Shadow Reverend

By L Stone

Published on Nov 12, 2020


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Shadow Reverend Chapter 1

Kest settled down into the thopter seat as the robed acolyte sister prepared the machine for flight. He looked through the window screen to the harsh and desolate terrain of the planet he was leaving. Kest thought it was fitting for training and learning, as only the strong survived on a planet that was not named only referred to as crucible. He turned inward on his thoughts as the thopter took off for the star port, a few hours' flight.

Kest had been raised in a creche like many children born to bene gesserit mothers. His early life was not difficult once he learned to play the correct game of not raising the creche sister's attention and giving the responses they required. Kest was glad that was ingrained at an early age, because when he passed into puberty he realized that it was the other boys that excited him, not the girls. He soon came to realize that openly displaying this excitement brought down harsh punishments from the sisters in charge. One only needed to experience a bene gesserit punishment banquet once to remember it for a lifetime. Kest flexed his hand out of reflex, the acolyte flying the thopter tightened the skin around her eyes in an almost smile - knowing that Kest was reliving a banquet moment.

Kest took a deep breath in and slowly let it out, internally saying the litany that the adepts of the bene gesserit did to help focus and manage pain, fear, excitement, and all feelings including love. 'Ah ha!' Kest thought to himself, 'That is the chink in the austure armour - love." That was a private victory thought, he buried so deep even the close to transition acolyte would not even notice.

Kest being centered and in control was able to easily slip deeper in his memories. He remembered his first feelings of lust and love. How unlikely that dropping a basket of fruit would have turned the way that it did.

Kestrel at age 18, being one of the older children, had been in the field helping with the harvest of the heavy fruit of the local tree, similar to the terran pear trees. The fruit of this variety grows upto 15 lbs at time of harvest and the fruit is easily bruised, so it requires being picked by hand. This was one of the crops that the creche was able to use to make delicate candies and jellies and was able to be traded or bartered off world for needed goods or services.

Kestrel was bringing in part of the last load from the season, including some of the prized late harvest varieties which bring in the highest prices. He was tired and distracted as the workday had been long and the younger creche members were getting a break from the higher heat. His body was sweating through the coarse fabric of the coverall shorts. His shirt was already off and hanging from his pocket, soaked in sweat. The sunlight was glistening off his leith, developing muscles as the sweat trickled down his skin.

Not paying attention to coming around the corner of the storage building, Kestrel ran right into someone. The resulting collusion smashed the fruit in the basket against Kestrel and the obstructing individual and then the balance fell to the ground. Now both were covered in the sticky juice from the fruit and that basket's contents were ruined.

Kestrel was getting ready to yell at the other person when he looked up. The young man's eyes were piercing, bright green, showing only a slight bluish cast of the spice usage. Kestrel's heart fluttered and his shorts tightened. The man's clothes were clearly identifying him as a lower level Choam functionary. The sharp retort that Kestrel was going to issue was quickly smothered. Kestrel's annoyance and anger, quickly changed to apology and fear.

"I am so sorry sir. I did not know that anyone would be here. Please forgive me for my clumsiness." Kestrel said as he swiftly bent down to retrieve the basket and the ruined fruit.

"It is my fault, I should not have been wandering around." He said as he bent to help retrieve the fruit.

It was then that Kestrel noticed that the functionary's clothes were now splashed with the sticky juice of the soiled fruit and Kestrel's sweat. On top of that, they were getting more soiled as the man helped Kestrel pick up fruit from the ground. Kestrel was now aghast and was preparing to apologize more.

"Kestrel! How could you soil Mr. Leif's clothes!" Hissed the voice of the lead sister in charge of the creche, Sister Mayve. "Get up and take Mr. Leif to get cleaned up. You will see me later to discuss this."

Sister Mayve pointed at the older boy creche bunkhouse. Kestrel nodded and glanced at the sister quickly before he herded Mr. Leif down the path to the bunkhouse.

Moving quickly along the path, "I am ever so sorry Mr. Leif. We have a sonic cleaner in the bunkhouse for clothing and a shower to clean off. Please follow me." said Kestrel.

"No problems at all. It will all be fixed." Mr. Leif said calmly as they trotted towards the intended building. "Please call me Orin. You are Kestrel?"

"Yes, I am called Kestrel. It is after a terran hawk, a bird of prey." Kestrel said, "Thank you for being understanding."

Kestrel was able to get a better view of Orin as they walked. He stood a few inches taller than Kestrel, who was around six foot. Orin's had sun gold blond hair that combined with his bright green eyes and pale skin truly was the opposite of Kestrel. Kestrel had dark black hair and his eyes deep brown with flecks of the blue from spice use. Kestrel's skin was deeply tanned from outdoor work and his muscles were developing from the hard labor. Kestrel realized that Orin could only be a year or two older than himself. This made Kestrel happy for some reason.

They reached the bunkhouse and Kestrel showed Orin inside. Kestrel led them to his own room. Once they were over the doorway, Kestrel pulled the door closed behind them. He glanced at Orin's body again in the choam uniform, noting that there appeared to be a tightness in the pants. Kestrel smothered a grin.

"You can strip off your clothes here. The sonic cleaner is in the room next to the shower room." Kestrel explained. "I need to get cleaned up too, so I will shower now too."

With that Kestrel reached up and unclasped the closure of his work shorts, kicking off his boots, he stepped out of his shorts. Kestrel tossed his clothes in a small pile by the door. He turned around to see Orin paused, looking at Kestrel's nude body. Orin's eyes were stopped just below Kestrel's waist. A full body blush crossed Orin's pale skin as he looked at the toned muscles and mostly dark skin on Kestrel body and the soft hanging cock between Kestrel's legs.

When Orin raised his head, their eyes locked and a flash of yearning and passion flicked between them. As if in a daze, Orin stepped closer to Kestrel, placing his hands on Kestrel's chest. Leaning his head in Orin pressed his lips against Kestrel's. Their lips opened and tongues slipped between the open lips. Kestrel brought his arms to enclose around Orin's slender body, pulling them closer together. Their hearts were beating fast as their hands began to explore each other's bodies.

Orin broke their kiss and began to lick and kiss down Kestrel's toned chest. Orin flicked his tongue around Kestrel's nipple, causing Kestrel to gasp for air. When Orin sealed his mouth around the nipple and began to suck, Kestrel's head flung back and he began to moan. Kestrel's body was on fire from the attention, both his nipples sharpened into points and his cock began to fill. Orin's hand was playing with Kestrel's other hard nipple point, Kestrel was moaning and began to grind his rising cock against Orin's body.

Orin could feel his cock getting hard as well when Kestrel's now rigid member was grinding together with his. Orin slowly slid to his knees, kissing Kestrel's toned abs and stomach. Orin leaned his face forward pressing his nose into Kestrel's sparse pubic hair, taking in a deep breath and smelling the strong mansculine scent of musk and sweat. Lifting his face back, Orin then licked the length of Kestrel's cock shaft from the base out to the cock head at the tip.

Opening his mouth up, Orin then swallowed the bulbous cock head and swiped his tongue around it. Kestrel let out a low growling sound as Orin's mouth moved down his hard shaft down to his balls. It was as if a charge went through Kestrel's body at the sensations that Orin's mouth was providing. Kestrel brought his hands and held Orin's head tight as Kestrel began to pump his cock in and out of the sucking mouth.

Orin tried to pull back, but Kestrel's strong hands held Orin's head steady as his cock pounded in and out of Orin's lips. Orin began to make some gagging noises, as Kestrel's long cock started to punch into his throat. Kestrel did not stop, instead pulled Orin's head in closer as he thrust forward. Kestrel could feel the tight throat muscles clench around his cock head as Orin's throat swallowed around it. Kestrel could feel the signs that he was going to cum. He continued to pump in and out of Orin's mouth, picking up his pace.

Kestrel's balls were now slapping against Orin's face, as tears and spit were dripping from Orin's eyes and mouth. The tremor of climax began to course through Kestrel's limbs, pulling and tightening muscles as it travelled closer to his core. Breathing hard, Kestrel thrust hard into Orin's mouth, pulling Orin in tighter still, burying Orin's nose against his pubes. Kestrel's cock head pushed farther than before, Orin's throat was now clenching and gagging on cock head and shaft.

Holding on tight, Kestrel's cock began to spew rope after rope of hot cum deep into Orin's stomach. After three or four jets shot out, Kestrel pulled out of Orin's throat, but stayed in Orin's mouth. The rest of the jets of cum were filling Orin's mouth, Orin tried to swallow as best he could, but Kestrel's load was filling his mouth too fast. Kestrel's cum began to dribble out the sides of Orin's puffy lips as Orin continued to suck and swallow.

Kestrel released his hard grip on Orin's head as his climax passed. Orin began to lick and clean Kestrel's still hard cock, collecting all the remaining jizz. Swallowing and licking around his very puffy lips, Orin rested back on his heels, looking up to meet Kestrel's eyes. They both had an unbridled passionate, hungry look. Kestrel shivered with excitement.

Orin turned on to his hands and knees, turning his body to display his rounded ass. Spitting on his hand, Orin then reached back and slicked up his hole, pushing the spit soaked fingers in and out of his pucker. Kestrel lowered behind Orin, taking an ass cheek in each hand, squeezing them tightly. Kestrel kept tightening up his grip until Orin whimpered. Kestrel's cock was now fully hard again and pulsing with his heart beat as he began tracing his cock head up and down Orin's crack.

Orin was moaning at the hot poker that bushed against his pucker, his hips started to push back against the rod. Kestrel lined up his cock head right at Orin's entrance when Orin thrust backward. Then Kestrel began to push forward, his cock head firmly entering the smoldering, tight ass rings just inside Orin's pucker. Orin's moan was louder as Kestrel's large cock inched forward. Kestrel felt intense heat around his cock as it settled all the way to his pubic bone in Orin's chute. Kestrel paused as his balls touched Orin's ass lips.

After a moment, Kestrel gripped Orin's hips and began to pull his cock out and slide back in. Kestrel kept pulling out more and more each time before his thrust forward and back in deep. Orin was twitching and convulsing around Kestrel's invading cock, causing painful but then pleasurable feelings to radiate through his body.

When just Kestrel's cock head was at the top of his entrance, Orin dropped his arms down forcing his body to tilt up. When Kestrel pushed back in, the change in angle caused Kestrel's cock to punch right against Orin's prostate. Orin gasped for air loudly as Kestrel repeated this and Orin's prostate was being roughly stimulated on the pull out and punch back in.

Kestrel began to quicken up his pace at the long dicking thrusts deep into Orin. Orin was moaning even more loudly at the fucking motion, his own cock had hardened up and was pulsing strands of pre-cum on his thighs and the floor. Kestrel stoked Orin's ass and hips as he was thrusting in and out, leaning forward he slipped a hand up to tweak Orin's nipple. Orin yelped as Kestrel's strong fingers closed around the swiftly hardening nipple. Strong ripples of passion were radiating throughout Orin's body at the fucking and nipple play continued.

Orin felt a sudden heat race through his body and then his cock began to shoot a load of cum down onto the floor beneath him. The ripples and contractions were gripping Kestrel's cock, adding the additional friction needed to push his climax over. Kestrel yelled as his second load of cum was now pulsing inside Orin's chute. The thrusting and pumping continued as each of them emptied their balls of cum. With a final push Kestrel slammed his body hard against Orin, causing Orin to lose grip and for them to fall forward joined together for the final jets of cum to pump out.

Breathing heavily, they laid together on the floor, joined intimately as they recovered. Kestrel's cock softened and popped out of Orin's hole with a trickle of cum leaking down to the floor. Orin rolled around into Kestrel's embrace and they kissed deeply. They stayed together as they recovered and basked in the post cloital glow.

Shortly after both Kestrel and Orin realized that they needed to get cleaned up. Kestrel grabbed towels and they walked to the communal shower for the bunkhouse. Then Kestrel put Orin's soiled uniform in the clothes sonic cleaner by the showers. This planet had water in abundance, so real water showers were available. Kestrel had to show Orin how to use the knobs to adjust the water, as Orin was used to the powered sonic cleaners that were used on the starships and water rationed planets. The stickiness of crushed fruit, sweat, dirt and cum was rinsed from their bodies.

They returned to Kestrel's sleeping cell and retrieved the clean clothes on the way back. Orin quickly put on the now crisp and clean Choam uniform. Kestrel took a while longer to decide what to dress in for his meeting with the lead sister. Orin was giving Kestrel's body long glances as Kestrel moved around the room still naked. Kestrel noticed the attention and the tightness in Orin's pants as well.

Kestrel stepped closer and pulled Orin's head close to his as they kissed. Kestrel ground his nude hips and cock against Orin's fabric enclosed body. The kiss was brief but very sexually potent - Kestrel was hard again and Orin was almost busting out of his pants. Kestrel pulled the coverall he decided on with a shirt and rounded it out with his nicer work boots. Kestrel felt almost a physical touch of Orin's gaze as Kestrel got dressed.

Kestrel led Orin back to the main warehouse where the primary Choam factor was finishing up his discussions with Sister Mayve. The sister noted that Kestrel had completed his task of helping Orin getting cleaned up. Orin stepped up and joined his superior, giving Kestrel longingly glances when he thought he was not being observed. This did not get past Sister Mayve without notice, but she did not stop her conversation. Presently she bid the Choam representatives farewell and they departed, again with Orin stealing a few last glances in Kestrel's direction.

"Follow me." Sister Mayve ordered quietly as she walked to the administrative building where her office space was located. When they entered her office, she motioned for Kestrel to close the door and pointed to the stool in front of her desk. Sister Mayve settled in her chair and she stared at Kestrel in the cool, calculating bene gesserit manner. She sat like this for several minutes, Kestrel having grown up his whole life in the creche under the sisters care was used to this type of treatment and observation.

"I was going to punish you for being clumsy and causing a problem, but it appears that the Choam factor was more embarrassed that one from his party had been wandering around where he should not have been. The factor was more than pleased to offer the creche a higher percentage of return for this crop and the rest of the season's crops. That extra will provide nicely for us." Sister Mayve explained, "So you are free from that responsibility, but it appears that you have developed some additional skills that tend to a different type of harvest."

The first part of the sister's discussion was more of what he expected. Kestrel was caught off guard due to the keen observational skills of the sisters to notice his change. This was the first time that he had dominated a physical meeting with another male and it excited him. Like all boys there had been some experimentation sexually and the mores of the sisters were relaxed when it came to physical expression and education in regards to sex. He was not a virgin in any aspect of the word as he had been with females of his peer group as part of the education process. His preference though had always been towards other males, but his interactions had always been casual and discreet so as to not attract unnecessary attention. Kestrel's decided dominance over Orin had opened up a new experience for him and he was excited about it.

Breaking Kestrel's reflection, "Yes, I see now that you have the necessary skills for a different type of training. I will notice the reduction in efficiency when you are gone, but the Choam compensation will help soften that blow." Sister Mayve said.

"I am sorry Sister. I do not understand." Kestrel said plainly.

"Kestrel we have known that you have preferred intimate relations with males instead of females for quite some time. You have always been clandestine in your interactions and thought you had avoided observation." Sister Mayve stated, "The sisterhood on the whole does not condone male to male relationships as it causes interruptions and difficulties to our breeding program. As that may be, we do have uses for those with different attractions for achieving the sisterhood's overall objectives. We have a special training problem for males in our imprinter schools. Most male candidates are there to be trained and then become instructor partners for the imprinter candidates. There is a more select training for males like yourself that can be trained and then become specialized agents for the sisterhood. They are known in the inner circles of the sisterhood as Shadow Reverends. Do you understand what I am saying?"

Kestrel nodded as he was absorbing the information, "Yes Sister Mayve. I understand." Kestrel answered.

"Good. I will be sending my communication to the Mother Superior's council of my decision. You will be headed to the training planet with the next Highlighter transport tomorrow. You will need to gather your belongings and be ready by sunrise to be conveyed to the starport." Sister Mayve said. "You may go."

"Yes, Sister." Kestrel said as he bowed his head and stood up to go.

"You may think that it will be easier than harvesting our crops here, I know from experience. You will look back on your life here and ponder how that was not the case. I have not always been a lead sister at this creche. I was once a top imprinter, but a miscalculation in judgment one time can result in severe consequences." Sister Mayve explained as Kestrel reached the door, "You already have an inkling for the punishment bouquet, but nothing will be like the experience you are about to begin."

"Thank you for your knowledge Sister." Kestrel said as he received her nod to leave the room.

Kestrel was in shock and numbly returned to his quarters at the bunkhouse. Looking around the sparse room, he pulled the few items that he had collected and put them with his better clothes and shoes into a carryall. He went on with the rest of his last evening at the place he had called home still under the cloud of the unknown.

Kest was awoken as the thopter began its descent to the spaceport. The acolyte sister brought the vehicle in for a solid landing. Kest exited the thopter as the hatch opened, grabbing his small carryall with his needed clothes and tools. He strode confidently into the spaceport, taking one last breath of the air from the cruel and demanding planet of his training. He was headed for his first real assignment. Kest was excited to see how successful he would be, just the thought made the fit of his pants tight.

Kest thinking to himself, "Yes, let's see how this Shadow Reverend does in the field."

Next: Chapter 2

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