Sexual Predator Diversion Program

By moc.oohay@yobdeknapsllewa

Published on Feb 10, 2006


Disclaimer: This is a work of homoerotic fiction involving SM themes among young men (18 and up) and older men. If that is not of interest, or you are not of legal age, then leave now.

"So how the hell did I get myself into this?" I thought on the way to my first appointment at the Diversion program. Here it was Sunday morning, and I should have been sleeping off a good drinking binge after draining my balls all night long into some hot guy or girl. No such luck though, my whole fucking life had changed.

Two months ago I was at a party like usual, drinking and partying. Both the guys and the girls were checking me out, as usual. I am 6-2, 165, blond, smooth, and a soccer star with muscular legs and a firm muscular ass. I am hot, know it, and have my pick of guys or girls. Somebody ends up sucking my dick or getting fucked every Friday and Saturday night.

So that particular night, there was this cute guy named Ross who was flirting with me. He is another 18 year old from my college, about 5-4 and 120 lbs, dark hair, and cute eyes that could not stay off my package. I ignored him for a while, but he kept it up and eventually I took him out to my car and we went to the beach which was deserted. He blew me, then I fucked him while he begged for more. He was a great fuck and I dropped him off at his dorm, then headed off to mine.

The next day the police arrived at my room and dragged me off to the station. I was booked for raping Ross. The faggot had begged for my dick; I never raped anyone. My parents left me to get a public defender, not knowing I was bi until now. Met with the lawyer who tole me I had an 80% chance of jail unless I cut a deal. He said there was an "outpatient program" I could attend instead for "sexual predators" and when I completed the program the whole thing would come off my record. It would take up all of my Sunday mornings, but I could still go to college, so I took the deal. I did not want my ass in jail for rape.

So here I am, standing in front of the building housing the "young male sexual predator" program. I looked for the name of the therapist I was to see: Joe Murphy, suite 301. I took the elevator up and knocked on the door.

"Enter" I heard him say.

"Uh, Hi Joe, I'm Sam and I'm uh here for my appointment" I said, noticng that he seemed to be checking me out and hoping that would give me an advantage.

"That's Sir or Mr. Murphy to you" he said sharply.

"I will be your therapist until you complete this program. That means I have total control. If I ask the judge, you will go straight to jail until you are 21. Do you know what happens to rapists in jail asshole?" he said.

"Uh, sorry Sir, yeah I know Sir", I replied.

"This is a new program for turning around predators like you boy. You will receive a regime of education, guidance, interaction with your victim when you are ready,and structured experiences designed to punish your behavior, teach you how victim's feel, and deal with your fucking attitude" he said, with emphasis on "attitude".

Some response seemed required so I said "yes Sir, thankyou for the opportunity".

He roared in laughter and said "You are so full of shit boy, that kind of asskissing won't get you anywhere. Now shut up while I describe the components of this program. The program relies heavily on making you experience the humiliation of a victim. The goal is for you to become a submissive boy, not an active predator (at this point I was thinking 'right"). You will be naked for your sessions, they will be taped, and you will receive liberal doses of coproral punishment".

"FUCK" I thought to myself, surely this guy was kidding. I am a totally alpha guy with a dick that won't stop. I haven't gotten corporal punishment since I was 7, no fucking way I was going to put up with this.

"Uh, Sir, don't think corporal punishment is legal, and nobody will ever turn me into a submissive faggot" I said.

He stared at me for a full minute, then picked up the phone and started dialing. Then he stopped, and hung it up.

"Boy, I make that call and you will be the pussy for an entire cellblock. You go to jail. Now you can get with this program or I call".

I thought for a moment, having never been in a no win situation like this in my life and said "Please don't do that Sir, I'll do the program".

He smiled encouragingly and said "good boy, now strip".

I looked at him in disbelief, then pulled my t shirt off. I could feel his eyes on me, looking at my tight pecs and chiselled abs. Then I slipped off my shoes and socks. Next I undid my belt and looked at him: he nodded. I dropped my pants and stepped out of them, standing in my boxer briefs. I saw his eyes go to my crotch, then nod.

I dopped my boxers and stood there, stretching a bit just like I would do in the locker room whenguys are checking me out. My dick is 7.5 hard, and cut, but soft I am about 4.5 inches and thick.

Mr. Murphy got up and walked over to me. He slowly circled me and then started poking and prodding my muscles.

"Bend over boy" he said.

I touched me toes, and then heard the snap of a rubber glove. "Fuck" I thought to myself.

Next I felt a finger touch my asshole: the pucker was instant and tight. Nothing has ever gone up my ass.

"Relax it boy" he said, and I tried, but I gasped when he rammed the finger up there. I could feel his finger poking me this way and that. Finally he pulled it out and I heard the glove snap off.

"Stand up and turn around boy" he said.

I did so, looking down, and to my horror I was rock hard. All 7.5 inches was boned. I tried to cover it, but he would have none of that.

"Hands on your head boy" he commanded, and I obeyed. "So you are a faggot boy. One little finger up your ass and you are ready to cream".

I turned red, humiliated. I really had never wanted anything up there and do not consider myself a faggot. But that hard on really disturbed me. I was thnking about this and taken by total surprise when his open hand slammed up onto the underside of my dick, making it bounce off my abs.

I dropped my hands and doubled over: "that FUCKING HURT" I screamed.

"Yeah, well that outburst just cost you 5 more, and for breaking position another 5. Hands on your god damned head boy" he shouted.

I put my hands back on my head and locked my legs. Willing myself to hold still for this.

"SMMAACK". I felt an explosion on the shaft of my dick.

"SMAACK, SMAACK, SMAACK" came the next 3 rapid fire. I was keeping my legs locked and hands behind my head, but rotating my torso around as I struggled to hold position. THis fucking hurt.


"OH FUCK SIR, please stop, please".

"SMACK, SMACK, SMACK came the next 3, then a pause. I thought he was going to stop at 9.

"SMAAAACK" and I felt a hard slap, right on my cockhead.


I didn't have long to think though. He grabbed me by the shoulders and brought me into an adjoining room. I gasped when I saw it. It was a large room with one wall of punishment implements. Canes, paddles, belts, straps, even whips. On the left hand side was this big X with places to tie your hands while standing. On the right was a vaulting horse, like in PE, but it had places to fasten hands and legs too. In the middle was a big table, padded, with all kinds of attachments on it.

I shuddered as I saw this, knowing that I would be spending more time here.

Mr. Murphy watched me take in the room, and I am sure noticed the look of fear. He then pointed to the vaulting horse and said "bend over that boy".

I walked over and touched the horse,hesitantly. He roughly grabbed me and bent me over the horse, attaching restraints that held my ankles and wrists securely, then using a large velcro strap that secured my back so that I would not move.

He then went over to the wall and selected a strap. It looked really vicious to me as it was about 2 feet long, not including the wooden handle, and rather thick. I guessed it was 3 inches wide.

He returned and stood beside me, tapping his hand with the strap.

"Allright boy, I am going to strap you. You can scream and beg all you want, but it will end when I say so. Here you are not in control".

The next thing I knew, I heard a heavy "whoosh" and that strap slammed into my ass. I screamed. Before I could catch my breath he had landed several more blows and I began to plead: "PLease...OH..FUUCK........ STOP........STOP......OOOOOOWH".

He continued to rain blow after blow on my ass as I struggled to move out of the way, but could not escape.

I began to cry then. My nose was running, tears streaming down my cheeks, and my voice became more shrill: "Please SIr.....FUUCK...STOP........OOOOOOOOOOOOOOW".

He stopped. I was panting and sobbing for a full 3 minutes, then began to calm myself. My ass was on fire, aching, bruised I was sure. I could feel pain right down to the bones and knew my ass was swelling from the beating.

Mr. Murphy then walked around in front of me and loosened the wrist restraints. Not enough that I could get up, but enough that I could straighten my back some. Then, ever so slowly, he unzipped his fly.

All I could think was "not that". I have sucked cocked a couple of times on really hot guys, but this was no hot guy. I felt disgusted.

He reached in and pulled out his hardening dick. It was the kind of dick I would have teased a guy about. Fucking puny really. About 5 inches hard and uncut. As he came closer, I could also tell that he had spent the day sweating heavily and had a musty odor about his crotch.

"Boy, I know what you are thinking. You are such hot shit, young; built; everyone wants to take your dick; proud of how hung you are. But in here you are just another faggot to abuse. Open up".

I wanted to gag, but I opened my mouth, and he rammed it in. If he had been hung well it would have been a "deep throat" but even a novice cocksucker like me did not gag on it. I could taste his sweat.

"Suck asshole" he ordered, and I began to give the best blowjob I could. I did not want to earn further punishment. He grabbed my hair and started fucking my face hard, all the while telling me I was going to be his pussy. It took about 10 minutes, but then he was ready to shoot. He pulled his dick out, and shot right in my face, taking the time to rub it all around my face and hair.

"I'll make a cocksucker out of you yet boy" he said.

I was so humiliated. My swollen ass was aching; I was covered in spunk; had just been throat fucked by a guy old enough to be my dad: the reality of my situation was overwhelming.

Mr. Murphy then said "this almost concludes our first visit boy. However, I want you to have somnething to remember this week. That asswhipping was not enough. No, I want you to have trouble driving back to campus.

He then refastened my hands securely and picked up the strap again.

"NOOOOOOOO........... DON"T WHIP MY ASS AGAIN SIR.....NOOOO" I screamed.

He then smiled and looking down at me said "Oh, don't worry boy, I won't whip your ass. No this is for your thighs".

With that he stepped into position and swung that strap hard. I shrieked as it connected with my upper thighs.

"Count them bitch" he said.

"ONe SIR" I sniffled out.

"Wrong asshole, start with this one" he replied and viciously swung it again.

By the time I counted the 18th and final blow I had screamed my lungs out. My throat was sore. Apparently satisfied, Mr. Murphy unhooked me and led me to a mirror. He told me to look at my ass.

My ass was covered in red and purple marks; already bruised. My thighs were worse. I could see the angry bruises forming on them. I had basically hobbled over to the mirror as I was so sore.

"Get dressed boy before I whip you again" he said. I wasted no time in getting my clothes on.

"See you next week" he said, and turned me out the door. As I went, I saw another boy coming down the hallway. He looked about 19 or 20 and had a vacant hollow stare. He looked at me knowingly and nodded. I kept walking.

To Be Continued?

Next: Chapter 2

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