittish around strangers. He usually only lets people who he trusts pet him like that." Niko explained with a bit of a laugh.

"Most wild beasts can be charmed if you know how to approach them." Kest said quietly, letting a more erotic meaning be emphasised.

Niko blushed as he caught what Kest implied. They worked together to saddle the horses and then lead them out to the yard. Dima and Lex were already up in the saddles waiting.

"Niko, you are going to ride with us. That is a great treat." Lex exclaimed when Niko was leading out Night.

"Yes, Kest convinced me to come along. Besides, it will do me some good to get out before I have more duties." Niko said cherrily to his cousin.

Lex was smiling broadly as Kest and then Niko mounted the horses. Then Lex and Dima led the way with Kest and Niko following. The foursome rode for a few hours as they explored the countryside. The hills and agricultural areas reminded Kest of his home planet, it brought a smile to his face many times. The other three were excellent riders and Kest was doing well to keep up. They rode up a small ridge and then it opened to a large clearing with a stream flowing and a deep pond surrounded by grazing grasses.

"This is a great place for a break. We can eat too." Dima suggested.

The others agreed. As they got down from their mounts, each was able to drop the reins and let the horses graze and water. Lex and Dima started pulling the food from their saddlebags. Niko and Kest pulled the extra saddle blankets for them to sit on. The ride had started off cool, but now with the sun beating down on them, all of the men were hot.

The food was distributed and they were eating and drinking as they sat. Dima and Lex were sitting close on one blanket while Kest and Niko shared the other. Throughout the meal, Dima and Lex were trading touches and looks. Both men were excited as was evident by the bulges in their riding pants.

Without the breeze of riding, sweat was dripping from all of them. Kest opened his shirt and took it off. Dima smiled at Kest, a knowing and hungry smile. A smile that was shared by Lex. Niko, who had not been intimate with Kest, was caught off guard by the implied closeness. Also Niko inhaled Kest's scent as they were sitting next to one another on their blanket. While Niko and Kest were not sitting close enough to touch as Lex and Dima were, they were very close. Niko let out a soft moan of desire as his eyelids dropped.

Dima followed Kest's lead to remove his shirt with Lex following right after. The two younger men were now leaning against each other, skin to skin. Niko jolted and opened his eyes as he felt Kest's hands pulling at Niko's shirt. Kest was smiling at Niko who was flushed again. Out of the corner of Kest's eye he could see that Lex and Dima were not kissing, letting their hands roam over each other's body. Kest caught the flicker of Niko's attention to his cousin before he returned his attention to Kest. Kest grinned as he pulled the shirt over Niko's head.

Niko felt Kest move closer, pressing their newly exposed skin together. Kest was humming almost subvocally as their chests were together. Niko was turned on and excited, but also apprehensive as he was not overly experienced. Kest leaned his head forward and pressed his lips against Niko's. Niko sighed as his lips parted and Kest's tongue darted in. Niko then moaned as Kest's hands began to rub on Niko's exposed skin. Niko then returned Kest's kiss.

The open area was now awash with sounds of the two pairs making out. Dima and Lex were heavily groping each other, letting out moans of pleasure as they pet each other's hardness. Kest was progressively rubbing Niko's body as well as gently leading Niko to return the same. Niko gasped as Kest moved Niko's hand directly onto Kest's rigid pole. Kest in turn squeezed Niko's full cock and slowly rubbed the defined shaft and balls. Niko cooed from the sensations.

Kest gently pushed Niko back against the blanket. When they were down, Kest broke the kiss and then let his mouth move down Niko's chin and throat. Kest licked and lightly sucked the tender flesh making Niko squirm. Kest rested his arms and a leg over Niko's frame, holding Niko against the blanket. Niko let out a loud moan as Kest's mouth moved down to his chest and Kest's leg pressed against his crotch. When Kest sucked in a nipple, Niko could not help grinding his cock against Kest's covering leg. Kest switched nipples and Niko let out another long moan.

Kest then worked down Niko's muscular chest and abs, taking time to lick and nibble as he went. Kest had continued to hum and touch specific points to increase Niko's horniness. Niko felt like his passion was flaming to life and flicking heat over his flesh. Niko was thrusting his hips upward as his passion increased. Kest had moved to be over Niko's legs as he worked downward so the thrusts were going into Kest's chest. Kest stopped at Niko's belly button and looked up into Niko's face as Kest's tongue swirled round and in it. Niko cried out.

Lex popped a head up and looked at Kest and his cousin. Lex and Dima had stripped each other and had pivoted to be sucking each other's cock. Niko's cry was not of surprise or hurt, but one of passion. Lex smiled and chuckled as he opened his mouth and sucked Dima's cock back down his throat. Lex loved his view of red haired balls and the scent of Dima's sex.

Kest had used his hands to undo Niko's pants as his tongue was working Niko's belly button. The nexus of nerve endings and the careful use of his tongue were sending waves of pleasure through Niko's body. Kest tugged down the pants and trunks that Niko was wearing and a decent sized cock popped out, leaving a connecting strand of pre-cum from his pants. Kest positioned Niko's cock with a firm grip and then dropped his open mouth around the stable man's cock head. Niko made a gurgling sound as he was coming close to being overloaded.

Kest paused and used his hands to lift up Niko's hips as Niko was breathing hard. Kest tugged and pulled the pants and shorts down and off Niko's legs. Niko was now reclined back on the blanket, nude under the afternoon sun. Kest resumed his humming as his head dropped down on Niko's cock, not stopping until his lips were tight around the base. Kest held his head in place, but was moving his tongue and sucking around Niko's hard member. Niko's head was thrashing from side to side as Kest worked his Niko's cock.

Kest stopped and pulled his mouth back off of Niko's cock, Niko was getting too close to exploding. Niko was panting as Kest stood up and then stripped off his pants. Now both men were nude. Kest laid down on his back next to Niko. Niko wasted no time as he turned over and engulfed Kest's firm cock in his mouth. Kest was still stroking and touching Niko as he attempted to take all of Kest's cock in one try.

"Slow. Work your way down. There is no rush." Kest said softly in a purring voice as he continued to stroke Niko.

Niko nodded with Kest's cock in his mouth. Niko slowed down and relaxed his jaw. Now Niko was able to bob lower on Kest's shaft. Kest touched places on Niko's head, neck and shoulders to show encouragement and also continue to build Niko's sexual energy. As if in response to the building levels, Niko reached his hand down towards his pulsing member. Kest gently swatted the hand away and then placed a hand on the back of Niko's head.

Kest began to thrust into Niko's mouth, the grip on Niko's head gave leverage and other pressure points. Niko's jaw relaxed both from his response and Kest's triggering certain pressure points. Niko moaned around Kest's cock as his lips touched Kest's trimmed pubes. The moaning allowed Kest to thrust deeper and his cock head pushed into Niko's throat. Kest then set a rhythm of pushing and pulling just out of Niko's throat, staying in slightly longer each thrust in. Kest's own body was responding and was pumping pre-cum down Niko's throat.

Kest changed and was pulling his cock back further each thrust in, using his grip on Niko's head to facilitate the change. Niko's lips were just touching Kest's corona before it thrust all the way into Niko's throat. Kest had Niko complete this range of motion a few more times. Then Kest removed his hand from Niko's head. Niko took over the motion and was long dick, deep throating Kest's cock on his own power. Kest was again purring at the sensations he was feeling, the rumble was reaching Niko who shivered in excitement.

Kest put a hand on Niko's head again and lifted the stable man's mouth off his cock. Niko's face was flushed, his lips puffy, and his eyes were slightly glazed. Kest positioned Niko to lay flat on his back. Then Kest moved in between Niko's legs, Niko's cock was standing at full attention, the head glistening with pre-cum. Kest pushed his hands under Niko's legs and lifted. Niko helped hold his legs when they came up towards his chest, his coal hued hair ringed hole exposed.

Kest let his hands trail down the backs of Niko's legs as he moved down. Kest lowered his face into Niko's exposed crack, swiping his tongue around Niko's pucker ring. Niko let out a deep moan and his body shook as Kest's tongue brushed and flicked his ass lips. Kest licked, nibbled, and sucked the tender flesh. Niko was quivering with pleasure and was trying to pull his legs up further to let Kest's mouth and tongue have more access. Kest would at times lick upward along Niko's crack to his balls, then back down to the hungry hole.

Niko was now whimpering with desire for more than Kest's tongue in his hole. Kest pushed his hand up to Niko's mouth, inserting several fingers in it. Niko sucked and wet the fingers as Kest's tongue started to plunge in and out of his pucker. Kest retrieved his now wet fingers and placed one right at Niko's outer ring. Kest used the finger to make a small circle in Niko's ring, still flicking his tongue around.

Niko was thrashing his head around and trying to open himself more for Kest's digits. Kest pushed one finger up to his knuckle deep in Niko's hole. Niko let out a rumbling growl as Kest was now sliding the finger in and out. A passionate cry came out of Niko's mouth as Kest added a second finger and the pair brushed Niko's gland. Niko's legs were now trembling and his body was drenched in sweat as Kest's fingers were fucking in and out, stretching his hole open.

Kest pushed a third finger in and slowed down the thrusting to allow Niko's hole to open slowly. The reduction in speed now meant that Niko was feeling every inch in length and diameter of Kest's fingers. Pulses of pleasure were radiating from his ass ring that were building up Niko's level of excitement. When the three fingers touched and then stayed pressing on his gland, Niko bucked and wiggled to get more of Kest's fingers in him and to stimulate his gland even more. Niko wanted more.

Kest pulled his fingers out with a popping sound and a groan from Niko. Kest pushed his chest up against Niko's legs. Kest's face was now right over Niko's. Niko let his ankles rest over Kest's shoulders as they began to kiss again. Kest's cock was grinding up and down Niko's crack as Niko's cock was being rubbed between the men's abs. Kest's body was vibrating with his low humming as their tongues were flashing in and out of each other's mouths. Niko was whimpering as he needed to feel Kest's cock in him, his arms were pulling Kest in closer together.

Kest kept his tongue deep in Niko's mouth as he tilted up his hips to place his cock head at Niko's pucker. Kest's cock head was flared and was wider than his three fingers together, so it took a slight push for him to enter Niko. Niko let out a long moan as he felt his ass lips stretch to accomodate Kest's huge member. Kest moved slowly as he inched his cock further and further into Niko's ass. Niko was groaning and moaning, his skin flushed again as Kest progressed. Kest stoked, petted and touched several spots on Niko's body in a careful series of combinations; it was both relaxing Niko's body and energizing Niko's desire for more.

Kest then ground his pelvis against Niko's ass lips. Niko was growling as their tongues were still meshed together. Niko was trying to wiggle his hips as his desire was rising higher. Kest pressed his hips down harder, grinding deeper which made Niko coo. Kest could finally feel Niko's ass muscles relax some, Niko was ready. Kest pulled his cock back until just his flared cock head was stretching Niko's ass lips, then he drilled his hips down hard. The men's bodies collided and the force of air from Niko's lungs broke their kiss. Niko's moaning was not being punctuated with Kest forceful thrusts.

Kest leaned his head forward and was nuzzling Niko's ear as he was power thrusting into Niko's hole. Niko's eyes were closed and he was lost in the waves of pleasure he was feeling. Niko was compressed and restricted as Kest plowed into his ass, the only thing that Niko could do was to hold onto Kest's sides. Niko's cock was rock hard and sliding in it's own pre-cum slickness as Kest pounded away.

Kest pulled his cock out of Niko who groaned at the empty feeling. Kest lifted off the man under him and started to manhandle Niko to unfold and roll over. Niko was so worked up and in an elevated arousal state that he did not fully respond on his own, Kest had to assist Niko into position. Kest had Niko on his belly and pulled back on Niko's hips to bring the outdoorsman onto his knees. Niko's shoulders were now pressed to the blanket, his head turned to the side and his ass was tilted up.

Kest moved his cock to rest on Niko's ass crack. Niko shivered and moaned, then he realized he could wiggle his hips to move against Kest's cock. Kest arranged his cock head just at Niko's pucker as he gripped Niko's hips. Niko could feel the heat from Kest's cock head, but Kest was just keeping it in place. Niko was whining, trying to push back to get Kest's cock in him, but Kest was moving with Niko's attempts. Kest slowly pushed his cock head in through Niko's ass ring. Niko moaned with pleasure and frustration. Kest's large cock head proceeded bit by bit, Kest watched as the ass lips stretched as the cock went in. Kest then watched as Niko's ass lips sealed down just under the flare of the corona, causing Niko to sigh and moan. Kest held stationary here, Niko's ass lips and ring squeezing against the solid cock.

Kest used a hand and swatted Niko's ass cheek. Niko responded with a brief cry and then grunted as Kest used the distraction to pyle drive his cock in balls deep. Kest used his grip to pull all the way out and then thrust all the way back in. Niko was moaning and grunting, wallowing in the pounding his ass was taking. The position of Kest's thrusts were roughly punching Niko's gland and Niko's cock was leaking stream after stream of pre-cum to the blanket below. Kest continued to long dick plow into Niko's receptive ass, Niko was quivering with each thrust.

Kest could feel his climax start to rise, he changed his pull back to keep his cock just inside Niko's ass lips. Kest pushed down on Niko's back and made Niko's hips tilt up. Now Kest's ramming cock was pummeling Niko's gland going in and scraping it pulling out. Niko was quivering with each touch on his inner gland, his groaning with pleasure was getting louder. Waves of pleasure were whipping through Niko's body as Kest continued to plow into him.

Niko gasped in surprise, his body was tensing up. The waves of pleasure had masked the tingling in his body that had centered in his groin. Niko's balls pulled up like lightning, Niko cried out. Niko's body was tighter than a stringed instrument, just waiting to be released. On Kest's next hard thrust in, the pound of Kest's cock against Niko's gland sent Niko over the edge. Niko gave a strangled cry as his cock began shooting cum onto the blanket below and due to the bouncing of Kest's thrusts the blasts also covered Niko's legs and belly.

Niko's guttural cry and then body quivering from the hands free climax is what Kest has been holding off for. Kest gave a snarl as he pounded into the quaking ass muscles. Letting go Kest started to growl as he could feel the tightly held back climax rise. When the pressure reached his balls, Kest grunted and began plowing with abandon.

Niko could feel the change in Kest's thrust and grunted loudly as he felt the first splashes of hot liquid deep in his bowels. Kest was now pumping jet after jet of cum into Niko's ass. Niko was coming down from his climax and was trying to pulse and grip Kest's cock as it filled him up. Kest gave several more thrusts, before finally making a last thrust. Kest collapsed on top of Niko's body, the weight pushing Niko's legs flat while keeping Kest's cock lodged deep.

Kest's face was against Niko's as they laid there, Niko nuzzled and found Kest's lips. They resumed kissing as Kest's cock rested in the flesh holster of Niko's ass. The sunlight was beating down on their naked flesh as they relaxed. That was when they heard Dima give a strangled yell and begin grunting. Kest and Niko turned to look as Dima had Lex's legs in the air and was pounding into Lex's ass. Lex was fisting his cock as fast as he could as Dima was shooting his load. Lex yelled shortly after and his cum began shooting over his head, then in his hair and face, before the last blasts onto his belly. Dima collapsed onto Lex, similarly as Kest was on Niko.

The four men chuckled in their sexual exhaustion. Soon just the light breathing of the younger men could be heard. Niko looked up into Kest's face with a gaze of released joy. Niko then sighed and looked down.

"Thank you, Kest. I have never felt that way before or been so completely satisfied." Niko confessed as he lightly stroked Kest's pubes. "I think that Lex has found a perfect match. I only hope that Dima is as happy as my cousin is."

"Not to worry. I believe it will be a suitable pairing. They should be able to grow into a long term relationship. They are well suited for each other." Kest said as his cock started to revive at Niko's play.

"I am glad. I think that I want to sample some more of this before you are gone. I want to be able to remember this day for the long winter nights." Niko said as he then placed his lips and swallowed Kest's cock again.

Kest moaned in appreciation and let Niko control the pace. He knew he could make it last and give a great memory for Niko.

Next: Chapter 11

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