Sexually Intoxicating

By Hard Drive Guy

Published on Jul 17, 2004


Author's Note: I'm really sorry I haven't written in a while. But I will start writing regularly again after being "inspired" by something. Once again please do not read this if it makes you uncomfortable or makes you feel guilty after masturbating. Haha. just kidding!

Quick Recap: Alex and I haven't done it yet. Me and Tony just did it. I had a small micro camera. The End. Just kidding again! Keep Reading.

Chapter Four:

I couldn't believe what I had just done. I felt so dirty and uncomfortable. It's like after masturbating to chicks back then and in my fantasy I wasn't wearing a condom and I just exploded in my makeshift lady. Then I realized she could get pregnant. So masturbating made me feel guilty sometimes but doing what I did with Tony was something else. I was sexually intoxicated by all these pretty boys that I encounter. I'm pretty sure someone was going to figure me out.

I went to Alex's house after my fling and dropped off the micro camera. It turned out the display was really off and the zoom was off as well so all you would see when looking at it would be my back and Tony's legs around them. It was a pretty good sight actually. Alex didn't seem pissed though. He looked really jealous.

"Wow. I'm surprised" He said after watching my first ever porn video. "Me too" "I'm jealous" I just chuckled but Alex gave me that really sad look. Man he was so cute. I just stared at him for a while and then eventually he lunged toward me and we started kissing. Me. Him. In his study room. Man this was hott. But I was drained. Sadness. He felt my loss of energy and removed his tongue from my mouth.

"My brother is home anyway" "He is?" I was surprised. His older brother Jesse was a junior at Princeton University. I only saw him in pictures and I liked what I saw. "Yup" "Can I go meet him?" He gave me that jealous look "What for?" "I just want to meet him that's all..." "FINE! He's in his room. Follow me"

I followed Alex through the ornate halls of his beautiful home. We went down the hall then took a right and then opened this huge double door. Inside was one of the nicest rooms in the entire world. On the floor were decorative Persian rugs and the bed was this King size silk bed and there were two leather couches facing each other and they both were adjacent to a HUGE flat screen TV.

I'd love to elaborate more but the room was just filled with everything awesome. But they were like not so modern yet they gave that interesting vibe. I mean, at least one country had some part in the making of this awesome chamber. On the glass work table was a black flat screen computer that was turned on and some pictures in very decorative frames.

One picture was Jesse and this VERY pretty girl. He had his arms around her and the background was the Princeton campus. Another was Jesse again this time SHIRTLESS and on a surfboard. God I just stared at his nice body. It was a professional shot with him looking at something else in the picture rather than directly at it. He was wet also. The last one was of him and Alex. It was black and white shot where Jesse was holding Alex in a headlock move. They looked pretty close.

Suddenly another glass door that led to Jesse's walk-in closet opened and out came the man himself, Jess Parker. MAN, he is so cute also. He's off the scale if I were to rate him. Alex was on Jesse's computer looking at some files. He didn't seem to notice me but he did see Alex.

"Alex, what have I told you about trying to hack into my files?" Jesse said as he approached his younger brother. Just then he did one of the most cutest things I had ever seen. He kissed Alex on the forehead. Man such brotherly love going on here. "Hey Jess. This is my friend Miles. He works for dad also." I held out my hand and Jesse gave me that jock type smile. "Nice to meet you, Miles" "Likewise" Alex did the rudest thing. "He also thinks your so fucking hott!" Jesse shot me a confused look "No I don't you sick fuck" Actually I did but I wasn't giving myself away here. Oops. I just cussed. "Oh Sorry Jess, I didn't mean to. I mean I don't swing that way-Look, see, I have a girlfriend." Alex turned white. I pulled out a picture of me and Aurora Benning, one of the hottest girls in school who I dated for a while but gave up when her career as a super model consumed her. Alex turned red this time. Like angry red when you see a bomb about to explode. "WHOA. Man she is hott!" Jesse blurted out. "You guys look really cute together" "Thanks" Alex was jealous of course so he had to say something. "So have you two had sex yet?" "Alex, I don't think Miles would share that info with-" Jesse said before being interrupted by me. "Actually we have." I wasn't lying when I said it. I was so in love with this girl but things didn't hold on. We remained friends but it was hard for me to let go when we shared something that special. Then it hit me. I'm somewhat of a slut also. I just slept with Tony and I don't remember who I had done before that. So I just swallowed my thoughts. "Oh. Wow." Jesse stood there silent. "Dude you are so open. You don't have to be, you know, if you-" "Ok yeah we get it, Jesse" Alex interrupted.

Alex snatched the picture off my hands. He looked really hurt. Man he looked so cute even when he's in pain or when he's hurt. I thought he was going to cry. But he didn't of course.

Alex didn't talk to me when Jesse took us out for lunch. We ate at this expensive Japanese restaurant where they served the best sushi on the planet. Alex still looked hurt. I had to tell him I was lying about Aurora. Alex sat next to Jesse and I sat across the both. Jesse was so friendly and he kept making me laugh when he told me these stories of the happenings at Princeton.

Jesse was a jock. Obviously. He played football, soccer, basketball and he surfed also. He was so cool. He and Alex were very close also. I don't think he knew about me and Alex. I don't think I wanted him to know. Being the sexually infused freak that I am I had a quick flash of me and Jesse fucking in one of the restaurant's bathroom stalls. God that was hott.

Man I was getting a bit wayward so I decided to play footsy with Alex. I took off my shoe and ran my foot up Alex's leg. He reacted by slapping it and gave me that "fuck off" look. But I wasn't giving up just like that. I aimed...then I slowly held my foot against his crotch. He made a little movement but Jesse didn't seem to notice. Thank goodness for the table cloth.

After trying to resist my foot, Alex finally gave in and started thrusting into my foot. He moved like a snake and he let out silent moans. Man he was driving me insane with his cute face. I continued eating my sushi pretending nothing was going on and Jesse kept talking and talking. It was getting somewhat annoying. But it was ok. I can tell Jesse liked me because I made him laugh so hard.

Whenever Jesse would have a sudden outburst of laughter Alex would give out a moan. Jesse was so dumb he didn't notice when Alex started bucking back and forth against my foot. I slowed down and watched him smile at me. I can tell he wasn't mad anymore. He grabs my foot and grinds against it furiously that I thought my socks would break. I don't know if he did cum in all the friction he created.

When the bill came, I reached for it but Jesse got a hold of it at the same time. I pulled showing that I wanted to pay but Jesse pulled harder. He was much stronger than me. Alex grabs the bill in between, pulls out his credit card, puts in into the bill case and hands it to the waiter.

"Smooth move, small bro" "Thanks...dude" Alex said in his mocking surfer expression. I didn't mind paying actually. But I think it would have been smarter to bum off rich people like the Parkers.

We went back to their mansion and played some Halo. Jesse showed me some of his research on finding a cure for AIDS. Man he was smart AND cute. Jesse had to leave for a while so that left me ALONE with his brother's room.

Alex looked to see if Jesse was still around and seeing that his Jaguar pulled out the driveway, he locked the door and jumped on me.

"You were lying about your girlfriend right?" "Yup." "You sick prince" "What happened to sick 'fuck'?" I shot back surprised that he wasn't vulgar anymore. "I just noticed how handsome you are. And you are a prince. MY prince" I blushed. Man he was so cute saying that. I pushed him on his brother's bed and told him I wanted to finish what I started in the restaurant. I held him down and grinded our crotches together. He let out soft moans as he urged me to grind faster.

I started kissing him and then worked my way down his neck then I unbuttoned his name brand polo. Ripped it open and flung it across the room. I took off my shirt also and he started kissing my chest and he grabbed my ass and started pulling my pants down. I didn't feel like entering him yet since I was still recovering from last night.

I put his cock in mouth and worked my way from its head down to the hilt. I can feel it throb as every inch of his member passed through my lips. He moaned uncontrollably so I had to silence him with a kiss. I licked the slit a few times but that made him moan so loud that the whole world might hear. I didn't mind if they did but I was being undercover lover right now.

I kept at it from the hilt to the head and so on. I felt his urgency as he fucked my mouth harder and faster. He constantly moaned my name and then he screamed: "I'M CUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMING!!!" and then he exploded.

Alex and I were sweating profusely. He was so wasted after cumming in my mouth three times in a row. I know that I wiped him out so I had to smile.

"What?" he asked as he saw the smile creep on my face. "Nothing." I just kissed him after that. We lip locked for a few minutes then me and him took a NORMAL shower in Jesse's restroom. Man what a hot day. After being gone so long from home. I decided to go home.

End of part 4

Please tell me what you think. Your response will determine if I will write more. add me or mail me:

Next: Chapter 5

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