Shades of Purple

By Alex McMahon

Published on Jul 1, 2010


The usual disclaimers apply. This work is the property of Alex McMahon and any copy or distribution will be an infringement of copyright laws.

Thank you for reading. My name is Alex. I've been reading wonderful stories on Nifty for a long time. After toying with an idea for a while, I have decided to post my own story, to hopefully give back to the writers that have shown me such a good time throughout the years. I have no idea how frequent the posting of chapters will be. I don't want to make any promises I'm not about to keep. However, I promise to write it until it comes to a satisfying conclusion.

Please, feel free to email any comments to

Once again, thanks to everyone that took the time to email me. It was great hearing from all of you. I hope you keep enjoying it.

Chapter 3

Part One -- The Move

"... and that's how Sam fell into the lake." I finished as I parked the car in the communal garage.

"Dad! That's not how it happened." Sam argued between giggles. "You're lying again. You pushed me in so grandpa could take a picture."

"What? Samuel, stop badmouthing your father. Our new friend Matthew here will think I'm some kind of crazy person."

Sam giggled some more. "You are crazy, dad."

Matt had been quiet for most of the trip. After we picked Sam from school, we went by the backpackers he had been staying at to retrieve his belongings. He didn't have much with him. A large suitcase, a backpack and his guitar case. Sam had been distant at first but quickly seemed to decide that Matt was to be trusted. For most of the trip he was his friendly self, trying to become acquainted with his new roommate. Matt answered all his questions and asked some back but mostly remained quiet.

We got out of the car and took Matt's things out of the trunk. Sam insisted on helping Matt carry his backpack. We made our way through the side door and into the elevator area. As soon as we reached the apartment, Sam immediately dropped the backpack and rushed to the bathroom. I turned to Matt who was busy looking around.

"This place is great. Looks big." He commented.

It was true. The apartment was fairly large. Three bedrooms, one bathroom and an en-suite. The kitchen was spacious and the living room was a large opened area that led to the dining room. Lilly had fallen in love with the area when we first moved into the city. She had then spent some weekends house-hunting, until she found this place. We would never have afford it at the time if it weren't for my parents insisting on giving it to us shortly after Sam was born.

The whole place still reminded me of her.

"Er, Alex?" I heard Matt calling me and realized I must have spaced out again.

"Yeah? Sorry."

He gave me a sweet smile. "No prob. Just wanted to know where I should take this." He said motioning to the large suitcase and the rest of his stuff.

"Ah, of course. Follow me, here let me carry that for you." I grabbed the guitar case and guided him through the hall until we reached the last door on the right. "Here you go. This will be your room. I'm right next door and Sam's right across from you."

I opened the door and led him in. The room was well decorated. Cherry wood furniture and nice cream colors with green accents. Lilly had intended it to be a guest room for when her parents came to say, or if we had to have a babysitter overnight.

"I have to thank you again for this, Alex. You're beyond generous." Matt said turning to me.

"You don't have to keep thanking me. It's nice to have some slightly more adult company anyway. Besides, I think Sam will love having you around."

"Won't your wife mind?"

I had totally forgotten to tell him about Lilly. I think he noticed my expression darken a bit.

"My wife, Lilly, died over a month ago." I said quietly.

To his credit he didn't say anything predictable like, "I'm so sorry" or "My deepest sympathies." Instead, he just slightly nodded.

"Do you mind me asking how she died?"

"It's OK." I said and took a deep breath. "She was visiting her hometown to see her parents. Her mom has recently been diagnosed with lung cancer and she wanted to show her support. I stayed in the city with Sam because he couldn't afford to miss school. On one of the days she was there, Tuesday, she went back to our old high school to reminisce. Talk to old teachers, you know... That day, someone went berserk. Five people were shot. Two died. Lilly and a 17 year old girl." My eyes were starting to moisten as I recalled the events.

Matthew walked up to me and pulled me into a hug. I let myself enjoy the moment and hugged him back. We stayed like that for a few seconds until I felt like I should pull away.

"What happened to the murderer?"

"Hasn't been caught. There have been some leads but until now no one knows for sure. Whoever it was waited until everyone was back in class. When he came across Lilly talking to a group of seniors, he started shooting. He got out of there before the police arrived. The only ones that saw anything were three of the students. One is still in a coma. Doctors don't know when he'll wake up or if he'll wake up at all. The other two girls can only say for certain that it was a man. Both of them had their backs turned when the shooting began."

Matthew grabbed my arm and squeezed it slightly. I placed my hand on top of his, thankful for the gesture.

"Dad! Where are... ah. Here you are." Sam came through the door and walked up to us, near the bed. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing buddy." I was quick to say. I didn't want him to worry. He looked at me unsure. We both knew I was lying.

"OK dad." He turned to Matt. "Hey, do you like Wii?"

"Sure do buddy."

"Wanna play?" Sam asked eagerly.

"Sam," I cut in. "Maybe Matt wants to unpack first before you torment him with your weird machine."

"No. It's OK, Alex. I love Wii. Show me the way bud." Sam jumped excitedly, took Matt's hand and started leading him to the lounge.

"Oh boy, another game zombie." I commented. Matt chuckled as he and Sam walked into the hall.

Part Two -- Chai

Thanksgiving was around the corner. The most evident sign was the freezing temperature. Another evident sign was the numerous amount of calls my mother had been making to me lately. The whole family was to attend this year which, of course, was a huge deal to Mrs. McMahon. Part of me was excited about seeing the whole clan. The other part of me would have preferred taking a fork and sticking it in one of my eyeballs. Whenever the family had a reunion my father saw it as an opportunity to retell every Alex joke that had graced our Friday dinners of the past year. I was sure there would be a Nate story in there somewhere as well.

Matt's Uni was going well. He had been approved to take residence at the dorms but I had managed to convince him to stay with me instead. I could tell he wanted to but was embarrassed to ask. He had now managed to set up his own routine. He would go to classes during the day and work in the afternoons and the odd Saturday. On some Friday evenings he would join me and Sam for dinner at the McMahon household. Any other free time was usually spent with Sam. I was surprised by how much he seemed to love him. Love that was reciprocated. Sam, it seemed, couldn't get enough Matt Time. I had, at first, pressured him to go out with some Uni friends, but quickly decided not to turn into my mother and let the boy do what he wanted.

It was a quiet day at the bookstore. There were only a few customers that I suspected were busy looking at books more as an excuse to escape the cold air outside than any particular interest in literature. Specially the woman by the Language Section, dressed in the most horrendous orange skirt ever designed. She looked to be in her mid-to-late twenties. Her hair was messily tucked in a bun and a black woolen scarf was wrapped around her so many times, you couldn't see her face properly. She was also wearing a thick overcoat made of several patches of wool. The patchwork was incredible -- each piece was a different shade of purple.

"Well, at least the skirt matches her hair." Sarah commented as I tried hard not to laugh.

"Come on Sarah..." Nate was the only one not joining in the bitching.

"What? Look at her! Who's she kidding? I don't know why she doesn't just move to the next aisle. The Self Help Section is clearly what she's looking for."

"Sarah." I said trying to suppress laughter and at the same time not wanting to completely disgust Nate who was acting like the better person. "Don't be such a bitch."

Sarah turned to me and smirked. "You're only acting holier than thou because Mr. Perfect's here."


"Who's Mr Perfect?" Nate asked, though the smile on his face told me he already knew the answer. I could feel my cheeks reddening.

Sarah was enjoying my sudden awkwardness. "Come on Alex, tell him."

I turned to her. "Why? You're the one that gave him the title anyway."

Sarah ignored me and turned to Nate. "He thinks you're perfect."

"And she agrees." I hastened to add, pointing at her.

Nate looked pretty amused by our antics as Lucie finally came around with our drinks.

The woman we had been judging for the last five minutes was still busy looking at books. I could see her eyes wonder aimlessly through the different titles as she crossed her arms and ran both hands up and down, from her elbows to her shoulders, trying to generate some heat. For a split second our eyes met. I looked away quickly pretending to be interested in a poster of John Grishams' latest novel on the far end wall of the store, embarrassed for being caught spying.

"... and your chai latte Nate."

"Chai?" I asked as my attention came back to the table. "Since when?"

"Since today actually. Want to kick off caffeine."

"Argh!" Sarah reacted with disgust and turned to me. "You better start picking better friends."

Nate laughed and shook his head. The two of them had gone from friendly to friends in just a few weeks. Nate had started a habit of coming in at least once a week to chat and Sarah had quickly joined in, and then completely taken over the conversation.

"It's better for you, you know?" Nate went on. "Actually, Alex, this brings me to a point I've been meaning to ask you about. You belong to a gym, right?"

Sarah almost choked on her latte. She wiped the dribble off her chin and went on the offensive, glad to have the opportunity to humiliate me.

"Sure he does. I think he pays the monthly fee so he can have a membership card in his wallet."

"It's not like that." I protested.

"When was the last time you went?" She asked.

"OK. So, maybe lately it has been like that, but just the other night I was telling Matt that he should join my gym so we could go together."

"That's another thing." Nate said while slowly and methodically stirring his chai. "When do I get to meet this hunk you're living with?" He smiled as he said it because he knew Sarah would use it against me.

"Barely legal hunk." She adds.

"At least his eighteen now." Nate said, still smiling.

"Yeah, yeah. Give it a rest. It's actually a shame Nate. He really wants to meet you. It seems every time you come here, he's off. But, if you really want to make a point of meeting him, we can organize it. I had no idea you liked them younger."

Nate stared directly into my eyes while the smile left his face, replaced by an intense look. "Not really. I prefer them just a little bit older." He then smiled once again, reveling in my embarrassment.

"You know, if I wanted another Sarah, I'd hang out with my mother."

Sarah slapped my arm, almost making me spill cappuccino all over myself.

"Seriously, Alex. I wanted to ask which gym you're going to. My membership just expired and I've been looking to change places anyway. Maybe all three of us could go together." Nate proposed.

The idea of Nate flexing was quite appealing indeed. It was also good motivation. "Sure, why not? Are you free Friday? I can take you there so you can check it out."

"It's a date." He said.

I smiled almost as a reflex. I sensed Sarah's brain searching for something lewd to add, so I hurriedly switched topics.

"So, I'm meeting Bryce tonight."

"Finally hum?"Sarah said.

"I know. We've been trying for weeks but his work schedule sounds totally loopy."

"What does he do?"

"No idea. I intend to find out tonight. Whatever it is, keeps him busy."

"Guys?" Nate called, interrupting our conversation. "Who is this Bryce?"

"Alex's old Me." Sarah told him.

"My best friend from High School."

"Who ditched you." Sarah added.

"You've never mentioned this..." Nate voiced his curiosity.

"I know."

"He doesn't like to talk about it." Sarah said, adding to Nate's confusion.

"Yes, yes." I looked at Nate's questioning expression. "Very long story." He understood and didn't press the issue.

"So, where are you meeting him?" Sarah asked.

I was a little embarrassed to answer. "Babbo."

"Oh, fancy." I had known that was coming.

"I know, but it was his suggestion. I have no idea how he even got a table in such short notice."

Nate was sitting quietly with an unreadable look. I was about to ask him what was wrong when he took his cup, swallowed the rest of his latte in one gulp and stood up.

"I should run off. My father wants my help with something and you know how our parents are, Alex. It's better to address it fast. So, I'll call you to plan Friday?"

I nodded and gave him a faint smile. We said our goodbyes and, moments later, he was gone. Sarah and I didn't speak for a while, both of us aware of what had just happened, neither wanting to say it out loud. Nate was jealous.

"Chai, hum?" Sarah said, finally breaking the silence.

"I know. Weird."

I quietly sipped the rest of my coffee as my eyes roamed the store. Patchwork lady was nowhere to be found.

Part Three -- An Uncomfortable Dinner

"Yeah, hi. I'm meeting someone. Reservation for Cavanaugh." I told the host who immediately glanced at his book.

"Ah, yes. Mr. McMahon? The other member of your party has already arrived. If you could follow me, please."

I was guided through the crowded restaurant as people went about the business of enjoying the fine food Babbo was famous for. As soon as I saw Bryce, sitting at a lonely table by the corner, I grabbed the host's arm.

"It's OK. Thank you. I see him now."

The host gave me a strange look but left back to his station. I stayed staring at Bryce longer than I probably should have. It was surreal seeing him again after such a long time. He hadn't changed much at all. His blond hair was still kept long and messy. He was wearing one of those hoodies he had always been fond of. He still looked as buff as ever.

It was at that moment that I understood how much I had really missed him.

I walked to the table and waited for him to notice me there. It took him a while but soon his eyes traveled from the dessert section of the menu to my face. He seemed unable to speak so I decided to give him a hand.

"Hey." I said, smiling down at his crisp-blue eyes.

He immediately stood up and pulled me into a bear hug. I hugged him back, hungry for the contact I had been deprived of for so long. He seemed to feel the same.

"I missed you." He whispers in my ear.

"It's good to be missed."

He pulled away and playfully slapped my arm.

"Always have to ruin it hum?"

"It's what I do." I said as I sat down across from him.

"It is good to see you, Alex."

"Thank you, Bryce. It's good to see you too."

We smiled at each other before browsing our respective menus. After a few minutes a good looking girl came to our table and took our order. She also took the menus with her. I was left with nothing else to hide behind.

Breathe, Alex.


"No, Bryce. You left. I wanted you there."

"I needed to leave, Alex."

"You could have told me from the beginning, instead of acting like a jerk and then dropping from the face of the earth,"

"Can you honestly say that you would have wanted me there even knowing how I felt about you?"

I couldn't believe how fast we had started fighting. Once the food had arrived it took me all but two minutes to burst. I couldn't help myself. Part of me still felt angry. I didn't know what I wanted more, to yell at him or hug him again.

"I would have managed. We could have talked about it... worked it out."

"There was nothing to work out, Alex. You always want a happy ending for everyone but in that scenario I was always going to be the third wheel. Can you imagine how hard the whole situation was for me? Seeing you with Lilly? I couldn't even hate her -- she was always so sweet. We were friends Alex. All three of us, and you went from dating to married in two months..."

"So you leave. Clearly, our friendship didn't even warrant a little effort."

Bryce let the fork he had been holding drop on his plate and slammed a fist on the table. A few of the other patrons started looking our way.

"Oh, for Christ sake! Give it a rest. So I didn't handle it very well. I was seventeen, Alex. Not everyone was as mature as you at that age."

I was feeling a little bit embarrassed. It wasn't just the fact that people around us were now aware we were having a fight, it was mainly the little voice inside of my head, telling me I was being unfair. I sat back on my chair and let him continue.

"On top of everything, I was also dealing with finding out I liked men, something else you took in your stride, but for me, Alex... it was hard. I knew you were gay so, when you started dating Lilly, not only did it confuse me, it left me crazy jealous because I was in love with you and I-"

All of my inner-turmoil was suddenly suppressed and I didn't let him finish.


"What?" I could see him at a loss but I pressed for the answer

"What about now?" I leaned forward again, resting both elbows on the table. "Are you still in love with me?"

Bryce stared at me for a long time before he said anything. I felt myself getting anxious without quite knowing why the answer was so important to me. He let out a deep sight.

"That's not a fair question."

"I know." I agreed with him. It wasn't fair but I needed to know. "Please, Bryce. Just answer the question. Are you-"

"Alex, I wanted to see you to give you an explanation as to why I acted like such a dickhead and hopefully rebuild what we had, what I want us to have again." He slowly raised his hand and grabbed mine, placing both on top of the table. "You're still my best friend and I love you. Do you need me to say anything else?"

I looked at him then. His eyes showed how desperately he wanted me to say no. To tell him that all was forgiven and he was welcomed in my life again.

"Please, Alex. I need you."

I took my had from under his and sat up straight on my chair. The little voice screamed for me to let go. For once I listened.

"OK, Bryce. I want us to be friends again." He seemed to relax at my words. His head slumped on his shoulders as he whispered thank you. "But, I need you to know that what I'm looking for is my best friend back." I paused. "That's it."

He looked up at me and smiled. "That's what I want to."

With a comfortable silence set between us we busied ourselves finishing our meals. The waiter soon came to collect our empty plates and take our dessert orders.

"Hum... yeah, I think I'll have the crepe. Two scoops of ice-cream, please." I said to the waiter.

Bryce smirked and looked at my stomach. "D'you think you should?"

"Hey!" I protested indignantly which only made him laugh. As soon as the waiter had left we resumed our conversation. "I'll have you know I'm going to start going to the gym again." I said, pouting a little.

"Ha. I was only kidding Alex. You know you look good."

Dammit, I was blushing.

"Yeah, thanks. Actually, a friend of mine, my roommate and I are starting a new gym routine, help motivate each other, you know?"

"I understand. I've missed this, by the way." He said pointing to both of us.

I nodded, silently agreeing with him.

"So," he started, changing the subject as our desserts arrived. "How have you been? Since Lilly..."

I had been expecting the question. "Truth? OK. Not good, not bad. If it weren't for Sarah I'd probably be a wreck."


"My best..." I paused, suddenly feeling awkward. Like I had been cheating on him for the past six years and was now confessing. "My best friend."

"Ah." A smile grew on his face. "I'd like to meet her. I'm also curious to meet Sam." He said, a little nervously.

"I'd like you guys to meet too." I'm then struck with an idea. "You know what? You should come over to dinner at my parents. I'll invite Sarah as well."

His reaction was immediate. "Ha!" He kept smiling at me until he realized I was serious. "Really? What? So your mom can strangle me?"

"Oh come on, she's not that bad."

"To you! She hates me, remember?" He tried mimicking my mother's voice. "Alex, I do not want you hanging around that hoodlum."

"Hooligan, she said hooligan." I clarified amused.

"Come on, Alex. I'll give her indigestion."

I shook my head vehemently. "Trust me, it'll be great."

He sighed in defeat. "Alright, but I'm only doing it to meet Sam. By the way, what's with this roommate business?"

"Matthew? He's kind of a long story."

"Hey, I got time." He said pointing at the obnoxious size of his tiramisu. "There's enough here for a good hour."

Part Four -- Canceled

"Hmm, did he explain what he did for a living?"

"Yes. Turns out he's a self employed computer, networking... something or other. He basically goes to different businesses and makes their machines work better."

"How eloquent we are this afternoon."

"Fuck you."

Sarah smirked and finished the rest of her latte. We had been avoiding work for the past hour. It was almost time for me to leave to pick up Sam from school. I told Sarah all about my dinner with Bryce and him wanting to meet her. She seemed eager, which was never a good thing.

"How did things go at the gym today?" She asked as she stood up and walked to her desk.

"Good. Managed to sign Nate up for a year membership." I was feeling quite proud of myself. "We are starting the new routine on Sunday. Matt had to go to a lecture this morning so he'll sign up when we go in for our first session."

"Hmm, Nate in a locker room..."

"Don't start." I threatened.

"Fine, fine. As long as we're on topic, is Mr. Perfect still being weird?"

"No. He seems to have reverted back to his charming self. Him and Matthew got along swimmingly. I think it's impossible to not like Matt though, the kid's a sweetheart. Speaking of which, he'll be working tomorrow. I'm spending the day with Sam."

Sarah nodded. "Noted. Maybe I'll take him to lunch. Has he opened up yet?"

"Not yet." I hadn't been pushing for Matt to share his life story with me. Although I didn't consider myself a particularly curious person, I had to admit that I was a bit miffed that he knew so much about me and I so little about him. "Give it time, I guess."

"I guess." Sarah agreed. "Oh, are we still on for your mom's tonight?"

Before I had a chance to answer the phone on my desk started to ring. I checked the caller ID. "Speak of the devil."

"Accurate description." Sarah adds, scoffing.

I smiled to myself and answered the phone. "Mom."

"Sweetheart." Oh, oh. "I'm calling to cancel tonight. Something's come up."

"What?" Not even with my aunt in bed rest did we cancel a Friday dinner. Sarah was giving me a funny look. "Is dad OK?"

"Yes, darling. Why wouldn't he be? The doctor told your father he'll live 20 years more, at least." She said almost chirping.


"The Archers are having a family gathering tomorrow. Edward is making an announcement to his family and he wants us there."

"He does?" I ask surprised at Nate's dad inviting me over for dinner. "Mom, I've never even met him."

"You know how he considers your father and I family, you by extension. Besides, with you being so close to Nathaniel these days..."

And all was explained.


"I'm just saying, Alexander, we are a family. Let's start acting like one." The tone of finality didn't leave room for argument, not that I would have bothered. "Now, your father has to go to the Archers' tonight to help Edward with something."

"Sure, mom. It's a shame though. Sarah was really looking forward to tonight."

Sarah brought a couple of fingers to her mouth and pretended to gag. I tried my best not to giggle as my mother went on.

"I'm sure she was, sweetheart. There's always next week."

I didn't bother telling her I would have to cancel with Bryce as well. I had planned springing his presence on her, avoiding hours of arguments prior to the dinner."

"I'll let Sarah know you'd be delighted to have her for dinner next week. This thing tomorrow, are kids allowed?"

"No. Can Matthew babysit?"

"It's a bit short noticed, mom." I complained.

"Oh, but he's such a sweetheart. I'm sure he'll do it."

I shook my head at my mothers breezy manner, imposing on poor Matt. "I'll ask him. Am I meeting you at yours?"

"Yes, meet us here at six. Don't be late, Alex."

"No, mom."

"OK. I love you."

"You too mom." I said as I hung up.

"So, canceled, hum?" Sarah asked.

"Hum." I mumbled, deep in thought.


"Nothing... I need to call Bryce and then Matt. The woman manages to disrupt all of our lives."

"Wouldn't have it any other way, hum?" Sarah did know me well.

"No. No, I wouldn't." I smiled to myself and started dialing Bryce's number, a big part of me disappointed that I wouldn't be with him for dinner.


"Alicia. How wonderful to see you." Said an enthusiastic Mrs. Archer as she opened the front door and welcomed us in. "Peter, good to see you. Edward is waiting for you." She then turned to face me. "Ah, Alex. It's lovely to see you again, it's been too long."

I didn't actually remember ever having laid eyes on the woman. However, according to my mother's lecture earlier in the car, I was to be on my best behaviour.

"Yes, too long indeed. Thank you for inviting me, Mrs. Archer."

"Oh, please. Anne, darling. Come, lets go. Almost everyone is here already. We are just waiting for Aaron."

"So, he's coming?" My mother asked our hostess.

"Yes. He called earlier to say he was close. That boy has never managed to be on time for anything." Anne told her and then turned to my father. "Peter, Ed's in the study. You know the way, darling."

My father nodded and left the three of us in the foyer. Anne started guiding us to the living room. As we walked I turned to my mother, my curiosity uncharacteristically peaked.


"Nate's brother, sweetheart."

Ah, right.

The house was massive. Anyone could have guessed how well off the Archers were. As we entered the living room I spotted Nate talking to a nice looking, slightly older, couple who I assumed to be his aunt and uncle. He saw me and his eyes seemed to light up. He excused himself, came up to me and, after exchanging pleasantries with my mother, dragged me way.

"Hey." He said as we sat in two armchairs in a secluded corner of the room.

God, he's cute.

"Hey. Do you have any idea what tonight is all about?"

"Nope. Dad's been incredibly secretive. I just wish Aaron would hurry so we can get on with it."

"Right." My mischievous streak perked up. "I get to meet the older brother." I raised my eyebrows playfully.

"Yes. My very straight older brother."

"Eye candy is eye candy." I said merrily.

"How do you even know he's good looking?"

It was obvious he was fishing for a compliment and trying to embarrass me at the same time. Must have had some lessons from Sarah.

"Well, I assumed at least one of you would be attractive."

He was about to laugh when something caught his attention. "Oh, here we go."

I turned to where he was looking at in time to see a very tall, dark haired man accompanied by Anne. As he started greeting my mother I could just make out what he was saying.

"Forgive me for being late, but the snow slowed traffic almost to a standstill."

"It's no problem, Aaron." My mother said. "We had trouble getting here as well."

Nate stood up and was going to start walking towards his brother when my hand shot up and halted him. He turned to me confused. It had just hit me. Looking at Aaron, his hair, his blue eyes, I knew I had seen him before. Then I remembered Nate showing me some pictures of his family on his phone once. He seemed so familiar. I was about to let it go and let go of Nate's arm in the process when my mother spoke again.

"So you came alone?" As she said it, I noticed the sorrowful expression on her face.

Aaron just nodded.

"Nate..." I called, still holding on to him. "Who was your brother supposed to bring?"

Although I was still staring at Aaron I could feel Nate's questioning gaze on me.

"His son. My mom doesn't like us discussing it but they haven't spoken in a while. But you and I have talked about him before, remember? We thought it was funny that we both knew a...

Horror struck me like a bullet train.

We both knew a Matt.

Next: Chapter 4

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