Sexual Misadventures of Travis Walsh

By Ersatzboy28 .

Published on Apr 2, 2015



This story is completely fictional. This is a story about the sex life of a young college boy. If the nature of the story offends you, or if you are under the legal age to view this content, I ask you not to read this. If you have any questions, comments or criticism, email me at

"Ma, I'll be fine. It's only three months until Family Day. You'll live until then. "

One last phone call with my Mom was all that stood between me and four good years of absolute freedom. I was something of a momma's boy all throughout high school, she was always asking me where I was, and how I was doing and what I needed, it was exhausting! She damn near broke down when she realized I would be leaving home for college.

Now I was finally free, and I could barely stand it, all that was left was for me to meet my roommate, and I would be ready to start my college life . I sat back in my desk-chair and began texting my future roommate, telling him that I was all set up, and that I could help him out tomorrow when he moved his stuff into the dorm.

I had been talking to Justin for weeks now, after receiving the housing information, he looked me up on Instagram and Twitter and followed me immediately. Looking over his pictures, I wwas thankful that he did not look or act like an asshole; he struck me as the fun, amiable kind of guy who would, at the very least, not kill me in my sleep if I made him cross.

He was astoundingly hot, half asian half-white and was toned beyond belief. After curiously inspecting each one of the shirtless photographs Justin had posted, I felt a little embarassed at the fact that I would be sharing a dorm with a guy that was easily a 10. I had even rubbed one out at the thought of the two of us sharing a room together, and I waited hungrily at the thought of meeting him tomorrow.

That night I tossed and turned in my bed, the sounds of my dormmates getting settled in was overbearing, all through the night I heard boys and girls giggling up and down the stairway directly below his room, spending their first night being social and making friends while I sat in my room, waiting for the eye candy. It was not like I did not want to meet anyone, but I was not really comfortable with making friends just yet; I knew every single person at my high school because we went from kindergarten to senior year together, their was not someone I did not already know, or know of as friends of my friends. My social skills had become a little rusty from never having to make small talk or introduce myself to new people. It would take me some time to become comfortable in my own skin, but hey, that was what college was for right?

The next day I waited with baited breath, sitting on my bed toying with my phone, I looked at the Justin's empty side of the room and thought of what kind of person he would be, how he would sound and how he would behave. In my head I had created this image of an intoxicatingly sensual man, someone who's every action would be a method of lower a person's guard so that he could lean in and give them a single enticing kiss. I imagined him kissing me that way, lusting for my living fantasy man before he had even walked through the door.

The reality was a bit, interesting. Justin came with his parent's around lunchtime, he was physically imposing, large enough to wrap me in his arms, I thought. He was much more quiet and reticient, following his mom and dad's commands as they moved his stuff around in the room, I offered to help, but they insisted that they should do it on their own. I watched Justin move, I could see the bulging of his arms in his shirt, and when he noticed me he seemed to bashfully look away. I looked at him puzzled, and wondered if I had a shot with him after all.

When they were done they offered to take both of us to dinner, but Justin declined, answering in the tone a spoiled child would use to get his way. They relented, saying their goodbyes and setting everything in just the right place before they left. At that, it left me and my roommate alone, hoping to brighten the mood, Justin began with an joke.

" First order of business, when we have to jack it, should we put a sock on the doorknob? "

Taken aback by his attempt at humor, I was not sure whether to actually answer, or keep my intentions hidden.

" I. Well. I don't know.." I replied.

" It's cool. Sometimes I like to put on a show, and it'd be fun to have an audience, right? "

" An audience? " I said, still firmly taken aback by his bold manner of speech.

" I'm just kidding man. I don't think I'd be able to jack it for a while, it'll be hard to do with a roommate here all the time. "

" Oh. Same. I could not sleep a wink last night. "

" Were people partying all night? Shit just what I need, I'm a real grouch when I don't sleep. " Justin said, leaning back in his bed.

"I'll try not to make any noise I guess. " I said, wondering what I had gotten myself into.

Shooting up from the bed, he looked over at me and gave out a smile.

" I'm just kidding bro, I'm not trying to annoy you with my complaints. We're going to be sleepng in the same room for the next year, I was just being honest. " Justin said, coming over to my side of the bed and putting out his hand.

" Justin Hanes. Nice to finally meet you. "

Extending my hand out to shake his. " Travis Walsh. Same. "

And hour later we were at an on-campus eatery, the Burger Stop, because it was about a ten minute walk away from our dorms. We sat and shared out schedules and what are plans were for college.

" I'm know it's stupid. But I'm going for a degree in Accounting. " Justin said, rolling his shoulders in as if he was ashamed.

" I don't think it sounds stupid. Accountants make plenty of money. "

" What's your major? "

" Possibly Psychology, maybe English. " I raised my hands above my head.

" There's plenty of time to decide. School hasn't even started yet. " Justin said, taking a bit of his hamburger.

We sat there eating for a passing moment before Justin rather abruptly changed topics. " So you're gay right?

I gave him a quizzical glance, but continued. " Yes, is that a problem? "

" No way! I just wanted to ask, I figured you were. " He said, looking down at his dinner, finding a suitable answer. " I... Actually I think I'm bi, so it would be cool to have another guy like me around. "

My eyes bugged out of my head and imagined my roommate and another man fooling around on his bed, the two were moaning, rubbing each other's bodies...

" If it makes you awkward I can find another roommate "

I popped back into reality just in time to answer him.

" Oh no, no it doesn't bother me. "

He made a sigh of great relief, and threw away his meal.

" Thanks. Nobody back home knows, so I wanted to tell at least one person. "

When we returned to our room for the night, Justin said he wanted to turn in early, so we settled in and got to talking with each other while we walked back to the dorm. We talked about the ordinary subjects, our hobbies, our life back home.

Things turned interesting when Justin got ready for bed, my roommate began undressing right in front of me. First his t-shirt, giving me a plain view of his toned arms and legs. He clearly got plenty of exercise, because his body was lean but muscled in just the right places, his abdominal muscles stretched while he pulled the his shirt over his head, his treasure trail was matched with the perfect V where his pants sat at his hips.

When his jeans went I got a look at his powerful legs, his thighs were thin and muscular, like the rest of his body, and had a light dusting of black hairs that ran all the way to his ankles. He was wearing loose fitting boxers, a nice satin red pair, with white lines stitched across the length of them. Pulled down just a little too far with his jeans, his boxers fell just the tiniest amount, showing off a proud bush that sat just above his crotch. It was only a brief glimpse, but I drunk in as much of the sight as a could before he pulled his boxers back up.

Stepping out of his jeans, my eyes were drawn somewhere else, the pendulous rocking that was going on at the crease of Justin's boxer shorts alerted me to the fact that Justin had a good sized dick. From the way it flopped about in his underpants it was long even when flaccid, with a large bulbous crown that pressed against the fabric.

" You don't mind me getting undressed in front of you do you? "

I shifted my growing dick in my pants and shook me head to say no. He sat back down on his bed, bringing both his legs up so that he could sit indian-style.

" Great. me and my friends would kick it in just our underpants. So much more relaxing. "

He shifted his legs slightly and I spotted his ballsack fall from outside the leg of his pants, a decent size, both his balls were average sized, hairy and hung low, they sunk onto the bedspread directly underneath him. Justin noticed from the sudden sensation on his testicles that he had slipped out of his boxers, and all he could do is laugh.

" Sorry, this happened with the guys too. If it makes you uncomfortab.."

Justin was a perceptive individual, looking at my eyes fixed to his partially exposed crotch, and then he turned and looked at the lump in my pants that I was too dumbfounded to conceal. A smile appeared on his face, and he reached into his boxers an tugged at one of the legholes, causing his dick to fall out of his underpants and hang out in front of him. Justin reached out and cupped his balls and looked me directly in the eyes.

" You.. You can touch it if you want. "

I did not even need the time to think it over, absently I let my curosity get the best of me and I stood up, walked to his side of the room and reached out to take hold my prize.

Thanks for reading! This story is apart of a number of one-shots that I'm doing to in order to my name out there on nifty. If you liked the story, email me at

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