Sexually Intoxicating

By Hard Drive Guy

Published on Jun 3, 2004


Author's Note: Ok this story is sort of true. I had to tweak it a little bit so that it can be of Nifty caliber. The names are of real people but some events may have not take place. The names of places however are totally changed so that I don't mar their image.

::The New Job::

I'm Miles Hernandez. I'm 5'10" and weigh about 175 lbs. I go to the gym occasionally so I guess I have a pretty good build. Damn. I'm a conceited freak also. Anyway I just turned 18 and as a present my uncle referred me to this nice software company called Wyred. Ok it's a cheesy name but it was one of the best. (I guess the owner was stupid and couldn't spell for crap.) Anyway, the secretary called me and said I had an interview with Mr. Parker, the company's owner. I was excited and confident because I usually landed job interviews on the first try.

Mr. Parker's office was on the 40th floor of the Wyred building. What a dumb name. If I got to know him better then maybe I can convince him to change the name to something more professional. I walked into Mr. Parker's office and found it to be empty. The secretary told me to wait so I waited. Waited. And Waited some more.

Just then the door opened accompanied by a voice.

"Dad, I need some money to buy-

I turned and looked and saw Alex Parker framed on the doorway. He didn't know me but I knew him. I mean I've seen him around almost everywhere. He went to Hollister Prep which is in the hills somewhere and that school is like a college where you have to take an entrance exam. The school is also very expensive. I think it's like $18,000 a year. Damn. That's like cheaper than some colleges!

Anyway. Alex is hott. I mean this guy is really cute. He's shorter than me. He's slim but I think he's really handsome because of his light complexion. His nice facial features. His short black hair. His smile! Damn. His smile is super cute. I think Alex is a hybrid. I know Mr. Parker is French-American but Alex's mom is Chinese-Filipino mixed with Armenian-American. It's really weird that he turned out that good. Alex also has an imaginary sign on his back that says "Fuck me" and on his butt it says "Hard."

I see him around everywhere. I see him at the tennis courts often or at the Galleria shopping at those high class brand name shops while I shop at A&F which is "cheap" for him. When I first saw him I wanted to get in his pants. I always thought he was gay because his voice is somewhat soft and the way he shops for clothes.

I turned around and our eyes met. Those nice hazel eyes. I wanted to get into his pants right thurr. Gosh I'm always horny. I can't seem to keep my urges in. I'm attracted to both sexes. I think I had more sex with girls than with guys. But then I wanted to try Alex because he has that intoxicating sexually air hovering around him.

Ooh. All the bad things I'd do to him.

Anyway back to the story.

"Oh. Sorry I don't think your dad is here" I said standing up facing him.

"Oh yeah well I can see that."

What a smart fuck. Alex smirked and eyed me from top to bottom. I think he was checking me out. I don't have any enemies nor did I want to make one right now. So I held out my hand.

"Miles Hernandez"

Alex had a soft grip as I held his hand, shaking it.

"Nice to meet you Miles Hernandez. I'm Alex Parker." He said sarcastically. His sarcasm is just making me want to fuck him even more.

"What brings you here?" His tone changing into a more relaxed and friendly one.

"Oh I have an interview with your dad."

"Awesome. I think you already got it because he only interviews people he knows are already going to work for him."

Oh this was so awesome. I was hearing it from the mouth of some handsome prick who happened to be the son of the owner of this company. I just stared at him for a while then the door opened and in came Gavin Parker.

Like Alex, Gavin Parker was handsome. Not cute but "handsome". He's really rugged. Man I feel so dirty for scamming on his dad but you just can't help yourself. He was really hott for a 38 year old. 38 and having a multi-million dollar company is cool. Mr. Parker was 6'2" and wore expensive cologne and a nice black suit worth probably a thousand dollars. He had broad shoulders and I'm pretty sure he has a six pack under all that clothing. I think he goes to the gym. Alex probably doesn't go to the gym. He probably just runs or swims.

"Alex, what are you doing here?" He said while noticing that I was in the room also.

"I need some money because I left my credit cards at home."

Gavin sighed and pulled out his wallet and pulled out a wad of $100 bills. Alex didn't bother to count them. He just patted his dad on his shoulder and walked out the door.

"Be home before 7...and that's p.m. to you mister!" Gavin called from behind him. I don't know if Alex heard because the door closed while Gavin was saying it. "So you must be Mr. Hernandez, please have a seat" Gavin motioned to the leather chair I sat my ass on for like 20 minutes. "Nice to meet you Mr. Parker." I held out my had and he gripped it with his rough hands.

The interview was more like a briefing. Mr. Parker told him to address him as Gavin because he isn't that old yet. He asked me what school I go to and I told him I went to Chesterfield, a coed private school. He asked me what college I'm going to and I told him I'm going to UC Berkley. Coincidentally, Alex will be going there to. Actually not to sound modest, I applied there for fun and I actually got in. Surprise, surprise.

Gavin informed me that out of the 23 high school students that applied, I had all the skills of a software engineer. I did well on the company's exam and that was a feat that most people could not accomplish. Gavin told me of all the company's policies and that I'd see him on Monday. He walked me to the door and smiled and showed me out. What a strange guy he was. Actually he had a meeting with some guy flying in from Hong Kong so he had to end our session rather than kicking me out. Such a nice guy!

::The Encounter::

I was eighteen and legal. I was eighteen and had my very own office! Awesome! Gavin's secretary fixed it up for me and made sure the windows were clear so I could enjoy the view. I had nothing to do on the first day and I was bored out of my mind. I took off my tie since it was uncomfortable and Gavin said it was alright to just wear a long sleeve. Well for me that is because I'm not important. I was sort of an intern also but since I had some software engineering skills which is strange for a young boy like me, I got my own office and this nice plasma flat screen computer and a lot of software making programs.

There was this other machine but I didn't know what it did. I had a little mini-studio with a Nikon camera. I didn't know what to do with it unless I'm going to make some animations.

I made sure the line was secure on the internet and used my software that cleans up visited sites to look for porn. I was so bored that I just stared at pictures of guys in the sack writhing like animals. I was aroused but it was cut short when the door burst open.

Enter Alex Parker himself. He was wearing a tight black shirt and khaki pants. Gosh he looked so gay.

"Nice place," Alex started as he walked around the room "This is even nicer than my study at home"

"Thanks" Alex just eyed me after that. God, those eyes! As if he's going to eat me. "My dad speaks highly of you because your so smart and compared me to you" "Oh" "Yeah..." I think he was mad his own father compared him to someone like me who isn't rich and has to gain scholarships to pay for college. "So how much do you get paid an hour?" "Ummm....I don't think I can tell you" I said while giving him my pretty boy stare. OMG! I think I'm flirting with him. Nah. I don't think so. "Just fucking tell me!" "Why you mad?" "I'm not mad" "ok. Ok. Calm down man." I stared at him for a moment. "I get $26.50 an hour, there you happy? I bet you get more allowance than me anyway" Alex calculated the figures in his head. "Yeah I guess," he smirked "So...what were you searching for?" "Huh" "On the net?" Shit. I forgot to close the site. Luckily not much "skin" was shown. I quickly closed the window. "Just email. Not much." Alex knew I was lying. I wasn't nervous though. If he caught me, then he caught me. It's pointless lying to him. This is the exciting part though. Alex walked around my desk turned my chair and pinned my hands on the armrests. He leaned in dangerously close to my ear and whispered, "I know exactly what you were looking for" "And that is?" "You tell me" "Stop bullshitting me Miles. I saw it in that mirrors reflection" My jaw dropped. There was indeed a mirror. A small one that easily reflected the plasma screen. I decided to play along then. This could be fun. "So what? You gonna rat me to daddy?" "I'll tell him that you raped me and I cut myself and tell him you made me do it. I'm the youngest so he watches out for me a lot. So you'd better watch it" I was indeed scared but his threat was sexy and I wanted to teach him a lesson and fuck him on this desk like the way Brian did to his co-worker on Queer as Folk.

We stared at each other for like 5 minutes. Then it happened. Alex leaned in and kissed me on the lips. I pushed him off and got out of my seat. "Where you going?" he asked in an angry tone. I walked to the door. Looked outside. I closed it and locked it. "This is more like it" Alex smirked and walked towards me. He grabbed both sides of my head and pressed his lips to mine. This boy is so aggressive. He sucked on my bottom lip for a while then forced his tongue in. I gladly accepted it and stuck my tongue in as well. He licked the underside of my jaw as I tried to lick him back but he was too quick.

He kissed my left cheek as he worked his way down my neck and kissed my collar bone. He unbuttoned my long sleeve and opened it up to reveal my chest. "You work out?" Alex asked as he ran his hand over my chest and stomach "Yeah" "Take off your shirt" It was a command so I did and I stood before him shirtless. Alex kissed my chest and back up to my lips. He ground himself into me. Our pelvises creating friction as the sexual heat in me grew each second. He went down. Unzipped my pants. Smiled at my Happy Face boxer and took out my manhood. Alex looked satisfied because he was satisfied with its size.

He has a mouth like a vacuum. I could feel my member throbbing with the confines of his mouth. He expertly darted his tongue in and out of the slit and his hands roamed my bare ass. I thrusted into his face and started fucking like crazy. I could feel the back of his throat with each thrust. I could also hear myself moaning like crazy

"oooooooohhhh Alexxxxxxxxxxx"

We went on for twenty minutes. So many things were running through my mind. I still couldn't believe how sexual Alex was. With one final thrust I exploded into his mouth. Alex gulped all my man juice down and I felt so light headed I collapsed on the floor. Alex wiped the cream on his face and started kissing me on the lips. I could taste my own cum. It was gross but Alex was cute at doing it so I obliged.

When I opened my eyes Alex was sitting on my desk naked. He just sat there and watched me. I too took off ALL my clothes and walked over to him. I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him to me into a kiss. He grabbed the back of my head and held on to my shoulders. I felt his slim legs wrap around my waist tightly and we just grinded against each other. He was getting real hard and I decided to give him that satisfaction he gave to me.

I pushed him hard onto the desk and held him there. I worked my way down his smooth light skin and reached his 6 incher. I engulfed him in my mouth and he started writhing on top of the table. He sat up as I sucked him and wrapped his legs around my head. I knelt down so it would look like he was sitting on my shoulders. He thrust into me and fucked my face. I was a bad boy so I decided to bite the tip a little. Alex thought it was sexy that he grounded his dick into my mouth until I could feel the tip massaging the back of my throat. I thought I was going to choke but I kept going.

"Ahhhh Miles! You hot fucker! I'm gonna blow!!!!!!!"

And he did. He spasmed for like 3 rounds. I swallowed all of him and kissed him hard on the lips and fed him his own cum. I lifted him off the desk and laid him on top of me on the floor. I was so lightheaded that I passed out.

Alex was putting on his clothes when I came into focus.

"That was fun" he said looking at me. "Yeah it was." I stared at him and got up and kissed him on the neck. I looked around for my underwear but it was nowhere to be found. Alex smirked and I knew he was hiding it. I put my pants back on and wore no underwear. I was really sweaty so my long sleeve was stained with sweat. "I want to see you again." No surprise. He walked over to me and licked my earlobe. "How about 9:30 tonight at my house? No one will be home except my maid but I wouldn't mind if she heard me moan." I kissed him again. "It's a deal" Alex walked out and after he closed it I felt so dirty. But he was really hott. I can't believe the events that took place. I smelled like cum. I sat on my chair and began to think of all the many positions I could be in later.

To be continued

Please e-mail me your thoughts or comments. Add me if you have msn messenger. My email is If you'd like to see a pic of Alex then you can email me also.

Next: Chapter 2

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